theplacesaysstuff · 10 months
One of the BEST albums I’ve heard in so long. It reminds me of Zelda, animal crossing, and chill music with lots of childish fun and nostalgia
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maskedhatter · 1 year
As fun as it is to clown on the coronation, everyone, please, PLEASE keep your focus on the ones who decided to spend millions on it.
Our government could have said no and insisted on a smaller coronation/cheaper one or made it so the money came from royal funds, but they didn't. One; because the members of the Conservative party are actual scum and are quite happy to watch the country crash and burn as long as they can line their pockets. And two; it's because it's a good distraction regardless of where you land on the anti/pro monarchy scale. With people focusing on that, they are less likely to pay attention to the fact that the tories spent £3billion on a migrant scheme that doesn't work... Clowning on charles and the coronation may be fun, but they aren't the true rot that is destroying the country.
Remain strong. The Conservatives have lost badly in the local council elections (despite their attempts at voter suppression in the form of visual ID ) But there's no guarantee that they will be ousted in the next election.
Keep fighting, keep protesting and remember that at the end of the day, it's our government who decided to spend millions on the coronation while millions of people starve and struggle.
for the love of God, VOTE AND BRING YOUR ID WITH YOU!!!
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little-pup-pip · 9 months
hiiii, may i request a moth agere moodboard? I really love how fluffy and colorful they can be
Yes paci yes deco><
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icantthinkofaname6575 · 3 months
If you like angsty musicals (or any musicals honestly) and you haven’t listened to Alice by Heart you NEED to. It’s so so so good!!! It’s an alice in wonderland retelling that happens during the London Blitz. I haven’t seen a ton of people post about it but I feel like it should be way more popular!
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coldtortelloni · 5 months
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WHATEVER… i’m posting her separately from my last post. minthara filipiniaña. minthara filipiniaña. MINTHARA FILIPINIAÑA. if you even care…
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the-trash-phrog · 1 year
Hey there! Finally saying something about this.
I've been seeing this drawing I made float around a lot without my permission!
PLEASE, I mean PLEASE do not repost or edit my artwork without my permission and credit.
Thank you for listening!
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laveyanist · 2 years
I've been catching up on a super underrated D&D Actual Play that uses 3.5 edition and I just need to do my part to talk about it and spread its name around some more. Challenge Rating: Zero is a wonderful podcast set in a world where, to paraphrase its opening monologue, "an evil wizard gained the power to touch the face of God. Narrativa, Goddess of Stories and weaver of the world banished him to the void, but not before he stole a piece of her divine essence. With it, he laid a curse upon the world - The Glyph Purge, which struck from all mortals the knowledge of how to read and write."
I've been trying to catch up on this podcast for a while now, each episode is only about an hour to an hour and a half in length, currently around 60 episodes, and the cast and characters are wonderful. Each episode also ends with a segment called As the Dice Turns, where the Host asks each character a question to help flesh them out and define what makes them tick. The cast includes:
Hektor the Gatekeeper, Keeper of the Gates. Human Barbarian from the mountain range known as The Gate, his clan's duty to hold the mountain pass, aiding those trying to pass through it and protecting them on their travels.
Rilla Longshadow, Elven Sorceress. The first arcane spellcaster born in her village in generations. Her 'gift' made her the subject of much excitement and reverence in her community, though she wished to just be normal. (Also cool because, since the Glyph Purge, Wizards don't really exist anymore, so sorcerers and bards are highly sought after)
Zurabak, half-orc Druid. Not a whole lot to say for Zurabak, other than he's fashionable - wearing a top hat, vest, no shoes, and skull tattoo on his face. His entire goal in life is to be the strongest and to eat everything that isn't him.
Ruger Firehide, a human Ranger who joins the story I believe around episode 15, rounding out the party to 4 people. I won't get into too much since his introduction is later on, but he's quite a fun layered character as well.
And of course Sam the Dungeon Master, who brings the entire world to life, from giant alligator druids to ominous halfling divination ceremonies. A voice like velvet and a desire to bring this story to all the listeners, it's clear he thoroughly enjoys what he does and I can't get enough.
TL:DR - Really good 3.5e actual play podcast that I really enjoy that doesn't have anywhere near the following it deserves.
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vshusband · 6 months
This is very important please read
Abuse of animals
Torture of animals
Killing of animals
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These photos were from my friend @gl00miic0rpse
I’m posting them to help and spread to the word
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katsuorr · 7 months
Pela Luz dos Olhos Teus
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"When the light in my eyes and the light in your eyes, they decide to meet"
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"Oh, how good that is, my god, how cold meeting that look gives me."
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appaloosatales · 2 years
K.K. Jongara by Sasha & the Gyroids
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iwanthermidnightz · 5 months
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After playing Hope Is A Dangerous Thing For A Woman To Have - But I Have It with Jack, a hologram of Lana and her dancers appeared while a recording played of words from Clarissa Pinkola Estés, author of the book Women Who Run with the Wolves. Full excerpt below:
“Wild woman archetype: there’s usually tremendous suffering involved in the human life, in the human woman who stands in front of this particular archetype. They’re trained to remain contained. To never really spread their wings, and especially never to find those who are like themselves. That was considered very very dangerous. The domestication of the wild continued so young females are taught to not like spit and moistness and sweat and other effluvia, and out of the many possibilities of what it means to be female, only two aspects were given weight. It is sweet mother who always takes care and shows concern for everything and everybody and the know-nothing maiden who’s always sweet, cute and innocent. Which leaves out the whole instinctual and animal nature of a woman. Yet by the time most women who are raised as captive creatures, by the time they were teenagers, they were exposed to art cinema. They were exposed to Latin poets. They were exposed to things and ideas and often lovers even who ask them to please be a full person. So the veils that were laid down to keep the girls separate from their animal nature - well sometimes they were torn and certainly wavered on young women of that time was slipping away because the sensuality of those women, which is not only sexual but also creative, was calling to them more and more strongly all the time. And the “thou shalt nots” were as much a part of the cage that they had experienced as their familial injunctions were. So many many women during that time, not just in America, but in Europe as well, threw over the old order, said “no, I won’t be caged anymore, I want to be free!” And they went out for the first time in their lives and into the world.”
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silliestredavatar · 3 months
t̶h̴e̵ ̸T̵V̸ ̶i̴s̵n̵'̵t̸ ̷h̴i̷m̷s̴e̵l̸f̵ ̵
P̶L̵E̴A̶S̴E̸,̷ ̷H̴E̸L̷P̷ ̵M̸E̸.̵ ̵ ̷I̴T̴ ̵H̶U̷R̷T̷S̸.̶ ̸ ̶P̶U̷Z̷Z̶L̶E̸S̴,̶ ̷P̷L̸E̶A̷S̵E̸,̴ ̷D̸O̴N̶'̵T̶ ̶D̶O̴ ̷T̴H̷I̵S̸.̷ ̴D̴O̵N̸'̶T̸ ̸T̸R̷U̵S̸T̵ ̶H̶E̵R̷.̵ ̴ ̵i̷'̸m̷ ̷u̶s̸i̶n̷g̵ ̴w̵h̶a̴t̵'̶s̴ ̵l̶e̷f̶t̵ ̵o̴f̸ ̴m̶y̵ ̷c̸o̶n̴t̷r̴o̵l̷ ̵t̴o̸ ̴t̸r̶y̴ ̸a̵n̷d̸ ̶s̶n̶a̶p̴ ̸h̶i̸m̶ ̶o̴u̸t̴ ̸o̸f̴ ̸t̴h̶i̸s̸.̵ ( @pleasegiveus5stars . )
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How do I tell Kusanagi-san that...
I am not interested in Val/Mei
I want more Hak/Yona romance (and if I am not too greedy maybe a proper talk about their relationship but it would be too much to ask I suppose)
I want to know if my boys dragons will be okay and the Happy Hungry Bunch will be together again
I want to know about Hak's origin before Mundok
No more suffering (Yoon, my boy, I am with you)
Too much politics
1-2 happy chapters for my babys (HHB)
Not necessarily in that order
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badp1l0t · 1 month
Ya’ll…I honestly dont think many people are gonna see this…but those who do, please stay and read. You dont need to reblog this post or like it or anything (and im not just saying this as reverse psychology, Im being dead serious, and I’m only adding tags so that people can see this and maybe even be inspired), just center your mind towards this blog. I have something important to share.
I understand this might be a ‘tldr’ or ‘idrc’ moment for some of yall by the way, and that’s fine. If i randomly saw this on tumblr I probably wouldn’t read it either lol. But if you could just take a few minutes out of your life to read this, i would really appreciate it.
So I just got this gut feeling only a couple minutes ago that I felt really deep inside me (dont take that outta context). Everything around me just disappeared, dissolved, just popped out of existence. I suddenly realized how terrible the world is, like my brain just snapped into reality…just…finally realized whats actually happening in the world. I noticed how terrible people can be, and a gut wrenching, primal rage bubbled in stomach. Moments later, I thought about what I’m doing with my life, how I’m wasting it away, just spending all of my life on my phone, ipad, TV, computer, PS5, nintendo….how i’ve never felt myself truly accomplish something or feel satisfied. I noticed how I have done NOTHING in my life except just plowing through every day without doing anything meaningful. I just felt unfulfilled…unsatisfied. I wanted to get off my phone and go outside and enjoy what life really is. The reason why I’m still on my phone here is to type this messages. What im trying to say is…you should really just put your screen down and really just enjoy life for what it is, to just enjoy life and really experience what you were made for. To just sit down and relax, go outside, look up at the sky, and just contemplate what you’re doing with your life. Just be. Be alive. Enjoy your time here.
Ik it’s kind of weird to be hearing this from helluva boss obsessed chronically online person that has terrible repetitive grammar and spelling, and I’m sure that you’ve heard this messages a hundred times, but I just feel like this is what people should experience in life. To just experience what it’s like to live.
To just…be.
I love you all 🌺❤️
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end-7 · 2 years
You were good enough for them. They were not good enough for you.
The memories that you have, they have them too. The fun you had, they had that with you too. The love you gave, they have felt it. I know it seems like you didn't mean anything to them, but that's not true. They loved you too. But… not all love is the same. Your love was strong. You gave and gave and gave. You wanted them to be happy. You worked hard for the relationship to work. You put them first. You have grown a heart so big, you kept loving them even though you didn't get the same kind of love in return. You would never give up on them, and that's beautiful. And again, they loved you too. But… their love wasn't selfless like yours. It wasn't unconditional love like yours. It wasn't powerful enough to work through difficulties. They loved you in that moment, but they never grew a heart like yours. They put themself first. They thought of their own needs before yours. Most of all, they turned blind for all the love that you gave.
Right now you feel like you didn't do enough. That you were not good enough. That if you would try hard enough working on yourself, then you could fix this. Please hear me out. YOU were the strong one, YOU were the selfless one, YOU were investing all you could, YOU saw through their flaws and loved them anyway. You weren't perfect, but your mindset was. And now you're hoping that they will come back, that they have realised they made a mistake. That if you decide to move on and not wait for that to happen, that you would then be the one giving up on the relationship. That you would give up on them. But you are not. THEY ARE THE ONE GIVING UP, not you.
You will lose a person that wasn't selfless, that wasn't strong, that wasn't investing all they could, that didn't know how to love you the way you deserve to be loved. Their love is the one with shortcomings, not yours. They are losing the person that would have sticked with them through everything, the person that was much more than what they deserved. You were good enough for them. They were not good enough for you.
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twigsandhearts · 5 months
wikihow to convince people to listen to your show and leave reviews: no glue no borax (speedrun) (NOT CLICKBAIT)
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