#Political Lawyer
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llewelynpritch · 1 year ago
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/victoria-atkins-criminal-lawyer-defends-rolling-out-nhs-pritchard-ma-ffd3e/https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTW1KxQnvsuEb5ZjOUNi7r6goTnTezkvixIImofeNmkGjj03Fx7wQxLyHzzVQBFJL4HiCeC4zz8LNEy/pub Victoria Atkins, ‘Criminal Lawyer 'Defends Rolling Out Fujitsu IT Software for Faster Junior Doctors' Destruction of NHS' #WithDeepestSympathyAndCondolencesForBereavedPostOfficeStaffAndCOVIDVictims #Political Satire #GeneralElectionNOW ‘The British Medical Association BMA insists that the power to end the strikes is in the hands of Atkins. They have expressed willingness to talk at any time and have stated that it is in the government's hands to put forward a credible offer, which could end the strikes.’ ’The right to take industrial action is protected by UK employment law, and the BMA provides support to its members who are involved in industrial action.’  “The Health Secretary says she wants to ‘get this done’. If she is serious about this, she should stop trying to divide the profession and instead turn her focus to getting back around the table with us.” #WithDeepestSympathyAndCondolencesForBereavedPostOfficeStaff #PoliticalSatire #PoliticalLawyer #Bias #SaveTheNHS #StopToryPrivatisationOfPublicServices #DeepAIGeneratedImage #AtkinsLies #PeopleDie #GeneralElectionNOW #VoteLabour Llewelyn Pritchard 11 January 2024
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milliondollarbaby234 · 2 months ago
I have the most urgent need to be insufferably over-educated. Like i need to read literally every book ever written.
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mysharona1987 · 9 months ago
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This is not satire.
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ckerouac · 7 months ago
Fun Fact: Tim Walz is the first member of a Democratic ticket NOT to have attended law school since Jimmy Carter in 1980.
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odinsblog · 2 years ago
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Dang. Idk if anyone has ever laid out Donald Trump’s entanglement with Russia sO clearly.
If you’ve had enough of watching the Trump clowns defending Trump & white supremacy, the Sutori link is definitely worth reading. It is a very enlightening, detailed and comprehensive timeline that puts Trump’s very very long history with Russian mobsters into sharp perspective.
👉🏿 https://www.sutori.com/story/timeline-you-might-be-interested-in--pTTyLH39r7FsRtF51JZi4BVt
👉🏿 https://forensicnews.net/trump-deutsche-bank-loans-underwritten-by-russian-state-owned-bank-whistleblower-told-fbi/
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maxdibert · 1 month ago
@petals2fish sorry but your friend block me so i can't answer properly your post but i want to say some things about your statement:
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And basically are here:
A classist excuse that ignores the social and economic conditions of a person in a situation of vulnerability and danger of social exclusion. You blatantly disregard all the material conditions surrounding a person from an extremely poor environment with no family support, only to find themselves in a school environment where they are constantly persecuted and harassed. You also overlook what it means to be embraced by a specific group of people promising to help them out of the misery if they follow them. Basically, you disregard all the international analyses and statistics linking young people at risk of exclusion as prime targets for sectarian and far-right political groups precisely because of their social conditions. But well, one can overcome classism too, especially when one reads books and not just fanfics and Tumblr posts.
The only Weasley he openly dislikes is Harry’s friend, nothing to do with the rest of the Weasleys, honestly. And despite not having money, the Weasleys are still pure-blood, which means they maintain a superior status over him in the wizarding world. Blood status in the wizarding world has clear parallels with the concept of classical European aristocracy, and in Europe, you can be completely broke, but if you're an aristocrat, you’ll always be considered socially above those who aren’t, even if they’re wealthier. So if you’re trying to establish some kind of power dynamic between the Weasleys and Severus, honestly, you’re going about it the wrong way. You should put a little more effort into understanding how structural class differences work in certain societies rather than pushing a neoliberal, American-centric perspective.
And yes, obviously, he distanced himself from his poor origins because they reminded him of being marginalized, excluded, and abused at home—just like many people from the same social background do as a response to trauma. It’s also true that he served and gave his life for "the good guys," who always treated him like absolute shit, always distrusted him, humiliated him, and marginalized him, while he turned his back on those who, at the very least, treated him with some degree of sympathy “for the greater good.” And I think you’re deliberately and conveniently ignoring this.
On another note, I don’t understand why Severus should have any intention of saving the life of a guy who stripped him against his will in front of the entire school, publicly suffocated him, and made his life hell for seven years. A pure-blood guy, from an important family, disgustingly rich, with far more social and financial power than he ever had. Like, I wouldn’t expect anyone to save their abuser’s life—I’d actually ask for them to be tortured until they begged for their own death. I don’t know what kind of utopian fantasy world you live in where you can hold it against someone that they don’t give a single shit whether the person who abused, humiliated, and traumatized them for life lives or dies. Some of the nonsense you lot come out with is just... wow.
Yes, Snape had self-hatred and internalized classism. And failing to understand where that comes from, failing to recognize how power structures operate when it comes to vulnerable people at high risk of social exclusion—who are pushed by their environment into becoming prime targets for grooming and brainwashing—is classist. But that’s not internalized classism; that’s overt classism. It’s looking at everything from a morally superior stance shaped by a society incapable of empathizing with or comprehending how certain sectarian groups operate and how they primarily target vulnerable youth for radicalization. It’s pretending to ignore how drug cartels recruit underprivileged children and teenagers to work for them, how nationalist terrorist groups focus on young people to indoctrinate them, how religious cults prey on kids with troubled homes or social environments to manipulate them more easily. It’s refusing to see beyond your privileged nose and your complete lack of real-life experience with people who’ve actually faced serious problems, choosing instead to spew moralistic monologues without having the slightest clue how the world actually works.
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political-us · 8 days ago
Separation of powers at risk in the US
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dreamsandconstellations · 3 months ago
Apparently the police have a suspect in custody. Hope it’s not him and just some guy who can sue for a lot of money
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stupid-elf · 9 months ago
Growing up with strict, neurodivergent parents while neurodivergent yourself will have you as an adult acting like you've recently escaped the feywild. What are the tricky rules? Is everything accounted for? How do I ensure I don't accidentally step over the line into Impoliteness. You know the consequences aren't death and dismemberment but you might look down one day and find you've lost your shadow and all of your friends if you're not careful
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cornyonmains · 2 months ago
PSA: To anyone potentially eligible for jury duty in New York, the process they're going to use to weed out potential nullifiers in the Luigi Mangione case is called voir dire.
I am not a legal professional. I am, in fact, dumb as a brick, so I can't offer much insight as to what this process entails. All I really know is folks in New York might want to be looking into what it is these rich parasites want to hear. Luigi put in the work, it's time for us to do the same.
Please reblog to amplify. I'm not very interesting, and frankly, I can't even figure out how to center the text to give my page a proper description. I think this is important information, but I'm too incompetent to amplify this shit on my own. Before Luigi, i mostly just used this account to shit-post about my nieces and gay shit.
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mammalsofaction · 1 year ago
The fact that the Doof had been paired and proved most compatible with Perry, canonically and repeatedly proclaimed to be one of OWCA's best agents in the field, is curious to me.
Some fics have a throwaway line or two talking referring to his compatibility with other agents. I think, also, about the canonical fact that he remains as third most dangerous evil scientist in OWCA's ledger.
I also like thinking about the fact that we have been proven, multiple times, in VARIOUS dimensions and fluctuations to the time space continuem, that were he not continuously thwarted throughout his career, he would not only have achieved tyrannical rule, he would have EXCELLED in it, and perfectly undefeated, EVEN BY HIS EVIL PEERS that people loved to pretend were always more competent than him.
Like. I think about that. Why? What makes Heinz so dangerous? What made everyone else incompatible to a point OWCA realized they needed to send their best, and he needed to be on call ALL THE TIME?
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strawlessandbraless · 1 year ago
I aspire to this level of pettiness. My dearest sketch artist, you’ll always be famous to me
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mysharona1987 · 7 months ago
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in4newz · 9 days ago
Trump is spending $850,000 per flight to deport 80 immigrants at a time.
It would literally be cheaper to just give each immigrant an unconditional $10,000.
People only care about the cost when it involves helping people. When it involves hurting people, they never care what it costs.
See more on Threads
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wrightinthephoenix · 22 days ago
“I think that President Trump is following through on the statements he’s made a number of times that his appointments to the Supreme Court owe him and should show him loyalty, and he believes that between his three appointees and Justices Thomas and Alito, that he can have a majority willing to allow him to violate any federal law he wants to.”
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tennessoui · 11 months ago
body politic sounds amazing! And i am amusing myself by imagining that what finally gets obi-wan out of being elected is when people find out he slept with his handsome young campaign manager...or perhaps that's just obi-wan's wishful thinking and really their relationship just endears him to the public more because they're so adorable together.
ok but lol what if it actually comes out that they’re sleeping together years later when anakin is 24 and obi-wan is running for governor (still completely by accident) and anakins had a relationship with Padmé and broken up with her and obi-wan and anakin are sleeping together but it’s casual and there’s still a big age difference but anakins out of college now at least, like, he’s a solid adult
and it comes out that they’re together (but they’re only sort of together) and obi-wan gets asked about it and he dithers for a bit before saying like I’m not SLEEPING with my campaign manager I’m in love with him thank you very much
and obviously the crowd goes wild and anakin backstage goes wilder but then the interviewer is like “but our sources say he’s been working on your campaigns since he was barely legal” (solidly 19) “what would you say to those voters who may be concerned of the inappropriateness of your age gap?”
and obi-wan is like I would never sleep with a 19 year old
and the interviewer pulls up a picture of anakin at 19 canvassing for obi-wan and she’s like “he was very attractive”
and obi-wan is like “yes but in the photo you can’t hear him speak. he was very pretty back then but one word out of his mouth and you could just tell that he was a 19 year old boy who hadn’t washed his bedsheets in 8 months.”
cue a shoe flying out from stage left
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