#Oncology videos
eremedium · 1 month
The Importance of Oncology Videos in Patient Education and Support
Importance of Oncology Videos in Patient Education
In the rapidly evolving field of oncology, where treatments and technologies are constantly advancing, patient education and support are more crucial than ever. Oncology videos have emerged as a powerful tool to bridge the gap between complex medical information and patient understanding. These videos play a vital role in empowering patients, caregivers, and even healthcare professionals by providing accessible, accurate, and engaging content on various aspects of cancer care.
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Empowering Patients with Knowledge
Cancer diagnoses can be overwhelming, leaving patients and their families with many questions and concerns. Oncology videos help demystify the disease by breaking down complex medical terms and procedures into easily digestible content. They provide visual explanations of cancer types, treatment options, side effects, and preventive measures, helping patients make informed decisions about their health.
Supporting Healthcare Providers
Healthcare providers are also beneficiaries of oncology videos. These resources can be used to complement face-to-face consultations, ensuring that patients retain the information discussed during appointments. Additionally, oncology videos can standardize the delivery of information, ensuring that all patients receive consistent and accurate guidance, regardless of their location or the healthcare provider they consult.
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Facilitating Continuous Learning for Healthcare Professionals
Oncology is a field that is continually evolving with new research findings, treatments, and protocols. Videos serve as an excellent resource for healthcare professionals to stay updated with the latest advancements in oncology. These videos can be part of continuous medical education programs, ensuring that oncologists, nurses, and other healthcare workers are equipped with the most current knowledge and best practices in cancer care.
Oncology videos are an invaluable tool in the modern healthcare landscape. By providing clear, accessible, and accurate information, these videos help to demystify cancer treatment and support patients throughout their journey. At ERemedium, we are committed to creating high-quality oncology videos that enhance patient education, empower individuals, and support healthcare providers in delivering the best possible care.
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panimoonchild · 4 months
To overcome cancer
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It's not even the full cost, so please help this beautiful man inside and out. And you can understand that the ongoing war also cause many diseases. Is there limit of pain for Ukrainians?
And some of his songs. It's a shame if you don't know about this Ukrainian band. Especially if you are from Ukraine.
The mv is about Holodomor. I think it's clear but I must remind to foreigners.
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diginerve · 3 months
Pediatric Hematology-Oncology: Advances in Childhood Cancer Treatment
With time, many recent advances and developments have been made in Pediatric Hematology and oncology. Students often are short of time to track such recent findings, which can prevent them from becoming the best medical professionals. 
If we look at this branch of MD, we can see that many new ways of treating cancer have entered the field. All of these help children battle cancer easily. To make you aware of such recent developments, we are writing this blog post. 
Therefore, as a postgraduate, you must be aware of what is currently happening in the field of Pediatric Oncology. 
Latest advances in treating childhood cancer treatment
Over the last few decades, there have been many advances made in the field of Pediatrics and Hematology, which are discussed below:
CAR T Cell Therapy:
If you want to know about how to prevent childhood cancer with the newest and most personalized treatment, then CAR T Cell Therapy has all your answers. This Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T Cell Therapy is for kids who get leukemia back even after treatment. 
Radiation therapy:
Although Radiation therapy is another childhood cancer treatment, yet again, it is the talk of the town because newer and more precise ways of delivering radiation are being developed. In this therapy, cancer cells are destroyed with the help of high-energy X-rays, protons, and photons. It includes both external and internal radiation therapy. 
Precision medicine: 
The scope of treating childhood cancer goes beyond the universally applicable treatments mentioned above. In this approach, genetic analysis can find out the mutations causing a child’s cancer, which allows doctors to customize their treatment, which gives fewer side effects than chemotherapy.
Liquid biopsy: 
Another type of development made in childhood cancer treatment is Liquid biopsy. This minimally invasive technique allows doctors to quickly identify a kid's cancer cells. They do this by analyzing tumor DNA found in their blood. This can help them to give better treatment to the children when the cancer relapses again. 
By reading these discoveries, we can see that children can overcome cancer and come back to living healthier and happier lives than they used to live earlier. 
The following section is designed for postgraduate students who want to learn more about this field. 
Pediatrics MD— Course
This Pediatrics MD course at DigiNerve, designed by Dr. Piyush Gupta, helps students get all the latest and resourceful information they can't get elsewhere due to their time shortage. 
By enrolling in this MD in Pediatrics, students can get a range of benefits such as:
Online video lectures: The course includes 170+ hours of pediatrics video lectures.
Self-assessment questions: If you want to practice yourself and know where you stand, then you can try 1490+ MCQ questions outlined in the course.
Engagement activities: There are a range of activities, such as chat shows, journal clubs, and recent updates on the field.
AI chatbot: Dr. Wise (AI chatbot) can help you clarify all your theoretical and practical concepts.
So, if you want to stay updated with the latest information and advances in Pediatric Oncology, buy this course now!
Staying informed with the help of resources like this MD course led by qualified professionals like Dr. Piyush Gupta, you can pave the way towards becoming a medical professional and assist in creating a better and healthier future for children.
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it-was-summer · 1 month
Video Killed the Radio Star - Tape #3 (Spencer Reid x Fem!reader)
A/N: I am exhausted this weekend so if at some point you feel like the writing shows that DON'T BE ALARMED. It is simply just me fighting back the urge to go to bed. The chapter does contain a good amount of sexual assault and violence so please, please, please be mindful of that while reading. I love all the comments here and Ao3, they make my day! I have also been noticing a lot of love towards the original of this series and I appreciate everyone for taking their time to read the remake! Please know that as of right now this thing IS NOT PROOFREAD I JUST NEED TO GET IT OUT! Stay safe, healthy, and happy! -Love, Em.
Video Killed the Radio Star Remake Masterlist
Link to the Ao3: Video Killed the Radio Star
Previous Chapter: Tape #2 > Next Chapter: Tape #4
WARNING: Cancer mentioned, sexual assault, blood, knife, cutting, mentions of death, death threats. Remember that you are not alone.
Tape Contents: Spencer and Derek are sent to discuss your abduction with Adeline. You fight back a sexual and physical attack from Heather. Heather reveals her plans for what will happen if anyone finds you.
Word Count: 4,029
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March 5, 20XX
Spencer wasn’t too fond of hospitals, but he was fond of children. He interacted with them, loving that he could see how they processed information–new and old—every day. He loved Henry to bits, the way the kid was so willing to listen to Spencer’s ramblings or the way he was so amazed at a magic trick Spencer was doing. 
Sick kids were a tragically different story, not that he didn’t like them. He always felt like… well, he was having a hard time conceptualizing it as he weaved through the crowded lobby. The pediatrics oncology unit was too packed for his liking. Statistically, he knew that one in two hundred eighty-five children could be diagnosed with some form of cancer before they hit twenty. That didn’t mean he had to like weaving through a small crowd of parents, doctors, and nurses on the way to room two hundred thirty with Morgan. There it was –the words for that feeling– watching someone younger than himself not being able to experience life at thirty. 
After finding the friendship keychain, Hotch decided that Reid and Morgan should find your alleged ride-or-die, Adeline Smith. Meanwhile, Hotch and Prentiss would drive to Norfolk to talk to your mother. Rossi and JJ were handling some information with the police, so they were all paired away. 
Derek and he slipped into the hospital room that housed Adeline and her daughter, Nicole. His chest tightened involuntarily at the sight of a mother stroking her daughter’s head, a smile on both of their faces. Derek was quick to speak, “Excuse me,” The mother and daughter jumped at the noise, and their eyes snapped to the hospital room door. “I’m Special Agent Derek Morgan, and this is Doctor Spencer Reid. We just have some questions.” His hands dug into his jacket pocket to pull out the badge, muscle memory for both.
Adeline’s hand fell from her daughter's hairless head to her shoulder, her fingers giving it a light squeeze. “Questions regarding?” She asked with a curious expression as she stood up, a skeptical look in her eyes. 
Spencer’s eyes met Nicole’s for a second, a small smile rising to his lips, and she gave him a nervous smile right back. He moved his gaze over to Adeline, who was now standing with her arms folded across her chest as she waited for the two men to answer her question. Derek looked over his shoulder at Spencer, then back at Adeline. He gently motioned for her to follow him to a slightly more private area to talk to her, the two moving to a corner of the room near the bathroom.
“Were you aware that Y/N L/N was being stalked?” Derek’s voice was calm as Spencer approached Nicole’s bedside chair and sat in it awkwardly. 
Spencer motioned towards the girl’s stuffed animal, a bright orange cat that sat in between her legs. “I love cats,” he said in a soft voice. 
Nicole beamed at him, grabbed the stuffed cat, and happily petted the top of its head: “Me too! This is Bee.” 
“Bee? Do you like Bees?” 
Adeline’s eyes strayed to Spencer's conversation with her daughter, and she nodded a little at Derek’s question: “We talked about it. She went to the police.” She said, a little numbly, before her head suddenly snapped towards him. “Why?” 
“She was taken from her apartment on March third. She recorded videos for the police to send to us, the Behavioral Analysis Unit, to help find her.” Derek explained gently as he watched Adeline’s face go pale. 
Adeline grabbed her clothed chest and searched for a breath, her eyes wild as she looked at Derek’s face. Her eyes began searching for some hint in his face that he was lying, but she found none. She couldn’t stop the tears that were filling her waterline, and she turned her body away from her daughter and Spencer in a desperate attempt to hide her tears from her daughter. Her knees felt weak as she tried to breathe. 
Spencer glanced back at Adeline and Derek, scooting a little to obstruct Nicole’s field of vision. He didn’t want the young girl to see her mother cry. Nicole shook her head slightly at his question, “No, not really. Auntie Y/N got her for me, and she loves bees.” She laughed softly, her words making Spencer’s heart melt a little. 
“Is Bee your favorite?” 
The girl covered the cat’s plush ears and smiled like she had a secret. “No, but she is my second favorite.” Her fingers scratched the stuffed animal’s ears gently. “Mr. Business is my first,” she whispered to him. 
“Ah, and where is Mr. Business?” His eyes searched her hospital bed, and then he spotted a stuffed cat, a tuxedo cat. He grinned a little, and he motioned to the stuffed animal with his eyes, “Mr. Business is a very fitting name, I think,” 
Adeline held out a hand for some space from Derek, and the hand clutching her chest came up to her mouth as she tried to keep from vomiting all over him. She had been stuck in this hospital when you had called her that first night. Having always loved talking to you, she answered enthusiastically. Still, the more she listened to the situation, the more she realized she didn’t have the emotional strength to comfort you the way you needed. And she said that to you. She said that to you. She couldn’t help you then, and she couldn’t help you now. She couldn’t even help her own daughter. 
A sob rose in her throat, and she shook her head rapidly. “No, no, no, we talked on that day. Th-That night,” She recounted softly to Derek through her tears. 
“What did you talk about?” Derek whispered the question softly as his eyes searched the room for some tissues, but his search was futile. He places a gentle hand on Adeline’s shoulder instead. 
“We talked about college; she wanted her mind off of things, so we talked about our apartment when we were in grad school. It’s been two days! What have you been doing for two days while my best friend went missing?” Her cheeks were red, her fingers pointing accusingly at him before she sobbed softly, and her hand was moving back up to wrap around her mouth to muffle the sound. 
“She didn’t show up to work on March fifth. That's when she was reported missing. We’re doing everything we can. What time did the two of you talk?” 
“W-we talked around nine, maybe nine-thirty?” She whispered back softly before she started to breathe heavily again. “Why didn’t I call? I should have called again. It was getting so late, and she had locked all the doors, and I thought she was just being anxious. I should have called her again. I should have left the hospital to visit her.” Her mind was spiraling, the neverending rabbit hole that showed her all the ways she could have saved her best friend, unhinged its proverbial jaw and swallowed her whole, ready to digest.  
Morgan wasn’t necessarily new to the information, as Penelope had already told him about your call logs from that evening, but he always liked to hear it be confirmed. It also helped him place an estimate of the time of your abduction. “Could you tell me about anyone, anyone at all, that might have been a little too into Y/N? Any ex-boyfriends that refused to leave her alone? Did she break up with anyone around Christmas?” 
“No, she hasn’t dated anyone for almost a year.” Adeline sighed thickly and shook her head as she tried to calm down. “No, all her ex-boyfriends, they were always so mousy. ” She sighed, “And they always look alike,” she paused and gave a soft, sad chuckle, motioning over to where Spencer was as he continued to entertain her daughter. “Well, they all look like your Doctor friend, if I’m being honest. She’s always been too nice for her own good, even in college.”
Spencer tried to talk over the sobs that could be heard from the corner of the hospital room, clearing his throat or laughing as Nicole stumbled through a story. “She’s a loud crier,” Nicole whispered with a gentle pat on Bee’s head. 
Spencer frowned as his efforts failed him, and he looked over his shoulder at Morgan, who was looking at him with a similarly sympathetic look on his face. He was about to say something when Nicole shoved Bee toward him, “You should give this to Auntie Y/N. Mommy said she was sad the other day. Bee always helps.” 
Spencer turned the stuffed animal over in his hands, and he debated telling her the truth, but thankfully, his better judgment decided against it. “It’ll be the first thing I do when I see her,” Spencer promised softly as Nicole smiled wide at him. 
As Derek and he walked out of the hospital, Derek’s eyes stayed on the stuffed orange cat in Spencer’s hands. As they pushed past a small group of people, Spencer found himself almost slamming into a pretty nurse, a gorgeous nurse. Her blue eyes blinked as she shuffled to one side, only to be unintentionally blocked by Spencer once more. She sighed a little and gave him a once over with a frown. Her eyes lingered on the gun holstered against his hip before she gave him a polite smile and said, “Excuse me,” and slipped past the two men with a determined look in her eyes.  
Derek only said something when they got into the parking lot, the two of them walking to the black SUV, “Did you pick one up at the gift shop?” 
Spencer groaned softly, making Derek chuckle as he walked around the car’s front to the passenger seat. “Open the door,” He said bluntly. When they were both inside the car, Spencer carefully placed the stuffed animal in his bag, and Derek chuckled again at the sight, turning the key. 
“You didn’t even buy me one,” 
March 5, 20XX
You were assuming Heather was angry with you. The assumption wasn’t baseless as the hunger in your stomach growled. You were quick to find that the harmony between a full stomach and morphine did matter and that harmony had left you many hours prior. You also were basing the assumption as you had spent what must have been a whole day fighting off tears and nausea. 
The sick part was that you were beginning to get used to how your body got swarmed with heavy, hot, and benevolent warmth. The dull pain in your ankle was silenced under the warmth’s blanket of kindness. It reminded you of a heated blanket in a strange way. 
You had finished the sips of your water before falling asleep and regretting it. You had learned that the bucket off to the side of the dresser was the perfect distance from the bed. Your broken ankle was dragging against the carpet with every movement.  The chain around your good ankle didn’t snag as you sluggishly managed to hold your body up against the wall to pee into the bucket.
Once you were done, you hopped on your good leg and managed to pull your clothes back on. Your body fell face-first onto the bed, eliciting a soft groan from your lips as you found your body reluctant to move from its new home. 
You closed your eyes and fell into the position, letting the bed sink in deeper. Your eyes snapped open with a sense of alertness that you hadn’t felt in hours as you heard the first click of a lock. Your arms weakly managed to push yourself up into a sitting position, pushing yourself back to your former position against the headboard. Your head throbbed at the fast movement, and your vision blurred as you tried to focus on the door. 
When it slowly opened, you sucked in a small breath of air, watching as Heather slid into the room with a tray of food. “Hello, my Catherine.” She sighed as she shoved the keys into her scrub pocket with one balanced hand. “My, my, someone is looking pale today.” She asked as she sat down in the chair off the side of the bed with a gentle, pretty smile. 
You nodded a little. Your lips were numb as you licked them. “What day is it?” Your voice came out quiet and strangled. 
“Monday,” She stated simply as she twisted the top off a bottle of apple juice. She handed it over to your already waiting hands before she carefully lowered the morphine drip’s intake level. You greedily drank the juice without thinking twice, desperate to get something in your stomach. 
You panted lightly as you pulled the half-empty bottle away from your lips, “Th-the date, I mean,” 
“March fifth,” She rolled her eyes as she carefully rearranged a neatly made turkey sandwich on a paper plate, slowly placing the plate on the edge of the bed for you to take. “You moved in here early Saturday morning, don’t you remember?” she laughed out like it was the silliest thing she had ever heard. 
You felt your mouth start to move to correct her, to tell her that you didn’t move in; she had kidnapped you. But as you stared at the turkey sandwich on the edge of the bed, you realized that playing along would be better. Playing along meant more food and less nausea. Playing along meant living longer. “Right,” You said breathlessly as you pulled the paper plate to your lap. “How could I forget?” 
Heather smiled a little as she watched you bite into the sandwich, happy to see you adjusting. You were eating so fast that she was a little worried about your empty stomach. She didn’t want to make feeding you so sporadically a habit. But yesterday, when she came up with a food tray, she thought about your rudeness and how cruel you had been to her. It made her stomach twist into angry knots. She decided that not feeding you for a day would be a lesson.
“I’m so happy our first fight is over. I hate to be angry with you, Catherine.” Heather’s sweet tone wasn’t lost on you as she touched your arm gently. Your chewing slowed for a second before you swallowed, your eyes glued to her hand on your arm. 
“I picked out every gift just for you,” She sighed softly as she traced soft circles against your skin. You fought back the urge to pull your arm away. “You’re a hopeless romantic, you know? You remember in college when you and Adeline dressed up as Lizzie and Jane Bennet. No one got it but god,” She sighed, her eyes finding yours as you stayed frozen. 
The hand on your arm slowly reached for the paper plate on your lap. Your fingers twitched a little as you fought back the urge to grab the food as she placed the plate on the nightstand beside your bed. Everything was happening so fast and yet incredibly slow at the same time.
Then she stood up and crawled onto the bed, swinging one leg over your lap before stranding you with a white smile. Her hands came to cup your face and tilt it up. A soft sigh fell from her lips. “You’ve always been brilliant,” 
You shook your head in her hands lightly. The warmth of the morphine was slow to leave your body, but as your body filled with an intense feeling of dread, you could feel everything. Your ankle throbbed sharply, and you were starting to feel like you were about to be sick again. “I’m not,” 
Heather threw her head back and laughed as if it was the funniest thing she had ever heard. When she lowered her head to meet your gaze again, she leaned closer, one of her thumbs reaching up to trace your bottom lip. You cringed a little at the feeling, a sight that she ignored. “You’ve always been so humble, too. How did I get so lucky?” She whispered as she leaned in to kiss your lips softly. 
You felt your lips tighten and bile rise to your throat, and you swallowed it. You let her kiss you once, then twice, then a third time. Your lips stayed closed in a tight line as you tried to imagine yourself in a different position, but with every touch Heather placed on you, the more you stayed cemented in your reality. 
Heather pulled back with a look in her eyes that you could recognize as crazed lust. You didn’t want to. You didn’t want to know what her hands felt like anymore. You bit your lip to silence a whimper. Her hands pulled roughly at your shirt as she grabbed the hem of it and pulled it over your head with a simple yank. 
You shook your head quickly now, “No, Heather, I-I’m not ready. I don’t-” 
She shushed you softly with a gentle smile as she traced the swell of your breast slowly, the touch eliciting your tears to pool over your waterline. “I know you’re worried, but I’m going to take care of you, I promise.” Her eyes lingered on the prominent bruise on the center of your chest. She frowned, leaning down carefully to kiss the blue and black patch of skin. 
“No,” You cried softly, your voice soft before you decided that you couldn’t take it anymore. “No!” You yelled, causing her back to straighten and sit up. 
“I’m sorry?” She asked with a soft scoff. 
“I-I can’t do it, I’m not ready. I don’t want to, Heather. Please don’t make me.” You begged softly as tears rolled down your face. “I’ll try next time, I promise. I just, please, please don’t make me.” 
Heather frowned a little before she let out a harsh laugh, her arms folding over her chest tightly. She looked down at you, “You know I saw your precious little Adeline today,” 
You felt your back tense at Adeline's mention, “What? I thought you worked in pediatrics, not pediatric oncology. W-why did you see Adeline?” 
Heather reached out a hand to press on your bruise roughly, the feeling making you wince. “I work in pediatric oncology. Sometimes, I help Nicole. I loved it when you visited her at the hospital. It was almost too easy to steal the copy of your apartment key from Adeline. She doesn’t love you as much as I love you, you know that, right?” 
You shook your head, and you cried harder as you realized that you had never even noticed her at the hospital. Your focus has always been so zoned in on Nicole or Adeline that you didn’t even register Heather’s presence. Would Adeline remember Heather? You doubted it. 
“She talked to some agents or something and was inconsolable. Fucking useless friend of yours. Anyway, I ran into them in the hallway. Scrawny kid with some buff guy, I’m sure Adeline called them.” 
You found your hands grabbing her hand on your chest and shook your head side-to-side. “No, Adeline doesn’t know. I didn’t tell her anything. I didn’t, I promise.” 
Heather’s eyes met yours briefly before they trailed down to your bare chest and your hands holding onto her wrist. “Say you love me more than her then,” 
“I-I, what?” 
“Say it.” 
You opened your mouth, but all that came out were gentle sobs as you tried to form the words, terrified that she was about to do something to Adeline. The thought of Heather hurting Adeline had you gasping softly for air. 
Her eyes were on yours again as you panted softly, “You don’t love me?” Her spit hit your cheek as she hissed the words in rageful disbelief. She was off your lap in seconds as she moved to the dresser and quickly pulled out a small pairing knife. 
“Wait,” You cried softly as you tried to hurry away from her, making a vain attempt to get up from the bed that was meant with a howl of pain from your ankle and your body slumping over the edge lamely. 
Her hands grabbed your ankles, good and injured, and pulled you roughly to the edge of the bed. A scream left your throat at the contact. “You think I’m going to let them find you?” She questioned in a suspiciously calm voice as she grazed the smooth side of the knife against your collarbone.
You stayed frozen as she leaned in closer, her lips at the shell of your ear, “If they ever found you, Emma. I would kill you and then myself. I’ve already decided. We have to be together,” Her voice in your ear had you breathing harder as she slowly pressed the tip of the knife into the area above your heart. 
The knife only stung at first before it felt like a ripping pain. Heather dragged the knife into your skin with a deliberate sense of control. Not too deep, not too superficial. Something she wouldn’t have to stitch up. She made a diagonal line before staring a few inches apart from the other cut. “We belong together, Jane.” 
You cried out again as she started dragging the knife into your skin once more, “Please,” 
“You just need to open your heart. If they ever found us, I need to mark where to shoot. Stay still.” 
As Heather got close to completing the ‘X’ mark on your chest, marking you as a possible target. You felt your body thrash under her weakly. The edge of one of the lines skewed to the left, and Heather let out an annoyed groan before she pulled the knife away from your chest and to your lips. “Stop fucking crying,” She growled as she slashed at your bottom lip. 
You hissed at the feeling as blood coated your chest and filled your mouth. You stared up at her as soft sobs kept leaving your mouth, “Fuck you.” You muttered before gathering as much spit as you could in your mouth and shooting it directly at her. 
You laughed as it made contact with her cheek, and she wiped the bloody spit away with the back of her hand. She laughed harshly as she nodded a little, “Okay, so you want to be a brat.” She laughed. 
She was sliding off the bed now, leaving you lying on your back, her chest rising and falling quickly as she gripped the pairing knife in her hand tighter. “Enjoy the rest of your meal. It’ll be your last one, Emma.” She snapped at you before stomping to the door and flying it open. 
Once she was gone, you stayed there, staring up at the ceiling wordlessly. You licked at the cut on your lip gently as blood flowed freely into your mouth. You swallowed the copper-tasting liquid as you let the consequences sink in. She was going to kill you if they found you, and you had already called for a team of highly trained professionals to come to find you. 
You almost laughed at the irony. You didn’t want them to find you. You did want them to find you. It was almost hilarious. You tried to smile with your cut lip but found the action too painful to manage. 
You didn’t want to die at twenty-eight. You wanted to see your mom again, Adeline, Nicole, hell, you wanted to go to work one more time. You rolled onto your stomach and cringed the way the fluffy comforter grazed the bleeding “X” on your chest. You reached for the morphine drip and rolled it closer as you slowly turned a knob and upped the intake. Your shaking hands then moved to the sandwich on the nightstand with a sigh. 
She could kill you when they found you, but if she thought you weren’t going to try and manipulate the situation, she was dead wrong. You weakly bit into the sandwich while trying to think of a plan. 
You refused to die without leaving a mark.
TAG LIST: @babyspiderling @cocobean16 @kodzukenie333 @mmmunson
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AITA for correcting my niblings without my brother's input?
I had a massive falling out with my family when I was a teenager. I was into goth/edgy/horror culture and true crime before it was accepted by the mainstream, plus my parents were older when they had us and we lived on a farm. They needed my brother and me to keep the farm going, and I decided to pursue college instead. At some point after this they sold/lost their farm, but I do not know when, which fueled their resentment. At their request I did not speak to them until 2021, when my brother found me on Facebook to tell me my parents both died of covid and we held a Zoom funeral. After that he moved several states over to be closer to me so we could work on reconciliation and forgiving me for the farm incident.
So now I (45f) babysit his (44m) two youngest children (10m, 8f) for free, and have been since 2021. Initially he had full custody as his ex wife did not have a job or any job experience when they divorced (before we reconciled) but she now has a full time job so they share custody currently, although she is in our home state, so they decided the kids should go to school there still and spend holidays and summers with him. I am currently an art professor at a local university and for summer semester I only have morning classes and he works afternoons, so it works out.
Last week, his youngest asked me; "OP, how come you lie so much?" Her brother tried to shush her but I asked for clarification. Her brother told her she wasn't supposed to tell me, but she did anyway, and then he also chimed in to confirm. Turns out, whenever I told his kids about any vacations to other countries I took, he said I was making it up to sound important. When I told them I went to medical school, he said I was lying and was a glorified art teacher and only went to community college. I have a serious boyfriend who I have mentioned, although I do not spend time with him while babysitting per the mother's request not to have any adult with her children before meeting them and giving the okay, and so my brother insists I made him up.
I was very hurt, and so I showed them pictures, diplomas, videos, etc proving I was not lying. It is true I got into a community college near our home town on an art scholarship and an FHA grant, but I was able to skip generals due to advanced courses I was taking in high school. I quickly got interested in the medical field and was able to transfer to a medical school on several scholarships and obviously loans. I became a pediatric oncologist and was happy with that until my later thirties. I had kept art as a hobby but eventually realized I wanted to do more with it. I retired from pediatric oncology and then became an art professor five years ago. When I was a doctor, I met my current boyfriend (46m) who is a trauma surgeon. Starting in my late twenties, until covid, I was able to travel throughout the US and even to many foreign countries, sometimes for work, sometimes for vacation. There was no way for him to know this as we were not in contact, but I was very hurt that instead of believing me, he has been telling his kids I'm a liar for the past two years. So yes I did show them the photos and videos specifically because I was hurt.
The following day my brother called me and shouted at me, angry I had deliberately contradicted him. He was angry enough he was shouting at me. He has been dragging this on through text for the past few days. His ex wife also contacted me, asking for my version of events, as apparently their children called her crying about the situation. I told her exactly what I said here. He called me not an hour later screaming. Unbeknownst to me, she has been trying to get full custody of the children and he's convinced that this situation will get his kids taken from him, something he has a fear of due to the fact he has two adult children from a previous marriage who went no contact when they both turned 18. He insists that his ex wife turned them against him, and now he is terrified it will happen again. I was not aware of this until recently, nor did I think this would cause an issue with his custody. It has been very awkward babysitting his kids, as they have been very quiet since this whole thing happened. I don't have kids myself, nor have I been divorced, so I don't understand parenting or divorce etiquette, but I am still very hurt and even angry with him for calling me a liar to his children. Before I make any further decisions regarding an apology, I wanted to get advice as to whether I am the asshole for not bringing it up with him before showing his kids evidence that I did, in fact, do those things, and if so, how I can rectify this appropriately.
What are these acronyms?
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What I don't think I've said before is that my agency is a law enforcement agency and we do similar investigations to this
I work on the side of law firms coming in to do internal investigations - particularly in the UK. You obviously know what you’re talking about, but I just want to reaffirm for the anon and other readers that it’ll take months.
Organisations sometimes unknowingly open Pandoras box when they start an investigation like this, because all kinds of misconduct they had not known about must now also be dealt with. That makes the deadlines even more squishy.
Would love to have your take on the national security aspects to the PoW’s diagnosis and continued treatment. I bet H&M is going to want to find out more information too, which fits in nicely on your recent posts around him being a security risk (I’m the Pegasus anon and highly enjoyed them).
Very old ask from March 22nd.
So now knowing that Kate actually did have cancer, was seriously ill, and was also downplaying her diagnosis and condition, that changes my thinking a little.
I do think one of the reasons they've been very careful with Kate's diagnosis and treatment is because of the national security impact. For instance, if Kate's actual treatment was publicly known - she goes to chemo on these days, she's being treated at this hospital, her drugs are X, Y, Z - then a bad actor or a threat can absolutely do some damage. They can taint the medical supply, they can call paparazzi to the hospital, they can sneak cameras into the treatment center, they can stage an emergency that takes resources away from the oncology unit.
If the type of cancer Kate had or the chemo treatment she was undergoing meant she needed to be a on a specific diet and if that was known, then obviously someone could try to send her a tainted gift basket or they have a spoiled product that they give to a known Wales associate (like a Turnip Toff or a Middleton friend) and they pass it on to Kate (which is how Pippa used to merch sometimes, in early Cambridge days) who doesn't suspect anything because that person is cleared by RPOs. And this is something that the BRF is actually concerned about - I read somewhere once that they don't accept food products or food gifts and if any is given to them on walkabout or engagements, it's immediately tossed.
Now let's think about that hack/unauthorized access to Kate's medical files back in March. What could someone do with that information? Well, aside from her diagnosis, her symptoms, her treatment plan, they could learn who her doctors and care team are and go after them - stalk them, harass them, blackmail them, endanger their families, etc. They might also learn where Kate's pharmacy is or other private medical information like maybe if she had any miscarriages, what other medications she might be on, what her allergies are, her parents' medical history, etc. and all of that is something that a bad actor can exploit to their advantage, everything from exposing Kate to her allergen to killing her doctor and assuming their identity to treat her.
Not to mention the fact that anyone who goes through a major operation like Kate did in January and who goes through chemo becomes incredibly immunocompromised. All they have to do is get someone with COVID or a flu or shingles or some other kind of biotoxin or contagious illness next to Kate and her condition worsens.
(Just a quick aside her to remind everyone that someone who's immunocompromised from chemo the way Kate is isn't going to be frolicking in the woods with people who aren't in her bubble. Michael and Carole are in the video because they're in Kate's health bubble. Charles and Camilla aren't in the video because they aren't in Kate's bubble and they're not in Kate's bubble because Charles has his own bubble because he's also immunocompromised from his own cancer and his own treatment and no one wants to risk Charles or Kate getting worse because of something "crossing over" from one person's treatment into the other's.)
And what happens if you take Kate out of the picture? We're not killing her here - we're just saying she becomes incapacitated or sidelined in some way. But take Kate out of the picture, now all of a sudden you have the entire future of the monarchy at risk. William becomes vulnerable. George becomes vulnerable. Charlotte and Louis become vulnerable. We're not talking about their physical security or their physical well-being here; we're talking about their mental and emotional health and as we've seen in Harry, that -- in the hands of the wrong person -- becomes incredibly dangerous. And since William is the next king and George the future king, that 100% is a matter of national security.
It is all farfetched, it does sound Bondian, but that's what national security is. It's considering every single possibility that could happen, assessing how likely it could happen and what kind of impact would come from it happening, and mitigating as much of that as possible.
So how do you mitigate the threat to national security posed by Kate's health crisis? You don't tell anyone the specifics. You keep it private. You downplay it to the best of your abilities.
Now, specific to the Sussexes, and why William and Kate (or even the RPOs or even the BRF) wouldn't want them to know the whole truth of her condition and health, it's absolutely all the shadiness that the Sussexes are involved with. There's rumors of Russian support. We know they have microphones and Netflix cameras with them all the time. We know that the Sussexes are boundary-stomping privacy invaders who blab about every tiny morsel of information they get - or don't get. We know that the Sussexes want to be King and Queen of people's hearts, King and Queen of culture, and the actual King and Queen of the UK, the realms, and the Commonwealth.
If something happens to Kate, then Harry and Meghan aren't even waiting in the wings; they're already running on stage with their plastic crowns. And I think they know that, because without Kate, William's attention turns 100% to the children, which leaves an opening for Charles to bring Harry back and we know that Harry won't come back without Meghan. So if Harry and Meghan are both back, then they become even bigger red flags to the monarchy and the BRF because they're also bringing the damage of the last 5 years - grudges from 2018/2019, the alleged Russian supporters, Oprah, Netflix cameras, Sussex Squad, all their crony kiss-ass reporters, etc. Bad, bad, bad news all around. You might as well turn the Buckingham Palace throne room into a gift shop now because the second Harry and Meghan are back in, they're selling the monachy to the highest bidder - but will it be Oprah? Will it be Netflix? Will it be any Russians? Will it be Nacho? Will it be QVC and the Home Shopping Network? Will it be Penguin Random House?
So not telling Harry and Meghan anything about what Kate's doing isn't just national security best practices; it's complete and total self-preservation of the monarchy for George. Because if Meghan was able to do that to Harry, imagine what she and Harry can both do to William and George together when William and George's world has been totally rocked and shattered.
Edit: added some clarification. I mention COVID here as an example of someone with an illness who could seriously worsen an immunocompromised person's health. I'm not debating COVID vaccinations, protocols, or precautions and any more comments/replies about COVID will be removed.
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perishrad · 2 months
Around 37 people were killed and 170 others wounded in the morning Russian attack on Ukraine,
the number of wounded in Kyiv has increased to 121 and 34 are dead.
Russia had fired more than 40 missiles of various types at Ukraine. The cities of Kyiv, Dnipro, Kryvyi Rih, Sloviansk, and Kramatorsk came under attack.
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The Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital was not the only target of the Russians. But as a nurse, I am making this post because it is important to me.
The world needs to see this horror.
Video and photos of the Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital after the Russian attack on Kyiv. The hospital's toxicology department was damaged, and there are wounded.
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The attack on Okhmadyt hit the building where children received dialysis: intensive care, operating rooms, and oncology departments were damaged
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President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy: "Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital in Kyiv. One of the most important children's hospitals not only in Ukraine but also in Europe. "Okhmatdyt has saved and restored health to thousands of children.
Now the hospital has been damaged by a Russian strike, and people are trapped in the rubble, with the exact number of injured and dead unknown. Now everyone is helping to clear the rubble: doctors and ordinary people.
Russia cannot help but know where its missiles are flying, and it must be held fully accountable for all its crimes: against people, against children, against humanity in general. It is very important that the world does not remain silent about this now and that everyone sees what Russia is, what it is doing."
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This is the true "russian culture": blood, children under the rubble and deaths.
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Once again, a reminder: we need to provide Ukraine with heavy weapons and air defense, as well as permission to launch strikes on Russian territory.
Delaying this will result in every Russian missile hitting homes and children's hospitals in the United States and Europe.
Delaying this means supporting terrorism.
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Put pressure on your governments to raise the issue of providing long-range weapons and air defense systems.
It is in your own interests.
Words cannot stop a war, the enemy only understands force.
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angryschnauzer · 8 months
January 11th 2024
Yeah its been a while since i updated. I haven't had the energy to if i'm honest, but here we go.
Hubby had his brain surgery end of November '23. The tumour they took out was a nasty one, somewhere between the size of a golf ball and a kiwi fruit. The wound has healed well with little to no side affects apart from some double vision, but he was checked out for that and it is a common after affect of brain trauma and was remedied with an eyepatch for a few weeks.
We met with the Neuro Oncology team at Royal Marsden Hospital in London. They are one of the best (if not the best) cancer treatment centres in the whole country, and we worked through a treatment plan.
Just before Christmas hubby was also cleared to have shoulder reconstructive surgery (he broke his shoulder bone in the original seizures back at the end of October '23). There was a really small window of time between it being enough time after the brain surgery that he could go back under general anaesthetic, but also enough time to mostly heal before he started Radiotherapy and Chemo, so just 5 days before Christmas hubby was in and out of our local hospital in a single day to have that surgery.
Christmas was a quiet and subdued affair. I also herniated a disk in my back the day Hubby had surgery (i was clearing the deep freeze out ready for grocery delivery), so it meant both he and I were dosed up to our eyeballs on strong painkillers for most of the holiday, and Little Dude spent the majority of the break either playing video games or building his new lego sets.
Two days before Christmas i also had to have emergency dental work (i had been grinding my teeth and had previously cracked a tooth) and whilst i was in the dentists office some utter idiot crashed into my car. That was the last thing i needed but i simply handed it all over to my insurance company (who are aware of my husbands situation) and they arranged a hire vehicle and sorted repairs.
Onto the start of 2024. This is the first week of Radiotherapy and Chemo for Hubby. He is getting very tired and fatigued already from the Radiotherapy, but thankfully no nausea from the chemo as yet, but that could change over time. He is scheduled for a full schedule of 6 weeks of this dual treatment, where we are having to visit Royal Marsden every day Mon - Fri for the six weeks, and then he also takes the chemo 7 days a week for the six weeks.
He'll then have 4 to 6 weeks 'off' treatment for his body to relax and recuperate, but will have scans and MRI's during that time to gauge what further treatment will be, but its likely to be just chemo but a stronger dose, but no radiotherapy. The chemo is to be 3 weeks off one week on, so a 4 weekly cycle.
The one thing we have discovered isn't done is prognosis's. When we first got to Royal Marsden we were shocked as they started talking about years, and explained that although it was a really nasty tumour, it was found very early and whilst it was still relatively small for its kind. They've discussed things like 'this years treatment plan then we'll look at next years', and also for a while Hubby was being considered for a clinical trial which candidates who have prognosis's of 12 months+ are only considered for. In the end he didn't meet the criteria (his cholesterol was too high). The Macmillian Nurses also have been talking to us about Mobility Car assistance schemes where you can get govt assistance financially and get an adapted vehicle on a 2 year rolling lease. All these timings are reassuring in one way, but worrying in another - we have no idea what the future holds and it really does cement in stone that our time is limited and could end any moment, and makes it very difficult to make any long term plans. You don't realise how much of your life is preplanned until you end up in this situation and aren't sure if you can book your kid onto the school residential trip in 5 months time.
Should anyone want the mundane daily day-to-day life updates you can follow me on my personal instagram @simone_with_an_e its generally a load of utter boring bollocks, but i try to keep it updated daily with updates when i can as its a lot easier to do 1 short paragraph than a big update.
For me my mental health is a little better now that i've had time to process Hubby's diagnosis and that he is getting treatment. There are still days or hours when i fall apart, and it could be something as simple as listening to a song on the radio as i drive back from dropping Little Dude at school and i realise the song would be lovely at his funeral. I end up having to pull over and have a cry whilst switching the radio off. I'm loosing weight and aging quickly, my hair is turning grey from stress and i realised i've aged about 15 years in the last 3 from stress. My appetite comes and goes, and things like red meat now turn my stomach and i can't digest it. But i also haven't drunk alcohol since the day before Hubby had his seizure back in October. I feel like i need to stay 'alert' in case i need to rush him to the hospital for something. I don't miss it as such, but I miss the ability to fully relax. Its hard to describe but i feel like at the moment i've lost myself and am just functioning to care for those around me, going through the motions as such.
Anyway, this has been a long update. I do still lurk here, you may see me pop up in notifications liking something, but at the moment i don't feel its right to start putting fandom stuff back on here yet. I do hope to get back to writing at some point. I miss it and the unfinished stories plague my mind as i have such lovely plans for story arc's and really want to finish them.
Take care all,
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vaspider · 10 months
Mila update!
An update on our pup with lymphoma. If you don't want to read about a pet with cancer which will eventually kill her, please enjoy this photo of her current favorite activity: sleeping on Emet and sticking out her lil blep, and skip the rest of this post.
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We've changed Mila's chemotherapy at the advice of her oncologist. Her lymph nodes are a little swollen and her bloodwork is a little hinky, and we want to make the switch to something which will work at shrinking her lymph nodes a little better while she's still as strong as possible. We've also put her back on steroids for a bit, so it's time to get back on the Always Eating, Always Drinking, So Much Energy train. :p We might adjust to a different treatment later on, but, you know, this is a constant process, and we're really grateful that we have a good team on our side.
(And that we can afford that good team, which we totally cannot do without help. Thank you.)
Mila has gained quite a bit of weight since she started on chemo, and she's fatter than she's ever been! This is a good thing in the vet's opinion -- if she were going to be around for another ten years, putting on 20% of her body weight in a handful of months isn't a good thing, but, bluntly, she won't be. So this is a combination of 'eat while you can, have body fat to burn through when you are feeling bad later and can't eat,' and 'baby girl, you eat as much as you want to, because now is when you can be spoiled.'
If she dies fat and happy, we couldn't be happier.
Well, I guess we could, because she'll be dying, but, you know what I mean.
We'll be checking in with the oncologist in 2 weeks -- the other good thing about this medication is that it doesn't require us to get her blood drawn a week after her appointment; she won't need bloodwork again until her next oncology appointment. I'm sure she will appreciate not needing to go get stuck as often!
The goal is updated for her December needs, and I cannot thank you enough for the help you have given. I know we keep asking for assistance, and I'm incredibly grateful, because we absolutely couldn't have gotten this far with her without our community's help.
Mila's asleep right now, but I promise some Fat Tummy Video soon.
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poltergeistsoup · 30 days
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Barb’s Family: the Wallaces
Mom (Grace) age 48
Oncology nurse
Works long hours but also cooks full dinners
Critical of Barb and how she presents herself
Doesn’t like noise because she’s often tired
Thinks Kenny is a “bad influence,” but Midge is allowed over
Dad (Seymour) age 48
Law professor
Very serious and doesn’t talk unless he has something to say
Has very high standards for himself and his children
Extremely divisive on ratemyprofessor.com
Annoyed that his son is slacking
Doesn’t know much about Barb
Barbara “Barb,” age 18
Wants to go into either fashion or music— neither of which her parents approve of as a career
Not out to her parents
She is somehow “responsible” for her brother
Has been doing housework since she was very young, but her brother still doesn’t
Treated as overly dramatic
Jesse, age 16
Spends most of his time playing video games, loves FIFA
One of the popular kids
“Get out of my room!”
Does a bad job at doing dishes so they won’t ask him to
Mama’s boy
Athletic but treats it casually
Used to be a sweet child
Fights with Barb
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bpod-bpod · 3 months
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Glowing Betrayal
Real-time fluorescence-guided surgery, in which tumour is distinguished from normal tissue by a fluorescing tag, increases the likelihood of completely removing malignant tissue thereby preventing recurrence. Here, live-imaging of organoids – 3D lab-grown tissue – composed of patients' healthy- and tumour-derived tissue to screen for appropriate fluorescing tumour-distinguishing targets
Read the published article here
Still from a video from work by Bernadette Jeremiasse and colleagues
Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Video originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in EMBO Molecular Medicine, June 2024
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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houseofbrat · 9 days
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Of course.
The Will & Kate CULT will continue to live in their bubble while everyone else looks at The Waleses/Cambridges as crazy egomaniacs. The cult members will excuse anything.
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Even people who work in cancer education and oncology are aghast.
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A pharmacist--who knows exactly what chemo drugs do and has worked with cancer patients and oncologists--watched Kate's video and was basically "WTF?!" Chemotherapy drugs are hazardous chemicals that require special handling, dispensation, and removal. They don't cause people to just walk in a meadow and hold butterflies. They literally cause people to go "FUCK CANCER!" and re-evaluate all the things in life that they have have taken for granted.
Except for Will & Kate.
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No, it caused them to go into overdrive with levels of PDA that we would associate with Harry & Meghan.
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It caused them to also say "Fuck Harry and Meghan," but not actual cancer! You know, the disease Kate was allegedly fighting so hard these past months.
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When you think about the fact that chemotherapy KILLS cells (and not just cancer cells!) and usually has severe side effects, even years later, it's pretty strange to hear someone focus on their overseas brother and sister-in-law!
Harry and Meghan are basically nobodies at this point. They jumped the shark a long time ago in the US. They do not make big waves anywhere, outside of their small fandom. But yet they still live rent free in Will & Kate's heads!
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No thank you or acknowledgement to her medical team. Or acknowledgement of cancer charities or resources in the UK. Just me and my journey, complete with a godawful perfume montages. Or is it a Viagra commercial?
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Will & Kate and their "fans" are completely out of touch. No one asked for this video, yet any critique of it is met with criticism that the general public "asked" for it.
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They could have just put out the statement without any video or photo!
Nobody was interested in seeing them act like this except The Will & Kate CULT! They are the ones eating this up and writing shit like this:
"they FUCK like constantly so as well"
"confirmed disney princess"
"Also whatever videos WK release people will still find ways to complain. If WK are happy to share to the world how happy their family is that Kate has completed chemo, then good for them."
"Catalina happy at home waiting for her hubby so she can ravage him."
"Unfortunately, you are wrong. To say William and Catherine are romanticising cancer for filming a video of their family as they celebrate the end of her treatment... yikes"
"Oh no how dare a family go to the countryside in the middle of the school holidays to celebrate the end of the mom’s cancer treatment."
"I'm crying seeing that very personal video of the Wales family 😭 I'm so happy for William and the family that he and Kate had built and continuously cherished."
"And to everyone who complaining about her sick leave, I would advise them to move to another country that respects people's health. If Kate was working at public sector in my country she would get up to a year paid leave."
Apparently it hasn't dawned on The Will & Kate Cult that Kate is talking as if she never had cancer in the first place. She ran around playing Nerf games weeks ago with no problems. She can only attend Wimbledon when her husband is out of the country. She can only announce she's attending Trooping the Colour the day before.
And now she's doing a Hallmark video about herself and only about herself that no one asked for.
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One friend of William and Kate told The Daily Beast: “It’s the reset to end all resets. This is Kate and William as they mean to go on. It’s family first and f--- the haters, f--- the press, f--- Harry and Meghan.
~ Tom Sykes, The Daily Beast, "Kate Middleton’s Cancer Recovery Video Is ‘Reset to End All Resets’: Source"
Tom Sykes' reporting has been pretty accurate these last few months. He reported about Kate not working at all in the future months ago; Kate confirmed it this week. And I have no doubt he's publishing this source's comments about "Fuck _____" because it's a pretty shocking statement to make after a "cancer" "battle." Because Will & Kate did a good job convincing other people that there has been no actual cancer battle.
Will & Kate do not have to talk to or engage Harry and his wife to any degree at this point. William attended his uncle's funeral this month and reportedly did not sit with or talk to Harry. Will & Kate have plenty of staff to intercept their phone calls and communications so that they do not have to talk to either Harry or his wife. The reporting has been pretty solid for at least a year that William does not talk to his brother. Kate doesn't talk to Harry's wife either.
Why are they so obsessed with Harry & Meghan when Kate is supposedly, oh, so busy with chemotherapy? And her health? The very health problem that has allegedly kept Kate from "working" all year?
Because most people who are undergoing something as grueling as cancer and chemotherapy treatments would not waste enough time thinking about their in-laws that they never talk to.
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Except Will & Kate!
William's brother and sister-in-law live rent free in Will & Kate's heads!
Which says that Will & Kate were never worried about Kate's "cancer." Because that and the chemotherapy regimen never existed. Which is why Kate did not feel the need to publicly acknowledge any of her medical providers or refer anyone to cancer charities or resources or acknowledge anyone other than herself.
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Kate has done a good job positioning herself as a modern-day Marie Antoinette, which is probably an insult to the actual Marie Antoinette.
It's not going to work out well for Kate in the long run. (Or her cult.)
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I'm hoping I wasn't too old for this, but then I remembered Anji's mother; Auntie Anjani...
It's me, Maddox.
You can call me Maddie or Max. Preferably referred as Dr. Maddox rather than Dr. Jagajiva. My pronouns is she/her, and I was born in 1970 (then I'll be 34y.o in 2004).
I am one of PPTH's ophthalmologist, while my specialty is neuro-ophthalmology and ocular oncology. Don't ask about me being a counselor (yes, you can ask about it, actually). Here's my lore.
Feel free to interact with me on "The Question Portal" or my any posts; for basically anything and everything (I like video games!), also obviously the doctor thingie.
Here's the blog guide:
Hello, there! It's Rain @rainismdata , who created this OC. She's most likely excited to talk about things that got her interested and would be delighted to interact with all of you. My other OC is Anji Foxx-Knight's family @technician-para-driver . We'll also developing her interaction with all of House MD OCs, with @ppth-staff members. I'll be talking in intended and italic sentences.
This is narrative speaking, in small chat. Maddie hasn't doing anything currently. She was just arriving home, after driving Rachel Cuddy to her school and Lisa Cuddy to PPTH.
Yeah, right. I have an afternoon shift, so I'll go to PPTH after 2pm.
Also, I'm talking in regular sentences. I'll just give a code like "—LC" if it's Lisa Cuddy's speaking or "—RC" if it's Rachel Cuddy (don't tell her mom, or else I might've sleep on couch)
There you go, and I'll see you next time!
Sorry. She's so smitten for Cuddy, it got her being the broken-hearted-girl throughout the HUDDY thing. Don't mention those dark times to her ╥﹏╥ unless she's the one who brings up the topic.
Also, I'm playing with picrew for this; because, I'm not an artist.
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tomorrowusa · 2 months
Trump's pal Vladimir Putin is back to bombing children's hospitals in Ukraine. Putin can't understand why Ukrainians won't let him take over their country. So he's killing as many of their children as possible as retribution.
Russian missile strike partially destroyed a children’s hospital in Kyiv on Monday, causing terrified patients and their families to flee for their lives, as officials fear more people could be trapped beneath the rubble. Moscow launched a brazen daytime aerial assault on targets in cities across Ukraine during morning rush hour, killing at least 36 people and injuring 137 others, according to Ukraine’s emergency service. The large scale bombardment struck areas in the capital, as well as in Dnipro, Kryvyi Rih, Slovyansk and Kramatorsk. In an update on Telegram, the emergency service said the latest figure included the number of dead and injured in the capital, which now stands at 22 people killed. Two people were killed and at least 16 were injured in the strike on Kyiv’s Okhmatdyt hospital. The facility is Ukraine’s largest children’s medical center and has been vital in the care of some of the sickest children from across the country. Every year, around 7,000 surgeries – including treatments for cancer and hematological diseases – are conducted at the hospital, according to Ukraine’s human rights ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets. Videos from the scene showed volunteers working with police and security services to sift through the rubble as smoke billowed from the hospital, as staff described how they tried to rush children to safety in the wake of the attack. Ukraine’s health minister Viktor Liashko said intensive care units, oncology departments and surgery units had been damaged.
US Republicans and others from the radical right around the world back Putin. They bizarrely see him as "strong" despite the incompetent way he's conducted his war and the enormous losses Russia has sustained.
To give you a ground level view of how Russia is actually doing in its shabby unprovoked war, the Washington Post published intercepts of communications by Russian troops during their failed Kharkiv offensive.
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Russian ground troops are poorly trained, poorly armed, and poorly supplied. Putin just mindlessly throws troops at Ukraine the way Trump throws ketchup at walls.
The Russian population is kept ignorant of massive losses and is fed histrionic nationalistic propaganda on state TV. Internet access to Western news sites blocked. Putin mouthpieces dressed like James Bond villains openly promote additional war crimes.
Russia is not a normal country and it is not led by a normal person.
Despite what tankies and far right Putin apologists may tell you, Russia has no fucking business in Ukraine.
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Idk if anyone care but I do and I can kinda explain: so Hank Green posted a tik tok this morning explaing he has Hodgkins Lymphoma. Lymphoma is a cancer of lymphocytes and Lymph nodes. Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell that are essential in body immune response. I could go into more detail on thar if anyone would like.
Anyways lymphomas are generally classified between hodgkins and non-hodgkins. The main differences is that hodgkins favors the upper body usually and also the lymphocytes look like owls kinda and are classified as reed-sternberg cells
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Non hodgkins will look abnormal in other ways. (Pictured first) vs a normal lymphocyte (Pictured second)
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If hank has the Reed sternberg cells there's therapies developed to target the tumor associated antigens. As well as chemo thay he had mentioned in the video. I'm less familiar with the oncology and therapy side as I work in lab where we mainly monitor conditions via peripheral blood smears and tracking levels of tumor associated antigens and other cancer antigens
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goldeneyedgirl · 10 months
Twilight Advent Calendar Day 5
Dec. 5 - What is each Cullen's favorite college major so far? What new major should they try someday?
Carlisle's favorite: Neurology. I think that Carlisle is someone who connects his faith and his medical practice together, and learning about the brain from a medical standpoint would have fascinated him. I see him studying this in Europe in the late 1700s/early 1800s, and then again in the very early 1980s.
Try someday: I'm going to say Pediatric Oncology. He's never specialized in children's medicine before, and the oncology specialty is particularly difficult because of the amount of loss associated with the department. But if he can use his abilities and lifetime of skills to get one child diagnosis or treatment a little bit sooner, then it's worth it. But the emotional toll would affect his family, so he hasn't tried yet.
Oh, or something revolving around English History, with a specific focuses on religion's role. He'd like to examine that part of his past from an analytical and academic perspective.
Esme's favorite: Interior Architecture. It's one thing to decorate a room, which Esme enjoys, but it's a totally different thing to build the room from scratch to capture a specific kind of light, and be a specific shape, accentuate the sound of Edward's piano, and work with the movements and behaviours of her family. She just loves how she gets to create this sanctuary from nothing. And getting to explore that across residential and commercial spaces was magical to her. It's also one of those degrees she gets to use regularly.
Try someday: Languages. Like the rest of the family, she can speak quite a few, but she'd love to go back and get a formal qualification so that she could do translation work professionally. Esme always seeks out her favourite books in foreign editions to compare the translations, and would love to work on book translations.
Edward's favorite: Music. It's his passion, and he loves to be able to study it so in depth, and get feedback from an academic and practical perspective from someone with a similar interest and passion. Carlisle insists he can only study music once every two decades to encourage diverse interests and prevent a connection being made between identities, so he really savors it when he gets to study it again.
Try someday: Family Law. As as a way to honour his biological father, but Edward has no use for more money or fighting for the prestige in law school, so he likes Family Law the best. It would also come in handy for the Cullens' cover story, and with his gift he believes he could make sure children are protected. Realistically, though, he would only get away with practicing for a year or two, so he keeps putting it off. With the rise in video conferencing and online consultations, though, there's potential for the future.
Rosalie's favorite: Nothing will ever take away the joy and pride Rosalie felt graduating from her very first Engineering degree. It's the one degree she prizes over the others because she was one of the first girls allowed in the program, and she graduated with honours (second place in the class because the school didn't want controversy, but Rose knows they fudged the grades.)
Try someday: Either Social Work or Early Childhood. Rosalie would love to advocate for women, especially those struggling, but she also recognises her bad temper would probably make a mess of the situation. Maybe one day. Early Childhood is more likely; it sounds wonderful but it's still hard - a little easier after Renesmee, but something she's working towards in the future.
Emmett's favorite: Video game design - he loved every aspect of that because it was such a great mix of hardcore coding and computer work combined with more creative aspects. He also loved the diverse applications of it, and explaining how it was valuable for medicine and engineering. His final project was technically a failure because it ran too fast and the controllers were buggy according to his professors, but it was also the first vampire-speed video game to be made and he still adds levels to it every so often.
Try someday: Emmett puts a bunch of degrees that sound mildly interesting or really weird in a hat and draws one out each time. He claims that this creates diverse interests and keeps him on his toes. He just loves the looks at his family's faces when he announces that he'll be tackling a degree in Turfgrass Science or Amusement Park Engineering. Gunsmithing and Surf Science have both caught his eye, though.
Alice's favorite: The very first fashion design degree she ever took. She went from being a girl that stole most of her clothing and wore them until they were destroyed, to learning how to choose fabric, how to draw patterns, cut and sew her own clothes. She learnt about designers, about how fashion shaped society, and it allowed Alice to build herself up from nothing - clothing is such a comfort to her, and being able to make it from scratch is just another level of security.
Try someday: Finance Law. It would be useful for her own wheelings and dealings, since most of her education in finance is from the 50s and 60s night school, playing the stock market, and what she gets from her visions. Having a formal degree in that area would also streamline a lot of stuff for the family. It's just so dry, Alice keeps putting it off. And yes, there would be major Elle Woods vibes if she gets around to it.
Jasper's favorite: Philosophy. The boy does love a little bit of navel gazing and contemplation about humanity as a concept. It's helped him deal with a lot of things that happened in his past, and the choices that he made, as well as how to move forward. He loves getting out the old books and sinking into them for days; it's the only study area where he's actually worked as an online professor.
Try someday: Forensic Psychology. Jasper would love to understand what makes people tick, especially abnormal ones. He would love to understand how he became such a monster, and if it was inevitable or if there was a trigger. And he would really enjoy figuring out the motivations behind crimes. Everything about Forensic Psychology appeals to the strategic side of him.
Bella's favorite: English literature. Bella loves it. She loves classic novels, and getting to study them is a dream. She loves discussing them in depth with other people who are just as passionate about them, and examining the difference in language and media portrayals, as well as the reflections from the author's real lives. She gets to shut herself up with a stack of her favourites, write about them, and get graded on her thoughts. It's perfect.
Try someday: Education or publishing. I think Bella would enjoy teaching literature to high school students, especially at a selective school where the kids were high achievers and invested in their education. She'd be a deadly serious English teacher, maybe even aim for a year or two teaching at a college-level. Or I could see her going into media to get into publishing and editing, allowing her to commit extensive time into reading, but also helping shape future books.
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