#Pencil on paper
sictransitgloriamvndi · 4 months
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dharmaart · 4 months
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Some wispy left handed sketches. I like to practice with my non-dominant hand because it slows me down and makes me think more about what I'm drawing.
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Help me
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Solas and feelings of pride
In DA: inquisition I have always loved the moments where the 'humble apostate' mask slips and you can see the wolf in sheep's clothing underneath. This piece is mostly me trying hard to practice drawing more expressive faces. :))))
Done with ink and pencil on paper.
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tendalee · 9 months
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eirene · 8 months
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Eleanor Fortescue-Brickdale
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devastatedloyallute · 3 months
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Lute gets extra bitchy when it’s her time of the month, but Adam makes sure to give her extra cuddles to over power her bad moods, even if she fights them at first 💕
do periods still happen in heaven? i hope not that sucks enough already but for this scenario it unfortunately does
Can I draw hands? No, so don’t look at them pls 😂
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tangledlichen · 5 months
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A quiet Rexsoka moment. Pencil on paper.
Please do not repost, but reblogs are welcome. :)
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sictransitgloriamvndi · 3 months
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dharmaart · 4 months
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A simple sketch that mostly uses hatching.
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sunsetsands · 4 months
Had a thought earlier yesterday about how a one-legged animal would work, which lead to me drawing this horrid thing:
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But I decided to do more work with the idea after that because I have chronic worldbuilder’s disease and am simply incapable of making anything not needlessly complicated.
The first step was to set the properties of the world they live in. The general rundown is that it has very low gravity, is very jagged and rocky, and has probably not had life on it for a very long time. Think one of the earlier periods where animals had just moved onto land on Earth. It’s like that, but with ridiculous spring things.
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The creature design parts came after that. I drew up some earlier aquatic life, presumably all descended from a spirillum-like multicellular worm thing, which all move through the water by rotating themselves like drills. This probably wouldn’t be the only group of aquatic animal in this world, but it’s the most important for the one-legged creature, since it is descended from one of these (probably the one on the bottom left).
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I then went into more depth with the one-legged animal itself, drawing out its method of movement as well as some internal anatomy, though the organs are not very well done. I should probably try to get more practice with that.
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I also did some other terrestrial creatures with non-bounce-based ways of getting around.
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All of this is probably incredibly unrealistic, but at least it’s fun to do.
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iilllya · 9 months
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“Ich hab' dich vermisst.”
Der Leo zum Adam can be found here!
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lionofchaeronea · 2 years
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Self-Portrait, Ellen Thesleff, 1895
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th3-0bjectivist · 7 months
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“Eyecatch” - Colored pencils on paper
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reeacat · 2 years
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If Wednesday said "Yes" to the whiskers
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tentacledtyrant · 7 days
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enjoy this manic drawing spree while you can
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