#legal health stuff
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contentment-of-cats · 1 year ago
Just give me the coffee, I will do the rest.
Loki is settling in. Mostly, he wants to eat and sleep. The few times I have let him out of the Borg Cube, he's been out for 10 minutes, gets overstimulated, and runs back to his Safe Place. Right now he is learning how to play with toys, and loves his scratching posts and pads. He's been through so much. I have asked that the ex get a visit from his karma.
Unpleasant Subject Ahead
Another thing that this whole thing has driven home is how important it is to get your affairs in order - even if you don't have cancer. Loki's mom was getting a divorce and fell so ill so fast that she was unable to make her own medical decisions within days of admission. Even if you are getting a divorce, even with an actual protective order, your spouse is still the legal default person to make decisions for you. They are your legal heir. If you don't have a legal spouse (marriage certificate), it's your adult children, if you have no kids then your parents make those decisions even if you're a legal adult. If you have no immediate family, then your extended family gets called in.
Power of attorney legal and medical
Will for personal property
Living trust for investments and real estate
Medical orders (supersede those of the POA) such as Do Not Resuscitate
A health care directive like this one.
It's hard to think about, but when your surviving extended family is a mess (like mine) you want these things in order. Hell, have them notarized so that a judge can look at the plaintiff and say, "What the hell is the matter with you?"
Golden Treadmill
I'm strapping myself in with another 'write to spec' contract. Yep, it's more porn. I negotiated for one every six weeks from February to November. I need to visit Amazon and stock up on barf bags and brain bleach. I did say that I won't write noncon or (yes, this is a thing) racist tropes. It's hard for me to write hardcore body horror. I might be writing horrible porn in order to pay off my medical bills that makes my pussy slam shut like an angry clam, but I have standards. That being said, the editor delivered the advance to my freelance bank account and the outline to my inbox.
Whoo boy.
In my defense, I did not know that 'monster fucking' was commercially viable.
Cat in the Kitchen
Rediscovering food has been a wonder. As promised, my rearranged innards make it trial and error, but the errors seem to be self-correcting. Gut flora does come back, but I have not been brave enough to venture into my spicy Indian, Chinese, and Mexican foods.
I've been making casseroles/hotdish because they freeze well and sometimes the fatigue renders me incapable of anything other than pushing a button.
For casseroles/hotdish you need:
Vegetables: Frozen works fine. Canned is saltier, so if you go canned use 'less salt' brands. If you are using mushrooms, frozen, fresh or dried is best. I find canned mushrooms have a very weird metallic taste.
Starch: Potatoes, rice, pasta/noodles, bread. Yes, tater tots count.
Protein: Can be vegetable protein, beans, canned tuna or salmon, or meat. Smoked salmon is delicious in casseroles and soup, so I go to my local deli on Friday to get lox ends and trimmings.
Sauce: Canned soups (cream of ____), jarred or canned pasta sauce, or packaged cooking sauces and gravies.
Topping: Cornflakes, tater tots, cheese, potato chips, stuffing, etc.
Flavor: Dried herbs, onion and celery, garlic, spices.
Slowcooker meals are great, too, and follow the same rules as casseroles/hotdish. But my favorite caserole dish is my Gran's Lancashire hotpot - lamb neck chops, potatoes, onions, and more sliced potatoes on top for a crispy lid.
Back to work.
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boredinagoodway · 2 months ago
She's SO CUTE. I need to FEED HER. I want to LISTEN TO HER SORROWS. I desire to FIX HER.
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 1 month ago
im so infinitely stressed rn i need to get off here
#camera talks#fuckkk#sighhhghsghg#sorry yall im like. on the verge of tears#this is genuinely like. the start of like 'the rest of my life' year and its. not looking like a good 4 years at all#i have to change my gender marker on my license back (safety. my states not red but its not Good either) and like.#i was already planning to at this point but its hitting me how much it meant to me to have that piece of me be like. known ? ig??#and i feel lucky that my name is already legally changed and its a fairly neutral to masc name so i think im fine#but like. do i really have to go into my job field like this? will i have to not be trans for the first 'real' steps of my life?#im fucking. upset#and im so so angry#i dont feel like i can look to HRT or surgery in my future rn#and i Know we're going to get through this#but like. im so tired of being unknown and hidden but its not like i can do anything about it now or ever anyways#like im already misgendered all the time so it doesn't Matter i guess#and very little people know of my relationships in the grand scheme of things so i guess im just going to keep keeping those hidden ish#but i dont Want to ! i want to be proudly queer and in love because i Am !! so like augh i dont know#im just so so upset#being queer is Me and i hate having to hide this part of myself for so fucking long#no wonder i related to old queers writing and stuff. augh. im thinking about them a lot. lots of them got through this#lots of them had lives they were proud of for the most part and i just hope i get that too#and im not even good at passing as cis or straight i dont think#like. im not going to try to that badly but as much as i dont pass for transsexual im easy to clock as weird gender#and fucked up mentally ill and aughghh#i dont even want to think about not getting mental health and disability resources#okay whatever im logging off or at least shutting down tumblr now#im just scared and worried i guess. i dont know#fuck
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lickthebloodoffmyshovel · 29 days ago
Filled out my name change, and gender marker change forms! Hopefully by the end of the month everything will be done, and I won't have to ever deal with my deadname again.
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lickthatbattery · 8 months ago
miraculously managed to snag a intake doctor's appt that is Next Friday instead of what originally looked like having to wait until OCTOBER so i'm feeling pretty good about that
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anarcho-masochist · 9 months ago
My alters: please use the symptom tracker
Me, who is very paranoid about mental health data being used against me and also cynical about the value of reducing one's mental state to numbers as one's primary mode of analysis, for Obvious Fucking Reasons: I think we should drop our phone off a building
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mapsareforbraindeads · 1 month ago
need to be 18 desperately (i want tattoos)
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xviruserrorx · 3 months ago
I really hate having to depend on people to get very very important things done
#oh the joys of being disabled and not being able to do thing or having to constantly get help with things#literally have been asking my landlord MONTHS gor paperwork i need from him#and ive been trying to get other paperwork and documents from people that i otherwise should have had#but i was in the hospital and very sick so i dont have these documents and so now im trying to get them but#its just so annoying and im suffering because its affecting my health and people just dont care and im so frustrated#and i also still am not able to drive and i dont have money to get the bus or anything and Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh#and im still trying to get like my frivken birth certificate from my mother because she had all this stuff because i was sick#and again in the hospital and when i finally got out and tried to get a grip on all my legal medical stuff#i find out that she just let it all go to waste and she literally told me that she was just waiting for me to get out#so that i can handle it myself when jsncjsncjsjcnccn#THATS WHAT SHE LITERALLY WAS THERE FOR SHE HAD ALL MEDICAL RIGHTS BY ME AND SHE DIDN'T DO IT#and gosh... i just really hope i still qualify for disability because i cant work ive tried to do it and#i literally worked a 9-5 day and the next three days after that i was running a fever and throwing up#i thought it was a one time thing so i tried again and the same thing happened#and i keep fricken trying and it keeps happening and its frustrating my body wont tolerate working#and im stressed because the person coming into presidency doesn't like disabled people and i feel like im just not gonna qualify#i just hope i qualify for the insurance part at least thats what i really really need because yeah just yeah
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hiimcanadia · 3 months ago
"Trans people have been illegally taking hormones for decades and if HRT gets banned that's an option that will be available and many people will probably take" and "oh my god do not share detailed information about how you are actively illegally stockpiling a controlled substance on fucking Tumblr (or any social media frankly)" are two statements that can coexist
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transgender-catboy · 5 months ago
oh yeah. this whole death thing is like. wild.
apparently one of my aunts died recently
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nexus-nebulae · 6 months ago
another childhood bucket list item obtained: i finally have a snuggie
#and it's the real thing not even a knockoff#kinda surprised they still exist#but also not surprised bc Blanket. blanket is universal#i just remember a lot of those As Seen On Tv ads like. imploding within 5 years#they still do As Seen On Tv products like there are still boxes marked with that logo it almost feels wrong like an ancient relic#bc most like. ubiquitous 2000s brands from my childhood are just Gone or at least so fundamentally changed it's not the same thing#heard about like 50 more companies going bankrupt probably in the last year alone#anyway ive always wanted a snuggie it's one of those Always Wanted things that never go away#others include: staples easy button (obtained!); mini fridge (not); pillow pet (i had a knockoff once); power drill (not)#i spent a surprising amount of my childhood actually going out of my way to buy stuff i could use in my own apartment in the future#i grew up lower middle class and then just lower class#so like. i always Knew i couldn't just furnish the whole apartment at once i Knew I'd have to build stuff up over time#also bc when my sister got kicked out she had like. nothing. in her trailer. and i did not want to have nothing#i knew if dad was willing to just toss out my sister like that i would absolutely follow suit#and i did! two years younger than my sister when she was!#it just happened that my mom didn't want me homeless at FOURTEEN when i legally could not work for two more years#so she went with me and we lived with my grandma#so take that dad. turns out throwing family members out willy nilly makes the rest of your family not trust you or like you!#and now i get to rub it in his face that HE can't function in a house by himself and still needs to beg my mom to clean up after him#bc i spent so much of my childhood getting berated and called lazy for not doing chores#getting told stuff like 'you have to function by yourself your parents can't always pick up after you'#and then he's literally useless without his wife#he's not disabled and he's not neurodivergent he's never even had a serious health scare he just doesn't bother to learn how to clean#his excuse is that he doesn't know how to use the washer and dryer (it has been almost ten years fucker. learn)#or he doesn't know which cleaning products to use (you have google and a library card. LOOK IT UP)#he's the only person i get mad at for this behaviour bc he's a fucking hypocrite and a child abuser about it too#he is the exception to my rule of everyone needs to be given the space to get things done where they're able and deserve help when needed#and I'll bend over backwards to make excuses for other people so i DONT exclude them from my rule i will try to find every good reason first#he has no fucking excuse though he made two teenagers nearly homeless bc he thought we were too lazy and then he's even worse
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deepwoundsandfadedscars · 2 years ago
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recalling life events got me fucked enough to be writing song lyrics again.
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beneaththebloodylake · 2 months ago
ive been reading too much ace attorney fanfic and its sort of pissing me off, apparently im a bit of a snob. if i had more time id be very tempted to write a case fic which goes uncharacteristically into legal details and technical stuff, but make it actually accurrate to the correct system
#swear the majority of these people havent even heard of a civil law system#not that i know a lot about it but thatd be the point id actually research it#not that its really tonally accurrate with the original but its a fanfic and tbh i actually enjoy that sort just not when its wtong#even though its not accurate to the original it still feels sort of realistic and easier to relate to them as people when they#do normal boring everyday stuff everyone does like go to the shops or take the bus#even though detailed descriptions are boring i like when theres i bit and technical legal or beurocratic stuff feels similar#is a bit difficult when you dont even know what city but make that generic i suppose#i always assumed it was a smaller city from the anime and what we see but i cant actually tell#anyway id even want to write it to just put normal everyday life stuff in that everyone gets wrong and i already know about#that one person who apparently hadnt heard of bike racks? have you ever visited a city in your life?#how health insureance works. ie nationalised and mandatory.#the existence of busses and trains and possibly trams depending. though lots of cities dont have any local trains even#and i hate cash only busses#and no ic card trains come on#not like im from a country where thats the norm for almost all trains or anything. but id got used to not having to buy tickets all the time#well at least theres no cash only busses here thats one thing the uk has. though actually i think i prefer when its cash but cheaper
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genderkoolaid · 1 month ago
Frustrated that people continued to consume so much alcohol even after it was banned, federal officials had decided to try a different kind of enforcement. They ordered the poisoning of industrial alcohols manufactured in the United States, products regularly stolen by bootleggers and resold as drinkable spirits. The idea was to scare people into giving up illicit drinking. Instead, by the time Prohibition ended in 1933, the federal poisoning program, by some estimates, had killed at least 10,000 people. [...] By mid-1927, the new denaturing formulas included some notable poisons—kerosene and brucine (a plant alkaloid closely related to strychnine), gasoline, benzene, cadmium, iodine, zinc, mercury salts, nicotine, ether, formaldehyde, chloroform, camphor, carbolic acid, quinine, and acetone. The Treasury Department also demanded more methyl alcohol be added—up to 10 percent of total product. It was the last that proved most deadly. The results were immediate, starting with that horrific holiday body count in the closing days of 1926. Public health officials responded with shock. “The government knows it is not stopping drinking by putting poison in alcohol,” New York City medical examiner Charles Norris said at a hastily organized press conference. “[Y]et it continues its poisoning processes, heedless of the fact that people determined to drink are daily absorbing that poison. Knowing this to be true, the United States government must be charged with the moral responsibility for the deaths that poisoned liquor causes, although it cannot be held legally responsible.” His department issued warnings to citizens, detailing the dangers in whiskey circulating in the city: “[P]ractically all the liquor that is sold in New York today is toxic,” read one 1928 alert. He publicized every death by alcohol poisoning. He assigned his toxicologist, Alexander Gettler, to analyze confiscated whiskey for poisons—that long list of toxic materials I cited came in part from studies done by the New York City medical examiner’s office. Norris also condemned the federal program for its disproportionate effect on the country’s poorest residents. Wealthy people, he pointed out, could afford the best whiskey available. Most of those sickened and dying were those “who cannot afford expensive protection and deal in low grade stuff.” And the numbers were not trivial. In 1926, in New York City, 1,200 were sickened by poisonous alcohol; 400 died. The following year, deaths climbed to 700. These numbers were repeated in cities around the country as public-health officials nationwide joined in the angry clamor. Furious anti-Prohibition legislators pushed for a halt in the use of lethal chemistry. “Only one possessing the instincts of a wild beast would desire to kill or make blind the man who takes a drink of liquor, even if he purchased it from one violating the Prohibition statutes,” proclaimed Sen. James Reed of Missouri.
This isn't particularly relevant to anything specific. I just wanted to remind everyone this is something the US government did.
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