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didnt realize you were a gross fash motherfucker hope you kill yourself
Ahw thank you sweetie!
But you spelled gross 'monster' fucker wrong❤️
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I know most of you here are from the gacha fandom. But for the off chance that anybody was dragged into the CoD simp hell.
I have started uploading the CoD fic.
Updates are frequents since it as good as finished, I only need to reread and add more depth to chapters.
Nonetheless I stayed up to 5 am yesterday do that for the first two chapters.
Anyway, enjoy!
AO3 - Works of art
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Hey! Glad to see you’re alive and well Lmao, guess who literally had notifications on and have been back on my fate grand order kick?
I did the paid summon and got Proto Arthur and I have been SO HAPPY
Arthur is such a good boi! And he hits like a fricking train! ❤️
Enjoy your FGO kick :3 I am waiting for my own FGO kick to pick up again, and distract me from these stupid delicious CoD men and women.
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I want all of you to know that I am still alive.
But I am knee deep in this fucking Call of Duty mess. And I am writing around a 16k multi chapter fic.
I never do multi chapter fics because I don't have to focus nor patience for it. Yet here I am.
This is how bad it is. It is nearing completion I really hope I have written away my obssesion so I can focus on the my Gacha fics I have been neglecting @.@
But LOOK at them.
Ghost is so big and Soap is just so fucking handsome.
#I really haven't forgotten about this blog#did I send all my RL friend porn adjacent fanart of these men?#yes#LOOK AT THEM#k.simps❤️#blog psa
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A Cat
So I quickly wrote a little something, something for the arrival of Douman.
May everyones rolls be lucky and rngesus be kind. ❤️
Warnings: none
Tags: Fgo daily life, Achilles, Chiron, Musashi.

It is far into the evening and Achilles feels a chill run up his spine. It is really weird, servants are not supposed to get cold, and the Rider wonders what in the world that could have been.
Yet his worries move quickly from his mind as you enter the common room. Chatting with Musashi, the saber has an arm hooked in yours as the both of you obviously are looking for something to eat. Achilles catches the end of the conversation as you and the Saber pass him.
"Hmm~ well, maybe a cat would be nice here? Make things a bit more lively."
It is obvious that you don't notice that Musashi almost misses a step, the woman coughs and hums before asking; "Doesn't Abby-chan have cats?"
Your mind is clearly already thinking about what Emiya has cooked for the day as you look at the menu as you reply.
"True, I just… it seems nice to me if I had a cat." You say and Musashi moves her arm to ruffle your hair.
"Haha~ just let me know if you ever need a cat sitter Master." Musashi coos and you give the hero an odd look. Why did the woman seem so excited about that?
Back at the tables Chiron raises a brow at his student as the Rider pales. "I suddenly have a bad feeling" Achilles mutters and Chiron shakes his head with a small smile, he really never properly taught Achilles to share, did he?
Things are about to get a lot more livelier.

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The road not taken (Wodime)
Heyo look at me posting this hot mess of emotions! Mind the warnings please.
Warnings: character death, Lostbelt Olympus spoilers, mention of blood
Tags: bittersweet.

Wodime expected the pain, it was seering yet surprisingly brief before an unfamiliar coldness settled in his veins. The only sense of warmth the mage felt was the blood spilling past his lips, a steady trickle, just like the mana he oh so desperately held on to for all these years.
The crypter perishing with their lostbelt, Wodime couldn’t help but think it was a fitting end. And the man smiles, in the very end, he didn’t stand by his new humanity and the desires of the false god. He still choose to buy Chaldea time.
Even before that.
He raised you up, showed you the path that laid ahead and the path you took. To see you shine at your peak, the Master that bested Goetia. Was it really so he could best you at your strongest? Or was it to give you strength, the strength to continue on this road. To continue your fight for earth's humanity.
The road he wasn’t allowed to take.
The stars look blurry, or was his own vision? It didn't really matter, Wodime decides, as his eyes flutter shut.
"You know, this is a bit like the pot calling the kettle black"
Wodime's eyes fly open and he sits up, slightly disoriented. The metallic stench of blood is gone, replaced by the familiar smell of old parchment and books. His eyes refocuses on his surroundings, a library in the Clock Tower, before he finally looks at the owner of the voice.
What in the world are you doing here?
You are sitting next to him, your cheek resting in your hand, a small smile on your lips.
"You shouldn't work so hard, it is okay to take a break every now and then, you already are the most powerful mage around."
Your leg bumps against his in a playful manner, yet your eyes convey worry. The light of the afternoon sun feels warm on the skin of his cheeks and Wodime smiles at you. How curious this is.
Kirstcharia fingers reach out gently skimming over the skin of your cheek, watching how you blink and stammer at his actions. The skin of his hands is no longer hindered by his usual white gloves, there is nothing to hide. He can feel the warmth of your skin, the softness of your hair against the back of hand.
"And what would you suggest I do?"
The man can see you trying to get your bearings, he supposes this is a bit out of character for him. And he wonders what is real, this dream or the nightmare he woke up from.
"Lean on me a bit more, you don't have to do this alone."
Right. This wasn’t real.
There was no such kindness in Kirstcharia's youth. You weren’t there to look at him like that, to worry about him, to smile at him, to drag him off the path carved out by everyone but him. And he wonders if this is what his life would look like.
His hand rests on your cheek, Kirstcharia knows it is his own imagination, his own dream as you react. How you sputter, as he leans over, finally resting forehead against yours.
"Then, I leave everything to you"
Your eyes search his own for answers "y-you are acting weird today." Kirstcharia feels your words as much as he hears them as his eyes fall shut again.
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Realized I haven't talked about Francesco Salieri yet, but at the same time I'm struggling on where to start aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
- Mozalieri anon
Hahahah I feel like you are going to tell me about this whole family.
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Thinking about female service tops and soft doms, Caster Da Vinci, Tamamo no Mai, Okita Alter, the valkiries, Ushiwakamaru and Hokusai give me soft dom and service top vibes!!
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I liked the hcs you did of William Tell, might send in stuff about him in the future. He does give soft dom vibes, but I can also seem him as a tiny bit of a strict soft dom if that makes sense?? seems like he'd be into edging too as he's a very patient person
All of it makes sense!
I think he is a master of edging, not just because he a patient person but he enjoys it 2. 😏
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Not to be a monsterfucker on your blog buuut I love the idea of Werewolf Mori, He gives big Werewolf vibes, he'd be huge as a Werewolf as he's big already and super aggressive too. I also think his protectiveness over guda would go up too. Idk just wish there was Werewolf Mori stuff.
so, listen real quick.
Aggressive werewolf Mori in his rut~ that is a very happy halloween. 😏

#k.answers💬#fgo#fate/grand order#my dear anon#mori nagayoshi#Werewolf!Mori#nsfw#it is the queue my darlings ❤️
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Finding out that Alois was a lawyer is still so very surreal to me because it made me realize that I somehow made the edgiest, grumpiest and most emo lawyer of Chaldea
That aside,
What you said made me go ghdkfhkdhfkdh
I'm already imagining a situation like:
Alois, having an awful flare up: Master, I know you care, but please stay away, I don't want to burden you further with my curse affecting you
Ritsuka, not giving a single damn: *gives this poor Foreigner some gotdamn TLC anyway*
- Mozalieri anon
It is cute how Alois doesn't understand just yet that curses and poisons don't affect Ritsuka in anyway. It does feel, to me, that it will take a while before he does.
Only because Alois cares about Ritsuka and he never met a Master who was completely unaffected.
Alois is a cute MF and now I am a simp.
Thanks, I hope you are happy with yourself.
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I'm into a fgo rare pair of Yang Guifei x gudako. Was wondering when headcanons or story requests open up would you be open to wring sfw and nsfw hcs about them or a short story maybe?
Oh! I DO like you idea.
However I am not accepting any new hc/story requests atm until I finish my heap of unwritten ones first :')
I somehow understand how my photographers friends feel when looking at their backlog.
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So, so, the Foreigner I made is Tsukiyomi and he's in that class, because I've seen some stories portray the moon in a loving way, but horror movies (and some cosmic horror ones too) play into the darkness of night. So, Tsukiyomi is a sort of delusional Foreigner. The master is his beloved child, the one he would delay the day for. I gave him a skill that takes away hp and gives it back to the party
The False Caster is my take on HP Lovecraft, because if King Arthur can be a woman, I can make a Lovecraft based more on Bungo Stray Dogs than the real world. He is the father of cosmic horror and an absolute nervous wreck. If the master wants to take him into battle, it's best to have someone to comfort him/protect him. Also, his noble phantasm inflicts terror on himself.
Oohh Tsukiyomi sounds like a hoot! Right up my ally of bit crazy but still adorable.
The duality of the moon is really interesting and you can a lot of fun things with that. Love the idea! ❤️
Honestly, I wish FGO one day have the guts to genderbend a woman to man. But that will never happen :/.
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Guess who just recently learned that Alois Engelbert Salieri was a lawyer while also finding out that his headcanon of him having a really good singing voice was correct
- Mozalieri anon
On the one hand I wish lasagne would implement more of these adorable peeps. On the other hand I want them to stay as FAR away as possible from them.
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I heard your open to hearing about fate oc's.
This is my lawful good Caster servant Prince Lindworm he’s from Norway and he has no name soo I’m calling him lindworm or Lind. The one with horns is his 1st ascention, one without cape is the 2nd.

Hes a sweetheart and his myth is interesting, His mother disobeyed the advice of a witch and as a result he was born as a Lindworm which is a dragon sort of. He had a younger brother and being the eldest son he demanded a bride before his younger brother could marry. He ate his first 2 brides but the third bride on the advice of the witch broke his curse and turned him human.
April Fool: Rose-Type Servant
Not quite a snake but also not really a dragon this servant likes roses he also killed his first 2 wives he feels quite bad about it. He still has some leftover dragon like behaviors so if he's ever acting odd that's probably why
Likes: I like roses of all varieties, oh and Milk any kind will do I'm not particularly picky.
Dislikes: lye, onions, and dragon slayers, they always tried to kill me when I was a lindworm they mistook me for a dragon
I have bond and ascention lines and a summer design too!!
OH MY GOD I LOVE THESE!! Lind is such a cutie! ❤️ And I love your art style!
I wonder if he knows the meaning of specific colour roses, since he is not picky about them.
#k.answers💬#hey friend!!#OC of my friend#look how cool !!!#fate OC#caster#prince Lindworm#oc by novenaproxy
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Jackpot (Siegfried) -request-
I am still a alive and writing!
"Hello, so excited to see asks are open!! Could you please do a part 2 for the placing bets you wrote for Siegfried? Thanks for writing for him as I don't see him get a lot of love in the community!"
Pt1: Placing bets
Warnings: mention of gambling, use of alcohol
Tags: Siegfried is a wholesome man and we stan him here.

It is not all gold that glitters. In this case it is the beautiful skyline of Las Vegas, the lights of the different casinos and attractions burn like stars in the night, their glow reflected in the rooftop pool you are currently sitting next to.
"You really didn’t have to do this"
The ice in your colorful cocktail clinks softly as you put the drink down on the small table. The taste of the fruity drink is still in your mouth as you respond to the knight before you "Why not?"
You tilt your head in question and Siegfried chuckles. The sheer cost of this room must have taken a big chunk out of your earlier winnings, yet you dragged him to the hotel lobby asking for the room with the prettiest view. The fact that this room came with a private pool with a view over the city must have added some pretty hefty additional costs to your bill.
Yet you didn't seem to care one bit, going as far as ordering every pretty looking drink and snack from the menu, asking for it to be delivered to the room.
"It is okay to enjoy yourself" You say resting your arms on the table for a moment. A soft smile on your lips. An apology is on the tip of the dragon slayers' tongue, but then the man remembers. That the summer isn't just a moment for the servants to enjoy themselves, but also for you. Siegfried forgot about that for a breath, worried that his presence, your spending your own winnings for him was burdening you.
"I am so-"
"None of that now!" You halt Siegfried's apology in its tracks with a playful smile, leaning over to take a sip from the straw of your drink.
"I am.."
Siegfried eyes catch how your tongue pokes out to catch a drop from the straw before licking your lips, a happy hum leaving you at the taste. Siegfried smiles at your antics before settling on a different thing to say"... thank you Master"
Your grin, that is more like it. You stretch your arms above your head before standing up. Stretching out the sore muscles from a day of fighting and an evening of testing your luck. Your mind is slightly fuzzy, you feel giddy. Your eyes move towards the man sitting across from you, appreciating his sharp features, moving down that chiseled chest. You wonder if the lack of clothing is because of his scar.
It is hot, you feel like you are going to burst into flames. You blame it on the singularity, knowing full well that the heat in your belly has nothing to due with the geographical location and everything to do with the hero sitting across from you.
You really need to cooldown, you stand up, but not before taking a quick sip of the drink in front of you. The tangy sweetness feels good on your tongue.
Siegfried is ready to ask what is going on in that head of yours yet it all becomes clear as your fingers make quick work of your summer clothes.
Siegfried shakes his head and he watches while you peel off your clothes, revealing the swimsuit underneath. His sharp eyes drink in the sight of you, body illuminated by the reflected light of the city.
When you stand by the edge of the pool, the scent of chlorine hitting your nose, you tilt your head towards Siegfried. And you almost feel shy with the way he is looking at you. A bashful smile grows on your lips and you know Siegfried sees it as the man leans a bit more in the direction of you and the pool.
You really need to cooldown.
So you jump, there is a moment of weightlessness before gravity draws you down and the cool water engulfs you. You take a moment, to enjoy silence, to let your body wind down. And then you move back up, breaking the surface of the water.
"The water is wonderful!"
Siegfried wonders if you have been a siren in a previous life. Because he is already standing and moving towards the edge of the pool, towards you.
"Join me"
Siegfried chuckles but accepts your offer. You are surprised, you had expected the man to refuse your request. Your brain is desperately trying to catch up as the well fitted suit disappears from Siegfried as the man joins you in the water.
You smile as you move towards Siegfried, completely entranced by how the water clings to his skin. The weight of the water dragging the normal unruly spikes of his hair downwards.
"You really are a swimsuit beaty!" Maybe if it is someone else, it could have been taken as a joke. But the way you look at him, truly in admiration and Siegfried knows you mean it, you really find him beautiful.
Siegfried chuckles as he pulls you towards him. Your skin finally pressing against his own and you are suddenly very aware how little your swimsuit actually covers as the water feels a bit colder as your body heat increases.
It is at moments like these Siegfried forgets that you are his Master. When you look up at him, the water of the pool clinging to your lashes and wetting your lips all the while he's holding you in his arms.
You smile and push some of Siegfried's hair from his face. Marveling at the warmth of the glowing scar on his face. The man before you smiles softly, his head already dipping down and your eyes slide shut as you meet him halfway.
The kiss is soft and slow. You can taste the water of the pool mixing with the taste of the sweetness of the drink that is still lingering on the mans' tongue a little as his lips move against yours while his tongue drags over your own.
A large hand tangles in your damp hair to tilt your head just a little, so Siegfried can reach you a little better, pressing his mouth against your a bit harder.
You breathe in some welcome air as Siegfried pulls away from your delicious mouth, his large hand still cupping the side of your face. His thumb traces the flush on your cheek, the knight is absolutely entranced by how the lights of the city are reflected in your eyes, making them glitter like gems.
This is truly the place with the best view.
#fgo#fate/grand order#k.writes✒#anon#reader x siegfried#siegfried#siegfried x reader#tw: alcohol use#tw: mention of gambling
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Siegfried finds out that Master has a megane/glasses kink, any headcanons on what he does with this newfound information?
Hahah oh~
Siegfried will use this knowledge to the fullest and his own confidence is through the roof because he loves wearing glasses. He feels so cool, even more because he knows you like it.
So the knight will always wear the glasses when you are near. And peer over them like he is some strict teacher when you say or ask something. And he can see your brain blank for just a second.
And when you finally had enough and all but drag him to a more private setting, Siegfried chuckles as you ask for him to keep the glasses on. You are so incredibly cute.

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