#ereshkigal x reader
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The Pumpkin Menace-Fate X Reader
A little something I made to celebrate the season. I'm thinking of making one for Tsukihime.
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Medusa (Rider) Tries to carve her sisters, fails spectacularly, proceeds to turn the Pumpkin into puree after bemoaning her lack of skill and how it would be much easier if she had small, dainty hands and apologizes for the waste with a bit of pumpkin guts still on her face.
Medusa (Gorgon) Tries extremely hard to carve a design onto the largest one you could find but still comparatively small pumpkin, almost succeeds but applies slightly too much pressure and splatters the pumpkin all over the place, she proceeds to glare at the remains of the pumpkin as if that would force it back together.
Artoria Saber Has no idea what she is doing, tries to make a simple lion design, it ends up as some sort of lopsided monstrosity. Saber is mortified and wants to hurl the entire thing into the garbage, but is unable to because you gave her the pumpkin and because you like her mess of a pumpkin, saying that it was “Derpy in a cute way”.
Artoria Saber Alter Takes extreme joy in the gutting process. She also has no idea what she is doing, and still tries to make the complicated design to impress you. She fails in a manner befitting an episode of Looney Toons or the Three Stooges.
Ishtar She puts one finger into the guts and proceeds to vaporize the pumpkin with a scream and tears in her eyes. She forces you to give her a bubble bath as she complains about all things slimy.
Ereshkigal Has a lot of fun during the gutting process but then her knife got stuck during the carving process, this led to her accidentally smashing the pumpkin to pieces followed by her curling into a ball and sobbing.
Rin Tohsaka She is in immense mental pain during the gutting process but pushes through it to garner praise from you for her jaw dropping design. Halfway through the process she obliterates the poor Pumpkin with a Gandr.
Sakura Matou She claims she knows little about the process of carving the pumpkin, but gets a very pretty if somewhat concerning smile on her face during the gutting process. All in all, it turns out pretty okay, even if the anguished face on the pumpkin is a strange choice.
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genshinarchives · 11 months ago
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 : The Cataclysm came and went like a passing wind. As you gained the trust and respect of Sumeru’s people, you’ve also lost a piece of your heart.
𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐒 : Al-Haitham, Kaveh; hints of Cyno x reader
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 : Romance, adventure, isekai
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : Minor character death
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The sounds of war were all that you hear - the cries of the warriors, the clash of their weapons, and the explosions of Ka-dingirra's dingir cannons... With smoke rising to the sky like grey pillars, Sumeru had become a hell above the ground. You did everything you could to protect Rukkhadevata's and Deshret's people, and even spared some of Ka-dingirra's technologically advanced weapons for Sumeru's militia to use.
"Defeat the monsters! It's one more push before their front line crumbles!" Shamash barked out orders to the sukkals - the soldiers of Ka-dingirra - under his command. The Eleven Generals of Tiamat had all been stationed on the perimeter of Sumeru as the first line of defence; they were supposed to be the impregnable defence, yet the presence of the abyssal monsters in Sumeru told you of their fates. When Ereshkigal reappeared before you, kneeling with her head bowed, you knew that she was keeping her gaze low not out of reverence, but out of despair of what had befallen your precious generals.
"Raise your head," you said without looking at her trembling form, "and don't be afraid to tell me what happened. Relaying accurate information is vital in reducing the casualties as much as possible."
The grief of losing something was no longer foreign to you.
So why does your heart ache when you think about the lost lives of your generals?
With the combined efforts of Ka-dingirra's and Sumeru's militias, you were able to eliminate most of the monsters that were threatening the nation, pushing the front line back to where it began. As the sun disappeared below the horizon, the birds returned to their nests and the creatures of nocturne roused from their daytime slumber. However, the soldiers were given no moment of respite from the war that had blackened the sky while the civilians remained in their homes, shackled by fear.
After personally seeing to the wounded, Enki exited from the medical tent and roamed the camp in search for you. He scrutinised the area, hoping to see your familiar face - but all he saw were the haggard faces of the soldiers who had either been pushed to or were close to reaching their limits. He quickly stopped a passing soldier and questioned your whereabouts.
"I saw the King walking towards Avidya Forest," the soldier answered, pointing in the direction he saw you leave in, "When I asked her what she's planning to do there, she told me that she wants to check on the flora of the forest."
Enki's gaze saddened when he realised your purpose of being there. "I see... Thank you."
As you stood by a tree near Gandharva Ville, you quietly observed a small family of fennec fox hybrids, their large ears and bushy tails reminding you of a certain general who once served you with utmost devotion. The only difference between them is the colour of their fur; while his was light green and white, theirs is dark green and black.
"It seems that General Kingu was able to leave some descendants behind."
You turned your head just as Enki stepped forward to stand next to you, his gaze focused on the family you were observing.
"The colour of their fur is darker," he remarked with a slight smile, "They must have evolved to live in the forest."
"Yeah," was all you said.
Enki could tell that you weren't really paying attention to him or the hybrids; the faraway look in your eyes wordlessly told him where your mind was.
"Master, is something on your mind?"
His question finally drew you out of your thoughts, and you blinked at him, eyes wide. "Is it obvious that something is bothering me?"
"It's clear as day, at least to me."
You let out a muted sigh, your shoulders drooping.
"I don't know if I've been making the right choices," you admitted in a murmur, "It feels like there's always something blocking my path whenever I try to find a way to move forward. I'm always losing something whenever I make progress." You clenched your fists by your sides. "I've taken countless measures to reduce the casualties on our side as much as possible... and I've lost all but one of my generals. Only General Bašmu is alive."
"You can't make a change without sacrificing anything," Enki said with a frown, "Something has to be lost for something else to be gained. That is nature's law that has and will never change."
"I know," you whispered, gaze downcast. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes and you quickly blinked them away. "I know that, but still-" Enki's hand on your shoulder cut your sentence short.
"I trust you, and so does General Bašmu. That's why we've chosen to fight by your side," he softly began, "Although you need to make an effort, there's no need to bear the entire burden. Moreover, even if your choice is correct, there is the possibility that we, the entrusted, will fall. Even with utmost preparations, soldiers will die."
Even with utmost preparations, soldiers will die.
That statement has remained true in Teyvat and in the modern world. War is unpredicatable, and one can only prepare themselves for the worst. Before you can muster up a response, he pulled you into a tight hug. As his warmth seeped through your skin, you're suddenly reminded of home... and how you're starting to forget it. You subconsciously raised your arms but for some reason, you couldn't bring yourself to embrace him.
"Before you became a king, you were a normal human. Please never forget that," he said, smiling when he felt your hands clutch the back of his cloak.
The battle continued. There seemed to be no end to the riftwolves, just like how there seemed to be no end to the darkness that has clouded the firmament above. The soldiers were beginning to lose morale, and you were beginning to lose the will to persevere. It's as if the light at the end of the tunnel was slowly fading and you were about to be consumed by darkness - but you knew that you had to remain standing. You're the beacon of hope, the pillar that shoulders the entire fate of this failed timeline.
As you stood on top of the sandy hill overlooking the Mausoleum of King Deshret, you drove the tip of your staff into the ground and leaned against it. The physical and mental exhaustion that have accumulated inside your body were beginning to show on your countenance, and you were on the verge of collapse. There wasn't a single moment in your life where you were pushed to your utmost limits, and you weren't sure if you could keep this up any longer.
"Where did I go wrong...? I made sure that everything went according to the correct history..." you muttered to yourself, your grip on your staff tightening.
Where? Just where did you make a mistake?
You then spotted a silver flicker from the corner of your eye and turned your head to find Enki standing next to you, visible patches of blood patterning his clothes. 
Your eyes widened. "Enki-"
"It's not my blood," he swiftly interjected, relieving you for a second, "Master, something is wrong. Everything went according to your predictions but-" As if on cue, tremors shook the ground. With beads of cold sweat rolling down your forehead, you slowly directed your gaze to the growing shadow that was blocking out the horizon in the distance, its wings spread wide to cover the sky. A deafening roar followed the beast's emergence and it echoed across the sands of Sumeru like the trumpet of judgement.
For a moment, you forgot how to breathe. You dropped onto your knees, the gravity of the situation finally crushing the remaining hope you were desperately clinging to.
"A-A dragon-" you gasped out. It felt like your worst nightmare coming true, and it was. Enu had mentioned in his notes that a remnant of the old world - a dragon - may rise to completely derail this timeline from the correct course of history, thus destroying it. Before this battle even started, you had hoped that his prediction wouldn't come true; yet this timeline seemed determined to test your resilience.
As you stared at the dragon raging in the distance, corrupting the surface it was walking on and causing black mud to spew forth, one thought lingered in your mind:
Can I even defeat it?
"Master, please stand up," Enki gently said, grasping your arm with both hands, "Nothing is impossible. I promised you that I will remain by your side, did I not?" When you didn't answer him, he knelt down to your level. "You wanted power to protect those who are more precious to you than your own life. You wanted to become a king with such power, and I'm here to give you that power."
You finally responded, the mist in your head clearing slightly at his words. "But the dragons of this world are more powerful than you can imagine. I... We don't have the power to..." You trailed off when you suddenly remembered something.
You do have the power to defeat this dragon... at a cost.
Enki watched you curiously as you stood up, appearing resolute and unswerving. He trusted that you had a plan to defeat the dragon but when he recognised the spell you were going to cast, he knew that he had to stop you. Holding his palm out, he immediately nullified your spell with another spell of his, eliciting a look of confusion and surprise from you.
"You can't use that, master! Your body will evaporate from the intense heat!" he exclaimed, exasperated.
"But we can't just stop dead in our tracks! I don't know what happened but if we leave things like this, everything Rukkhadevata has protected up until now will be destroyed!" you yelled as you prepared yourself to cast the spell again, "As Teyvat's Second Chosen Star, it is my responsibility to correct this failed timeline!"
Although Enki knew that you were set on selflessly throwing your life away to protect a world that is not your own, he couldn't let you gamble your life again. It might be a selfish wish of his, but he truly wanted you to live and perhaps find happiness in this strange land.
He clenched his fists and turned his gaze to the approaching dragon.
He knew what he had to do.
"Before you became a king, you were a normal human," he said, interrupting your chant, "I won't let you forget that."
Before you could react, a blunt force struck the back of your neck abruptly. A gasp tumbled out of your mouth as you collapsed on the sand, and you slowly raised your head to see Enki standing in front of you, his white hair waving behind him like a banner. At a distance, it might look like a white flag was being flourished to signify your surrender - but the two of you knew that you were far from admitting defeat.
And Enki was willing to sacrifice everything he had to ensure defeat never reaches you.
"Even if you're merely a tool meant to carry out Celestia's bidding, simply do the things that you want to do," he uttered. Flashing you one last smile over his shoulder, he faced the approaching dragon and raised his spear to the sky. As a magic circle appeared beneath his feet, silver orbs rose from the sand and surrounded him in a slow waltz.
From that smile alone, you realised that he was going to make the ultimate sacrifice in your place.
"O admonishing melody... arise in the name of the Second Star."
"No! Enki, please stop!" you cried, your voice wavering with emotion. You weakly reached out for his figure as black spots dotted your vision. "I can't... I can't lose you too!"
Despite your desperate pleas, Enki didn't stop; he too was desperate to ensure that your life would continue to flow with time, no matter what lonely and painful future awaits you.
"The light of my conviction will pierce the heavens to strike you down. Resound, gather, transform into a spear that destroys all-"
You didn't realise it until this moment, but you didn't want to lose anymore; you didn't want to lose anymore precious people.
As your hand dropped down, a silver glow shrouded Enki's body and a gargantuan spear materialised above him.
The spear shot forward, leaving a bright trail in its wake. It soared through the air before piercing through the dragon like a bullet, leaving a gaping hole in its body.
And just like that, the beast was defeated. As its body slowly crumbled, so did your heart. Tears brimmed in your eyes as you watched Enki's body dissolve into a myriad of orbs that floated towards the sky above, where slivers of light began to peek through the ashen clouds.
You didn't care about the fame and glory you'll leave behind by fulfilling the duty you were burdened with.
Victory or defeat, in the end, it's no more than a point embedded in the flow of time.
You lost the only person who knew you inside out - who understood your thoughts better than anyone else.
Finally, your consciousness left you as your head landed on the sand dust of yesterday's woes.
"Only 500 of our men survived."
Shamash was kneeling on the floor as you stood in front of your throne with your back facing him, one hand grasping the Sword of Marduk. The sages of Sumeru had returned the sword to your possession to express their acknowledgement of you as their god when you had returned to Sumeru victorious, and you weren't sure how to feel about it.
You brought victory back... but you've also lost something along the way.
Raising the sword to your eye-level, you simply said, "I see. Order our men to take a break for three days. Make sure that they rest properly and spend that time with their family."
"Yes, Your Highness," Shamash replied, rising to his feet. Once his foosteps faded behind you, you slowly turned around and lowered the sword to your side, the tip brushing against the floor.
The sunlight filtering into the throne room made the Cataclysm feel like a long dream which you've just woken up from. A flourishing new world was healing all of the past - but the same couldn't be said for you.
You took a step away from the throne, and another step. As you approached the light, one question echoed at the back of your mind:
Have you really strayed so far?
Pausing in your tracks, you turned to look at your throne. For a moment, you could see Enki smiling and bowing to you, but you knew that's merely a figment of your imagination.
A soft sigh slipped past your lips as you spun on your heel and walked away.
Even if you can no longer smile for yourself, you'll still smile for the happiness of others.
ㅤPart I: Age of Gods, End.
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 : @flowwerpot / @hey-comrade-hold-stil / @genshin-idiot / @crunchy-princeles / @yandere-romanticaa / @tiffthescales / @5ugarcan3 / @hana-chie / @lunavixia / @depressed-bitchy-demon / @cynides / @mangobee / @a-piece-of-shell / @kazukazusbaby / @ella-janehaven / @catvyr / @sophisticatedleslie / @kiraisastay / @miralifox / @night-shadowblood-writes2 / @quintessentialdreaming / @chuusposts / @dulcetamore / @thenyxsky / @anxious-piece-of-bread / @undecidingfate / @sserafimez / @scaranaris-lil-niko / @nirvana5874 / @xcharlottemikaelsonx​ /
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simpknight · 3 years ago
Kinktober 15: Ereshkigal x GN!Reader (Lingerie)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Words: 543
Warnings: None
Ereshkigal looked at the fabric with fear, yet with a hint of excitement. She asked herself if she was doing something right or if it was just a crazy idea. She had run out of ideas to impress you and that was her last option… Still, she didn’t feel confident enough to do it just yet.
She had asked Ishtar for help and obviously the goddess of Venus laughed at her but decided to help anyways. Since Eresh wanted to surprise you, Ishtar suggested her to dress up a bit elegant and ask you out or maybe try to cook you something and have dinner together, something special for the two of you.
The goddess of the underworld liked the idea at first. Ishtar said she would do her makeup and, reluctantly, lend her some of her jewels as complements for her to wear. She also promised to find her some nice clothes…Which turned up to be no “actual clothes”, because at the last moment Ishtar changed her mind, deciding that the best idea was giving her a semitransparent red lace chemise.
“Even if you want to impress master with a date or by cooking for them you need to wear one of this, just in case. You never know, maybe things get interesting and you end up using it.”
“No they won’t! No way I’m wearing this!”
“Look, just try it on. If you don’t like it just give it back to me and done.”
And there she was now, staring at herself in the mirror, doubting.
“What should I do? It’s not as if I want master to see me wearing that… Well, I wouldn’t mind but, I don’t think I’m ready… Still, it won’t hurt to try, right? I’ll try it on, see if it looks good, maybe ask Ishtar for her opinion and then decide what to do.”
Ereshkigal timidly took off her clothes, as if she was being watched. The chemise felt different against her skin, it was not what she was used to wear. One could see a bit through the material, yet it wasn’t exaggerated.
She twirled around, seeing the clothes move with herself. It wasn’t that bad, in fact, it was great.
“Maybe I should keep it anyway, it’s really pretty. I’ll tell Ishtar.”
She found a good neutral pose and took a photo, ready to send it to Ishtar.
“So what do you think? I actually like it so I think I’m going to keep it.” She typed before sending it.
She expected her to take her time answering but received a notification almost immediately. And then she realized the message wasn’t from Ishtar.
It was from you.
“Oh you look stunning! So cool, I love it!”
“Nonononono.” Ereshkigal threw her phone on the bed, then herself. “That’s it, I’m never going out. What will master think of me know?”
Afraid, she took the phone in her hands again and looked at the screen.
“I have to ask, is that an invitation for me to come over? Just kidding… Unless you really want me to, I do want to see you.” You had typed.
Now Ereshkigal had a predicament.
“…I mean, I’m actually busy but… I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to come.”
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yandereboss · 5 years ago
I'm not sure if you write for female character but,, headcanon for yandere Ereshkigal couldn't resist the urge to keep reader for herself? I love her so much 😭
Haven’t levelled up my Artoria alter yet so I’ve been using my friends Ereshkigal lately. There are just too many saber faces and so any version of Rin is best girl! But Magi Mari is super pretty so who knows?
And yes I do both male and female characters. Although some characters are harder to write for me than others but I guess that’s the point of this blog. :)  
Anyway headcanon time!   
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
- She wouldn’t appear in a regular holy war.
- Compared to another certain useless goddess she’s busy managining souls in the underworld. Classy lady wouldn’t let just anyone summon her.   
- Has a few jealousy issues because of being a social outcast from the age of the gods. 
- This is the first time she’s ever gotten close to someone. Since you’re a living person she is super fascinated by you and likes listening to the sound of your heartbeat and stuff.       
- Double whammy! Not just a yandere but a tsundere. That means a short temper to those she doesn’t like. Otherwise once she opens up becomes super loving. 
- Maybe takes you on dates that involve bird watching. Why else would she trap all those dead people in bird cages.
- So it’s most likely Ereshkigal couldn’t get enough of you after the Babylonia singularity since you're the Master of Chaldea.
- Won’t admit her feelings at first because she’s stubborn.
- Its fine if you run away at first but remember humans all end up the same dead. You’ll come crawling back soon enough as a lost soul.
- Make her impatient enough even if you are alive she’ll drag you back down to the underworld and keep you in a special bird cage.
- You can either make this hard or easy, it isn’t going to stop. 
- There is no escape even in the afterlife. 
- Greet the Goddess of Death as an old lover/friend in the end and embrace death in a warm embrace.
- She gives the best hugs anyway for a yandere!     
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x-reader-theater · 4 years ago
Could you please do a Spencer x reader where the reader is a specialist in mythology and they need help on a case and Spencer is like ''. Oh I know someone '' and the team meet the reader and help them?
So, you didn't specify any sort of specific mythology, so I went for Sumerian because it would be just weird enough that Spencer may not know it and would have to call someone in. I felt like Greek, Roman, and Viking mythology were too mainstream and that sumerian would be more weird. Also this is gender neutral since a gender wasn't specified. Thanks again to @mystic-writes for editing this!
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"What are these markings?" Morgan asks, pointing to something carved into the body of the latest victim. "Have we seen them on the other bodies?"
Spencer nods, leaning in as he squints his eyes. "The ones on the previous bodies have either been too decayed or too bloody to actually get a good read on them… I think this is ancient Sumerian!"
"I'm sorry, ancient what?" Morgan asks, confused, but Spencer's pulling out his phone.
"Hotch, I know what the markings are, and I know someone who can help."
You walk into the police precinct, your hands wrapped around the straps of your backpack, and you make your way to where your boyfriend is sitting near the back, leaning on a couple of desks, looking at some boards.
"Spence?" you call out hesitantly, and he stands up, looking back at you, grinning.
"[Y/N]!" he exclaims, walking over to you and grabbing one of your hands. "Come meet my team."
You nod, and are dragged into a back room, filled with even more of those boards, and Spencer's team is sitting at a table, files spread out around them.
"Everyone," Spencer says, announcing your presence to the room. Everyone looks up at you. "This is [Y/N] [L/N]. He's my boyfriend."
The two women "aw" and you get smiles from the three men in the room as you give a nervous smile and wave.
"Where should I set up, Spence?" you ask quietly and Spencer drags you over by your hand to an empty seat next to a blonde woman. She smiles at you kindly and you wrack your brain for her name, what it could be. You think it starts with a J.
You start pulling out some books and Spencer places a couple of photos in front of you.
You don't even have to open your books to know what it says.
"Oh!" you exclaim and point to one of the pictures. "That one is a prayer to Ereshkigal. Which doesn't make sense, because Ereshkigal is the goddess of the underworld, but isn't death itself. It's like, you know how Hades is the king of the underworld in Greek mythology? Well, Ereshkigal is the exact same, but for the ancient sumerians. So, you're looking for someone who has a very passing knowledge of Sumerian gods, but definitely not someone who is studying them. Maybe even someone who was kicked out of the major, someone who thought they knew the answers, but was really aggressive about it and didn't listen to the truth."
The one in the suit stands up and puts his phone to his ear.
You feel a hand on your arm and you turn to see Spencer smiling at you. "You're amazing."
You just grin and kiss him.
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fuwafuwamedb · 5 years ago
Kissing Prompt 17: Mystery Servant X Reader
It was kissing day.
You’d noticed all day. The one servant in all of Chaldea that had been blushing at the sight of all the other servants kissing and running around wildly throughout the building, the one and only servant that had cuddled her hood to her face, her face as pink as could be: Ereshkigal.
She watched between her fingers at times. At other times, she found that she had to hide in her hood, unable to watch the love that was happening between some of the servants.
You’d watched, smiling a little, as she went about her day and caught sight of all the attention happening around her.
However, no one went to kiss her.
It was rather odd since, after all, Ereshkigal was a rather cute servant. Her blonde twin tails were bouncy and golden in color, often drawing one’s eyes to her face. Her red eyes matched her outfit, bringing out the ruby color to a point of perfection. When she spoke, it was with a gentleness, especially with the child servants.
Out of any of the servants to be hurrying after for giving and receiving kisses, you’d have thought that Ereshkigal would be at the very top of that list. Maybe Passionlip or a few others up there as well, but Ereshkigal was adorable.
That was why, at the end of the day, you made your move.
You set your dinner plate next to hers, settling down at her side and giving her a broad smile.
“M-Master, what are you doing here?”
“I just wanted to have dinner with you,” you told her simply, watching her face already beginning to gather a dusting of pink.
“O-okay. If you want… I’ll permit it!”
She focused solely on her food, trying her best not to have too much conversation with you. When you spoke, she replied. Little answers.
“I did notice the others being excited.”
“I don’t know what was going on.”
“It’s not my concern.”
She kept her answers short, distracting herself with dinner. When her plate emptied, you tapped her shoulder, bringing her attention to your face for the first time since you’d sat down.
“Y-yes, master?”
This was it.
You leaned forward, pressing your lips to her cheek, letting yourself give her what everyone else had been enjoying all day.
“Happy kissing day. You’re a beautiful and amazing partner.”
The woman fell from her seat, babbling and waving her arms wildly as she tried to reply. You couldn’t help but to laugh at her reaction.
She was just too cute for words.
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merlinscloset · 5 years ago
Here is the Masterlist for this blog.  I’ll try to keep this as current as I can.
-Mod Tori
Single Servant/Person Headcanons
Romani Archaman (Fluff)
Romani Archaman (Relationship)
Gawain (Fluff)
Billy the Kid (Fluff)
Okada Izo w/ a shy Master
Merlin (Flirting)
Florence Nightingale (Fluff)
Florence Nightingale (Snow)
Tristan (Fluff)
Ereshkigal (Fluff)
Saber!Lancelot (Fluff)
Saber!Arturia (Relationship + Family)
Lanling Wang (Relationship)
Robin Hood (Yandere)
Fuuma Kotarou (Pre-Relationship)
Astolfo (Romantic)
Mephistopheles (Crush)
Mordred (Kissing)
Merlin (Relationship)
Merlin (New Year’s)
Nero Claudius (x Shy!Reader)
Caster!Gilgamesh (After the events of Babylonia)
Multiple Servant/Person Headcanons
Antonio Salieri, Okada Izo (Fluff)
Achilles, Arthur (Relationship)
Cu Chulainn (Alter), Archer!Emiya, Bedivere (Headcanons)
Ozymandias, Caster!Gilgamesh, Gawain (Relationship)
Archer!Gilgamesh, Robin Hood (Relationship)
Robin Hood, Okada Izo, Antonio Salieri (Shy Master)
Knights of the Round Table (Headcanons)
Romani, Merlin, Gawain (Relationship)
Archer!Emiya, Caster!Gil (Relationship)
Mata Hari, Circe, Chevalier d’Eon (Fluff)
General/Open-ended Headcanons
The Toddler Master
Mod Replies
My Beloved Ozymandias
Mod’s Favorite Servants
Mod’s Least Favorite Servants
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ladieslovingladiesandfics · 8 years ago
Here are the fics I have written so far!
Agents of SHIELD
Staring at their Ass
BioQuake + Reader
Jealous BioQuake + Reader
Realizing Their Feelings For You
The First “I Love You"s
Being Part of the Secret Warriors
Reacting to Wet Dreams
MorseCode Angst: Our Light | Our Loss
Daisy Johnson 
Cute Girl Like You
Real | Rise
Baby Sunrose
Kitty, Kitty | Bitchy Witchy
Is There a Doctor in the House?
Hello Again
Rainy Day, Lazy Day
A Hunting We Will Go
Peanut Butter and Jelly
A Letter
(No) Sex on the Beach
Protective Daisy Johnson
Dating Daisy + Going on the Run
NSFW Headcanons
Jealous Daisy Johnson
Being Coulson’s Daughter + Crushing on Daisy Johnson
First Time with Daisy
Being Steve’s Little Sister + Dating Daisy Johnson
Dating Daisy Johnson + Having Tattoos
Being Melinda’s Niece + Dating Daisy
Beach Time Headcanons
Being Daisy’s Younger Sister + Being a SHIELD Agent
Crushing on Daisy + Being Part of the Secret Warriors
Having a Sonic Scream + Dating Daisy Johnson
Being a Reporter + Crushing on Daisy Johnson
Sparring with Daisy Johnson
Being Daisy Johnson’s Teen Sister
Dating Daisy Johnson + Being an Avenger + Having  Fire Powers
Clingy/Needy Daisy Johnson
Mama May and Papa Garner
Team Noticing Shit
Having a Lil Cat with Daisy
Having a Puppy with Daisy
I Am “This” Close
Fly Me To The Moon
She Shines
Make Her Happy For Me
Hi, I’m Dad
Give Them Back
I’m Just Curious
I Got You
Come Back Home
Never Picked, Never Chosen
 Elena Rodriguez
Dating Elena Rodriguez
Wanda Maximoff
How to Hook Up Witches
Dating Wanda Maximoff
NSFW Headcanons
A Birthday to Remember
Being an Avenger + Crushing on Wanda
The Manual
Celebrating Hanukkah with Wanda
Paint Me
Abraca- FUCK YOU
Cuddle Puddle
Jemma Simmons 
You’re Cute
Why Daisy Should (Not) Be Cupid
Being Daisy’s Lil Sis + Crushing on Jemma
NSFW Headcanons
Brother Not So Dearest
I Burn (All Those I Touch)
Silly Ol’ Peter
Melinda May
Melinda May
Opposites      Attract
First Time      with Melinda May
NSFW      Headcanons
Jean Grey
Bandages and Tickles
NSFW Headcanons
Bobbi Morse
I Wish…
NSFW Headcanons
Jealous Bobbi Morse
Domestic Bobbi Morse
Freak in the Streets, Sweet in the Sheets
Peggy Carter
NSFW Headcanons
Human!Aida/Ophelia Falling for You
Take Out
Lady Sif
NSFW Headcanons
Dating Sif + Not Being a Fighter
Swan Song
Surprise Times 2!
Natasha Romanoff
Eye of the Beholder
Maria Hill
NSFW Headcanons
Michelle Jones
Dating Michelle Jones
Protective MJ
Liz Toomes
Dating Liz Toomes
Seasons of Waiting
Jessica Jones
Dating Jessica Jones
Diana Prince 
Dating Diana + Meeting the League
Dating Diana Prince
NSFW Headcanons
Being Bruce’s Secretary + Being Hit On By Diana
  Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn
Dating Harley Quinn + Poison Ivy
Apartment with Harley and Ivy
Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy
Dating Harley Quinn + Poison Ivy
Apartment with Harley and Ivy
Kendra Saunders
Jesse Quick
Wherever You      Go, I Go
Kate Kane
Dating Kate Kane + Papa Batman and “The Talk”
Sara Lance
First Time with Sara
Dating Sara Lance
Dom!Sara Lance
NSFW Headcanons
Thea Queen 
NSFW Headcanons
Lena Luthor
Dom!Reader and Lena
Dating Lena Luthor
 Kara Danvers
NSFW Headcanons
Felicity Smoak
First Time with Felicity
Legends of Tomorrow
The Andersen Accords: 
Chapter 1: Going Down (Not Like That)
Caitlin Snow
 Peaches and Cream
Fate Franchise
Best Cuddlers
One Good Turn Deserves Another
Dating Medea
Oda Nobunaga
Shy Lover
Nero Claudius
Dating Nero
Dating Nero + Being A Servant
Marie Antoinette
Dating Marie
Dating Passionlip
Attila the Hun
Dating Attila the Hun
Florence Nightingale
Dating Florence Nightingale
Dating Scathach
Jeanne d’Arc
Dating Jeanne d’Arc
Mashu Kyrielight
Mashu Asking You Out + Afterwards
Dating Mashu Kyrielight
Jing Ke
Dating Jing Ke
Ibaraki Douji
Dating Ibaraki Douji
Realizing her feelings
Olga Marie
Olga Maria Having a Crush on You
Married to Olga + Having A Child
Crushing on You + Revival 
Jeanne d’Arc Alter
Dating Jeanne d’Arc Alter
Dating Kiyohime
Dating Medusa
Dating Ishtar
Dating Mordred
Dating Atalanta
Arturia Pendragon | Lancer Alter | Tituria Alter
Dating + NSFW
Miyamoto Musashi
Dating Musashi
Voltron Legendary Defender
Princess Allura
Starlight, Starbright
No Matter What
 Power Rangers
Admitting Feelings
First Kiss
Realizing Their Feelings For You
Take A Hint
Trimberly x  Reader: Sweetest Kisses
Having a Small Tattoo
Trimberly x Reader Headcanons
The Dudes Getting the OT3 Together
That Should Be Me
Campfire Confessions
Too Cute
Can I Kiss You?
Hottie from Down Under
My Hero
Brotp: Black and Pink
Dating Trini + Being the Medic
Dating Trini + Being Sick
Christmas With Trini
Kimberly Hart
Green Means “Stop”
Et Tu, Bae?
Dating Kimberly + Having a Subtle Accent
Pink With Envy
 Disney’s Descendants
Baba Yaga’s Granddaughter
If the Love…Fits?
Kiss My Ass
La Belle et la Sorcière
Bad Girls Go…Goods?
Dating Mal
Dating Evie
Jealous Evie
Protective Evie
Of Assholes and Faeries
A Nice Day To Be With You
   Joan Watson
Dating Joan Watson
Jealous Joan Watson
 Wynonna Earp
Wynonna Earp
Safe and Sound
Better Late Than Never
Carry Me to Valhalla
Fishsticks and Alcohol
Waverly Earp
Haught Damn Times 2
Nicole Haught
Haught Damn Times 2
   Chloe Bennet
Dating Chloe Bennet
  Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Polya Relationship: Rosa Diaz, Amy Santiago, and Gina Linetti
Rosa Diaz
Dating Rosa Diaz
Kiss My Fist
The Rainbow Connection
Amy Santiago 
Dating Amy Santiago
Ace Attorney
Athena Cykes
Sweet, Sweet Victory
Klavier Gavin
Turning The Tables
Star Wars: Sequel Trilogy
For You
Rose Tico
For You
349 notes · View notes
I saw your cute poly thing and wanted to ask if you would do a Ereshkigal and Quetzalcoatl one? For letters b d h k m n r s y
I most certainly can my good Anon!
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B-Bed: what's the sleeping situation like? Are there regular sleeping arrangements - does anyone like to sleep alone?
Quetz is a very physically affectionate lady who is also quite muscular and quite strong.
Ereshkigal is an extremely petite and touch starved girl.
It took all of three days before Quetz was using the two of you as human sized teddy bears. This has led to the semi-amusing situation of Quetz not being able to sleep without the two of you around.
D-Dates: What do dates look like? Who usually plans them, or is it a group affair?
Erishkigal plans the more extravagant dates, the ones where all of you would have to get all pretty and dressed up nice, she also picks out the clothes for those, but she does have a preference for the dates Quetz plans due to the simplicity and intimacy of them.
A nice picnic under the stars lit by lanterns, a day at the park, a cold winter day spent snuggled up under blankets, these are the dates Quetz has with you all.
H-Hobbies: Does anyone share any hobbies/passions? how do they include the rest of their partners in them?
Quetz is really into luchador wrestling and while she knows she can’t use those moves on the two of you, she can definitely talk excitedly about them, infodumping everything she knows in almost one sitting which Ereshkigal is quite fond of.
Ereshkigal on the other hand, dabbles in streaming and up until her most recent spat with her rival Osakabehime, no one even knew she was dating anyone. Alas, the bat had a way of getting under Ereshkigal’s skin like no other and so one thing lead to another and now over two million people know that Ereshkigal, one of if not the most adorkable streamer in the world, is dating not just one, but two people at once who are also dating each other. That being said, she does truly love it when the two of you make cages with her or take her mountain climbing.
K-Knowing: Who can read their partners like a book? Is there anyone who’s got their walls up, even around their partners?
Ereshkigal is, surprisingly enough, extremely good at knowing what is up with either of you at any moment with only a single glance. Unfortunately, she was the one who had her walls up starting out and it took a while for the both of you to get her to let them down completely.
M-Memories: Is anyone more on the sentimental side?
Ereshkigal is perhaps the most sentimental person you could meet. She has seen the lives and deaths of countless humans and she values each one of them and the lesson she learned from them. That lesson being this.
Love, true love, is always something worth remembering.
N-Nights: What’s the nighttime routine like when they’re all together?
Quite honestly, whenever Ereshkigal gets tired she kinda just… wraps herself up in the covers like a burrito. Shortly following this, a sleeping Quetz then grabs the Ereshkigal Burrito and you and holds the two of you close like her life depended on it.
R-Romantic: is anyone a bit of a sap for their partners?
Quetz is perhaps the most obviously affectionate with the two of you, not being afraid to tell you both how she feels or show it.
On the other hand, Ereshkigal is more… subtle in her affection, showing it through acts such as making a favorite dinner after a long day or simply being there for either of you when you need it.
S-Sharing: is there anyone who’s particularly territorial of their partners?
Quetz can be… rather viscous when it comes to the two of you but she’ll let the offending party live if they apologize.
There is no such guarantee with Ereshkigal, she may not often show it, but she is the goddess of the dead and up until quite recently, she was a rather brutal ruler.
Y-Yearn: who misses their partners the easiest (ie, calls them to hear their voices when all they’ve done is run to the grocery store)?
Quetz, oddly enough, is the one to do this if she is separated from either of you by a great distance, this distance being about a 30 minute walk away from her. Though, for someone who is the type to get excited just like a puppy whenever one of her lovers returns, that is to be expected.
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once-upon-a-scenario · 5 years ago
Fate Masterlist
⭐︎ - headcanons
✿ - scenario
Artoria When s/o has a bad day - ⭐︎ Love language - ⭐︎ Bedivere Fluff alphabet B (Beauty)  - ⭐︎
Dantes Love language - ⭐︎ Angel of Music - ✿ Fluff Alphabet I J K L (Inspiration, Jealousy, Kiss, Love Confession) - ⭐︎
Ereshkigal When s/o has a bad day - ⭐︎
Gawain When s/o has a bad day - ⭐︎
Ishtar Confession headcanons - ⭐︎
Merlin Confession headcanons - ⭐︎ When s/o has a bad day - ⭐︎ Tasting Summer  - ✿
Ozymandias Confession headcanons - ⭐︎ Love language - ⭐︎ Gen fic/headcanons Knights of the round reacting to master who’s been turned into a child - ⭐︎
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genshinarchives · 3 years ago
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 : Although you had refused the Dendro Archon’s request, you knew that deep inside, you didn’t want to leave the humans under her rule completely defenceless against the threats of the Abyss.
𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐒 : Al-Haitham, Kaveh; hints of Cyno x reader
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 : Romance, adventure, isekai
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In the middle of a perpetual desert proudly stood an ancient palace sparkling with the monarch's wealth. The archway behind the throne allowed the light of Teyvat to filter inside, crowning the king's seat with a pair of parhelions. The god that had requested an audience with the ruling deity of the desert's treasure promptly lowered herself on one knee as she bowed her head.
"High King Ea, please grant Sumeru your protection," she implored.
"I refuse."
Rukkhadevata flinched at your curt answer. While she did step into Gilgamesh Palace expecting your rejection, the fact that you had answered her without a moment's hesitation still took her by surprise. Daring herself to lift her head, she met your condescending gaze as you sat upon your gold throne that was built from your bloody reign, with your trusted guards - Shamash and Ereshkigal - flanking your sides.
Shamash immediately assumed a battle stance with his staff. "How impudent! You dare to raise your head-"
"Shamash, do not make any unnecessary comments!" you bellowed, effectively pacifying him. He quickly bowed in your direction.
"Forgive me, Your Highness!"
"(Y/n)," Rukkhadevata began, calling you by your real name this time, "even with the bountiful treasures that I have offered to you and me kneeling, you still won't accept my only request? Do I have to go as far as making my forehead touch your feet?"
You tapped your fingers on the armrest as you hummed pensively. "What exactly will I gain from defending a territory that is not my own?" When the Dendro Archon didn't give you an answer fast enough, you leaned forward with your elbows atop your knees. "Have you forgotten that I am High King Ea, Guardian of Ka-dingirra? It is my eternal duty to defend this land."
You cut her off with a dismissive wave of your hand.
"Enough. This is a complete waste of time," you murmured, holding your hand out towards Ereshkigal who then handed you a clay tablet, "Shamash, escort Greater Lord Rukkhadevata to Ishtar Gate."
"I will do as you say," Shamash said. As your guard escorted the dispirited Dendro Archon out of the palace, you subtly beckoned to Ereshkigal and lifted the clay tablet slightly to cover your face. When she leaned towards you, you tilted your head in her direction.
"Infiltrate Sumeru's military and pose as one of their soldiers. If the city is in danger, report back to me immediately," you ordered in a hushed whisper. She looked surprised upon hearing your words.
"If I may be so bold to inquire, are you actually going to step in as regent when the Dendro Archon disappears?" she questioned, knitting her eyebrows together.
"The God of Woods is destined to perish during the Cataclysm, and her death will act as a catalyst for the new god's birth. She'll be too young to lead a nation that has lost its god in the upcoming catastrophe," you solemnly replied, "and will subsequently live a life of seclusion until another shooting star illuminates the sky."
Ereshkigal took a step back and then knelt down before you with one arm crossed over her chest.
"You have bestowed esoteric knowledge upon the people of Ka-dingirra, and your visions have shaped the reality we are witnessing today. This servant has received your orders and will see them through," she said, raising her head with a confident smile, "If it is truly your wish, then I will watch over Sumeru's safety for you."
You nodded at her whilst lowering the clay tablet on your lap. "Wonderful, as expected of my guard. Now go. We don't know when exactly Rukkhadevata will disappear, and we must be prepared to fight against the forces of the Abyss."
"I'll get ready immediately."
As Ereshkigal left Gilgamesh Palace to make the necessary preparations for her undercover mission, your courtier, Enki, stepped towards you with another clay tablet for you to review. With a muted sigh, you took it from his hands and tried to read what was written on it, only for your expression to turn completely blank. The tablet Enki had given you was a report about some materials, but you didn't understand much of it.
It's been roughly a year since the establishment of Ka-dingirra. You lack the knowledge to lead a governing body, and it's quite impossible for a university student like you to run an entire country - even though Enki is always there to help you. You would have asked him or your ministers for more guidance if they weren't so obsessed with the delusion that you're some supreme being with unfathomable wisdom, and their intelligence only made it harder for you to be honest with them.
Enki noticed the way your eyebrows furrowed and worriedly asked, "Is something the matter, Your Highness?"
"N-no, it's nothing," you quickly replied, "I was just preoccupied with something else."
"Is it concerning the Sumerians?"
You didn't answer him.
Although the Sumerians are not your people, you didn't have the heart to leave them defenceless as you too, were once human like them.
Before you came to Teyvat and were forced to establish your own territory to survive the Archon War, you were an ordinary human back in your world.
As the hands of time rotated in a full circle, the God of Woods perished during the Cataclysm - and as you had predicted, a new god was born to replace her.
The God of Wisdom, also known as the Lesser Lord Kusanali.
Her gnosis was promptly taken away by the arrogant scholars who deemed her unfit to be the Dendro Archon, and she was instead made the nominal leader of Sumeru. Those same scholars then came knocking on Ishtar Gate, imploring that you protect Sumeru from the darkness of the Abyss in exchange for the new Dendro Archon's gnosis.
Enki urged you to accept the deal as it would mean that you'll gain more power at the same time Ereshkigal returned with the report that a large group of unknown enemies are approaching Sumeru quickly. With the sands of time descending upon you, you decided to set the deal aside for later consideration and declared Sumeru as Ka-dingirra's vassal state; at least, until the darkness that had spewed forth as a result of Khaenri'ah's destruction has been quelled.
You stood on top of the protective walls you had summoned around Sumeru with a multitude of portals glowing above you in the firmament, ready to rain countless chains upon the malevolent invaders. When the first wave came into view, you immediately extended a hand, prompting golden spearheads attached to chains to emerge from the portals.
As your eyes glowed, you exclaimed, "Nergal, let us restrain misfortune's fury!"
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 : @flowwerpot​ / @myevergarden​ /
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A List Of All Of My Current Works Pt.1
Genshin Impact
Tsundere Diluc X Reader
First Meeting Rosaria X Reader
Breaking An Entering: Electric Boogaloo A Sequel To First Meeting
Triad Pt.1 (Ningguang X Beidou X Reader)
Sara Kujou X Reader
Eula, Hu Tao, Sara, Ninguang and *Spins wheel* Barbra’s reaction to an S/O who has gone loopy after taking some medicine to fight their fever randomly confessing their undying love.
Jean Gunnhildr N.S.F.W. Headcannons
Lumine, Eula, and Jean With A Reader Who Uses A Frying Pan As A Weapon
Catching Her Eye-Ningguang X Reader
Worthy Of You-Sara X Reader
Differing Types Of Art-Yoimiya X Reader
Kokomi X Injured Reader
Ningguang Brainrot
Yandere Raiden Shogun
Holiday Gift-Layla, Furina, and Kokomi X Reader
A Gift To A Friend- Kaeya, Childe, Beidou, and Furina X Reader
100 Followers Event: Ei X Reader-Sharing
Reverse 1999
Dikke X Reader
Jujutsu Kaisen
Maki, Mai, Nobara, And Miwa With Powerful Himbo S/O
Maki, Mai, Nobara, And Miwa With Powerful Himbo S/O Pt.2
Fate Grand Order alongside Fate and TYPE MOON in general
SFW And NSFW Jacques De Molay Foreigner x Reader
Morgan, Baobhan, Melusine, and Barghest With Master Reader
SFW and NSFW Anastasia Hedcannons
Gareth And Mordred Fluff Scenarios and Headcannons
Fairy Knights and Morgan with a Depressed Master Reader
Scathach, Medusa Rider, And Florence Nightingale X Reader -Angst-
Scathach, Medusa Rider, And Florence Nightingale X Reader -Hurt Comfort-
"I'm So In Love With You" Artoria Pendragon X Reader
"You're Beautiful" Medusa Rider and Gorgon X Reader
"Do you trust me?" Serenity and Shuten Douji X Reader
"You're Cute When Your Angry" Rin Tohsaka and Mordred X Reader
"I'm So In Love With You" Medusa and Gorgon X Reader
"I Want To Protect You!" Mordred and Quetzalcoatl X Reader
Bradamante X Reader
Caenis X Reader
Penthesilea X Autistic Master Reader
Poly Scathach, Nightingale x Reader
Lancer Artoria X Reader With Powers Like Alucard From Hellsing
The Knights Of The Round Finding Out About Artoria Saber, Lancer, and Alter's S/O
Medusa, Caenis, and Gorgon With An S/O They Like To Tease
Nobu with a former Master Reader who became a servant
Penthesilea and Caenis with A Reader Who Loves Their Personality
Artoria And The Child Of Mordred X Reader Being Called "Grandpa"
Nagao Kagetora x Reader
Death By Snu Snu- Shuten Douji, Mash, Raikou, Barghest, and Castoria X Reader
Ereshkigal, Quetzalcoatl, and Reader Poly Headcannons
General relationship HCs for a GN! Reader paired with Mahiru and Ibuki
Playing With Their Hair Headcanons-Toko, Jack, and Mikan
Mahiru, Kaede, and Ibuki caring for an S/O with a broken leg
Celestia, Miu, and Kyoko when their S/O who's the opposite calls them cute for the first time
Himiko and Kirumi with an energetic and affectionate S/O
Himiko X Tenko X Reader
P3: Mitsuru With Someone Who Loves To Play With Her Hair
P5: Futaba and Makoto X Smart Delinquent Reader
Chie Satonaka & Orie with a reader coming out as Bi
100 Followers Event: P3: Mitsuru Kirijo-Secret
Gehrman X Reader
Micolash X Reader
Impostor Iosefka x Reader
Choir X Reader
Elden Ring
Malenia NSFW Alphabet
Guilty Gear
RANDOM INCORRECT QUOTES [Guilty Gear X Reader Edition Pt.1]
RANDOM INCORRECT QUOTES [Guilty Gear X Reader Edition Pt.2]
What Dates With Them Would Be Like-Testament
Relationship Headcannons: Millia Rage and Bullet
"You're Beautiful"- Bridget X Reader
Baiken Teaches You How To Fight!
Testament NSFW Headcannons
100 Followers Event: Undercovers, Ramlethal
Stealing Their Hat-Testament x Reader
Elphelt X Dragon Install Gear Reader NSFW
Relationship Headcannons: Millia Rage and Bullet
Tsubaki Yayoi X Reader
Mai Natsume X Reader
Wagner With An Affectionate S/O
Hilda Relationship Headcannons
Yandere Wagner x Reader
Orie X Affectionate Reader
Chie Satonaka & Orie with a reader coming out as Bi
Incorrect Under Night In Birth X Reader Quotes
Miss Fortune, Black Dahlia, and Eliza x Reader
Street Fighter
Cammy White NSFW-A Nice Hot Shower
Juri Han X Reader
Married Life With Juri Han X Chun-Li
Elena & Menat X Reader Headcannons
Rivals To Lovers With Sakura & Makoto X Reader
Laura & Karin X Reader Dating Headcannons
Elena X Reader Fluff Headcannons
Getting Caught In The Act With Cammy, Elena, & Karin
Death By Snu Snu With Chun-Li And Juri Han X Reader
Tis But A Scratch! - Juri, Cammy, and Ibuki X Reader
Decapre X Reader Incorrect Quotes
Kissing Chun-Li, Juri, and Cammy's Abs
Calling Them Sugar Mommy-Karin Kanzuki & Mitsuru Kirijo X Reader
Resident Evil
Jill Valentine X Reader
Final Fantasy
Tifa Lockart X Dragoon!Reader
Sephiroth X Reader: 100 Followers Event-Bite
Fear And Hunger & Fear And Hunger: Termina
The Freedom Of Choice-Levi X Reader (Platonic)
Marina And Abella Relationship Headcannons
Marina X Reader She Met Post Termina
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genshinarchives · 2 years ago
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 : Although you had refused the Dendro Archon’s request, you did it to ensure that the timeline you’re meant to correct follows the current Sumeru’s history.
𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐒 : Al-Haitham, Kaveh; hints of Cyno x reader
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 : Romance, adventure, isekai
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"Kill them all."
Everyone in the throne room shuddered at your words.
"Execute the nobles who manipulated my people and infected this land with corruption during my absence," you ordered. After a short pause, you added, "Of course, their families will naturally die alongside them. Spare only the infants who will be raised as soldiers for the new country that will be born from their parents' blood."
Shocked, the Sand Priestess' eyes widened and she quickly turned to face you with horror written on her expression.
"My King, you mustn't do that!" she exclaimed, only to be answered with the tip of Enki's spear pointed at her throat.
"How dare you speak out of turn. Stand down and listen what your king has to say," he uttered, the warning glint in his eyes intimidating her into submission.
Shamash and Ereshkigal exchanged looks of concern from their positions below your throne. Although Enki's devotion towards you is a well-known fact in Auruk, they knew that he too had reservations about your plan to purge the nobility. They could sense his desire to change your mind from the way his dominant arm tensed and the way he pressed his lips together to form a straight line; he was clearly holding himself back.
None of them can deny that you've changed after your resurrection.
The one who sits on the throne was no longer the king who tried to live for others and put her heart and soul into it.
Right now, they were looking at the end result of someone whose hopes have been crushed by the unforgiving truth; at how bitter, spiteful and defeated the adored king had become.
You propped your chin on your right fist. "Sand Priestess, the effects of corruption are devastating for a country like Auruk. When treating a disease, you must identify the pathogen and destroy it immediately." You narrowed your eyes into a glare, and the Sand Priestess immediately became meek under your piercing gaze. "Corruption is a disease, and the nobles are the pathogens. With their deaths, this country will be healed and later be reborn anew."
Enki, Shamash and Ereshkigal knelt before you with their right hands on their chests. The others hesitantly followed suit after a moment.
"We will devote our hearts and souls to your order."
Soon, noble blood was shed and orphans were taken in to be raised as soldiers. You made the difficult decision of destroying Auruk with your own hands and created Ka-dingirra in its place. Your violent purge of the nobility caught the attention of Rukkhadevata, who then decided to recognise Ka-dingirra as a nation in order to stabilise the peace that had begun to settle in the sands of Sumeru.
The heavenly chains that protected your country in your absence had long dissolved, and Ishtar Gate was built to welcome merchants and travelers from afar. You began introducing the ideas of modern technology which were initially perceived as bizarre by your people, but the fascinating mechanics behind them were enough to spur them into discovering the invaluable knowledge from your world. Ka-dingirra eventually became the epicentre for engineering and science, further increasing the nation's reputation.
Your name as the God of Heroes soon spread far and wide, even reaching the Inazuman islands beyond the thunderstorms.
And one year later, the God of Woods approached the God of Heroes.
In the middle of a perpetual desert proudly stood an ancient palace sparkling with the monarch's wealth. The archway behind the throne allowed the light of Teyvat to filter inside, crowning the king's seat with a pair of parhelions. The god that had requested an audience with the ruling deity of the desert's treasure promptly lowered herself on one knee as she bowed her head, the glittering gifts behind her carefully being towed away by the servants.
You couldn't help but internally grimace at how the one who had ended your life previously was bowing before you.
"High King Ea, please grant Sumeru your protection," she implored.
What remained of your humanity and morality urged you to accept her request, to protect your own kind and therefore remind you of the original reason you had decided to accept the king's crown. However, your self-imposed duty of correcting this timeline won the internal battle.
In the firmest tone you could muster, you said, "I refuse."
Rukkhadevata flinched at your curt answer. While she did step into Gilgamesh Palace expecting your rejection, the fact that you had answered her without a moment's hesitation still took her by surprise. Daring herself to lift her head, she met your condescending gaze as you sat upon your gold throne that was built from your bloody reign, with your trusted guards - Shamash and Ereshkigal - flanking your sides.
Shamash, who had become the new Overseer of Tiamat's Eleven Generals, immediately assumed a battle stance with his staff. "How impudent! You dare to raise your head-"
"Shamash, do not make any unnecessary comments!" you bellowed, effectively pacifying him. He quickly bowed in your direction, and you breathed a mental sigh of relief.
"Forgive me, Your Highness!"
"(Y/n)," Rukkhadevata began, calling you by your real name which you had divulged to her at the beginning of the meeting, "even with the bountiful treasures that I have offered to you and me kneeling, you still won't accept my only request? Do I have to go as far as making my forehead touch your feet?"
You tapped your fingers on the armrest as you hummed pensively. "What exactly will I gain from defending a territory that is not my own?" When the Dendro Archon didn't give you an answer fast enough, you leaned forward with your elbows atop your knees. "Have you forgotten that I am High King Ea, Guardian of Ka-dingirra? It is my eternal duty to defend this land."
You cut her off with a dismissive wave of your hand. You had to send her away quickly before your resolve crumbles under the weight of your guilty conscience.
"Enough. This is a complete waste of time," you murmured, holding your hand out towards Ereshkigal who then handed you a clay tablet, "Shamash, escort Greater Lord Rukkhadevata to Ishtar Gate."
"I will do as you say," Shamash said. As your guard escorted the dispirited Dendro Archon out of the palace, you subtly beckoned to Ereshkigal and lifted the clay tablet slightly to cover your face. When she leaned towards you, you tilted your head in her direction.
"Infiltrate Sumeru's military and pose as one of their soldiers. If the city is in danger, report back to me immediately," you ordered in a hushed whisper. She looked surprised upon hearing your words.
"If I may be so bold to inquire, are you actually going to step in as regent when the Dendro Archon disappears?" she questioned, knitting her eyebrows together.
"The God of Woods is destined to perish during the Cataclysm, and her death will act as a catalyst for the new god's birth. She'll be too young to lead a nation that has lost its god in the upcoming catastrophe," you solemnly replied, "and will subsequently live a life of seclusion until another shooting star illuminates the sky." You will also have to see for yourself which twin will have the misfortune of witnessing Khaenri'ah's destruction and reaching the end of their journey. According to Enu's notes, because this is a failed timeline, the Abyss monarch of the "correct" timeline will be the Traveler.
Ereshkigal took a step back and then knelt down before you with one arm crossed over her chest.
"You have bestowed esoteric knowledge upon the people of Ka-dingirra, and your visions have shaped the reality we are witnessing today. This servant has received your orders and will see them through," she said, raising her head with a confident smile, "If it is truly your wish, then I will watch over Sumeru's safety for you."
You nodded at her whilst lowering the clay tablet on your lap. "Wonderful, as expected of my guard. Now go. We don't know when exactly Rukkhadevata will disappear, and we must be prepared to fight against the forces of the Abyss."
"I'll get ready immediately."
As Ereshkigal left Gilgamesh Palace to make the necessary preparations for her undercover mission, your courtier, Enki, stepped towards you with another clay tablet for you to review. With a muted sigh, you took it from his hands and tried to read what was written on it, only for your expression to turn completely blank. The tablet Enki had given you was a report about some materials, but you didn't understand much of it.
It's been roughly a year since the establishment of Ka-dingirra. You lack the knowledge to lead a governing body, and it's quite impossible for a university student like you to run an entire country - even though Enki is always there to help you. You would have asked him or your ministers for more guidance if they weren't so obsessed with the delusion that you're some supreme being with unfathomable wisdom, and their intelligence only made it harder for you to be honest with them.
Enki noticed the way your eyebrows furrowed and worriedly asked, "Is something the matter, Your Highness?"
"N-no, it's nothing," you quickly replied, "I was just preoccupied with something else."
"Is it concerning the Sumerians?"
You didn't answer him.
Although the Sumerians are not your people, you didn't have the heart to leave them defenceless as you too, were once human like them.
Before you came to Teyvat and were forced to establish your own territory to survive the Archon War, you were an ordinary human back in your world.
You could try to convince yourself that you only sent Ereshkigal to Sumeru to ensure that history was flowing in the right direction. You could lie that you didn't care about the Sumerians at all, but will you really have no regrets if you were to sacrifice the lives you could have saved, all for the sake of correcting this failed timeline?
Closing your eyes, you clenched your jaw.
As the hands of time rotated in a full circle, the God of Woods suddenly disappeared during the Cataclysm. During their search for their beloved god, the sages found a child that bore a striking resemblance to Rukkhadevata in some scorched ruins, and believed that she was meant to replace the Greater Lord.
Lesser Lord Kusanali.
However, they were sorely disappointed when they discovered that Kusanali's "wisdom" was nothing like they had expected.
Her gnosis was promptly confiscated by the entitled scholars who deemed her unfit to be the Dendro Archon, and she was instead made the nominal leader of Sumeru. Those same scholars then came knocking on Ishtar Gate, imploring that you protect Sumeru from the darkness of the Abyss in exchange for the new Dendro Archon's gnosis.
Enki urged you to accept the deal as it would mean that you'll gain more power at the same time Ereshkigal returned with the report that a large group of unknown enemies are approaching Sumeru quickly. With the sands of time descending upon you, you decided to set the deal aside for later consideration and declared Sumeru as Ka-dingirra's vassal state; at least, until the darkness that had spewed forth as a result of Khaenri'ah's destruction has been quelled.
You stood on top of the protective walls you had summoned around Sumeru with a multitude of portals glowing above you in the firmament, ready to rain countless chains upon the malevolent invaders. When the first wave came into view, you immediately extended a hand, prompting golden spearheads attached to chains to emerge from the portals.
As your eyes glowed, you exclaimed, "Nergal, let us restrain misfortune's fury!"
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 : @flowwerpot / @myevergarden / @hey-comrade-hold-stil / @genshin-idiot / @crunchy-princeles / @yandere-romanticaa / @o-f-f-u / @tiffthescales / @5ugarcan3 / @hana-chie / @lunavixia / @depressed-bitchy-demon / @cynides / @mangobee / @a-piece-of-shell / @kazukazusbaby​ / @ella-janehaven / @catvyr / @sophisticatedleslie / @kiraisastay / @miralifox / @night-shadowblood-writes2 /
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simpknight · 4 years ago
Fanfiction list
In this works, gender neutral pronouns and terms are used for the reader unless specified in the title.
You can check the request guide here
Fate Grand Order
And that's why you should read the medical prescriptions (Gawain x AFAB!Reader) [Crackfic NSFW]
Mash supporting your relationship: Round table edition ( Gawain x Reader / Lancelot x Reader / Tristan x Reader / Bedivere x Reader)
Careless  (Ashwatthama x Reader)
[Request] Gifting them a flower (Arjuna x gn!reader/ Diarmuid x gn! reader/ Bedivere x gn! reader)
[Request] Treating his wounds (Lancelot x fem!reader)
Learn the alphabet with Chaldea! (NSFW Alphabet):
Francis Drake
Napoleon [Request]
Jekyll and Hyde [Request]
Interruption (NSFW)
Kinktober (2021)
Petplay (Lancelot x Reader)
Marks (Izo x Reader)
Grinding (Romani x Reader)
Sexual fantasy (Kiara x Reader)
AOB (Barghest x Reader)
Chase  (Achilles x Reader)
Sex Pollen (Lancelot | Berserker x Reader)
Aphrodisiacs (Gawain x Reader)
Masturbation  (Emiya x Reader)
Dream (Artoria | Lancer x Fem!Reader)
Shibari (Hijikata Toshizo x Reader)
Thigh riding (Quetzalcoatl x Reader)
Thigh fucking (Chiron x Reader)
Nipple play (Napoleon x Reader)
Lingerie (Ereshkigal x Reader)
Gunplay (Drake x Reader)
Footjob (Bediviere x Reader)
Deepthroating (Ashwattama x Reader)
Toys (Merlin x Reader)
Mirror (Ozymandias x Male!Reader)
Jealousy (Salieri x Reader)
Chains (Enkidu x Reader / Gilgamesh x Reader)
Cockwarming (Diarmuid x Reader)
Titfucking (Iskandar x Fem!Reader)
Voyeurism (Robin x Reader)
Underwater (Cu | Lancer)
Creampie (Beowulf x Reader)
Sixtynine (Percival x Reader)
Pegging (Siegfried x Reader)
Collaring (Carmilla x Reader)
Blindfold (Arjuna | Archer x Reader)
Twisted Wonderland
Movie night (Housewardens x gn! reader)
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fuwafuwamedb · 5 years ago
Cuddling (Cu Alter X Reader)
You weren’t sure when this had happened.
It didn’t really make any sense when you thought about it. The other was still as hostile and prone to violence as he was before. He was still someone that you needed to make sure was close when you went into the different singularities and missions, knowing he would slaughter anything that he came across and make Ereshkigal or some hell’s errand boy sort the mess out.
Yet, he was shifting his body as you tried to read your book on the couch. His head was pressing to your thigh, those eyes remaining closed.
Yet, he was soon moving to sit up, pulling you into his arms and shifting so that you were pressed between the couch cushions and his body. Your book was squished, now unable to be read. Your body was warming up since the man was like a furnace.
The man made enough of a berth around him in terms of people trying to avoid him that no one seemed to note that you were trapped in his arms.
His face was pressed gently to the back of your neck.
What was there that you could do? Moving would ruin the magic of the moment. Staying still wasn’t the most comfortable thing either. The book was a hardcover, pressing into your chest a little as the man held you.
It really had to go.
Hopefully, no one would see.
You shifted, as slowly and as carefully as possible so as not to jostle the man holding you. You closed the book, promising to remember page 62.
It was a long shot, but your bookmark was on the table next to the couch on the side your feet were on. There was no way that you were getting to it.
Bending pages would earn you hell from others like Da Vinci and Caster Gilgamesh.
Slowly, carefully, you took aim.
You had one shot at this.
The book went up, tettering on the top of the cushion a moment before dropping off the other side.
A soft thunk was enough to let you know it was gone.
It also brought Cu Alter upright though.
“It’s just my book.”
The man stared down at you, yawning slightly after a split second.
“I ah… I didn’t want my book on the couch while we napped,” you explained.
Those red eyes were still staring.
Perhaps you’d read too much into the situation? Had he meant to have Medb on the couch? You’d seen him with Mini Cu around a few times. Maybe he had-
The man moved slowly. His tail uncurling a moment to drift gently through the air.
Before you could finish fretting, the arms that had been holding you were back. His tail was curling around your legs, trapping you under him in a more secure manner.
His face pressed to your chest, hair fanning out in a mess of blue.
You were getting to see him calm.
Grinning, you held him closer.
Maybe, just maybe, your bond with him was going up.
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fuwafuwamedb · 5 years ago
Spontaneity is Good For Relationships (Merlin X Reader)
So there you were, looking through the pipeline of information being spat out by the computers in the command room. You were glancing at your hoard of saint quartz, reviewing some of the upcoming servants that were heading your way and thinking how best to save those quartz for useful servants.
You’d had a few days to be ornery with Merlin in Camelot.
You’d enjoyed sneaking into the magician’s room and stealing his clothes once to run around in for the day and pretend to be the man.
You’d tried phone sex calling him, although, that hadn’t worked out very well because the magician had somehow figured out how to trace the phone call to Uruk and you were pretty sure that Gilgamesh was never going to forgive you for trashing a floor of bedrooms and letting a handful of staff members see you being dragged by the legs from one bedroom to the next.
Merlin didn’t carry, after all, he dragged your fat ass from one bedroom to the next.
And you begged him to go faster, riding atop a bedsheet to prevent rug burn.
But things were good right now.
You know, other than Gilgamesh.
It was fine.
A presence came from behind you though. You could feel fingers moving along your sides, arms wrapping around you tightly as you felt that all too familiar sliding of hands over your chest.
“Master,” Merlin purred.
“Hello, fluff,” you tell him absently, trying to figure out whether the next servant was truly a wise investment of saint quartz.
A pair of hands is working on your jacket and straps, tugging them loose. Once again, it seems that Merlin has been tossed into a mood and needs some attention.
It’s been a long day though. That doesn’t sound half bad.
You let him take the clothes off, keeping your hold on the tablet with data. You don’t even really look at the magician as you try to think.
“Lift your foot.”
You lift. You feel your shoes and socks being thrown into the wayside. You’ll be hearing about that later when someone else finds them. Meanwhile, a smooth length of fabric is climbing your leg.
He must be in a kinky mood.
“Other foot.”
You let the other foot happen. He’s rubbing at your back a moment before you feel something being lifted up around your body as well. The smoother fabric is light enough in color that you’re finally looking away from your work.
The wedding dress is firmly being tied into place in the back before you feel Merlin’s lips press to your shoulder.
“You did say we’d get married.”
“Married… like right now?!”
Your argument is already gone. He’s hoisting you up and carrying you out of the room.
The tablet vanished as Caster Gilgamesh passed, the man eyeing you indifferently as he wishes Merlin the best.
A collection of flowers is tossed into your hands by the knights and Artoria, all of whom seem to be welcoming you as another member of the Camelot group.
“Hold on!”
Mash is running your way.
Good ol’ Mash, she’ll explain why this can’t happen right now-
“You forgot to put makeup on our master!” Mash complained. A couple others rush forward to help, with Ishtar laughing a little as she helps Ereshkigal and Mash with your face. You practically inhale perfume that’s spritzed your way.
Merlin welcomes you back with a smile, pulling you along the hall a little further before you see Amakusa Shirou waiting.
Words fly as you’re trying to figure out how Merlin got away with this.
Did you say yes?
You might have.
You’re not sure, but Merlin pulls you close as you’re pronounced husband and wife. The tricky flower mage leans in close and flashes that devilish smile of his.
“I never bothered with this before,” he tells you. “It feels good to try being human.”
“You are human, Merlin,” you remind him. At least, he was partially human.
But that smile just widens, those eyes flashing a new color and his form shifting a bit as he leans in close.
“We’ll see,” he hums.
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