#Promoting ethical conduct
mlm-news-posts · 2 years
Direct Selling in India: An Overview of the Industry and its Regulatory Framework
Direct Selling in India: An Overview of the Industry and its Regulatory Framework
Direct selling is a business model in which products are sold directly to consumers, usually outside of a fixed retail location. This business model has gained popularity in India in recent years, with many companies choosing to adopt it as a way to reach out to customers and sell their products. The direct selling industry in India is regulated by the Direct Selling Guidelines 2016, which were…
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waedul · 11 months
#OpenAI is an artificial intelligence research organization that was founded in December 2015. It is dedicated to advancing artificial intell#Key information about OpenAI includes:#Mission: OpenAI's mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence (AGI) benefits all of humanity. They strive to build safe and b#Research: OpenAI conducts a wide range of AI research#with a focus on areas such as reinforcement learning#natural language processing#robotics#and machine learning. They have made significant contributions to the field#including the development of advanced AI models like GPT-3 and GPT-3.5.#Open Source: OpenAI is known for sharing much of its AI research with the public and the broader research community. However#they also acknowledge the need for responsible use of AI technology and have implemented guidelines and safeguards for the use of their mod#Ethical Considerations: OpenAI is committed to ensuring that AI technologies are used for the benefit of humanity. They actively engage in#including the prevention of malicious uses and biases in AI systems.#Partnerships: OpenAI collaborates with other organizations#research institutions#and companies to further the field of AI research and promote responsible AI development.#Funding: OpenAI is supported by a combination of philanthropic donations#research partnerships#and commercial activities. They work to maintain a strong sense of public interest in their mission and values.#OpenAI has been at the forefront of AI research and continues to play a significant role in shaping the future of artificial intelligence#emphasizing the importance of ethical considerations#safety#and the responsible use of AI technology.
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The Ontario Divisional Court recently released its decision on Jordan Peterson’s challenge of the College of Psychologists of Ontario’s order that he complete a coaching program on professionalism in public statements. The Court’s decision, which upheld the College’s order, has generated a fair bit of commentary in the media, much of which argues that the order and decision are assaults on Peterson’s freedom of expression, or will empower “woke” organizations to curtail individual freedoms. However, I look at the matter from a different lens. While I may have the right to freedom of expression, how I exercise that right may have implications. For example, at a very basic level, if someone expresses a strong opinion on one side of a subject, they may risk relationships with family or friends who have strong opinions on the other side. In the case of Jordan Peterson, the potential implications are that the manner in which he is choosing to exercise his right to freedom of expression may impact on the privilege of being licensed as a clinical psychologist by the College of Psychologists of Ontario.   License to practice – A privilege not a right You may note that I referred to being licensed as a privilege; that is by design, as there is no right under the Charter to practice any particular profession. Instead, being licensed to practice any particular profession is a privilege, and many would argue that it imposes certain responsibilities upon those who are licensed. Further, as a self-regulated profession, the College of Psychologists of Ontario has a mandate to regulate the profession in the public interest, and to that effect it has developed Standards of Professional Conduct and adopted the Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists. This Code of Ethics provides that “psychologists acknowledge that all human beings have a moral right to have their innate worth as human beings appreciated,” without regard to factors such as ethnicity, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, “or any other preference or personal characteristic, condition, or status.” The Code also provides that “psychologists do not engage in unjust discrimination based on such factors and promote non-discrimination in all of their activities,” and that psychologists must “Not engage publicly … in degrading comments about others…”.
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Updated: September 24, 2024
Reworked Group #2: Regular Army
As international matters related to criminality and political issues deteriorated, the Earth Federation's transitional government was approached by a civilian officer who headed the Joint Operations Headquarters. The officer suggested establishing a peacekeeping military branch, leading to the creation of the Regular Army. The civilian officer was subsequently promoted to Chief of the Regular Army, assuming overall command. The forces were then divided into seven garrisons: the North American Garrison, the South American Garrison, the European Garrison, the Eurasian Garrison, the Asian Garrison, the Middle Eastern Garrison, the African Garrison, and the Oceania Garrison.
The Intelligence Agency was integrated into the Regular Army amidst concerns that it was becoming too autonomous with its own combat unit, sparking fears among ordinary citizens. Agents from the Intelligence Agency undertook high-risk missions, including deliberately allowing themselves to be captured to supply allies with ammunition and heavy weapons. Others conducted espionage and assassination operations. The Regular Army established the Marine Corps to serve as a specialised force for naval and amphibious warfare as well as water-borne operations. Its primary mission is to deter aggression and maintain freedom of the seas. The Peregrine Falcons Squad, part of the Joint Military Police Headquarters, and the S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S., affiliated with the Intelligence Agency, served as special forces units within the Regular Army. Later, the Ikari Warriors, a mercenary organisation, and Division 6, a group that defected from the Japanese Infantry of the Rebel Army, joined forces with the Regular Army's special forces after reaching an agreement.
The Regular Army was established to maintain peace and order among nations and provide orphaned and abandoned teenagers with a chance for a better future. Often shunned by society and left to fend for themselves, these young individuals were adopted by them. They offered the teenagers a supportive environment, basic necessities like food and clothing, proper education, and a stable income through jobs catered to their talents. This not only helped them become self-sufficient but also served as a means of recruiting new soldiers. The Regular Army was revered as a symbol of hope and unity, embodying a strong sense of justice and duty. Composed of idealistic and courageous individuals who genuinely wanted to serve and protect the international world, they inspired hope for a safer future for all.
Over time, the leadership of the Regular Army became increasingly power-hungry and corrupt as the chief grew dissatisfied with the military organisation's finances and resource development. In a surprising turn of events, a man known as President Marx approached the Regular Army with an offer they couldn't refuse: his company would become their primary defence contractor, supplying them with weaponry, tanks, and other essential equipment. Furthermore, President Marx would influence the chief and his colleagues to exploit their authority for personal gain and political manipulation, exacerbating the corruption within the Regular Army's leadership. The superiors are the only ones aware of the information that President Marx's supplies are tainted with questionable business dealings, ethical quandaries, and possible human rights issues, such as exploitative labour practices and financial irregularities.
The Regular Army's leadership began to engage in illicit activities, but their corruption remained concealed from public scrutiny through a combination of propaganda, media manipulation, and strategic cover-ups. While their public image remained heroic, they simultaneously conducted clandestine operations behind closed doors. These covert activities included expanding their influence, controlling resources, and silencing whistleblowers within the organisation, further solidifying their grip on power. The corrupt leadership of the Regular Army took measures to preserve the idealism of lower-ranking soldiers and new recruits regarding world peace, deliberately keeping them uninformed about the corruption. Meanwhile, many higher-ranking officers were either complicit in the corruption or actively contributed to its perpetuation.
The corrupt leadership of the Regular Army colluded with Ghyslaine to establish the Amadeus Syndicate, which served as a front for covert experimentation with hazardous technologies, the exploitation of living beings, including Martians and humans, and the manipulation of psionic energy. These experiments had far-reaching consequences, including the development of hyper-advanced nuclear weaponry and the transformation of Hyakutaro into the first recorded esper of the modern era. Additionally, they created a prototype of the Metal Slug tank, powered by nuclear energy, but it was quickly abandoned due to its potentially catastrophic risks.
Although the Regular Army never intended to use their hyper-advanced nuclear weaponry themselves, they had been secretly lending it to various organisations, including the Ptolemaic Army and Amadeus Syndicate. These groups planned to exploit the weapons at opportune moments, seeking to maximise their impact and avoid squandering the arsenal's devastating potential. The Regular Army provided them with such a dangerous arsenal because they believed that a balance between good and evil was necessary. Rumours have circulated that the Amadeus Syndicate and Regular Army discovered a Martian crash site in a remote desert, utilising the technological debris and remains of the deceased alien entities for scientific research and experiments.
As the 21st century dawned, they disregarded numerous terrorist attacks, viewing them as insignificant global threats. However, their inaction would ultimately tarnish their reputation, prompting them to employ strategic measures to mitigate the damage. These measures included assassinating journalists who threatened to expose them and manipulating public opinion to their advantage. Unbeknownst to them, their failure to act against the Central Park bombing in 2023 would inadvertently pave the way for the emergence of the Rebel Army.
It features an emerald-hued heater shield with a green gold motto ribbon, bearing the Latin inscription "Nos globum defendemus" ("We will defend the globe" in English). The shield depicts a gilded blade with outstretched wings, surrounded by a flame-coloured halo with radiating light rays behind its hilt.
Cadet Uniform
They wear a blue-grey short-sleeved jacket with a brass six-button front, four pockets, and two hidden strapped compartments. They don a black utility belt that secures essential gear, and an African violet armband displays the Regular Army insignia. They also wear blue-grey army cargo pants with additional pockets, tucked into caput mortuum paratrooper boots. They carry a massive light grey load-bearing backpack containing camping gear and various military supplies.
Commanding Officer Uniform
They wear a double-breasted linden green jacket with gilded epaulets, eight metallic silver clasps, and chest pockets with the Regular Army insignia emblazoned on the right pocket. They pair this with a light blue dress shirt, a Tyrian purple cravat, and a built-in rifle green utility belt that has a cummerbund-like appearance. Their ultramarine trousers feature a vertical silvery stripe pattern, and they complete their uniform with a gold-edged wedge cap of linden green seal fur and polished black leather boots with a low heel.
Peacekeeper Uniform
Lower-ranking peacekeeping troops wear a Soldier Plate Carrier System (SPCS) featuring a unique camouflage pattern of cerulean, lavender grey, and Cambridge blue, which holds ammunition and their walkie-talkie. Their uniform consists of a blue-green Lightweight Helmet (LWH), a reseda chartreuse armband displaying the Regular Army insignia, and a lavender moisture-wicking dress shirt with an open collar. They wear light grey gloves and a taupe utility belt with a holster for their handgun, a sheath for their combat knife, eight blue-green pouches for ammo, and a coyote brown waist pack for rolling bombs. In addition to their SPCS, they wear a matching camouflage jacket and army cargo pants, featuring the same distinctive cerulean, lavender grey, and Cambridge blue pattern. Their cargo pants are equipped with built-in knee pads and adorned with three silver stripes on the left leg, which are tucked into sturdy navy blue combat boots.
They carry around a taupe load-bearing backpack containing various supplies, including handheld rockets, portable ammo boxes, communication devices, portable water purification systems, first aid kits, rations, maps and navigation tools, and cultural and language guides. Their arsenal includes a large bazooka capable of firing explosives with low levels of nuclear radiation, a special material shield that absorbs shocks, an anti-personnel sniper rifle, and a minigun that shoots rounds filled with corrosive acid. Some troops are responsible for carrying and operating mid-range artillery mortars that fire homing missiles. A few are responsible for operating portable AA Machine Gun Turrets, which requires a team of three or four men to carry.
Higher-ranking peacekeeping troops are equipped with cutting-edge exosuits, crafted from a unique blend of dark, metallic carbon fibre and adaptive, hexagonal titanium plates that have a greyish-green sheen. The headpiece features a nanotech-enhanced air filter with self-healing membranes and four durable, translucent tubes connecting to dual, high-capacity oxygen canisters on the suit's back, ensuring extended operational duration. It is equipped with a voice modulator featuring AI-driven noise cancellation, surrounded by retractable, silver-tipped stubs for secure communications connections.
The high-impact bluish-purple resistant eye slits offer advanced capabilities, including low-light enhancement via quantum dot technology, thermal imaging, AI-powered threat detection, and real-time language translation via neural network integration. A rhomboid electric lamp, housed in a protective, aerodynamic casing, is centred on the forehead and automatically activates in low-light environments. The headpiece proudly displays the Regular Army insignia on its rear, accompanied by the national flag of the country the wearer serves emblazoned underneath.
When activated, the suit's propulsion system amplifies the wearer's movements, granting incredible jumping and running capabilities. The AI-powered computer system provides real-time strategic analysis with predictive threat modelling, seamless control of integrated weapon systems, and dynamic mission parameter updates via neural network sync. The built-in load-bearing backpack features modular compartments for various supplies, including smoke canisters, stun grenades, flashbangs, a hydration pack with self-purifying water and electrolyte-rich nanofluids, an advanced first-aid kit, energy bars with nano-encapsulated nutrients, and fire starters with plasma ignition.
Below the neck and above the lower legs, the exoskeleton's chassis is enveloped in a revolutionary, flesh-like substrate. This sentient, self-healing material fuses advanced polymers, human tissue, vital fluids from the Cephalorepens galacticus albus, and the essence of Tuatha Dé Danann DNA. It boasts an iridescent sea purple hue and features a network of veins that pulsate with a nanotech-enhanced blackish-green elixir. This proprietary serum prevents rapid degradation of the fleshy material, while augmenting muscle resilience against a wide spectrum of attacks, from energy blasts to close-quarters combat. The suit's flanks are augmented with an additional pair of limbs, which feature bulging yet agile muscles infused with micro-scale, artificial myofibrils. It also has seven dexterous fingers, tipped with retractable, hyper-flexible tungsten claws and enhanced proprioception and tactile feedback, courtesy of embedded, AI-driven sensors.
These arms are capable of independent movement and allow the wearer to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. These claws are modular and interchangeable, allowing for seamless integration with a wide array of advanced tools and weapons, including:
Micro-grappling hooks that exploit localised gravity waves, enabling rapid scaling of sheer surfaces.
High-precision medical delivery systems, capable of administering tailored nanomedicines, stimulants or sedatives.
Retractable, super-dense combat edges forged from metamaterials, featuring adaptive geometry and AI-driven sharpness optimization.
Electromagnetic emitters that can stun electronic devices and disrupt the neural activity of hostile entities.
Multi-spectral sensors that grant the wearer real-time analysis of their surroundings, detecting hidden dangers, tracking targets, and uncovering concealed secrets.
These interchangeable modules are stored within the suit's forearm compartments, and can be deployed or retracted in milliseconds. The advanced polymers provide enhanced strength, flexibility, and durability, while the Tuatha Dé Danann DNA infusion grants the wearer accelerated healing capabilities and adaptability to extreme environments. Underneath their exoskeletons, they wear sapphire-hued bodysuits made of heat-resistant, bulletproof latex, along with a vest featuring four pockets and a camouflage pattern identical to that of the SPCS worn by lower-ranking peacekeeping troops.
Urban Uniform
They wear a Soldier Plate Carrier System (SPCS) featuring a unique camouflage pattern of asphalt black, dirty grey, cordovan, and raw umber, which holds ammunition and their walkie-talkie. Their uniform consists of a steel grey Modular Integrated Communications Helmet (MICH), a mahogany armband displaying the Regular Army insignia, and a black moisture-wicking T-shirt. They wear khaki beige tactical gloves with grip palms and a dark brown drop leg holster for their taser. They don a black utility belt with a holster for their handgun, a sheath for their combat knife, eight mocha pouches for ammo, and a sandy beige waist pack for smoke bombs.
They wear rugged, low-profile black combat boots with a grippy sole, slate grey knee and elbow pads, and army cargo pants with two bronze stripes on the left leg. Their jacket and cargo pants match their SPCS, featuring the same distinctive asphalt black, dirty grey, cordovan, and raw umber camouflage pattern. They carry around a khaki beige load-bearing backpack that contains various supplies such as grenades, portable ammo boxes, flashbangs, a hydration pack with a built-in water filter, and a compact first-aid kit.
Special Forces
Troops who work for the Peregrine Falcons Squad wear a Soldier Plate Carrier System (SPCS) featuring a rose quartz, silver-grey, and gunmetal camouflage pattern, which holds ammunition and their walkie-talkie. Their uniform consists of a rosy brown ballistic helmet, brass-plated goggles, a Mountbatten pink armband displaying the Regular Army insignia, and a sleeveless bone white shirt. They wear brown leather gloves, a blue-grey vest with the P.F. Squad logo on the back, four pockets, and two hidden strapped compartments, and an earthy green utility belt with a sheath for their combat knife and a holster for their handgun. They also wear army cargo pants with five crimson stripes on the right leg, which are tucked into earthy green paratrooper boots. Their cargo pants match their SPCS, featuring the same distinctive rose quartz, silver-grey, and gunmetal camouflage pattern.
Troops who work for the S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. wear a Soldier Plate Carrier System (SPCS) featuring a brownish-orange, earth yellow, and khaki camouflage pattern, which holds ammunition and their walkie-talkie. Their uniform consists of a citron ballistic helmet with a bright orange futuristic visor, a platinum grey armband displaying the Regular Army insignia, and a cinereous T-shirt. They wear chestnut brown wristbands and a taupe grey Eisenhower jacket with the S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. logo on the back and two hidden strapped compartments.
They don a chestnut brown utility belt with a sheath for their hatchet, a holster for their handgun, a holder for their tonfa, and a goldenrod waist pack for a medical kit. They also wear burnt orange paratrooper boots and army cargo pants with four saffron-yellow stripes on the right leg. Their cargo pants match their SPCS, featuring the same distinctive rose quartz, silver-grey, and gunmetal camouflage pattern.
They both carry around dark brown load-bearing duffle bags that contain various supplies such as grenades, fire bombs, cyber warfare kits with advanced hacking tools, secure communication devices, first-aid kits, waterproof match cases, portable ammo boxes, and canteens full of water.
Pilot Uniforms
Troops operating as tank pilots wear a sleeveless champagne-hued shirt, a greyish-brown vest with four pockets, and fingerless black gloves. They also wear a greyish-brown helmet with bronze-plated goggles featuring red-orange lenses, paired with harvest gold army cargo pants tucked into blackish-blue paratrooper boots. Additionally, they wear a black belt with a silver buckle, a holster for their handgun, six citron pouches for ammunition, and a cognac waist pack containing a medical kit and several smoke bombs. Their arsenal includes a sledgehammer, a foldable multitool, a portable Gatling gun, and a rocket launcher.
Troops who operate as aircraft pilots wear a standardised military flight suit with a camouflage pattern of army green, brown, and dark grey. They don burnt orange leather jackets with grey wolf fur trim and the Regular Army insignia on the left breast pocket. They wear luxor gold helmets with dark-tinted visors and earth-toned oxygen masks as well as desert sand woollen scarves around their necks. They also wear insulated, grip-enhancing blood red gloves, ankle-high, steel-toed steel grey boots with rugged soles, and secure harnesses in durable silver for attachment to aircraft seats or parachutes.
Scientist Uniform
Scientists working in this field are required to wear suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) for both laboratory experiments and field duties. To distinguish themselves from regular scientists, they wear a metallic orange armband featuring the Regular Army insignia. Their protective gear includes jade green hazmat suits with built-in luxor gold gas masks equipped with purple-tinted lenses. It also includes lab coats with two hidden compartments for storing military-issued firearms and blades, authorised for self-defence purposes.
Tactical Gear
Winter and Desert Gear
Snowy gear consists of a frosty white parka, light grey Gore-Tex pants, icy blue waterproof mittens, brass-plated goggles, and insulated black boots lined with polar bear fur. Additionally, it features warmth-enhancing layers like a cream-hued synthetic sweater, bluish-purple thermal socks, brownish-black balaclava, woollen light grey scarf, and fallow brown earmuffs. Furthermore, the package encompasses shelter and sleeping essentials, comprising a four-season tent with snow stakes and guy lines, an insulated sleeping pad, and a bivy sack.
Desert gear consists of a sand-coloured poncho with Regular Army insignia, a Desert Combat Uniform (DCU) featuring a sandy beige, light brown, pale grey, and earthy red camouflage pattern, desert combat boots, sand-resistant khaki socks, and a terracotta-coloured ballistic face mask. Additionally, it features essential survival items like water purification tablets, broad-spectrum sunscreen with high SPF, and DEET-based insect repellent.
Marine Corps Scuba Gear
The gear consists of a coppery brass diving helmet infused with a rebreather system for extended underwater breathing, paired with navy blue flippers featuring rugged, rubberised spikes for enhanced propulsion and stability. The gear includes a flexible purplish-black wetsuit with the Regular Army insignia emblazoned on the back and two red-orange stripes running along each side. Additionally, it features dual oxygen tanks that provide a maximum depth rating of 2,200 feet (670.56 metres). Their arsenal consists of arc-dropping mines, a trident, and a rifle-like firearm equipped with a scope and a bayonet-esque harpoon attachment.
Jetpack Gear
The gear consists of a flight suit featuring a silver-grey, dark blue, and purplish-white camouflage pattern, accompanied by a high-visibility ivory-hued parachute bearing the Regular Army insignia. The suit is equipped with sleek, ergonomic oxygen masks with dual oxygen canisters that offer extended duration and automatic refill. Additionally, it features dark grey helmets with an integrated communication system and orange-tinted visors for enhanced visual clarity and glare protection. Their arsenal includes an advanced jetpack powered by a self-replenishing fuel source for extended flight duration, explosive canisters, and a rocket launcher capable of firing homing missiles.
Biker Gear
The gear consists of grip-enhancing ruddy blue gloves, navy blue biker helmets with red-tinted visors and the Regular Army insignia on the back, and a brass-hued leather jacket. They ride a variety of military-commissioned motorcycles, and their arsenal consists of a grenade gun, a missile pod, a machete, and a shotgun.
Disguise Kit
This gear is used by soldiers and covert agents to safely provide supplies and intelligence on the frontlines, while disguising themselves as completely different people.
Proto 2
SV-001 Metal Slug
SV-001 Type-R
LV Slug Armor
SVW-001 Slug Gunner
SVX-15D Slugnoid
Elephant Slug
Ostrich Slug
Donkey Slug
SVX-22UG Drill Slug
Slug Digger
Walking Machine
Armoured transport trucks with camouflage patterns
TIAF600 Slug Mobile
SVF-07V Slug Flyer
SVH-03 Slug Copter
Astro Slug
SVX-17M Slug Mariner
Borobune Slug
Large Scale
Slug Gigant
Repurposed Vehicles
Black Hound
Iron Nokana
Type-2 Di-Cokka
LV Armor
M-15A Bradley
Regular Army Base
The Joint Operations Headquarters, a heavily fortified military compound located in the Great Victoria Desert, serves as the primary base for the Regular Army. This heavily fortified facility is designed to withstand the harsh desert environment and potential threats, while providing a secure and self-sufficient hub for military operations. The compound's architecture is carefully crafted to blend seamlessly into its desert surroundings, minimising visibility from the outside. The facility features multiple blast-resistant windows designed to withstand extreme pressures and temperatures, ensuring enhanced security. Additionally, it’s equipped with six secure parabolic communications antennas for reliable connectivity with other military units and command centres.
The base has strict access protocols in place, featuring checkpoints and biometric scanning, to ensure that only authorised personnel can enter. Additionally, the base is equipped with water purification and recycling facilities to minimise dependence on external resources. Furthermore, it has a robust power generation infrastructure, including backup generators and renewable energy sources.
The compound features multiple facilities, including:
A robust, high-wall barrier that surrounds the compound, reinforced with watchtowers and guard posts to prevent unauthorised entry and protect against enemy attacks.
A Combat School that serves as a recruitment and training program for cadets aspiring to join the Regular Army.
A training ground for lower-ranking soldiers to practice combat skills, tactics, and drills, honing their abilities in a controlled environment.
Advanced simulation rooms for immersive training exercises, allowing troops to prepare for various scenarios and environments.
Simple, functional living quarters for soldiers, providing basic amenities and housing.
A central dining facility offering standard military rations and meals.
A well-equipped medical facility for treating injuries and illnesses.
A secure storage facility for tactical gear, weapons, and vehicles with restricted access and inventory management.
A large garage serving as a maintenance facility for Slugs and other vehicles, including those repurposed from external sources.
A well-maintained storage area for food, fuel, ammunition, and other essential supplies.
Numerous offices accommodating military personnel, commanders, and support staff.
A strategic planning and operations management centre where military superiors oversee key activities, make tactical decisions, and coordinate missions.
A secure briefing room for classified discussions and situation assessments among high-ranking military officials and special forces operatives.
A dedicated facility for secure communication, including satellite uplinks and encrypted transmission systems.
A secretive, heavily restricted underground laboratory for conducting classified experiments on soldiers, developing cutting-edge technologies, and housing a mutant and supernatural entity containment facility.
Extra Information
They have no qualms about silencing whistleblowers through assassination, prioritising the preservation of their moral image over accountability.
Most high-ranking officers and special forces superiors embezzle funds intended for equipment and supplies, using them for personal enrichment.
New recruits and underperforming soldiers are often coerced into purchasing overpriced gear from corrupt quartermasters.
They occasionally stage false flag attacks to justify increased military spending or manipulate public opinion.
They frequently disseminate propaganda and disinformation to control the narrative and maintain public support.
Soldiers of the Regular Army are responsible for maintaining peace and are tasked with conducting infiltration missions. They serve in a supportive role, as the Earth Federation prefers to deploy specialised teams to infiltrate enemy fortifications, minimising civilian casualties and avoiding prolonged, all-out battles.
Soldiers of the Regular Army possess superior strategic and combat skills, boasting enhanced accuracy and greater agility compared to their Rebel Army counterparts.
Tank pilots are known for seizing the tanks of enemies after their own vehicle has been destroyed or rendered inoperable.
Many soldiers have undergone experimentation with psionic energy, granting them enhanced intellectual and physical capabilities. However, due to faulty bioengineering and a lack of understanding regarding the activation of Super Devil forms, they are unable to metamorphose and have not received an esper title.
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madamlaydebug · 2 months
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WHO IS MA'AT ☥ ⚖ ☥
Even though the figure of goddess Maat is not usually seen in the Rau Prt m Hru, her presence is the most strongly felt of all. Her name is mentioned more than any other goddess and indeed, she is said to be an aspect of the all-goddess, Aset. Therefore, in order to understand the Prt m Hru, we must have a working knowledge of the goddess and her philosophy. When Ra emerged in his Boat for the first time and creation came into being, he was standing on the pedestal of Maat. Thus the Creator, Ra, lives by Maat and has established Creation on Maat. Who is Maat? She is the divinity who manages the order of Creation. She is the fulcrum upon which the entire Creation and the Law of Cause and Effect or Karma, functions. Maat represents the very order which constitutes creation. Therefore, it is said that Ra created the universe by putting Maat in the place of chaos. So creation itself is Maat. Creation without order is chaos. Maat is a profound teaching in reference to the nature of creation and the manner in which human conduct should be cultivated. It refers to a deep understanding of Divinity and the manner in which virtuous qualities can be developed in the human heart so as to come closer to the Divine.
Maat is a philosophy, a spiritual symbol as well as a cosmic energy or force which pervades the entire universe. She is the symbolic embodiment of world order, justice, righteousness, correctness, harmony and peace. She is also known by her headdress composed of a feather which symbolizes the qualities just mentioned. She is a form of the Goddess Aset, who represents wisdom and spiritual awakening through balance and equanimity.
In Ancient Egypt, the judges and all those connected with the judicial system were initiated into the teachings of Maat. Thus, those who would discharge the laws and regulations of society were well trained in the ethical and spiritual-mystical values of life, fairness, justice and the responsibility to serve and promote harmony in society as well as the possibility for spiritual development in an atmosphere of freedom and peace, for only when there is justice and fairness in society can there be an abiding harmony and peace. Harmony and peace are necessary for the pursuit of true happiness and inner fulfillment in life.
Maat signifies that which is straight. Two of the symbols of Maat are the ostrich feather and the pedestal (— ) upon which God stands. The Supreme Being, in the form of the god Atum, Asar, and Ptah, are often depicted standing on the pedestal. Tua Neteru Nuk Ba Maat ☥ ⚖ ☥
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arkipelagic · 5 months
Compounding this issue is the scarcity of systematic excavations across the Philippines. With over 7,000 islands comprising our nation’s geography, conducting thorough archaeological explorations becomes a Herculean task, both logistically and financially. As a result, large swathes of our history remain untouched and unexplored.
Furthermore, there’s a tendency to favor grand historical narratives over the smaller, everyday discoveries that offer invaluable insights into past societies. This preference often stems from nationalist agendas, promoting a sanitized view of history that overlooks the nuances and complexities of our shared past. By neglecting these smaller finds, we risk distorting our understanding of the past and perpetuating narrow interpretations that fail to capture the full spectrum of human experience.
Take, for instance, the controversy surrounding the elusive Kalaga Putuan Crescent (KPC) – a purported kingdom located in what we now know as Butuan in Agusan del Norte. The mere mention of this kingdom has the potential to rewrite the narrative of pre-colonial Philippine history. A recent study delves into the depths of this “lost kingdom,” intertwining genetic and archaeological evidence in an impressive attempt to unveil the mysteries of precolonial Philippine culture.
This publication projects optimism, advocating for the power of scientific archaeology in the Philippines. Yet, amid the excitement, there’s a shadow of controversy, which highlights the need for more stringent, ethical research practices in archaeology to ensure our cultural artifacts are not misused or misrepresented.
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
17 Jul 23
China Law Translate - Interim Measures for the Management of Generative Artificial Intelligence Services
Quotes from direct English translation of law below
These measures apply to the use of generative AI technologies to provide services to the public in the [mainland] PRC for the generation of text, images, audio, video, or other content (hereinafter generative AI services). Where the state has other provisions on the use of generative AI services to engage in activities such as news and publication, film and television production, and artistic creation, those provisions are to be followed. These Measures do not apply where industry associations, enterprises, education and research institutions, public cultural bodies, and related professional bodies, etc., research, develop, and use generative AI technology, but have not provided generative AI services to the (mainland) public.[...]
During processes such as algorithm design, the selection of training data, model generation and optimization, and the provision of services, effective measures are to be employed to prevent the creation of discrimination such as by race, ethnicity, faith, nationality, region, sex, age, profession, or health;[...]
Respect intellectual property rights and commercial ethics, and protect commercial secrets, advantages in algorithms, data, platforms, and so forth must not be used for monopolies or to carry out unfair competition;[...]
Promote the establishment of generative AI infrastructure and public training data resource platforms. Promote collaboration and sharing of algorithm resources, increasing efficiency in the use of computing resources. Promote the orderly opening of public data by type and grade, expanding high-quality public training data resources. Encourage the adoption of safe and reliable chips, software, tools, computational power, and data resources.[...]
Where intellectual property rights are involved, the intellectual property rights that are lawfully enjoyed by others must not be infringed;[...]
Where personal information is involved, the consent of the personal information subject shall be obtained or it shall comply with other situations provided by laws and administrative regulations;[...]
When manual tagging is conducted in the course of researching and developing generative AI technology, the providers shall formulate clear, specific, and feasible tagging rules that meet the requirements of these Measures;[...]
Providers shall bear responsibility as the producers of online information content in accordance with law and are to fulfill the online information security obligations. Where personal information is involved, they are to bear responsibility as personal information handlers and fulfill obligations to protect personal information. Providers shall sign service agreements with users who register for their generative AI services (hereinafter “users”), clarifying the rights and obligations of both parties.[...]
Providers shall clarify and disclose the user groups, occasions, and uses of their services, guide users’ scientific understanding and lawful use of generative AI technology, and employ effective measures to prevent minor users from overreliance or addiction to generative AI services.[...]
Providers shall lawfully and promptly accept and address requests from individuals such as to access, reproduce, modify, supplement, or delete their personal information.[...]
Providers shall label generated content such as images and video in accordance with the Provisions on the Administration of Deep Synthesis Internet Information Services.[...]
Those providing generative AI services with public opinion properties or the capacity for social mobilization shall carry out security assessments in accordance with relevant state provisions[...]
These measures take effect on August 15, 2023.
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anaseshaafi · 3 months
Surah Al-Humazah (Surah 104) contains several profound lessons and warnings.
Here are some of them:
1. Condemnation of Backbiting and Slander:
The surah opens by condemning those who engage in backbiting (humazah) and slander (lumazah). This emphasizes the seriousness of speaking ill of others and damaging their reputation.
Lesson: One should avoid speaking negatively about others, as it is a destructive behavior that is strongly condemned by Allah.
2. The Futility of Wealth Hoarding:
The surah criticizes those who hoard wealth and count it repeatedly, thinking it will bring them eternal security.
Lesson: Wealth should not be amassed for the sake of pride or false security. Instead, it should be used responsibly, including helping others and fulfilling one's obligations.
3. Accountability in the Hereafter:
The surah warns that those who engage in slander and hoarding will be thrown into the crushing fire, which is a vivid depiction of the consequences in the hereafter for such actions.
Lesson: There is a strong reminder of accountability in the hereafter. One's actions in this life have direct consequences in the next life, and one should strive to live righteously.
4. The Severity of the Punishment:
The surah describes the punishment of the crushing fire (Hutamah), which breaks everything down to small pieces, illustrating the severity of the punishment for those who indulge in the condemned behaviors.
Lesson: The vivid imagery of punishment serves as a deterrent against committing such sins and encourages adherence to moral and ethical behavior.
5. The Importance of Humility and Integrity:
By condemning arrogance and the misuse of wealth, the surah implicitly promotes humility, integrity, and the responsible use of resources.
Lesson: Cultivating humility, using wealth for good purposes, and maintaining integrity in dealings with others are crucial virtues.
6. Reminder of Divine Justice:
The surah reaffirms that Allah is fully aware of all actions and will administer justice accordingly.
Lesson: Believers are reminded to have faith in Allah's justice and to conduct themselves in a manner that aligns with Islamic principles, knowing that Allah sees and knows everything.
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gtenvs3000w24 · 6 months
09: My final blog!
As I’m getting ready to graduate soon, ready to hopefully go into the world of science and nature interpretation, I can't help but feel both excitement and a bit of nervousness. Reflecting on my journey through university, I realize that my personal ethic has been quietly evolving, shaped by my deep love for nature and my desire to share its beauty with others!
Since I was a kid, I've been really drawn to the outdoors and nature, especially animals. Whether it was chasing butterflies through meadows, building forts in the woods, or simply lying in the grass and watching clouds drift by, nature has always been one of my happy places. As I grew older, my passion for nature grew more into a passion for conservation and environmental advocacy. I think I started to see nature not just as a playground, but as a precious and fragile ecosystem that needed protection. From the smallest hummingbird to the mightiest lion, every creature and every corner of the natural world has become special to me. 
As I prepare to step into the role of a nature interpreter in the future, I find myself thinking about a whole new set of questions and responsibilities. What beliefs do I bring to this work? What kind of interpreter do I want to be? At the heart of my personal ethic, I have a passion for the beauty and complexity of nature. I think that every leaf, every rock, every drop of rain is a masterpiece in its own right, deserving of awe and admiration. But my passion also goes beyond just appreciation, it extends to a determination to protect and preserve the natural world for future generations. In my eyes, being a nature interpreter isn't just about pointing out cool animals and pretty flowers (although those are definitely fun parts of the job). It's about creating a sense of wonder and curiosity, giving people a deep connection to the natural world and inspiring others to become passionate stewards of the earth as well (Beck et al., 2018, p. 42). 
To achieve these goals, I'm personally a firm believer in the power of hands-on learning. There's just something magical about getting your hands dirty and your feet wet, about feeling the sun on your face and the wind in your hair. Whether it's leading nature walks, conducting field research, or getting to hold and touch cool animals, I'm all about getting out there and getting involved. I think that hands-on experiences are great at creating a sense of connection (GGI Insights, n.d.). They engage multiple senses, promote direct interaction with the environment, and create memorable, immersive experiences that resonate deeply with people (Bloemendaal, 2023). But hands-on learning isn't just about having fun (although, again, it's definitely a perk). It's also about deepening our understanding of the natural world, bettering our observation skills, and creating a sense of empathy for the creatures we share this planet with (GGI Insights, n.d.). After all, it's hard to care about something you've never seen or experienced firsthand. 
In addition to hands-on learning, I'm a big fan of interdisciplinary approaches to nature interpretation. The natural world is truly a complicated place, so understanding it requires more than just a basic knowledge of biology or ecology. It requires us to consider the cultural, historical, and social factors that shape our relationship with nature, as well as the ethical implications of our actions (Spokes, 2020). That's why I think it would be important to always be on the lookout for new ways to weave together different disciplines and perspectives in nature interpretation work. Whether it's incorporating indigenous knowledge into nature walks, exploring the intersection of art and science in outreach programs, or delving into the psychology of conservation behaviour in research, it’s important that we build connections between disciplines (Spokes, 2020). Especially as someone who has a passion for science, discussing science in nature interpretation is crucial because it provides a foundation of understanding, creates informed appreciation, and empowers people to make informed decisions about conservation and environmental stewardship.
Of course, no discussion of nature interpretation would be finished without addressing the elephant in the room: ethical wildlife viewing. As someone who's spent more hours than I can count marvelling at the beauty of wild animals and trying to do wildlife photography, I know how tempting it can be to get up close and personal for that perfect shot. But I also know that our desire for a good photo shouldn't come at the expense of the animals we love. That's why I'm committed to practicing responsible wildlife viewing techniques, like keeping a safe distance, minimizing habitat disturbance, and never feeding or approaching wild animals (Burns, 2017). 
Finally, I believe that as a nature interpreter, I have a responsibility to address pressing environmental issues like climate change and habitat loss. These are not just abstract concepts or distant threats, but real problems that are already having a huge impact on the world around us. That's why I'm committed to using my platform as a nature interpreter to raise awareness about these issues, to share stories of resilience and adaptation in the face of environmental change, and to inspire other people to take action in their own lives and communities. Because at the end of the day, it's not enough to simply appreciate the beauty of nature, we have to fight for its protection. 
Overall, my personal ethic as a nature interpreter is grounded in a deep passion for the natural world, a commitment to hands-on learning and interdisciplinary approaches, a dedication to ethical wildlife viewing, and a passion for environmental advocacy. As I Start this journey, I know that the road ahead will be long and challenging, but I'm ready to face whatever comes my way with determination, curiosity, and a whole lot of love for nature!
Beck, L., Cable, T. T., & Knudson, D. M. (2018). Interpreting cultural and natural heritage: For A Better World (pp. 42). Sagamore Publishing. 
Bloemendaal, M. (2023, March 5). Unlocking the Power of Hands-On Learning: Benefits, Activities, and Examples. Studio Why. https://studiowhy.com/unlocking-the-power-of-hands-on-learning-benefits-activities-and-examples/
Burns, G. L. (2017). Ethics and Responsibility in Wildlife Tourism: Lessons from Compassionate Conservation in the Anthropocene. Wildlife Tourism, Environmental Learning and Ethical Encounters, 213-220. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-55574-4_13
Conservation Education: Young People for Environmental Stewardship. (2024, March 8). Gray Group International. Retrieved March 18, 2024, from https://www.graygroupintl.com/blog/conservation-education#:~:text=Hands%2Don%20learning%20and%20outdoor%20experiences%20provide%20learners%20with%20opportunities,sense%20of%20responsibility%20and%20stewardship
Spokes, M. (2020, October 23). The interdisciplinary path to a more diverse conservation movement. Conservation Optimism. https://conservationoptimism.org/the-interdisciplinary-path-to-a-more-diverse-conservation-movement/
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growingnerves · 11 months
Trying to find a nice way to put this… what Norman said on that podcast was not okay. Insulting fans and admitting to being responsible for writers losing their jobs with such nonchalance, is downright disrespectful- although I’m thankful the truth didn’t stay buried. It’s careless behavior and it doesn’t reflect well on AMC considering this is a repeated offense.
Not everyone involved in television has to be an excellent public speaker but there should be someone at the helm who understands how to conduct themselves in interviews. Every show needs a spokesperson to be a direct link to the audience: for promoting the show, and making the fans feel included as well as appreciated. As a fan I’ve never wanted creatives to bend to the whim of every loudmouth on social media. Shallow fan service has never benefited any show. However, fair criticism and honest feedback should be welcome. Serving the self-interest of a man with an ego the size of the Eiffel Tower won’t do the show any favors either. AMC, like any other network, presumably wants someone as the face of their series who reflects positively on their brand. I’m hoping we will see some significant changes going forward to win back the trust of the fans. And I believe Melissa McBride’s input is essential to do so.
Viewers are considering ethics when it comes to their TV watching habits now more than ever. We are becoming aware of the optics of the media we consume. We can examine what we know of the practices at individual studios and networks in an effort to support shows that most closely align with our own values. We don’t need to compromise our high standards when there are endless other options. To stay in line with the audience, TV has to evolve alongside us. If AMC can’t keep up with the demand for a diverse cast and writer’s room, I’m not subscribing and I suspect other viewers will gravitate elsewhere too, as they have been.
Women’s voices are valuable even if historically they’ve been taken for granted. Women tend to have a wider outreach in their storytelling than the repetitive POV that is often seen from male showrunners. Men have not been faced with the same obstacles. They haven’t had to contort themselves into a million different shapes to be taken seriously.
Men’s voices were the only ones heard for a long time in film and television. Male protagonists were given autonomy and multifaceted stories, while women’s representation was not prioritized. Women only existed in relation to their male counterparts- and the damsel in distress just isn’t that interesting to watch. Because of this, women have projected themselves into the considerably more compelling male characters, delving into the minutiae to find some semblance of relatability in typically masculine portrayals. This has been a challenge to other marginalized groups on an even larger scale. How long have POC been sorely underrepresented, having to find ways to see themselves in white stories? And the LGBTQ+ community has been limited to watching primarily straight cis romances. The representation we do get is often times minimized to tokenism. The absence of diversity impacts everyone who doesn’t fit the same generic prototype. There are countless experiences and lifestyles that take on a wide range of forms which have not yet been in the spotlight. We don’t need another lone ranger on a motorcycle. Another mysterious brooding male antihero, yawwwwn.
Marginalized individuals have been prompted to work a creative muscle that the everyday man has not- to both suspend our disbelief and also dig into the details to uncover the inherit humanity in stories where we don’t necessarily identify with the protagonist.
These are the voices who are going to be the best conduits for fresh stories because they’ve already had to do the work to investigate human complexity to find themselves on screen, within characters who don’t necessarily look or act like they do. Not only can they build on already existing material but they can introduce original concepts. Television has been oversaturated with the straight white man running his mouth unchecked for too long. We don’t have to settle for that anymore when we can switch over to another show, one that better represents us.
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lailoken · 2 years
Ars Metallorum:
On the Sorcerous Faculties of Metals
Within the scheme of the occultic arts, Crystals are, and have long been, a central focus of materia magica. While there is a legitimate historical precedent behind the magical associations that many Crystals bear, these traditional associations have become willfully misconstrued and commercially co-opted over time, resulting in the New Age crystal racket that many of us have come to know. As such, not only has the crystal industry become an ethical and environmental nightmare, but what slim crystal lore that we have maintained over time has become largely conflated with nebulous new-age quackery. And what's more, much of the other occultic wisdom regarding magical associations that we've accrued over generations has been supplanted and ignored. One realm of this wisdom, which I think is especially underrated by many groups, is that of metals and their sorcerous capacities.
While I realize there are certain esoteric traditions and paradigms that do speak on metal (such as correspondences in planetary magic, or folk-magic involving iron,) the things I share here are purely my own personal experiences regarding a selection of metals as utilized within the Wending Way, based on my years of experimentation and notes I combed over For the sake of conciseness and clarity, I eschew Alloys in these references and speak only on Elemental Metals.
Copper: A metal closely associated with the ancestors—being the first metal worked by human hands—and well suited to spectral evocation in general—likely connected with its high capcity for conduction. As such, Copper is a particularly good metal where works of Thanaturgy and Necromancy are involved.
Aluminum: A metal that can be used to strengthen and empower workings of mantic perception.
Zinc: A metal associated with the healing arts and best suited to workings of such a nature.
Titanium: A metal of great protective virtue, well suited to workings of magical defense.
Tin: A metal associated with Fortune, and best suited amongst the common metals for working with the Gloaming Folk.
Lead: A metal with virtues potently predisposed to malefic workings of Affliction.
Manganese: A metal possessing of excisive virtues, well suited to acts of banishing and expulsion.
Nickel: A metal well suited to workings of influence and persuasion.
Lithium: A metal best used in workings meant to promote balance and equilibrium.
Bismuth: A metal of illusory virtue, utilized best in Glamours and Heles, or similar rites of illusion/concealment.
Silver: A chthonic metal bearing sacred significance to the Bone Mother, in particular, and strongly associated with her offerings and rites.
Gold: A zoetic metal bearing sacred significance to the Wilding King, in particular, and strongly associated with his offerings and rites.
Mercury: A transmutative metal bearing sacred significance to the Draconic Angel, in particular, and strongly associated with their offerings and rites. While not a material to be used with any degree of frequency, it may be utilized in works of great transformation on desperate occasions.
Iron: A metal powerfully suited to the absorption, storage, and/or redirection of all magics in general, which may serve to anchor or empower a wide variety of workings, accordingly. While Iron in its smelted form may be considered profane to certain denizens of the of the Otherworld, its raw forms are sacred to the Spider and its Gloaming progeny. Meteoric iron, in particular, represents the holiest and most potent form of the metal.
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ambiencowboy · 26 days
Misinformation spreads on tumblr so fast!!! Please remember, just because an article is saying something that appeals to your politics, doesn’t mean it is coming from a trustworthy source. It is possible to promote a good cause badly, or to use false information to promote a message that’s truthful overall.
Here are some tips for things to ask yourself before reblogging any article:
1. Who is this written by, and who are they writing for
2. What are the credentials of the author and the website/newspaper they are writing for
3. What are their agendas and political affiliations?
4. What sources do they reference?
5. Has their story been covered by other sources?
6. Does the headline accurately represent the information contained in the article?
Please stop posting articles from tabloids and websites that look like they’ll give me twenty viruses. The daily mail is a conservative tabloid and I see articles from it posted on here constantly. It’s important to note that misinformation is bipartisan, both left wing and right wing media can contain misinformation and/or propaganda.
Also here are some tips for any “studies”, as I see some dubious ones posted on here all the time:
1. Who conducted this study and what are their credentials?
2. Was it publicly funded or privately funded?
3. How many times was this study conducted? If it was just once, it’s not strong evidence of anything, the results may be due to coincidence or unknown variables, running the study/experiment multiple times is the only way to verify results
3. How was the study conducted? Like how many subjects were involved and were the subjects of a specific demographic? Was it conducted ethically? Was there a control group in place?
4. What was the hypothesis of the study/experiment and how do the results compare to the hypothesis?
5. Have any other scientists responded to the study with criticism, or conducted a different study that had results which challenge the original?
6. Was it a survey? The results of surveys should be taken in with the largest pinch of salt ever. Like a whole cup of salt.
Please be mindful of this stuff, I think a lot of political discussion on tumblr but also on every other social media site would be a million times less toxic if everyone was hyper vigilant about this stuff. Myself included, I can def stand to be more vigilant, I don’t wanna sound condescending or like I’m above accidentally spreading misinfo, I definitely have before.
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critical-skeptic · 3 months
Make a United States Department of Reason Branch of Government
To: President Joseph R. Biden
Dear President Biden,
In light of the recent Supreme Court decision granting presidential immunity and the looming danger of a potential revenge presidency by the convicted felon and former president, Donald Trump, it is imperative that we re-evaluate our approach to governance and decision-making. The current political climate, marked by partisan gridlock, a lack of informed decision-making, and the influence of populism, underscores the need for a more rational and expertise-driven framework. To address these issues and enhance the intellectual rigor of our government, I propose the establishment of a new executive branch agency: the Department of Reason (DoR).
Purpose and Mission
The primary mission of the DoR will be to ensure that all major policy decisions and legislative actions are informed by the highest standards of intellectual and academic rigor. This department will serve as an advisory and oversight body, providing evidence-based analysis, expert consultation, and rational discourse on matters of national importance.
Structure and Composition
1. High Standards of Membership: Membership in the DoR should be limited to individuals who possess exceptional intellectual credentials. This includes, but is not limited to, experts in socio-political disciplines, constitutional law, science, technology, economics, and other relevant fields. A minimum IQ threshold and demonstrated expertise in their respective domains will be mandatory for membership.
2. Interdisciplinary Approach: The DoR will be composed of representatives from a diverse range of academic and professional backgrounds. This interdisciplinary approach will ensure comprehensive and balanced perspectives on complex issues.
3. Academic and Expert Consensus: The DoR will operate on a model of academic and expert consensus. Major decisions will require the approval of a majority of the department's members, ensuring that policies are grounded in rational analysis and empirical evidence.
Roles and Responsibilities
1. Policy Review and Approval: The DoR will review and provide recommendations on all major policy proposals before they are enacted. This includes legislative bills, executive orders, and regulatory changes. The department will have the authority to veto proposals that do not meet rigorous standards of rationality and evidence-based decision-making.
2. Advisory Role: The DoR will serve as an advisory body to the President, Congress, and other government agencies. It will provide expert analysis and recommendations on a wide range of issues, from economic policy to national security.
3. Public Engagement and Education: The DoR will engage with the public to promote understanding and support for evidence-based policies. This includes public lectures, publications, and collaboration with educational institutions.
4. Ethics and Integrity: The DoR will uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct and intellectual integrity. Members will be required to adhere to strict codes of conduct, ensuring that their analyses and recommendations are unbiased and based solely on rational deliberation.
1. Legislative Action: The establishment of the DoR will require legislative action to create the necessary legal framework and funding. I urge you to work with Congress to draft and pass the necessary legislation.
2. Selection Process: An independent commission, composed of leading academics and professionals, should be established to oversee the selection process for DoR members. This will ensure that membership is based on merit and expertise, rather than political considerations.
3. Initial Focus Areas: In its initial phase, the DoR should focus on addressing pressing issues that require immediate attention. This includes climate change, economic inequality, healthcare, and education reform. By demonstrating its effectiveness in these areas, the DoR can build public trust and support for its broader mission.
The establishment of the Department of Reason represents a bold and innovative step toward improving the quality of governance in our country. By centralizing decision-making authority with a body of highly qualified experts, we can ensure that our policies are guided by reason, evidence, and intellectual rigor. This will not only enhance the effectiveness of our government but also restore public trust in our institutions.
The Critical Skeptic
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Holding people, including family, friends, and colleagues, accountable for their actions is crucial for maintaining the integrity and trustworthiness of relationships and professional environments. Accountability ensures that individuals recognize the consequences of their actions, fostering a culture of responsibility and ethical behavior. Within families, holding members accountable for their behavior promotes mutual respect and helps in setting boundaries that define acceptable conduct. For instance, parents teaching children about the importance of honesty and reliability instill values that are carried into adulthood, contributing to a society where people can trust one another. Similarly, among friends, holding each other accountable for promises and commitments strengthens bonds and ensures that friendships are based on mutual respect and trust.
In professional settings, accountability is essential for maintaining the credibility of professions and ensuring high standards of practice. Professions such as healthcare, law enforcement, and finance require strict adherence to ethical guidelines and regulations to protect public interest and maintain trust. For example, in healthcare, medical professionals must hold each other accountable to ensure patient safety and quality care. If a nurse or doctor notices unethical behavior or negligence, addressing it promptly can prevent harm and uphold the profession's integrity. In law enforcement, officers must be held accountable for their actions to ensure justice and public trust in the legal system. By fostering a culture of accountability, organizations not only safeguard their reputation but also contribute to the broader societal trust that underpins functional and fair communities.
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Jennifer Bendery at HuffPost:
WASHINGTON ― Top Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee on Friday told Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts they want to meet with him “as soon as possible” to ensure that Justice Samuel Alito recuses himself from cases relating to the 2020 election after two recent news reports revealed Alito flew flags at two separate residences that insurrectionists at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, had also carried. “By displaying the upside-down and ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flags outside his homes, Justice Alito actively engaged in political activity, failed to avoid the appearance of impropriety, and failed to act in a manner that promotes public confidence in the impartiality of the judiciary,” Sens. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) wrote to Roberts in a new letter.
“He also created reasonable doubt about his impartiality and his ability to fairly discharge his duties in cases related to the 2020 presidential election and January 6th attack on the Capitol,” they wrote. “His recusal in these matters is both necessary and required.” (Durbin and Whitehouse are the committee chair and the chair of the subcommittee that deals with federal courts, respectively.) The senators also renewed their call on the Supreme Court to adopt “an enforceable code of conduct for Supreme Court justices.” The court currently has a code of ethics, which it adopted last year and only after intense public scrutiny, but it has no teeth. Still, under that code, which the justices themselves put together, they are required to avoid the appearance of impropriety.
Durbin and other Democrats have been demanding the Supreme Court adopt an enforceable code of ethics for years. But they drastically stepped up their calls for action after last year’s bombshell reports by ProPublica that Alito and fellow conservative Justice Clarence Thomas had accepted lavish and undisclosed gifts from wealthy political donors for years. Democrats have also urged passage of a bill, the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal and Transparency Act, which would require justices to adopt a binding code of conduct and improve transparency when a justice has ties to a party or amicus before the court. But in a polarized and narrowly divided Senate, that bill is going nowhere. And while Durbin has the authority to subpoena Alito or other Supreme Court justices to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee to address ethics questions, he has not done that.
If Durbin were to try to subpoena Alito, he wouldn’t be able to do it unilaterally. He’d need the top Republican on the committee to sign off, which would not happen in this case, or a majority vote in the committee. It’s not clear if all 10 Democrats on the committee would vote to do this.
Democratic Sens. Dick Durbin and Sheldon Whitehouse are urging SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts to meet with them to discuss the ethics breaches of SCOTUS Justice Samuel Alito.
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positivexcellence · 5 months
Tumblr media
towwn: ready to *spring* into action this earth month? sustainable fitness gear not only boosts personal health goals, it’s way healthier for the planet. so step/jog/run away from the nylon, polyester, traditional cotton + virgin synthetics, and get with the eco-program with these earth-friendly workout brands.
@losanoofficial these comfy clothes move from barre class to the couch + back. materials are bpa-free recycled or natural fabrics with a reduced co2 footprint.
@champion the legacy sports apparel brand’s new “eco future” collection features 100% certified organic cotton + recycled polyester, meeting gots + oeko-tex standards. sustainable initiatives include worker rights, water treatment + chemical safety.
@pearlizumiofficial/ this biking gear brand is committed to 98% eco-friendly materials and aims to eliminate single-use plastics and virgin forest fibers by 2025 + reduced emissions. promoting cycling as a means of transport, positive environmental change is part of their mission.
@mate_the_label/ stylish tees, gots-certified stretch leggings + more effortlessly cool gear are made in body-inclusive sizes using organic cotton, recycled polyester + linen and non-toxic dyes.
@pact all items are crafted with organic cotton + carbon neutral, recycled materials. tees, tanks, joggers + hoodies are all sustainability certified, while fair trade partnerships + ethical production includes the “give back box” program to encourage recycling of clothes and packaging.
@patagonia committed to both eco responsibility + animal welfare, patagonia promises goods are made safely, fairly & humanely while reducing emissions + conducting research on microplastics.
@wolven wolven combines sultry design with sustainability via recycled fabric + practices that combat ocean pollution + deforestation, as well as carbon-offsetting partnerships. eco-packaging emphasizes reusability, while a community-driven mission merges ethical style with activism for a greener planet.
@tentree made from sustainable cotton + recycled polyester, the bluesign-certified co. ensures ethical sourcing + thoughtful craftsmanship. plus, every purchase helps plant 10 trees to support reforestation.
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