#Part Of Conviction
seagull-astrology · 9 months
#724 Dr. Hideyo Noguchi, bacteriologist
Hideyo Noguchi was born Nov. 24, 1876 in Inawashiro, Fukushima, Japan. Marc Jones only has the date and Japan in his notes; Britannica & his biography by Teppei Morita, the curator of the Hideyo Noguchi Memorial Hall in Fukuskima Japan. A brilliant bacteriologist. Dr. Noguchi, made many discoveries, but it his isolating Treponema pallidum, the highly invasive pathogen a causative agent in all…
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molinaesque · 4 months
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"What are you?" "Oh, I'm you, sweetie. You just... give it a little time."
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zirconpetals · 2 years
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I think it's very interesting that Flapjack first tried to bond with Hunter after Hunter had expressed his desire to figure out his own future and "left" him after Hunter finally did just that.
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ariadne-mouse · 6 months
Still thinking about just how deep in it Liliana Temult is. Like in the eyes of the narrative she went from
absent & possibly dead, very sad -> alive just estranged?? mysterious! -> possibly involved in a cult, tragic, can her daughter reach her? -> uncomfortably high up in said cult -> the cult's goddamn General and striking such terror into the local population of the Ruidus that they are afraid of even her appearance or someone who looks like her
Ordinary people who are trying to resist the dictatorial Imperium/Ruby Vanguard alliance and their iron control of the populace are terrified of her. You don't strike terror just by "being there". Terror happens because of actions. And it leaves us to wonder what exactly Liliana Temult has done during her time on the moon to make the citizens fear her so much.
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jonathanbyersphd · 2 years
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Sometimes a sibling trio can be a self-proclaimed freak with a slight weed addiction, a boy who was demonically possessed and committed accidental homicide, and a girl with psionic abilities ❤️
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shuuenka · 8 months
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It's been awhile, couple hundred of years.
Give or take.
It's not that bad, Cyno.
Just a bit of ache. A bit of yearning.
Ah, and missing you for all of the eternal life I was cursed with.
Selfish desires of the heart that was once moved.
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frogs-in3-hills · 28 days
the barry the chopper episode of fma 03 is such a wild addition to the lineup it really has it all. it has mini murder mystery. it has gave me nightmares as a child. it has the complete shattering of a twelve year old’s brain that fundamentally alters the course of his development. it has rampant transphobia. it even has hughes
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rodspace · 2 months
Honestly I’m really apprehensive laughing at the crazy eyes part given that Matt is part Filipino. Seeing screenshots of the eyes gesture on Twitter seems a bit problematic. I can’t speak for anyone else tho especially those of that community tho
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daily-hanamura · 10 months
recently got to the whole "let's throw namatame into the tv" scene in my rewatch of p4a and it's like. holy shit yosuke was just so ready to kill. hands down. is he okay. does... does he need someone to talk to??? why is this poor boy filled with so much insatiable bloodlust, atlus
AHHHH I WATCHED THAT SCENE YESTERDAY TOO YOSUKE went so hard there, like damn son look at his fury!!! I feel like the anime did such a great job at capturing yosuke's sensitivity towards the injustice that happened to saki and nanako and how he flinches everytime it's brought up, and it really helped contextualise his reaction in that scene.
I also really liked how after Yu talks him down Yosuke says something like how he'll always be watching, anytime anywhere (unfortunately I don't have a screenshot of that and my safe file is too far from that date so)
It's interesting because it's also something that sticks - in p4au when Adachi shows up again and people around them are in danger, Yosuke is immediately on the offensive, charging forward without thinking.
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I think it's one of those things about Yosuke that's very well written and something I adore. As a character strength, Yosuke is extremely protective of the people around him - he looks out for his friends and makes sure they're okay, buys them food to keep them happy, etc. One of my favourite lines from him is when you add him to the party and he says this:
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But this is also a strength that when flipped as a flaw is one of overprotectiveness. He becomes reckless and forgets to think rationally, so he throws himself in front of danger without flinching because he wants to keep others safe. It makes him behave recklessly because he's single mindedly focused on getting justice for those who were wronged or for preventing any more harm being done, without any consideration for potential side consequences.
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tragedykery · 1 year
another small detail in adofn that has been haunting me is the fact that wulf takes the newly born princess sabran to the tomb of an inyscan princess. not inysh, inyscan. keeping in mind how eller meant to mould glorian into “a queen of inysca” but failed—how incredibly poignant is it, then, that wulf seeks protection for his daughter in a place that symbolises the death of what she could have been.
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Okay, so I bought this movie specifically for his scene. Because...why not?
Vincent Price - Convicts 4 (1962)
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moonmoonthecrabking · 5 months
“i love emotionally complex and morally grey women” you couldn’t even handle grace fucking chasity
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shredsandpatches · 1 year
Somewhat pursuant to this post (in the sense of productions' need to determine a sort of moral point of no return that is clear and unambiguous onstage) I also find it a deeply funny indicator of cultural differences that British theater practitioners talking about staging Doctor Faustus always lead off with a sort of embarrassed "well, of course nobody actually believes in any of that kind of stuff anymore so we had to cut a lot and focus on the psychodrama" and Americans always start with "well, we were staging the play at a small liberal arts college in the American South so we had to tread very carefully..."
like, I'm not at all opposed to using mental illness as a framework for reading this play! I do it all the damn time myself -- but I also think you can't let yourself be embarrassed by the Christian structure of the play if you're going to stage it. It may not be real to you but it's real in the play and you can absolutely layer the psychology onto that. Even if "we" aren't believers and even if our immediate cultural milieu is pretty secular we're still living on the bones of the culture that produced the Faust legend and the culture that Marlowe was railing against. If it's real to Faustus it will be real to the audience at least for the duration.
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asha-mage · 1 year
I think, on reflection, I agree with the choice to split Hurin's role between Errol and Elyas- he's one of my favorite minor characters in the series but I can be objective and admit he's an easy cut. But it dose leave me wondering how their going to be bring in an important element of Rand's character: the noblesse oblige that Hurin instilled in him.
One of the important themes of WoT overall is people's relationship to power and government. Jordan is fascinated with the idea of how dynasty, noble houses, monarchies, etc get started, how they function, and how they fall apart. Jordan spends a lot of time and energy exploring both their virtues and their common failings, and one of the things that makes his writing unique is that he's not trying to sell a certain PoV to the audience: he is neither in the Monarchy Good or Monarchy Bad camp, but instead is interested in showing different sides and elements to these systems through his characters and conflicts.
This relates to Hurin because as much as he gets mocked sometimes for being 'obsessed with following a Lord' what Hurin is actually expressing is 1) the prevalent attitude of common people in his society and 2) a very human impulse on which these sorts of systems are based. Hurin wants to believe their is someone in charge whose sole job it is to take care of everything and make it right- when everything falls out from under him and he finds himself literally in situation completely beyond his depth, he looks to Rand to be that person, and the narrative does not judge him for it. Hurin is used to living in a system where their is a class of people whose whole existence is (supposed to be) dedicated to protecting, leading, and aiding the common folk. This is alien to Rand (who was after all raised by anarchist tax evaders), but he comes to view it as a duty and a responsibility, and one that he can't take lightly. A Whole Person is putting their faith in him, and that is both an honor and a burden, but one that is critical to the noble-commoner relationship.
This sense of Noble Obligation informs sharply Rand's relationship to different aristocrats throughout the rest of the series, especially the justice he dishes out to the High Lords of Tear (who have forsaken that obligation to instead regard their status as a right). It also become a huge part how he handles being The Dragon. After all, what is being the savior of the world, but someone with the ultimate duty, the ultimate obligation to set everything aside, from their heart to their humanity, in order to protect the innocent?
I don't doubt they'll bring this in some other way of course, but I am a touch sad to see Hurin's part in it end up on the cutting room floor.
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kuragesoda · 1 year
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himawanai · 8 months
i think ryo is kinda annoying and impulsive. like shes definitely sensitive enough and kind to the others of course but you know when something really doesnt line up w her beliefs she would refuse to do it full stop. like its kinda left open how much of the hamukitas incident she regrets but oh im sure in her little head somewhere in the back its going (well if i never left i wouldnt be with kessoku now)
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