sideblogfornothing · 7 days
Do people realize that this magical solution of kicking all Israelis out of Israel will do nothing except displace millions of people?
Most Israelis don't have another citizenship. All this would do is kick people out of their homes with no where to go.
Try doing that with America, you'd also be displacing millions of people.
The only thing that this whole decolonization shit ppl are on about will do is displace millions and millions of people who have no where to go.
What happened happened, and trying to fix it like this will do wayyyy more harm than good.
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fandomharlot · 7 months
Down with the patriarchy
Put fish in your car
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d4rkerthanbl4ck · 1 month
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If you all don't pull up to the election in droves to make sure that
Trump doesn't get elected period
And more importantly pardon himself from his embarrassing amounts of impeachment charges
Then never talk about advocacy ever again
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goblinwithartsupplies · 2 months
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original-username42 · 5 months
Pro gay trump be like:
"I love the Ls and the Gs and Bs, adore the Ts, adore them. There's Qs too you know, they won't tell you that but I will. Lovely people the Qs, lovely people. You know, old sleepy Joe, he doesn't like the Qs, he doesn't, he also doesn't like the Ts, or the Bs, Gs or Ls, but I love all of them, all good honest people. America has the best LGBTQs, best in the world, there's nowhere with better LGBTQs, and I promise to make them even better. So many people come to me, they do, they come to me and they say 'Mr President, why do you hate Americas gays' and I say, this is what I tell them, I tell them 'I don't hate the gays of this beautiful country, I don't. In fact, I love the gays so much that I'm going to become them! I will become the B in the LGBTQ' and it's true. You know something? What they don't tell you is most politicians, they're all Bs. I'm a B, sleepy Joe's a B, Obama's a B and I love them because I love the Bs. Marco Rubio though, now he's a B I don't like, but most Bs, lovely people, lovely hard working people like the Ts and the Qs and everyone else in America. I like to think that America is a land where all the letters, all of them, every letter in the alphabet can live and be LGBT and even Q, maybe even Z, who knows. Anyway, to answer your question, yes I like lettuce in my sandwiches"
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watusay · 3 months
Incase you missed it this was bidens face to hearings trumps take on abortion
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rottedbrainz · 1 year
Reblogs won’t show up in search results :|
You right thxs! 👍👍👍
This is important for anyone outside of the United States too. If there is a an app that is U.S. based, our government has the power to take said sites down completely. Sites like Tumblr, Facebook, Instagram, Ao3 and many others will be taken down. I know there isn't much you can do, but you can spread awareness about it because in the end it might also end up effecting you. So if you can I am sharing this link with you again! This will send an email to your state representatives letting them know that KOSA is wrong.
Don't let people on the internet have you belive that it will not be passed because it didn't pass last year. The only reason why it didn't pass was because we spoke up about it! You need to call your representatives. If you're a teen like me do not be afraid to call! They need to know that the younger generation does have a voice and we will not be pushed around when it comes to our rights.
In the second link it will provide you with a letter that you can read explaining why KOSA is an awful law. Yes it is important to protect young children on the internet but censorship is not the way. Please help while you still can!
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people see the economy and society in general coming to a halt and don't think the workers should be payed more and instead think they should just stop striking
it's the lack of critical thinking like yes we all want the strikes to stop and how do we get there ? their answer is just stop. the right answer us listen to why their striking, pay them, protect them. why is that so hard. I just don't get it
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astral-projects-stars · 2 months
I dont think ive ever truly felt fear like this. Biden just dropped out of the race. If trump wins, I am going to loose my rights. I am a fucking child I have not graduated high school I should not have to live in fear of my future and weather or not I will know if im going to wake up worrying about going out in public and other people like me. Dont use this a as an excuse to not vote. FUCKING VOTE ITS OUR ONLY GOD DAMN CHANCE.
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imanics · 4 months
no fuck off Rishi I’m not joining the armed forces or volunteering, I’m not uprooting my life because you said so also it won’t do anything for nationwide spirit, just to warn you.
I’m also not doing maths A-level, but I know that’s not happening. Where will he get the staffing for it, thin air.
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Also I think you should go back and study up on biology, I think you missed quite a lot.
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aleck-le-mec · 7 months
Honestly it’s really hard to condemn the people my age (18) who have given up. In a way I think they’re right, it’s estimated that by the time we finish college humanity will look nothing like it does right now due to climate change and vast political differences. I can completely understand why you’d give up in the face of those facts especially when it wasn’t our fault nor can we really do anything individually. Hope is really hard to hang on to and I understand those who let go.
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theatrenerdgirly · 7 months
I fucking LOVE rehersal pics, like, the amazing performancr came from stumbling over lines in studio, I'm just obsessed, like, look at this picture from rehersals for The Crucible, with Richard Armitage, directed by Yaël Faber, dont you want to scream?
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OK, so I’m talking with my partner and some of my friends in a group chat, my partner thinks that the attempted assassination might’ve been staged, and so does a SFX artist friend of one of @therealmisted
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aspiringcandleartist · 10 months
Now I'm not saying that we should remind politicians of their own mortality...
I'm just saying that maybe Marley had a point.
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wonk-ass-willy · 15 days
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To nobody's suprise, the powers that be couldn't give two shits about dead kids so long as it doesn't effect them.
Well, you heard him people! Go home, think about cops, or pray, or whatever do-nothing activity people like this absolute cancerous failed abortion of a human want you to do. Didn't you hear? Nobody important died! Just continue to pay your taxes and stick to the status quo. No change nessesary. See you at the next one!
I for one only pray that this fucking waste of space is one day given every form of STD known to man. I'd call him a piece of shit, but that would be an insult to shit.
May he and everyone like him who would rather protect the broken system they benofit from than make the systemic change our country desperately needs, be one day be fireing squaded by the very guns they love so much.
Just think. We could have been spared the god awful presence of this gutter trash in a cheap suit, If his mother had the good sense to spit him in the toilet instead of carrying this waste of skin to term.
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