#Python variables
proeduorganization · 4 months
Python Variables
Python Variables Hello Friends. In my last post, we discussed about String manipulation using python functions. In this post I will talk about the concept of python variables. In Python, variables are used to store data values. They are like containers that hold information which can be referenced and manipulated throughout the program. Variables in Python are dynamically typed, meaning you…
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trendingnow3-blog · 11 months
Day-1: Demystifying Python Variables: A Comprehensive Guide for Data Management
Python Boot Camp Series 2023.
Python is a powerful and versatile programming language used for a wide range of applications. One of the fundamental concepts in Python, and in programming in general, is working with variables. In this article, we will explore what variables are, how to use them effectively to manage data, and some best practices for their usage. What are Variables in Python? Definition of Variables In…
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danwithouttheplan · 3 months
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gaesnek · 10 months
not me struggling to figure out the for command in python :3
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as a sapphic who is terrible at math, i am an absolute simp for women who understand whatever the fuck a logarithm is
women in stem: *exist* me:
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nintendont2502 · 1 month
python save me. save me python
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all-hail-trash-prince · 4 months
Man why is working with web apps so obnoxious. "422 unprocessable entity teehee. Good luck figuring out which entity it is, much less why I refuse to process it"
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renpyfornoobs · 6 months
if, else, if not, and why is my code telling me I didn't define my name when it's very clearly defined?
Hi there, my second insight for you is actually related to coding proper this time, but for some reason, I didn't figure it out right away.
If you're like me, your game relies heavily on conditions being met to move forward. With me, my game is in three parts that can be interchanged, with some impact on how the story goes depending on where you went first. Unfortunately that means that from the game's point of view, you didn't define your conditions, since they weren't met yet.
So my advice to you is to not define your conditions the way the tutorial teaches you to, because coding an entire game is a lot more complex than coding a single scene, and while their method works for a tutorial piece, it doesn't work for a full project.
If you want to have variables later in game, define them immediately.
Now, that's where things get a lil bit complex: you need to figure out whether to default or define your variables.
The difference: "default", as the name suggests will assign a default value, and will be changed and saved in the save file, while define won't change. It's consistant, and resets every time you relaunch the game.
Here's a define example:
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Now here's a default example:
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sufficientlylargen · 2 years
Go is a bad programming language
I need to take a minute to rant about the go language and a few of the many, many things wrong with it.
1. Unused variables are compile-time errors.
So if you're debugging this:
x, y := foo() doSomething(x) doSomething(y)
and you decide to comment out doSomething(x) in order to check something, then hey, your code doesn't compile anymore! No, if you want to comment out a few lines while debugging, you also have to go up and make sure you also remove any declarations or assignments to variables that are only used in that block.
This is absolutely infuriating, and is one of the least developer-friendly features I've ever seen (excluding languages that were explicitly designed to be terrible).
So why did they do it? Why would the designers make such a ridiculous decision? The answer is simple:
2. Go doesn't consistently distinguish assignment from declaration.
Some languages distinguish between declaring a variable (e.g. int x) and setting it (e.g. x = 12); others don't bother and just let x = 12 be declaration if needed. There are pros and cons to both, but Go manages the difficult task of achieving the worst of both worlds.
You can declare var x int and assign x = 12, but you can also combine the two with x := 12 - the := implicitly declares the variable being assigned.
Fortunately, go IS smart enough to not let you double-declare something - var x int; x := 12 is a syntax error.
But go also lets you assign multiple values. What do you think this does?
var x int = 1 x, y := 2, 3 fmt.Println(y) fmt.Println(x)
Did you guess that this is a syntax error? Wrong! It prints 3, then 2 - the := operator is fine with the fact that x already exists, as long as at least one of the variables you're assigning to does in fact need to be declared.
What about this: var x int = 1 if true { x, y := 2, 3 fmt.Println(y) } fmt.Println(x)
If you "the same thing", you're wrong! This one IS a syntax error! Why? Because now that it's in a separate block, that := is now declaring x instead of assigning to it! And the new x is unused, so the compiler can't let you do that! Note, though, that if the first print printed both x and y, the compiler would not have caught that for us. The code would just compile fine and be wrong. That is the golang experience.
So why would a language allow a := that changes meaning but only when there are multiple variables? Simple! It's because:
3. Go has no error handling whatsoever
No exceptions, no maybe monads, no anything. Just a convention that functions that might fail should return a pair of (result, error).
This means code that in a sensible language might look like
print(foo(bar(3), baz("hello")))
in go instead looks like
a, err := bar(3) if err != nil { return err } b, err := baz("hello") if err != nil { return err } c, err := foo(a, b) if err != nil { return err } fmt.Println(c)
Yay boilerplate!
So obviously you need := to allow some things to already exist, otherwise you'd have to give all those errs different names, and who has time to come up with that many variable names?
4. Don't use go.
Anyway, these are just three of the many, many things I hate about go, which also include
Switch statements for values vs for types have almost-but-not-quite identical syntax (they should either be the same or be different, preferably different).
Type switch naming is stupid (sensible languages let you name the variable in each case instead of just renaming the variable once at the beginning).
Unused imports are a compile-time error (so incredibly stupid and frustrating).
Capitalization distinguishes public values from private ones (result: APIs cannot use capitalization in a meaningful way, because by definition every member of the API must be capitalized).
Extremely limited type system (terrible type inference, no generic methods on objects, no co- or contravariance among functions or objects - a function that returns a Square is not a function that returns a Shape and cannot be used as one).
Any public type can be instantiated with a "zero value", so every object method must do something sensible if the object is completely uninitialized (I saw some code in one of go's own built-in libraries that represented "any nonnegative integer or undefined" as a pair of (val int, isZero bool); a value of 0 is undefined unless isZero is true, in which case it means 0. I don't think that would pass code review in any other language at all).
Surprisingly awkward and unintuitive concurrency support for a language that claims to have been built with concurrency in mind.
Weird and inconsistent special magical cases (e.g. if g() returns three arguments and f() takes three arguments, then f(g()) is fine; if g returns two, you can't f(1, g()) or anything like that).
More things that I won't spend any more time writing up, I just needed to get this out of my system.
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qrevo · 20 days
holy shit python allows me to turn string variables trans
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pandora15 · 2 years
coding with R be like
R: "oops you got an error!"
me: "okay, what was the error?"
R: "there's a problem with your code"
me: "okay, so what's the problem with my code?"
R: "there's a problem with your code"
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frogcoded · 2 years
what i'm really enjoying about this project is that it's given me an opportunity to force me and actually get my hands dirty and handle different document types with code and read documentation and try to understand errors and format everything correctly and it's like. dipping my toes in the water of doing coding outside of little perfectly self-contained projects that only run in my editor which is something i've always been scared of doing. idk i hope this is a step forward in me actually being more confident with computer-related stuff since i'm also getting like a whole ass masters in it
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danwithouttheplan · 1 year
The straightest man you know has every object type in his code editor set to a different color of the rainbow.
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bytebun · 2 years
ough the horrors ough (basic programming concepts I have forgotten)
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adulthood-struggles · 2 years
why would you name it 'i' ????
I studied programming during my middle and high school. and the only thing that is on my mind these days is the question: why the hell did all my teachers use non-descriptive variable names?
like, i had no fucking idea what was the whole thing with i's, j's and all those letter about, let alone understanding for and while loops. it's just so sad that if they just used descriptive variable names it would be so much easier for me (and others) to understand and go from there. just one basic concept.
nowadays when I'm learning to code again, I get so angry whenever I see code with the mysterions one-letter variables, it makes me mad, even. it's not clear, it's not logical, why the hell would you use it?
(btw I'm not mad at people, it's just the whole thing itself, it could be so much easier, so why would you want to make it so much harder?)
and I finally get it why people like loops so much, and why people are so eager to make everything easier and smaller in terms of lines of code. i get it, and i'm so grareful to Eric Matthes for explaining the whole thing.
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tecnologiaylogistica · 2 months
¿Qué son variables en Python? | Curso Completo de Python | Principiantes
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