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sarcasticcynic · 4 years ago
Since the 2020 election, North Carolina Republican Senator Bob Steinburg has been pushing the “Big Lie” conspiracy theory that Biden somehow stole it:
“In past conversations, Steinburg has said China, the CIA, the FBI and potentially a blackmail campaign against U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts are or may be involved in a long-planned coup that culminated in the November elections.”
Once all legal challenges (plus one attempted coup) failed and Biden was formally inaugurated, Steinburg finally acknowledged that Biden is president and it’s time to move on.
“Today Lady Liberty sheds a tear as Biden’s faux call for unity falls upon deaf ears at his swearing in to the Presidency.
“Our new President is sadly a crook and at least 75 million (likely more) Americans agree. This election was stolen- no one- no one will ever convince me otherwise. Where Biden and the Democrats want to take our country is frightening, beginning with their silencing of free speech, opening up our borders and further bankrupting our nation fiscally and morally. I’m sorry, Biden and Harris can not and will not ever unite us and certainly NEVER heal us. The Constitution is in grave peril and Lady Liberty is shedding more than a tear on this day.”
Or not.
Quick fact check:
“At least 75 million (likely more) Americans agree”: In reality, post-election polls show that most voters--60% in November, 61% in December, and 65% in January--believe the results of the 2020 election are accurate. Less than one-third still believe the “Big Lie,” and the vast majority of those are Republicans.
“Their silencing of free speech”: Steinburg’s post kinda disproves his own claim, no? Freedom of speech is just that, the right to speak. It doesn’t require others to listen to or believe your speech; it doesn’t include the right to preclude others from criticizing your speech; and it doesn’t insulate you from any other (non-governmental) consequences of your speech. Economic boycotts, for example. Or private platforms refusing to give you a free megaphone to broadcast your speech to a worldwide audience.
“Opening up our borders”: Trump’s vanity wall was useless, so stopping its construction doesn’t open up a damn thing.
“Bankrupting our nation fiscally”: When President Obama took office in 2009, the federal deficit was over $1.4 trillion. In Obama’s last year in office, 2016, the deficit was down to $587 billion. Under Trump and a Republican-controlled Senate, the deficit increased every single year; by Trump’s last year in office, 2020, it was at an all-time high of $3.1 trillion, more than double the previous record. Who’s bankrupting our nation, again?
One might hope Steinburg’s Republican colleagues would disapprove of, or at least disagree with, his continued false claims. One would be disappointed.
“WRAL News reached out via email Thursday morning to the other 27 Republicans in the state Senate, seeking to determine how widespread these beliefs may be. None responded beyond a statement from Senate ... leadership. ‘Sen. Steinburg is an elected member of the North Carolina legislature and can and does speak his mind. We are not in the business of policing the speech of other members, who are responsible only to the voters who elected them.’ ...
“When emails to rank-and-file Republican senators didn’t elicit responses, WRAL called seven directly. One took the call, none returned messages. ‘As far as I know, everybody in America can still have their own opinion,’ [Sen. Warren] Daniel said, ‘and Sen. Steinburg can have his.’”
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twodoggarage · 5 years ago
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History repeating. Unfortunately, not our history. 😒 #itmfa #treason #traitorinchief #pospotus #partyovercountry #impeach #magamyass https://www.instagram.com/p/B4ALdV-AheR/?igshid=r0swz2nobzna
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quiquetaino · 4 years ago
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Yup... Reposted from @beingliberal #Repost @liarinchief ・・・ #ReTrumplicans, #SeditiousConspiracy, #sedition, #126Traitors, #RepublicanBetrayal, #RepublicanTreachery, #RepublicanCowards, #PartyOverCountry, #CorruptGOP, #NationalDisgrace, #RepublicanShame, #MalignantNarcissist, #PathologicalLiar, #Cult45, #TrumpDeathCult, #BloodOnHisHands, #TrumpVirus, #suckers, #conman, #loser, #SoreLoser, #moron, #AmericasTraitor, #corrupt, #ConspiracyTheory, #ConspiracyTheories, #WhinyLittleBitch, #LockHimUp, #incompetence, https://www.instagram.com/p/CKKFSTyDktSg5q8AesNQlUbdF1zqWDBSN11cIg0/?igshid=1iizqisjgtr71
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michaelscogginsart · 5 years ago
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Oath broken and the #GOP covers it up. #WednesdayWisdom #art #partyovercountry #greed https://www.instagram.com/p/B7oeV8jlBsn/?igshid=12csd0xz5khxk
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bluesquare12 · 7 years ago
Now they can prosecute this fool for insider trading.... #Repost @resist.now ・・・ #Repost @trumpslastdays ・・・ Tom Price needs to be fired! #tomprice #fired #lindsaygraham #billcassidy #jimmykimmel #johnmccain #randpaul #lisamurkowski #grahamcassidybill #aca #obamacare #partyovercountry #jimmykimmeltest #donaldtrump #lies
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stillwithhernothim · 8 years ago
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This is where it begins. Are we a society, a people, that moves forward together? Do we have empathy, sympathy for others? We must change hearts and minds. #Repost @hillaryforqueens ・・・ John 13:34 "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another." #Trumpcare #covfefe #partyovercountry #treasonous #dumptrump💩 #unpresident #worstpresidencyever #RESISTANCE#imwithher #hrcbrigade #stillwithher #onwardtogether #sheswithus #lovetrumpshate #FDT #StopTrump #DumpTrump #women #imstillwithher #resist #activist
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dragoni · 5 years ago
Lisa Murkowski admitting the trial is rigged.
Murkowski and Susan Collins are called “moderate” Republicans — they were NEVER moderates — they are party hacks who violated their Oath of Office.  #PartyOverCountry  #GOPCowards
"Given the partisan nature of this impeachment from the very beginning and throughout, I have come to the conclusion that there will be no fair trial in the Senate",  Lisa Murkowski, Republican from Alaska  
Sen. Lisa Murkowski, an Alaska Republican, announced on Friday that she'd vote with the majority of her party to block witnesses from testifying in President Donald Trump's impeachment trial.
"It is sad for me to admit that, as an institution, the Congress has failed.", Lisa Murkowski
Lisa Murkowski also had no problems with approving Brett Kavanaugh.
Vote out every House and Senate Republican in 2020 especially #MoscowMitch #GOPExtinction
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darkumvi · 7 years ago
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@Regranned from @trumpslastdays - Trump's hired the best criminals for the job. Heads are rolling and Muller is at Trump's door. Knock knock! Who's there? Muller! Muller who? Muller who's going to indict all your staff and send you to jail! #sarahhuckabeesanders #jaredkushner #tedcruz #hesagoodguy #republican #jeffsessions #trumpsupporters #partyovercountry #whitehouse #donaldtrump #mitchmcconnell #trump #lair #hatepolitics #lying #stevemiller #impeachtrump #alternativefacts #russia #paulryan #fired #putin #jeffsessions #quit #resist #resign #whitehouse #impeachtrump #impeachment #stevebannon #terrorist
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kcdoriangray · 7 years ago
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#governorkayivey #sad #partyovercountry #notsosweethomealabama #roymooreisasexualpredator
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tyrras · 7 years ago
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Ty flips off dump every day for 4 years #resist #MAGA #guncontrol #guncontrolnow #bumpstocks #fakenews #trumpisafuckingmoron #trumpisawhitesupremacist #gunsareforcowards #secondamendment #2ndamendment #NRA #trumptrain #trumpisamoron #lasvegasshooting #partyovercountry #donthecon #moroninchief #papertowels #puertorico #fucktrump #impeachtrump #impeachthenazi #russia #thursdaythoughts #somanyfuckingreasons
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twodoggarage · 5 years ago
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#corruption #moscowmitch #pospotus #itmfa #partyovercountry #gop #maga #magamyass https://www.instagram.com/p/B6TPqHkAGgk/?igshid=q6bm8sl4559b
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ilovebooksnanimals · 8 years ago
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Like if we needed any more #bullshit thanks 2 #45 nd these in the #republicanparty that kiss his ass nd cover him up look at the #fuckery he is getting us into nd this is not including #russia nd #syria nd #iran Nd this is now not included all these #countries he has insulted Why tf do we vote 4 anyway these fucks pick #partyovercountry nd #pocketsoverpeople https://www.google.com/amp/www.nydailynews.com/amp/news/world/north-korea-claims-ready-war-u-s-ships-approach-article-1.3041812 https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2017/apr/11/north-korea-ready-for-war-us-navy-redeploys https://www.google.com/amp/m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_58eb9aabe4b0acd784ca5a5b/amp
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politicaldicks-blog · 8 years ago
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bluesquare12 · 8 years ago
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😂😂😂#Repost @hillaryforqueens ・・・ #corruption #collusion #treasonous #trumplies #trumprussia #election2016 #fakepresident #facts #stoptrump #Protest #Trumpcare #covfefe #partyovercountry #treasonous #RESISTANCE#imwithher #hrcbrigade #stillwithher #onwardtogether #sheswithus #lovetrumpshate #FDT #StopTrump #DumpTrump #women #imstillwithher #resist #activist #petty
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stillwithhernothim · 8 years ago
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#DC !!!! Get involved!! Protect our rights and our #healthcare !! No #Trumpcare no Repeal !! #Repost @hillaryforqueens ・・・ Save the date☝🏾 #nyc#Protest #Trumpcare #covfefe #partyovercountry #treasonous #dumptrump💩 #unpresident #worstpresidencyever #RESISTANCE#imwithher #hrcbrigade #stillwithher #onwardtogether #sheswithus #lovetrumpshate #FDT #StopTrump #DumpTrump #women #imstillwithher #resist #activist #international
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dragoni · 5 years ago
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I’m sure our brave #SpecialForces and everyone in our military chain of command appreciated the fact that #Trump thanked #RUSSIA before thanking those who risked everything to storm #alBaghdadi’s compound #TrumpRussia #TraitorTrump #TrumpRussia #Syria #TrumpBetrayedTheKurds 
— cassandracarolina @cassandra17lina
U.S. Armed Forces and Military Families, these Twitter hashtags explain why
under the leadership of
#NeverForget  the Kurds played a key role in the Baghdadi raid — even after Trump betrayed and abandoned them in Syria.
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