#Python basics
onlinelearningclass · 8 months
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Learn Python To Secure Your Future In Data Science
Python is one of the most important coding or programming languages that is used by more than 8 million programmers as their main programming language.Now let's talk about how to learn Python. Python language is the basic and the easiest language compared to any other language.
To more info Visit us :- https://www.sssi.in/blog/engineering/learn-python-to-secure-your-future
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thegrowthtimes · 2 months
Getting Started with Python: Project 0 - “Hello, World”
Discover how to make your Python scripts more interactive and start your programming journey with confidence. Your support is much appreciated for me to get more content out for you! 😄👍🏽
Consider reviewing the basics with the following content: Getting Started with Python: Project 0 – “Hello, World” Getting Started with Python: A Beginner’s Guide pt3 Getting Started with Python: A Beginner’s Guide (pt 2) Getting Started with Python: A Beginner’s Guide (pt 1) Terminal Window – Command Line Interface This tutorial uses Visual Studio Code: To create and edit a Python file, use…
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raguram07-blogger · 4 months
Master Python Programming
Introduction to Python Programming
Python is a versatile programming language that has gained immense popularity in the field of data science and machine learning. Whether you are a beginner looking to learn the basics or an experienced programmer delving into advanced data analysis techniques, mastering Python is essential. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the fundamental concepts and advanced topics in Python programming for data science.
Python programming has become a cornerstone in the world of technology. From web development to data analysis, machine learning, and automation, Python is a versatile language that opens a plethora of opportunities for anyone who masters it. Whether you are a college student looking to enhance your programming skills or an IT professional aiming to expand your knowledge base, learning Python can significantly benefit your career. In this blog post, we will delve into the essential aspects of mastering Python programming, providing you with a comprehensive guide to kickstart your journey into the world of Python.
Understanding Python Basics
Installing Python and Setting Up Development Environment
To start your Python journey, the first step is to install Python on your system and set up a development environment. You can download the latest version of Python from the official website and follow the installation instructions based on your operating system. Once installed, you can use popular Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) like PyCharm or Jupyter Notebook for coding.
Basic Syntax and Data Types
Python is known for its simple and clean syntax, making it easy to read and write code. It supports various data types such as integers, floats, strings, lists, tuples, dictionaries, etc. Understanding these basic data types is crucial for writing efficient Python code.
Control Structures and Loops
Control structures like if-else statements, loops (for and while), and functions help in controlling the flow of a Python program. Mastering these control structures is key to writing structured and organized code that executes efficiently.
Variables and Operators:
In Python, you can assign values to variables and perform operations using different operators like arithmetic, comparison, logical, and assignment operators. Mastering variables and operators is fundamental to writing efficient code in Python.
Dive Deeper into Python Programming
Once you have a solid understanding of the basics, you can delve deeper into various aspects of Python programming that will enhance your skills and knowledge. Let us explore some advanced topics in Python:
1. Functions:
Functions are essential for organizing code into reusable blocks. With Python, you can create functions using the def keyword and pass arguments to them. Understanding functions allows you to write modular and scalable code.
2. Libraries and Modules:
Python has a vast ecosystem of libraries and modules that provide ready-made solutions for various tasks. Libraries like NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and TensorFlow are widely used in data analysis and machine learning. Learning how to import and use libraries will streamline your coding process.
3. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):
Python supports object-oriented programming, allowing you to create classes and objects. This paradigm helps in organizing code in a more structured and efficient manner. Understanding OOP concepts like inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation will elevate your programming skills.
4. Error Handling:
Handling errors gracefully is crucial in Python programming. You can use try-except blocks to catch and manage exceptions, ensuring that your code runs smoothly even in the presence of unforeseen errors.
5. File Handling:
Python provides robust file handling capabilities, allowing you to read from and write to files. Understanding how to work with files in Python is essential for tasks like data processing and storage.
Working with Data in Python
Data manipulation is a core aspect of data science, and Python provides powerful tools for handling different types of data structures.
Data Structures in Python
Python offers built-in data structures like lists, tuples, and dictionaries that are widely used for storing and organizing data. Additionally, libraries like NumPy provide support for multidimensional arrays, while Pandas offers data frames for handling structured data.
Data Analysis and Visualization Techniques
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is an essential step in any data science project, helping to understand the underlying patterns and relationships in the data.
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) with Python
Descriptive statistics and data visualization techniques play a crucial role in EDA. Python libraries like Matplotlib and Seaborn enable users to create insightful visualizations that aid in data interpretation and decision-making.
Advanced Python Programming for Data Science
Beyond the basic syntax and data structures, advanced Python programming concepts are essential for complex data analysis tasks.
Functions and Modules in Python
Writing custom functions and using pre-built Python modules are key skills for enhancing productivity and code reusability. Additionally, understanding exception handling and debugging techniques can help in troubleshooting errors effectively.
Machine Learning with Python
Python is the go-to language for machine learning projects, given its extensive libraries and tools for implementing various algorithms.
Introduction to Machine Learning
Supervised and unsupervised learning are common types of machine learning approaches that Python supports. The Scikit-Learn library offers a wide range of algorithms for building predictive models.
Practical Application of Python Programming
To truly master Python programming, you need to apply your knowledge to real-world projects. Here are some practical applications of Python that will help you sharpen your skills:
Web Development:
Python's frameworks like Django and Flask are popular choices for web development. Building web applications using Python will give you hands-on experience in creating dynamic and responsive websites.
Data Analysis:
Python's libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib are widely used in data analysis and visualization. Working on data analysis projects will familiarize you with handling datasets, performing statistical analysis, and creating insightful visualizations.
Machine Learning:
Python's library, TensorFlow, is a powerful tool for building machine learning models. Delving into machine learning projects will enable you to understand algorithms, train models, and make predictions based on data.
Python can be used for automating repetitive tasks, such as file operations, data processing, or system maintenance. Developing automation scripts will enhance your efficiency and productivity in various workflows.
Mastering Python programming is not just about learning syntax and concepts; it is a journey of continuous exploration and growth. By understanding the basics, delving into advanced topics, applying your knowledge to practical projects, and embracing a mindset of lifelong learning, you can become proficient in Python programming and unlock a world of opportunities in the tech industry. So, roll up your sleeves, dive into Python, and let your coding journey begin!
Remember, the key to mastery lies in consistent practice, willingness to learn, and a passion for coding. Python is a versatile language that empowers you to create, innovate, and solve complex problems with ease. Embrace the power of Python, and watch your skills soar to new heights in the ever-evolving tech landscape. Happy coding!
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proeduorganization · 7 months
Python Tuples
Tuples in Python are immutable sequences, similar to lists, but with the key distinction that once created, they cannot be modified. This immutability provides certain advantages, such as being used as keys in dictionaries or elements in sets, as well as ensuring data integrity in situations where the contents should not change. Here’s a basic overview of tuples in Python: 1.Creating…
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ivccseap · 11 months
Python for Absolute Beginners
Python For Absolute Beginners ✅-1Download Python is a interpreted programming language.
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python-course23 · 11 months
Intro to Python Programming
Are you eager to kickstart your programming journey with a Python Basic Course? Look no further! Join our renowned institute in Delhi, offering the best Python Basic Course. Whether you're a beginner or need a refresher, our comprehensive curriculum covers all the fundamentals. From variables and data types to loops and functions, our expert instructors will guide you every step of the way. Don't miss this opportunity to acquire essential Python skills. Enroll now to unlock a world of programming possibilities.
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anbuselvi1 · 2 years
Top best platforms hosting python codes
Python is a versatile programming language that is popularly used for web development, data analysis, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. If you are a Python developer, you need a reliable platform to host your codes, collaborate with others, and manage your projects. In this blog post, we will discuss the top best platforms hosting Python codes. GitHub GitHub is one of the most…
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itonlinetraining · 2 years
We all know how famous Python is, and this factor alone makes many aspirants jump into learning Python. But where there is a huge opportunity and if more rewarding monetary benefits support it, it obviously attracts many. Hence, people are learning additional skills, enrolling in new certificated courses along learning Python. If you are also looking to know everything about Python and its career opportunities, other skills that can take your opportunities to the next level, here is the answer to all your doubts. No, Python alone is not enough to get a job, but knowing python basics and other soft skills and a good educational background certainly help you. So, what else do you need to do to get a job after learning Python? Here are the top five things you must be aware of to secure a job. 
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codeinhindi · 2 years
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blogpreetikatiyar · 2 years
Future of AI : Playground OpenAI
Artificial Intelligence 
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science aimed at creating intelligent machines. Applications in areas such as robotics, natural language processing, and image recognition have made it an integral part of the technology industry. AI technology can solve complex problems and automate tasks too tedious for humans.
In Simple Words – 
Artificial Intelligence is the ability of machine to think like humans, solve-real world problems, by improving on their own from past experience, just like as human do. 
Intelligence is composed of :
Problem Solving
Linguistic Intelligence
Types of AI -
Reactive Machines: Reactive machines are AI structures that depend upon modern enter in place of counting on beyond experience. Examples of reactive machines consist of Deep Blue, an AI device for gambling chess, and AlphaGo, a device for gambling the Chinese board sport Go.
Limited Memory: AI systems with limited memory can use past experience to make current decisions. Examples of AI with limited memory are self-driving cars that remember past roads and obstacles, and AI assistants that remember user preferences.
Theory of Mind: A theoretical AI system should understand and interact with people on an emotional level. These types of AI systems can be used to create virtual assistants or chatbots that understand natural language and provide personalized responses.
Self-Aware: Self-aware AI systems are designed to understand their enviroment and make decisions based on that understanding. Such AI systems can be used for things like autonomous robots and virtual agents.
Learn more about Artificial Intelligence in detail – Click here 
Why do we need Artificial Intelligence?
Increased efficiency: AI can automate tasks and processes, allowing humans to focus on more important or higher-value work. This can lead to increased productivity and efficiency
Increased productivity: AI can automate routine tasks and free up human workers to focus on more complex and creative work.
Enhanced decision-making: AI can analyze data and provide insights that can help humans make more informed decisions.
Improved accuracy: AI systems can often perform tasks with a higher degree of accuracy than humans, especially when it comes to tasks that involve large amounts of data or that are repetitive.
Automating routine tasks: AI can be used to automate routine tasks, freeing up humans to focus on more complex and creative work.
Overall, the use of AI has the potential to improve efficiency, increase productivity, and enhance decision-making in many different fields.
Application of Artificial Intelligence – 
Artificial intelligence (AI) has a wide range of applications and is being used in many different industries. Here are a few examples of how AI is being used today:
Healthcare: AI can be used to analyze medical records, make diagnoses, and recommend treatment options.
Education: AI can be used to personalize learning, provide tutoring and feedback, and assess student progress.
Customer service: AI can be used to provide assistance and support to customers through chatbots and virtual assistants.
Agriculture: AI can be used to optimize irrigation, predict crop yields, and monitor livestock health.
These are just a few examples of how AI is being used today. AI has the potential to revolutionize many industries and improve our daily lives in a variety of ways.
Future of AI – 
The future of AI is difficult to predict, but many experts predict that AI will have a major impact on our lives over the next few years. AI technology will continue to evolve and applications of AI will become more prevalent in our daily lives, from medicine to transportation. AI is used to automate and streamline many everyday processes, making them more efficient and accurate. AI is also being used to improve human-machine communication and make decisions more accurately and quickly. Advances in AI will enable machines to understand, learn and adapt more and more, allowing them to interact more naturally with humans. Ultimately, AI will continue to be a powerful tool for improving our lives, but its potential is only just beginning to be explored.
The future of AI is still unknown, but it will be interesting to see how this technology evolves over time.
Artificial Learning is the superset of Machine learning and Deep Learning.  
In order to learn Artificial Intelligence, one should start with the concepts of Deep Learning and Machine Learning, as it one of the most effective ways to learn Artificial Intelligence for beginners.
Know more, What is Machine Learning?
Let’s talk about one such Futuristic AI tool – Playground OpenAI
Playground OpenAI
Playground OpenAI is an interactive web platform developed by OpenAI, a San Francisco-based artificial intelligence lab, that allows developers to experiment with reinforcement learning algorithms and neural networks. The platform provides a virtual environment where users can create and train agents to solve various tasks and challenges. It also allows users to explore the capabilities of reinforcement learning and neural networks and interact with existing his OpenAI models.
“OpenAI's Playground can respond to any prompt”
Playground is a predictive language tool. In other words, it has AI trained to complete or respond to input in the most trustworthy and "human" way possible. Bots like this have been around for years (remember Cleverbot?), but Playground lets you use the best of OpenAI tools to run your tests.
It comes with several different templates to help you get inspired. For example, you can select Chat to have a conversation with your bot, or select Q&A to set up a question-and-answer session with your bot. However, users had the most fun when they were simply asked to write a story or come up with an idea for a new TV show.
There are other modes where you can enter text someone has already written and let the AI ​​insert or edit new text. You can also change things like "Temperature" (response logic) and "Frequency" (number of repetitions).
It is very useful for people from different fields, students, teachers, professionals and many others.
Searching for a question returns an answer. You can also create computer programs using OpenAI tools.
Let’s see an example – 
Also, read – Top Technology Trend to Look out for in 2023
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someiicecube · 2 months
I still meant what I said in that reply to the height chart though, lmao
It might be 3am here, but the thought of the player being able to choose their height in game for added flavored dialogue has been in my noggin since last year.
It won't change too much of the dialogue, but it's just enough to make the experience feel a bit more personalized.
Imagine being an extremely short MC that has to break their neck every time they have to meet Kuras' gaze. Imagine the look Mhin gives you if you dare call them short.
Imagine being a tall MC peering over people's heads, and most importantly, being so close in height with Ais provides you the best look into his eyes when you're hiding in a shady alley together.
Oh, but imagine being average height in that scene and choosing to look forward only presents you with a wall of man tiddies.
Not to mention that one Mhin scene where they pin you against the wall and, despite their small stature, manage to lift you off your feet by the collar? Like, okay? How would they, 168cm, do that with a theoretical 187cm MC? Hm?
Like, I need me that—
"Their fist curled, white knuckled into the front of your clothing."
if player_height == very_short or short or average:
"And with surprising strength, they lift you off your feet and against the wall, knocking the breath out of your lungs."
elif player_height == tall or very tall:
"And with surprising strength, they shove you against the wall, knocking the breath out of your lungs."
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5h0w1sh · 9 months
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Title Screen Art for my Sonic Fangame!!
(Background is subject to change- )
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thegrowthtimes · 2 months
Getting Started with Python: A Beginner's Guide pt3
In the first two parts of our beginner’s guide to Python, we covered variables, data types, conditional statements, collections, loops, and functions. In this final part, we will delve into more advanced concepts such as libraries, classes, and objects, which will further enhance your Python programming skills. Libraries: Extending Python’s Capabilities Libraries are collections of pre-written…
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why-the-heck-not · 7 months
writes with python ”ugh I wanna write javascript” -> writes with javascript ”ugh I wanna write c++” -> writes with c++ ”I have made a horrible mistake”
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proeduorganization · 8 months
Python Overview And History
Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language known for its simplicity and readability. Here’s an overview of Python: Key Features: Easy to Learn and Read: Python’s syntax is designed to be readable and clean, making it accessible for beginners. It emphasizes code readability and allows developers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than languages like C++ or…
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Post #83: Tumblr Opinion Poll by Python-Programming-Language, Question: Which programming resp. script language do you prefer?, 2023.
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