#Introduction to Python programming
thegrowthtimes · 2 months
Getting Started with Python: A Beginner's Guide pt3
In the first two parts of our beginner’s guide to Python, we covered variables, data types, conditional statements, collections, loops, and functions. In this final part, we will delve into more advanced concepts such as libraries, classes, and objects, which will further enhance your Python programming skills. Libraries: Extending Python’s Capabilities Libraries are collections of pre-written…
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capturousinfotech · 4 months
Introduction to Python Programming
Introduction to Python Programming
Python is one of the top programming dialects on the planet, generally utilized in fields, for example, artificial intelligence, AI, information science, and web improvement.
The basic and English-like punctuation of Python makes it a go-to language for novices who need to rapidly get into coding.
Since Python is utilized in different fields, there is a popularity for Python designers, with cutthroat base compensations.
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Beginning with Python
Python is a flexible, significant level programming language that is broadly upheld across all major working frameworks.
To execute Python code, you want to have a Python translator introduced on your framework. In any case, to begin right away, you can utilize our free web-based Python supervisor that empowers you to run Python code straightforwardly in your program — no establishment required.
Is Python for you?
Whether Python is the ideal decision relies upon what you need to achieve and your vocation objectives.
Python according to Learning Point of view
Assuming you are new to programming and favor effortlessness, Python is most likely the best decision for you.
Here, the two projects in C and Python play out a similar errand. Nonetheless, the Python code is a lot more clear, regardless of whether you have never been a software engineer.
That being said, there are a few benefits to learning dialects like C as your most memorable language. For instance, C is a lot nearer to the equipment and permits you to work with PC memory straightforwardly, in this way giving you a more profound comprehension of how your code really functions.
Then again, Python's reasonable, English-like grammar permits you to focus on critical thinking and building rationale without being worried about pointless intricacies.
In this way, it depends on you whether you need to rapidly get everything rolling with programming or truly take as much time as is needed to comprehend the bare essential pieces of programming.
Most effective Way to Learn Python There is no correct method for learning Python. Everything relies upon your learning style and speed. In this part, we have incorporated the best Python learning assets custom fitted to your learning inclinations, be it text-based, video-based, or intuitive courses.
Contact us 8600028849
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the-pipistrelle · 2 years
quick introduction
hey guys, it’s pipistrelle. this is a quick introduction post for me and what i’m doing here!
i graduated last year with a degree i enjoyed learning about and hope to continue to be involved in in a voluntary way, but i felt like it wasn’t clicking when i saw what i would be doing day-to-day.
thankfully, one day i challenged myself to give python a shot. it opened up a new world of possibilities for me. i learned it on and off for a few months. then i decided to look into discord bots, and opened another new world. kinda crazy. i made a tarot discord bot while i was out of work sick, which led me to where i am now! making a tumblr.
i’m not really sure where this will go, but i know there will be coding snippets, links to my medium tutorials, and other random bits and pieces from other interests i have.
some of my non-programming interests include :
coffee & tea
cute pc setups
mechanical keyboards
wildlife biology & conservation
bats (hence the name)
annnnnd a lot more. i am a deep-dive addict and i am proud.
like i mentioned, i'm not 100% sure what exactly i will be posting other than coding tutorials, gameplay snippets (stardew valley, apex, etc), and random thoughts and finds relating to my above interest list.
i hope you stick around for this peek into my little corner of the world. i’ll be following up soon with a link to my first tutorial on medium. we’ll be making a discord.py bot! i’ll have some nice code snips in the post too. follow if you’re interested in seeing that 🖤
thanks for reading this friends. hope you have a great rest of your day/night/whatever.
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vexacarnivorous · 1 year
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day 27/100 | friday | 14/4/23
a python program that lets you print out a webpage's contents (in this case, the wikipedia page for concatenation) into a HTML file
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newcodesociety · 19 days
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buzzessays · 2 months
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diptisinghblog · 5 months
The Fundamentals of Data Science: An Introduction for Aspiring Data Scientists
Embark on a journey into the dynamic world of data science, where insights from big data drive innovation and decision-making across industries. Discover the fundamentals of data science, from data collection and exploratory analysis to machine learning and data visualization, and unlock a world of lucrative career opportunities in this high-demand field...
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dclessonsonline · 1 year
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Elevate your tech prowess with #Python mastery. Discover courses that transform you into a coding pro, from data manipulation to networking automation. Embrace the language of innovation. https://www.dclessons.com/understanding-lists-introduction
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deepak-garhwal · 1 year
It is crucial to learn Python from the best resources available. books are one of the best resources to learn anything so we are going to check out the 5 best Python books for beginners. the episode of this podcast is dedicated to the top 5 Python books to build a strong foundation for beginners.
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truepdf · 2 years
Bible of Python Programming is an introduction to the Python programming language, which is becoming increasingly popular. Python is an object-oriented scripting language that is interpreted and interactive. Python is becoming more popular as a result of:
It is compatible with all major platforms, including Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows 98, Linux, all major UNIX platforms, MacOS, and even BeOS
It is open-source software that is copyrighted but freely usable, even in commercial applications
Its simple object-oriented interface makes it an excellent prototyping tool for C++ developers
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izicodes · 2 years
Harvard University Free IT Courses | Resources ✨
While scrolling through Twitter, I saw some posts that highlighted some free IT courses and resources being offered by Harvard University! Harvard University offers a wide range of IT courses that are available to the public for free! Here are some of them!
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1. Introduction to Computer Science - LINK
An introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming.
2. Web Programming with Python and JavaScript - LINK
This course dives more deeply into the design and implementation of web apps with Python, JavaScript, and SQL using frameworks like Django, React, and Bootstrap.
3. Mobile App Development with React Native - LINK
Learn about mobile app development with React Native, a popular framework maintained by Facebook that enables cross-platform native apps using JavaScript without Java or Swift.
4. Introduction to Game Development - LINK
Learn about the development of 2D and 3D interactive games in this hands-on course, as you explore the design of games such as Super Mario Bros., Pokémon, Angry Birds, and more.
5. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python - LINK
Learn to use machine learning in Python in this introductory course on artificial intelligence.
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Hope this helps someone and do check them out! 💻👍🏾💗
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thegrowthtimes · 2 months
Getting Started with Python: A Beginner's Guide (pt 2)
They say teaching is the best way to learn. Consider subscribing to the website!
Expanding Your Knowledge: Collections and Control Flow In Part 1 of our beginner’s guide to Python, we covered the basics of variables, data types, and conditional statements. Now, let’s dive deeper into collections like lists, tuples, and dictionaries, as well as control flow mechanisms such as loops and functions. Lists: More Than Just Arrays As mentioned earlier, a list is a collection of…
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capturousinfotech · 4 months
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moddymoon · 4 months
Introduction Update...
This is going to take a while to write I think:
Look at current introduction.
Add some stuff that currently gets frequently asked:
Add some stuff about parts that get missed:
Add some stuff about contact:
I won't pay you.
I love talking if it's a conversation
Feel free to send me asks
Things not to tell a stranger on the internet.
That's most of what I want here.
Previous Introduction
I have an old introduction post from April 5th (that's not that old just over a month old, but it was probably a bit of a brief introduction. I'm just not very good at doing that, and at that time I had nothing that I could find in my backlog as to what would be considered to be an introduction, so I wrote something up quickly.
The first thing that we talk about there is plurality. I'm not really going to go much into it right here, because I plan on talking more about it further down, but yes, we're a plural system.
And oddly the next thing is our age, (which we keep getting asked about, so it means these people have not read the pinned post). I'm not going to repeat that (but I'm not removing the old post either).
In that it talks a bit about disability. Including neurodivergence, specifically autism.
The next thing I talk about is incontinence. Which sort of extends to ABDL stuff.
Then basically we say that people are free to contact us (there will be more at the bottom of this about that). So, that's just going over what I have already said.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Here's some questions I get asked and while some of these get asked in a combined form I'm going to break them down to the component parts...
Are you a sissy? (why is ### unsuported?)
I'm trans. I was assigned male at birth. I am non-binary. The "Are you a sissy?" type quiz things often will say that yes I am a sissy.
My problem? Well I'm not quite sure if that's an identity I fully would embrace, or if it's a "play" thing.
Are you a slave?
Briefly, if the answer to that is, "yes" then either you are someone closely associated with me and my role in that position, or you shouldn't be answering that.
I am interested in the submissive thing. I've explored lightly the idea of "slave" and would like to explore it further with the right person/people.
Chances are, if you're asking that, you're not going to be the right person.
I guess maybe if you've shown that you've read what I've had to say, and you'd like to confirm what my current status is, and make it clear, then I get it. But... I've not had anything close to that.
And as to whether I would... I'm already in a long distance relationship of some similar nature, and I'm OK with exploring with others, or more with that person in that direction.
Are you a submissive?
Yes, though... I tend to be more than just a submissive, and if you're asking that, then your sense probably isn't what I mean by that.
Here's the thing that I want to say, most people who have asked, don't seem to have a sense of this being a relationship that is built, and that is built on mutual respect and understanding.
If you're one of those people, then probably we're not going to get very far. And while it's not asked, it comes out of these above questions.
Are you a switch?
YES ABSOLUTELY... Part of that is not really being able to define things in black and white, but for example, the "Caregiver/little" role (the relationship mentioned above), overall I feel I'm more of a little, but I end up taking a Caregiver role more often when it comes to a relationship. And I'm fine with that.
Parts that have been missed
I want to write a bit about some stuff I think is missing overall here.
What about programming?
I ended up checking out the tag, "programming" in relationship to hypnosis type stuff, and ran into stuff like "Python" which I was, "dang I can get people talking about that too?" So yes I do programming, I'm not that great, some people have told me that I shouldn't (they might be right, but that's not a useful thing to say).
So yes, I do computer programming.
OK, as I just mentioned, I also am into hypnosis, and I guess a lot of other "mental health," or "psychology" type topics. I don't really want to go into detail, but it's relevant to just say yep...
Gender identity stuff...
I've mentioned it above, and probably will more so below. We're non-binary. We tend to present more feminine, than masculine.
What about the incontinence?
Yeah, I have some incontinence, I would say it's mostly urge related, but trying to figure it out, we've not really got a clear answer. Most of the time, if we're on top of things, it's more a matter of "barely making it to the bathroom in time" but there have been some seriously notable accidents... I might talk about them in private once I get to know you (or on some other platform).
But aren't you ABDL?
Yes, as I say often, "Why not both?" There's two things here... Many people who do have incontinence, actually discover that diapers can make their lives incredibly better, and they fall in love with being able to wear, and use diapers...
That literally makes them diaper lovers, and part of the community. Even if it's just really that they love what it does for them on a personal level.
ABDL does not have to be (and often is not sexual), and that's part of the reason that people don't want to associate with it.
And also, people think that ABs and DLs "must go together". Which also not true. Yes, I'm both, but you can be one, without the other (you can even be an AB, who has none of the DL stuff).
Communicating with me
OK, this is where I run into some stuff that I'm often not sure about... Not that I'm not sure about what people are doing, more about my response.
Will you pay me to be your ... whatever?
No, I won't. Especially not if you contacted me first. My following you is not contacting you. My messaging you, because you asked... Is not contacting you.
If you really are just looking to get paid, then save your time, go find someone else to contact.
Will you talk to me?
Absolutely, I love a good conversation. If it's a good give and take (and yes it can take a bit to get there) I'm all up for it.
I'm up for it also if it does take a while to get there, and even if you want to talk about stuff that I'm not really interested in.
If I say something along the lines of, "I won't answer that," or "I won't do that with you where we're at in our relationship." It's not that I'm saying no to the conversation. It's that I'm stating that that particular thing is not OK at least right now.
If you still want to talk, I'm still up to it. Just not in that direction.
Can I send an ask?
I've had some great asks, and I love them. If you want to do that, go for it. I don't know what sending an anonymous ask does on, well either end, but I hope that it will show up in your activity when I answer. So feel free to send me an ask. So far, I've answered every one I've got, on any platform. The answer might be "no I'm not interested," but I haven't had one that I'm feeling even the asking is not OK.
Do you have things you won't answer?
This is the "Things that you should not tell a stranger on the internet," section.
Yes, there's things that I won't answer, at least while you're a stranger:
Where are you located?
What's your age?
What's your sex? (these are what were called ASL questions, and while often asked, have never really been considered appropriate)
What's your real name?
Are you ??? when the thing being asked is a really complicated thing with no yes/no answer?
What is your phone number?
Can you contact me on x other platform (maybe, but most of the time I literally can't I've tried, and people have gotten mad at me for saying no)?
That's not the whole list, but it's enough for now.
Take care everyone... I wasn't sure I was going to get this in a form I was happy with, but here we are.
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the-saturn-system · 5 months
Who Are We?
About us:
We are an endogenic system who supports other endos, and we believe all plurals deserve respect! We also like to do Userboxes using HTML
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We, at the moment, are composed of 4 individuals, a brief introduction of us for you:
Anthropomorphic bee giantess. Harsh and Tough individual who can show affection but doesn't like Tumblr too much.
Centaur girl who loves cute stuff, science, and programming, but also loves magic and occultism, basically a Technomancer. She is our first merge and she is eager to interact
Anthropomorphic fox with a cyberpunk aesthetic that embraces naturism, is good with technology, is a good manager, and helps us to keep on track with everything happening within the system. She also acts like a brat and pushes us out of our comfort zone.
That would be me, the Host who is writing this post, I care for people I like and also love programming, I'm pretty much a weeb and love a lot of nerdy and geeky stuff.
Go Away If:
You are a transphobe, racist, xenophobe, or anything like that... You get the gist of it.
You are a douchebag
I mean, just don't be a douche... is it that hard?
A Bit More Info:
We love One Piece
We love Adventure Time
We love games, books, podcasts, and anything related to storytelling
We will love you if you don't give us hate, we will believe in you!
Current Hyperfocus
Stardew Valley
One Piece
Python Programming
Talent Management
DNI because we literally were asked if anti-endos could interact here
DIP (Do Interact, Please)
Traumagenic systems who support endo
People with autism, schizophrenia and any type of mental disorder
Anyone who is not a douche bag
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newcodesociety · 6 months
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