#Professor Umbridge
cherry-pop-elf · 4 months
Snuggle Company
Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley
Can be read as platonic ((because platonic love is valid!))
Summary: Umbridge has been giving everyone nightmares. You especially, given she is well aware how close you are to the twins. Has you paranoid she will hurt you in your sleep. So, who better to keep you safe than the twins themselves?
Warnings: Anxiety, Umbridge, stress, sleepy snuggles, and it’s very short 😣 Going through ALOT right now. Pls forgive me
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Here you were again. Standing just outside the dorm doors that belonged to the seventh year boys. A pair of boys would be in there that you needed. Needed badly, because you had yet another nightmare. A nightmare about her.
You worried they would be getting annoyed by this. By you waking them up again, just to climb into bed with them. Would it be better that you just straight up moved in there with them? Would the other students in their dorm be annoyed by your presence? This wasn’t your assigned bedroom after all.
You tried to power through those worrying thoughts, as you pushed the door open. You were too scared of Umbridge to give a care about what others thought. She hated you. Hated you because those twins liked you. You were the enemy by association.
You would tip toe across the room, and would hug yourself tighter. Just worried about being a burden, and a bother. Something she would often say you were. Just attacking your insecurities. She was good at that. She was good at making people hurt. Oh she was damn good at hurting people, and getting away with it.
Finally, you reached the familiar bed. Fred’s bed. Well, Fred and George’s bed. They never really out grew sharing a bed. George’s ended up being a make shift work shop table for their inventions. You found it utterly adorable how they would hold each other. They had a special bond. Magic tended to play a heavy role in that, but you still found it sweet. How that no matter how old they get they would still make sure to be there for each other. No matter what. Was comforting to see that guys don’t always worry about masculinity.
“Psst….Guys-“ You gently shook George’s shoulder, as you tried to wake them up. Didn’t want to wake the other students up, but you also didn’t want to just climb into bed either. Could startle them. Or worse. They didn’t want you to, and you invaded their personal bubble. Consent is important after all.
“Hm-?” George would rub at his eyes, while Fred yawned. They were annoyed as hell, until they saw it was you who bothered them. George gave a comforting smile, before scooting away from his twin. Fred, in turn, lifted the blanket up. You gave a sigh in relief, before climbing between them. Snuggled safely between them both.
“Thanks.” You whispered, as they would wrap their arms around you. A tangled of limbs, just like that. Was so warm. So warm, and safe. No one could get to you now. Safe between a pair of tricksters. Just like that. The smell of fire crackers, and cinnamon. That was such a comforting scent to you. Baked goods, and fire.
“No pink toads will get you-“ “Not on our watch.” The twins would tease you, as they gave you a tight squeeze. A reminder that they weren’t going anywhere. Not without you, at the very least. That had you smile, and feel a weight lift off your body. Safe. Safe again.
“We’ve got plans for her. Don’t worry.” George would reassure you, as he would nuzzle into the back of your neck. Enjoying the warmth you gave him, as his arm reached over to keep physical touch with Fred. The two most important people he has, right in his arms.
“And it’s going to be utterly spectacular. Just you wait and see.” Fred would echo, as he rested his head on yours. Forcing your nose into his neck, as his arm did the same thing. Keeping George close, as you were all safely hidden under the blanket.
“Promise.” They would share, as you were already drifting to sleep. Safe in their strong arms, and knowing you’ll be safe by morning all the same. No scary toads to haunt your dreams. Just a pair of pranksters to defend you. No matter what.
Safe snuggles. What a dream come true.
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briarpotter · 10 months
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Snape and the Golden Trio scheming how to get rid of (kill) Umbitch.
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lilbeanz · 3 months
NOOOO Dolores CANT be THAT!!! you cant DO that 😨😨😨😨!!! (wild speculation) ((but i think im right))
........A sexy stud-muffin?
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isbreulla · 2 months
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I present to you the main antagonists of Sarah Snape's story, or should I say the villains?
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cripplingparanoia · 4 days
Idk how y'all can even hate on Snape at all when Umbridge literally exists
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ytace · 2 months
The Firecracker Conundrum
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[ I honestly recommend playing this song while reading haha ]
Warning: Slight swearing
Pairings: Professor Lupin X Student Reader [Platonic]
Summary: You, an apeshit student who's known to cause trouble in hogwarts, might have just started a firework mayhem in Lupin’s class when Umbridge came in to send someone to detention
[Characters included don't go by timeline]
The Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom was filled with the usual chatter of students walking in and preparing for their next lesson.
Your Professor, Remus Lupin, was sorting through some papers at his desk. Often casting occasional glances at the door, giving slight nods acknowledging the students who walked in, greeting him. Before his eyes were once drawn to a familiar face — the notorious and infamous troublemaker, whose name is often heard through the halls of Hogwarts.
Whispers From mouth to ear, words of your pranks got out quickly and people often talk about stunts that you used to pull.
As you sauntered in, you had a bouquet of what seemed like "harmless flowers". However, Lupin's keen eyes quickly noted the subtle signs of mischief. The flowers were, in fact, cleverly disguised firecrackers and fireworks purchased from Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.
As you made your way to your seat, Lupin's mouth curled up into a smirk as he decided to taunt you abit, Attempting to see if he could make you spill the beans.
"Ah, [Y/N], welcome to class," Lupin said, his tone light and teasing. "I see you’ve come prepared with a lovely bouquet. Are you planning on decorating the classroom for the occasion? Interior Too boring for you I assume?"
"Well Infact Professor, the Interior of the class seems... A little dull. I thought that I'd do us a favour and try to lighten up the mood abit!" [Y/N] replied with a sly grin, balancing on the edge of their desk.
Some giggles and suppressed laughters could be heard around the class over your witty remark, knowing you most likely have something in plan.
“Just a friendly reminder,” Lupin said, catching [Y/N]’s eye, “we’re here to focus on learning defensive spells today.. I trust you’ll save your little floral arrangements for another time?"
“Of course, Professor,” [Y/N] said with an exaggerated bow. “I'll try my best to resist the urge to spice things up.”
As Lupin began the lesson, he guided the students through practical exercises and theoretical discussions. Despite his serious tone, his eyes occasionally darted towards [Y/N], who was playing their part well by pretending to pay attention but clearly scheming something.
The lesson continued, with students practicing defensive spells. The Sound of students muttering spells, and the flipping of pages filled the air that surrounded you. As you looked up catching the sight of Professor Lupin offering corrections and encouragement to students who needed it.
The air of normalcy was then abruptly broken when the door to the classroom came flying open, and Dolores Umbridge, one of the professors in hogwarts, strutted in.
“Professor Lupin,” she said in a disdainful tone, “I need to speak with one of your students. Is Emily here?”
As Umbridge eyes darted around the class before spotting Emily then approaching her
She grabbed onto Emily's Robes. "Your Coming With Me, Ms Emily." She said before further dragging her away. She was apparently called out to detention just because she was talking in umbridge classes earlier.
The whole class stared at the scene unveiling infront of them, Unable to intervene as most of them wouldn't want to know what happens Under Umbridge Wrath. Who knew what she would do if someone were to intervene.
But However, You didn't take the chance for someone to be simply dragged away to hell under such small circumstances. You appeared nonchalant, but your mind was already working on a plan.
Lupin’s gaze met [Y/N]’s, a hint of amusement in his eyes. As you dramatically threw a stack of textbooks onto the floor.
"Fuck this shit!" You exclaimed before you groaned loudly, catching Umbridge’s attention.
"Excuse me?" She slowly let's go of Emily's Robes, before she walked towards you.
“She's being unjustly accused! I demand a trial by wizard’s jury!”
You declared before pointing towards Umbridge with the Bouquet of flowers in your hands.
Umbridge, irritated but trying to maintain her composure, reached out towards You.
“I'll deal with Emily Later. You come with me, now.” she demanded before a flick of her wand, casting a spell to manoeuvre the bouquet of flowers from your hands to hers.
"And I'll Be taking these for myself" she said as she looked at the different coloured flowers with slight adoration.
In a swift move, You used your wand to set off a spell that ignited the hidden fireworks.
The "harmless bouquet of flowers" exploded into a dazzling array of lights, filling the room with an eruption of sparks and colors. The classroom was instantly transformed into a scene of chaotic brilliance. Fireworks whizzed around, and sparkling lights dazzled and danced across the walls.
The crackling and popping sound of the fireworks shooting off in every direction sends the whole class bustling with different sounds of chatter that was filled with amazement and awe. Not only was the class filled with laughters and cheers, it was the deffinition of a perfect ambience.
Umbridge, caught off guard, looked around in disbelief as Lupin’s face broke into an incredulous grin. He was clearly enjoying the spectacle that you have just pulled, trying to hold back a chuckle.
“Honestly, [Y/N],” Lupin called out over the commotion, “I’m beginning to think you might be a more talented performer than a student.”
"Oh? What if I'm both?" You replied before you held out your wand casting a spell to close up all the classroom windows plunging the classroom into semi-darkness.
Amidst the chaos, Umbridge frantically tries to find her wand that she dropped after getting caught off guard by your little trick. The room, now illuminated by the remaining fireworks that was still lit up with the sparks glowing like it's a magical lightshow, it almost looked like a starlit wonderland. The effect was mesmerizing, even as Umbridge’s temper flared.
Lupin, enjoying the spectacle, moved among the students, ensuring everyone was safe and helping to contain the situation. He couldn’t suppress his chuckle anymore as he watched the fireworks slowly dim, leaving behind a soft, magical glow. After the last of the effects was gone, Lupin took out his wand. With a wave, all the windows were now reopened, filling the once dim classroom with light.
“Alright Class, Settle Down.” Lupin said, as the students all went back to their seats. Lupin turned his attention back onto restoring order. The classroom was slowly returning to its original state.
Both in an impressed and teasing tone, Lupin approached you. “I must say, your sense of timing is impeccable. If only I could reward you with extra credit for such creativity.."
You gave a cheeky grin, brushing the remnants of fireworks off your robes. “Well, if you’re offering, I might just show up to class on time next week.”
As Umbridge got a hold of her wand, her impeccable anger was clear that she wanted [Y/N] Gone. She was even more pissed at the fact that she had just been embarrassed infront of the entire class, adding onto how Lupin did not offer her any assistance when the mayhem started.
It was time that she used her own way of dealing you herself.
Before she even got the chance to grab you, with a final flourish, You leaped out of the high classroom window, deftly landing on Your broomstick that was cleverly hidden outside and bellow of the class window.
"Till Next Time Professor!" You yelled from outside the classroom windows. With a wink and a smile, [Y/N] disappeared gliding off on their broomstick leaving Lupin shaking his head in amusement.
The Students all leaped out of their seat, to run off to the edge of the windows, witnessing [Y/N] Fly off into the air as they let out a huge playful laughter punching the air in triumph and victory.
Lupin watched from afar as [Y/N] made their escape, a mixture of admiration in his eyes. Before he said softly
"And the show goes on..”
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purrlockholmesbooks · 2 months
Drawing one cat a day, day 21: Depawres Umbridge
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The High Inquisitor indeed... Anyway, who wants to steal her kitten plates with me?
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(What in the Jabba the Hut-looking heck is that...)
(I do realise that a lot of my handmade jewellery is Umbridge-coded. I swear I'm not a sadistic pink toad.)
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holmesandtheroman · 1 year
not to bring up hp discourse but why tf didn’t Ravenclaws make it their year’s goal to maliciously comply to umbridge’s educational decrees? like I would have made it my life’s mission to bog that bitch down with so much paperwork she would HAVE to quit. all weasley products banned? all right, bet… any literature or research published by former professor Matilda Weasley that might be part of the curriculum is off the table. please revise the curriculum and submit it to the ministry for approval. all incoming and outgoing mail will be under review? fine, guess who just signed up for literally every wizarding catalog EVER which means that you now have piles of my mail to go through? we’re banned from discussing “the upsetting incidents from the previous year”? very well… what constitutes as upsetting? Is any event I consider to be upset prohibited? I’m sorry, I’m afraid I can’t use the curriculum I did last year to facilitate this year’s studies; it was very upsetting to me. we must submit complaints about Hogwarts staff in writing? guess who is going to be receiving an extremely detailed tome of every single professor’s every action that mildly inconvenienced me since I started school? I would make that bitch QUIT
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mamasparky-art · 10 months
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Exploring more fun ideas of Remus teaching in several of Harry's years. I think Umbridge would end up being were he finally loses his job because it also still helps to isolate Harry from the adults around him
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wparker6804 · 3 months
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artist-issues · 7 months
Professor McGonagall really said "I do not usually permit people to talk WHEN I AM TALKING"
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cherry-pop-elf · 5 months
Hoof Race
Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley
Can be read as platonic
I’m going through ALOT because of a dickwad of a piano teacher. So imma just project and vent here. I love piano, but I don’t love the piano teacher. My own personal Umbridge. Bleck. So it’s gonna be sloppily written, projective, just. I’m going through a lot right now. A lot a lot.
Summary: Your first detention with Umbridge. Needless to say, very traumatizing. At least you have a pair of red heads to comfort you. Along with formed an escape plan to get you out of there. With some help
Warnings: Umbridge, scars, blood, depression, anxiety, stress, crying, trauma, Umbridge being Umbridge. Physical Violence against Reader from Umbridge, Humanism(Racism against other species) Surprise Guest Appearance for the Book Lovers from one of our favorite Divination Teachers
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“Where is our little lab rat?” Fred huffed, as he was looking around for you. With George trailing behind. Looking in all the directions that Fred wasn’t looking. You had promised to meet them at Hagrid’s to test out a new product to help with calming animals. Something that was more so a Comission’s for Hagrid than anything else. Would be a nice little treat. Tea, fang, and laughter. Just one problem. Where are you?
“Should have never given Harry that map.” George would grumble, as he was getting worried now. Where were you? You aren’t one to break a promise. Especially to miss out on hanging with Hagrid. Who wants to purposely avoid a cozy evening with him? Especially since the twins had hoards of candy to share. If you missed a treat like that, it has to be beyond your control.
“Checked the dorm, checked Myrtle, checked the Requirement’s, checked the green house-“ The twins would finish each others sentences, as they walked. Trying so hard to think of where you could be. That’s when they stopped infront of the Defense Room Doors. They were open, but the office door was closed. They slowly looked to each other, before bolting inside.
“But Miss Umbridge, it hurts-!” They heard you shout, now that they were pressing their ears to the door. “It’s not suppose to feel good, darling. I should have expected such idiocy from someone who found it wise to speak out of turn-“ Umbridge would huff, as her heels could be heard pacing. A mixture of sharp clicks, and your hiccups.
“Mr. Firenze is not a THING-!” You snapped, only for a sharp smack to echo in the room. Made the twins wince, as you hiccuped again. “That beast is indeed that. Why defend that vile creature, when it even identifies itself as a beast-? Hm? Shouldn’t expect much from an idiotic child like yourself.” She lectured on.
“What do we do?” George whispered to Fred. What could they do? She was still a professor after all. Regardless, they had to do something. Anything. SOMETHING. They had to think fast, before you got even more hurt. Or worse. Expelled.
“Twins-?” A voice called itself, making the duo look over. The familiar blonde hair, and clips of hoof steps, made it clear who it was. Their newest teacher, given Umbridge very literally fired their old one. What a god send, as the twins were able to hatch a plan.
“Please please-“ They made praying hand gestures, as they pointed at her door. Making dramatic movements to try and convey they needed a distraction. Not wanting to get detention next. Never thought detention could be worse than anything Snape could offer.
The echo of another slap was what made the ever calm teacher connect the dots. Oh how he dispised such treatment. It was inhuman. That’s saying something from a man who used to live with trantulas the size of buildings. He would quickly motion for the red heads to quickly go hide under the stairs, before he cleared his throat.
“Mistress Umbridge? I need to speak with you about a matter at hand-!” He called, with a hoof stomp for added volume. The duo was quick to run under the stairs, and narrowly miss her gaze. An ever-plastered fake smile was on her lips, as she would walk down the stairs. A twitch to her eye was given, as she was now forced to speak to the centaur.
"Yes, Firenze? Whatever could you need at this late hour?" She asked, while the twins were quick to rush into the classroom. Left quite a sight. There you were, with bloody hands. To bloody to even make out what scars she had to make your write this time. Along with a firm bruise on your cheek, from her had no less. They were enraged, to put it lightly. This was the last time she would ever do this. That was their promise.
They were quick to your side, as you wrapped your arms around them. Your savior. "She just kept insulting him, and it wasn't right. He's a good teacher-" You would sniffle, as George would use his wand to try and clean your hands. He sneered at the words on your skin. Busy with tending to your immediate wounds, as Fred tried to calm you down and explain the plan.
"WAIT WAIT-I UH-I AM JUST A CENATUR! A WITCH LIKE YOURSELF KNOWS MORE THE I!" Firenze shouted, making the twins realize their time was running out. "Just be quiet, and follow our lead-" Fred just said, and you listened. Typical behavior, after all. They were always scheming, and you were happy to get into any mess they offered.
"Well....You are just a centaur. You aren't modern, or cultured, such as myself. I suppose i can remind you how we properly function here." Umbridge would smugly say, as Firenze tried so hard to not roll his eyes. Was worth it, as he was able to watch you be escorted back under the stairs. That firey red hair hidden away. Just in time, because even his calm soul can only take so much.
"Oh dear, Mar's is infront of Saturn. You know what that means, I better return to my classroom-!” She had no idea what that meant, no one did since it was a big lie. Least it sounded good enough to make her scoff. Feeling as though she wasted her time with him. Regardless, she gave a friendly smile. Now walking back towards her office.
The second her back was turned, the blonde stallion quickly motioned for the three of you to hurry to him. Fred and George basically carried you, as they did. Needing to work fast. Was just yanked around like a doll, but there was no choice. The moment Umbridge had gasped, noticing you were gone, you three were on his back.
“Where did-“ But it was faded, as you three were not having a horse ride of your life. Escaping her, this night. Quite the adrenaline rush. Riding the back of your teacher, as he tried to not trip down the stairs. Least you had Fred and George to comfort you. Holding on to the straps on their teachers body, for his supplies, and comforting you.
“Well clean you up, and make sure that this is the last time she ever hurts anyone.” Fred said, with a firm nod. You never thought the twins could look so angry before. Was scary, but also a morbid reassurance. Given Umbridge’s gaslighting was getting to you. Thinking you were a burden, failure, worthless, just horrible. Didn’t even noticed you were starting to cry. It was all too much. The boys would hold you close, and just hold.
“Dreadful woman. Dreadful dreadful just oh so dreadful-“ Firenze would keep on muttering, as he tried to not break an ankle on those ever moving stairs. Full of much spite as anyone else. Suppose that meant the twins had someone on their side, at least.
“You are gonna crash with us tonight.” Fred said to you, as Firenze took that as advice on where to go. Now heading to the Gryffindor common room. “Think of it as a big sleep over. Chilling in the common room’s living space.” George echoed. Childish, but there is joy in childhood. Had you smile in approval.
“Here, allow me to offer some assistance.” Firenze then spoke, as he rummaged in his bag. Still trotting along, as it was just a hallway roam now.
“This should help with your healing and recovery. Sometimes spells can not solve all problems.” And a small bag was offered to you three. Most likely a herbal of some kind. The kind textures were very reassuring. A reminder you weren’t crazy. That she was in the wrong. Not you. Still, made you tremble in fear.
“Gonna be ok. She’s not gonna hurt you anymore.” Fred reassured, with a kiss to your head. Followed by George hugging you tightly. Just helping ground you, as the centaur finally stopped at the painting. She didn’t even ask for the password. As if she wanted to delay much needed rest.
“Rest, if you can. When you join me for our class, tomorrow, you are permitted to not join. You may just relax, and star gaze. That often times relaxes myself.” Firenze offered, as he laid down at the open wall. Allowing you three to get off. He understood you were a victim, and offered sanctuary where he could.
“Thanks…” You sniffled, as to not be rude. He knows, he knows. He gave you a pat on your head, and a smile, before taking his escort away. Leaving you three with your thoughts. The twins mostly thought of how to make whatever happens to Umbridge look like an accident, while you were still shaking from the ordeal. Murder plots can be for another time. You were first.
Escorted to the common room couch, you were as pampered as you could be. Hands properly wrapped, the herbal deal brewed, helping clean up the blood stains, using their latest invention to help clean up your bruise. Just doing what they could, as you sniffled and hiccuped.
Once done, you were soon lying against Fred. With George semi on top of you. As if some kind of pressure therapy. A means to make sure no one could touch you, or sneak up on you. Was nice. What was nicer was the random fellow classmates who walked around. May it to get something to drink, unable to sleep, what have you.
They took notice of you, could quickly grasp it was Umbridge, and let you have your comfort. May it be making sure you three had a blanket, staying extra quiet to not disturb you, or asking if you needed anything. Just some humanity against the darkness.
The comfort of the twins, the easing calm of the tea, and the sound of the ever lit fireplace. It helped you come back to earth again. Just what you needed. Reassurance that you were the victim. Not the other way around. Just deep breaths of fire, cinnamon, and gun powder.
You’ll be ok. You’ll be ok, and the twins promised.
As if they ever would break a promise.
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readwithlivvy · 6 months
goth boyfriend coquette girlfriend
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"boys and girls are not permitted to be within 6 inches of eachother"
*laughs in bisexual*
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Severus: opens door to leave his chambers, hears umbridge talking in distance, turns back into chambers slamming door behind him "fuck it, I ain't putting up with her shit today, I'm calling it sick."
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dixonsgirl93 · 1 year
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