bleachbleachbleach · 4 months
Rukia is in the WHERE now?
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[Bleach 089]
If there's one thing I know for sure, it's that my mental map of the Seireitei is very wrong, and that there is really no helping this at this point. I also realized that when I think about Soul Society, invariably west is always down, east is up, north is left, and south is right--which like, whyyyy would THAT be the way I orient the map?!
Because of Hisagi's dumb bowl drawing in Colorful Bleach, that's why:
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[Colorful Bleach]
Naturally, I was curious about the directions Ikkaku offers here! Rukia is where?
"the barracks of the Thirteen Court Guard companies"
My assumption has always been that each division's barracks are separate from one another, and exist within the rest of the division grounds. We all assume this. We know we are correct about this. Though it WOULD be hilarious is this massive tower prison was just like, the barrack penthouse and the entire Gotei lived in one very flammable tenement. Also, the Gotei version of Rear Window would be magnificent. But anyway. I guess I assumed the rest of Rukia's Tower Complex was also prison, or that it was part of some amalgamated center where the Central 46 and stuff was, rather than barrack.
So what is Ikkaku talking about here?
Specifically, he says, 各隊の詰所 (kakutai no tsumesho), which he then abbreviates to 各隊詰所, each division's station/post (same "station" as in Coordinated Relief Station). In the Edo period, a tsumesho was basically a rest stop for visiting government officials, or people who were traveling to shrines and the like--a place to overnight, or nap, or wait. In modern parlance, it's kind of like a hostel. So I don't think he means like, the barracks barracks, the primary sleeping locations barracks.
Gotei WeWork
The Wiki article on tsumesho also notes that tsumesho can refer to like, shared office space for factory guards, or people who are coming and going, which makes the most sense in our application. So rather than 'every barrack for every division' I feel like the intention here is "Rukia is in the tower part of the shared workspace/staging area, Gotei WeWork." It makes sense to have one, particularly if this is where the library and reports archives live!
Also obsessed with the idea that the The Tower is just like, next to some crappy portable with one table, a wastebasket, a copy machine with zero toner, a cabinet with a shitton of paper and brushes and ink so you can handwrite your own copies, and a mysterious stained futon that literally every shinigami in the entire Gotei has napped on at one point or another.
But also, I feel like Ikkaku could have been a little more descriptive. "That can't-miss imperious white tower by the giant butte smack in the middle of town," maybe? But I guess if that's not how they talk about that place in their working day, then it's not how they talk about that place in their working day!
I'll also note that in this view, north is actually at the top of the image, unlike in Hisagi's drawing:
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[Bleach e384]
In fairness to Hisagi, his drawing was explaining the POV of Ichigo et al having started in West Rukongai. Because they walked up to the West Gate to try to enter the Seireitei, it makes sense that the vanishing point (that which lies beyond the gate; that is, east) would be at the top of the frame. But I prefer to think of Hisagi as someone who would just draw maps like that, because now he's got me doing it, too.
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lemonycranberries · 2 months
seeing vincenzo in queen of tears instantly provoked in me a reaction that was so visceral. it came from the depths of my soul. i felt things i didn't even know i could feel
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tkachunk · 11 months
Oh... i would die for him
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cinnamon-flame · 9 months
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It's this time of the year again! This was a very good year for me, I learned so much and honestly drawing became fun for me again after a period when I felt kind of tired of my style - maybe the lesson here is that it eventually gets better. Here's the source of this great template Also here are the previous years for comparison: 2021 2022
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bus-stop-to-kpop · 2 years
[22:32] - Lee Hyunjae
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[22:32] Hyunjae came fresh out the shower, wearing a loose white shirt and black sweatpants. There was a towel draped over his shoulders to keep the water from dripping onto his shirt.
"Why are you smiling like that?" He asked when you made eye contact with him from your spot on the sofa.
You patted the spot next to you, " Let me dry your hair for you."
Hyunjae complied with your request and made his way over to the sofa. He sat down with a soft groan, as his muscles were slightly sore from practice.
You moved behind him and took the towel off his shoulder to start drying his hair with soft movement. He started to relax into your touch, even closing his eyes.
You giggled when you realized that his natural curls were coming out. He always looked so adorable with them, like a little poodle.
"Why do you keep giggling?" Your boyfriend asked leaning his head back to look up at you with big eyes.
"You're just too cute." Leaning down you pressed a kiss to his lips before giggling again. He flashed you a proud smile.
You brought the towel back to the bathroom and when you came back Hyunjae held his arms open for you to cuddle into.
While you were gone Hyunjae had turned on the TV, but you didn't pay any attention to what he was watching, rather playing gently with his curls.
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Winx Characters as Fake Poptart Flavors Part 2
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philologique · 1 year
if we get an animated beefleaf arc i'm gonna need a week off to devour fanvids, just absolutely gorge myself
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moonlight-seraph · 8 months
A rapidly blooming anger is beginning to boil in his chest, chewing through his stomach and heart. It just grows. Until he can feel it pushing at his skin, demanding to be let out. Biting and nipping and burning. He can’t even feel Kushiel in the back of his head anymore, the anger drowns it out.
Finally, the shadow catches his eye through the snarling visage of his mask, and he doesn’t process anything but the horrible, inexhaustible anger that nigh instantly ticks up from a boil to an inferno.
And before he knows it, agony is lancing through his skull like the worst headache he’s ever going to have in his life. He thinks he remembers yelling, and someone saying something, but he can't pull it to his mind through the adrenaline and the pain in his head.
There’s a loud, all consuming howl of laughter in his skull, and after that stutters to a stop, a familiar phrase seems to echo in his skull.
I am thou. And thou, art I.
He can hear something like a choked scream, and it takes an unnervingly long time to realize that he’s the one screaming. Then suddenly everything pulls back into a focus so sharp it borders on agony.
From the depths of thine fury, I have risen.
One hand claws at the floor, grinding at skin and nail until they tear and blood stains their trail. Catching between tiles and ripping sickeningly, peeling from the bed until all that remains is pain and blood. His other hand seems to have busied itself with trying to break those same tiles, and itself, judging by the fact that his fingers are burning with a sharp, unyielding pain. The tiles seem far worse off, though, considering the shattered remnants of tiles from where his hand is resting.
I will grant you the ability to unchain yourself, if your will is strong enough.
He thinks he might be in shock, because he starts laughing. Howling with it as he forces himself up on trembling legs.
Rise. And take what you are owed.
The fury is gone, replaced with some kind of morbid humor as blood works its way over his hands. His laughter stutters and goes quiet as he stands there, shoulders heaving.
His hand- now bleeding and nailless, creeps up from the bottom of the mask to the opposite temple, drawing five long, vibrant trails of blood in their wake before they curl around the edge and he laughs, voice rasping like broken glass with his scream-roughened throat, and despite the low volume, it almost seems to echo in the silent room. “Take what I’m owed, huh?”
And then his hold tightens and he- Rips- -Skin gives way, tearing wetly- Away- -Blood drips down the cheeks as Drak curls over- The- -His other hand, bruised and broken, curls tight around the other temple- Mask-
-And fire boils away the false him, the pure silver veneer he had clawed for melting away under the hellfire of hatred seething out of his soul.
Kushiel crackles into existence, blank body spasming and lurching, before his body breaks down into a tightly contorted sphere of ceramic and fire, then he explodes.
The angel that remains is massive, wrought out of iron and fire and blood, haloed with chains and sunlight. His eight wings are gilded and studded with gems and stakes, dangling broken chains.
Lucifer laughs with a mouth made of fractal light and every shadow in the room explodes into pillars of golden fire.
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britishchick09 · 10 months
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senpai in cedar falls, iowa! :D
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lerr-writes-fic · 2 years
@hawksbrood and I have reached the point of no return. Our brains are so broken we decided there should be a remake of The Conversation (1974) starring Scott Caan titled The Caanversation.
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theyhitthepentagon · 1 year
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weremustelidae · 1 year
hnnhg Red, I’m trying to hack into VILE, but my computer is dummy thicc and the clack of my keyboard keeps alerting The Troll
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kuwupikaa · 2 years
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last tokrev tuesday tomorrow
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patchesbeanie · 2 years
heyy is anyone here a resident dnf historian and can list out what happened on valentine's days previous years? 2020 onward i guess?
2022 had dream going dark on twitter right? and then 2021 is the red hoodie stream or is that 2020?
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deadrlngers · 2 years
about to post smth on ig, this will make all my acquaintances and family that follow me on there believe i'm normal
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Rest is for the wicked and I am very very evil Goodnight
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