#Part 1 has been edited for clarity
hbosscreations · 1 month
Mostly Comprehensive Guide to Noah Ikumelo (With minimal personal commentary)
I have tried to consolidate everything we know for certain about Noah in one location, but I’m sure I’ve missed things. If you see something that’s not here, please let me know. I’d love to know if this is useful to anyone.
I have avoided repeating pictures, even in areas where examples would work well in multiple places, I highly recommend reading the issues he’s in, in Marks of Woe and The Best Version of You, if you’re interested in using him as a character.
Origin Story
Noah Ikumelo was born in 2003-2024 to Liza Ikumelo, a poor black woman who was harassed for years by an entity who identified himself as Rawhead-and-Bloody-Bones. In an effort to save her life, she somehow came into contact with John Constantine, who half assed putting him into a grave and then slept with her on top of it.
Ten years later (2013-2014), when Noah is nine years old, Rawhead-and-Bloody-Bones decides that he’s ready to take his revenge on John and uses a spell to track her down, thinking that he’ll find John through her.
Instead, he puts her in a coma and rips Noah’s ability to speak from his body.
We do not know who took care of him or where he lived after this point. The comic briefly mentions a grandmother in A Green and Pleasant Land Part 3, but does not imply that he lives with her.
At some point, he is picked up by K-Mag and the Ri Boys, a gang of drug dealers that operates out of Peckham Rye park. He has not been sent on a bloodrun (a ritual killing in which initiate gang members take a knife and walk alone into enemy territory to spill some blood) before he meets John, and is not a full member of the gang.
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Liza Ikumelo
See above information on what we know of Liza's history.
Noah loves his mother dearly. He visits his mother no less than two times a week, late into the night, and often falls asleep at his mother's side.
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(I would just like to point out how cruel it is to tell a child that his mother can hear him deep down in her coma, when he cannot fucking speak.)
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If this is two days since she became comatose as opposed to two days since she was transferred from Kings College Hospital to St. Thomas Hospital's Terminal Ward (Edit: This is in reference to the above panel that states Noah visits his mum at least twice a week, the information detailing the amount of time Noah has spent in the hospital has been moved to the section on Loyalty.)
(Edit: Between Scrubbing Up Part 2 and Quiet, Liza is transferred from King's College Hospital to St. Thomas' Hospital, specifically into the terminal ward. We do not know of her fate at this point, but Noah believes she is still alive during the beginning of Dead in America.)
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There are references to Noah’s Grandmother and the implication of the door of her apartment, but we know nothing about her except that Noah cares enough about her for K-Mag to use her as leverage.
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Noah is not shown to have friends in the series, the closest we see is Isa. He does appear to be defensive of Noah, tries to shut John down for using ableist language, tries to give Noah credit for the capture, tries to get Noah his own bloodrun so he’ll be fully protected by the gang. Isa is assumed to understand British Sign Language by John, but we do not actually know.
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Unfortunately, this is the last time we see Isa alive. Isa is killed in Kennel Crew territory and brought back to be used for scrying parts by K-Mag.
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K-Mag is the leader of the Ri-Boys, a teen gang that takes in boys of all backgrounds, who uses them to run drugs and murder to provide him with body parts for haruspexy. Based in Noah’s ability to break into and hotwire a car, we can assume that they also steal cars.
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Despite putting a gun to Noah’s head to threaten John into working for him, K-Mag does imply that he trusts Noah to be loyal to him.
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He does seem to be correct in that implication. Noah is alone in the world, and K-Mag is a source of strength.
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Noah does appear to be afraid of K-Mag, but doesn’t seem to have any interest in breaking away from K-Mag’s control or the gang until John comes along.
D.S. Davinder Dole
Despite being in a gang, Noah does appear to have police connections, due to his mother’s profession before she went into a coma.
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Dole does care about Noah, but it seems like he cares from a distance.
Tommy Willowtree
Noah meets Tommy for the first time in K-Mag’s drug den/slaughterhouse where he meditates naked while staring at a wall.
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Despite being around Noah constantly in Dead in America, she rarely speaks to him and nearly every time she does, she insults him. I cannot tell if the comments are meant to be playful the way I assume most of John’s cruel insults are meant to be playful, but I hope so.
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We see little of Noah having interest in anyone, though this is likely a lack of panel time more than a lack of sexuality.
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He attempts flirt with a woman in the hospital he sees regularly, though this is right after his mother was transferred to a different hospital’s terminal ward and he’s there in the middle of the night. The narration does specifically say that he’s doing the flirting to break the quiet.
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He expresses interest in Nat, but given that she’s the only woman he has contact with for an extended period of time who isn’t his comatose mother or his possibly still alive grandmother, this may also be a proximity crush.
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He mentions that Tommy is good looking, but this could be a joke towards John.
Personality Traits
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Noah constantly reaches out to help when he is involved in a situation, even to his own risk and detriment. He does not need to be instructed to help, in fact, he has been reigned in from helping more than once. When he sees an addict being attacked in Peckham Rye park by Derek and his Angels, Noah’s first instinct is to run in and help, even knowing that people are being slaughtered in the park. After John forces him away from the situation, he is furious at not being allowed to help and blames John for the death that he might have prevented.
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Quiet gives us the story of an angry ghost killing minority patients in the terminal ward of St. Thomas Hospital. Noah tries to save the patients, tried to save John, and when the ghost came for his mother, he ran into her room and offered condolences that she was alone.
You could argue that this scene was not a genuine act of kindness, given that on the previous page, Noah said he thought this woman deserved to die for using her ghost to murder people in the hospital.
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waitmyturtles · 2 months
I've Caught Up With Wandee Goodday, and here are some cons and pros (aka, am I ever burnt out on GMMTV)
HELLO. I'm back temporarily from my summer travels (before I travel again!). I was in Thailand! I should have brought a box of chappals to chuck at the GMMTV building for where Wandee Goodday has gone. Anyway, I need to process my thoughts on this show, so here we go. (And I apologize, I have NOT looked at the tag for this show, so I don't know if I'm repeating what other people are saying here.)
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1) This show had so much brainrot potential! Remember the first, like, four episodes? Potential homophobia in multiple workplaces? Delicious bisexuality? Ace storylines??? Wandee's PUTZ deception and manipulation? Yak going along with it, why?? There was a lot going on here, a lot we could have chewed on.
I've been sitting on my historical review of Golf Tanwarin's The Eclipse for my Old GMMTV Challenge for about two months now because I can't get over how pissed I was that that show took some unnecessary, and frankly insensible, turns in part to showcase the damn center ship of First and Khao. I don't think Golf's WG has taken similar turns specifically to center the GreatInn ship, per se -- I just think the writing got messy and lazy right before WG's midpoint in general, and punched a lot of the excitement I had about the show right before I paused around episode 8.
Wandee Goodday is an EXCELLENT example of how Thailand's hourlong QL dramas could be made INCREDIBLY more impactful, by way of forced editing and clarity, if Thailand could follow Japan's suit by making 10- to 12-episode series with 30-minute episodes.
The Dr. Ter storyline was over before it actually, really ended, in, what episode was that, 9 or 10. It was over! Why drag it out? In Japan, that storyline would have been two episodes, mayyybe three, MAX. Shirasu Jin was barely in Kieta Hatsukoi for an episode before he was banished. Takeda Kouhei barely made it through two episodes of Minato's Laundromat 2 before he went bye bye! We don't need these middling dudes. There was enough happening with Dee and Yak to not need this Ter shit! Sorry, LOVE YOU PODD, but Ter was made irrelevant so early on, and then they actually had to work together on a huge case?! And NOW HE'S CHEESING ON TAEM? Like, no. We don't need this.
2) There's still a lot of confusion and conflict between Dee and Yak by last week's episode 11. Dee's got issues receiving love! This is big.
(By the way. Showing Dee ONE video of his parents cheesing on him as a newborn is NOT THE WAY to explain away future parental neglect as an older child. YIKES.)
I love that Yak wants to invest in Dee, and we do see Dee doing a lot of reciprocating there to Yak, but this parental neglect reveal, along with still not knowing enough about the back story of Dee's parents dying, is out of order and not helpful to me getting enough knowledge about Dee for me to feel a holistic sympathy towards him. This makes me wonder if romance is really Golf Tanwarin's bag: if Golf didn't have to focus so much on the DeeYak/YakDee romance, could we have gotten better emotional representations of these guys, gotten a better picture of WHO THEY ARE, before they got into each other? Maybe? I dunno.
3) Considering that homophobia in systems seems to be a theme that Golf is interested in, why did the show drop Yak's concern about being out vis à vis his boxing career? Showing up at the hospital early on, in front of Ter's people, was already a big risk that wasn't given consideration; and now Dee's gone ahead and put the big pre-match smooch on full display by episode 11! I know Yak's gone full tilt for Dee, but I think we needed to put a bow on Yak's early macro-level concerns about being out for that loop to be closed.
[I feel like I have similar concerns here about 23.5 as well, so I'd like GMMTV to know (REMEMBER BAD BUDDY????) that you can have romance and big social commentary in a show at the same time without sacrificing lovely, intimate moments. Neither 23.5 nor Wandee Goodday needed to scrap heavy emotional moments for social media memeable clickbait.]
TL;DR this show, this script, could have been so good, there was so much there by way of storylines.
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And the follow-up scene with the FABULOUS Fluke Nattanon. Fucking Thor. He's so good. They're so wasted in this show!
2) Great Sapol and Inn Sarin. There's a con here: the elephant pants do nothing for Great's butt. But otherwise, Great, and Inn as well, are DELIGHTS. THEY ARE GOOD ACTORS. They are wasted on this script. I hope they never work together on a GMMTV show again. If they're ever paired again (which I hope they're NOT, down with the ships), I hope they can get cast in a big ol' queer lakorn, à la JamFilm, and escape the need for the meme moments.
The thing is, about Wandee Goodday, is that if you admit you're into the show FOR THE DUDES, then I get why this show is watchable (AND IT'S WHY I'M FINISHING IT, GODDAMNIT), because the actual intimate moments ARE lovely. They're just not coherent with everything that we should know about these guys by the end of a series, and that makes me sad.
Anyway, this show ends this week, and that's it! I wish GMMTV's shop had had the WG items in stock when I was there in person; fuck these shipping fees, I want the Phadetseuk shirt so bad! If I had known this would be a kind of light and fluffy watch, I would have set my expectations WAAAYYY differently, and I would have likely had a better time watching this. As it stands now, I'm better suited to enjoy the finale, so I'm glad I got these complaints out of my system, and I'll say sayonara to all these dudes in full ogle mode later this week.
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lycocarpum · 3 months
miquella thoughts bc i still love this kid no matter what the writing team does with him (this is not my first rodeo with fromsoft games lmao)
Major Spoilers (o゚v゚)ノ
i'm still not at all mad at the direction they decided to go with him, BARRING the retconning of his relationship to his sister and the entirety of the hailigtree. Those choices seem like late editions to tie up why things weren't being addressed in the dlc, and they're plainly stupid, so we just won't acknowledge that much further. I think the evidence from the rest of the game speaks more to the contrary than I could. I also think that Radahn should've been replaced with Godwyn for thematic clarity, buttttt I 'll get to that.
what i DO like about how he's handled is 1) the way he dealt with St. Trina and literally abandoning his sense of love in a hole in the ground, and 2) his choices re: Radahn from a sheer logistical point of view, or at least how I'm taking it.
Imagine for a second: he's tried basically everything to kill or revive Godwyn. Nothing has worked. He has a couple of plans left, but it's getting down to the wire. MAYBE if he could break his own curse, MAYBE if he could make some kind of curse-breaking needle, MAYBE if... etc. Now he's made his cocoon, but the tree is rotting without him. He needs an out, and decides to use Mogh for that (whether he was fully innocent at the time or not is debatable, we don't know). He's removed, tries to cure what he can for Radahn's rot on the way, but Mogh spirits him away to the palace and he's essentially forced to abandon the plans he has with his body. I still don't think ALL of that was intentionally planned, I think Mogh went off script a bit.
In this shadow realm, Miquella abandons every part of himself until nothing is left but the will to become a God. If he can ascend here, at least, MAYBE he can bring Godwyn and the others with him (there's a huge Godwyn face in one of the dungeons, so he's still present in this place, somehow). Maybe in THIS realm, all of his siblings can be alive and healthy. Meanwhile, Mogh is telling his corpse about Radahn's defeat. It's only a matter of time before this Tarnished comes to kill him, too... And there's a large, strong body available to be puppeted, and a good excuse to practice resurrecting one of his siblings. A god needs a Lord as a consort, right? That's how it worked for his mother and father... and considering his other half was stubbornly clinging to things like compassion and memory, he is now bereft of one.
He's using Radahn because he's out of options, out of places to run, and out of compassion to give. Literally, he left it a graveyard! He loved him in life, sure, but whatever motivates him now is not LOVE whether storge or eros or whatever, it's love as a justification. In truth, it's practicality. He is backed into a corner and convinced (rightly! by our inability to chose otherwise!) that we are there to kill him. It's love utilized as a weapon.
DO I WISH FROMSOFT HAD LET US TALK TO HIM god absolutely, yes. I miss Gwendolyn every day. However, I knew better to expect that. I wish we had gotten his perspective and justification for his actions, I wish we could've Felt the effects of him abandoning his heart and his love in pursuit of a hollow victory, and I really wish we could've put him back together-- but that is for me, and you, to build out.
he's still my favourite character and I love him dearly. girlboss failure. <3
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trashcanlore · 1 year
Kabbalah in the Worldbuilding of Genshin Impact; Part 1: The Tree of Life, the Universe, and Everything
Edited for clarity, 12/6/23
Written by Schwan (@abyssalschwan on twitter) and Sabre (trashcanlore, @paimoff on twitter)
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During the Sumeru Archon Quests, we learned that the Irminsul is a (real! (ish)) tree that grows upside down, seemingly underground, and that the roots of the tree are the Ley Lines, which extend throughout Teyvat and the Abyss. Irminsul stores all knowledge and memories in the world, and the Ley Lines are the mechanism by which the tree acquires this information. Ley Lines move elemental energy through Teyvat, and this energy acts as both a storage medium for information but also a resource that can be utilized for combat, alchemy, an energy source (Azosite), etc. 
The origin of the name Irminsul (unique to the Western localizations) in combination with the many names from Norse mythology associated with Khaenri'ah, suggest that the inspiration for Irminsul is Yggdrasil, the world tree and central axis of the cosmos in Norse mythology. Here we propose an additional inspiration for Irminsul and the associated worldbuilding and elemental system of Teyvat: The Kabbalistic Tree of Life. In this model, Teyvat’s elemental energy is comparable to the creative energy described by Kabbalah as the foundation for the creation of reality and the spiritual world. Specific attributes of elemental energy can be channeled by unique individuals in Teyvat and these attributes manifest as distinct elements, which can be directly compared to the 10 sefirot, or emanations, described in Kabbalistic literature.
What is Kabbalah?
Kabbalah (lit. received, tradition) is a school of thought originating in Jewish mysticism. In general, Kabbalah focuses on the relationship between the infinite (God) and the finite universe and how it was created. The goal of studying this mysticism can vary depending on the school of thought and their motivations. Many of the esoteric and religious influences on Genshin lore and worldbuilding were influenced by Kabbalah, or vice versa. These include Gnosticism, Hermeticism, alchemy, Freemasonry, the occultist branches of Theosophy and Thelema (Golden Dawn), astrology, symbolic interpretation of the tarot (also specific to the Golden Dawn) and more [2]. In short, Kabbalah is everywhere. Additionally, its concepts are used as symbolism in several pieces of media that directly or indirectly inspired Genshin and other games in the Hoyoverse.
If you have frequented Genshin lore topics, you might have heard that one of the main sources of inspiration for its worldbuilding is Gnosticism. The problem is, Gnosticism is a bit vague or contradictory when it comes to how the world was created and how the whole existence thing works. At this current moment in the storyline of Genshin, we have very little information on the very beginning of existence in Teyvat. This information seems to be a crucial part of the “truth of the world” and appears to be purposefully hidden by powerful factions like Celestia. This entire theory was born out of trying to make sense of what little we know about the creation of Teyvat and comparing it to esoteric commentaries on the well known creation myth of the Torah (Old Testament). The “Biblical world structure” interpretation of Teyvat has been around since the early days of Genshin lore and with good reason; there are frequent mentions of the firmament, as well as the name Teyvat sounding very similar to the Biblical Hebrew word for ‘ark’ (although the grammar is a bit mangled). There are also several references to stories from the Bible in in-game texts, including Before Sun and Moon.  
Kabbalah literature spends a lot of time trying to understand and describe the process of how the world was created and the underlying principles of reality, as well as how spiritual practice can change that reality (either metaphorically or literally). Kabbalah intends to describe the “true nature of God,” which is equal to the entirety of existence, as something very vast and completely impossible to grasp. This incomprehensible infinity emits an “limitless light” that is the origin of all creation. Elemental energy (the ubiquitous source of everything in Teyvat) is often found compared to light, something we’ll discuss in more detail later. The “limitless light” of Kabbalah is way too powerful for existence to bear, much like how elemental energy is to normal, non-Vision having humans. That’s why this light needed to be “filtered” down. This happens through the process of creation, which passes the light through the spiritual attributes that form the Tree of Life, which is like a sort of diagram for how the universe came into being [3].
The Tree of Life
The tree of life and its 10+ nodes, known as sefirot, is one of the most well-known concepts from Kabbalah to make its way into popular culture. As mentioned previously, the tree has been used as rule-of-cool symbolism in anime such as Neon Genesis Evangelion and Fullmetal Alchemist, two pieces of media that likely are significant influences on Genshin (If you doubt that HYV loves NGE, play some Honkai). The sefirot are also depicted on the floor of the Schicksal HQ map in Honkai Impact 3rd, for some reason.
The sefirot and their organization and interactions with each other can be found depicted in many ways, such as the tree format that is the most popular, or a spiraling nested scheme that is really cool, or even very stylized, like the work of Robert Fludd.
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Sefirot comes from the root word in Hebrew meaning “to count,” but you can also find it translated as “sphere” in some texts. The term originated in a book on Jewish mysticism called the Sefer Yetzirah, or “Book of Formation/Creation.” which describes the combination of the “sefirot of nothingness” and the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet as the foundation of reality (remember the hypostasis codenames?). 
The Sefer HaBahir (lit. the book of brightness, 13th century France) introduces the idea that the sefirot are emanations of the divine. Interestingly, this book refers to the sefirot as ma’amarot (sayings), which builds on an important concept in classical Jewish philosophy – the idea that God spoke the world into existence. [We’ll get back to the Sefer Yetzirah and the role of language in creating the world in a subsequent part of this theory]. Fontaine 4.2 era edit: HELL YEAH stay tuned for more about Oceanids!!
Historically, Kabbalah might have taken this rough concept from a very different school of thought: Pythagoreans or neo-Platonists. Briefly, the connection between the Pythagoreans and the Kabbalistic sefirot is that both groups considered the world as being made of numbers. This ties back into Genshin worldbuilding because of how much Platonism is related to Gnosticism. Something else to keep in mind is that Pythagoreans (who had a cool history that connected Egypt and Greece to the magic of ✨math✨ but also hey Genshin lore hello Deshret) were known to use lyres as their instrument of choice while making mathematical studies of music. More sus Venti lore for the collection? This is also interesting to consider in the context of Nahida, who is deeply connected to the Irminsul, and has animations that are reminiscent of computers.
Later in the 13th century, the Kabbalist Isaac the Blind would 'canonize' the list of sefirot (there’s still some variation to this day) and organize them into a sequence that would become the basis for the famous Tree of Life structure. His writings described the sefirot as attributes of the divine and their role in the creation of the world. In his model, the sefirot originated from lights that emerged from a primordial soup of potential, and these sefirot/lights would then ‘flow’ and emanate into each other. His student, Azriel of Gerona, expanded on this with a neo-Platonic lens and introduced the concept of the Ein Sof, the infinite nothingness that cannot be comprehended and is the origin of everything. In this model, being flows from an infinite resource of potential, which the divine can utilize through the framework of the sefirot, eventually creating the world [4]. In simple terms, the Ein Sof, which contains everything, emits a primordial light that then differentiates into the sefirot. In our Genshin analogy, this primordial light would be like extremely pure elemental energy that differentiates into elements, like light passing through a prism.
Moses Cordovero, an important figure in the development of Kabbalah, described the process of the sefirot differentiating with the analogy of light shining through a stained glass window: 
Imagine a ray of sunlight shining through a stained-glass window of ten different colors. The sunlight possesses no color at all but appears to change hue as it passes through the window. The light has not essentially changed though it seems so to the viewer. Just so with the sephirot. The light that clothes itself in the vessels of the sephirot is the essence, like the ray of sunlight. That essence does not change color at all, neither judgment nor compassion, neither right nor left. Yet by emanating through the sephirot -- the variegated stained glass -- judgment or compassion prevails. (Pardes Rimmonim by Moses Cordovero, translated in Essential Kabbalah by Daniel Matt)
Cordovero considered the sefirot to be completely independent of each other, but the later Lurianic school of Kabbalah (we’ll get into them more in later parts) considered the sefirot to be constantly dynamically interacting with each other and also assigned them personas. 
Achievement grinders amongst us may recall the descriptions of the namecards you get upon completing the Elemental Specialist achievement series:
Achievement: Colors of the Rainbow: Light can refract into countless colors, but people stop at seven because they're too lazy to count. Perhaps the elements are like that, too. Achievement: Seven Lights: Anyone can play a tune that belongs just to them, and like the dew under grass, can reflect the seven lights of heaven. 
Another example of the elements being compared to light is the Latin text found on the magic circles on the door of Mona’s future house in Mondstadt and generated by the hypostases during their missile attacks. The text reads:
Ex culmine lucis in magno elementorum, which translates to "From the peak of light, to greatness of the elements."
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It’s interesting to see this text appearing in association with the hypostases since they are described as “life forms which have completely abandoned their former appearance and biological structure, making them able to reach the highest level of elemental purity. They are ultra-compact structures with a high mass, and are the highest forms of elemental structures.” The hypostasis code names are also all Hebrew letters, as mentioned earlier.
Mona’s astrolabe during the Unreconciled Stars event features a similar text:
Ex culmine locis in magno elementorum; Lux se effundat in mentes dei, which translates to "From the peak of light, to the greatness of the elements; May light pour out, into the minds of god."
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The Abyss Lector catalysts contain a text that mirrors these two examples:
Ex culmine lucis in mango obscuritas. Lux se effundat in mentes abysso, or “From the peak of light, to the greatness of darkness. May light pour out into the minds of the abyss.”  
The Genshin elements are also described as flowing. For example, a loading screen tip specifically describes the Ley Lines as “A mysterious network that links the whole world together, within which flow the elements.”  The Silver Twig description states: "All knowledge, memory, and experience flow through this giant tree, just like a stream flows into a river, the river joins a sea, the sea turns into clouds, and the clouds rain onto the ground — just like life itself."
Sefirot and the Genshin Elemental System
The 10 (sometimes 11) sefirot are: 
Keter: Crown (this one is even more symbolic that the rest, is described as “the most hidden of all hidden things" in the Zohar, represent things that are above the mind’s comprehension and the very beginning of the process of turning potential into reality)
Chokhmah: Wisdom
Binah: Understanding/Reasoning
(Da’at: Knowledge, as a fusion of Chokhmah and Binah)
Chesed: Loving Kindness or Mercy
Gevurah: Strength/Severity, (sometimes Din, Judgement, or Pachad, Fear)
Tiferet: Beauty/Harmony, is associated with balance of the Tree of Life
Netzach: Eternity/Endurance
Hod: Splendor/Glory
Yesod: Foundation (as in, foundation of reality)
Malkhut: Kingdom/Sovereignty
You’ve probably noticed by now that while we are claiming that the concept of the sefirot applies to the elemental system in Genshin, there are 10 sefirot and only 7 elements (for now). Fortunately for us, the Kabbalists love metaphors and categories. In addition to the sefirot representing the procedure used to ‘emanate’ and create the world, there are other methods of interpretation that further subdivide and rank the sefirot. For example, one metaphorical interpretation of the Tree of Life assigns each of the sefirot to a part of the human body.
In some Kabbalistic traditions of interpreting the tree, the 10 sefirot are divided into two categories: Intellect (Keter, Binah, Chokhmah) and Emotions (they’re actually more like character traits), which contains the remaining seven. These categories are meant to parallel how the soul is also divided into the intellect and emotional components. The first three sefirot are also referred to as the “three mothers,” because they are the source of the lower seven [5].
Having a group of seven sefirot is very convenient for comparing their traits to the elements and their ideals, but what about the role of the higher three in Genshin worldbuilding? This next section requires a bit more conjecture than some other comparisons here.
The source of all elemental energy in Teyvat, whatever that actually is, could be compared to Keter (crown), the most hidden and incomprehensible of the sefirot. (Big stretch, but think of the crowns over the Irminsul trees in domains.)
Next, we have the Ley Lines, which contain dreams and memories (these are basically the same in Teyvat, see Dream Solvent description), and these can be compared to Binah (understanding/reasoning) and Chokhmah (wisdom). During the Sumeru Archon Quest, Rukkhadevata says that dreams are the source of the wisdom she upheld as her ideal. Memories play an important role in discerning the truth of the world, as the traveler has now found themselves to be the only person to remember certain people/events, and has been told to trust their memories rather than what they can see.
Comparison of the 'Lower' Sefirot to the Genshin Elements and Their Ideals
Chesed (loving-kindness); Cryo (unknown, theorized to be love)
The Cryo Archon’s ideal is theorized to be love, as it’s the only characteristic mentioned in relation to her in the Travail trailer. Wanderer’s voiceline about her directly mentions love and describes her as being kind and benevolent, while Childe describes her as extremely gentle. These are the characteristics of Chesed, which represents the trait of completely selfless love: the all forgiving, all giving love of a god towards their creations. When it comes to the Cryo element itself, two things are worth mentioning: one is the way that all of Snezhnaya is perpetually covered in snow, as if this were the (ironic) physical expression of the Tsaritsa’s love blanketing them. The second is the promise of a world-encompassing snowstorm that will envelop everything as the Fatui advance on their war against Celestia. Although it’s hard to find one absolute constant in Vision granting stories, it’s notable that most Cryo users got their Vision at a moment when they had to selflessly be there for others (Diona, Chongyun, Mika), or after a decisive moment where they put aside their personal comfort for an ideal that would result in benefit for others (Kaeya, Eula, Layla).
Gevurah (Severity); Hydro (Justice)
Gevurah is associated with divine judgment, the kind that punishes humanity and causes world-altering catastrophes like the flood or the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. The Hydro Archon organizing her nation around a Court that attempts to judge both deities and humans parallels this. In a more positive sense, Gevurah is also related to moral judgment that allows one to tell good from evil. Likewise, Hydro in-game is often associated with purity and separation of clean and unclean matter. When it comes to Hydro Vision wielders, one common characteristic is that they all live by a personal ethical code, and their commitment to it is what granted them their Vision.
Tiferet (Beauty/Harmony); Anemo (Freedom)
Tiferet balances the other sefirot on the tree and has direct connections to almost all of them (except for Malkut). Similarly, Anemo can facilitate many elemental reactions via its Swirl reaction. In our opinion, something almost all the Anemo characters share is that their moment of receiving a Vision coincides with a moment of balance and harmony with themselves or their environment. See Jean and Kazuha’s Vision stories and the cutscene where Scaramouche/Wanderer gets his Vision. As an aside, comparing harmony to Anemo is funny because Venti is a bard and harmony is also a musical term: in music theory, harmony is the way we analyze the interactions between different voices that can be heard at the same time.  
Netzach (Eternity); Electro (Eternity)
The quality of “Eternity” in Netzach is related to victory against enemies, referring to eternity as being the most powerful combatant remaining among defeated adversaries. Likewise, in Genshin the story of the Electro Archon features many battles during the Archon War where Ei and Makoto ended up victorious. As for Electro users tend to have their Vision granted at a moment when their ambition “defeated” the obstacles of reality, as was the case with Fischl, Kuki and Lisa. Cyno’s Vision story makes sense when you compare it to the illumination of Buddha during meditation, and how this was victory over the temptation of the demon Mara.
Hod (Glory); Pyro (War)
Natlan and its Pyro Archon are possibly the most mysterious of all the regions, so we can only speculate. We know that the Pyro Archon is called the God of War, and that the Pyro Gemstone mentions battles, pilgrimages and truth. The sefira of Hod, translated as Glory or Splendor, is linked to being able to connect with God and therefore also associated with prophecy (as in the way a human can carry a message from God). In the Travail trailer, the Pyro Archon tells the traveler that “the rules of war are woven in the womb.” It's also theorized Natlan will be based on Mexica culture (where sacrifice of both enemies and self sacrifice was a way to connect with the gods) and via Iansan's name, the Caribbean diaspora version of Yoruba religion (where many rites involve the gods making themselves present in the material world). 
Yesod (Foundation); Dendro (Wisdom)
Back when we started to think about this theory during version 2.8, we decided on Yesod largely via process of elimination. One piece of our rationale was that in the Jewish tradition, each of the lower seven sefirot are used to represent a primary personality trait of seven archetypal figures in the Torah. The person related to Yesod is Joseph, who is well known for his prophetic dreams, and because of the events of the Golden Apple Archipelago, we decided that was close enough. However, the 3.x version confirmed that a) Irminsul did actually exist, b) Dendro as an element has a deep relationship with the tree, with the Dendro Archon acting as its avatar, c) the ideal of wisdom as both Dendro Archons interpreted it has a lot to do with dreams, and d) Irminsul and the Ley Lines act as the foundation for how reality is perceived in Teyvat. Yesod is also associated with biological life, as it represents the reproductive organs in the human body scheme of the sefirot.
Malkut (Kingship); Geo (Contracts)
Malkut is associated with the connection between the spiritual "above" of the Tree of Life and the concepts it contains, and the "below" of the material world, where these concepts manifest into material reality. For this reason, Malkut is associated with the earth [6]. In many Geo item descriptions, like the Geo Hypostasis drop or Albedo's elemental skill, the motif of geo trying to reach the sky is a constant. From a religious POV, the relationship between the divine and humans living in the material world has also been one of "covenants," or "pacts", in a similar way to how the Geo Archon is the God of Contracts. Furthermore, contracts are the basis to have a working state (government), and a kingdom is one of the first forms of a state. Malkut also being related to earth and everything material parallels how Geo is an element that works in making constructs. Geo Vision users are likewise involved in making or maintaining structures, like the Knights of Favonius is for Noelle, or the tradition of alchemy is to Albedo, as well as opera to Yunjin and in a way, even the Oni identity for Itto.
The Origin of Evil and Why Irminsul is Upside Down
Tighnari tells us that Irminsul is a tree that “grows downward rather than upwards,” or in other words, it’s upside down. This isn’t the only time that we’ve encountered things in Teyvat being described as upside-down or mirrored, and as it turns out, there is a similar scenario described in Kabbalah. Throughout Kabbalistic discussions on the origin of evil in the world (both material and spiritual), a central idea developed is the existence of a mirrored or inverse Tree of Life that forms the demonic realm of evil. The Zohar, a foundational work of Kabbalistic literature, spends a considerable time discussing the origins of evil - there are more than 5 creation myths for the concept of evil! Two of these myths describe the formation of an inverse Tree of Life, called the Sitra Achra (literally “other side”). This tree is constructed out of corrupted fragments of divinity that did not make it through the creation process, and therefore became evil forces [7]. Evil is typically represented as either a shard (like of broken pottery) or as a husk/shell (Qlippoth in Hebrew). Sound familiar? We actually have an enemy with this name in-game; the "shadowy husks" (the CN name for these enemies literally translates to "empty shell"). 
Unlike the very well defined 10 sefirot of the Tree of Life, Kabbalists don't agree about the identities or number of the demons that form the Sitra Achra. Some names for these demons are consistent; such as  Lilith, Samael, and Asmodeus, who make a sort of "mother, father, son" trio. As for the rest, scholars generally agree that Kabbalists blended traditions from nearby cultures depending on where they lived, leading to Arabic, Spanish and Germanic legends mixing into the Jewish tradition [8]. There's a strong possibility Hoyoverse did something similar and filled in the missing names with the names of the demons of the Ars Goetia, creating a system where the mirrored sefirot are “ruled” by demon gods, aka, the Archons. This implies that the reason Teyvat is upside down is because it is actually on the “other side.”
Neuvillette, About Us: Witness: Since you hail from beyond the stars, I invite you to be my witness as I judge this upended world…”Though we live in a world of disarray, I shall undertake to restore all that has been broken”. 
[Fun Fact: The Zohar describes the construction of the Sitra Achra as a series of knots that arrange the demonic equivalent of sefirot, called either crowns or “breaths,” into a mirrored Tree of Life configuration [7]. ]
The primary goal of the Sitra Achra is to steal and absorb the divine energy of the Tree of Life to maintain its existence, in the hopes of gaining enough energy to destabilize the system [9]. The way Genshin's Archons use their Gnoses is similar to this system. In the Flower of Paradise Lost artifact lore, the Goddess of Flowers explains to Deshret and Rukkhadevata that when the Seelie race was disgraced, they lost their connection to Heaven and their power of "enlightenment". Later, Celestia would facilitate the Archon War with the promise that each winning god would be granted a Gnosis that would give them exceptional power. Both Nahida and Venti have described the Gnoses as being a very advanced tool that concentrates elemental energy. So far, Archons have had inherent elemental powers related to their nature, but when it comes to using large amounts of elemental energy through their Gnoses, they aren't creators but channelers of it, just at a much larger scale than humans who have Visions. Edit: and yes, there is the most recent revelation about the origin of the Gnoses that is extremely relevant to this comparison, but deserves its own space to be properly expanded on.
However, this doesn't mean Teyvat is condemned. Just as the Traveler has slowly been setting the chaos of elemental energy back into order (by, for example, returning the elemental Oculi to the Statue of the Seven, among many other things), so too is there a concept in Kabbalah describing the importance of righting the wrongs of the universe so that the sefirot are stable and creation is in harmony with the divine. This is called Tikkun Olam, or the repairing of the world.
Stay tuned for part 2 where we go into wayyyyy more detail about what this means for the Traveler's journey through Teyvat! 4.2 Edit: and of course will we will be talking about the most recent Gnosis revelation, as well as the Narzissenkreuz Ordo antics :D
Kabbalah - Origins of the Sefirot and Tree of Life - Isaac the Blind Saggi Nehor & Azriel of Gerona
Mystical Concepts in Chassidism - Schochct, Jacob Immanuel, chapter 2
  Mystical Concepts in Chassidism - Schochct, Jacob Immanuel pg 66-67, Tanya ch. 3
Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, Likutey Moharan I, 12:1 via Wikipedia
The Origins of the Klippot / Qliphoth & Sitra Achra in the Zohar - Kabbalah on the Problem of Evil
9. Evil in Early Kabbalah - Emanations of the Left Hand Side - Origins of the Qliphoth / Klippot
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dotthings · 5 months
Post 1 of Ben Edlund commentary from SPN Then and Now podcast, 4/15/2024
Edited for clarity.
On The End as a sign on the road to the haunted house:
"In the case of The End, I believe it came from a node that I was fumbling around with and that was because it was early in a season that was heading for an apocalypse and heading for this incredible stuff and I had this — the desire to put a sign up in front of the road that goes down to the haunted house that had a skull on it that said “It’s really scary down there, you don’t know how scary it can get” — just some kind of drumbeat base note of how heavy we were intending to go. So without giving away anything that was gonig to be part of the key mechanics of the end of the season. So that was a bit of a balancing act."
On Dean as a PH test of horror levels:
"In a sense Dean was the PH test or the strip reading to level of pain, horror, and change we were threatening. Jensen…he’s talked to me about that briefly, how much…how difficult that was. He did such an amazing job, he really was two people with the same shape, two totally different guys with the same five o’clock shadow."
Future Dean, scar tissue, and Zachariah’s propaganda tools:
"It was about the amount of experience that Dean had and he had been to the war, sorry, future Dean, had an amount of experience with this thing that present Dean was fearing and that was a distance or a difference in character that was depicted in scar tissue, basically, and regret, a tremendous amount of regret, because the sort of fulcrum of the universe had shifted and he couldn’t call out to angels anymore so he was…at least whatever this version of Dean was felt tremendous humility. Well, and when you look at it, it’s almost sort of charitable of us all, including me, I see it as its own universe that has its own reality but it’s also a perfectly tuned propaganda tool from Zachariah to have Dean do what he wants. It’s almost on the nose, like, come on."
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dr-reids-fidget-toy · 22 days
Idea for a House MD reboot:
Normal House MD shenanigans. Wild cases, House being an ass, Cuddy trying to wrangle House, House and Wilson being homo besties, etc etc. I don’t have any specific plot or episode ideas but at the end of the 1st new season they have one of those fever dream episodes where House is hallucinating, but it’s unclear to him that that is what is happening (like when he got shot). It’s mostly clear to the audience now that the entire season has just been inside House’s head. He has a moment of almost-clarity when he starts to question if what he’s experiencing is real, and at some point after that we see a short glimpse of reality. It is implied that Wilson is dead (cancer). At the end of the episode, House makes the decision to stop questioning his reality. Viewer’s choice on whether to believe he believes the hallucinations are real or if he just wants them to be. 2nd season and onwards, the show continues as normal.
I don’t have specific ideas for who the team would be. Maybe the team changes slightly every few episodes, then more often until it changes every scene, possibly in the same scene, in the last episode of season 1. Then in season 2 it goes back to switching team members every few episodes? I’m unsure about what to do with this part after season 1.
Edit: I’ve thought some more about this and I think there are many possibilities for Reality, for instance:
House is in a group home/psych ward/rehab center, most likely against his will but he’s quite out of it soo
After season 1, there will occasionally be a nurse/carer who walks into the room to give house meds/food/whatever, then leaves. Sometimes the team stands around quietly during this, sometimes they make comments. If there is a patient/other non-recurring character in this scene, they are confused by this (contrary to the team and other recurring characters). House’s reactions vary with his moods, like always
House is on a shit ton of drugs, often overdosing
The glimpse of reality we get in the season 1 finale is of House laying on the floor, barely clinging to life. He looks miserable and happy. This happiness is artificial, a combination of drugs and false reality
House is so overcome with grief and loneliness that his mind breaks
House is in terrible pain (his emotions canonically affect his pain levels) and hallucinating because of this
Possible extra angst if he ran out of vicodin
These ideas are not mutually exclusive.
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bcbdrums · 3 days
Perfect Edition is a little less than perfect...
I've bought up through volume 5 of Soul Eater's perfect edition, very excited to have the manga hard-bound and with supposedly a better translation... But I found almost immediately that was not the case.
This is far from a complete commentary since as I said, I've only bought up through volume 5. But I have parallel-read the Perfect Edition alongside the original Yen Press publication to note each and every change. A pattern emerged immediately that remained consistent, and sadly....as I said...these releases are far from perfect.
All text changes are ink-saving. Nearly everything has been altered and reduced to use as few letters as possible, eliminating entire sentences and phrases from the original. Often times the meaning is less clear or changed entirely as a result. Example: replacing the word "ambiguity" with the word "anger." These aren't even remotely close in meaning, but it saves several letters! Nothing at all ever increases in length or gains clarity. All changes make the text shorter and...kind of "abridged" feeling. This was clear from volume 1 and it's only gotten worse with each volume.
Many changes are trying to sound extremely American, to the point of characters sounding stereotyped. There are a couple of cute dialogue changes, but for the most part they come across as contrived, unnatural, and don't sound in character at all for anyone, which has also gotten worse with each volume. A lot of times I'm left re-reading a dialogue box in confusion because it's so out of character in the attempt to sound American and save ink.
Following that last point up... Sid's dialogue specifically is altered to sound more "black" which I find offensive, even worse when combined with the ink-saving strategy. Abridged racially stereotyped dialogue...
They removed all Japanese (okay, no problem) but there is no consistency with how it was replaced/changed except in the case of Lord Death which makes me wonder if different translators worked on each character's dialogue. For whatever reason, a character's name is not enough so Lord Death gives everyone cutesy nicknames. Some of that feels in character for him, some does not. But no one else has any consistency... Sometimes a -chan is replaced with just a name, but sometimes the same character addressing the same person will be trying to say something cutesy. The fact is, the Japanese way of addressing people by social class and respect doesn't translate because it's not part of American culture, and they shouldn't have tried to find a middle-ground. It comes off weird, distracting, and out of character.
There is no new art. As I recall, one selling point for Perfect Edition was the inclusion of new art. No. There is no new art. None whatsoever. They have changed the order in which some of the original art pieces are presented in the manga, but it's all entirely the same. Unless you count the covers. But that's all.
The harsher language is severely softened. All of the swearing is greatly reduced, which for characters like Giriko for example greatly impact characterization. Part of who he is is crude and terrible, but with his using only the mild swears he comes across entirely differently. It's not just swear words, but insulting phrases spoken by many characters are entirely changed as well (just like all the text). This really changes the meaning of things from the original.
Things in the actual art you'd expect to be fixed aren't, such as Medusa's hair twist being on the wrong side. No art errors are fixed at all.
The manga still reads right to left, but in the vertical text boxes many of those suddenly have the text reading left to right like English. But then a few still read right to left like the original, like Japanese translated manga is meant to be. There's no rhyme or reason, except the ones reading properly (right to left) do seem often clustered together like the translator forgot. This change to try to read left to right is very, very confusing and since vertical text boxes are common in manga it slows down the reading.
They didn't change all of Crona's pronouns. That's right...they missed some. One error was very early on, too. I was like, wait a second, "he"??? But I read it right. The translators missed some.
Speaking of Crona, the one thing I've found that didn't save ink but was an added editorialization was in Crona's very first scenes to state they are a victim. Part of the power of Crona's story is the slow reveal/discovery of who they are and what they've been through. Simply stating from....what knowledge??? That they are a victim in their very first appearance undermines the power of their story, which is just my opinion but still. Our main characters are suddenly declaring from nothing that Crona is a victim and that's weak storytelling too.
This next point isn't an issue with the translation, but I have seen many a Tumblr post and Reddit post with people saying their Perfect Editions arrived with missing pages. One of mine arrived with several pages stained in bright blue dye. There's a lack of quality control somewhere in the printing and distribution....
And you might say, but I only have volumes 1 through 5, so why am I so sure about all this? Well, it's been extremely consistent in all five volumes. But more, I've asked some people who have later volumes for pictures of various important pages, and all the flaws of these early volumes continue in the exact same pattern.
Thus, my conclusion is.... It's not "perfect" at all. It's just yet another translation. One with far fewer words, slightly more family-friendly in language, and with stereotyped Americanizations. It's not worth my money.
Will I still read it (paralleled to the original of course)? I can't help my curiosity, so yes, yes I will. By checking them all out from my local library. But I'm not gonna be suckered out of any more money on something that is just not what was implied to be in the title and advertising.
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warningsine · 4 months
We Are Lady Parts, a British series about an introverted engineering Ph.D. student who is roped into playing the guitar for a local all-women Muslim punk band known as Lady Parts, was one of the most delightful and original television debuts of 2021. Its absence these past three years has been deeply felt—but luckily, Lady Parts is now back onstage, returning with a second season of antics and self-discovery, streaming on Peacock (in the U.S.) and Channel 4 (in the U.K.).
Music has always played a major role in the series thanks to Nida Manzoor, We Are Lady Parts’ showrunner and creator, who, alongside her siblings, also writes and supervises the music for the show. Season 1 blessed us with original songs like “Bashir With the Good Beard” and “Voldemort Under My Headscarf.” Not only are there some great new additions in the second season—from “Malala Made Me Do It” to “Villain Era”—but the music this time around boasts both a tighter sound and a stronger voice. There are even some standout covers, like a stunning punk take on Britney Spears in Episode 3. Slate chatted with Manzoor to discuss We Are Lady Parts’ musical evolution, a surprise (and instantly iconic) cameo, and how we can pay homage to the trailblazers who came before us. This conversation has been condensed and edited for clarity.
Slate: While music has always been the central impetus of the show, it seems to drive even more of the plot this season. After establishing themselves and growing a fan base, the members of Lady Parts are trying to make the band a real deal by recording a debut record. This means that you got to play with the music a bit more this season. For example, there are a few more cheeky covers in there. What was your intention with writing and supervising the music this season?
Nida Manzoor: Music is at the heart of the show. It’s the heart of Season 1, and I had such a joyful experience writing the songs with my brother and sister. For Season 2, I wanted to challenge us, and thereby challenge the band. I wanted the songs to be more complex. I brought in my collaborators more on a ground level. All I came with were song titles and styles. I wanted to do a Western-sounding song called “Malala Made Me Do It” because I wanted to see the band just be silly and go different places. With the song “Glass Ceiling Feeling,” which comes later on in the show, I wanted to see the band feel like they’ve evolved from Season 1. Moving away from their traditional punk songs and seeing them explore different ways of expressing themselves was really exciting to me.
Let’s talk about “Malala Made Me Do It.” The sentiment sort of reads as an alternative to the mantra “What would Jesus do?” in so many clever ways. How did this idea come about? What does “Malala made me do it” mean to you?
“Malala Made Me Do It” was one of the first ideas I even had for Season 2, before I had any other deeper story ideas. And then, as I was writing the script with Bisma’s story arc, where we see her being challenged as a mother with her daughter moving into adolescence, I wanted to explore this idea of motherhood and her tension through the song. But with the song itself, I was like, “It’s just going to be a Malala hype track. I want it to celebrate this incredible woman who’s done so much real, meaningful work for girls and women.”
I must spoil this moment for readers because I have to ask about Malala’s cameo in the show during the fantasized music video for “Malala Made Me Do It.” What was your pitch to Malala to get her on the show? 
Initially, I had no intention to reach out to Malala. I was like, “She’s not going to want to be in the show. She’s a very serious person in the world.” But then I went to a talk of hers, and she was expressing her love of comedy, and she had this incredible dark sense of humor, this great wit. And I’m like, “Maybe I have a chance for Malala to be in the show.” So I wrote her a long letter of why I’d love her to be in the show and how I think she’s an inspiration, and sensing her love of comedy really emboldened me to do that.
She was immediately like, “Yeah, let’s do this,” and was so chill, so kind and gracious on the day. So full of love, so easy to work with. I feel like there’s a lot of reverence around her, but she’s a woman in her 20s—she contains multitudes. She does a lot of meaningful, serious work, but she’s also a really fun, joyful person. I really wanted to celebrate that.
Speaking of celebrating women, one of the focal storylines in the season, with the character of Sister Squire, explores what it means to pay homage to those who have come before you by doing something meaningful with the space that they’ve created. Who are some of your inspirations that you tried to honor with this show, particularly with Season 2?
One person for me is the actor who plays Sister Squire, Meera Syal. She is a comedy legend and hero of mine. She co-created a sketch show called Goodness Gracious Me, which is all about the South Asian experience. It was so witty. The show was so inspiring because it was impressive, it was cool, it was edgy. It made me, as a young brown girl, feel cool. To get to have her play Saira’s hero in the show was honestly a dream come true. Between working with her and Malala, I was like, “I can retire now.”
In terms of women in punk specifically, there’s the singer of the band X-Ray Spex, Poly Styrene. She was a woman of color in punk in the ’70s. It was just so rare. Her music really talks about identity, self-expression, these really meaningful feminist themes. It’s so contemporary, yet she was writing this stuff in the ’70s with such a playful tongue-in-cheek vibe. She’s been a hero and inspiration as well, making the show.
I want to talk about the covers this season. You cover three of my favorite songs: “The Reason,” by Hoobastank; “More Than Words,” by Extreme; and then, of course, “Oops!…I Did It Again,” by Britney Spears. How did you decide what songs to cover? 
I knew I wanted to do a Britney cover. I am a millennial, I came up at a time when Britney was just everything and a goddess and a queen and so much a part of my childhood. Getting to do a cover of her song, but in a punk way, was just joyful. I think it was one of the most fun days to shoot on set because we felt like we were getting to perform such a brilliant and iconic song, but also making it Lady Parts, in those iconic costumes with their suits. Even now, when I rewatch the show and when I was working in the edit, just watching the Britney performance was my favorite thing. It was everything.
Hoobastank, “The Reason,” it’s just that classic early 2000s, very cheesy, but still such a great tune. It was so fun to get to honor that song and that band because they were such a formative part of my childhood. It was something my sister suggested. We were initially going to write an original that Amina sings to Ahsan. She’s like, “Oh, it should sound like Hoobastank’s ‘The Reason.’ ” I’m like, “Wait, Hoobastank’s ‘The Reason’ is perfect. Why don’t we just try and get that song?” Because it’s nostalgic and brilliantly cheesy and it’s perfect for the rom-com storyline. So that was a no-brainer.
Oh my God, do you remember the music video for “More Than Words”? Black and white and the two of those guys with their long hair and guitar. Again, such an iconic moment growing up. That song was so phenomenal. So much of making Lady Parts is an excuse to just bring in all the music I loved growing up, and that was one of those songs that I would watch the music video for and just sing along to. Me and my siblings would sing those harmonies. So, again, it was like, “Oh, I love this song. Can I have it in my show?” It’s such a romantic song, and having Amina and Billy play that and sing that to each other was perfect for the story.
Throughout Season 1, music was a way for the members of Lady Parts to get what they really wanted, whether it was control or creative agency or freedom from self-imposed religious ideals and traditions. Would you say that it still serves the same purpose this season, or does it function slightly differently?
I hadn’t thought of that. I definitely wanted the music of Season 2 to feel like an evolution. I still think music is a way that we see the characters express themselves and express their frustration with how they feel they’re boxed in and limited. With a song like “Glass Ceiling Feeling” or “Villain Era,” it’s that traditional pop-punk sound, but what was new and different was that it was Amina leading that song, so you got to see her really enter her villain era and lead it. “Malala Made Made Me Do It,” for me, was a big move away from Season 1. I was like, “What if Lady Parts did a Western?” It was just trying to push and evolve the music from Season 1, but, in much the same way, I wanted the songs to feel organic, coming out of the storyline and the truth of the characters and grounding it in their experiences.
We wanted the songs to be fun, but we wanted them to also evolve from Season 1 in terms of style and complexity. All the songs are much more difficult to play in Season 2. The actors really upped their game because the songs are faster, they’re more intricate, there were more harmonies in them, so there was a level of difficulty that was much higher this season. But I think, in many ways, the songs operate in a similar vein of allowing the characters to express themselves through music.
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Ok, finals are over, so now I can FINALLY post my Pepe Sylvia theory about Porter actually being evil that has been ruminating in my head ever since I saw season 2! (spoilers for s2 of fantasy high, obviously)
Tumblr media
(sorry if someone’s talked about it before and I couldn’t find it, but like WE NEED TO DISCUSS THIS BEFORE S3!)
Ok, so I noticed something when Ragh talked about the first time he saw Kalina in episode 4 of season 2 (“Heartache on the Celestine Sea”). He says that he saw Jace talking to some elven woman (who is revealed to be Adaine’s mom, Arianwen) and to “someone he couldn’t see. I just assumed somebody was invisible.” This is most likely Kalina, as Arianwen was there to get the Nightmare King’s crown and Kalina could have been helping her do that. However, this is important because, since Ragh could obviously see Kalina later on, this is a point in time when he couldn’t see Kalina.
Then Ragh says that after he saw that, Jace and Porter came to talk to him, and “Porter did some barbarian healing with me.” This seems normal enough, as Ragh had just been in a huge fight, but Ragh stipulates that “I didn’t feel that injured, honestly.” So this line already makes it seem as though Porter may have had some ulterior motive for healing Ragh.
Then, Ragh says that as he was walking home after this, he was approached by Kalina, who threatened to kill his mom if he said anything about seeing Arianwen at the school.
(the clip of the scene is here, if you wanna watch it, edited slightly for clarity)
So this makes me think that Jace and Porter knew Ragh saw Arianwen at the school, knew he would probably tell the Bad Kids about it, and Porter intentionally passed Kalina to Ragh through healing in order to ensure his silence.
AND if you’re thinking this may be a bit far-fetched, I’ll remind you that Landren Leir, the cleric of the unnamed goddess who infiltrated the elven Galicaean church after the fall of the unnamed goddess, also passed on Kalina via healing of the high-elven clergy, which she was then murdered for.
But in order to pass it on to Ragh at all, Porter must have been infected with Kalina as well, so here are some of my theories of what that could mean;
1. Porter had no idea he was infected and was just trying to heal a student.
I mean, totally possible, right? From most of the other angles, Porter seems like a decent guy; he supports Fig in barbarian class, he’s part of a community at his local gym, and he did get sucked into a palimpsest when Kalvaxis/Goldenhoard was trying to take over the school — why would that happen if Porter wouldn’t have been opposed to what Kalvaxis/Goldenhoard was doing? And there are plenty of people who are infected with Kalina and never show any symptoms, and therefore never know. It could have been totally innocent. BUT it’s just a little too convenient, isn’t it? Ragh sees Arianwen at the school, and then right after he’s “randomly” infected with Kalina? It just doesn’t seem like a coincidence.
2. Porter knew he was passing Kalina onto Ragh, but wasn’t aware of the full plot to steal the Nightmare King’s crown.
I mean, also possible, right? Maybe Jace put Porter up to it, maybe he knew more than Porter did about the whole situation? Porter wasn’t initially mentioned as talking to Arianwen, maybe Jace just manipulated Porter because he knew that Ragh would trust Porter as his teacher. BUT I think that it would be kind of weird for Porter to be in the school, be infected, be around all of these other people who are in on this wider plot, but they don’t get him involved. Maybe they thought he wouldn’t go for it, thought he was too nice, but I’m not sure. I mean, I think this theory has more merit than the first one, like it’s possible, just would be a little weird.
3. Porter was in on the plot to bring back the Nightmare King.
I mean. Like I know this may not be another Loose Duke situation. But it’s possible! Like, he’s in the right positions! He works at the school. He has the trust of some of the bad kids. He didn’t openly support Kalvaxis or anything he did. Maybe their larger organization (which they do hint that there are more people throughout the world that want to bring back the nightmare king throughout the campaign) thought that he should lay low and hold onto the trust of the bad kids, just wait until the right time to strike. Again, the fact that he would knowingly put a student, one of HIS barbarian students, in such serious danger, in order to protect the larger interest of bringing back the Nightmare King, does not stack up well against him.
So, do I think that Porter will end up being the big bad of season 3, or even the elusive season 4? No, probably not. BUT I do think that he’s sus as fuck and we need to stay on our toes, because he could turn out to be more of a threat with the right opportunities.
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junkiechurch420 · 1 month
2 Weeks on T: What I’ve Noticed
So I started testosterone two weeks ago (edit: my stoned ass thought it was 3 sorry) and just did my third shot (subcutaneous, .1 ml (20mg) once a week to start off). While the changes are very minimal, they’re noticeable.
The ass sweat. My god dude. It started for me within a few hours of my first shot (literally the very first change)
Bottom growth! I think it started a couple days after my first shot and has been growing slowly since. Definitely a noticeable difference in size, sensation and like… how the skin feels.
I think about sex a lot more than I did before and get horny a lot easier but it’s not to a point where it’s annoying. I also find myself more attracted to women when before my bisexuality was a 50/50 split.
Body odor is starting to smell different (not better or worse, just a more “male” smell I guess) and is a bit more noticeable.
Mental clarity. It gets better and better every day. Even if the changes are small, I find I look in the mirror and see myself a bit more every time.
Now this one I might just be lyin to myself but I think (and this is only because I already had high testosterone levels and my voice was already deep) my voice is starting to crack. Marginally.
My face is greasier and I’m having small breakouts.
Anger. Now, this might sound like a bad thing, but it manifests in different ways than it did before. I have a lot of issues with BPD rage and I’ve experienced not one episode since I’ve started. When the anger does come, I’ve been told to count to 20 and if I’m not angry anymore when I’m done, then it was probably just the T making me mad. I find it’s more frustration and it’s not intense, just more frequent.
Usually I’m not great at adjusting to change, and I heard about certain effects of T (hot flashes, anger, and sex drive most notably) and thought that they’d impact me really intensely which I was kind of worried about because I’m susceptible to chemical changes that impact my emotions but I can say this has only been a positive experience for me so far. The changes come slowly enough that it doesn’t fuck with my brain chemistry (another reason I chose weekly shots as opposed to every two weeks). I’m happier. I look forward to my life now, and I don’t mind the “undesirable” changes because those changes are as much of a part of my maleness as facial hair or a deep voice will be.
Rock on mothafuckas, and I’ll update you next week.
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thegeminisage · 1 month
I have to know about the dead beat ghost of George Kirk, that lit my brain up. Also Spock on Spock violence either/or. both even?
BOTH IS GOOD. tysm. this got so long don't worry about reading this entire answer lol <3
ok, so, spock on spock violence is a fanfic i conceived when i was deep in the throes of trek last autumn. but i had to wait until i had watched EVERYTHING with nimoy's spock in it before i could begin working on it, and by the time i got there, the steam sort of ran out of my engines. so i'm not sure if it'll ever get done at this point, especially considering i sort of veered back into working on something else. anyway, to general concept of this is - while it's very sweet that in the movies and in real life quinto spock and nimoy spock are friends, it's also. love and light. a little boring. i think that really, spock is an individual who is in many ways at war with himself, and when asked the age-old question "would you fight your clone or fuck him?" would unequivocally choose FIGHT every time
the very basic plot of the fic (which is really just a flimsy excuse for spock and spock to be petty cut-throat bitches at each other) is that post stid quinto spock has been traumatized by 1. the death of his mother 2. the death of his planet 3. the death of his boyfriend (hi, jim) and he's decided to break up with jim and do a kohlinahr so he doesn't have to feel grief anymore (and, with his longer vulcan lifespan, never has to watch jim die) because this shit is killing him. jim thinks this is stupid and nimoy spock also thinks this is stupid so nimoy spock and quinto spock spend a great deal of time hurling insults at one another about it.
there is also a side plot that very vaguely cribs from the tos episode "what are little girls made of?" wherein people are getting replaced by androids, and at one point, quinto spock is tempted by a jim android, because, after all:
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an android jim never has to suffer! he never has to die! spock could have and love his boyfriend FOREVER AND EVER and never have to fear the pain of loss ever again! that will totally work and fix everything with absolutely zero problems, right?
since i don't actually have any prose written for this yet, i will provide an excerpt from my notes, edited slightly for clarity:
to quinto spock, nimoy spock is a living example of his every failure and his worst fears. he gave up the good fight against his own internal humanity, he TOOK A HUMAN MATE (gross!), and he allowed/indirectly caused vulcan to be destroyed. nimoy spock, old and at the end of his life, has no one. he's been mourning his jim for longer than they were ever together. the only thing he knows is the unbearable pain of grief. quinto spock fears this kind of pain more than anything. he thinks he is seeing his own future and he is desperate to prevent it via any means possible, even the kolinahr - this timeline can be different, right?
to nimoy spock, quinto spock is a living example of the very worst and most cowardly parts of himself, and wastes all the precious opportunities he has - he makes nimoy spock sick with envy. quinto spock has SO many years left to spend with jim and he's going to WASTE them just because he's afraid of what life will be like without him. worse, he's hurting the person nimoy spock loved most by pushing him away, and it's all his own (nimoy spock's) fault because vulcan was kind of his bad. by allowing vulcan to be destroyed he has ruined not only his future, but also his past. quinto spock is destroying himself from the inside over his misguided prejudice over his own humanity, and his internalized xenophobia or whatever, and he's too young and too stupid to see that the only way to get through it is to GO through it, and he won't listen to the one person he should trust above all others (himself) because he HATES HIMSELF, that's his/their whole problem
like, imagine your entire deal is self-loathing and an abject refusal to accept both halves of your extremely internally conflicted being. and then suddenly there's another version of yourself who can stand next to you, who can be blamed and yelled at (possibly punched?), who is somehow doing an EVEN WORSE JOB at being you than you already are!!!!! you have to watch this other you make mistakes so massive even YOU wouldn't do them and you guys are supposed to NOT fight somehow??
ultimately, this is a fic about confronting grief and pain rather than running away from it, but it also morphed into a kind of fix-it for generations (the movie where kirk bites it in the most underwhelming death scene ever) which turned it into a very full project because those two things are a bit at odds with each other, so i had to reoutline it, but the outline IS all ready to go, i just...haven't gotten around to it yet because i'm working on the other project. i haven't given up on it though!!!
deadbeat ghost of george kirk is essentially a story about how completely useless it is to have a ghost for a dad. not a literal ghost, it's not that kind of story, but despite how affecting the opening of the 2009 movie is, we have to contend with the sad reality that if you grow up without a dad there is a high risk of simply becoming chris pine's kirk. like, that's why he's like that, right? hard truths. i only have about 800 words of this and it's quite likely it will never be finished or posted, but every time someone says something horrible to me in real life about my dead dad (happens more often than you think) i add another rage-fueled paragraph. an excerpt (content warning for child abuse and suicidal ideation):
What's so heroic about it, anyway? Jim's dad didn't die to save eight hundred lives; he died to save two, and counted the other seven hundred ninety-eight as a happy bonus. And what became of those two people? His mother a chronically offworld functional alcoholic, married to a chronically on-world nonfunctional alcoholic, whose favorite hobby is hitting his wife's sons with his belt and whose second favorite hobby is seeing which bones he can break with his steel-toed boots. Jim himself, sent to the hell that was Tarsus IV for driving a car off a cliff, who at eleven years old had already been jaded enough to consider just going off the cliff with it. Would George Kirk do it again the same way, if he could somehow know how the world turned without him in it? Would he think it was a fair trade? Either the answer is no and he was an idiot who threw away his life for nothing, or the answer is yes and he was an asshole. Either way, it hardly amounts to heroism. What good is a dead father to anybody? They can't turn up at the school play or the track meets. They can't teach you to tie a tie or throw a punch at bullies or slip you your first beer or bring you birthday gifts. You can't give a Father's Day card to an empty grave, not if you're saying anything true. All the cards say things like Thanks for being there for me, Dad!, and all Jim knows about his father is that there is the one place he wasn't. See, Jim has been in space, which is quite literally the absence of everything. He's also been on Tarsus IV, a planet where people got so hungry they started hacking limbs off of corpses to soothe the absolute absence of food in their stomach. And yet, for all that, the absence of George Kirk is the keenest absence he's ever known.
let people send you an ask with the WIP title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
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torchickentacos · 5 months
Drew’s Travel Route (Part 1. Sigh.)
Ok, SO! I said I’d try to figure out the travel routes of the anime rivals, and I’m starting with Drew. First things first, starting with Hoenn, here’s the map- I’ve marked down the probable locations of places that the anime made up where relevant. LONG POST, and I’ve edited the map for clarity’s sake. Also, I am vaguely/loosely taking encounter locations from RSE, you’ll get it later, don’t worry about it for now. 
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The beginning of his journey is a logical place to start but also we really don't know. He’s from LaRousse City, which is allegedly off the coast of Lilycove, according to Bulbapedia with no citation. He has three ribbons before meeting May and co., but we have no way of knowing where he got them or when or anything. We’re going to ignore those ribbons for my own sanity and just say ‘somehow he got from LaRousse to Slateport’, because otherwise I’d be factoring Solidad in here and it’s just a whole thing that we’re not worrying about. Fanon tends to agree that this isn’t his first contest circuit, so for all we know he didn’t even start from LaRousse. We just don’t know and we’re not worrying about it, and we're calling Slateport our start point because that's where he debuts. (Personal opinion? He's probably at LEAST been around Eastern Hoenn before, maybe down around the islands (Sootopolis, Mossdeep) at some point and around 121-122-123. We'll just assume he made his way from LaRousse>Lilycove>122>123>128>Mauville>110>Slateport, bringing us to our start point and gathering 3 ribbons along the way, but I'm not mapping that out because I have no real evidence).
So, that out of the way, let’s look at his starting point.
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Drew first shows up in AG033 at a beach in Slateport City, where he stays until AG035 Win, Lose, or Drew!. After that, we don’t see him until AG050 Pros and Con Artists, set in Fallarbor Town. Now, Slateport and Fallarbor are far away and have a few different routes. We’re saving the desert route for later (I have my reasons to believe he only went to 111 later on), so north is out. You could also go a bit south to Oldale>Petalburg>Rustboro, OR north and then west through Mauville>Verdanturf>Rustboro. We’re assuming the former, as the latter would mean he visited Verdanturf before and didn’t enter any contests and that just makes less sense to me. Also it doesn’t matter. MAYBE he caught Masquerain as a Surskit in this stretch of traveling but it's inconclusive and largely irrelevant.
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So, AG050, Fallarbor. He stays here throughout 051-Come What May!. The next time we see him is in AG061, Disaster of Disguise, set in Verdanturf. He stays here throughout 062 as well. Minor backtracking through 114, 115, and Rustboro, but nothing major.
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After this, we see him in AG077, A Fan With A Plan, which takes place in, uh, Rubello Town. 
This is where it gets funky. Rubello Town is somewhere between ‘Littleroot and Fortree’ according to Bulbapedia, which is like saying that New Jersey is somewhere between Maine and Florida. So I took it into my own hands and decided that it’s PROBABLY somewhere around the intersection of Routes 118 and 119, or early 119, headed into Fortree. It’s the only place that makes sense given where May and Co. are in the surrounding episodes. We're really triangulating some shit here. Eventually I should try to figure out where all the fake towns are but that's a project for later. Anyways, Rubello Town, AG077, A Fan With A Plan. That episode deserves its own 'wtf' post tbh. Anyways. We're here.
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So, from 118-119ish, Rubello Town, AG077, we then see him again in AG113, Who, What, When, Where, Wynaut (WWWWW). So, there’s a lot going on in this little stretch. It’s a big timegap from AG077-113. First things first, I’m assuming he took a detour through route 120 to catch Absol at this point. Absol debuts all the way in the Kanto Grand Festival, but it makes sense for him to have caught it this early on. So, we’re calling route 120 his next stop, maybe offscreen around AG80ish?
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And now, we’re detouring back to Route 111. I agonized over this decision but it feels right to put it here.
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You see, at some point Drew needs to have caught a Trapinch. Some of you guys who also trawled the bulbapedia ship pages before they got deleted probably remember that Flygon was specifically caught and trained for the theoretical situation in which he faced against May in the Hoenn Grand Festival. Because, you know, raising a pokemon up to at least level 45 is a thing you do for people you feel normally about. That’s a completely normal investment of time and energy and forethought and care. Anyways, I actually hesitated on assuming that Drew would have seen May as important enough to go out of his way to catch it this early-on, but we are three roses in with blatant flirting in 077, and WWWWW is up next (which people seem to agree is when he's like oh shit, those are emotions that I'm feeling), so it feels like a safe enough bet, and also Drew’s just Kind Of Like That™. Also, there’s no other time later in which it makes sense for him to have time to make the detour while also evolving it before the Grand Festival (and honestly even then we’re pushing it a bit). Any earlier and I doubt he’d have considered her in high enough regard to train an entire pokemon to battle her with (again, very large investment of time and energy to get a Flygon). So, with all that, we’re assuming that he goes back to 111 and catches Trapinch here. 
He also gets a ribbon somewhere in this time gap (his fifth). In the anime, pretty much every town seems like it holds contests. I really don’t know. I’m ASSUMING that on his way to Route 131 (we’ll get there in a second), he picks up a ribbon from some made-up location that we aren't privy to.
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Now. Gonna be real. I don’t know where in the actual hell they are in the beginning of WWWWW and his next appearance. Vaguely around Pacifidlog? Two episodes ago they were in Sootopolis, one episode ago they were on some random island, and they’re just in the ocean in the next one so I don’t know. Best I can figure is somewhere around Route 131. Why is Drew out in the middle of route 131? Don’t know. He has all 5 ribbons and isn’t going to Pacifidlog to watch May (something he goes out of his way for later but I digress). I really have no earthly clue why the fresh hell he’s out in 131, but HE IS I GUESS and who am I to question it? Did he just want some ocean time??? I don't know why he's here. Usually him being in out-of-the-way places is because May's there, but no, he's not here for her this time, he doesn't watch the Pacifidlog contest to the best of our knowledge, he's just. HERE. I GUESS.
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So. Fine. Whatever. We’re on 131 FOR SOME REASON, he ‘travels’ to Mirage Island if you’d call that travelling, they head back to wherever they were on 131.
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It’s more straightforward from here- he heads back to Slateport for the Hoenn Grand Festival, AG121-123. We’re assuming he takes a boat, I’m not sending this dude all the way back through mainland Hoenn. Tbh he has seasick vibes, which several unrelated fics from over the last 15 years seem to agree on for whatever reason, but that’s his problem and not mine. 
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SO. FINALLY. END OF HOENN (but not end of AG, there’s that part 2 at some point). We’re all the way back at Slateport- his first and last Hoenn appearance is maybe/probably on the same stretch of beach, intentional or not. And with that, we have his PROBABLE travel route throughout his appearances in the Hoenn section of AG!
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Kanto gets its own post because this is over 1k words long and took 2 hours to figure out last night :)))))))
(and @silverncats , here it is!!! I hope this is interesting, and I'm planning on doing more! This was super fun, albeit tedious and full of guesswork)
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uroboros-if · 10 months
A few things
Hi guys! Just wanted to drop by and say a few things 💕
One, I will no longer be using Wix for Uroboros, and instead will be using WordPress. This change will happen once I finish Chapter 2 to keep myself focused on priorities with the IF.
Two, I've been writing a lot of personal pieces and projects unrelated to Uroboros, but I've written a lot this past month!
A part of me is sad not to be writing on Uroboros, but I've decided to work on my writing discipline to write a couple thousand words everyday instead of worrying about editing. I hope to translate this skill to the development of Uroboros! November will be Uroboros-free for the time being, however.
I've also done this to not lose steam with Uroboros. A certain mental quirk I have is being dictated by my fixations, varying in length and intensity. While I still love Uroboros dearly as one of my first serious projects, I do not want to lose my excitement for it, and that means writing other personal pieces. ❤️
I've learned quite a bit about myself along the way. For some reason, Uroboros is taking extremely slow for me to write relatively; I used to churn out 2k words a day for any other story. Uroboros is a big departure from that, and even writing 300 words takes the soul from my body.
Another struggle I have is getting past the prologue and Chapter 1 in any story I write. With some excellent advice, I've realized it's because I'm hyperfocused on the plot itself. Plot is the building blocks, the foundation, but story is the tale of the characters themselves, and how they carry the readers through the dullest parts of the novel.
I truly needed a breather from stressing out about Uroboros' progress and its finer details. Stepping away from it has given me clarity and perspective, and I have also began to long to return to it. Distance makes the heart grow fonder!
I will most likely be posting the side project I've been working on, under a different name. It's completely and utterly different from Uroboros, and it targets a much different audience, hence why I want to keep my personas separate. I won't say what it is, however!! :)
It'll be a much, much quicker write than Uroboros, but my magnum opus will always be Uroboros, and I will not waste inspiration on anything else if I had it; it's mainly for days I cannot bring myself to be inspired, which are quite many. 🥺
Anyway, that was quite a ramble. I will hopefully see you guys soon!! 🥺💕💕 In commemoration of this mini update, I will break my rule and write a little for Uroboros today. 💕
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wingsoverlagos · 4 months
Lewisohn vs. Preston
I've begun posting some additional Tune In citation comparisons on actual hellsite WordPress. I've been using it for a few days, and we have already built a deep animosity between us - it eats my posts, in whole or in part, and finding a simple, readable layout was a chore - but now there is a place to view my source comparisons without scrolling through twelve pictures of Paul McCartney circa 1974, which might be a plus to some people.
It also allows me to document many of the noteworthy but not terrifially unique Lewi-sins I've found without clogging up the dash for my dear followers. I'll continue to share highlights and anlysis here, plus an occasional round-up of anything that isn't crossposted, but this should save you some tedium.
I have brought a highlight to offer you today: Lewisohn's adaptation of Billy Preston's piece in Memories of John Lennon (2005).
Memories of John Lennon (2005) is a collection of short pieces about John Lennon, primarily by people who knew him. I say “primarily”, because Mark Lewisohn himself also has a piece in this collection! Unsatisfied with his own Lennon memorial, Lewisohn decided Billy Preston's words needed substantial edits.
Tune In 34-4 vs. Billy Preston
In Tune In:
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In Memories of John Lennon (p.219-220):
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This quote is altered extensively, though the meaning is more or less preserved. I’ve highlighted in yellow the parts Lewisohn quotes, and marked in red any additional changes Lewisohn made to the quotes text. There are several omissions – one a full paragraph long – that are unmarked.
The only marked change is the bracketed “[the Beatles]”, and even this isn’t done correctly. Lewisohn writes, “I made sure they [the Beatles] were well fed and watered,” indicating that “they” is the term used in the orginal source. Not so. Preston’s original piece reads, “I made sure that the soon-to-be Fab Four were well fed and watered.” There’s no “they” in the quote – Lewisohn introduces ambiguity with his own rephrasing, and then adds a bracketed “correction” as if it’s Preston’s words that lack clarity.
It’s particularly galling to me that Lewisohn found the need to extensively rephrase Billy Preston’s own recollections of a departed friend. Preston’s memories about John don’t meet whatever benchmark Lewisohn uses, so he alters them – Lewisohn never knew John Lennon himself, but he’s the authority on how his friends and colleagues should remember him.
Lewisohn M. 2013. The Beatles: All These Years Vol. 1: Tune In. New York (NY): Crown Archetype. [ebook]
Ono Y [editor]. 2005. Memories of John Lennon. HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. [ebook]
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waitmyturtles · 11 months
Okay: I am going in on my BBS OGMMTVC episode 12 rewatch.
What have I learned today, from a comments chat and then an offline chat with @bengiyo, @lurkingshan, and @twig-tea:
1) The infamous episode 12 preview after episode 11 preceded a
in-between episode 11 and the finale. TWO WEEKS. YOU ALL HAD TO WAIT TWO WEEKS. I HAD. NO FUCKING IDEA. I had no clue. Two weeks.
[EDITING TO ADD: CORRECTION! Ben has let me know that the two-week break actually happened after episode 9. So the fandom only had one week between episodes 11 and 12. Ben confirms he still stands by everything else below -- and honestly, my critical viewpoint of this episode as enhanced by Shan, Ben, and Twig stand as well.]
2) Shan and Ben and I were talking about episode 12's structure. It was parts 1/4 AND 2/4 that kept up the premise that Pat and Pran had broken up. Half the episode.
Considering the depth of brilliance and meaning of episodes 10 and 11: I see Shan and Ben's point about docking points from BBS's perfection for the sake of the trick against the audience. Much to Ben and Shan's chagrin (I gotta stay typical), I would posit that there might be an argument for an extended demonstration of the INANITY of Pat and Pran HAVING to hide their relationship vis à vis the trauma they faced and face from their families. And parts 1/4 and 2/4 do capture some of Pat's commentary about the permanently fractured state of his relationship with his demanding father.
But I also agree that narratively, we could have used a lot more time to see HOW Pat and Pran came up with their strategy. To have seen them discuss and collaborate on that, in the 24 hours between leaving the eco-village and arriving at their families' doorsteps -- that would have been a conversation to behold.
Alas, what we got was the voiceover monologue citing Uncle Tong's "one man can't change the world/but the world can't change me" philosophy. I absolutely see Ben and Shan's point that we could have dug into that a lot deeper, and I agree, and I would have loved to see it.
We could have spent more time on Pran's decision to go to Singapore. As I get into Our Skyy 2 either tonight or this weekend, I'll be thinking about this. I have new theories on Singapore to share, but to Shan and Ben's point to me -- we could have had time to get more clarity in the finale, and we didn't.
So: I hear it, the criticism of the narrative structure of episode 12, and will absolutely be thinking about it as I watch, starting.... now.
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loveletterworm · 2 years
“Solving” the “Mystery” of “Chair”
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This chair from the sweepstakes website (henceforth referred to as "Chair") has been subject to a decent amount of confusion and fairly mild amount of discussion since its introduction. Its heavily Gaster-adjacent page titles, shadow-y blob form, and random Spamton jumpscare have remained largely unexplainable considering it's only been about a week or so since this page showed up and any part of the game "Chair" appears in has not released yet and will not for at least several months.
Or has it?
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Noted scholar "poop mcfarten", among a few other persons, has claimed this chair is the same one that is located in Rudy's hospital room throughout Chapters 1 and 2. This revelation would close the book on "Chair", as the most obvious solution is that this is the chair from Rudy's hospital room and he's going to die because the chair turned into Shadow Forme and attacked him at his most vulnerable moment (while he was already dying for non-chair-related reasons)
However, things are not so simple in the world of "Chair".
By using inspect element to get at its image file without accidentally saving "eyes.png" again, we can see "Chair" without its black background and at its original scale (as it is displayed larger on the website) Now it is possible to compare it directly to a rip of the chair sprite in Rudy's hospital room. (Note that the chair in Rudy's room is actually part of the same sprite as the rest of the tiles in that room and has been edited out of its surroundings here for clarity, however rest assured I am confident that I was able to tell a chair apart from the floor it was on)
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Looking at these chairs side by side, a host of discrepancies arise. "Chair" is slightly larger, at a different angle, its seat is thicker suggesting possible upholstery, its legs are much darker in color in a way different lighting is unlikely to accomplish, and the most damning evidence against it being the same chair: It has those little things sticking out of the top of the back, previously largely obscured by the dark background. (I don't know what the things are actually called.) This is clearly a different chair.
It also cannot be the chair from town hall, though town hall chair makes a slightly stronger argument with its similarly thick upholstery and darker legs. It’s still missing the things on the back and is actually evidently too big to be “Chair”, the opposite of one of hospital chair’s issues, so despite its best efforts it’s out of the running.
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But is “Chair”, as others have suggested, secretly notable other blue chair from a Toby Fox game Chairiel?
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The answer is: Still no! There have been two Chairiels throughout history. The one in Undertale is a blue chair, however it looks even more different from “Chair” than the hospital chair does. And the chair that the Chairiel torch would be passed to in Deltarune obviously looks the least like “Chair” out of any options, not even fulfilling the basic requirements of being blue and having visible legs.
And so, as this obnoxiously long post about chairs reaches critical mass, I must conclude that “Chair” is an entirely new, unique chair that we have not been introduced to yet.
Which probably does not actually matter at all.
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