#Orion is an elf wizard
otterdoesart · 2 months
Hey hey hey mate! ‘S been a while but I’ve just kinda scrolled through your art tag from the last three years (TIME MOVING REAL!?) and it’s crazy to see how much you’ve done in that time XD! Real fond of your splatoon ocs (manta and Ray was it?) and that one love letter fanart you made (BLEW MY MIND!? THE LYRICS FIT THEM SO WELL!! I WAS IN AWE) X) really do love spending time on this app n’ yappin, makes me wish I spend more than like five minutes a week here ,, BUT gonna do my bestest to see what you’ve been up to/ going to get up to 💚 - Z (ALSO DO YOU HAVE A LIIKR A TAG FOR YOUR OC WORLD CUZ I SAW A FEW POSTS MENTION IT BUT I COULDNT FIND IT RAAARGHHH I would love to see it I am so sorry for yelling byebyebeybeye)
Im literally at work rn crying at your kind words 🫶🫶🫶
It really is crazy it’s been so long 😭 I feel like I’ve improved in my art but stayed the same at the same time hehe
Thank you for loving my boys! I created them with my homie from high school and they consume my brain,,They’re just goofy little guys who fight and love each other :) Ray is dating Callie (gross🙄(affectionate)) and manta is dating Dove hehe
Thank you for saying so!!! About the letter fanart guehrhe I killed myself doing that last year on the midst of art fight 💀💀
A lot of my OC stuff is in my head and scattered across sites eughejehe I could ramble about them but it wouldn’t be coherent ! The story changes every 2 months jdhddndh
Oughhh i loveghsj themmm just some more silly guys
Anywho thank you for saying all that I really appreciate it and our friendship although we don’t talk as much anymore 🫶🫶🫶
#oc rambling in tags:#Orion is an elf wizard#elves are one of the few species that weren’t born inherently with magic so they learned it from the world around them#because of that a lot of others consider them to be fake#also rotating an idea about evil elves who source their magic through the slaughter of magical beasts#it’s a cheating way of gaining power and does not give respect to nature smh#Orion is roommates with Fyre-a dragonborn#the story takes place at Ajicae Academy#there are 2 ways to enroll-either have a lot of magic skill or potential#fyre has both#he’s very strong and feircly loyal#Dragonborn’s only have control over fire magic#elves have learned to control all types of magic so Orion is a jack of all trades#then their is Axel who is the heir to the siren kingdom#*there#he is protective of orion but doesn’t quite see them as equal#she has a bit of a tsundere personality 💀#Blanc is a tabaxi-the other species no born with magical abilities#tabaco care less about learning magic than elves#they’re generally inventors#Blanc creates things that aid in harnessing or strengthening magic#I’ll add more later maybe gotta go back to work lol !#the main humanoid races are fairies angels dragonborn tabaxi sirens and elves#I’ve considered giants but I haven’t found a way to make them interesting enough for me to draw and still differentiate from elves#the main forms of magic are water fire air plant light and earth#I know I want monsters to exist but I’m not sure how to separate them from regular magical creatures without being stereotypical#I’m thinking of making it so they’re infected with something causing them to be out of control?#but I also want there to be technology protecting Ajicae from monsters#I can’t have it both ways 😔#unless the monsters have existed a long time? hmmm I have to think a lot on it
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lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 9 - Hurt/Comfort
@wolfstarmicrofic July 9, word count 999
CW - Previous torture mention but not described, blood
He coughed in the dark, his bones aching and the wounds he’d inflicted upon himself still oozing as they slowly healed. It had been three months since Bellatrix moved him into this dungeon. 
The door opened as a house elf came to give him his food for the day. The weak light from the torches outside the cell showed where his claws had dug deep into the stone when he’d transformed. 
“Here you are, mister Sirius, sir,” Rorbey bowed to him nervously and floated the meagre offering over to him. Sirius snatched the heel of bread from the air and gnawed at it hungrily as the chunk of cheese, a small pile of roast pork and a flask of pumpkin juice came to rest on the ground in front of him. “If you please, mister Sirius sir, they is talking about yous upstairs. Rorbey is hearing they is moving yous sir. Rorbey thought you might want to be knowing,” The elf wrung his hands together. Rorbey had been an unexpected ally. He was a Black family elf and since Regulus’s disappearance, Sirius was technically the sole heir again, so Rorbey had felt bound to serve him. 
“Thank you Rorbey,” Sirius mumbled around his mouthful of food.
He and Remus had been captured and brought to Lestrange castle. They were flung into a cell and left to stew. He’d tried calling out when Remus had started transforming. Somehow, they hadn’t realised what Remus was or Bellatrix had thought it hilarious and ignored his cries. Sirius had resigned himself to what was about to happen, he just hoped it would be quick and not hurt too much. He’d stared into the yellow eyes that he knew so well as the giant maw opened and bit down on his shoulder. 
They’d given them both magic suppressant potions and, while the wolf could not be stopped from appearing, Padfoot could. He’d woken up in this cell, surprised to be alive. His pleas to know where Remus was fell on deaf ears until Rorbey had found him. It turned out Remus had been given to Fenrir Greyback and was no longer in the castle. 
He still had those first bite marks, scared deep into his skin. Bellatrix would sometimes appear and torture him when she remembered he was still down there. But other than that, he was left alone. Then, on that first full moon since Remus had bitten him, he experienced pain worse than anything he’d ever felt before. He’d woken up to broken, bleeding fingernails and more cuts than he could count.
The door swung open again, banging off the wall. 
“Come along, Black the Dark Lord wishes for the pleasure of your company.” Rabastan Lestrange cackled at him as he dragged Sirius from his cell by his hair. 
He was thrown on a rug in front of a roaring fire. The warmth instantly soothing his sore bones. A wand was pressed into his throat, forcing his chin up into the face of Lord Voldemort himself. 
“My dear Lord Black, I hear you’ve had a terrible accident while in your cousin’s care. I can only apologise profusely.” The room broke into a cacophony of laughter. “Yes, yes my dear friends, what a terrible accident. But Lord Black, you will be thrilled to learn that we have a new purpose for you, if you will.” Voldemort’s lipless mouth widened in an approximation of a smile. 
The flames in the fire turned green, and Fenrir Greyback walked out, patting soot from his clothes.
“My Lord,” He bowed deeply as he addressed Voldemort. 
“Ah, Greyback, excellent timing. I was just explaining to Lord Black about his new role amongst us.” Voldemort waved the werewolf nearer. “You Lord Black will be joining Mr Greyback’s pack,” Voldemort sneered at the word, but recovered himself as he continued. “Fenrir, you will do what needs to be done to ensure he follows instructions. And Lord Black, if you prove yourself to be a valued member of our organisation, I may find it within myself to reinstate you in your family seat, now that poor Regulus is no longer with us.” 
Sirius had been trying to control himself the entire time Voldemort had been talking. He knew he was no match for Voldemort, especially in his condition. So he allowed Greyback to grasp his shoulder exactly where Remus had bitten him and drag him towards the fire. “Until we meet again,” Voldemort cackled gleefully as Sirius and Fenrir spun out of sight. 
They walked out of the fireplace into an abandoned house. Fenrir didn’t let go of him though and quickly apparated them away. They landed in a small grassy clearing with a huge forest pressing in on them.
Sirius pulled himself away from Greyback’s grasp. The werewolf let him go. He fell to the ground and breathed in deep lungfuls of fresh air. When he looked up, men and women were emerging from the trees coming to stand in a ring around him. 
“Children meet your new brother, Sirius Black.” Greyback opened his arms to them. “Clean him up and make sure he’s fed and make sure he understands the rules.” Greyback walked through the circle and disappeared into the gloom.
Sirius was stripped, scrubbed roughly with cold water until he was clean, had his wounds tended to and was finally sat down beside a crackling fire with a bowl of some sort of stew. He didn’t dare ask what was in it. 
He finished his food and was just about to ask what was going to happen to him when another wolf walked out of the trees.
 He dropped the bowl with a clatter and ran into the arms of the man he loved. 
“Remus,” He sighed as Remus enveloped him in his long arms and woodsy scent. Sirius buried his face in Remus’s knit jumper and cried. 
“I’m so sorry, Sirius,” Remus told him, his voice thick with emotion. “Everything will be okay, I’ve got you, sweetheart.”
Next part
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Day 28: Written Apr 15, 2024
Part 17
CW: canonical treatment of house elves (sorta)
Kreacher tried to fight Regulus on who should give their blood to the warding. Regulus didn’t let him. It was his decision and he already felt terrible bringing Kreacher back to a place he almost died. When they were facing the lake with the little island of crystal that Kreacher had described to him, Regulus turned to him. 
“When we get the locket, take it straight back to Grimmauld Place. No matter the state I am in. Destroy it, Kreacher. That’s an order. 
Kreacher stood so stiffly the Regulus thought his spine might snap. He clearly wanted to sat something; to defy him. But he gave a short nod and stayed quiet.
“Thank you, Kreacher.” Whispered Regulus.
They took a dingy across the still water, sending unnatural ripples into the darkness. When the boat knocked into the island, Regulus stepped out followed closely by Kreacher. Their steps crushed and crunched crystals under their feet.
beginning | previous | next
Rambles and thoughts while writing under the cut:
So sometimes I have a lot of random thoughts while I'm writing these scenes but I don't want to make the posts super long so I'm gonna put them here.
It really bothers me how house elves are written in canon and even most fanfiction. I've read very few fics where the enslavement of house elves is seen as bad by characters. So in this story, I'm going to be changing some things about house elves, especially that they like being enslaved cuz that's just fucked up. No, Kreacher is not free. Yes, he has prejudiced ideas about blood purity seeing as he has been conditioned to from birth. Regulus treats him relatively well since I do not want to write a protagonist being happy to have a slave. (But no matter how well he treats house elves, he's still a slave owner) However, I don't think at this point Regulus would fully have a grasp on the ethics of house elf slavery and he probably doesn't have the power to free Kreacher anyway. In the future, he will regret some of his actions toward Kreacher and his opinions about house elves. Eventually, he would totally join SPEW.
All of this isn't a big part of the story but I will never write a fic that either supports or ignores slavery no matter how fictional it is.
(Usually my rambles won't be as heavy)
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blueberry-pixels · 2 months
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Artfight (4/6)
This is where I got a bit over my head... as in I took WAY longer then I had expected to work on this piece.. oopsie I saw ezios's characters Adler and Jonas absolutely fell in love, and I NEEDED to draw them together with my Syl'sha and Orion cause their aesthetics, colors and vibes match so well. Adler has turned into Orion's new Idol, my baby is so star struck.
Some close ups of the character under the cut
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lixzey · 11 months
to the moon and back
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Once upon a time, there was a wizarding family that was powerful and mighty. Nicholas Selwyn was the last of their family, and he and his wife Calliope had yet to have a child—an heir to continue the Selwyn name.
Then a miracle happened: Calliope had finally borne a child. A child born of the Selwyn and Rosier bloodline, the heir for whom they have waited so long. On the summer solstice of 1962, a daughter was born. And she was given the name Y/N, a fitting name for a princess. Families from the Sacred Twenty-Eight came from all around to offer gifts and praise for the little girl.
Among those families were the Blacks. Walburga and Orion Black had two sons. An almost two-year-old Sirius clung to his father's leg, hiding from everyone else. While the almost-one-year-old Regulus was sitting comfortably in his mother's arms. 
“Oh, Calliope, you are glowing!” Walburga Black praised the new mother, balancing her son on her hip. Walburga peered over the little girl that was bundled in a pink swaddle in Calliope's arms. “She's a darling!” 
“Yes, she is.” Calliope agreed with a wide grin. “The sweetest angel I've ever seen.”
Calliope looked up at the tiny hand that was a few inches away from her daughter's face. Six-month-old Regulus had his tiny hand over the newborn's face, seemingly admiring her.
“It looks like Regulus likes Y/N.” Walburga laughed, beaming at her son. Suddenly, Regulus' smacked Y/N square in the face.
“Regulus Arcturus Black, you do not hit women!” Walburga scolded the boy in her arms, who had no idea what was happening. Meanwhile, the little baby in Calliope's arms was screaming her head off, her face red as her cries echoed in the banquet hall.
Calliope soothed her daughter, an amused smile on her lips as she glanced at the little boy who had just hit her child.
"Oh, hush, Walburga. The boy doesn't know any better; he's just a boy.” Calliope chuckled. “I think he just really likes my daughter.”
“Regulus has great taste, then.”
“Maybe one day they'll fall in love.” Calliope mused, a twinkle in her eye as she looked at the little boy who had his eyes locked on her sleeping daughter. Walburga laughed, shaking her head. “We'll see.”
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June 21st, 1968
Selwyn Manor was filled with colourful decorations, bright pink and lavender ribbons, and balloons lining the parlour and hallway. There were beautiful floral arrangements in tall vases, and even pink and purple flowers have been planted in the garden outside.
It was Y/N's sixth birthday, and she was beyond excited. Her mother and father opted not to throw another lavish party, but the house elves insisted on decorating the manor according to their young mistress' desires. Calliope and Nicholas proposed that instead of a party, they would take her on a summer trip to France as a gift for their daughter's birthday.
“Mummy, how do I look?” Y/N asked, twirling around as she modelled the dress in front of her mother. She was wearing a frilly lavender-coloured dress made by Miffy—their house elf—that doted on Y/N far too much.
Calliope beamed proudly at her daughter. “You look enchanting, mon ange.”
The little girl furrowed her eyebrows. “Mon ange? What does that mean, mummy?” 
Her mother chuckled. “It means 'my angel' in French, my love. This summer, I'll be teaching you French, alright?” 
Y/N nodded eagerly, nearly jumping with excitement at the mention of learning another language. “When are we going? When, when?” 
“We'll just wait for your father to finish up at the ministry, my love. After that, we'll go ahead.”
“Okay, okay. Can I go to the garden now, Mummy? I want to play with Miffy.”
Calliope laughed. “Alright, alright. Just don't get messy, okay?”
Y/N nodded before darting out of the room, the little house elf hot on her heels. Calliope shook her head at her daughter amusedly. Her little girl is going to get along quite nicely with the youngest Black son.
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“Both of you shall be on your best behaviour for the whole summer in France; do you understand me?” Walburga reminded her sons, her gaze narrowing at her eldest. “Do you understand me?” 
Sirius tried his best not to roll his eyes at his mother, but he failed miserably. “You've told us that at least ten times this week, Mother.”
Walburga glared at her eldest, letting out an annoyed sigh before turning to her youngest with a smile. “Do you understand, Regulus?” 
The boy nodded, not wanting to get on his mother's bad side, like Sirius always did.
Walburga beamed at her youngest son, patting him on the cheek. “We are to leave eave at six in the evening, after your father gets done with business. You two better be ready to leave before five.” She turned to her eldest, snarling at him before turning and walking away from the young boys.
“Reggie, wanna go play in the garden?” Sirius asked as soon as their mother was out of earshot, a mischievous grin on his face. Sirius was often the troublemaker between the two, always rebelling against their mother's rules. Sirius despised their parents' belief in blood supremacy. It was a load of dung, according to Sirius, who loved watching muggle children play out in the streets in Grimmauld Place.
“But mother said to behave, Sirius.” Regulus hissed at his brother. Regulus hated it when Sirius got in trouble with their mother, usually persuading Sirius to go along with their mother's wishes in order to keep him from getting punished, but his brother was one stubborn git.
“Come on, Reggie,” Sirius urged, wiggling his eyebrows. “It'll be fun! We can pretend to have wands and duel.”
Regulus rolled his eyes at his brother. “If Mother-” 
“You're goody-goody with the elf; ask him to zip his mouth.”
Regulus scowled. “That elf has a name, you know.”
Sirius waved a hand dismissively. “Yeah, yeah. So, are you coming or not?” Regulus sighed before giving in and following his older brother outside. As soon as the two boys got outside, Sirius looked around in search of a branch they could use as make-believe wands.
“Aha! Here you go, baby brother, a wand.” Sirius grinned, passing a thin branch to him. Regulus eyed the branch in his hand. “Do all wands look like this?” He asked, his nose scrunching in disgust.
“I dunno, s'pose so,” Sirius shrugged. “Bella's wand looks like a wonky twig, though.” Regulus cringed at the mention of their eldest cousin.
“I don't like Bellatrix.” Regulus muttered.
Sirius chuckled. “Who doesn't? Bella's a bit...mad. Glad we're not spending summer with them this year.”
Regulus smiled at the thought of spending the summer away from London. It was going to be their first time in France, and both boys were ecstatic. They have heard so much about the Black estate in France from their uncle Alphard, who spent all of his summers along with his siblings in the estate. Sirius and Regulus could not believe that their mother was once a happy child, much to Alphard's amusement.
“You think Mother and Father will leave us alone in France?” Regulus asked, fiddling with the stick in his hands.
“They do it every day, Reg.” Sirius rolled his eyes at his younger brother. Walburga Black was not the maternal kind; she had no patience for things related to child care. She decidedly left it all to the house-elves to care for her sons.
“Right,” Regulus cleared his throat, “so are we duelling or not?” 
Sirius gripped his wand and waved it around. “Prepare to duel!” He grinned mischievously, aiming the faux wand at his brother. “Jelly legs!” 
Regulus pretended his legs had turned to jelly and stumbled around clumsily. Making Sirius burst out into laughter. Regulus quickly turned and pointed his wand at his brother. “Tickles!”
Sirius twitched his nose and looked around himself, pretending that he could feel the invisible tickles. He aimed his stick at his brother again. “Eat slugs!” 
Regulus fell to his knees, pretending to vomit on the ground with a smirk. The garden was filled with giggles from the two boys as they duelled each other.
“That was fun!” Regulus laughed, trailing behind his brother as they carefully walked back inside the house.
Sirius turned to look at his brother and grinned triumphantly. “Told you.”
“You two look filthy!” Sirius and Regulus turned around, only to see their mother glowering at them.
“What did I tell you?” Walburga seethed at her sons. Regulus hid behind Sirius, who stood defiantly in front of his mother. “We just went out to the garden, Mother.”
“Kreacher! ” Sirius and Regulus flinched as their mother's shrill voice echoed through the house.
There was a loud popping sound, and the elf appeared next to their mother. “Mistress be wanting Kreacher?”
“Take the boys and make them look presentable. After that, pack their trunks for the summer.” Walburga ordered the elf before yanking Sirius by the arm and pushing him to Kreacher. Regulus whimpered, shifting under his mother's gaze, before walking to his brother's side.
“Keep them in line, Kreacher. We leave at six sharp.”
The elf bowed. “Yes Mistress. All shall be done, oh yes, shall be done.”
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“Oh, for Merlin's sake! Hurry up!” Walburga screamed for her children. It was already five forty-five in the evening, fifteen minutes before the Blacks had to leave. She turned to her husband with an annoyed look. “Go get your children.”
Orion let out a loud sigh before turning to walk up the stairs to the boys' room. “Bloody woman, treating me like a dog.” he muttered under his breath.
“What was that!?” 
“Nothing, nothing.” Orion quickly ran up, evading his wife's anger.
“Boys, what's taking so long-” Orion opened the door to his sons' room, expecting them to be slacking, only to see Sirius fixing his brother's hair.
“There you go, Reggie!” Sirius declared proudly, handing his little brother a mirror. “You look good, if I do say so myself.”
Regulus took the mirror and looked at himself. His curls were slightly slicked back, with a few tendrils hanging loose and framing his face perfectly. Regulus grinned, passing back the mirror to his brother. “You should do my hair often, Sirius.”
Orion smiled at the sight of his sons. He never had that kind of bond with his own brother. He opened the door and stepped inside, the smile gone from his lips.
Orion cleared his throat, making both boys jump. “Boys, come on. Your mother's waiting downstairs, and you know she's not fond of waiting.”
“Yes, father.” Sirius turned to Regulus, taking his hand in his. “Come on, Reg, summer awaits!” All three of the Black men descended down the stairs. Walburga scowled at the sight of her oldest son's hair.
“I said to look presentable, Sirius.”
Sirius smirked, running a hand through his black mane. “I am presentable, Mother."
“You little-” Walburga raised her hand to strike her son when her husband cut her off.
“Just get in the fireplace, Sirius, Regulus,” Orion sighed, shaking his head. When they didn't move, he lightly pushed his eldest. “Now!”
Both boys scrambled to the dusty old fireplace, Regulus gripping the ends of his brother's robes. Sirius had a grin plastered on his lips, provoking his mother further.
“Get a handful of floo powder, Sirius,” Orion ordered. Sirius turned to the pot of black powder on the side of the wall, taking a handful of it in his small hands.
“Now you must say this clearly; otherwise, you and your brother would get transported to the wrong place. Black Manor, Dinard, loud and clear, Sirius.” The seven-year-old boy nodded, clearing his throat before loudly speaking.
“Black Manor, Dinard!”
Green flames engulfed the two brothers as they were transported into a beautiful sitting room. The smell of wood and spice immediately invaded their nostrils as soon as the two boys stepped out of the fireplace. Sirius and Regulus were awestrucked. The manor in France was far better than Grimmauld Place.
It was a sight to behold. It had a grandiose feeling, as if it had been lifted straight from the pages of an old French novel.
The walls of the elegant room were a deep forest green, the shade of which had been carefully matched to the hue of the lush gardens outside. In the centre of the room was the focal point, a large emerald green velvet sofa that seemed to invite anyone to sink into its depths. On either side of the sofa were two matching armchairs, upholstered in the same emerald velvet. The cushioning was studded with silver buttons that shone when the sunlight hit them, and the legs were carved from dazzling marble. Behind the sofa, the walls were lined with large, dark wood bookcases and cabinets filled with fine silver trinkets and antique books. An old-style grandfather clock was tucked away in the corner, counting down the minutes with its sombre ticking. Rich tapestries hung from the walls, and Persian rugs covered the floor.
For illumination, several grand candelabras rested on the tables and were held aloft by marble pillars, which were intricately carved with rococo details. Each candelabra was adorned with five burning white candles that cast a soft, golden glow over the room.
A grand piano sat in the corner by the arched window, while a gleaming bronze chandelier hung above it. There were gilded mirrors on the walls with silver frames that gave the room an extra sparkle. There were huge windows around the room, with rich green velvet curtains in a silver pattern parted in the middle to let light in.
A place of true elegance and sophistication. It was as if every detail was chosen with care, from the luxurious green and silver brocade that draped the walls to the gleaming marble floors and the grand mahogany-framed clock overlooking the room.
The flames roared again, revealing their parents. Walburga stepped out and immediately screamed for a house elf.
With a loud pop, a small elf appeared. It looked better than what Kreacher looked like. The elf wore a tea towel around its waist and a huge green ribbon atop its head.
“Mistress be needing Dilly?”
Walburga turned to her sons. “These are my sons, your young masters. They will be spending the whole summer here. I trust that my sons will be taken care of.”
“Dilly will take very good care of her young Masters; yes, she will. Only the best for the heir of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black.”
Walburga nodded curtly before turning her attention to her sons. “You both shall be on your best behaviour for the whole of summer. Do you understand? If word gets out to me that you two show anything less of what I have taught you, there will be consequences.”
Regulus visibly gulped, shifting under his mother's gaze. “Yes, mother.” 
Sirius looked unaffected by their mother's gaze. “Yeah, yeah, behave and all that.”
Suddenly, the fireplaces erupted into green flames once more. Out stepped a little girl with long (y/h/c) hair tied in pigtails and bright (y/e/c) eyes dressed in a frilly lavender-coloured dress. She was clutching a white-stuffed bunny in her arms as she looked around.
“Greetings, little one.” Orion greeted the little girl, who gave him a small, shy smile. Y/N fiddled with her hair as she stood by the fireplace, waiting for her parents. A little while later, the flames erupted again, revealing Nicholas and Calliope Selwyn. Y/N quickly hid behind her mother, clutching the skirt of her robes.
“Walburga, Orion, it's been so long,” Calliope greeted, taking a step closer to the Black matriarch, leaning in for a hug.
Y/N eyed the older woman curiously. She had aristocratic features, high cheekbones, and full lips, making her look regal and elegant as she stood. The little girl tugged on her mother's skirt. “Mummy!” she whispered fiercely, tugging on her mother's skirt harder. Calliope pulled away from the raven-haired witch with a chuckle as she looked down at her daughter.
Regulus looked at Y/N with an unamused look, scrunching his nose in annoyance. “She looks like a spoiled brat.” he whispered to Sirius, who nodded in agreement.
Walburga smiled down at the little girl, which shocked Sirius and Regulus. “You must be Y/N.” 
Y/N raised an eyebrow at the older woman. She looks scary, Y/N thought before promptly hiding behind her mother's back.
Walburga chuckled. “She's a bit shy, I see.”
Calliope laughed. “Oh no, my daughter is anything but shy.” Her gaze then fell onto the two boys huddled in the corner.
“Sirius, Regulus, come forward and introduce yourselves,” Orion instructed. Both boys stepped forward, standing tall and proud.
“Sirius Orion Black, the third at your service.” Sirius grinned proudly before bowing, his long hair falling over his face.
Calliope laughed at the young boy's enthusiasm. “You've gotten bigger since the last time I've seen you, young Sirius.”
“My name's Regulus, Regulus Arcturus Black.” Regulus smirked proudly, bowing like his brother.
“My, my, such well-mannered boys.” Calliope praised.
Walburga beamed proudly. “I taught them well.”
Sirius snorted, making Regulus chuckle. Their mother did not teach them anything because she threatened them if they did not comply with all her rules.
"Y/N, darling, introduce yourself to Mr. and Mrs. Black, my love."
“No.” Y/N huffed behind her mother.
“Come on, darling. Introduce yourself; tell them how you love dressing up.” Nicholas chuckled, nudging his daughter from behind his wife. Y/N reluctantly stepped out, a scowl etched on her lips. “Y/N Artemis Rosier Selwyn.” She introduced herself with a curtsy.
“Sirius, Regulus, go ahead and kiss Y/N's hand like a true gentleman.” Walburga urged, pushing Sirius slightly.
Sirius grinned mischievously as he took Y/N's hand and softly placed a kiss on her knuckles. “I am pleased to meet you, my fair maiden.”
“Likewise.” Y/N gave him a small smile.
Regulus rolled his eyes at Y/N. She looked like a girly girl. And he hated those kinds of girls. His cousins Narcissa and Andromeda were like that, and it wasn't fun. The two older girls would always drag him and his brother into whatever they pleased. And it annoyed Regulus more than it annoyed Sirius.
“Go on, Regulus,” Walburga urged her youngest son, who scowled.
“Hello, Y/N. I'm very pleased to meet you,” Regulus said, his tone annoyed.
“Pleased to meet you, Regulus.” Y/N curtsied. Regulus walked back to Sirius, only to be stopped by his mother. “Ah, ah, ah!” She urged her son, pushing him to kiss Y/N's hand.
Y/N raised an eyebrow as Regulus' face contorted in disgust. He looks conceited, and Y/N wanted to punch him in the face just because of it. Regulus reluctantly took her hand, scrunching his nose in disgust before kissing her hand as quickly as he could.
“So happy you could come.” Regulus sneered.
“So happy to be here.” Y/N said with a sickening sweet voice, rolling her eyes at the boy. 
“She's a darling, Calliope. Such a fine young lady!” Walburga complimented the little girl with a smile.
“Yes, she is.” Calliope chuckled, beaming at her daughter.
“But don't let that innocent face fool you. She has the famous Rosier temper.” Nicholas laughed.
“Ah yes, the famous Rosier temper.” Orion agreed. “I do believe we all know what that temper is capable of.”
“Ah, so you've been a victim of it?” Calliope asked with a smirk.
“Cygnus' wife, Druella.” Orion laughed. “Let's just say that I couldn't utter a word for a week.”
All the adults burst out laughing, leaving the children confused. Regulus perked up at the mention of his aunt Druella, whom he liked the most because she gave him the most sweets.
“I remember that! Drue was absolutely furious that you called her fat once when she was pregnant with her first.” Walburga snorted, almost forgetting about her manners.
“Mummy, can I go play?” Y/N asked, interrupting the adults' laughter.
Calliope looked down at her daughter. “Why don't you ask Mrs. Black, mon ange?” 
Y/N scowled, much to her father's amusement. She then reluctantly turned to Walburga, with a pleading look in her big, bright eyes—a look her father knew so well.
“Can I please go and play, Mrs. Black?” Y/N asked, her voice sweet and innocent.
Walburga chuckled. “Yes, my dear. After all, the manor will be your home for the summer. Go ahead and play in the garden with Sirius and Regulus while your parents and I catch up.”
“Thank you!” Y/N grinned before running out to the garden.
Sirius chuckled while Regulus groaned. “What a total bummer.” He couldn't believe he was going to be stuck with her all summer long. Regulus was sure she didn't like anything that he and Sirius liked to do, like quidditch or playing in the dirt. She looked so stuck up, and it made Regulus want to run away from her. He'd rather get chicken pox than be in the same room with her.
Walburga cocked an eyebrow at her sons, telling them to go and follow Y/N. Sirius ran outside to the garden with Regulus hot on his heels. The boys spotted Y/N sitting on the grass as she looked up at the starry sky.
“Whatcha lookin' at?” Sirius asked as he sat beside Y/N. 
“What do you think I'm looking at?” Y/N said sarcastically, not batting an eye at the two boys who were beside her.
“Ouch, venomous.” Sirius grinned, scooting closer to Y/N. “You looking at the stars? Looking for me, huh?”
Y/N rolled her eyes at the older boy beside her. Her eyes then landed on Regulus, who had his lips curled into a scowl, as if it were normal.
“What are you scowling at?” Y/N snapped at Regulus.
“Nothing,” Regulus sneered, turning his gaze away from Y/N. He couldn't stand her; just looking at her made him want to vomit. Y/N rolled her eyes, wanting so badly to just run away and never come back.
“Your brother's a git.” Y/N whispered in Sirius' ear.
“He'll grow on you.” Sirius promised with a smirk.
“Regulus looks conceited.”
Regulus' ears perked up at the mention of his name. He was conceited!? How dare she!?
“What did you say?” Regulus snapped, stepping closer to Y/N.
Y/N smirked. “You heard me.” She then turned back to face the stars.
Regulus huffed, his annoyance towards the girl turning into anger. He walked up to the flower beds and scooped up a handful of mud before walking back to Y/N and Sirius.
“Oi, Y/N!” Regulus yelled. As soon as she turned around, Regulus threw the clump of mud at the younger girl.
“My dress!” Y/N shrieked as mud splattered across her face and dress. She tried to wipe it off, but it was of no use. She glared at Regulus, who was smirking. Y/N balled her hands, clenching them into tight fists before storming up to Regulus and punching him square in the nose. Regulus stumbled back as he clutched his bleeding nose.
“You git!” Y/N screamed angrily as she tried to land a punch again. Regulus then pushed Y/N into a nearby bush. “I hate you! I hate you to the moon and back!” Y/N screamed at him, standing up and running back inside the house.
Sirius and Regulus burst out in a fit of giggles. That girl is certainly a spoiled brat.
“Mummy! Mummy! He threw mud at me!” Y/N shrieked as she approached her mother from the Black's back garden. Her dress was covered in mud, her pigtails were dishevelled, and she had twigs and leaves stuck in her hair. “Mummy! Regulus threw mud at me!” Y/N yelled again, tears forming in her big, bright eyes.
Meanwhile, the boy in question was snickering from behind the large oak door.
“The little spoiled princess got what she deserved.” Regulus grinned triumphantly at his older brother, who was trying his best not to burst out laughing at the sight of little Y/N Selwyn, stomping her foot at her mother and father, demanding that they do something about Regulus' behaviour towards her.
This was not her idea of fun.
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hollowed-theory-hall · 5 months
Any HC's or theories on Regulus Black?
Hi! This was a really fun ask actually and I ended up blabbering a lot about Regulus Arcturus Black because I have thoughts.
Okay, so I'm going to do something similar to what I did with Theodore Nott since there isn't a lot of info about Regulus, but there's a lot implied and I love extrapolating. I think Regulus is a fascinating character that can be read in multiple ways (part of the fun!)
It got a bit long, but here are my thoughts about him:
The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black
“Leave?” Sirius smiled bitterly and ran a hand through his long, unkempt hair. “Because I hated the whole lot of them: my parents, with their pure-blood mania, convinced that to be a Black made you practically royal . . . my idiot brother, soft enough to believe them . . . that’s him.” Sirius jabbed a finger at the very bottom of the tree, at the name REGULUS BLACK. A date of death (some fifteen years previously) followed the date of birth. “He was younger than me,” said Sirius, “and a much better son, as I was constantly reminded.” “But he died,” said Harry. “Yeah,” said Sirius. “Stupid idiot . . . he joined the Death Eaters.” [...] “No, no, but believe me, they thought Voldemort had the right idea, they were all for the purification of the Wizarding race, getting rid of Muggle-borns and having purebloods in charge. They weren’t alone either, there were quite a few people, before Voldemort showed his true colors, who thought he had the right idea about things. . . . They got cold feet when they saw what he was prepared to do to get power, though. But I bet my parents thought Regulus was a right little hero for joining up at first.”
(OotP, 112)
So, first, we have some background. Regulus Black was the younger brother of Sirius. Part of the main male line of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black.
What we know of Sirius' childhood is that the Blacks were pure-blood fanatics. From Elladrora who hung house-elf heads on the wall to Araminata who billed the ministry to legalize muggle-hunting. Not to mention the Blacks' tendency to disown and disinherit anyone who doesn't fall in line with their standards of purity. They are, after all, "Always Pure".
So Regulus grew up wealthy in a family that considered themselves magical nobility (and probably are, in that I think they have a family Wizengamot membership). He never lacked anything, but his childhood came with expectations, more so after Sirius left.
I've seen many write Walburga and Orion as abusive, but I don't think they cursed their children. I don't think they were great parents, but I truly believe they never raised a wand (or hand) against one of their sons. What I think they did, was heft some impossible standards on their sons.
Sirius is the eldest, the heir, therefore as children, he would've carried most of these expectations. Sirius would be the one Walburga and Orion dotted after. Kreature says Sirius leaving broke Waburga's heart and I honestly believe it to be true. I think Sirius was Walburga's favorite. The eldest, the brightest, the cleverest, the most handsome. The brightest star in the night sky.
Regulus, as a child, would always come second. He would see his brother cause havoc and get all their parents' attention, so, in his bid to get attention too, he did the opposite of Sirius. If Sirius got attention for being a rebel, Regulus would follow each and every standard their parents put down to the latter. This is something you see in many families, each sibling wants to have their own "niche" so they tend to do the opposite of the sibling that came before them. And that's exactly what we see with Regulus. Sirius was the rebel, so Regulus became the dutiful, obedient perfect pure-blood son his mother wanted to win her affection and differentiate himself from Sirius.
These comparisons between them Sirius mentioned, they probably went both ways. Walburga reminded Sirius of how dutiful and reliable Regulus is and "Why can't you be more like your brother," but Regulus heard the exact same sentence. "Why can't you be as witty/talented as you're brother".
And after Sirius left, I think these comparisons got worse. I think Walburga and Orion talked about Sirius constantly after he left.
I believe Sirius and Regulus were actually close as young children and started growing apart once Sirius started school. Sirius being sorted into Gryffindor was a new point of tension in the home. The constant comparisons they both heard to each other made resentment grow and after Sirius left, Regulus couldn't speak to his parents without hearing "Oh, Sirius would say this" and "Sirius would think that" I think that resentment and bitterness got worse. So, he did what he always did to differentiate himself from Sirius — be the perfect Slytherin pure-blood.
I think this helped his decision to join the Death Eaters. Not the only factor, mind you, I don't think it's Sirius' fault Regulus joined the Death Eaters, it was still Regulus' decision. But I think the situation at home after Sirius left factored into it.
Who was Regulus as a person?
Now I want to talk a little bit more about Regulus' personality before covering his untimely end everyone is familiar with.
It was a pompous little sign, neatly lettered by hand the sort of thing that Percy Weasley might have stuck on his bedroom door. Do Not Enter Without the Express Permission of Regulus Arcturus Black
(DH, 163)
They moved over the threshold together, gazing around. Regulus’s bedroom was slightly smaller than Sirius’s, though it had the same sense of former grandeur. Whereas Sirius had sought to advertise his diffidence from the rest of the family, Regulus had striven to emphasize the opposite. The Slytherin colors of emerald and silver were everywhere, draping the bead, the walls, and the windows. The Black family crest was painstakingly painted over the bed, along with its motto, TOUJOURS PUR. Beneath this was a collection of yellow newspaper cuttings, all stuck together to make a ragged collage. Hermione crossed the room to examine them. “They’re all about Voldemort,” she said. “Regulus seems to have been a fan for a few years before he joined the Death Eaters . . . ” A little puff of dust rose from the bedcovers as she sat down to read the clippings. Harry, meanwhile, had noticed another photograph: a Hogwarts Quidditch team was smiling and waving out of the frame. He moved closer and saw the snakes emblazoned on their chests: Slytherins. Regulus was instantly recognizable as the boy sitting in the middle of the front row: He had the same dark hair and slightly haughty look of his brother, though he was smaller, slighter, and rather less handsome than Sirius had been. “He played Seeker,” said Harry.
(DH, 164)
I believe you can learn a lot about a person from their living space. Regulus' (and Sirius') bedrooms remained unchanged by their parents from the moment they left them. As Regulus died when he was 18 or 19 the room is frozen as it was when it served him. So, what does Regulus' bedroom tell us about him?
Harry refers to the sign on the door as something pompous, and written in a nice handwriting. I believe the sign was put up when Regulus was younger, specifically against Sirius. It's one of these signs children put on their doors specifically against their annoying siblings who steal their stuff or rummage through it. And even after they grew out of it, after Sirius left, Regulus kept the sign up. I think he couldn't really muster to put it away even once Sirius wasn't around to poke into his room anymore.
As I mentioned above, Regulus tried to be the opposite of Sirius and decorated his room accordingly. The most Slytherin pure-blood child of Hosue Black there could be. The Hogwarts memorabilia is some of that perfect Slytherin son image, but it's also really sad. It's a reminder of just how young Regulus was when he died. Sure, he would've probably kept a lot of it as an adult, but it's unlikely he would've displayed Slytherin banners and pictures of the Quidditch team in the same way long after school was over. But Regulus graduated a year before his death, he didn't have time to grow up and grow away from his school experiences. So his room, like him, is stuck at 19.
The Black family crest and motto painted above the bed is another extra mile to show Regulus' dedication to being the perfect son, the perfect child his mother wanted. I headcanon this was painted after Sirus left. A sort of sign to say that Regulus wouldn't leave. That he cares about his family.
Harry also mentioned Regulus was a Seeker on the Slytherin Quidditch team, according to his seating in the photo. It doesn't tell us much more about Regulus, I think it's just more of him trying to please his parents. That and I think he genuinely liked Quidditch, which is a fun little tidbit.
Now, we don't know much about Regulus at school, but I'd say he was a good student. He wasn't as naturally talented and gifted as Sirius, but Regulus knew to work his ass off. The neat handwriting on the door sign is probably his, I bet he had really organized notes in school that everyone wanted to copy. Regulus as the second best to Sirius, would be more of a hard worker than Sirius in general and strive for perfection in his school work out of his desire for attention and recognition from his parents.
Now, let's talk about the newspaper clippings elephant in the room...
Regulus the Death Eater
Sirius said his parents thought Voldemort had the right idea about muggles and muggleborns, and it's clear Regulus agreed with them. Regulus was a Voldemort fanboy before he became a Death Eater, yes, the circumstances he grew up with and his resentment towards Sirius were part of it, but it was a choice he made. He thought it was a good idea, he thought muggles and muggleborns should know their place. I think there are a lot of parallels between Regulus Black and Draco Malfoy, especially when Kreature talks about how Regulus was at first as a Death Eater:
“Master Sirius ran away, good riddance, for he was a bad boy and broke my Mistress’s heart with his lawless ways. But Master Regulus had proper order; he knew what was due to the name of Black and the dignity of his pure blood. For years he talked of the Dark Lord, who was going to bring the wizards out of hiding to rule the Muggles and the Muggle-borns . . . and when he was sixteen years old, Master Regulus joined the Dark Lord. So proud, so proud, so happy to serve . . . And one day, a year after he joined, Master Regulus came down to the kitchen to see Kreacher. Master Regulus always liked Kreacher. And Master Regulus said . . . he said . . . ” The old elf rocked faster than ever. “. . . he said that the Dark Lord required an elf.” […] “Oh yes,” moaned Kreacher. “And Master Regulus had volunteered Kreacher. It was an honor, said Master Regulus, an honor for him and for Kreacher, who must be sure to do whatever the Dark Lord ordered him to do . . . and then to c-come home.” Kreacher rocked still faster, his breath coming in sobs.
(DH, 168-169)
Like Draco, Regulus was proud to be a Death Eater, excited to do something against the "filthy mudbloods" plaguing their society. He considered helping Voldemort an honor. A good thing. Same as how Draco talks about it at first. But like we see with Draco in book 6, that it became too much for him, that he was having mental breakdowns in the toilet with Myrtle, I think Regulus experienced something similar.
He grew up spoiled, well-treated, well-mannered. He wasn't raised a soldier, a killer. I don't think Regulus had it in him, same as Draco. He couldn't bear to torture and kill.
Regulus, Kreature, and Empathy
The other interesting note in the above quotes is "Master Regulus always liked Kreacher". I find this adorable and jarring. We see how Sirius treats Kreature, he doesn't treat him as an equal being, he treats him like a slave, like a house-elf. Sirius does it because that's how he was raised to see house-elves, even the Weasleys think of house-elves in this way. It's a societal thing. But Regulus doesn't.
Regulus is kind to Kreature, and cares about him, likes him. It's kind of insane for a blood-purist Death Eater to show affection for a house-elf, especially the kind of affection in which Regulus chose to die instead of torturing his elf (his choice to die had other factors in it, and I'll get to it later). It's just, I don't know, the dynamic Regulus and Kreature had is really precious to me, okay?
Like, the fact it could happen goes to show how compassionate Regulus was even with his bigoted views and choice to become a Death Eater. Sirius calls Regulus "soft" and I think he is 100% right. Regulus was the "softer" and more empathetic of the two brothers. That softness doesn't mean he didn't think muggles and muggleborns are lesser and chose to become a Death Eater on his own accord. But that empathy is what probably made him uncomfortable among Death Eaters and get cold feet once he saw what was going on inside.
I imagine Kreature and Regulus were friendly for years. Kreature has served the Hosue of Black for a good while, which means he likely raised Regulus and Sirius. I think he helped with Regulus more than with Sirius, just because of how they reacted to him differently. Also, Waburga and Orion probably had less attention to give to Regulus when he was just born as Sirius was still really young then (a year or a year and a half old), so their attention would be more divided and Kreature would help more. I headcanon when Regulus was a young child Kreature would, like, sneak him extra desert and such and a young Sirius would complain he's not getting any.
How do we know what happened to him?
“Was he killed by an Auror?” Harry asked tentatively. “Oh no,” said Sirius. “No, he was murdered by Voldemort. Or on Voldemort’s orders, more likely, I doubt Regulus was ever important enough to be killed by Voldemort in person. From what I found out after he died, he got in so far, then panicked about what he was being asked to do and tried to back out. Well, you don’t just hand in your resignation to Voldemort. It’s a lifetime of service or death.”
(OotP, 112)
Now, what's interesting about this quote is how Sirius found this out. Why would he know that's what happened? Who could he have spoken to that would've known to tell him this?
Voldemort killing traitors is known, and many other characters mention it, but who would know Regulus turned traitor?
Other Death Eaters. Specifically, highly valued Death Eaters that are related to Regulus, like Bellatrix, who happened to be in Azkaban with Sirius.
I believe Sirius "found out" from Bella or other Death Eaters in a neighboring cell who told him that's what happened. I just don't really see any other way he'd come to this conclusion on his own. It's either that or wishful thinking on Sirius' part.
I think the inner circle Death Eaters were told Regulus was killed for treachery but nothing beyond that. I didn't really write about how I think the Dark Mark works, but I think it allows Voldemort to magically know when a Death Eater dies (and a bit more). I don't think he knew how Regulus died, just that he did. But Sirius mentioned he knew Regulus betrayed Voldemort, it means someone had to know. It means Voldemort likely knew Regulus was a traitor and told some of his Death Eaters. The same ones Sirius was in Azkaban with.
Regulus' betrayal and Death
“So what happened when you got back?” Harry asked. “What did Regulus say when you told him what happened?” “Master Regulus was very worried, very worried,” croaked Kreacher. “Master Regulus told Kreacher to stay hidden and not to leave the house. And then . . . it was a little while later . . . Master Regulus came to find Kreacher in his cupboard one night, and Master Regulus was strange, not as he usually was, disturbed in his mind, Kreacher could tell . . . and he asked Kreacher to take him to the cave, the cave where Kreacher had gone with the Dark Lord. . . . “ […] “And he made you drink the poison?” said Harry, disgusted. But Kreacher shook his head and wept. Hermione’s hands leaped to her mouth: She seemed to have understood something. ��M—Master Regulus took from his pocket a locket like the one the Dark Lord had,” said Kreacher, tears pouring down either side of his snoutlike nose. “And he told Kreacher to take it and, when the basin was empty, to switch the lockets . . . ” Kreacher’s sobs came in great rasps now; Harry had to concentrate hard to understand him. “And he order—Kreacher to leave—without him. And he told Kreacher—to go home—and never to tell my Mistress—what he had done—but to destroy— the first locket. And he drank—all the potion—and Kreacher swapped the lockets—and watched . . . as Master Regulus . . . was dragged beneath the water. . . and . . . “
(DH, 171)
To the Dark Lord I know I will be dead long before you read this but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more. R.A.B.
(HBP, 609)
So, there are a few things to talk about here:
1. Why did Regulus choose to betray Voldemort when he did? What changed?
As I mentioned above, I think Regulus was always empathetic, just not towards muggleborns (at least until he saw torture first-hand perhaps?), but he was towards Kreature. That worry over Kreature, that's the first big seed of doubt about Voldemort. Regulus cares a lot about Kreature and he's clearly clever. He's smart enough to realise Voldemort must think Kreature is dead so it'll be better if he didn't see Kreature, hence why he told the elf not to leave the house.
I think seeing Keature in a state after he was in the cave is what really caused the shift in how Regulus thinks about Voldemort. I think there were doubts before, I don't think Regulus was ever on board with being the one to torture and murder, he doesn't strike me like the sort, but as long as he didn't really need to partake and it was only "filthy mudbloods" he could kinda excuse it to himself. And whenever a pure-blood was killed or tortured (the first war killed more pure-bloods than muggleborns) he could excuse that too, "they were against us, after all". But then Kreature was hurt too, it was the final nail for Regulus. That's what he couldn't excuse to himself as "justified" anymore.
So Regulus continues being a Death Eater, but he is suspicious, he doesn't trust Voldemort's goals are what he always promised them, and he is uncertain about the means being justified anymore. He is unsure if he is willing to go as far as Voldemort is. So he watches, and study, and waits for his chance.
And that chance came when he found out about the Horcruxes.
After Regulus finds out about the Horcruxes Kreature describes him as "disturbed in the mind" and "strange", it's clear the something rattled him. A lot.
I think finding out Voldemort made a Horcrux pushed Regulus' betrayal to happen. Like, I think Horcruxes are very taboo magic, even among wizards who practice the dark arts. As I mentioned in the past, you need to essentially kill yourself to make a Horcrux. I think messing with your life and soul is considered perverse and twisted even for dark wizards, and Horcruxes even more so. I mean, I think it's uncomfortable to learn you swore your allegiance to someone who's willing to kill himself to gain immortality. It means that someone would stop at nothing to achieve their wishes.
And Regulus is already disenchanted with how far Voldemort is willing to go for goals he isn't even certain of anymore, and then he discovers the Horcrux. A magical item that says that as far as Voldemort went with the war, he could go further, because he is a man who'd stop at nothing, not even self-mutilation is too high a tool for him. That is frightening. Following the orders of someone like that, someone who doesn't care for you and is never going to say "maybe this is too far" is terrifying. The idea of someone like that ruling a government is even worse... no wonder Regulus turned traitor the moment he learned about the Horcrux...
So I think finding out about the Horcrux is why Regulus decided to turn on Voldemort and destroy the Horcrux.
As you can tell, his opinions on muggles or muggleborns aren't the main factor I believe changed Regulus' mind. The means, and how far Voldemort was willing to go is what mostly caused the change of heart. I think Regulus had too much heart for it, even if he thought muggles and muggleborns lesser, he took no sadistic joy in others' pain the way some Death Eaters do. And seeing pure-bloods like him could be hurt in the same way (the Order were mostly pure-bloods), I think was especially abhorrent to him.
2. Why did Regulus choose death?
Regulus chose to drink the potion because he wanted to spare Kreature. This is the same kindness and empathy that I've already discussed, but he could've ordered Kreature to take him back home, nothing stopped him from doing that... and Kreature would've, happily so. So why didn't he?
In the letter Regulus outright said he'd be dead by the time Voldemort reads it, he went into the cave with the full intention to die, he never planned to leave. Kinda like how Harry walked into the forest in Deathley Hallows... but why? Why did he choose death?
I think Regulus chose to die because he knew he wouldn't be able to hid his treachery from Voldemort. I mentioned already I believe Voldemort told his inner circle Death Eaters that Regulus turned traitor and died for it. Voldemort knowing Regulus is a traitor makes Regulus' decision to die make more sense.
The phrase "I want you to know it was I", makes me think Voldemort suspected someone had learned of his Horcruxes but didn't know who. Maybe Voldemort suspected there was a traitor who knew about the Horcruxes, and after Regulus died Voldemort investigated after the fact and figured it was Regulus that turned traitor. Maybe he even checked on the cave and saw Regulus was dead there, so he didn't bother to check on the Horcrux. I don't think he would've expected Kreature to have been there too, otherwise, he'd see no reason for Regulus to be dead. Because for Voldemort, it wouldn't make sense to allow yourself to die like that, he wouldn't really understand why anyone would choose to die if they had the choice.
So Regulus even kept the secret of the Horcrux being taken at all by his death.
Additionally, Regulus chose to die and take out the Horcrux while doing it to avoid being tortured and killed by Voldemort and the Death Eaters. By dying, he also protected his family from being hunted down to try and locate him. He died to protect himself and everyone he cared about from the treatment of Death Eater traitors. Which we know is not pleasant...
3. How did Regulus find out about the Horcruxes?
This is something I'm less sure of and is foraying into heavier speculation. The only hint we really get is: "I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret" from his letter, but what exactly does this mean?
Well, Kreature told Regulus everything he saw. He told him a locket was placed in a cave filled with magical protections. Kreature's information about the locket is probably how Regulus made/bought the replica. But how from "well protected magical item" Regulus reached the conclusion that it's a Horcrux? How did he discover the secret?
I don't know how he was discovered, as for the Horcrux, I have a guess.
Regulus said he discovered the secret, I think what he did was piecing the puzzle together not unlike Dumbledore. He knew from Kreature that Voldemort had an item he guards very securely, he might've heard from Bellatrix that Voldemort is immortal since I'm pretty confident she was told what the cup in her vault is. And I think Regulus, as a member of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, and a clever enough dark wizard, could trace a book about Horcruxes and figure out that's likely what the locket is.
Some random headcanons
1. I think Regulus could be just as much of a little shit as Sirius. I mean, there's a certain edge to how he words his note. I like to think, that when they were young, before Hogwarts, they'd pull pranks together in balls or other stuffy functions and get in trouble together.
2. I have little to no basis for this headcanon, but I'd like to think the painting of the Black family crest and motto above Regulus' bed was painted by Rregulus. I mean, he can do nice calligraphy on the sign on his door, I see no reason he couldn't also paint.
3. And finally, to a kinda sad headcanon, Harry actually saw Regulus in the cave:
the wandlight had slid over a fresh patch of water and showed him, this time, a dead man lying faceup inches beneath the surface, his open eyes misted as though with cobwebs, his hair and his robes swirling around him like smoke.
(HBP, 565)
I assume most of the corpses are muggles, and most of them are actually described as worse for wear than the one robe-wearing wizard corpse Harry describes above. For these reasons, I believe this corpse is Regulus. It's a sad thought, but it crossed my mind when I read this passage in my recent HBP reread.
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midnightstargazer · 5 months
Why did Regulus join the Death Eaters?
Note: Regulus is my problematic fave, and I love him. I'm starting with the assumption that he did genuinely support the Death Eaters at first, and was not forced to join. However, I'm also assuming he was a bit more complex than the average Death Eater and had some positive qualities, based on the ways Sirius and Kreacher describe him and the circumstances of his death.
under the cut because it's pretty long
Reasons I don't think fit:
Aside from what I've already mentioned, there are a few other potential motives, seen in other Death Eaters, that I don't think fit Regulus at all:
He was willing to turn against Voldemort, so I don't think he had the sort of deep personal loyalty to him that Bellatrix and Barty Jr. had.
He doesn't come across as especially bloodthirsty or prone to cruelty; Sirius and Kreacher's descriptions both suggest quite the opposite. I'm sure he did unpleasant things as a Death Eater and probably rationalized them as being necessary, but I doubt he joined mainly for an excuse to torture and kill people.
Even beyond not being forced to join, I find it hard to believe that he would have joined out of fear, or out of a pragmatic "he's going to win and I want to be on the winning side" sort of sentiment. I mean, come on, he literally chose to die a horrible death rather than keep working for Voldemort once he had turned against him. He was many things, but not a coward.
With that being said, there are three main factors that I think led him to join the Death Eaters:
Accepting his parents' ideology without question
This is literally the first thing we're told about Regulus. When Sirius mentions him to Harry, here's what he says:
"Because I hated the whole lot of them: my parents, with their pure-blood mania, convinced that to be a Black made you practically royal... my idiot brother, soft enough to believe them..." (OotP, ch. 6)
This is repeated again in Kreacher's description of him:
"Master Sirius ran away, good riddance, for he was a bad boy and broke my Mistress's heart with his lawless ways. But Master Regulus had proper pride; he knew what was due to the name of Black and the dignity of his pure blood." (DH, ch. 10)
In both cases, the two brothers are contrasted, and Regulus's conformity is mentioned in the context of Sirius's rebellion. Orion and Walburga were not Death Eaters, but their views aligned with the Death Eaters' goals, even if they didn't personally get involved in the war. So, by embracing his parents' ideology, Regulus ends up (mostly*) agreeing with the Death Eaters, and by rejecting it, Sirius ends up opposing them.
*I say mostly because, I don't know where Regulus got the idea that Voldemort was going to "bring the wizards out of hiding to rule the Muggles and the Muggle-borns" (DH, ch. 10), but that's not standard Death Eater ideology. The Statute of Secrecy is not something they actually talk about much. Regulus's long-term goals would've probably made him better suited to be a follower of Grindelwald.
An "ends justifies the means" mindset
I said before that I didn't think he was a cruel or bloodthirsty person. This comes mainly from Sirius, who describes him as an "idiot" who "got in so far, then panicked about what he was being asked to do and tried to back out" (OotP, ch. 6). Of course, he doesn't know the whole story, but he does know what sort of person his brother was. They grew up together. Sirius thinks he would've been hesitant about the Death Eaters' more extreme actions, and I see no reason not to take his word for it.
There's also the potion. It's hard to imagine the average Death Eater drinking it themselves, given the option to have a house-elf do it instead. Or an Imperiused Muggle, for that matter. Regulus either didn't consider those options or decided against them.
On the other hand, he knew the Death Eaters were violent terrorists when he joined them. His collage of newspaper clippings showed what sort of things they were doing. It couldn't have come as a surprise; it must have been something he was willing to accept.
So I don't think he enjoyed the Death Eaters' methods, but what I do think, is that he was able to excuse and justify them to himself. Including the stuff he participated in. He believed in their ideology, he thought they were going to change the world for the better, and he was okay with using violence to get there.
Personal ambition/desire to prove himself
When Dumbledore talks about Tom Riddle's school friends who became the first Death Eaters, he describes some of them as "the ambitious seeking some shared glory" (HBP, ch. 17) - this is the same sort of mindset that I think made the Death Eaters so appealing to Regulus.
He was in Slytherin, and I don't think that was a mistake. As courageous and self-sacrificing as his death was, it also shows great cunning and ambition. When he realized he was no longer willing to serve Voldemort, he planned out carefully when and how he was going to defy him to cause the most damage possible. If a few things had gone differently - if Kreacher had been able to destroy the locket and it had been the only Horcrux - then his actions could have made a huge impact on the war. And clearly, he wanted to be remembered, or he wouldn't have left a note.
As a younger sibling, Regulus was likely overshadowed by Sirius during their pre-Hogwarts childhood, and when he became the favorite, it was because Sirius had become too defiant and rebellious. He would likely have felt that he had something to prove, as the spare-turned-heir and the brother of a blood traitor.
He's also compared to Percy, who - despite being a Gryffindor - is one of the most ambitious characters in the series. Specifically, the note that he put on his door is described as something Percy might have done. I think this suggests that Regulus's relationship to Sirius was a bit like Percy's to the Weasleys: not completely devoid of affection, but something he would set aside in favor of his own self-interest and ambition. (of course, Percy eventually reconciles with his siblings, which has interesting implications for AUs where Regulus survives his betrayal of Voldemort, but that's another topic)
I imagine Regulus being desperate to prove himself, to live up to his family's expectations and even achieve more than they thought possible. And I think the Death Eaters in his life (Bellatrix, Lucius, possibly his school friends) could easily have used that desire to persuade him into joining.
He did it voluntarily, and not out of fear or pragmatism.
It also seems unlikely that he felt a strong personal loyalty to Voldemort.
He was taught a similar ideology at home and accepted it without question, while Sirius rejected it - leading them to end up on opposite sides of the war
I don't think he was necessarily thrilled with the Death Eaters' methods, but he was aware of them before joining and was willing to accept them, most likely with an "ends justifies the means" mindset
There are hints in canon that he was ambitious, and he likely felt he had something to prove after Sirius ran away and became a blood traitor.
Just my interpretation, but hopefully it makes sense.
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Regulus Black and Kreacher are such an iconic duo. Just 100% pure self-serving menace.
Kreacher enables Regulus in his tirades I will not take criticism on this.
Just imagining that sure, he’s the head elf for Orion Black,
but he also serves the family, and … well
Master Regulus gives the best tasks.
“Kreacher make Sirius’ food without salt.”
“Kreacher fetch me that set of earrings with the hallucinogenic curse on them, I need to send a gift to that bitch from the Samhain gathering.”
“Kreacher bring me proper wizarding stationary, this monstrosity the school provides is making me ill; I can almost feel my net worth decreasing.”
“Kreacher discipline Sirius for me, he’s being a right twat and is reflecting poorly on me. Maybe vanish his hair until he sits up straight and speaks like the pureblood heir he is.”
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prongsfootfest · 11 months
mansplain, manipulate, malewife
Author: soopsiedaisies 
Word Count: 8,902
Rating: Teen and Up
Warnings/Tags: Sirius Black/James Potter. James Potter, Sirius Black, Walburga Black, Orion Black, Andromeda Black-Tonks, Regulus Black, Nymphadora Tonks, Kreacher (Harry Potter). Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - No Voldemort, anymore, Marauders Era (Harry Potter), Number Twelve Grimmauld Place, Good Black Family (Harry Potter), Black Family Drama (Harry Potter), Attempt at Humor, No Angst, Happy Ending, Established Relationship, Engagement, Alcohol, (having a cheeky gin with your future father-in-law)
Characters: James Potter, Sirius Black, Walburga Black, Orion Black, Andromeda Black Tonks, Regulus Black, Nymphadora Tonks, Kreacher (Harry Potter)
Summary: James is quite certain that the taxidermied house elf heads hanging menacingly from the wall are making faces at him.
He’s not putting that down to mere imagination. Not here. Not if he takes the patterned red hallway rug into the equation, as it’s just hissed at him that he ought to properly wipe his feet before entering a magical residence such as this one.
After a successful proposal, James wishes to be ever-so romantic and ask Sirius’ parents for their blessing and Sirius’ hand. However, Sirius claims he doesn’t want to be sold like cattle by his traditional father—so James, a resourceful wizard when he wants to be, decides to ask Sirius’ mother instead. 
Dramatics like only the Blacks can cause ensue. 
Link to work
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roalinda · 9 months
☆Day 16: A fic that made you laugh☆
mansplain, manipulate, malewife by @soopsiedaisies
Pairing: James Potter/Sirius Black
James is quite certain that the taxidermied house elf heads hanging menacingly from the wall are making faces at him. He’s not putting that down to mere imagination. Not here. Not if he takes the patterned red hallway rug into the equation, as it’s just hissed at him that he ought to properly wipe his feet before entering a magical residence such as this one.
After a successful proposal, James wishes to be ever-so romantic and ask Sirius’ parents for their blessing and Sirius’ hand. However, Sirius claims he doesn’t want to be sold like cattle by his traditional father—so James, a resourceful wizard when he wants to be, decides to ask Sirius’ mother instead. Dramatics like only the Blacks can cause ensue.
Rating: T
Category: M/M
Words: 8, 902
Guys, guys, guys. This is a must read. It is a work with James being a gentleman ( albiet a shrewd diplomatic one ) asking Orion and Walburga for Sirius' hand and let me tell you, even if you don't ship prongsfoot, reading this and the style of humor in it is worth giving it a shot. Also, it contains lots of wonderful HC and beautiful imaginary of 12 Grimmauld Place and the House of Black's unique brand of magic which has surrounded it.
Sirius’ nostrils flare. “We’re going to be dressed in the most traditional robes to ever exist.” 
“I don’t see the issue, love,” James says haltingly. “I mean, my mum’s going to insert herself in everything as well—”
“She might dress me in my father’s wedding robes, James!” Sirius throws out his hand as if this is an atrocity. As if he doesn’t look delicious in traditional robes. As if he isn’t the exact same size as his father was at that age. “Father’s old wedding robes! With the—” he gestures at his waist, “—male corset! Sickeningly velvet navy blue cravat that chokes you! Silver decals! A fancy cane!” 
“Sirius,” says James. “Padfoot. Darling. Yin to my Yang, half of my heart, light of my life. You love fancy canes.” 
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daughterofyourdarklord · 11 months
trick or treat 👻
Delphini lingers at the edge of the kitchen in 12 Grimmauld Place.
She's listening. 
The ringing had been bothering her for weeks now, every time she's back to their home in London she hears it. Almost like something is calling to her, beckoning. 
The ringing grew louder and louder until it was impossible for her to ignore, screaming like a banshee.
It isn't exactly strange. There have been several objects throughout the Black households that Delphini had felt a pull towards. Grandfather often explained that it was likely due to the connection between mother and daughter; that their estates were full of Bella's magic, the sheer force of it imprinted on various objects.
The young witch circles the kitchen, fingers nails tapping along the marble counters as she follows the ringing towards the pantry.
“Kreacher!” The elf appears beside her in a snap, a small broom in hand. 
“Yes, Mistress Delphini?” Kreacher starts with a smile, beady eyes look up at her adoringly. Delphi can hardly drag her gaze away from the small door across the pantry, her magic far too enchanted with whatever rests inside. 
“What have you got in there?” Her voice is high-pitched, curious.
Kreacher hesitates, either unsure what Delphini is asking or just reluctant to answer. 
“Mistress Delphi?”
“Open it.” She demands, arms crossing. “Now.” 
With a snap of the elf’s fingers the door creaks open. Delphini takes one large step forward, peeking into the dark cupboard curiously. There's a large array of rags neatly folded along the floor and a smaller piles of artifacts placed carefully beside it. Delphini falls to her knees, hands quickly reaching to search through the items. 
“Can Kreacher help Miss Delphini find something?” The elf seems nervous, as though she were about to reprimand him for his petty theft. Delphini doesn't answer, ripping through different objects in search of the ringing, of the pull. She tosses aside a pair of her great-Uncle’s cufflinks, a cup of silver branded with the Black family crest, a worn Slytherin tie, then comes the photographs. 
Her Uncle Orion and Grandfather look so alike in their younger days. If there were just a few less years between them they could almost pass for twins. There is a third Black in this picture that Delphini does not recognize, he covers both of their faces jokingly with each flash of the camera.  
Walburga and Lucretia stare up at her, each with an equally menacing glare before slowly glancing at each other and winking. 
She almost doesn’t recognize the Black sister’s at first, having thought the swaying image of her mother looking up at her was actually herself. Delphini pauses, leaning back on her heels to take in the photo with more interest.
Auntie Cissa looks so small, she’s sitting in the lap of the one girl that is unfamiliar to Delphini. She knows who she is, of course, has heard the story in all of the limited words Grandfather can manage. Andromeda is seated in a wooden chair, Narcissa propped and leaning to the side. Bellatrix stands behind them both, her arms draped around each of their shoulders protectively. Every few moments the two smaller sisters jerk and laugh as Bellatrix pinches their shoulders lightly before the three of them erupt into peals of laughter.  
“Look!” Kreacher offers, startling Delphini out of her stupor. “Mistress Bella and her baby!” He sounds genuinely eager as he thrusts another photograph in her hand. 
This photo appears to be in significantly better condition than those prior. It was certainly newer than the rest. Bellatrix leans back in a cushioned chair, clearly in the drawing room at Grimmauld. There is a small bundle in her arms. Delphini’s eyes burn for a moment. Mum is exactly as she remembers her before those awful wizard took her away. In the photo the new mother gives a tired smile to the camera before someone walks into the frame, ruining the photo. 
Delphini hums, rubbing at her eyes before putting all the photos back carefully. 
“Did Auntie know you saved all these spoilt photos, Kreacher?”
“I'm not sure, Miss.” Kreacher answers honestly. 
Delphini sighs, shaking her head lightly. She’d rifled through all the objects Kreacher had tucked into the corner... 
...She can still hear the ringing.  
Delphi turns away from the pile, leaning into Kreacher’s den deeper before glancing around the large boiler taking up the center. 
“Little Miss-” Kreacher starts but she already saw it. A gleam of silver, a small chain tucked away deep behind the base. Delphini doesn't even bother asking what it is. It shoots out from around the ruddy pipes with a snap of her finger, she's still too young to be allowed a wand but magic listens to her all the same. 
Everything goes quiet the minute the face of the jewelry falls into her slender hands. She can't hear the creaking of the pipes nor Kreacher’s nervous tutting, the ringing in her ears so powerful it's almost overwhelming. 
The corners of the pendant are inlaid with small snake heads, their silver bodies making up the framework for the locket, twirling together to create a sturdy clasp. Along the cover rests a beveled ‘S’ her fingers trace the emerald gemstones embedded along it so carefully. The ringing turns to whispering.
Oh, this isn't mother’s magic. Not at all.  
“Kreacher,” Delphini speaks sweetly. “Where did you get this?” 
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wafflinglumos · 22 days
Hermione Granger, Regulus Black, and house elf injustice.
Hermione Granger and Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare, or, S.P.E.W, and the bad execution of it.
Hermione saw house elves as equal, she saw the lack of care in their jobs, the lack of holidays and pay, the lack of care or the house elves, and tried to free them from that, in a rather emotionally charged way and maybe with not the best execution, however, she cared and was a fourteen-fifteen year old girl who saw injustice, who faced the same injustice from the same Wizarding world, and wanted to fix it in the only way that she could that worked.
She cared for their justice, she worked tirelessly to achieve it and for the most part she had eventually achieved. While she may favour some house elves over others do to personal relationships with them we can actively see Hermione’s care for house elf rights as a whole. Made badges, petitions, etc etc. While you could argue it was done poorly, she again was a teenage girl who saw an injustice and wanted to fix it, which with by the time she was Minister, she had.
However, again, she was a terribly flawed activist, lovely idea, very, very poor execution. Her heart was in the right place, sure, and she was much more new to this than Ron, so yes her immediate attempts at helping them were in the right, but the execution was rather terrible. We do get to see her eventually go at in a better way. Still good idea, bad execution.
Regulus Black and superiority.
Regulus didn’t care for house elves as a whole, or at the very least, we have no evidence to support that, we have in fact, the exact opposite. Regulus supported Voldemort on a much deeper level compared to his parents, his parents got cold feet, and Regulus continued to support him, had a shrine of him, worshipped him if anything. He thoroughly believed in Voldemort’s beliefs, as did his parents. Regulus Arcturus Black was a Death Eater.
He was also however a Black, first and foremost, which is what I think is most likely what drove to his betrayal. Voldemort had wounded Kreacher and left him for dead, Kreacher would technically be “property” of the house of Black, so Voldemort hurting something so brutally that Regulus deemed as his probably was the driving force that drove to his betrayal. Regulus still had those pureblood beliefs, realistically speaking, so it wasn’t because he suddenly started thinking muggleborns were equal or that muggles should even exist.
He still loved his mother if that’s anything to go by, as Regulus was ordered not to tell as to not harm his family, it’s not specified if Orion was included as he died the same year as Regulus but it’s not stated if it was before or after, and Sirius had been disowned and was an order member so it also did not include him. This also furthers pushes Regulus’ still belief in Voldemort’s belief but no longer his cause.
Muggleborn vs Pureblood.
Hermione’s care for house elves as a whole versus Regulus’ care for only Kreacher, can be pinned down to various things in their characters, but I’m going to point out the major one. Hermione is a muggleborn, and Regulus was a wealthy pureblood. Hermione knew of the scrutiny in the wizarding world, but Regulus had participated in it.
Regulus wouldn’t have loved SPEW, maybe wouldn’t have hated it but surely wouldn’t have loved it, definitely wouldn’t have cared for Hermione.
Hermione cared about house elves and justice, and Regulus cared for his family. That is what makes their relationship with house elves different.
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lulublack90 · 11 days
Prompt 8 - Patronus
@wolfstarmicrofic September 8, word count 730
Previous part First Wolfstar part
“Sirius!” His father repeated. His book was left discarded on the floor as he leapt from his seat and wrapped his arms around his shocked son. Sirius bristled for a second before he relaxed a bit. Orion’s wand was on the side table and Sirius’s was in his hand. 
“Erm, hi,” Sirius squirmed uncomfortably. This was not going the way he’d thought it would. 
“Come, sit, sit!” Orion let him go and waved him towards the only other chair in the room. “Rorbey!” He bellowed, and the little elf appeared at once. 
“Yes, Master Orion,” He squeaked, bowing low. “Bring tea and cake, Sirius is home!” The broad smile on Orion’s face unnerved Sirius. He’d expected a fight of some sort or at least terse words, but Orion seemed over the moon to see him. Sirius had to school his face into neutrality when his thoughts almost made him snort. Rorbey popped back into the room, laden with a heavy tray. He quickly levitated it onto a table and then disappeared again. Orion made a show of pouring the tea just how Sirius liked it and handed the delicate china teacup and saucer over to Sirius. Sirius took it and awkwardly held it while Orion fixed his own. 
“I got your note,” Orion said more calmly, sipping from his cup. “Is Regulus? Is he really alive?” Orion swallowed his eyes raw with emotion. 
“Yes, he’s safe, he’s with me, hidden,” Sirius didn’t want to give anything away. Orion's teacup rattled on the saucer as his hands shook. He put it down and then wiped his eyes with a napkin. 
“I thought both of you were lost,” He admitted quietly. “There were rumours that you had disappeared along with your friend, I forget his name and so soon after Regulus’s death. Your Mother didn’t believe you were dead for a second but, but I wasn’t so sure. There was nothing, not even a whisper of you, and then I heard your scoff in Grimmauld and I knew for sure you were alive.” His eyes were waterier than usual and Sirius had to think carefully before he spoke. 
“I heard what you said about me and what she said. You didn’t seem to think I was dead then,” He narrowed his eyes. The stories didn’t add up. Orion sighed. 
“I had been to Gringotts earlier that day and the Goblins checked the inheritance line while I was there and your name was still showing as the heir. If you’d been dead, it wouldn’t have shown up.”
“I thought Reggie was the heir,” Sirius screwed up his face. The story was getting stranger and stranger. Orion shifted in his chair. 
“Ah, well, yes, I never did get around to doing what your mother asked me to do in regard to the line of succession.” He shrugged. Sirius’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. 
“Wait, what?! I’m still the heir?!” All these years, oh, Walburga was going to go spare. 
A sliver-blue wolf hurtled into the room, skidding to a stop in front of Sirius. It was Remus’s patronus. 
“Padfoot, she’s coming! You need to get out now!” Remus’s voice sounded from the wolf’s open mouth. 
“Quickly, have any of the death eaters got a new spring in their step since the incident at Lestrange Castle?” Sirius questioned his father urgently. Orion’s brow furrowed. “Please,” Sirius begged. “It’s vital. Please,” Orion nodded. His brow furrowed further as he thought. 
“The Crouch kid. The one that was friends with Regulus. Lucius’s nose is out of joint over it as he’s only young and apparently hasn’t earned the right to be as close to the Dark Lord as he is,” Orion was on his feet again and hugged Sirius close. “Call Rorbey if you need to contact me. He’s a good elf and won’t tell your mother,” Orion told him. “Be safe, I love you, tell Regulus the same,” Orion squeezed Sirius one more time. “Rorbey!” He called, and the elf came running. “Take Sirius wherever he wants immediately.”
“Orion!” Walburga called from down the hall. Sirius flinched at his mother's voice. 
“Go,” Orion urged him. Sirius was suddenly overcome with emotion and pulled his father back in for a hug. 
“I love you too,” He held out a hand and Rorbey whisked them away just as the handle on the Trophy Room door turned. 
Next part
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Day 41: Written Apr 29, 2024
Part 24
CW: Canon typical treatment of house elves, extremely vague depictions of emotional child neglect
He stood silently in the doorway for a few moments before his mother glanced up and noticed him. She stood so sharply, the delicate dishes on the table shook. 
“Regulus!” Snapped Walburga sharply. “Where have you been? We were expecting you at the Yule functions.”
“Our Lord gave me a mission, Mother. I apologise for the inconvenience.” Said Regulus as genuinely as he could. Walburga was not satisfied. 
“And what exactly did the Dark Lord command you do that took a week with no mention to your parents?”
“I am afraid I do not have permission to reveal any information on the task I was given.” Walburga was red with anger. She despised that Regulus was permitted into the Dark Lord’s inner circle when neither she, nor her husband had ever been allowed to take the mark. Deep down, it was gratifying to Regulus to know that his parents did not have something they wanted so badly. Or, at least, Walburga wanted badly. He was not sure why she was so interested in a wizard with no connection to the Sacred 28. His guess was she wanted the influence and it angered her that even with her pure and noble bloodline, she was denied a place in an organisation so important in Wizarding society these days.
“Of course, Son.” Said Orion. “Sit down. Kreacher!” He called and Kreacher appeared. “Get Regulus a plate.”
“Yes, Master.”
“Useless elf. Can not even be bothered to know who is in the house.” Kreacher stopped on his way to the kitchens. “Go!” Walburga shouted.
“Yes, Mistress. Kreacher is sorry, Mistress.”
The next morning, Regulus apparatus to a large stretch of moorland to the west. He burned a small patch of the long grass to clear a space and tossed the locket on the ground. 
Every spell. Every destructive, damaging, cleansing spell he could think of and the locket was completely fine. 
beginning | previous | next
thoughts/rambles under the cut
I have no idea if there was a specific time of the year regulus is supposed to have died, but I guess its the winter holidays now.
i'm starting to get annoyed about not being able to figure out replies on this damn platform!! just know if you comment or say anything on a reblog i am trying to respond😭 and Thank you! I appreciate you!!
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for example: these people are the best in the entire world ⬇️⬇️
@zn0v1a @accuratewhereabouts @dovewings369 @transwolfstar
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chaoticrebels · 4 months
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NAME : Regulus Arcturus Black NICKNAME : Reg, Reggie, RAB AGE : 17 - 18 BIRTH DATE : June 25, 1961 GENDER : Male ORIENTATION : Biromantic, Demisexual LOCATION : Grimmauld Place, London, England, Great Britain, Hogwarts PROFESSION : Student, Professional Quidditch Player BLOOD STATUS : Pureblood SPECIES : Human ❪ Wizard ❫ HOUSE : Slytherin WAND : 12.5″, Cypress, Phoenix Feather PATRONUS : Fox HEIGHT : 5'10" WEIGHT : 154 lbs HAIR : Black, Dark Brunette EYES : Blue-Green TATTOOS : None PIERCINGS : None SCARS : Dark Mark FACE CLAIM : Timothée Chalamet
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Regulus was born in 1961 into the wealthy, pureblooded Black family, as the youngest son of Orion and Walburga Black and younger brother of Sirius Black. Regulus's parents considered him to be much different from his older brother Sirius Black. Although Sirius was the older son and heir, he didn't in any way whatsoever follow the Black family traditions, unlike Regulus. Their parents disapproved of this, and Sirius was later sorted into Gryffindor house when he attended Hogwarts, causing an even bigger strain on his relationship with the rest of the family. Following this, Sirius left home at the age of sixteen and was subsequently disowned and burned from the family tapestry by his parents. Regulus, on the other hand, was admired by his parents for his loyalty towards his family and upholding their traditions. And unlike Sirius, Regulus was sorted into Slytherin and became seeker of his house Quidditch team. He attended Hogwarts from about 1972 to 1979.
From a young age, Regulus admired Lord Voldemort and had an ambition to become a Death Eater later on in his life. Regulus had photos and articles about the Dark Lord and his followers cut from the Daily Prophet, which were hung in his bedroom near a painting of his family crest. Regulus received his Dark Mark around the age of sixteen, which his family approved of as Voldemort was seen as striving to achieve pureblood supremacy over other wizards and Muggles. Even though his parents were never Death Eaters themselves, they agreed with many of Lord Voldemort's own beliefs.
By 1979, Regulus had begun to have doubts about serving as a Death Eater, but was reluctant to act against the Death Eaters and Voldemort. One day, Voldemort asked Regulus for the use of his house-elf, Kreacher and Regulus eagerly accepted as he wanted to please his master. Voldemort used Kreacher to test the defenses around his locket Horcrux, leaving him to die afterwards. Kreacher was able to escape using house-elf magic and told Regulus of what had happened. Regulus worked out that the locket was a Horcrux and was the reason behind Voldemort's immortality.
This was the deciding factor in Regulus's defection. He created a duplicate of the locket and placed a note inside for Voldemort to find, expecting him to check on the Horcrux in the future, and then ordered Kreacher to take him to where the real locket was hidden. Kreacher guided Regulus past the cave's defenses. At the island with the basin of potion containing the locket, Regulus ordered Kreacher to take the locket once the potion was gone and replace it with the fake one, then escape without him and find a way to destroy the Horcrux. Regulus drank the potion himself, and when he tried to get water from the lake to quench his thirst, he was dragged to his death by the Inferi. Kreacher obeyed his master's final order and switched the lockets before escaping. However he was unable to destroy the Horcrux.
Orion Black - Father † Walburga Black - Mother † Sirius Black - Older brother † Lucretia Prewett (née Black) - Paternal aunt † Alphard Black - Maternal uncle † Cygnus Black III - Maternal uncle † Ignatius Prewett - Paternal uncle by marriage Druella Black (née Rosier) - Maternal aunt by marriage Bellatrix Lestrange (née Black) - Maternal first cousin † Andromeda Tonks (née Black) - Maternal first cousin Narcissa Malfoy (née Black) - Maternal first cousin Draco Malfoy - Maternal second cousin Rodolphus Lestrange - Maternal first cousin-in-law Ted Tonks - Maternal first cousin-in-law † Lucius Malfoy - Maternal first cousin-in-law Arcturus Black III - Paternal grandfather † Melania Black (née Macmillan) - Paternal grandmother Pollux Black - Maternal grandfather † Irma Black (née Crabbe) - Maternal grandmother † House of Black (paternal/maternal family)
Nyxia Kalea Atreides-Nightstar - Best Friend / In Love With Rosalie Leonie Rosier - Frenemies / Crush Pandora Lovegood - Best Friend Bartemius Crouch Jr - Best Friend Evan Rosier - Best Friend Caius Avery - Friend Balfour Greengrass - Friend Icarus Nott - Friend Enoch Wilkes - Friend
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randomfanner · 9 months
Get To Know Your Tav
I found this from @piipaw blog and I wanted to do it too for Anya (and maybe Orion and Calax).
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Anya Drakencoat | High-Half Elf | College of Lore Bard | She/Her | Age: Mid to Late-Twenties
What is your Tav’s…
Favorite Weapon: Sorrow - It is a weapon she can use with long reach and also sorrowful lash is a go to bonus action because Shadowheart heals.
Style of Combat: Anya tends to stay back and use ranged spells like scorching ray and also a good amount of buffing.
Most Prized Possession: Her 'Cloak of Many Pockets' - it is like a safety blanket she always has on when adventuring and it carries all of her poems !
Deepest Desire: Friends who aren't going to leave her.
Guilty Pleasure: Anya has found, after the encounter with Abdirak in the Goblin Camp, she is a masochistic. So pain, apparently.
Best-Kept Secret: Anya doesn't actually have any friends. She has co-workers, she had friends, but she has no friends at the start of the game. She is trying to fix that though!... doesn't stay fixed for long it feels though.
Greatest Strength: Very friendly to basically everyone and is always willing to help those in need!
Fatal Flaw: You can do anything to this girl and she will just accept it and forgive you. She will get extremely angry if you are mean to someone else but transfer that behavior to her and she becomes a doormat.
Favorite Smell: The Sea Breeze, not only is it the scent of Baldur's Gate and Home, it is also what her uncle uses to scent himself.
Favorite Spell or Cantrip: Scorching Ray - Pewpewpewpewpewpew Speak with Animals - Anya has found speaking with animals is a great way to get information and always makes sure to greet the day by casting it Enhance Ability - Who wants like +20 to persuasion with advantage? Anya does. Enhance ability makes it happen. (Guidance can be included in this)
Pet Peeve: Anya will fist fight you if you are rude to wait staff at a restaurant. (also lip smacking well eating gets on her nerves a bit)
Bad Habit: Biggest bad habit? Putting others before herself. Minor bad habits? Biting her nails most certainly is one of them.
Hidden Talent: Anya has a deep knowledge of the arcane, she could even rival some wizards with the knowledge she has horded up there.
Leisure Activity: Poetry, it is also how she gets her spells but she just really enjoys doing it.
Favorite Drink: Hot drinks: Coffee. Cold drinks: Apple Juice
Comfort Food: Strawberry Shortcake - there is a bakery in the upper city and the owner, a nice old halfling lady, is rather fond of Anya so every time Anya gets back from a job, she will get a free slice!
Favorite Person: Gale! From the moment he popped out of the portal Anya got excited because she had heard of the Wizard of Waterdeep and oh gods, he is right here! She has so many questions for him and wants to get to know more about him. And when she does well... he certainly isn't what she expected in the best ways. Shadowheart is someone who accidentally gets saddled with Anya because she was nice to her, keeps her from not dying and now has a golden retriever as a human following her around. Anya wants to get to know her but does stay her hand because she doesn't want to be too annoying or pushy.
Favored Display of Affection (platonic and/or romantic): Platonically be warned, Anya is a hugger. She will open her arms and offer a hug quite often when things are getting distressing and will 100% cuddle with Karlach after she gets her heart fixed. Romantically - hugging, kissing, cuddling, most physical affection like that. However she also writes poem and will just slide them over.
Fondest Childhood Memory: Playing and sharing food with her old friend in Bloomburg Park. Anya would like to see him again.
@bg3-stole-my-soul Now you gotta do it.
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