#Power Of Attorney Notarization
hhslawyers · 6 months
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power-chords · 2 years
Lawyers Love Me
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poa-egyptian-embassy · 8 months
Power Of Attorney Egyptian Embassy
In the realm of legal empowerment and international affairs, the Power of Attorney (POA) holds significant sway, particularly when executed at an Egyptian Embassy. A Power of Attorney is a legal document that grants an individual or entity the authority to act on behalf of another person in legal, financial, or administrative matters. When this authority is bestowed within the confines of an Egyptian Embassy, it adds an extra layer of significance and convenience for those involved.
One of the primary advantages of obtaining a Power of Attorney at the Egyptian Embassy is the streamlined and efficient process it offers. Embassy services are designed to cater to the unique needs of individuals involved in cross-border transactions or legal matters. By obtaining a Power of Attorney at the embassy, individuals can seamlessly navigate the intricacies of Egyptian legal processes, whether they involve property transactions, business dealings, or other legal obligations.
Furthermore, the Power of Attorney executed at the Egyptian Embassy ensures compliance with local laws and regulations. Embassy staff are well-versed in both Egyptian legal requirements and international legal standards, offering a level of expertise that is invaluable in navigating the complexities of legal procedures. This not only provides a sense of security for those granting the power but also facilitates a smoother and error-free execution of tasks by the appointed representative.
Additionally, the Power of Attorney at the Egyptian Embassy is a testament to the diplomatic relations between nations. It symbolizes the trust and cooperation between individuals and entities from different countries, fostering a sense of collaboration that transcends borders. This can be particularly crucial in scenarios where individuals are unable to be physically present in Egypt but require legal representation.
In conclusion, the Power of Attorney executed at the Egyptian Embassy is a powerful tool that facilitates legal transactions and activities with efficiency, compliance, and international collaboration. Whether for personal, business, or legal matters, leveraging the services of an Egyptian Embassy in the execution of a Power of Attorney ensures a robust and reliable framework for navigating the intricate landscape of international legal affairs.
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thenotaryseal · 2 years
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Power of attorney notary
Give the person the power to take decisions on behalf of you without any problem with the help of the power of attorney notary. Get the legal documents ready and finalized at Thenotaryseal.com where you don’t have to go through the long process and do everything. Visit our website now!
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notaryineast · 2 years
Our notary public attestation in singapore provide services related to the legalisation of documents for transactions between parties in multiple countries. Notarial services include document legalisation and authentication, signature and stamp attestation and certification.
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contentment-of-cats · 5 months
Just give me the coffee, I will do the rest.
Loki is settling in. Mostly, he wants to eat and sleep. The few times I have let him out of the Borg Cube, he's been out for 10 minutes, gets overstimulated, and runs back to his Safe Place. Right now he is learning how to play with toys, and loves his scratching posts and pads. He's been through so much. I have asked that the ex get a visit from his karma.
Unpleasant Subject Ahead
Another thing that this whole thing has driven home is how important it is to get your affairs in order - even if you don't have cancer. Loki's mom was getting a divorce and fell so ill so fast that she was unable to make her own medical decisions within days of admission. Even if you are getting a divorce, even with an actual protective order, your spouse is still the legal default person to make decisions for you. They are your legal heir. If you don't have a legal spouse (marriage certificate), it's your adult children, if you have no kids then your parents make those decisions even if you're a legal adult. If you have no immediate family, then your extended family gets called in.
Power of attorney legal and medical
Will for personal property
Living trust for investments and real estate
Medical orders (supersede those of the POA) such as Do Not Resuscitate
A health care directive like this one.
It's hard to think about, but when your surviving extended family is a mess (like mine) you want these things in order. Hell, have them notarized so that a judge can look at the plaintiff and say, "What the hell is the matter with you?"
Golden Treadmill
I'm strapping myself in with another 'write to spec' contract. Yep, it's more porn. I negotiated for one every six weeks from February to November. I need to visit Amazon and stock up on barf bags and brain bleach. I did say that I won't write noncon or (yes, this is a thing) racist tropes. It's hard for me to write hardcore body horror. I might be writing horrible porn in order to pay off my medical bills that makes my pussy slam shut like an angry clam, but I have standards. That being said, the editor delivered the advance to my freelance bank account and the outline to my inbox.
Whoo boy.
In my defense, I did not know that 'monster fucking' was commercially viable.
Cat in the Kitchen
Rediscovering food has been a wonder. As promised, my rearranged innards make it trial and error, but the errors seem to be self-correcting. Gut flora does come back, but I have not been brave enough to venture into my spicy Indian, Chinese, and Mexican foods.
I've been making casseroles/hotdish because they freeze well and sometimes the fatigue renders me incapable of anything other than pushing a button.
For casseroles/hotdish you need:
Vegetables: Frozen works fine. Canned is saltier, so if you go canned use 'less salt' brands. If you are using mushrooms, frozen, fresh or dried is best. I find canned mushrooms have a very weird metallic taste.
Starch: Potatoes, rice, pasta/noodles, bread. Yes, tater tots count.
Protein: Can be vegetable protein, beans, canned tuna or salmon, or meat. Smoked salmon is delicious in casseroles and soup, so I go to my local deli on Friday to get lox ends and trimmings.
Sauce: Canned soups (cream of ____), jarred or canned pasta sauce, or packaged cooking sauces and gravies.
Topping: Cornflakes, tater tots, cheese, potato chips, stuffing, etc.
Flavor: Dried herbs, onion and celery, garlic, spices.
Slowcooker meals are great, too, and follow the same rules as casseroles/hotdish. But my favorite caserole dish is my Gran's Lancashire hotpot - lamb neck chops, potatoes, onions, and more sliced potatoes on top for a crispy lid.
Back to work.
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herstarlitdreams · 2 days
On June 30th, on their 33rd birthday, my partner @tumblrg00n passed away.
We had been struggling with their health for a long time, and before passing they told me that they had been feeling death coming for a while. We had taken them to the hospital for shortness of breath on June 21st, and on June 29th, the hospital told us that their vitals were good, their bloodwork was good, and they discharged my partner, sending them home. They passed less than 24 hours later, home in their own bed, while we both slept.
I am devastated. I was so sure that they would be able to recover from this latest complication. I had been so sure that they were going to be a part of my life for a long time still.
We will never finish our roleplays. We will never finish My Hero Academia together.
I now have to make up for the loss of two incomes, because I was being paid to take care of my partner, and my partner was receiving SSI. To continue living where I am, and be able to eat, I have to make a minimum of $1,500 a month, and that's just the bare minimum. Together my partner and I had been bringing in over $2000 a month.
Additionally, my partner's sister and I are struggling with a legal barrier. In our state, their father is considered the legal next of kin, as we were never able to get a Power of Attorney notarized. Their father abandoned them before my partner was born, and when they did try to reconnect with him, he sexually assaulted them. Our hope is that the restraining order and inability to contact him will allow us to get his rights waived, but partner's sister has been going back and forth with the funeral director for 4 days now.
Luckily, we have managed to raise a fair amount of money toward cremation service, but just in case I have set up a PayPal fundraiser for $10k. That money will go toward funerary service, travel expenses for my partner's sister, a small cushion for me while I search for a new job, and any other unexpected costs that may come up (there is a chance that my partner's last SSI check may have to be paid back.)
If you could please share this post and help me raise the funds, it would mean so much to me. This is the biggest stress right now while we are trying to mourn and grieve, and any relief at all would help so much. Thank you.
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ladylilithprime · 1 year
Count On Me Like One, Two, Three
Series: Fluff Is My Jamstiel
Fandom: Supernatural: 
Pairing: Sastimmy/Jamstiel (Jimmy Novak/Sam Winchester/Castiel)
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags/Warnings: Witch Sam Winchester, Hunter Novak Brothers, Jimmy and Castiel Are Twins, Brief Allusions to Canon-Typical Violence, Paperwork Shenanigans, How To Make A Threeway Marriage Legal: Hunters Edition, Wedding Reception,
Summary: Step one was the paperwork. Step two was the private little ritual in the garden, just the three of them. Step three is the reception... with a few more people attending than they expected.
For: @fluffyfebruary challenge!
Prompt: Day 26: Joy
Read on AO3
THERE WERE BENEFITS to being a Stanford-educated witch whose academic path had meandered enough to convince most of the staff that the most obvious choice for what to major in was something fitting for pre-Law. Despite having gotten his Bachelor's degree in Natural Science and doing enough on the pre-med track to test for and obtain both his pharmacist license and his herbalist license, allowing him the freedom to grow several more restricted crops in his garden greenhouse, Sam Wesson (formerly Winchester) had also minored in Sociology. He understood people, understood arguments and how to counter points in a debate, and - rather importantly - he understood how to write paperwork that would pass the legal requirements in the state of California.
Fortunately, Proposition 8 had failed a few years ago and gay marriage, despite the usual conservative freak-outs, had been upheld, so there was nothing stopping two men from getting married in California. Unfortunately, polyamorous marriages were still not on the books except in places like Utah and they did still have opposition to two men getting married to each other. So, shenanigans were the order of the day.
The first set of paperwork filed was the marriage license and certificate of John Castiel Novak to Sam Winchester. Those papers had taken a call to Pastor Jim Murphy to dig up since he had been the one to bury them, and also netted an invitation to the wedding reception. What followed the filing of the marriage license was the name-change paperwork where Sam Winchester became Winchester-Novak. Next came the marriage license and certificate that joined Sam Wesson and James Constantine Novak together in matrimony, followed by the subsequent name-change paperwork from Wesson to Novak. Another call - and another invitation - got them a couple copies of some official-looking FBI paperwork declaring Sam Winchester under witness protection, cover identity Sam Wesson, courtesy of Special Agent Victor Henriksen. Lastly came the drafting, review, signing, and notarizing of three durable powers of attorney which gave John Castiel Novak, James Constantine Novak, and Sam Winchester-Novak/Novak all due rights and privileges as mutual spouses. In triplicate.
"The IRS is going to hate this," Jimmy joked as they sorted various copies of paperwork into envelopes and folders.
"They can't try and collect taxes from me twice," Sam shrugged. "And it's not like the three of us weren't already filing jointly this past year anyway."
With the hard part out of the way, a date was set and invitations were sent out to various people across the country and to a few people who resided in other Realms. Sam readily admitted that some people would probably just show up anyway whether they were invited or not, but it was still a good idea to send the invitations to the ones he wanted there or knew he needed to invite so they wouldn't feel slighted. With that in mind, Cas and Jimmy went through their own list of friends and acquaintances carefully before choosing the ones who were more likely to at least pretend to be fine sharing space with a group including but not limited to werewolves, vampires, witches, and pagan gods.
The day of April 21st dawned a remarkably clear Saturday. Sam had wanted to hold their bonding before Beltane, and Jimmy and Cas had opted for the new moon to ensure the best possible turnout for the guests being invited to the reception which would start around seven-thirty that evening and be in full swing by around eight-fifteen. With that in mind, the three of them hauled themselves out of bed with the sunrise and, accompanied by a yawning Bones, made their way out into the garden. They could have done it anywhere, and Sam had offered the option of performing the bonding ritual from the comfort of their bed, but surprisingly Jimmy had been the one who insisted on it being the garden, and neither Sam nor Cas really wanted to argue, even if it did mean they had to stumble through the greenhouse to get back to the solarium before they could fully seal their new bonds.
It was almost noon by the time they were finished and all three of them were ravenous. They ended up eating a patchwork sort of lunch while moving around the kitchen preparing the refreshments for the reception, being careful not to mix up the different refreshments for the different guests. Animal blood went into specially warded cups that repelled insects and kept it body-warmth temperatures without congealing. Sam had braised some turkey hearts for the werewolf guests even though it was a new moon, and he'd actually gone out to the butcher to collect a pig's liver when he found out a kitsune friend of his and her son had sent an acceptance. The humans, in comparison, were a lot easier to feed.
Jess and Max Moore and their girls were the first to arrive, beating Dean by five minutes despite Sam's brother living next door. They had extra folding tables which they helped set up in the garden, and Jess had brought a three-tiered chocolate and vanilla wedding cake with mint green buttercream icing and lots of sculpted frosting leaves and flowers that made the cake look almost like part of the garden. Max contributed a trio of custom-painted action figures that he'd somehow made to look like Sam in his cloak bracketed by dark-haired twins in tan trench coats.
The next to arrive was, in fact, Persephone, accompanied by her husband and three suspiciously identical spotted pitbulls who immediately began begging Bones, Sammi, and Tylie to play with them. While Bones led dogs and kids off to a play-safe area of the garden, Persephone took Sam's face between her hands and studied him closely, then nodded in satisfaction.
"The bond is solid and true," she said to him in Greek, patting him on the cheek before lowering her hands and accepting the long, paper-wrapped parcel from her husband which she then handed to Sam. "You'll need this in the coming years, so you'll want to get used to it as quickly as possible. Congratulations on finding such well-matched mates."
"Never a dull moment," Hades commiserated with a rather nonplussed Sam, patting him on the shoulder. Switching to English, he added to Jimmy and Cas, "Welcome to the family. You'll fit right in."
"That... Should that have felt as ominous as it sounded?" Jimmy asked, glancing at Sam as the two gods swept off to greet Jess and Max. Sam could only shrug helplessly and move to put the parcel on the long table Dean had insisted needed to be set aside for anyone bringing wedding gifts.
Jess, Max, Dean, Sam, Jimmy, and Cas all joined forces to light all the lanterns set up around the garden when the clock finally struck seven-thirty. The rest of the guests trickled in one by two by three or four, most of them needing at least a brief introduction either to Sam or to his new husbands. Most of them got handshakes. Some of them got hugs. Some of them even ended up hugging each other, like when Bobby Singer and Ellen Harvelle spotted each other, or when Garth Fitzgerald got within arm's reach of pretty much anyone he knew and even a few people he was only just meeting, including half the werewolves who had come up from the Napa Valley commune with Kate and Madison.
Half an hour after sunset, the vampires arrived, led by a woman named Lenore who greeted both Sam and Dean with hugs, smiled warmly at Jimmy and Cas as she shook their hands, and laughed when Garth opted to welcome her with a hug as well. That pretty well set the tone, and as more people arrived, including Frigga arriving with Loki as her escort, the theoretical faction lines blurred further until you could only maybe tell whether or not someone was human if they gravitated towards one set of refreshments or another.
It was a beautiful sight.
There was a bit of a stir from the more power-sensitive of the gathering when a rumpled, nervous-looking man accompanied by a much taller figure with a very flat expression arrived. Sam caught the sudden deer-in-headlights expressions on his husbands' faces when they spotted the pair as he made his way over to greet them and manfully kept the smirk off his face.
"Mr Shurley, I presume?" he said, offering the rumpled man a drink. "Good to meet you in person. I wasn't sure you would be coming."
"Call me Chuck," Chuck Shurley muttered, accepting the drink and downing half of it in one gulp. "I think you gave my publisher a panic attack with your invitation."
"Your books nearly gave my brother a panic attack when he found them, to say nothing of the gross invasion of privacy of my husbands," Sam replied evenly, pleasantly smiling. "I'd say that makes us a little closer to even."
"You and your brother were originally meant to be the main characters of those books," the man at Chuck's back rumbled, glaring at Sam.
"And I am appropriately grateful to have been spared that," Sam answered, returning the glare with the same pleasant smile. "For myself and for Chuck's readers. Dean and I would make horrible protagonists. Are you and Mr Finnerman here solely as his protection detail, Raphael, or are you free to mingle?"
"He is absolutely free to mingle," Chuck declared before Raphael could say anything either way. "Please mingle. Go talk to people about healing methods or something."
"My duty--" Raphael started, frowning.
"Can take a break," Chuck interrupted, shedding some of the nervous façade to stare into Raphael's eyes. "Seriously. Nobody is going to try and hurt me here, not when the wards on this place prevent any demons from even getting within shouting distance. Relax, have some cake, talk to people, try and enjoy a little bit of Creation while you're down here since it's very clearly not on the way out yet."
"If you insist," Raphael said stiffly, looking no closer to relaxing than he had before.
Sam exchanged an amused glance with Chuck's exasperated one before Sam gently took Raphael's hand and drew him away further into the garden towards where Frigga was having a lively conversation with Nurse Masters and Tasha Banes. They welcomed Sam and Raphael into the small circle with smiles and by the time Sam excused himself to check on some of the other guests the Archangel's shoulders were looking moderately less tense. A quick glance around the garden showed that Chuck had gotten pulled into the impromptu poker game Patrick had started with Bobby, Dean, Max Banes, Pamela Barnes, Agent Henriksen, and Jo Harvelle - playing with normal chips rather than Patrick's usual "special" chips, thankfully - so Sam took himself off to the buffet tables to check on the food and drink levels.
He found Loki trying to hide behind the cake. "It won't kill you to go say hi, you know," he told the "god" with a dry look as he took away a couple of the empty platters and rearranged the others to fill in the gaps.
"You don't need your wedding reception interrupted by other people's family drama, kiddo," Loki shook his head. Sam snorted and reached out to smack Loki across the head.
"Everyone who could enter inside these garden walls, human and otherwise, is a part of my family in some way," he informed the startled trickster. "So some of you are a bit more distant than others, maybe a little more estranged from each other until a wedding brought you together, and not everyone who counts as family decided to come all the way out here. But everyone here is here knowing they were welcomed, even if not everyone was expressly invited. If there's any drama waiting to crop up, it's nothing we all can't handle."
"We should get you to host the next summit of the gods," Loki joked. At least Sam hoped he was joking.
"Pass," he chuckled. "Aside from some of the stories I've heard, a few too many of them favor long pig exclusively for their meal plans and that's just not something I'm prepared to provide. Harder to ethically source than turkey hearts and pork liver."
"Fair enough," Loki shrugged, glancing around the garden again before looking at Sam with an unusual level of seriousness to his smile. "You did good, Winchester. Happiness looks good on you three."
"Winchester-Novak now," Sam reminded him, patting him on the shoulder. "Go say hi to your dad and brother, huh? They've missed you."
He took himself and the empty plates off to the kitchen without waiting to see if Loki took his suggestion or not. When he came back out, he didn't see Loki or Raphael, but nothing was on fire so he figured he didn't need to worry about it. Besides, Cas and Jimmy appeared to be getting pulled into the games with Sammi, Tylie, Amy's son Jacob, and the dogs. He had a pair of husbands to go cheer for.
The party lasted nearly until dawn, and nobody died.
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A list of things I need or need to do over the next week:
1. Somehow come up with $400 in the next three days to pay the phone bill. (THIS IS URGENT? I CAN'T DOORDASH ENOUGH TO MAKE THIS.)
2. Organize a fundraiser to cremate Raven's wife. I wanna go with the Neptune Society because even though they're a little more expensive, they just take care of everything, and they also offer grief counseling.
3. Use the little money I have to buy cat food. (Thank you to the person who sent me a lil' something bc that paid for cat food and toilet paper. I had to get a used tire and spent $50 for it - super cheap, but not $50 I could really spare. Fuck people who leave screws laying in the roadway.)
4. Somehow come up with $70 to pay my car insurance.
5. Get a power of attorney notarized and faxed to like seven different places. If anyone knows a cheap or free notary in Carson City or Reno, let me know, because my usual guy is on vacation.
6. File said power of attorney with the Carson City records department. (This apparently costs money and doesn't mean shit.)
7. Write letters to a judge.
8. Request records from a DA.
9. Request records from four different schools.
10. Take Raven to get their final VA disability assessment.
11. File paperwork for backdated pay from the VA based on the reason Raven was discharged (honorably).
12. Call Raven's therapist and have her call Raven to schedule a session before she leaves on vacation.
13. Call my therapist for same.
14. Call my doctor to get a refill on my migraine prevention meds.
15. Go through a fuckload of legal documents and create a timeline.
16. Call a jail and get visitor records logs.
17. Order urns and urn jewelry and somehow come up with the money for that.
18. Potentially plan for a relocation to the east coast.
19. Haggle with a judge about settling a warrant with out-of-state jail time, or a reduced sentence of some sort.
20. Organize a pay schedule for something owed.
21. Devise a potential parenting plan.
22. Acquire some CPS reports.
23. Acquire some records in Washington and Oregon.
24. Find Southwest Airline points or fundraise to get my daughter to Oregon to help a friend who's pro-choice overall but not for abortion for herself, get an abortion because of circumstance. :(
25. I guess sleep and eat somewhere in between this all.
I'm so tired.
Uh if you can help with any of this my PayPal is tashabot at gmail dot com and my. Cashapp is $tashabot. I'm so tired. I work two jobs and I'm still broke. I need a nap. I cannot nap, I need to go to work in a few hours.
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How to Protect Copyright in Vietnam?
How to Protect Copyright in Vietnam?
Copyright refers to an individual or organization's rights to a work that they created or own, as defined by Vietnam's Intellectual Property Law. Additionally, works of literature, art, and science shall constitute the subject matter of copyright; Performances, audio and visual fixation, broadcasts, and satellite signals carrying coded programs are all eligible subjects for copyright-related rights.
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However, if there is no prior prepared evidence, it is difficult to demonstrate the owner's copyright. In the event of a dispute or violation, the most crucial piece of evidence is a copyright registration. When the owner can demonstrate that the Work is covered by copyright law, the registration of the copyright will prevent infringement.
ANT Lawyers – A registering copyright services in Vietnam would like to assist you in registering and safeguarding your copyright and related rights in Vietnam in the following ways with their highly skilled staff and extensive knowledge of the intellectual property landscape in Vietnam:
Our services in copyright registration
-Provision of professional opinions and advice in relation to registration of copyright and related copyright;
-Advising, preparation, drafting, filing and prosecution of registration of copyright and related copyright;
-Provision of professional opinions and advice in relation to license and assignment of copyright and related copyright;
-Appeal and cancellation;
-Proceedings before the judicial authorities.
How to register a copyright or related rights in Vietnam?
Condition of copyright registration
If a work meets the following requirements, its owner's copyright will be registered:
-The ideas of the Work shall be presented particularly in a visible material
-The Work shall be original (Be made directly by the author without copying from any other works or people).
Required information and document
-Original Power of Attorney (POA) from the Applicant;
-Information of the author such as: Full name, Identify Card Number, Current address, permanent address; …
-Information of the Works such as: Name, the date of publication (if any), the place of Publication (if any); …
–Business registration certificate or establishment certificate (if applicant is association or organization);
-Written promise of being ownership of the work of the applicant;
-Some other specialized document with each specified aspect.
Note: The POA must be signed by the applicant or a duly authorized representative on behalf of the Applicant and no further notarization or legalization is required.
Duration of copyright protection
-The following rights are protected forever:
-Right to give titles to their works.
-Right to attach their real names or pseudonyms to their works; to have their real names or pseudonyms acknowledged when their works are published or used.
-Right to protect the integrity of their works; and to forbid other persons to modify, edit or distort their works in whatever form, causing harm to the honor and reputation of the author.
The following rights are protected within the stipulated duration in law
-Right to make derivative works;
-Right to display their works to the public;
-Right to reproduce their works;
-Right to distribute or import the original or copies of their works;
-Right to communicate their works to the public by wireless or landline means, electronic information networks or other technical means;
-Right to lease the original or copies of cinematographic works and computer programs;
-Right to reproduce their works.
The duration of each type of work protected by the aforementioned rights will vary. The term of protection for cinematographic, photographic, stage, applied, and anonymous works, in particular, shall be fifty (50) years from the date of first publication. Other works are protected throughout the author's lifetime and for fifty (50) years after their death.
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goodewitchwalking · 2 years
Clay had seen a lot of things in his time with the armed forces. Horrors that would be later typed, submitted, and then redacted with dark black markers. Never to see the light of day again. It was all a part of the job and something he thought he would get used to. He didn't expect to see the familiar signs of magic and spellwork in the building that they had just inflated. It smelled of something sweet and old mixed with iron. It made the man's stomach turn as he began to administer some quick first aid to the pows they had found languishing in a back room. The site had been partially abandoned but the nightmarish projects that had been done here still remained.
"Lieutenant Swanson do a lap with Private Benson and take as many pictures as possible. By the time you two are done, I'll be done triaging these people." Clay said as his hands worked to clean and bandage a nasty wound on the semiconscious man as he watched to ensure the right amount of sedative was given to the other. "We'll need the both of you to get the big guy out safely.
Addie's finger stood looking over Dorian's shoulder as he used his clearance to check Lucas's file. After almost a week and no call on her burner phone or a letter, she had started to get a little worry. And while it was here that she tried to keep their relationship as non-committal as possible it didn't mean that she wasn't worried about him. The words that began to fill the screen made her blood run cold. He had been missing along with his younger brother for weeks with no contact. The last entry into the file was a hastily updated order for retrieval with a side note for potential institutionalization if the asset could not be recovered whole.
"I want you to start some paperwork for me. Just a quick power of attorney request will be in my file marked 'JIC'." Addie said as she grabbed her bag off the back of the chair and started towards the door.
"This will cost you but I'll get the file notarized and sent over to you as soon as it's done. For a man who you aren't dating, you're sure worried about him."
She flicked him the bird as she pulled up his home address on her phone fully intending on getting a few legal balls moving before they could bury the two men.
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What Are The Things You Should Know About Mobile Notary Service?
The mobile notary, sometimes known as traveling notaries, can be an officer who travels in order to spots in order to accomplish the notarization process. A mobile notary meets with the client. The mobile notary service is tasked with verifying the identity of the signer, witnessing, and then putting his signature and stamp on the document. He also checks the authenticity of all documents and ensures that no signer is definitely under any compulsion or risk.
Uses of Mobile Notary 
A mobile notary is best in property transactions. They may be hired for any documents that require notarization. Typically, they are hired for transactions that require multiple parties to sign a document. They are extremely ideal for closing mortgage transactions across state borders.The Mobile Notary documents that need to be notarized will give you support for different types of individuals. Documents that want notarization include power from attorneys, custody agreements, vehicle title applications, trusts, deeds, medical documents, and wills of long distances.
Advantages of Mobile Notary
Let us find out the different sorts of advantages of a Mobile Notary:
Mobile Notary is very Cost Effective:
The mobile notary is a very affordable service. Their fees are largely determined by the laws of the express. Their maximum payment can also be given the green light by the jurisdiction in which they can reside. As a high-level entrepreneur, you are able to hire to handle finances at affordable rates. 
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Mobile Notary helps in saving your time:
The Business Owners find it hard to locate time and energy to show up throughout the notarization process. Your mobile notary service is definitely available at the chosen time of the day and allows the business enterprise owner to pay attention to his business.
Mobile Notary used to Improve Better Flexibility:
Mobile notaries provide companies that are oftentimes out of business hours. In an emergency, their services are liked. This will generate it very convenient for business people to carry in with they do the job.
Mobile Notary helps to Improved Client Approval: 
Clients are certain to accept the velocity in the notarization plan of action. A mobile notary will save you the time and money of the client.
Do Fast and Efficient Transactions with Mobile Notary:
Your mobile notary simplifies the entire notarization process by notifying the appropriate authorities which helps you in finishing transactions much faster and more efficiently. 
A mobile notary is one who will notarize your documents at your convenience. In recent years mobile notarization services have really been gaining popularity in a variety of industries. If you can't locate a public notary, you ought to contact the Notary Public. If you are looking for the best Mobile Notary Service then, look no further than ELK GROVE NOTARY which offers fully licensed, insured, bonded, background cleared with D.O.J., and loan signing certified. For More Details visit:-  www.elkgrovenotary.com
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We Offer These Services As A California Mobile Notary
We are available 24/7 to notarize documents such as loans, real estate transactions, living trusts, Power of Attorney forms, and more. As a Mobile Notary California, we also offer loan signing services and can act as a witness for signatures. Our mobile service means we can come to you at a location of your choosing, whether it be your home or office. We strive to provide a hassle-free and efficient notary experience for our clients. Thank you for considering us as your Licensed Notary California. Please contact us to schedule an appointment or with any questions you may have.
California Apostilles Services
In addition to notarization services, we also provide California apostille services. We can assist with obtaining a California apostille for documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, and diplomas. Please contact us for more information on our California apostille services.
California Health Care Directives Services
We can also notarize California Health Care Directives, also known as a living will. In the event that you become incapacitated and unable to make medical decisions for yourself, a health care directive allows you to specify your preferences for medical treatment. We can notarize your signed health care directive form, ensuring it is legally valid. Contact us to schedule an appointment for this important service.
California Mortgages Services
As experienced loan signing agents, we can assist with California mortgage services. We can notarize and witness signatures for refinance documents, reverse mortgages, home equity lines of credit, and more. Please contact us to schedule an appointment for your California mortgage needs.
California Real Estate Closings Services
We also offer notary services for California real estate transactions, including purchase agreements, deeds, and other closing documents. Our mobile notary service means we can come to you at your real estate closing location, whether at a title company or home. Contact us to schedule an appointment for your California real estate closing needs.
California Buy Sell Agreements Services
In addition, we can notarize California buy/sell agreements for the sale or transfer of a business. We understand these agreements' importance and legal weight and will ensure they are properly notarized. Contact us to schedule an appointment for your California buy-sell agreement needs.
California Wills and Living Trusts Services
Lastly, we also offer notary services for California wills and living trusts. A properly executed and notarized will or trust is crucial in ensuring your final wishes are carried out. Contact us to schedule an appointment for notarizing your California will or living trust.
California Commercial Leases Services
We can also notarize California commercial lease agreements. Whether you are a landlord or tenant, we can provide the necessary notary services to ensure your commercial lease is legally valid. Contact us to schedule an appointment for your California commercial lease needs.
California Deeds Services
Lastly, we offer notary services for California deeds, including quitclaim deeds and warranty deeds. We can ensure that your deed is properly executed and notarized. Contact us to schedule an appointment for your California deed needs.
California Loan Documents Services
In addition, we offer notary services for California loan documents, including promissory notes and loan modifications. We can ensure that your loan documents are properly executed and notarized. Contact us to schedule an appointment for your California loan document needs.
California Partnership Agreements Services
We can also notarize California partnership agreements, including general partnerships, limited partnerships, and limited liability partnerships. Our notary services ensure that your partnership agreement is legally valid. Contact us to schedule an appointment for your California partnership agreement needs.
California Promissory Notes Services
Lastly, we offer notary services for California promissory notes. A properly executed and notarized promissory note is crucial in ensuring the terms of the loan are clear and legally binding. Contact us to schedule an appointment for notarizing your California promissory note.
California Structured Settlements Services
We also offer notary services for California structured settlement agreements. These agreements are often used in personal injury cases to determine the terms of a financial settlement. We can ensure that your structured settlement agreement is properly executed and notarized. Contact us to schedule an appointment for your California structured settlement needs.
California Adoption Documents Services
In addition, we offer notary services for California adoption documents. The legal process of adoption can be complicated, and a properly executed and notarized adoption document is crucial in ensuring the adoption is legally valid. Contact us to schedule an appointment for notarizing your California adoption documents.
California Powers of Attorney Services
Lastly, we offer notary services for California powers of attorney. A power of attorney allows someone to make decisions on your behalf in the event that you are unable to do so. We can ensure that your power of attorney is properly executed and notarized. Contact us to schedule an appointment for notarizing your California power of attorney.
California Affidavits Services
We can also notarize California affidavits, which are written statements sworn to be true. Our notary services ensure that your affidavit is legally valid. Contact us to schedule an appointment for notarizing your California affidavit.
California Guardianship and Custody Documents Services
In addition, we offer notary services for California guardianship and custody documents. These documents are often used in family law cases to determine the legal guardianship or custody of a child. We can ensure that your guardianship or custody document is properly executed and notarized. Contact us to schedule an appointment for notarizing your California guardianship or custody document.
California Parental Consent Forms Services
Lastly, we offer notary services for California parental consent forms. These forms are often required for a minor to travel or participate in certain activities. We can ensure that your parental consent form is properly executed and notarized. Contact us to schedule an appointment for notarizing your California parental consent form.
California Prenuptial Agreements Services
Additionally, we offer notary services for California prenuptial agreements. Prenuptial agreements outline the terms and conditions of a marriage, including property division in the event of a divorce. We can ensure that your prenuptial agreement is properly executed and notarized. Contact us to schedule an appointment for notarizing your California prenuptial agreement. Thank you for considering us for all of your notary needs in California. Our experienced team is here to ensure that all of your important documents are legally valid and properly executed. Please contact us to schedule an appointment for any of our California notary services.
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Recordal of Trademark Assignment in Vietnam
Recordal of Trademark Assignment in Vietnam
Assignment of a trademark right means the transfer of ownership right by owner of such trademark right to another organization or individual.
Trademark Assignment in Vietnam be established in the form of written agreement. Oral agreements, letters or telegrams shall not be accepted and have no legal effect.
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                      Recordal of Trademark Assignment in Vietnam
Required documents
You are required to provide us the following documents:
-One executed original of Deed of Assignment, which must be signed and sealed by both Assignor and Assignee. Since the Deed of Assignment has two pages, both Assignor and Assignee should sign on each page or use company stamp to inter-cross seal over all pages (NO      further notarization or legalization is required);
-A Power of Attorney (POA) that should only be signed by the Representative of Assignee;
-The relevant original Certificate of Trademark Registration (if recording the assignment for a registered one).
Procedures and time
After the recordal of assignment is completed, the NOIP will issue the following documents:
-The Notice of Assignment Recordal in case of a pending Trademark Application.
-The Certificate for Registration of Deed of Assignment in case of Trademark Registration in Vietnam.
In addition, the name and address of new owner will be endorsed on the last page of this Certificate of Trademark Registration.
The whole duration for recordal of assignment in Vietnam will in straightforward case is 2 months counted from the filing date. However, in practice, this duration can be extended from 3-6 months.
Other matters
Under Vietnam Intellectual Property Law, the trademark assignment will not be approved in the following cases:
-The subject mark for assignment identical/confusingly similar to the trade name of assignor as it shall cause the confusion as to the origin of goods or services with those of assignor.
-The subject mark for assignment similar or identical to other trademarks but not for assignment of Assignor in respect of similar goods or services as it shall cause the confusion as to the origin of goods or services with the rest of assignor.
ANT Lawyers - IP services in Vietnam located in the business centers of Hanoi, Danang, Ho Chi Minh city. We provide convenient access to our clients. Please contact our lawyers in Vietnam for Trademark registration services in Vietnam via email [email protected] or call our office at +84 28 730 86 529.
Source ANTLawyers: https://antlawyers.vn/library/recordal-of-trademark-assignment-in-vietnam.html
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thenotaryseal · 2 years
Top most benefits of Mortgage closing services
In current years, Mortgage closing services have taken on greater significance in the Mortgage industry due to the reported number of foreclosures that have occurred. The subsequent policies focused on post-Closing techniques being inadequate and desiring to maintain greater compliance and quality standards. As a result, extra and more lenders have observed themselves outsourcing their Mortgage post-Closing requirements to offshore carriers who specialize in these processes. These outsourcing specialists come with a myriad of advantages from greater accuracy and compliance to decrease fixed charges and faster turnaround times.
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Remote online notarizations offerings are a process that is carried out after the Mortgage documents have been signed. In this stage an assessment is carried out to ensure that all the documentation is in compliance with mortgage processing and underwriting rules and that it is a whole loan package.
Mortgage post-Closing groups conduct stringent audits and critiques to ensure completeness and compliance. They acquire signed loan files and process them earlier than delivering them to the respective carrier providers. They also evaluate origination, legal, and HMDA documents fully for compliance. It is at this stage that any last lacking documents are retrieved and checked for compliance with Mortgage processing and underwriting rules. Loan data is then checked for integrity and great control reviews are generated to highlight discrepancies and viable errors in the Mortgage file.
During Mortgage post-Closing lenders register and insure the Mortgage with the appropriate agency, reap the required title policy, and record it at the courthouse. They additionally obtain the Mortgage notice and keep it in their possession till it is ready to be delivered to the warehouse financial institution for security purposes. Additionally, the post-Closing crew makes digital copies of the entire Mortgage Closing offerings package and conducts audits to make certain that all signatures have been obtained and have been tested accordingly. Finally, the team ensures that the title work is correct and complete. If you are looking for document notarization services, consider visiting our official website.
Click here for more information: https://thenotaryseal.tumblr.com/post/696435713242284032/mortgage-closing-services-what-you-should-know
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notaryineast · 2 years
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A notary in the east is an impartial officer who witnesses, authenticates and certifies the execution of documents used in foreign countries. A notarial certificate will be issued to the client by the notary public as proof of notarisation.
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