#Paleo Diet Plan
samjblogposts · 6 months
What is the meaning of paleo diet and what to eat?
Paleo is short for paleolithic. paleo diet is intended to look like the same as what human ancestors ate food that were readily available to them in their surrounding environment depending upon what was accessible at the time and where they lived. experts know that their diet was composed of nutritious foods with lot of health benefits. according to some studies, the paleo diet can help you in process of weight loss significantly.
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Source:  healthylifenote.com
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saddie-to-baddie · 1 year
January 15, 2023
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Before I start my little A.I.P. experiment, I need to be honest about what my starting point is, otherwise I KNOW I'm not going to think there's any progress and quit.
For anyone stumbling across this and cares for a little background info, I have Multiple Sclerosis (Dx 12.2019) and have now been off medication since 11.2022 (thanks to an insurance hiccup/moving) and I'm eager to resume treatments because things have been ROUGH.
But being off meds has reminded me that I can and still need to take steps to keep myself under control as much as I can. So I decided to try out the Anti Inflammatory Protocol elimination diet again. 😅
So here's my baseline check-in:
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1. I'm absolutely tired. I'm sleeping like trash, sometimes my own fault (energy drinks, going out, scrolling on the phone) and sometimes I just wake up in the middle of the night and that's it, I'm up. Right now I've been up since 530am after going to sleep around 1am.
Fatigue: 7/10.
Quality of Sleep: 4/10.
2. Physically I don't feel as symptomatic in terms of loss of sensation and balance, but I feel SO bloated all the time, very 'crunchy' and constantly cracking and popping my back, fingers and more often than usual, my left hip. The hip is always unintentional but is loud and takes me by surprise. My skins been a dumpster fire and was breaking out all over, especially jaw/neck (most painful and persistent), back, side and shoulders and especially my hairline.
My left tonsil has been swollen and painful and producing a LOT of tonsil stones, body constantly aches, feet hurt, seems to be a permanent headache at play.
Bloating: 8/10 (Definitely look pregnant, but not very painful).
Pain: 6/10. Only occasionally using ibuprofen.
Weight: 191 lbs /pant size~16
I really am considering tracking body measurements but I feel like I'm going to lose my focus on feeling better if I don't end up losing weight so I'm going to try not to focus on these areas as much. Weightloss would be a welcome side affect of the diet since I've been struggling there, but my overall goal is to find the foods that make me feel so bad.
3. I've been trying to increase my water intake by using teas and Mio to flavor it but I have not really felt any improvement. My mouth is always dry, and I feel like no matter how much I take care of my teeth right now, my breath smells.
Hydration: 4/10
4. My mental health feels like a JOKE. There's not been a lot of time for just me, to be able to breathe. Between work, momming, struggling to square out my medical needs, and just life, I feel like I'm constantly in a state of panic and on the verge of bubbling over. I either cry or shut down completely mentally. Still have to be mom and take care of the dog, and get work done. But I don't even have the energy to stay up after the little one goes to sleep. I'm pretty confident that I'm asleep before she is lately. My patience is soooo thin.
I've been considering trying to get back on antidepressants but the idea of that scares me because I know it's a guessing game until we figure out the right dosage and med. The last time I tried antidepressants certain thoughts were at an all time high so I completely quit cold turkey.
Happiness: 4/10
Anxiety: 6/10
Depression: 7/10
Mental Clarity: 3/10
Ability to Focus/Understand: 4/10
Overall I feel like a trash bag of a person, mentally and physically. I don't feel like me, so let's see how much of that improves. 😬
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fitnesstech · 1 year
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coolchildwizard · 2 years
So, You Think You're Eating Healthy
 Let’s face it‐ eating a healthy diet is hard.
 It’s not hard because it’s impossible, but for most people, it's because it can be so confusing. There are always conflicting new studies all over the news and Internet that say a certain food is good and a week later a new study says it’s not. 
Then we hear, oh by the way, it is good, after all!  
So where can you turn when you’re looking for solid, reliable nutritional advice? 
The most important thing to remember is; there are variances from person to person. Even if you are the same age, gender and weight as someone else, your calorie expenditure may be much different based on your metabolism, genetics, lifestyle choices, level of activity and many other factors. 
Because of these variances, a diet with recommendations meant for everyone must be taken with a grain of salt. 
The Institute for Medicine recommends a breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and proteins into percentage ranges:
For adults: Carbs 45‐65% of calories Fats 20‐35% of calories Proteins 10‐35% of calories 
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For every change in age group, activity level and/or gender, you’re looking at an entirely different recommended daily caloric intake.
Because of these fluctuations, one of the best things you can do is to figure out your total caloric expenditure each day. After you do that, figure out which path you want to take - lose, gain or maintain, then consume the number of calories needed to achieve your goal.
This calculation assumes no physical activity is being performed and minimal energy is being expended.
 To calculate your BMR, there are several online calculators you can use. If you figure out your approximate BMR and factor in your physical activity, you can get a good idea of your daily caloric expenditure. Once you know this number, you can use the percentage ranges listed above to tailor the diet that is right for you.   
You will find through trial and error what is best for you and your body. There are numerous online and phone macronutrient trackers apps you can use. You could start by tracking your normal intake for a week and seeing where your macronutrient ranges fall.  After that, you can supercharge your body and live a better quality of life.
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cliniconline · 2 months
Paleo Diet Meal Plan and Menu
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The Paleo diet, also known as the Paleolithic diet or caveman diet, is based on the principle of eating foods that were available to our ancient ancestors during the Paleolithic era. The diet emphasizes whole foods such as meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, while avoiding processed foods, grains, legumes, and dairy products. If you’re considering trying the Paleo diet, here’s a sample meal plan and menu to help you get started.
For more information visit our website ClinicOnline
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onefite · 5 months
10 Effective and Sustainable Weight Loss Diets for Lasting Results
10 Effective and Sustainable Weight Loss Diets for Lasting Results Introduction Briefly introduce the concept of weight loss and its importance for overall health Losing weight isn’t just about looking good – it’s a key component of maintaining optimal health. Shedding extra pounds can lead to better heart health, improved blood sugar levels, and reduced risk of chronic diseases. It’s a…
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alaa1969 · 5 months
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penpoise · 6 months
Santa Clarita Diet: A Culinary Wond,erland Unveiled
Santa Clarita, a city with a rich tapestry of culture and culinary delights, has emerged as a hidden gem for food enthusiasts. From the influence of its Spanish heritage to innovative culinary experiments, the Santa Clarita Diet is a blend of tradition and modernity that tantalizes the taste buds and nourishes the soul. Origins of Santa Clarita Diet The roots of Santa Clarita’s culinary…
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hikikomoribunni · 6 months
Living off of ice water, black coffee, dope, cigs, and speed until the new year
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healthdaddyorg · 7 months
Revitalize Your Health with a Paleo Diet Meal Plan: A Sustainable Approach to Wellness
Explore the transformative power of the Paleo Diet Meal Plan and discover how embracing a caveman-inspired lifestyle can contribute to sustainable health. Uncover the principles behind this ancestral eating approach, learn about nutrient-dense foods, and find practical tips for seamlessly incorporating the Paleo Diet into your daily routine. Embark on a journey towards optimal well-being and sustainable health with our comprehensive guide to the Paleo lifestyle.
Ready to embark on your journey to sustainable health? Visit healthdaddy.org for expert guidance, personalized meal plans, and a wealth of resources to kickstart your Paleo lifestyle today!
Source:- https://healthdaddy.org/paleo-diet-meal-plan/
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saddie-to-baddie · 1 year
Week 1 Game Plan.
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This week I'm focusing on better planning my lunches for work and cutting out a few major offenders in my diet.
My current home situation doesn't really provide me with much control over what's for dinner. I know I can always make my own on the side but I want to get there gradually and not overwhelm myself. So instead I'm babystepping into this, and I may not end up getting fully AIP compliant but I'm going to try my best to give myself the biggest chance of healing.
Here's the goals:
1. WATER 💧 : Drink at least 2 bottles of water each day this week. I'm not counting sparkling water in this but it is allowed for now while I'm cutting out soda.
2. Pack a lunch every day for work, and compliant snacks. Only 4 days this week. Today is Monday so I'll be making myself a ton of Chicken Salad. Snacks I haven't decided on but I very well may just pack extra chicken and snack on that.
3. Avoid the list below as much as possible. If I mess up I am not allowed to use "I'll start again tomorrow" as an excuse to go wild for the rest of the day.
4. Take all of my work breaks and take a walk during them.
Here's what I'm avoiding (for now):
1. Dairy 🐄
2. Coffee ☕️
3. Bread 🍞
4. Spicy Stuff 😭 This is going to be the hardest, but it's proven to be a big contributor to my aches and pains.
5. Soda/Energy Drinks 🥤
6. Alcohol. 🍷 This is probably going to be the easiest to start off, but hard to maintain.
7. Candy 🍬 I've become a major candy snacker at work recently and I really need to plan ahead for something to replace these impulse grabs.
It feels like sooo much listed out, but I’m actually feeling pretty confident about it.
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pharmrx · 1 year
Nutrition Plan
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This article gives in-depth information of nutrition plan. What is nutrition plan for athlete, muscle building nutrition plan diet and what is healthy weight loss nutrition plan. Let’s dive in to know more.
•Weight Loss Nutrition Plan
Below is a healthy nutrition plan for one-week of Indian tester menu that emphases on fresh and protein food.
You may bend it as per your calorie wants, nutritional limits and food preferences.
On Monday you can eat:
In Breakfast: Sambar with brown rice idli
In Lunch: Whole-grain roti with mixed-vegetable curry
In Dinner: Tofu curry with mixed vegetables and a fresh spinach salad
On Tuesday you may consume:
In Breakfast: Chana dal pancakes with mixed vegetables and a glass of milk
In Lunch: Chickpea curry with brown rice
In Dinner: Khichdi with sprout salad
On Wednesday you can prefer:
In Breakfast: Apple cinnamon porridge prepared with milk and topped with sliced almonds
In Lunch: Whole-grain roti with tofu and mixed vegetables
In Dinner: Palak paneer with brown rice and vegetables
On Thursday you may eat:
In Breakfast: Yogurt with sliced fruits and sunflower seeds
In Lunch: Whole-grain roti with vegetable subji
In Dinner: Chana masala with basmati rice and green salad
On Friday you can consume:
In Breakfast: Vegetable dalia and a glass of milk
In Lunch: Vegetable sambar with brown rice
In Dinner: Tofu curry with potato and mixed vegetables
On Saturday you can intake:
In Breakfast: Multigrain parathas with avocado and sliced papaya
In Lunch: Large salad with rajma curry and quinoa
In Dinner: Lentil pancakes with tofu tikka masala
On Sunday you can have:
In Breakfast: Buckwheat porridge with sliced mango
In Lunch: Vegetable soup with whole-grain roti
In Dinner: Masala-baked tofu with vegetable curry
Sipping water, seltzer or unsweetened tea with meals and in-between meal time will keep you hydrated without adding extra calories.
Ensure to eat sufficient non-starchy vegetables at each meal, as well as sources of healthy fat and protein.
This nutrition plan will make you feel packed all through the day and decrease the risks of overeating
•Best for gaining muscle: Paleo diet
• Best for gaining muscle: Paleo diet
The paleo diet is created on the presumed consumption patterns of early hunter-gatherers in the Paleolithic era.
The muscle building nutrition plan is rich in animal proteins, fruits, veggies, and healthy fats however eradicates processed foods, grains, legumes, sugar, and most of the dairy products.
As this paleo diet nutrition plan is usually great in protein, it might be a noble choice to support in rising muscle growth when merged with strength working out.
Many investigations have even revealed that consuming high quantities of protein might decrease fat mass and develop body composition.
If you discover that the muscle building nutrition plan i.e. paleo diet is too severe or hard to follow, there are also some variants offered, including improved forms of the paleo diet, which permit gluten-free grains and grass-fed butter.
How to select the perfect diet for athletics? With various diverse nutrition plans and diet available there, discovering an alternative that acts for you can be exciting.
When you’re selecting a plan, consider whether you wish an adjustable nutrition plan for athlete program or a more organized diet with precise strategies on which foods are allowable.
It’s also vital to discover a plan that acts with your food preferences and any other nutritive limitations that you might have.
Furthermore, consider whether your nutrition plan is a perfect fit for your athletic objectives.
For instance, endurance athletes might advantage from eating more carbohydrates, while consuming more protein might benefit in building muscle mass when joined with resistance exercise.
Lastly, be sure to escape any excessively restraining plans. In accumulation to creating it more exciting to encounter your nutritional desires, they can also be more tough to follow and unmanageable in the long course.
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thealternatediet · 1 year
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shanji999 · 2 years
Not All Weight Loss Diets Are Created Equal: Some Diets Are Better Than Others.
When looking to lose weight, it’s tempting to jump into the first diet that seems promising—and there are certainly many of those on the market. But not all diets are created equal, and some may be better suited to your goals than others. To get you started, this article will cover the most popular types of weight loss diets and give you some information about what makes them successful and where they might fall short. These include ketogenic, low-carbohydrate, low-fat, Mediterranean and vegan diets.
One of the hardest parts of losing weight, especially if you’re trying to do it on your own, is that there are so many different types of weight loss diets out there that it can be difficult to figure out which one will work best for you. Everyone’s body and metabolism are different, and so everyone will respond differently to different weight loss methods.
Looking to lose weight? Here are the different types of weight loss diets to choose from
High protein diet [READ MORE](https://howtomaintainhealthfinessandweight.blogspot.com/)
#weightlossdiet #naturalweightloss #weightloss #herbaldetox #ketovspaleo #atkins #smoothie #dietplan #Fasting
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penpoise · 7 months
Unlocking the Power of the Keto Diet: A Deep Dive into a Transformative Lifestyle
1. Introduction The Keto Diet, short for the ketogenic diet, isn’t just a trendy weight-loss method; it has roots dating back to the 1920s when it was initially developed as a therapeutic tool for epilepsy. Today, it has evolved into a widely embraced lifestyle choice. 2. Benefits Weight Loss Mechanism The Keto Diet’s weight loss success isn’t merely about cutting calories; it involves a…
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Pizza's can be healthy
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The Best Keto Pizza with Keto Fathead Dough Crust
30 m only 9 ingredients
Gluten free
12 slices: Pepperoni
2 tsp: Marjoram
1: Egg
3 tbsp: Tomato sauce
Baking & Spices
3/4 cup: Almond flour
1/4: Red pepper
2 oz: Cream cheese
1 1/2 cups: Mozzarella, part skim
1/4 cup: Mozzarella cheese
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