finnspace · 10 months
Someone needs to write this in a non kink way.. and a kink way
Eddie or reader having a habit of preferring to sit on the floor instead of the sofa/couch and sometimes falling asleep there so they get them a dog bed
This isnt a kink thing, i just want a dog bed
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finnspace · 10 months
everyone. on christmas day, december 25th, we all search up “halloween” to make it a trending search. it would be the FUNNIEST thing ever to see halloween be a trending search on christmas day. tell all your friends, repost this, do everything you can to make sure we can do this. REBLOG AS MUCH AS YOU CAN.
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finnspace · 10 months
They’re all like “Steve that’s for Robins girlfriend dumbass!!” And he just sits there like “you have a gf and you didn’t tell me Wtf robin”
To me it’s the fact that Steve assumed Robin had a license but still woke up 3 hours before his work shift to drive her to school everyday.
That is not a plot hole everybody, that is just the kind of person Steve Harrington is.
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finnspace · 11 months
Eddie being too embarrassed to notice Steve’s red face and how he fidgets all flustered and is like “o-oh ok”
Gareth : Why do you look like that?
Eddie, laying face-first on the floor : Like what?
Gareth : Like you’re dead.
Eddie : It’s because I’m dying. Leave me here to perish.
Jeff : Eddie accidentally called Harrington "baby girl" in front of everyone today.
Eddie : *sobs into the floor*
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finnspace · 11 months
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had to make two “advertisements”. obviously i wasnt gonna be normal about it.
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finnspace · 1 year
And I was diagnosed when I was a little kid. We all experienced adhd differently but we can all still relate to each other a bit which I find nice
for the last time i DON'T have ADHD!!!!!!! i'm just always daydreaming because of my whimsical nature, i make impulse decisions because i love spontaneity, i forget things from before because i live in the now, i get everywhere late because i'm a free spirit, my place is a mess because i'm a creative type, and i'm tapping my foot because i'm feeling the rhythm of life babey! what do you MEAN you found my wallet in the oven
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finnspace · 1 year
I find it so weird when people do that. What if the drink doesn’t even taste good? You wanna rub how much money you have or think they should have into someone’s face just to drink smt that tastes bad. Bring me apple juice and a McDonald’s happy meal and I’ll be all good
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finnspace · 1 year
What you people never tasted
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finnspace · 1 year
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this is so upsetting, PLEASE rb to spread awareness
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finnspace · 1 year
I love how it’s saying for boys with long hair to tie up their hair and I read it as tying them up like bondage.
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finnspace · 1 year
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finnspace · 1 year
Like you don’t want girls in suits?? Then start putting some men in dresses fr
smthing i can just never believe when ppl (mostly twitter users) complain about a girl character being made to look 'mannish' or 'masculine' and talk about the death of femininity and every time i get excited and think 'oh okay cool did we get a butch character or-' and its literally jusg a regular fucking woman like you would see at the grocery store. like jusyt a normal woman
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finnspace · 1 year
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finnspace · 1 year
Everyone: awwwe so cute they love each so
Me: Probably bc they’re dad was abusive and called his gay kid a f@g-
Baby Will clinging to baby Jonathan🥲🥲🥲
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finnspace · 1 year
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finnspace · 1 year
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finnspace · 1 year
I like the music. But I can only handle “everybody likes you” being said for 3:55 minutes
Stop! Releasing 2 minute songs!! Idc about TikTok!!! If it's a banger it needs to be at least 3:30.
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