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leutjaneausten · 5 months ago
Cute sign. If she’s really concerned about Palestinians, she could also work for the defeat fakepresident and of the republican party he coopted, and fully support VP Harris, who is the only person who can do that.
I’m waiting for Tlaib to stand up and lead. She’s afraid of her constituents at a time when she should be standing up to them, educating them and leading them. Palestinian or not, she’s certainly not supporting the Palestinian cause right now. Instead she’s supporting the radicalized religious republican right agenda and the re election of fascist fakepresident.
She knows full well that fakepresident fully supports Bibi’s war on the Palestinians, and her response to this is to throw shade on the VP, who is the only chance for a two state solution in this election.
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Representative Rashida Tlaib (the only Palestinian member of the US Congress) holds up a sign saying "WAR CRIMINAL" and "GUILTY OF GENOCIDE" as Benjamin Netanyahu addresses Congress.
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leutjaneausten · 5 months ago
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Ms. Harris’s proposal of new investments and tax credits might have more success bringing back some jobs. Federal handouts have kick-started renewable energy projects nationwide. And President Biden’s subsidies have led to a boom in new factory construction, including a large microchip plant in Phoenix.
But subsidies are usually upfront and temporary, limiting their effect. Companies build new factories expecting to keep them open for years. They can’t do that if they know a crucial source of funding will eventually expire. That helps explain why, despite Mr. Biden’s subsidies, the number of manufacturing jobs nationwide remains 34 percent lower than it was in the late 1970s.
The NYT thinks they’re being clever here by deliberately avoiding comparing fakepresident’s abysmal economic record with the amazing economic and jobs records set by the Biden Harris administration while pretending that that’s what they’re discussing. What most folks are going to read is that jobs are lowest since the ‘70’s, which is a ridiculous insinuation. But this kind of bullshit filler pretending to be rational thought is so NYT.
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leutjaneausten · 6 months ago
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well, it’s not like we’re wasting the water by letting it “flow to the ocean”. The uses California has deemed appropriate for our water are much more complex than that. The people-highly capitalized farming corporations, actually-who are dramatically oversimplifying this issue wish to farm in the desert. And as more and more people come to California that ridiculous misuse of resources is harder and harder to justify. Leave it to fakepresident to come down hard on the wrong side of an issue.
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leutjaneausten · 6 months ago
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She’s actually talking about suing Bill Maher who noticed that she’s giving fast face to fakepresident. Honestly, she seems like an improvement over former Least Lady, at least she has the self esteem to claim to be doing something other than improve her prenup. Although investigative journalism is a lot to erm umm swallow.
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leutjaneausten · 7 months ago
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fakepresident thinks it is smart business to defraud creditors. He does it to avoid paying debt. How christian.
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leutjaneausten · 7 months ago
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WaPo is so weird. I think they print things that really go against their core beliefs and values just to retain some credibility. They are truly editorially just all over the place.
But as much as they love fakepresident for all the clicks revenue at least this cycle they’re providing folks who might not otherwise see this kind of coverage with a real honest picture of a truly unpresidential wack job.
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sunandmoonfarm2107 · 5 years ago
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How has this not been made into a TV Series, yet?
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leutjaneausten · 4 months ago
They say that economically they were better under fakepresident. That was the Obama economy! Fakepresident was coasting on the Obama economy. Freakin morons.
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(via kuvltej7ibzd1.jpeg (JPEG Image, 1125 × 871 pixels))
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heroofthreefaces · 4 years ago
for four years i’ve been saying “i don’t wish him ill. i wish him justice, and i doubt he or his voter base perceive the different, but i don’t wish him ill”
now for four mornings i’ve been waking up thinking “maybe he’s dead now”
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The fake president is going to get killed tens or hundreds of white children by insisting on opening schools and I for one am uncertain that’ll be sufficient to tank his reelection
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leutjaneausten · 6 months ago
From the notes:
"You don't have to settle for the choice you've been given" is the dumbest possible take. There's only 2 possible outcomes just like every election year. We're in Def Con 5 and pretending that we have any other option rather than fighting like hell to get Kamala Harris elected is wasting precious time and energy needed to avoid a disaster. If she didn't want to endorse Kamala, that's fine, but publicly announcing that she doesn't' want to because she has issues with the Democrats is incredibly unhelpful. We have the same choice in front of us that we did in 2016. I don't care what your problems are with the world's most qualified female candidate or the Democratic Party. Don't let a dangerously incompetent conman national security threat puppet for fascist back in the White House.”
“There's nothing morally righteous about encouraging people to refuse to support the only candidate who has a chance to beat the wannabe dictator who's got a good shot at bringing absolute devastation to Palestine as well as millions of vulnerable people in the US and throwing away the chance to tax billionaires, make more investments in combatting climate change, and maybe even replace the 2 70-year-old conservative justices on SCOTUS bringing it back to a liberal majority.”
I don’t have any respect for folks who are basically just repeating the talking points of the radicalized religious republican right to suppress the vote. A platform is a huge responsibility, and I don’t have a lot of sympathy for folks who can’t handle the blowback from a particular POV, either. It’s so easy just to not say stuff on the level of national media. Women are dying right now, and it’s only going to get worse if we don’t collectively beat down fakepresident and his republican crime family.
Chappell Roan really was like "I won't endorse Harris because of the continuing genocide and the fact that the Democrats aren't protecting trans people. I am voting for Harris but won't endorse. You should expect more from your politicians and that's what I want before I endorse anyone" and got absolutely insane amounts of hatred and vitriol for that not only normal, but morally righteous take. And then because of aforementioned insane amounts of hate had to cancel shows due to mental health and then got MORE HATE. Like wow! Starting to think you don't want principled and authentic celebrities, don't care about women's feelings, and don't understand how mental illness affects people! It will entirely be entitled fans fault if she steps back forever from releasing music
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madeleinecasmo · 4 years ago
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El siguiente paso lógico 😂🤣😂 * #bidenharris2020 #donaldtrumpmemes #DonaldTrump #fuckingpolitics #mikepence #larisasana #laughishealthy #covid19 #coronatime #fakepresident #voteblue #lysolpresident (en Alajuelita, San Jose, Costa Rica) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGHEytrDy_j/?igshid=1g84tk3m4wu30
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feelingthebern2020 · 6 years ago
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Reblog if you wish that Bernie Sanders was your president
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leutjaneausten · 7 months ago
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I dumped my Twit account during fakepresident’s term, so I had to have a friend send me this after I heard about it from Heather Cox Richardson.
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tyrras · 5 years ago
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Ty flips off Dump every day for 4 years, possibly less. #resist #maga #whistleblower #impeachtrump #impeachthemftraitor #impeachdonaldtrumpnow #eatthechildren #impeachmenttaskforce #eatthebabies #romney #rubio #impeachmentiscoming #favorstrumpwouldask #fakepresident #quidproquo #saturdayvibes #somanyreasons https://www.instagram.com/p/B3QHDj_g7l-/?igshid=qc8wh0d6apu8
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heroofthreefaces · 5 years ago
Very few believed impeaching the fake president would get him convicted, and yet it was still done, and it was still important it be done, for we learned who puts their money where their mouth is and who puts their mouth where the money is.
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