ficservice-blog · 8 years
Daryl x Madeleine
Fandom: The Walking Dead Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Madeleine Word count: 3109  
Madeleine came from the team of Lavender, Skyler, Melody and Sydney but they met with the Dixon brothers long ago. That’s how she got closer to the man while their travelling. At one point in the story of their she was lost in a torturing camp. Now she needs the help of the younger Dixon.
- DARYL! The younger Dixon ran through the forest with his crossbow on his back. He was tired, hell tired. His lungs were in pain as he panted while running and breathed in the cold air. He had gone in the forest in hours now. After he realized in the middle of night the miss of Madeleine he went after her searching everywhere. In the middle of his way he heard someone yelling and he knew it's her. Something deep inside him told the man to follow the voice. As he got closer he was sure it's the girl. He yelled back and the girl answered. He just reached the end of the forest but stopped running. He looked around. Everywhere walkers ambled slowly to the way of the voice. Seemed like they were confused where is the source of it as Daryl. He knew if he yells, every walker would come after him. He walked carefully, shooting them down one-by-one. - Oh shit... He heard her again with pain and strain in her voice. He wasn't sure about it's a good idea but half of the walkers weren't a problem as he killed them so he had to take risks. - Where are you Madeleine?! - he yelled.   - At the crag. I can't - she tried to speak clear - hold it anymore. I will fall down. -  Hang in there! Of course the walkers turned into the man's way. He knew Madeleine doesn't have too much time and he shouldn't risk it to shoot the walkers down before. He had to hew his way. When they got closer to him he just ran through them, pushing them out with his own shoulder praying for not being bitten. He reached the cliff and saw Madeleine held on to a root which is hanged out from the crag's side. She was further than the edge of the ground so he had lay down, grabbing a young, dead tree's trunk next to him not to slide down accidentally. In his situation it was quite danger but he had to help the girl. He reached for her with his free hand. Madeleine was scared. If she release the root maybe she can't hold herself with one hand. - Fuck come on, give me your hand! - the man looked back to the approaching pack of walkers. - Trust me. - he looked back at her. She didn't have time to think about it. This was her only chance. She grabbed his hand and closed her eyes. The man with all of his strength started pulling her up. As she was enough close to the ground he released the trunk, kneeled down and leant for her when she finally were over the edge. He closed her into his arms to be sure not to slip down again and they fell back together to the safe place. Madeleine finally opened her eyes. She were laying on him who leant back his head and watched the walkers. He pushed her gently over him and stood up, pulling her with himself by her arm. - I know it's will be difficult for you but we have to run. - he looked at her panting. Okay. Okay. - she nearly couldn't speak so she nodded. They headed to the other way trying to avoid the walkers. He felt the pain in his back as he fell on his crossbow when he pulled the girl up. - There is a hut over there. - she pointed to the forest. He didn't ask back how she knows it. He had a lot of questions anyway but it's not the right time. Without hesitating they ran to the building. The crowd of deads followed them anyway. They arrived to the house, Daryl left back while she opened the door with efforts. She stepped in then Daryl too. Both of them started to block the door and the windows with every kind of things they found. The man turned to the women and signed her to be quite. He looked through the crack of the barricade's which stood behind the window. He drew breath. Speaking still quite Daryl turned to Madeleine. - Where have you been?! - Where? I heard someone is in trouble so I looked after for the voice's source. - Did you find anybody? - Not really... and I think... nevermind. - she turned over and sat down on the steelframed bed, burying her face into her palms. Everything was clear for now to the man. He talked slowly because of anger. - You didn't find noone except the walkers right? - he stepped closer menacingly. - Yes... I know I was stupid... - Stupid?! No, this is not the right word. Why are you so naive? You should know that there was noone asking for help. They found out you we have a camp and they wanted to inveigle you away from the team and now the remainder are the next. It was the bait! - OKAY. I KNOW NOW! - she raised her voice and stood up walking up and down. - They stool my stuff. - she started bitin her index finger as she walked. - Amazing. Now they know everything about us. And we can't warn them. Merle is away, Skyler trying to find gasoline with Lavender for the car. Just Sydney and Melody left there. - You talking like I did it for purpose! - You risking the team! And even if Melody and Sydney could save themselves they will steal all of our stuffs! Think before you jump into lone actions. - But I didn't want to! - Well next time be more careful  then. - he took off the crossbow and chocked next to the wall. The man voice was judging. - YOU KNOW WHAT?! - she changed into french as she started to get more and more nervous. - C'est vraiment de ma faute! Mais casse toi, laisse-moi tranquille! Tu commence á m'enmerder! - Stop talking in this bullshit language if you speaking to me! - his voice was raised as the same as the girl's. - WHY?! Is it a problem for you?! You are the same as your brother... - Don't talk about my brother! You changed the topic sunshine. - Oh you get touchy if I talk about Merle? Well then ask for your brother not to be such an asshole with me because I speak french! - I don't have any problem about your... the fuck we arguing about for honest? We will get out of there later and find the team. And pray for them not to get killed. - It's easy for you! Going back to the camp without worrying about their opinion what you did! - This wouldn't happen if you don't go away... She was totally in a panicking tantrum that she had to put all the weight pushing her chest on the man. - It's easy for you! There is your brother always for you holding together and protecting eachother! Moreover you get along to some degree with the team also. And me? I was forgotten when I got in that torturing camp. - she pointed on the brand on her back. - I don't want noone to experince the same like me... we live in a damned world. And if I can help on somebody then I will... but now they screwed me and everyone else get in trouble... in my stead. - But I was there for you! And I'm here again. He just realized how bad he talked to the girl. Madeleine didn't reply. She stayed in quite nearly crying. The man saw it on her face and stepped closer, touching her brand softly. - I know that you didn't want to bring the team to danger. I was... I just freaked out because I was and still I'm afraid what's happening with them. And with you also. I was scared where were you been and what happened again with you. His words touched her. Breaking into tears she hugged him tight, crying into his chest. At  first he didn't know what to do. His hands were in the air than slowly hugged her around gentle. He felt that she is shaking and how hard in her heart bumping. Daryl made her sit down on the bed and kneeled down front of her. He waited for something. Maybe for her to calm down. He had never been good with people, he was awkward around them. And it's scared him that the girl bust out. She didn't show too many emotions since she got back to their team. And now she is so defenceless and fragile. She was the girl she were long time ago before that camp changed her. Madeleine looked deep into his eyes with a teary face. - Never leave me alone Daryl. His heart skipped a beat. He wasn't sure what to say. He wanted to confess. She grew close to him and always had a bad feeling about to tell her that. Noone ever said this to him. - Nevermind. I... I don't want to be a charge on you. - she stood up and swept away most of the tears on her cheeks. The Dixon stepped to her and placed a kiss on her forehead then hugged her tight. She got shy and confused. The man wiped away the left tears around her eyes and as he got downer his hand stayed on her jaw, fondling it. They gazed into eachother's eyes. He knew no words could describe what he wanted to say. There was something between them, a thing they both know it's existing but they were afraid to tell it to the other. He lifted her head up a bit and slowly leant to hear. She closed her eyes, felt the warm breath of him as their lips were an inch far from eachother's. He hesitated waiting her rejection but it didn't happen. He pulled her closer by the waist, he felt how hard her heart raced. - If you don't mind... - he spoke quietly. But before he would continue his sentence, he placed a soft kiss on her lips. Her knees went weak. She placed a hand on his chest as their foreheads joined finishing the kiss. It was short but every feelings they hold in themselves, every words they wanted to say, the kiss told it itself. He kissed her again meeting her tongue. She let him deepening into the kiss.  Their kisses become a little less shy and more probing. As their tongues danced together his hand moved over her shoulders  pushing the thin straps of her tank top aside. Madeleine fell her head to the right side as he started trailing kisses down her neck and across her shoulders. Daryl went back to her lips and then had a step back. She looked up at him, his eyes still sat on her face. She didn't stop blinking and blushng. - It's not your first time sugar? - he asked as he started took off his shirt still watching her. - No, I'm just... - she played with her shirt's end. The man understood, he released a smile. - I'm still taking care about everything okay? - he pulled her to himself. He saw her being awkward in the situation and dind't wan't to hurt her with anything. He wanted to be sure she is fine before he does anything. Madeleine felt his skin burning as the man hugged her to himself. He stayed her nape with one hand while the other wandered down on her bum. He wanted to release himself but not this quick. Their lips met again, the girl bit him and pulled on him. He liked the reaction making it sure she is into the game. As they deepened in Daryl made her walk to the bed and as he leant over her, made her sit, then elbowing down, after that laying down on the furniture with baby steps. He placed his right hand on the inside of Madeleine's knee and moved up to her thigh. He just teased her secret place through her clothes while smiling at her. He loved to see her emotions showning up. She hardly got breaths, looking to the other way. He stopped playing helping her to take off the clothes. She was shy about it but Daryl solved the problem. Everytime the girl lost a textile he kissed her there. He took off everything but the panties. She finally laid front of him nearly naked, halfly hiding herself. He grabbed her wrists and pushed them into the mattress making her unable to hide anything. - It's okay, you are beautiful. - he placed kisses on her jawline working down. She sighed feeling his bare chest pressing onto her body. She watched his muscles flex as he moved down on her body from the jawline. The Dixon released her wrists and squeezed her breasts. It was pure joy for him. As a sign of content she clutched at his hair. He left a trail of licks around her boobs then slowly got downer and downer, through her belly then her hips and for last her pelvic. He looked up slightly again on her then kissed her inner thighs. He slid one finger into her panty line and pulled it down on her. He spread her legs apart and started caressing her there. He teased her slowly rising her sighs. As the heat rose he slid one then two fingers in. Her legs weakened, seeing that he joined into the play with his tongue. She tilted her head back. He saw her chest heaving as she took shallow rapid breaths of air. He didn't want to give her what she wants. Not now. The fun just began. Daryl sat up looking at her. She got confused and red as Hell watching him from the corner of her eyes. The man undid his belt, pulling down the zipper. She sat up also stopping his work. She continued the work on his jeans. The man grabbed the tiny hands. - It's not necessary. I'm fine without that. - I want it too. - she spoke with a cracking voice because of the excitement. - Sure? - he giggled. - I couldn't say that looking at you. At first she didn't want to answer. But she had to release what's pushing her chest. - Okay. I'm a virgin got it? - she burried her head into her palms. The man looked at her with wide eyes open. Not because what she said, because she confessed it. He took away her hands and put his hands on her cheeks. - I knew it. - What?! - she raised her voice becauase of the sudden surprise. - Years of experience. You thought I would believe in what you said? If you weren't you shouldn't be this awkawrd. - he laughed softly. - Daryl I'm so...so... so sorry. I didn't want to lie to you. I just felt like it's... lame. He kissed her with passion, teasing her tongue to make her stop talking. He made her lay back again. - Trust me. And next time you can discover everything you want. - Daryl... - she blushed again. The man giggled again. He liked the situation. The responsibility for the girl made the whole thing more appetizing for him. He fondled along her body, following her curves. He took off his jeans finally. She wasn't able to look there but yet she was curious. Daryl thought it's cute. His hand held the right side of her hip. He leant close to her. With a little help he found his way. He didn't want to go hard first so he waited while the girl under him felt comfortable. She grabbed onto his shoulders trying to distract herself from the sudden pain. He saw her lips opening as he reached the point but he put a hand on her mouth. - Shhh. You don't want to get the walkers attention. Am I right? - he giggled trying to ease her stress. After a minute as he saw her being relaxed, Daryl started moving slowly. He lifted her chin and kissed her lips while pulsing from inside. She dig her nails into his back as his thrusts began to quicken and harder after a slow start. He already felt the pleasure building up but the girl needed more time. Her heart raced in her chest. She heard his deep, manly moans thrust-by-thrust. He couldn't go further, Madeleine felt everything as he moved.  Her back begins to arch with each forward thrust. Everything tightened. He still had to hold back. He wanted to make it more memorable for the girl as a first time. - Fuck. Fuck... - he whispered between his teeth as he had to hold back. Even how the man said 'fuck' it's turned on her more. Daryl knelt up, spreading her legs more apart to being able to position himself between them and thrust deeper as he put her legs up on his shoulders. Now he felt she is close to the end, he started caressing her belly while his other hand played on her thigh. Her sounded husky and started to get shivers. She released deep sighs following the man who finally let himself to make an end to this. He turned away finishing the job. The girl still looked the tumble-down ceiling with pure joy on her face. Daryl laid next to her pulling the girl on himself, caressing her back. She burried her face into his neck as she realized Daryl watching her smiling. - Whaaat? - she asked giggling. - Nothing. I'm just curious how did you like it? - Loved it to be honest... - she answered with quietly. Wish it wouldn't happen in the middle of the apocalypse. - Madeleine giggled. - Picky girl. The risk is which makes it more fun. Daryl wrapped his hands around her body. - When we will go back to the camp - - she couldn't end her sentence. - Which won't happen until tomorrow because it's dangerous walking around in a forest at night. - Yeah whatever. - she waved but the man grabbed her hand as a sign 'not fight with my words'. - So when we go back we should find the others too. - Sure... yes. And continue our fun. - he giggled. - Daryl... - What? - he giggled and put a kiss on her shoulder.
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ficservice-blog · 8 years
Shay Cormac x Reader
Fandom: Assassin's Creed: Rogue Pairing: Shay Cormac x Reader (Victoria Finnega) Word count: 21.832 Asked by one of my friend, this is my first fiction to publish :) Your character is Wiky, daughter of Cassidy and Barry Finnegan. I hope you will enjoy it (even with my English. lol). He had only one choice to save the innocent people. He had to rob his friends, the people who he trusted, the assassins. A gunshot ended his past life and killed the faith in him towards these men. This brave man could give up his own life just to save strangers by the name of justice. Shay fell from the cliff still holding the manuscript as tight as he could. He opened his eyes and found himself in a room, two people stood above him and attended his wounds. The old couple seemed like they are arguing. His hearing wasn't too good yet. His head spinned and began pounding as he started to get alive. Shay looked down at himself and realized he got bandages all over his body. He wanted to sit up but he hissed in his pain and fell back. The old woman ran to him as she went out for clear water to make sure he didn't want to do something stupid. The other man shook his head with arms on his waist. - I told you he is just a drunk fool! You shouldn't bring him there. - Barry! Look at him. He wasn't drunk, he was injured! He needed help. - the grandma put a wet towel on a newly found wound on him. - I hope you didn't hit upon the idea of letting him being there. Cassidy didn't say nothing just turned to her man with a very angry look. Barry let out a sharp sigh, letting her know he isn't happy with the idea to letting a stranger to live in their home. But as always in a couple's life the woman's word was the  authoritative. He couldn't  fight with her. - Okay... but if he brings trouble on our head... - Don't be such rude with him Barry. Where are your manners? - she asked from him with crossed arms. Shay understood the conversation between them but couldn't join in. He didn't have to power to defend himself or say anything. And he was sleepy as hell. His body started working against the injuries. Days has passed and he started to getting better and better day-by-day but he still wasn't the same as before. The woman was gentle with him always but he didn't want to open to them. He spent these days with being mute or sleeping all day long. Sometimes he thanked their help but for Barry he was still under a cloud. If Cassidy wasn't there he would threw him out right away. His opinion changed when he defended the little family from thiefs wanting to rob them out. Barry couldn't believe in his eyes that his man, even with the fresh wounds could fight them off. He was quite surprised by it and couldn't be more thankful for him, but he didn't want to show it to him fully. After all, he is a proud man too. But he started being friendly with him and Shay couldn't lie to himself that he was happy about it. As the days ran away they began to make a parents-son relationship with eachother. Shay was more opened to them, mainly that Barry didn't look at him as a drunk, cheap-ass sailor anymore. He started to speak more, making conversations with them. One day when he went to have a daytime nap he heard a loud noise. The couple ran to the door, yelling in their happiness. He couldn't imagine what happened but he stayed at his place. Maybe the neighbor visited them and he didn't want to meet him or her, or anyone coming. - Wiky my dear! - Cassidy wrapped her arms around her as tight as she could. - You mother was in panic why were you so late. - the man giggled. - Barry, you were nervous too. - she pushed him into the chest playfully. - I have a lot of things to tell! - the mysterious girl said and started walking into the house. - We have to... - the pair answered together. When she stepped in the sittingroom a half-naked guy laid on the couch face to her. She yelled up in her fear. - FATHER! THERE IS A ROBBER IN OUR HOUSE! - she threw a vase in Shay's way but luckily for him, she missed the hit. Before Shay could say anything, the parents appeared in the room. The man was in the same shock as her. Cassidy ran to the brown haired girl to calm her down. She took away the next vase from her hands. - When we mentioned with your father that we have stories also... well... he is one of them. - His name is Shay. - Barry looked at the man who still didn't take his eyes off her. - He is a good man. - he started to collect the pieces of the broken vase. - Oh... excuse me. - she stepped to him, fixing her hair to hide her blush away from the embarrassment. - Shay Cormac. - he leant a hand to her. - Victoria Finnegan. - she shoke his hand. - She is our daughter. - the parents stepped behind her, Barry patted her back. - Where is he from? - she whispered as quite as she could the question in her mother's ear. - Ohh I nearly forgot! That gentleman, Shay - she tried to joke to ease the situation. - was injured and we found him passed out. I mean, I found him and I told it to your father. - He saved our life! With my help, of course. - Barry continued the tale. - It's nothing. - Shay talked finally but turned his head in other way to avoid to talk more. - Let's have a tea dears! - Cassidy clapped her hands together. She saw that Shay wasn't happy about to have a conversation with them. To avoid the awkward situation, it was her idea. It wouldn't be nice if their first meet of her daughter and Shay would be like that. Maybe next time he will be more kind to her. The little family sat down in the kitchen and Cassidy made hot water for the tea. - So mother... I think you should tell me something. - Wiky started the conversation. - About what? - she leant the cup of teas to the two. - You know. Half-naked unknown man laying on our couch or something. - Oh yeah Shay. Well we told you the story. - Okay okay but why he had to stay? - she asked in a fear. - Don't be so rude with him. - Barry had a sip from his cup. - Like you wasn't at first. - Cassidy giggled. - But he proved me he is a good man! - But he looks like... like a sailor.  - Wiky continued her sentence. - He just needs time to recover. - her mother smiled at her. - Okay. - she sighed. - And how are you anyway? - Altought we missed you so much. Good! - she answered. - Don't talk about us! Let's talk about you. How was your trip? - the man asked. - Quite tiring but this school was very useful. Thanks for letting me go to there. I couldn't be more thankful to you! - she cheered up remembering the moments which she passed in the said school. - If you are happy, we are happy too. - Cassidy said. - Annnndd... did you find someone? - Someone? - Boys. A gentleman. - she winked at her while her father nearly gulped aside. - NO. - she yelled up. - I mean... - she facepalmed. - I wasn't there for... chasing boys. - Okay okay. I just asked. You are enough old to have a man beside you. - But I don't need. She answered cold thought she didn't want to. It's a topic that she always hated. She doesn't need any man, or love. - Don't bite my head off. - her mother retorted. - Girls! - Barry cut off the fight. - Wiky just arrived before. Don't spoil this day with that. - You are right. - Cassidy sighed. - Sorry mother. I didn't want to be rude towards you. - Ahh forget it! - she hugged her standing up from the table. The family drunk their teas. They talked a lot about what happened with them while they didn't see eachother. Barry headed back to his work to do in the garden while the two women stayed in the kitchen, washing the cups. - I need a little help after this if I could ask you to. - the older woman said. - Sure, I can help you with anything. - she smiled at her. - We have to change Shay's bandages. - Okay, doesn't sound difficult. Of course it didn't sound difficult to her. She went to a nurse school. Since her childhood she was good in nursing and helping other people. - Good! They finished the work and headed back to the storage to bring new bandages. When they stepped in the room where Shay laid he was in the same pose as before looking at the empty walls. - Shay dear, time for bandage changing. - Cassidy told to the man. He sat up with difficulties. The older woman walked to him starting the process. Wiky didn't do anything as long as her mother didn't tell so. She watched her doing her duty and sometimes she had a look on the grumpy man also. - Could you help now Wiky? - she turned to her. - Please finish the rest of it and I could cook for us. - May I? - she looked at the man waiting the permission but it didn't come. - Of course you may. - her mother answered instead of Shay. They left alone together. There was an awkward silence after Cassidy went out to the kitchen. She hesitated with approaching the man. She took a breath and stepped to him. The left-out bandages from his chest was slowly taken off at last. He somtimes let out a hiss when he felt the bandages touching his wounds. She took out the alcohol from the little box. - It may burn you a little bit. - she poured the alcohol on a tissue and put it on his deeper wound. His muscles tightened from the sudden pain. She couldn't look away from his well-sculpted manly body. As his body muscles began tracing out she started to blush. But she recollected herself fast. She didn't know what happened in her mind, she never watched a man like "this". We have to mention she had never seen a man before even half-naked. In the school they practised on dummies or dressed people. She did the whole thing without sharing a word with him. When she had the power for start a conversation she looked at his face and she saw it's better if she doesn't say anything before he bites off her head. The days passed like this. She changed his bandages, helped him to eat and around the house for her parents. Shay still didn't open to her. It got more awkward day-by-day. They knew eachother for weeks now, she nursed him and still not a word left his mouth. One day she got bored with this situation and during his usual bandage changing she collected her courage and turned to him. - What the hell is your problem for real? - she asked with crossed arms. - Pardon? - I mean you didn't say a word at all since we met. It's weird. - I don't have anything to share. - Then talk about the weather or something. - I don't like to talk about the weather... She sighed. Seemed like it's useless to be kind to him. - You look like a homeless... Shay looked at her with wide eyes. He didn't think about a comeout like this from the girl. - If you would shave yourself, change your style... maybe you would be more handsome. 'More handsome?' She thought. She really said that to him loud? The man opened his mouth to talk, first time without being rude or totally neutral. - Oh well. Thanks. You are pretty too... I don't know how you haven't got a husband yet. - he let out the last sentence quiter. Her eyes widened. He really said that? - Thanks... - she blushed and finished her job then left the room. Now that they started to talk her duty was a lot easier to do. It wasn't that awkward than before. Their conversations changed into a friendly tone. One day she jumped in the room yelling. - Hello you monkey! But instead Shay her mother turned to her. - How do you talk lady?! - she looked at her angry playfully. - Sorry mother. - she put her hand on her mouth giggling. - I thought Shay was alone. - He went out for shaving himself. - Really? Good! - she sat down on the couch. Ten mintues later Shay showned up, well-groomed. Her words frozened on her lips. A whole new Shay stood front of them. His upper body was uncovered, his new clothes rested on the couch which Cassidy put there. His hair was in a ponytail, his face was smooth and the wound on his eye was clear to see. And the worst was that deep inside her, she felt something weird looking at the man. - Oh, who is that handsome gentleman here? - Cassidy asked giggling. Shay as an answer released a half-smirk. - There are your clothes dear! - she leant the clothes to him. - Thank you. - he bowed his head. Wiky would looking at him for hours half-naked, giving him clothes didn't make her happy as the man. Weird things started to pop-up in her mind, like she would touch him to feel his well-shaped body. But she shoke her head to drive away her thoughts. He came back from the bathroom again, now dressed up fully. He wore one of the clothes of her brother's. - How do you feel yourself? - Cassidy asked from him. - Good. - he smiled for a second. The woman poked her daughter in the side and nodded her head to Shay. She knew without words what she wants to say. The brown haired girl gave her a harassed face. But when she looked at the man's smile, her heart melted away. Shay's white teeth and the fact how good is he looking with a smile, in that clothes, shaved and we could count more and more things drove her crazy. - Even that you feel and look okay, we need to change your bandages for some days more, don't forget it Shay! - Cassidy said. The man nodded and took a seat. The women left the room to leave space for him. It was the first day til they found him that he could walk around without any effort because of his injury. They started to talk. - Mom, I didn't mention it but... but... I think I need a new dress. - she walked beside her with face down, a little blush appeared on her face. - Really? Why? I thought you have a few beautiful ones. - Just... I have to refresh my wardrobe. - Fine. Let's go, we have some time to spare. Her mother knew the white lie behind her sentence. But she didn't say it out loud, because she knew her so right. Even that she was 100% sure she got like him, she would run away if she would say out the facts. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun's light laid on the girl's face. She turned to her other side to avoid the annoying light. Her dreams were sweet as cottoncandy, it's rested on her face: she smiled in her sleep. She heard something knocking her window. The noise overwhelmed her sleepness. She slowly opened her eyes and turned her face to the said place. She didn't see nothing, maybe she heard it wrong in her half-sleeping. She stood up from her bed and walked to the window. She wanted to smell the scent of the forest mixed with the morning's usual flavor: her mother's breakfast, the river's nearby and the garden's flowers. Wiky opened the window yawning and released a big stretch in the air looking out. Suddenly she was face to face to an other person's face. She released a yell and backed from him. The man smiled wide. With his free hand (he balanced with the other one) opened wider the window and he took one leg into the room. Now that he was in safe with his half body, he leant his other hand to her, a bunch of flowers were in it. - WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! - she asked it in panic. - I picked some flowers to you! - he answered. Her heart melted but she didn't show it to him. She took away the bunch from him which made him smile again in a perverted way. - What? - she asked it confused. - Nothing nothing. She realized why he is smiling. When she took away the flowers he saw everything under her evening dress. It was a thin, silky fabric. After realizing she crossed her arms around her body as fast as she could, dropping down the bunch. Shay stepped in the room, now fully, picking it up and putting it in a vase. - You... you perverted... it was your goal! - she yelled to him as red as a tomato. - Noooo. Ye be wrong me darlin'. - he giggled. - Stop talking like a 'pirat'. - she tried to mimic him. - How did ye shout? - his giggle began louder hearing her trying to talk like him. - Argh! MEN! - she started pushing him out from her room. - Wait here for a little... - she closed the door. - Aye! - Could you... stop talking like that for a minute? - she asked from behind the door while changing her dress. - I know you can. - How you wish. - he leant his shoulder to the door. - And don't emboss your body. For God's sake! You are not fully healed yet. - she continued the chugging. - Trying. - he sighed. - Anyway. Where did you find these flowers? They are beautiful. - she flew between pink clouds by Shay's gift. - In the meadow. - he answered. - How long does it take to change your clothes? - Just some minutes more. - she knocked on the door to him playfully. - Still waiting. - he knocked back. After some weeks their bond between eachother got tighter, they talked a lot and acted playfully towards eachother. Shay wasn't closed to noone in the house nomore. She stepped out from her room in her new dress which she bought with her mother weeks ago. It was the first time that she wore it: she didn't feel herself comfortable in that dress, she just bought it because it was beautiful in the shop and she felt that someday she will wear it... and that day came because her mind went into space from Shay's little act with the flowers. When he saw her his eyes opened wide: the fact that he had never seen her in these kind of clothes shook his mind, it was very exciting to look at her in that for him... her feminine curves showned well in the dress, it was an eyecatching sight. - Your eyes nearly popping out... - she crossed her arms and gave him an angry look, she knew that he is looking at her body, not the dress and she started to feel herself awkward in that dress. It was a good idea to put it on? - You misunderstand this. - he turned around her with his hands behind his back. - I'm just looking at you how pretty is your dress and your hair. It's matching the dress' pattern. - he run his finger through her hair, touching the flower from his gift which was put in the braid. Is she a fool thinking that he is looking at her body or he just white lied? She couldn't decide it. - You are lucky... - she gave him still a suspicious look. - I make my own luck sweetheart. - he winked at her playfully. The answer was from her a playful slap. They laughed together on eachother. Her thoughts about the struggle between wearing the dress or not, fade away right away. - I have an idea. - he played with her flower. - What? - she blushed. - I feel like I'm new. Let's get some fun tonight. I was out of the house long time ago seeking fun. What's your answer? Let's get some fun tonight? How should she understand this? What he wants to say to her? If she wouldn't know him, she would think he wants more than a small walk in the garden or other. But he never mentioned or did anything more to her than between in the friendzone. And she needs to be happy for that or not? She had struggles in her heart and her mind also: they told her the opposite everytime when she wanted to think clearly about him. - And what about your wounds? - You will check them out and if you say so, I stay. If not, we go. It's right to you like that? - Well... hmm... okay. - she smiled at him. To be honest, she never had fun before any guy. Of course she had admirers but she didn't care about them at all. She had boyfriends also but she felt uncomfortable between them. Shay was other. Somehow, she felt like he is a brother-type-of-person to her, but not exactly like that. He was a mix of a brother and a very good, close friend. And she felt like he feels the same towards her. - Then let's get down and show me your wounds. The two headed back to the sitting room. As usual she prepared the stuffs for the process while he put down his clothes on his upper body. Wiky walked to him, took off the old bandages and started washing the wounds. She couldn't take off her eyes on him and she forgot herself. Shay gave him a confused look as he didn't know what's her problem. Then he felt her hands touching him like never before, more smoother and slower. Wiky's face was blank which made him more curious about her thought in her mind. She woke up from her gaze when she felt the man's fingers on her hands. She took her hands away from his body as fast as she could as she realized what is she doing and before he would grab her hands. She stole a look on him and tilted her head down, watching the floor while she had a heavy blush on her cheeks. - Khm... - he released a cough. - I finished. - she still talked to the floor, packing back the stuffs. - I don't think so. I need new bandages. - he giggled. - What was that? - he asked the awkward question. - W-what? - she asked back embarassed while putting on the new bandages on him. - For some minutes I thought you lost yourself in your mind. - he had a smirk. And he was right. She couldn't help herself, but the man's body casted a spell on her. - I just... um... wanted to be sure your wounds are fine. - she turned away acting like she has things to do with the box of her medicines. - Ahh. - Shay couldn't stop the giggling. The girl took his clothes on the couch and gave it to him when a folded paper fell out from the pocket of his under shirt. - What's this? - she asked in her curious and took it. - What's in it? She started to fold it out when the man walked to her with a panic and took it back. - Nothing important! - he answered fast. - Doesn't look like nothing. - she leant to the paper but Shay turned away. - Not your business. For the first time after they became friends his words to her were cold. She backed up as she saw his emotions on his face. - Oh sorry that I nearly touched your 'business'. - her voice tone was angry. - It's... complicated. - Shay took on his clothes and put the manuscript back to his pocket. - Sorry. She saw the compunction on him and as she never liked to argue or be in a bad mood around people she told herself to calm down. Maybe it's one of his secret and it's important to him to keep it like that. - Don't be rude next time. Just tell me if you don't want something. - Right right. Sorry darling. - he scratched his top of his head in his embarrassment. The next hours passed away as usual. They helphed Wiky's parents around the house. The night time came fast as their day wasn't too tough. It  was time for the girl to wash down her fatigue. She made a hot water in the wooden tub and sat in it. She nearly fell in sleep by the relaxing feeling which the water gave her. Suddenly Shay showned up in the corner of the door, smiling wide, leaning to the wooden door frame. A soap hit his head, followed by a high speeched scream. - WHAT DID YOU THINK WHEN YOU CAME IN WITHOUT KNOCKING?! - she yelled, crossing her arms around her chest. - I just wanted to warn you to collect yourself for the night! - he tossed the soap back to her. - You could warn me without interrupting my bath time! And I'm here because... NEVERMIND GO OUT! - she started splashing the water in his direction with one hand. The man went out still laughing at the scene. And because something got alive by it, it was time to leave the place. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Cassidy and Barry went to sleep, the pair slipped out from the house. Wiky wore the dress which she bought before, Shay mentioned again how gorgeous she looks in it.   - Do you know the place where we go? - the girl started the conversation. - Place? - You know the place where we headed... - Oh well... I don't know your city too much... - he leant his arm to her to hook on him - so I thought we will go to the first place what we will see. She hooked on him and facepalmed. She realized Shay didn't have any plan for the night beside 'having fun'... somewhere. After some minutes of wandering they saw lights in the far. For their luck it was a pub near to the border of the city. As they got closer and closer the noises from the little hut got louder. Shay stepped in first, after him Wiky with a fear on her face. She followed him as close as she could, like a shadow. They sat down to a table. For some reason there weren't too many women. - Did you go often these kind of places? - she asked in a fear. - Yeah. I mean... well... yeah. I'm a pirate so it's not too odd for our lifestyle. - he bought two cup of beer for themselves. - Hm... - she had a taste from the beer. - It's good! - she lifted up the glass. Shay smiled at her excitement but held down her hand to the table. - I could invite you for the next round again if you finished this. - Then prepare your money! - she giggled and started drinking the beer. The second round came then the third, the fourth and the glasses followed by eacother. The empty cups stood on the table while the other two started telling jokes with eachother. The girl did some dance moves also listening to the live music. When she began drinking the next beer, mother nature called her. - Iiiii... have to go to the - she started thinking. - the toilet. - she leant to the table as she fell back when she wanted to make the first step. - Just. Just be careful! - Shay said between a sip from the alcohol and sleeping while standing. Balancing between the tables and other stuffs which she could grab, she arrived to the bathroom. She couldn't stand the alcohol, it was a killer stuff for her. And the wors that she drank too much so it was obvious the rest of their day will be a pain for her. And the arriving morning will be worser than this. She stepped out from the room and started for the search of their table. She couldn't see anything by the blur of the alcohol. She stepped to a random table where three men stood drinking their alcohol. They looked at her with wide open eyes. - Can I help you young lady? - one of them asked from her. - Nooo. I'm fine Shay. - she answered to the table. - Are you alone? - a blonde man asked. - You are such a - she hiccuped - a funny guy. I'm with you stupid. The men shared a look with eachother then a smile. - Do you want something to drink? - the third person asked. For the question she took a drink from the table right away. - I make myself comfortable. - and she drank it in a minute. - Good. - the blonde answered while drinking. - Do you have any plan for the rest of the night? - the guy asked from her right. - Just the... theee... same... as yours. The men started whispering to eachother then the tallest man stepped to her. - Let's leave this place. - he grabbed her hand. - You drank too much already. - No, I feel myself. Myself! Okay. - she resisted. - We could go somewhere else. - he looked at his friends waiting for their help. - But I enjoy this pub! - she hit a glass during the resisting. - You will enjoy this better. - the man grabbed her tighter and started pullin her after him. - Trust me! As much as she could, she followed the man outside the inn but her walking was ridiculous. For the girl's sake, it was her luck because the man stopped, it was too difficult to him to pull her through the whole path. They stopped at the side of the inn and the girl leant to the wall. - I don't feel myself ok Shay. - she breathed fast. - Don't worry my dear. It's okay. - he leant above her, using his free hand as his hold on the wall. - We should - she gulped - go home. - That's what I wanted to do. - he leant to her face closer. - W-what are you doing?  - she asked it from the ground. But before she would have the answer, she felt a hand between her legs and a mouth playing on her neck. She began pushing him away but he seemed a lot stronger than her, and she was dead drunk. - Stop it. - she said so slow that anyone could think she will fall asleep. Of course he didn't do what she wanted. His kisses started to wander upward to her lips but before anything could happen someone tore off him on her. Shay stood in front of them with the angriest look on his face which she had ever seen on him. His hands were in a fists. The other man did the same and now theye were face to face to eachother. Wiky couldn't imagine what happened before but now she started to think clear. She wanted to walk to Shay, to be behind him but the man grabber her. It was the last move for Shay, he couldn't handle it. He walked to the man with heavy steps and before he could punch him, he crouched and hit him middle in the face. The grabbing lessened on her wrist then the man fell on the ground. Shay grabbed her shoulder and shoke her gently. - Are you okay? Did he do something to you? Are you hurt? - his words followed eachother fast. - No, no I'm fine. - she was still under the heat. - Thanks to you. For the noises, some people came out from the pub, the man's friends also. It was a normal, everyday scene for the guests, they waited for the following actions but for their unluck nothing happened. The other two men as they see Shay was danger to continue the fight, they grabbed their friend and pulled him over. After some minutes of waiting the crowd went back to their stuff. Wiky hugged him tight recollecting herself after the shock. He returned it timid. - Let's go home. - he said panting as he was excited from the fight. - Right.  - she answered. Shay helped her through the walk. She leant to him all over the way but he stood the alcohol good so he could take care both of them. On their way after they shoke back from the affair, they started to being waggish with eachother. The forest woke up from their voice. For some reason they began speaking in kind of a redneck way and they laughed on eachother how they spelt the words. They stopped at a trunk for a short break. Shay turned to her, leaning to a tree's side. - Women... - he gasped for air. - if... if I wasn't that... drunk - he had a breath. - that I can't make a step... I would... put... you on a haystack and... and rape you. -he looked up on her smiling. - Don't call meeee MEEE WOMEN, you filthy pig! You... you can't even... make your... yourself hard. - she sorted her words. They stared at eachother for some minutes as they recollected their breath and words. - Do you think? - he stepped to her grabbing her hand playfully. - Yeah, I'm sure! - she laughed into his mouth. - Try me darlin'. - he laughed too and gave a slap on her butt. She widened her eyes and mouth because of that and punched him into the chest. They laughed so hard that she bumped her head into the said place. Her laughing faded away in the strong chest. For Shay everything stopped in these minutes. He looked down on the girl who helped him for months with his injury, she became his friend and now he felt something other, other than being her friend or brother-type-of-person. Now he saw the lady in her, the beautiful women who could be the dream of every man. And suddenly their eyes met. He was too much in his thoughs and didn't see that she watched him for several minutes now. His last words catched her attention, and now his wondering face and those lips which waited just for her move, or is it just her wish? She couldn't handle herself and pressed her lips to his slowly. At first Shay looked at her with wide eyes open as he didn't know what to do now but he gave up following the orders of his mind and closed his eyes, returning the sweet kiss. He grabbed her waist and pressed her into himself gently. The soft lip kissed started to change into a deeper joy but the girl turned away coughing. He lifted up his hands slightly in the air as he thought he did something bad to her. - E-everything okay? - he stepped closer. - It's. It's fine. - she waved into his way, back to him. - I felt like I will throw up in any minute. - she still looked in the direction of the ground. They stayed silent after this and went back home. Shay gave his help to her again but they thought it's better not to talk about the kiss. At home they tried to walk as quite as they could not to wake up the parents. As Shay saw, it would be impossible for the girl to crawl up on the stairway. With his remaining energy he enfolded her in his arms and walked up to her room. He put down her on the bed gently and sighed deeply. For a minute he tought she passed out but from the curtain of her own hair, a voice came out when he opened the door to go out. - Don't leave me. - her voice was faint. He turned to her, still grabbing the handle. - Sleep now, it will be better tomorrow. As nothing came as a respond his first way was the bathroom. He wanted to wash down the blood on his hands and his weariness. He took off his clothes and stepped under the old shower. While showering a lot of thoughts came to his mind. They swirled painfully, confusing his own feelings. But somehow the warm water calmed him if not perfectly but enough to not care about his problems. He heard the bathroom's door quite creak. Wiky stood front of him, she changed her clothes to her sleeping dress and her usual parfum's flavour came from her which she sprayed on herself every night before sleeping. Shay glared at her for a moment confused. Sobbing's noise came from her. He did a step into her way even thought he was in such a surreal situation that it would be better if he grab his clothes and put them on. He was so confused that not even a word slipped out from his lips while the girl just stood there still sobbing. He started to realize her problem is that she wasn't drunk before, it was her first time. Now she walked to him, under the shower and hugged him tight. As her dress got wet he felt her body better pressing onto his. Her tears faded away in the falling drops of water. And that wet through,  long brown hair gracefully followed her body's curves. He felt the tiny, cold hands wandering on heis chest down to his stomach and back up again, while the big blue eyes gazed him procative. He couldn't help it, he stopped her hands and kissed her deeply. They are separated after a minute. - Kiss me... - she gasped, wanting to feel again that wonderful thing, his bare chest pressing against hers, feeling his heartbeats. Their kisses become less shy as first. She tilted hear head to fall back as he started trailing his kisses down on her neck and across her shoulders. Her breathing became more rapid as she enjoyed the feeling of his hand as he covered her breasts and gently began massaging it. He stopped his moves when he realized what is he doing. They looked at eachother panting, now with a wondering face by Wiky. - I think it's... it's not the good time for that. - he leant to the shower's wall still gasping for air. These words nearly killed her, the drunkenness gave her the courage to make steps towards him and now he wants to backup. From the pain she couldn't say a word. Shay saw the sad emotion on her face and caressed her gently, sighing. In his mind he already did some naughty things to her but he had to stop it. He wanted more and not like this for the first time. He wanted her to remember and want it for real not by the alcohol. He was on his edge, for a man this situation is a real struggle. He stepped out from the shower, making himself dry and put on his clothes. The girl just stood there shaking by the coldness and  nervousness, watching every steps he made. He stepped to her and turned her over to be back to him. - Do you allow me? - he asked it whispering to her ear. She felt his hand under her dress and nodded to him. His touches burned her skin trailing up on her body to undress her. He needed to make efforts not to have a look on her perfect bum so he watched her back the entire time. Shay wrapped around a towel on her body and gave her a neck kiss. It was something he didn't want to miss, something he wanted for himself. He helped her to go back to her room and put her in the bed. After she was under the blanket he gave her another dress and turned over. He waited a little and turned back to her. When he looked at her, her eyes were half-closed already. She didn't want to talk with him, it was too awkward. The last thing she rememberd before falling asleep that the man whispered something to her. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- She opened her eyes and it was true Hell. She felt like her head will fall apart by the headache and the whole room spinned around front of her. Her stomach burnt like Hell, if it's not enough that she felt she is in Hell. And she was thirsty, she would kill for a little water right now if she would see someone with a glass of water. She looked around for something. Or more like someone. But she didn't find noone in her room. She released a sigh, it was contented even tough she would be more happy if the person who she searched for would be next to her. But it was fine like that, maybe it's better that nothing happened last night. She acted like a fool, like she wasn't herself. The only thing she thought about what's in Shay's mind now? What is he thinking about her? Maybe he got hate her. And he thinks about her bad things which are not true. Wiky recollected herself to get up from the bed. It was like a cold shower. She nearly fell back but somehow in half way she found her balance. The longing for the water made her steps faster. First she changed her clothes then she rushed to the kitchen. She sipped the water with true pleasure. She hard footsteps and turned around. The leftover water poured on her clothes. He was there, right face to her. She gulped a big and an awkward blush showned up on her face. Her whole face looked like a tomato and the best thing she could do is just stood there watching him with wide opened eyes. She wanted to avoid the talking or the fact that they met, she turned back to him and acted like she has things to do. She even started to clean up in the kitchen. Shay stepped closer silent and as her, he poured a glass of water for himself too. He watched every steps of her and but couldn't continue it anymore. He coughed loud. Like a robot, she turned to him, even though she didn't want to talk with him, she didn't want to be rude also. - We have to discuss it. - Shay started. - W-what? - her voice was quite. - You know it perfectly. - he drank the water. - Ah... - Do you regret it? She stayed silence. It was too embarassing to admit it, she doesn't regret it at all. - Your silence speaks more than you think. - Shay stepped closer to her. - And your bodylanguage speaks more than you talk. - she covered her embrassement by joking that Shay's water drinking action was too ostentatious. Shay released a small giggle. - Well I can't say that I'm not nervous next to a beautiful girl. - he finally put down the glass. "Beautiful girl". This killed her so much inside that she blushed harder. - Look Shay... I... - she wanted to say something clever but nothing was in her mind. - We should figure it out.  - he continued. - I didn't hear it right. - she gulped. - I said, maybe we could try it out. - I'm not... the one you are looking for. - she turned around, playing with her hand in the nervousness. - How do you know? - he put a hand on her shoulder, he was dangerously too close to her face from behind. - I've never been that girl who was worth to fight for. - she giggled in her pain and swept away his hand. - Or you just closed the door for every men came along. - he put a soft kiss on her neck. - But I'm not that easy to reject. - he turned her  to himself. - I don't need - his face was an inch far from hers. - noone. - her eyes were wide open. Wiky looked into his eyes and saw his desire for her. Slowly Shay wandered his hand from her cheek and cupped her chin gently. He pulled her to himself. She felt the warm breath of him then his lips resting on her own. She didn't resist and when he realized that, he became more brave and let his tongue find it's way. Their breathing increased and the girl let out a soft moan. He seperated from her for a minute to see everything is okay with her. He giggled at her childlike excitement. He went back kissing her more deeply and grabbed her hair, then his hand wandered down to her neck. She started grabbing his shirt. He picked her up to carry her to her room without stopping their kiss. Her eyes were still closed when she felt he put her down on the bed. He laid on her pressing his body to hers as much as he could and started kissing her neck. The pressing on her downer part started to make her feel awkward about her situation. She didn't know what to do now. Shay felt something is not right, she just laid there doing nothing and as red as Hell. He wasn't sure about "her" but before an embarassing act he looked up at her asking. He took back from the pressing, leaning on his forearms. - What's the problem? - No-nothing. - she looked everywhere but not on Shay. - If I'm not wrong - he moved his hand under her blouse, taking it off. -  you are virgin. - he began kissing her lower stomach, watching her. - You are not... wrong. - his kisses burned her skin. They looked into eachother’s eyes momentarily. Shay gave her a  loving smile and brought their mouths together again this time with a bit more urgency. - I take care of everything. - now his hand was under her skirt rubbing the outside of her panties. She let out a surprised scream. - WAIT WAIT WAIT. - she pressed down his busy hand. - I don't know. I'm not ready. I. What if... No. - she was in panic. - Just calm down, okay? - he caressed her face. - I make everything fantastic. - he drew his hand aside stimulating her never-touched-by-a-man-before place.   She gasped for air and grabbed the edge of the bed. It was like nothing she ever felt before. His fingers now played under her panties. She avoided his eyecontact as much as she could but it seemed like he enjoyed searching for her eyes. Shay knew that he was completely in control of her satisfaction. The years and his adventurous life gave him enough knowledge about making pleasure to ladies. Her breathtaking started to be louder and louder. He stopped teasing her. He wanted to play a little game with her see how far he can push her limits. - Maybe it's enough for now, am I right my dear? - his hand stayed still on it's place but his lips played around on her collarbone. - Mmm. - nothing meaningful came out from her mouth. She wanted more but didn't want to admit it nor tell it to Shay. She was too much shy for this. But her hungry eyes told everything. It was clear for him she wants it. - Don't worry, I know what you want. - he smiled wide. He took of her skirt and slowly the little textil blocking his way then he trailed his tongue down from her breast to the secret place. He placed soft kisses on the said place watching every reaction of her. - Do you like it? - he asked between doing his duty and asking the girl. - Do you want something more inside you? - You perverted... pig. - she couldn't help herself but smile on his words. Her back buckled against the bed when she felt his warm breath on her treasure. He fully immersed himself there playing around with his tongue. He pushed himself deeper as far as he could. He knew she wanted to moan loud but she was too shy for it and rather bit her lips. When she arrived to the end Shay leant above her again. Her back arched back to the bed. Shay gave her a deep kiss as a "reward". - Do you want to know how you taste? - his smile was wide and perverted. - WHAT?! NO. OF COURSE NOT. - she answered yelling, still breathing harsh. She pulled a pillow on her face. - Are you luring woman with this bilge? - I was just curious. - he giggled. - Why don't you give me a kiss instead of hiding under the pillow? She slowly pushed away the safety giving object. She looked up at him with the most shy face what she could do. - Come on, it's not that difficult. - he leant closer to her from an inch far to her lips. - Don't look at me like that. You make me blush. - she looked away then kissed him as he asked for. They deepened more and more in the kiss. Shay carresed her cheeks during that, thinking about what to do next. If he was with his "old affairs", he wouldn't think too much about the situation. But she was special for him and he didn't want to be with her on one occasion. He hesitated a little, stretching the time with the kiss. They seperated from eachother. Shay gazed into her eyes searching for his answer coming by. - Do you love me? - Why do you ask me such a thing? - she was surprised, didn't expect this question this soon. - I want to be sure I don't make a pressure over you. Or it's a rash decision because you got like me. She hesitated with the answer for a minute. She had to overthink about his question because even she wasn't sure about her decision about being with Shay. At first she looked at him as a brother. Then how, why, and when did they get to here? What she felt right now, she didn't feel it before. And it was sure this whole relationship built up slowly. It's not just her desires about 'someone' because the long waiting for the person. It's about Shay. She didn't want noone except him. - Yes, I love you. - her voice was clear. Shay got back his confidence by her answer. He sent a gentle smile to her, whispering back: me too. He went back kissing her all over around her neck. He started unhooking her bra. For some reason it made her more bashful than being naked on the downer parts. Shay stopped and waited for her who was hesitant. She had never been naked before anyone. - There is nothing to be ashamed of. - Shay caressed her face. - Let me help you. After she nodded, he took off her bras. The girl covered her boobs right away with her hands but Shay took them away. When he gave her a kiss on her cheeks without any sexual meaning she relaxed a bit, his way of caring helped her. Before the big thing he took off his clothes for her happiness. He positioned herself between her legs, pushing them away gently. After fiding the good spot with his manhood he entered her. She pulled a face, giving out her feelings about the situation. Shay didn't want to hurt her so he went slowly with the process. Everytime he felt som resistance he stopped for waiting the girl's reactions. He tried to go further without pushing too hard but still making his way. He arrived the point which was too much for her. She forgeting about the whole thing, started pushing him away but when she realized what is she doing, she stopped it. The resistance gave away and she relaxed herself finally. That first thrust gave her the most pleasurable experience in her whole life. She put her hands on his lower back as he pushed his weight into her. - Doesn't it feel good? - he asked, waiting the answer before starting the real work. - Shay... - her voice was imploring. - Asking you questions makes you red, I see. - he giggled and gave her a lip kiss. - Why are you so... - she covered her face into his arm. Shay couldn't stop the giggling. She acted so cute, it was a new feeling for him, more like nostalgic, being with such a pure girl. His old affairs had experiences before his 'visit'. It was rare when he was with non-touched girls... except that nun... and some others. But they were just the few of them. Wiky's shyness turned into pleasure quickly as he started thrusting slowly at first. He enjoyed watching her face full with pleasure while she didn't pay attention at him. She started scratching his back as he got deeper and deeper inside her. One of his hand wandered up to her breast playing with it. As he got assured about she wasn't under the pressure of their first minutes, he even set in his hip moves making their time more enjoyable. Soon both of them released soft sighs turning into loud moans. Their orgasms build up fast.  He drove his manhood the deepest as he could into her, leaving it there to pulse against the walls of her treasure. He waited for her finish then made his way out from her finishing his 'job'. To be honest he would do it for longer but it was her first time, he wanted to place her pleasure in the center, not his. And he had fun time long time ago, so he couldn't wait too much also. - Honey. - he sat on the edge of the bed while she laid on the same place where she was. - How do you feel yourself? - he asked panting, and took a hand on her belly still back to her. - Good... awesome... - she tried to catch her breath. - I told you. I make wonders with the women body. - he giggled and turned back to her, crawling back above her. Wiky collected all of her courage and kissed him deeply. He looked at her with full surprise. When they stopped, he started speaking. - If you keep up like this, you will rape me. - he giggled. - Oh shut up! - she giggled with her with red cheeks. - I just... I just wanted to give you something after this. - You gave me yourself. - he burried his face into her neck, placing kisses on it. Recollecting themsleves after their first time, they talked a lot in the bed. For the first time Shay felt he belongs to someone, someone who he loves and she felt the same as him. They hugged eachother tight and fell asleep. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Days has passed so fast that the new pair didn't notice how quickly they got warm to eachother like they were together for ages. Anyway they did everything in secret for Wiky's request. But her mother was infallible, she knew everytime when her daughter kept something in secret. And she acted like never before. The most odd thing was Shay and Wiky gave eachother a miss. It was suspicious for her. She started to ask her awkward questions about her love life and she countered everytime the topic. But one day Cassidy couldn't endure it. She knew something not right about them. She told it to Barry but he just waved her down. Cassidy and Wiky were in the middle of preparing the dinner table. - You are as happy as a sand-boy. - Cassidy turned to her, taking there-and-here the napkins. - Yeaah. The weather is sunny. Why I should be gloomy anyway, am I right mother? - she giggled trying to be funny. - True. It's spring time. Always sunny, flowers are blooming as new loves. - she raised a brow. Wiky didn't say nothing. She concentrated on the answer what to say without being suspicious. - Pity for me, maybe next year I could say this from experience. - she sighed dramatically. - Or soon. You can't know it. - she sent her a smile and took away the glass which she put on the wrong place in her embarrassement. - Hope so. Where is father? - she wanted to change the topic. - Working on something. I remember when we were young. Barry was such a gentleman, he visited me at home for a family dinner. - she sighed - Best thing in my life was fall in love with your father... just after your born. - her voice sounded like she is singing. - Please mom... it's... you know I don't like talking about love. - she placed the plates on the table. - Oh sorry! You will when you will have a boyfriend. Don't you like the boy next to the hunter's house? I know from some resource he is bachelor and searching for a wife. - That boy? THAT boy?! Hah! - she laughed up. - He will never. - Tshh. Daughter! Don't talk like that about someone. - she laughed with her. - And what about... hmmm... - Don't play the bawd's role mother. - ...Shay? - she looked deeply in her eyes. Wiky's eyes widened open. She knows it somehow what is between them? No, it's impossible. She gulped as quite as she could. - I told you mom, I don't care about men at all. - But don't you like him? He is really kind and good looking!   - He is not my type. And anyway... I'm immune from love. - But Shay and you would be a good pair! - she yelled after her as she left the room. She ran away from her mother's questions to Shay's room. She looked around, paying attention to Cassidy not to follow her. She stepped in without knocking and closed the door. Shay was there, middle of the clothing process. He turned to her with an asking face. - She... she... my mother... she asking about us. She knows it I'm sure! - she panicked. - Calm down jeez. - he giggled and placed a kiss on her forehead. - She just asking questions I'm sure. - Sure? How could you be sure? - She does the same with me. - he shrugged. - See!! She knows everything. - And then what? Is this a bad thing? - he finally put on his shirt. - No. - she thinked for a minute about why is she panicking anyway if her parents know it. - But but but... - Calm down. And let's go to eat! Wiky sighed. Shay didn't care about it, he just wanted to eat. They headed back to the dinner. When they arrived the parents were already there, sitting at table. Cassidy looked up at Wiky, raising her brows as Shay and her went there together. Wiky looked away right away. They sat down next to them. She was so awkward because of her mother who didn't take away her eyes from them. They started eating. - Barry look at Shay. - Cassidy turned to her husband. - Isn't he turned to be a handsome gentleman? - ... - he didn't know what to say for it. - Yes darling, he is a real man. - Shay and him shared a look by their confuse. - Shay dear, you are a quite a man now. Did you find a sweet girl for yourself? - now she turned to Shay who was in the middle of eating a chicken wing. Wiky had a sip from her water in her nervousness while Shay struggled with the chicken wing to answer for the question. - No... not really. Maybe... - he didn't want to lie but didn't want to tell the truth before Wiky. - Who is the lucky girl? - she asked smiling. - From the town maybe? - Why don't you told us this before? - this catched Barry's attention also. He sighed. He couldn't talk around. Shay looked at Wiky who knew his next move. She started jigging in his way before he could say a word. Everyone looked at her thinking what's her problem... except her mother who had a big victory smile on her face. Shay lowered down her hands and hemmed. - We wanted to tell you before, but she was afraid what you will think. We are together. - he told them with the calmest voice ever. A minute surprised silence came as the answer which Barry's voice cut off. - What?! - he didn't trust to his ears. He liked Shay, very much, like a son. But he and his daughter? Never! Not just with Shay, with anyone. Her daughter is a saint, not supposed to be with a man. And she kept it in secret. He tought she always hated the love topic and now... they are together suddenly? - I knew, I knew! - Cassidy caroled out. - I knew it the whole time! There is hope! - Cassidy giggled. Wiky nearly fell down from the chair. She sat fully red, can't releasing a single word. - Cassidy! - Barry growled at her. - Wiky! - he turned to her daughter. - Yes, dad? - she asked with a low voice. - I'm  disappointed in you being secretive about such an important thing. - his voice was angry. - Sorry... dad. - she lowered her head, watching her food. Everyone finished their meat in silence. It was awkward for everyone. Wiky helped her mother with the dish-washing. Cassidy wasn't angry at all. Moreover she was happy that finally she found someone for herself and it's Shay. Barry and Shay stayed in the dinner room. Shay wanted to leave but Barry stopped him. - Let's talk a little bit! Shay sat back and looked at him. - So you are with my daughter. - Yes, sir. Without any ill-will. - How long? - For a week now... nearly. - he started thinking. - I like you Shay but she is my daughter. And if something bad will happen with her... - Trust me sir, I will do everything for your daughter. I love her. Barry hummed. He seemd like, he is thinking about something. - Good. But my eyes are open. You heard me? - Clear!   The convesation went better than Shay tought it will be like. Barry as he realized Wiky is happy and she chose a good man to be aside, his fury by keeping this in secret, fade away after talking with the man. Even though Barry and Cassidy talked with both of them, the little pair still did everything is secret. Not a single kiss on the cheeks showned up front of them. When they were sure everything is clean, the parents are sleeping, they spent their time together, get to know eachother more and more. Their togethernesses  got more deep as their relationship began progess in the best way how it could. Barry still watched Shay's every step but he relented a little about them. Cassidy by his side, helped him to accept this whole new situation: their only, loved, little girl got a boyfriend. On a regular day, Shay sat in the sitting room, reading a book. This old book catched his eyes while looking around in the room. He came here by his boredom. And why not, he started searching on the bookshelf for something exciting. The book was about boats and ships, just the right topic for him! There were a lot of pictures in it, including descriptions of the ships' and little details which were the most fascinating for him. The reading was cut off by someone who was behind to him, resting her head on his and leaning her arms on his shoulder, while stretching his face.   - Honey... - he sighed, trying to make his words clear because her game. - Do you enjoy playing around with my face? - Can't say how much! - she made a smile on his face. - How better you look smiling. - she placed a kiss on his cheek. He grabbed her arm and pulled her down over the couch. It looked like they are trying an acrobatic show. For Wiky's sake Shay was enough muscular to do anything with her without do her harm. She was now on her back, resting on his chest. He wrapped an arm around her and went back doing what he had to stop: reading. She was still under the action before. It was a quite shock for her. - You nearly killed me! - Oh come on. I just flipped you there. - he giggled, turning a page. - Just... haha. - she fixed her hair and turned on her stomach. - What are  you reading? - she looked at the book's cover. - A book about ships. Nothing special. - Why do you read about such a thing like ships? - I own one. - WHAT? - she was surprised by the information. He looked up at her from the book. He really didn't get what's the big thing about it. - Just I don't know what's happening with it. Before she could ask any question, her parents showned up. Cassidy and Barry's hands were full with foods. - Ahh you love birds. - Cassidy giggled up. Wiky sat up from him as quick as she could with a big red blush on her face. - How are you Mr. and Mrs. Finnegan? - Shay asked, putting down the book finally. - Good darling! - Cassidy answered. - We brought from the market fresh vegetables. - Barry continued. - And what's up with you two? Shay shrugged. - Nothing, we read a book. - Why don't you go out for fresh air? - Cassidy asked while her husband decided to go out to the kitchen, she started following him. - Better than listening you two doing... things. If you could be a little bit more quite, I would be happy. Oh and please do this while we are out. - she smiled at them. The pair looked at her with wide eyes open. Barry as he catched some words from the conversation, he changed the speed of his walking faster. - Oh wow... - now his words couldn't come out from his mouth. - It's so... sooooo... embarrassing. - she burried her face in her hands. Shay hemmed trying to forget the situation. It was a little bit too much for him too. - You know I had a friend, an assassin of course. - he mentioned some things to Wiky about his past, so it was not new for her hearing this kind of things. - She always bantered me with these kind of things. - he sighed and deepened in his memories. - I liked her, she was funny but always surprised me how naughty a woman could be. - A friend... I see... - she rolled her eyes. - What? - Oh nothing. - her mood changed fast to angry. He poked her with the book. - Are you sure? - he didn't realize what's her problem. - Stop it Shay. - she pushed away the book. - Go on and find your friend if you find her this interesting. - she crossed her arms. Shay was the tipical guy who can't understand what's the problem with being a friend with a women while being with someone in a relationship. - Come on, she is just a friend. Nothing much. - he shrugged. - That's why you always talk about her. That girl, this girl blablabla... - Women... you stop this nonsense or I will spank your ass with my belt. - he pulled her to himself and put a kiss on her lips. She had softened and bursted into laughing and Shay joined in. Days has passed and their life went well. Nothing special happened since these days except Shay started to be more brave in front of Wiky's parents. He sometimes began bother her in every sexual way how he could front of them. Of course she was pissed off because of him and the parents tried to avoid these situations as they could but Shay always found the worst moments for his games. The little family was in the dinner room  after the big lunch. The parents sat at the table while Wiky started washing the dishes. They waited for the after lunch dessert but cleaning was always the first thing before the goods. Shay stood up, stepping to the busy women. He acted like he is there to help her in her duty but he grabbed her hips behind and placed a kiss on her ear. She dropped down the plate from her hand in the sink. But couldn't lie to herself, the kiss was pleasing. A good shiver ran down from her spine. She turned her head to Shay, giving an angry face to him. The answer was a squeez on her butt. The sitting parents were face to face to them, pulling faces. Barry didn't say nothing, he had to make efforts not to kick out Shay from the house.   - You perverted pig. - she blushed in. - Continue washing the dishes women. - his hands wandered up to her waist and one of them playfully went upper. - Or you won't get anything tonight. - he whispered in her ear. - It's should be my lines. - she giggled. - Khm... did you finish your work Wiky? - Cassidy pushed her words. Shay put down his hands and sat back smiling wide. - Oh yeah! In a minute. - she finished the washing and took out the desserts from the shelf. She put the delicious foods to the owners and finally found her place too. The dessert was pancake with butter for Barry's request. Cassidy made them with Wiky and everyone ate it with good taste. Mainly Barry. Shay took a little piece from Wiky's pancake. - It's the same as yours. - What if not? I'm not sure without tasting. - he ate it. - Do you believe me now? - You wasn't right. The flavour is not the same. - What? How? - It's tasted like your kiss. - he giggled. Barry coughed and looked up at Shay. - Sorry Barry! - Shay turned to him and continued eating. Cassidy did the same but looking at her daughter. Wiky didn't take her eyes out of her food. When the parents continued the eating, Wiky leant to him, whispering. - Why did you have to do this? - I didn't do anything. - he looked at her. - You talked about our kisses. - Not a big thing. - he shrugged. - I know you enjoy doing these things with me front of everyone to make it awkward. - she looked deep in his eyes. - I can't lie. It's funny. - he giggled. - And I like to see you blushing this hard. - he caressed her face. The parents' eyes focused on them again. - Stop it please... - she hissed to him. They turned back eating. Shay was very happy about his success. A new idea popped out from his mind again. He wanted to push the limits more and it was a great moment for it. He slipped his hand under the table into a tender spot which was under Wiky's skirt. She jumped up in the chair and turned to Shay with wide eyes open. He started playing there, deeper and deeper when he finally found a spot which made her act odd. She couldn't help herself. She enjoyed it too much to stop it. But she acted like everything is just fine, she is just eating nothing much. She had to bit her lips to avoid the moans but the parents began getting suspicious. She stood up and started walking out from the room. - Sorry everyone, I need a break. I... must go to the lavatory. - Take your time sweetheart. - Cassidy yelled after her. - I need to go too. - Shay stood up after her. Cassidy rolled her eyes while Barry's face started to morph fully red. Shay ran to her and grabbed her arm, spinning her into his arms. - Where do you want to escape honey? - he pulled her closer. - Far from you! - she tried pushing him away. - Why don't you understand it's a taboo front of my parents? - she slapped him playfully. - Don't hurt me this much. - he grabbed her hand and kissed her deeply. Their tongue played around eachother's, she let out soft moans still under the excitement of the affair back from the dinner room. - Just give me some minutes and I make you feel even better. - his hand was under her skirt again, began continue the game that he couldn't finish. - Come on little girl, moan louder. - Stop it Shay... - and yes, her moans got louder not because she wanted. - How could you be this impatient? - I can't hear it. - he didn't stop and now the textil didn't stop his fingers either. - Say it clearly and I will stop. - he placed kisses all over her neck. - Please... just... - she leant to Shay's shoulder. - sto... Before she could finish her sentence someone knocked on the door. He took his hand right away from the girl and ran in the toilette to wash it down. She heard him giggling through his way to the place. She recollected herself because her parents started yelling to Wiky to open the door. When she felt she is ready for it, she stepped to the door and opened it. And older man stood there, he whore blue jacket and a hat. His brown-greyish hair was in a ponytail. She whiped back her hair and looked up at the man. - Haytham Kenway. - he leant his hand to her. -  Victoria Finnegan. - she shook hand with him. - How can I help you sir? - she raised a brow. - I'm here for a man, named Shay Cormac. Is he here? She felt like she shouldn't answer to the man. She got suspicious about the stranger. - No. Why do you searching here for this man? - she was curious why he knows he lives here. - I got this information. - he wanted to be short with the answer. - Does he lives here? - Who is this sweetheart? - Cassidy and Barry showned up. Barry stepped to the man shaking hands then Cassidy did the same. - This kind sir searching for someone called  - her sentence was interrupted again. - Shay! - Haytham said as he saw Shay coming out from the house. - Sir? - he didn't believe to his eyes. In front of him there was he, Haytham Kenwas, his role model. He got to know him months ago when he left the assassins (bocsi Riki változtatok kicsit a sztorin XD) and helped him by the templars side. They never spook to eachother yet he felt like he has to be close to him. Somehow he turned to be his role model and his goal was to catch his attention but he had to run away from the assassins and give up this plan. He didn't tell noone where is he going, not like he had a proper plan, but finally Haytham found him, in the name of the templars. - Good to see you again. - they shook hand. - Yes sir. It's quite a surprise. - Shay felt Wiky's hand on his arm. Haytham looked at the girl, he saw how she got nervous and protective towards him. - I guess you found a... family? - Yes, I hope so. - he let out a smile. - He is like our son. - Cassidy smiled at Haytham. - Good to hear everything went okay with you while you were away. - Haytham continued. - May I come in? - Of course. - Barry beckoned him in. The ponytailed man walked in the house. While he was back to the pair, Wiky turned to Shay with fear in her eyes. She started whispering. - Who is this guy Shay? - A friend from the past. - Should we trust him? - Of course, he is a good man! - And why is he here? - I don't know... But we will know it soon I suppose. The parents invited the man to take a seat in the sitting room but he rejected. - I don't want to be rude, but I have to talk with Shay in private. Shay looked at Wiky and her family. He wouldn't send them out so he waited for their answer. - Come on darling, let the gentlemen talk. - Cassidy grabbed Wiky's arm and they left the room with Barry on their side. The other two men waited till they were out, then Shay broke the silence. - Sir how did you find me? - As I said, I heard it you live here. Our men watched you for a week now. - And what's the reason of the visit? - he asked in curiosity. The men started talking while Riky stood next to the door trying listening but their words were too quite. - Wiky... - Cassidy rolled her eyes. - Okay okay... - she walked to her parents. - Do you find him sympathic? Barry looked up from the newspaper. - I don't know but he is okay for now. - he yawned. - What are they talking about? - she started thinking. - Nothing which is your business until Shay tells you. - Cassidy closed the topic. The mother wanted to stop her daughter's curiosity. Shay needed space. This man could be an important person for him and he didn't meet with noone since he lived with them. A hour passed away when the two men came out from the room. - Ladies. - he turned to Wiky and her mom. - gentlemen - and now to Shay and Barrry. - I have to go. Have a good afternoon. - he took off his hat and put back. They said goodbye to him as a chorus. Wiky ran to Shay for the answers. - What did he say? - He wants me to be his right-hand. He gave me a job and I accepted it. - A job? - she was confused. - What kind of job? What's this all about Shay? - Well... - he wanted to be honest, but he knew it will screw up everything. - I will go with Mr. Kenway to help him. But... - Wiky cut him off. - What?! GO? Where? When? - Don't worry honey. It will be just some months. And you will see, everything will be okay. Just... - Just? - she was pale white as she heard his words, Barry and Cassidy stayed away from the conversation but listened to them carefully. - I have to go tomorrow... - WHAT?! - But I will be back in 4 months. And we could write letters to eachother... - he felt himself guilty. She was in the edge of crying, her voice shook and she wanted to rage in her anger. - What will you do... with that man? Shay sighed deeply. He saw how much he made her angry and sad in the same time. For now, he wanted to close the topic as fast as he could but he had to answer her and somehow explain everything about this man and the job. She is her family beside with Barry and Cassidy, the only person he loves and yet he couldn't say anything to her. Not because he didn't want, because he felt himself so bad about the new opportunity which he had to accept. But he knew with this decision, he will hurt everyone who he loves, whom he had to be grateful to live with them and for their help. He started from the beginning, he told her everything he went through in his whole life and the people he met and... killed. And for last, Shay revealed his mission which he got from Haytham. Everyone stayed in silence after his monolog. Wiky bursted into crying. All he could do is hugging her around but she pushed him away and ran into her room. - Comfort her. - Cassidy said to Shay. Barry and Cassidy seemed like they are not as surprised as their daughter. Deep in their heart they know this time will come when everything will be clear about Shay and he has to go back to his World again. Shay walked to her room. He took a deep breath and opened the door slowly. She was on her bed, burying her face into the pillow. Shay sat down next to her and caressed her back. She didn't stop the crying.   - I will be back soon. - You will leave me. - she tried to make her words clear. - Just for some months. It's will pass away fast. - You will find someone else to love. - her crying was louder now. - Oh honey... how could I? I only love you, noone else. And it's won't change ever. - I... I understand this thing must be important to you. But I have a fear. - You could trust me. - he smiled at her. - I know... I know... - she sobbed. - Just don't make anything stupid. - she lifted up her face from the pillow. - I will take care of myself. Wiky hugged him tight. She wanted to feel him, to feel he is with her and to store the feeling touching him. He responed with a sweet kiss on her lips. - Shay... it's not the only and last occasion, am I right? - Not. This word hurt her like if she would be stabbed with a knife. The next morning was hard for everyone. Cassidy and Barry seemed like distant with their daughter. They didn't want to be involved in this between Shay and her. And they wanted to gave Wiky time to recover herself. They knew it's will be tough for her. Her first man, and it's looked like the last, going to a secret mission. And who knows what will happen with him? How long he will do these kind of jobs? The leave was longer than they thought it will be. Wiky couldn't release him too simple. Haytham came to him and then Shay had to go with the pony-tailed man. She just watched him as he disapoeared into the forest. She ultimately rushed into her room and didn't come out that day till the next morning. Days, weeks and months passed by. The only thing she could do to ease missing Shay to write him letters. When he left her, he left a little note to her in her room with an address. They sent to eachother a lot of letters. She was in her room as usual when she wrote him another letter. She had some spare-time to pass with anything so she decided to send this letter to him today. She ran down to the entrance while sending a welcome wave to her parents as she crossed their way. She was in the front of the entrance, opening the door: there was a man outside. She didn't have enough time to realize who is that while running to the street, just when he stopped her, grabbing her arm and taking away her letter. He gave her a smirk. - Well, well. Where do you go honey? - he slowly started unfolding the letter. - SHAY! - she fell back as he grabbed her while running. - HOW?! - she gave him a tight hug. - Give that back! - she tried to took back the letter but Shay was taller than her. - I have to be sure you are not sending letters to your lover. - he unfolded the paper. - Hmm... - SHAY GIVE THAT BACK! - she blushed hard as she saw his reactions while reading. - Come back home right away... because I'm horny... and my fingers don't satisfying me anymore. - he giggled. - I want you. - he tucked away the letter in his pocket. - Cute letter. I really appreciate it. - he leant to her speaking into her mouth. - I can help you with this issue. His tongue found it's place and swirled around hers playfully, while his hands rested on her waist. - But Mr.Cormac! Where are your manners?! - she giggled. - Down in my pants. - his grin was wide. - Oh come one! - she covered his smile. She grabbed his hand and started walking in the house. Their steps were faster and faster as they got near to the girl's room. While running Shay began taking off her clothes and his own too. He was lucky that he didn't take off anything "important" on themselves because their way met the Finnegan pair's. They stopped for a minute in the rush. - Hello Mrs. Finnegan and Mr.Finnegan. - Shay came before Wiky, hiding her. - How are you? - Shay! - Cassidy hugged him tight. - You came home finally! - she had a look on his half-unbuttoned shirt. - Yeees... - he sent her a big smile and rebuttoned his shirt. - Good to see you again. - he continued talking while Wiky had the time to recollerct herself. - I'll stay some days. - Make yourself at home. - Cassidy answered. Barry couldn't stop watching his daughter who was red as hell, then he turned to Shay with a suspicious look. - Barry! - Shay gave him his hand and shook eachother's. - Shay... - he tightened the grab. - Welcome back. - he looked deep into his eyes. - We should go. I guess... - Wiky stepped between Shay and Barry and grabbed Shay's hand. - Good idea! Me and your father have things to do. - Cassidy winked at her daughter. The parents left the youth alone so they could continue what they had to stop. Without hesitating Shay grabbed her waist and pulled her to himself. His hand played around on her boob and his lips wandered down on her neck. Soft moans left her mouth, she fought with her lust to stop it. They isn't supposed to be here, doing that. Before they would be too much into the heat, she stopped his hand which was on a very sensitive part of her. - Go back to my room. - she panted into his mouth. He didn't resist. He enfolded the girl in his arms and walked to her room then put her on the table. He placed himself between her legs, he was on top of her, licking her neck. He pressed his mouth to hers and took off her clothes. During their kisses and hugs her breasts were against his hard chest, which was uncovered as she did the same, she took off most of his clothes. He finished her work on himself and laid back to her. - Look at me honey. - he ordered as her eyes laid on his chest. She looked up blushing, waiting what he wants to say. - Could you sit up? She sat up with a wondering face. - Like this? - she asked. Shay sat down on the  chair front of the table and pulled her into his lap. - More like this. - he positioned Wiky perfectly in the right sitting. At first she felt like she is in the most uncomfortable and awkward pose as she could get in but the man's eyes comforted her. It was full with lust but also with the strongest feeling which evoked bigger and bigger everytime they spent their time together. It's also melted her heart that man, this assassin who seeked adter freedom and he only knew the life without bonds, has an affection for her, only just for her. Shay carefully hugged around her back, caressing it which gave her a shiver down on her spine. She leant back her head to give him the space for kissing her neck, down to her collarbone then her breasts. She collected enough courage that her hand wandered down to the place between his legs. He was speechless to stop her, he wanted to see what she could do without his encouragement and help. He watched her which made her shy but Shay gave her a giggle and went back playing around her boobs with his tongue while her hand worked up and down on him. When she felt something hard around her bum and lady part, which the man felt too, he grabbed her hand and continued the work with her. She went more red as his manly hand was on her hand and they worked together on his manhood, but Shay stopped after some moves. He felt it's time to change the situation into a better fun. He gave some soft bite on her ear then whispered into it. -  I want to be inside you. She gulped loud. This sentence shut down her mind. He saw the emotions on her face, he started smiling on his success. She felt his manhood around her secret place then with a minute he pushed his manly member into it. He thrusted up and made her groan in suprisement. - You are so tight, I would hurt you with waiting. - NOT LIKE YOU DIDN'T. - she looked at him with an angry face. - Sorry honey. - Shay placed a kiss on her cheek with a grin on his face. - I will recompense this. He took over the control over her body, grabbing her hips. He pumped his hips then gave the first moves to her as a help. Wiky and Shay's thrusts met everytime, giving them the best harmony. He hit her pleasure spot perfectly, her moans came out her mouth fast. They vocalized their passion, groaning with the amazing balance between extreme pleasure and slight pain which the uncomfortable sitting position gave them. She felt his hands stopping her moves. They took a short break, passing it with deep kisses, searching for eachother's tongue. Shay hissed up as he tried to stand up with Wiky still on his precious thing. When she saw what is he doing, she hopped down instantly. Shay invited her to her bed and she laid down. She waited for their regular workout routine, but Shay instead of it, grabbed her legs and lifted them up. He kneelt down to her and placed back himself into her. She grabbed the pillows nearby as her pleasure continued. Now Shay released manly moans too. She joined in. They heard footsteps from behind the door so Shay silenced her with a kiss. She felt as he leant to her for the kiss, he went deeper inside, it was a little bit too much for her now. She would hiss up if his tongue wouldn't be in the way. - I love the noises you make. - he panted out his words when he was sure noone is outthere. - W-what? - she panted too. - I love hearing your moans of pleasure. Her sex tightened around him and he felt his end too. He didn't finish his thrusts even when she was over the edge. When he was enough tired, his body collapsed on top of her and tugged in her hair. - Love you so much honey. - he gave her a forehead kiss. - I love you too. But... don't put me in the hole. - she hid her face into a pillow. - With what? - Shay laid next to her. - With your... your... pillow-talks. - Oh never. - he giggled. - A-ha! - she pushed the pillow into his face. - Sounds like you are serious. - Couldn't be more serious. - he sweeped away the pillow and gave her a sweet lip kiss. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- She just opened her eyes after her sweet dreams. Shay wasn't next to her but a note laid on her table. She yawned a big, took back her lingeries and walked to there. Shay's handwrite was on it. Meet me on my ship. I will be there. It was a quite surprise for her. For the first time she will see his ship! On the bottom of the note there was an address. She knew the place so she got off without a worry. She wore a dress back from the times they first get together as friends. Her steps were fast, she nearly ran to the ship but she enjoyed the trip. It was long time ago that she went outside, walking into the forest and meadows. The meadow ended in a reef. She stood on the edge of it. The wind played with her dress and hair. She placed her hand on her forehead to see, the light of the sun didn't make the seeing easy. She saw the ship in the far and went back walking. Wiky had goose bumps in her excitement. She had never been on a ship and the thing that it was Shay's property, it made the whole thing better. When she arrived to the ship, Shay was there waiting for her. Like a gentleman, he leant his arm to her to hook in it. He led her on the main deck. Her jaw dropped down in the amazing scene front of her. She paddled with everything what was in her way. She nearly felt by the touches the feeling of the places were the ship went before. It was an amazing experience. The ocean brought the typical scent also. She walked to the guardrails and leant out of it. Shay stepped to her wrapped his hand around her waist. - Amazing... - she said with a low voice. - After several years and... adventures it's not so amazing. - he giggled, scratching his head. - I've never been on a ship before. - she sighed. - It's quite fun sometimes but it's dangerous also. From behind a lot of people came to them. They welcomed the newly came girl and the captain of the ship with a big yelling. Wiky looked around. These people weren't too friendly looking. Shay catched her watching them. - Good  crew. They are good people, trust me honey. - I trust in you... but not in them. - her eyes were still on them. - If anything bad will happen, I'm beside you, don't forget it. This sentence really helped her and made her feel confident. They walked around on the ship and everywhere they passed by a person, Shay gave him a job to do. It was odd for her, why would Shay give them commands if they don't go anywhere? They crew without asking started doing their duty. - Shay why is everyone in such a hurry? Did I miss something? - Well I wanted to tell this to you later. -Shay stopped walking and for a minuted he started thinking. - I don't want to lie to you but I have a new job. - So you will leave... - Yes, for a short time again. Okay... not too short. I wanted to take leave of you properly. Wiky sighed deeply. She knew from his words it's mean something bad. There will be something worse what he will say than just the fact of the leaving. - How long Shay? - she asked it looking into his eyes. - One year... - he waited for her react nervously. A voice inside her told her to be kind with the man and accept his choice of path. She was really woebegone but didn't show it to him. She couldn't imagine staying far from him and last time she didn't see him for months. A year is unimaginable being without Shay. When will this stop? How could she be with him forever like this? How bad she wanted to be with him and now she got the man but this Haytham guy tears them apart. Why he needs to do his orders anyway? Why don't he just leave him? - One year oh God. It's so long... - she sighed and bit her lowerlip. - I'm afraid. - Shouldn't be. - he placed a kiss on her forehead. - You know I can take care of myself. Rather I should be worried. - Why? - she looked up at him. - Because I can't protect you. - his voice was quite. - Same goes here! I can protect myself. - she smiled. Shay knew that this smile is a mask and under that she is worried. But her words were true and it's mean the whole world for him that she didn't hold him back. - But we can send messages eachother like before? - she asked. - Of course. And sex-letters also. - he winked at her alluding to her surprise before. - HEY! - she blushed and tried to give him a soft punch on the arm. He grabbed her hand before she could touch him and gave it a kiss, looking into her eyes. - True, it's better in real life. She giggled and nodded. - Got a point. - Would you like to see my cabin? It's getting chilly there. - he took off his jacket and put it on her shoulder carefully. - Mm... - with one hand she grabbed the jacket's arm. - maybe? I don't know? I should? - she raised a brow. - If you aren't afraid. - he had a smirk. - Afraid of what? You? - she asked playfully. - I'm not enough to be afraid of? - Shay grabbed her waist and pulled her tight to himself. - I'm not quite sure about it... - I'll make you sure. - he kissed along her jawline. He brushed the hair away from her neck and made a path of kisses there too. She released soft moans quickly. The crew around them started giving them a stare. She was above the clouds by his kissing talent but it got awkward because the looks. She had to make efforts to seperate from his kiss: she tried to push him away gently but suddenly she felt one of his hand between her legs. They were so close to eachother that noone could see from the scene nothing, but it was obvious in a certain point of view. - I want to devour your body. Let's head back. She talked into his chest. - Okay. The pair went down to Shay's cabin. It wasn't as huge as their room at home, but the whole place looked well-designed. They stepped in hugging and kissing eachother. Wiky tossed him down on the bed. She stood front of him, slowly taking off her clothes. She touched herself everywhere where her hands wandered. Shay's excitement was obvious through his pants. The light trough the window touched her amazing bodycurves which made the watching of the act on a whole new level. She looked like an angel: delicious, pure yet mysterious, untouchable, calling for a sin. With one word: danger. She was his other half, she made him a whole. He couldn't wait more and grabbed her hand, pulling her down on himself. She laid on his chest, feeling the "life" on his downer part. They shared deep kisses, playing around eachother's tongue. Shay turned over her, propping himself up on elbows and helped himself to free his body from the clothes. She wanted to sit up but he pushed her down. - It's your night, not mine. -  he smiled and trailed down on her neck to her boobs. - But... I want to... - she sighed when she felt his mouth was now around her stomach now. - You want me. - he finished Wiky's sentence. He moved down his hand between her beautiful legs. The warm softness nearly drove him crazy but he held himself, concentrating just on her desires. He gave her weaves of pleasure, he lowered down and joined his lips and tongue into the game. She opened her mouth and closed her eyes, breathing out joy. He leant over her, covering her mouth. He didn't stop yet as long as he felt her tightening. He didn't want to push it too long and decided to join in, bring more pleasure for the beloved women under him. He wanted to feel her in everyway as he could before leaving. Wiky drove her hips upward, asking for it. Shay took off his hand and swallowed her noises with a kiss. They embraced eachother tight when he came inside her. They laid in eachother's arms for a minute, wanting the intimate feeling of eachother, of him being inside ger. They shared gentle kisses while they caressed eachother's  skin. They needed this, this kind of intimacy. Shay started thrusting, going slowly at first while kissing her. They started to sweat as he sped up. She cried out in ecstasy as he thrusted harder and harder, making her pleasure more intense. He lost his control. He just wanted to feel every inch of her, watching her under him in her pleasure. She moaned out in her orgasm then Shay followed her in a much lower voice. They laid next to eachother, panting, staring eachother's face. Shay put the blanket on themselves. Wiky grabbed his wrist. - Don't leave me Shay. - her eyes were teary. He looked at her surprised. One minute before she was happy. Or she just hid it. He raised her head by her chin, looking deeply into her eyes. - I promise  you, anything will happen I will be there for you. I will not leave you, never. You can trust in my words. She didn't say nothing but his words worked on her. Shay swept away her tears and gave her a lip kiss. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One year passed away since Shay left them. It was the big day of his return. The Finnegan family waited him at the dock.  She walked up and down by the side of the dock, waiting to see his ship on the horizon. Barry calmed her down to be patient. After a hour the ship showned up and slowly got closer to the dock. The boarding was a long manoeuvre. Finally they released the bridge and Shay stepped down on it to them. He looked tired, he was unshaven but he had the usual smile on his face. She ran into his arms, hugging him as strong as she could. She looked up at him. His face was the same, one year didn't change him but somehow he was strange, new... time got him look much wiser. She caressed his face with two hands. Shay grabbed her hands and put them down. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. - Missed you so much. I counted the days. - As I'm. - a tear showned up on her cheek. He placed a kiss on the path of the tear. - But I'm back! - he raised her head by the chin. - Shave yourself. - she giggled into his face. - Good way to welcome your man. - Cassidy said. She and Barry joined to them, to welcome Shay. The man hugged Cassidy tight and shared a handshake with Barry. - How was your mission? - Barry asked now. - Successful. Better than I thought it will get. - Good to hear that sweetheart. - Cassidy put his coat straight. - I should rest a little. - Shay turned to Wiky, asking with his eyes. - Of course, of course! Mother, father, let's go back home. Shay is tired. - she hooked on him. - Poor man. - Cassidy had worry in her eyes. - You really need something to eat also. The little family went back to home. Shay felt way better right away when he stepped in. 1 year without his family and the comfort of the house didn't make his job easy. A lot of inviting meal waited for him in the kitchen but the only thing he wanted to do is to have a bath. - If you forgive me, I take a bath before anything. - he stretched out himself. - Take your time dear. - Cassidy said. - Thanks. It's not a problem Wiky? - now he turned to his women. - Of course it's not. I will wait for you. Shay headed to the bathroom. The bath was a life saver for now. He shaved off his beard too. Now he started to be similar to his old-self. After a long time bathing he put a towel around himself and laid down on his bed, his legs falling down on the edge of the bed while his hands rubbed his forehead, then he covered his face with them. He needed some rest even in his mind. His door opened slowly and the brown beauty appeared front of him. She sent him a gentle smile then sat down on him, on a strange place. Shay's reply was a smile under his hands then he placed them on her hips. His eyes were still closed, concentrating on the feeling she gave him. She leant to him and cupped his face, placing a kiss on his lips. His eyes followed hers. - Lovely perfume. - he ran his fingers through her hair. His touch and voice were odd, she didn't feel them right. He was different than usual. She looked at his face, it was blank but she knew under his mask there are lot of things to explain. She sighed deeply, gazing into his eyes. - Tell me, what's your problem? - It's... - he grabbed her hands. He started thinking what to say. He wanted to tell everything yet nothing. It's not the right time for it. And anyway, it's something he doesn't want to remember, he wanted these memories to fade away. - Nothing. - he put her hands down. - Don't make a fool out of me Shay. - her voice was angrier. - I don't know how to start... - From the beginning? Perhaps... His mouth slowly opened and the words ran out of it. - A lot of people died around me. This time two people who were very close to me. I feel like I lost everyone who gets to me too near. And the worst part of it what if I can't go back from my mission? What will happen to you? To Cassidy and Barry? How can I protect you if I'm not here? - Shay Shay Shay... - she put her fingers on his mouth. - Stop for a little. Nothing bad will happen to you. There was a painful smile on his face. - I hope so. But honey, I feel like if I leave... I won't.. I won't... - Won't? - she raised a brow. - You talk like you gave up your life already. What's up with you for real? - I started thinking. I think we shooould... start a family? - his sentence was a question rather than an assertion. - WHAT?! - her eyes opened wide. - I don't know... I think it would be great to have a child with you. Our child. To leave something good behind. - Are you serious Shay? For real?! She was quite in a surprise, as much as Shay. He couldn't imagine what's her problem with this. He tought she will be happy when he tells her his idea. - Forget it Shay please. I'm not a mother-type of person. And what will our neighbours think? I'm a whore or something? He wanted to answer but she cut him off. - I don't give birth to not a single child before you won't take my hand. - Then... marry me. - he was serious. - Ehm... well... - she hesitated. - I didn't... think it for serious. - she saw his disappointment. - It's too fast. I'm not ready yet. Please Shay, understand this. He didn't want to hear this, but accepted her standpoint. - No no please! Stop this longface already! I didn't mean like that. I'm not ready. I-I... - I know. Don't worry, I understood. - he pulled her down and put a kiss on her forehead. - You know what? - What? - Let me cheer you up! We were together looooonng time ago. - she burried herself into his neck. She hesitated with her words thinking about it's the right time doing and asking for it. But she was hungry for her man and maybe it's will help Shay's mood to raise. - I tought you won't ask it. - he smirked. He had to look forward, he shouldn't be in the same mood as before. Self-pity wouldn't help him and wouldn't make anything better. And for sure, he lusted after the feeling of her body. She turned her face down him and her lips landed directly on his. He pressed into her lips gently and kissed back, then their tongues found their way to eachother. She felt the man getting alive under her. All this time his hand rubber her precious place getting everything ready for him. - Take them off. - he pointed on her clothes. She sent him a smile as a reply. She didn't follow his order but started moving on him, mimicing the "real thing" through their clothes. She felt his manhood following her movement and it's gave her a shiver. Even Shay let out small moans because the feeling. Shay had an idea and joined into the game. He grabbed her tiny body and leant over her. He positioned himself between her legs, pulling up her skirt and began doing "his work" as he usual would. - Your panties all over wet. - he had an evil smile. - Waiting for you... - she panted looking away. - Still nervous around me? - As always. He slipped the first joint inside her, under the thin textile. He began moving the finger in and out slowly, then lengthening the stroke. Little by little he went deeper. Wiky's moans  signaled her pleasure. He loved to hear that. Her breathing became short and irregular. She grabbebd his free hand as she didn't find anything else around herself. Shay felt her starting to spasm inside. Finally it became too much for her and waves of pleasure got her shiver. He took off her clothes, it wasn't even a minute to do with his experience then he spread her legs apart. He leant down to her, using his tongue to give her the best experience as always. He wanted to full-fill every sense of her.  He got his tongue deeper, making her moans longer and louder. - I'm so fucking hard for you now. - he looked up for a minute to talk. -  I can't wait to slide  inside you. - Ohh fuck... It wasn't unequivocal why is she saying that. By pleasure because as he finished his sentence he leant back working or because what he said before. She was so hot and slippery that he had the urge to stop this thing right now and gave himself for the feeling of being inside her. It was the only thing that he thought about while pleasing her. He wasn't selfish, he always put her in the first of the line. He cared about making her feel good before himself. He suddenly realized she was moaning harder. He stepped up the stimulation of her and soon felt the spasms starting again. He had to still her with a kiss. It's always excited her when she moaned her pleasure into his mouth. He sat up, taking off the towel around himself. It was quite obvious to see how he wanted her. After a minute of shaking and panting, she sat up too and crawled to him. Her belly twisted at the wanting of getting his manhood into herself. She reached out and encircled his precious with her fingers. He panted as she slowly stroked him. Putting on a show for him, she purposely flicked her tongue out and swirled it all over his manhood. He grabbed her hair helping her with the movement. Shay hissed as her hot mouth closed over him. She slid down on his length, trying to do her best as his breathing got heavier. He told her with hand-signals that he is nearly at the end but she continued it, giving extra pleasure with her hands. She swalloed it spectacularly. - Oh shit baby... - he couldn't look away, it looked sexy as hell for him. He stood up and grabbed her, making her stand up too. She looked at him with a curious look. - What are you doing Shay? - Don't you worry not a minute! - an evilish smile was on his face. He pulled one of her leg up, resting it on his forearm. His other hand placed "him" to the right place. He pushed gently and he slipped in. He was surprised that it went in without any problem in this pose but he didn't continue the pushing more as he didn't know how she feels herself. He pushed again a little more then it was taking more and more pressure to make his way deeper. He was an inch far from the goal. He started moving in and out very slowly at first, as she got relaxed, he moved faster and longer. His pubic bone met with hers, making her hiss eachtime he pushed himself onto her body. She started cratching his back, leaving marks and thin blood lines on his skin. As a reply he played around on her neck, giving bruises on the soft surface. His free hand wandered down to her booty, squeezing it while she wrapped her arms around the man's neck, leaning back in satisfaction. Her eyes were blank and teary, her mouth was open. As she leant her head back, he had more free space on her neck, placing kisses on it then he leant to her ear, biting it. She heard him panting, letting out moans and his warm breath. She moaned loudly and grabbed at his back even more. Shay felt her start to contract around him. They couldn't hold out longer. They moaned together into the night. Loud door slamming cut off the parents talking. They walked to the front door where their daughter stood with an angry face. Just in that minute, Shay left the house, he was the one who slammed the door this severely. Wiky turned to Cassidy and Barry. Her face was red as Hell and she had a snarl. - What... ha-? - Cassidy started asking. - Don't... ask... - she walked up and down in her anger. - Calm down. - Barry wanted to comfort her. - I can't... this man... urgh! I can't stand it!! - she lumped down on a couch. - Dear dear! - Cassidy ran to her. - Tell me what happened. - she sat down next to her. Barry tought it's better if he leave the girls talk in private. He went out. Wiky started speaking. She told her mother that Shay went out for a mission again. Okay, she knew he will go again but he always talks about it, and about that man, Haytham. Even when they are together he starts to talk about how awesome team they are together. And that was the point when she tipped out. They started arguing, saying rude things to eachother. After that Shay told her he is going to leave her right now, because he didn't want to hear her wailing and he needs to relax before he goes to his new mission so he left her without saying goodbye, he just told her that he leave before because he needs to calm down, and the pub is the right place for it. She nearly started to cry while talking out her problems. Cassidy gave her a hug and continued listening her carefully. It was the best thing she could do now, she didn't want to give her advices. She knew her too much to know she just needs to talk out the whole thing right now. After a half hour Wiky stopped the speaking. Cassidy eyes were wide opened. She couldn't belive what she heard before. Her daughter mentioned an other thing beside the problems of Shay. She was in a shock but somehow there was a smile on her face. She stood up and went out from the room, leaving the girl alone with her toughts. In Wiky's mind the memories what they said to eachother swirled. '- For real honey! We nearly know eachother's toughts. ' - Then marry him instead of me!!' ' - Screw you!! You just care about my body! ' - Really?! And what about you? You just need my womb that you want to have children, while you are a fag!' She knew that their dispute wasn't pretty before. And she couldn't help the feeling that Shay left the house like this. And he will go to another mission. Shay sat between his teammates. There was Haytham also, the man who was a rolemodel for him. But he couldn't concentrate on their words. Wiky was in his mind. He left the house for two days yet but he was seized with compunction. His thinking was cut off. A younger man stood fron of him. - Sir. My good sir. Sir! - Oh woaw. Yes? - he looked up at him. - A letter came to you. - he leant it over to Shay. He looked at the letter, the sender's "name" was C.F. He know who is he, but he was surprised. She has never sent him a letter before. It was Casiddy's letter. They signed eachother with their name's first letters that the sender could be anonymus to the civil people. He had a fear that someday they will find them if they will see their names on the letters. He unfolded the paper and started reading. Dear Shay, I heard the fight between you and my daughter. Don't worry about her! She calmed down now. I know you two will solve this. I just wanted to tell you that Wiky is pregnant. She didn't want to tell it to you because the arguing but I feel like it's something that shouldn't be hide away. I hope you okay, please be safe! C.W. Shay couldn't do anything. He dropped down the letter on the ground. His face turned pale white. - Sir? Everything okay? - Yes. Yes. - Do you want to send something back? He started thinking. - No. The younger man went away, speaking with other people. Shay felt his stomach swirling. He swept back his hair and stood up. He was so lost, he would be happy and of course he is it, but hearing this would be better from his love's mouth at home. Knowing she is pregnant with their child changed his will for the job. He didn't want to follow Haytham by now, he wanted to be with Wiky, raising their child. He recollected himself and walked to Haytham. He spoke with some guys about the mission. Shay waited till they stopped talking. The other man turned to him with a raised brow. - Do you need something Shay? - We need to talk. - he saw he wanted to cut him off. - Now. It's important. - Okay Shay. Let me hear it. - In private. - he looked around and saw some pair of eyes gazing at them. Shay and Haytham walked together around the camp, not too far but enough far that noone could hear them. - Sir, you know how much I'm honored to be on your side. - Yes I know but... - he couldn't end his sentence. - And how much I appreciate it that you let me help you and gave me a lifegoal to follow. - What do you want to tell me for real? - he was confused. - I'm... I respect you, I would like to help you further, and I like you as a friend not just like my boss but... I'm going to be a father. - But it's great Shay! - he patted his back. - That lovely lady is the mother who I saw when I visited you? - Yes... but there is more. - Go on. - I would like to quit. My conscience doesn't allow me to continue this lifestyle and be far away from her. It's a tough decision... but I will have a family at least. It was one of my biggest dream. - What's your first? - Being with her, not just be a part of her life. And the child's. Haytham didn't say nothing but there was a smirk on his face which was disturbing a little bit as Shay couldn't read his face what's going on in his mind. - Of course I will help you as much as I can. I will still work with you, but I can't leave them for months. And they can't live with a dangerous man beside. I may bring harm on their heads. I love her really much. More than my life. And I know someone who could replace me. - Shay enough with that. Enough with the apology. I can understand this. If I would be in your place, I would do the same.   They looked in eachother's eyes. Shay couldn't say nothing by the shock. He just left his whole life behind because of his family. But he was so happy deep inside. - Go home. Now. - Haytham ordered. They shook hands. Shay packed his stuffs together without hesitating and left the camp thinking about Wiky and their coming child. Wiky was home alone. Barry and Cassidy left her for buying some foods. She passed the time with reading and thinking. Hell, how much she was bored. But it was like that everytime when Shay wasn't at home. She went back to her normal life when she didn't know him who turned out her man. And now the father of the life inside her. Someone knocked on the door. She automatically grabbed a vase near to her. She was a little bit paranoid alone. - Who is there? - she asked. She didn't hear the answer. - WHO IS THERE? - she asked again. Still nothing. She slowly opened the door, pointing the vase at the person's face, ready to throw it on him. When she started leaning her hand, he grabbed her wrist. - Not too fast! - Shay? Shay! - as he released her wrist, she released the vase. They stood front of eachother nearly as the same when they first met. She used the same technique, except she threw the vase on Shay. And Shay laid on their couch, injured. Now a strong man stood front of her, everything she wanted in her life. It was so nostalgic yet new. He put down his package then hugged her tight. - Why didn't you tell me? - Tell... w-what? - You know what. - he released her. - Erhm... - she knew what he wanted to hear but she felt it awkward. - You are pregnant. We will have a child! How could you didn't tell me it! - he kissed her full with passion. - I... How did you... how? - Cassidy wrote to me. It's fantastic! - he had a big smile on his face. -  I told her not to write to you... - her voice was quite. - Shay I fear... - she looked up at him. - And why are you here? You have a mission! - I left Haytham and my job. I need to be with you and with our child to raise him... or her with you. He needs his father, am I right? And you need me. - Oh come on Shay! I'm fine without you. - she laughed and stopped right away. - WHAT?! I heard that good? You left... Haytham? - Yes. - he nodded. - For me... us? - her eyes were teary. - Of course. - he hugged her as close to him as he could. - We will be together, have a beautiful life and a real family. - Oh Shay. - she leant for a kiss. - I love you so much. - Me too darling. - he smiled at her. - We have a lot to plan. She grabbed his hand and started walking back in the house with a smile on her face but Shay didn't move. - Where are you going honey? - he asked. - Well, back in the house. - There is one thing left. - What? He knelt down on one leg and started searching in his pocket. Her eyes widened open by seconds to seconds. Then he leant a silver ring to her. - Victoria Finnegan. I went through a lot of things in my life, searching for a goal, for myself. I was alone but now I found you, loving you with all of my heart, giving me a life that noone could wish better. Will you marry me? Wiky started crying instantly. She wanted to say 'yes' but her words weren't clear because of the crying. She just nodded, mimicing the word. Shay stood up and pulled on the ring on her finger. She jumped in his neck, wrapping it around then started kissing him. Shay returned them each-by-each. When she calmed down, she could speak clear. - I tought you went through already  a proposal. - she giggled, swepping away her tears. - What honey? - he tought she is raving because of the shock. - You know. The assassins. You need to promise loyalty and others. - she continued the giggling. - Oh Jes... - he facepalmed. - I saw the panic on your face. - I just need to get ready for the marriage. - he giggled too. - A man who doesn't fear death but marriage. - her giggling turned into laughing. - True. Because I want to give you the best. - he kissed her deeply.
She stood in the kitchen preparing the dinner. She cooked the family's favourite. Barry and Cassidy talked at the table. She looked at them and saw herself and Shay in the future. She started giggling at the thought and turned back. Suddenly something knocked up against her leg and she nearly fell back. - Hey! Watch out! Her dress flipped up and grew two sizes bigger. She sighed kindly. The kitchen filled up with children's yelling. - Come here! - a little boy ran to Wiky. - Eat that mud! - he talked to her dress with mud in his hands. - I dare you not to bring this mud into the house. - she looked down on the brown haired boy. - But maaaa... - he asked even with his eyes. - Don't say ma. Go out. Now! You too Vera. - she pulled up her dress, expelling her out under her dress. - He wants me to eat that mom. - she crossed her arms together. - He won't. - Wiky gave the six years old an angry look. - Go and find your father and tell him the dinner is ready soon. The three years old girl started running out, the boy followed her and when he overtook her, he started pulling her hair with an evilish laugh. She escaped herself from the grab and ran out to the garden yelling. He still didn't give up catching her but two hands lifted up him in the air. - What did I say Alfred? Don't hurt your sister. - She started it father! - he giggled. - It's not true. - Vera gave him an angry look, the same as Wiky do when she is angry at Shay. - Come on guys. Let's eat. - he put down the boy and pat the dark brown haired girl's head. Father and children sat down next to the grandparents. Wiky waited them with the meals and served them to everyone. She sat down at the side of Shay, giving him a lip kiss. The children turned away 'ewww'-ing. Barry giggled at the scene while Cassidy poked him in the side with her elbow. - Let's eat! - Barry said. - Ahh finally. - Shay continued. - Finally with a family.
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