#On Azura he a bitch
k-im-lost · 12 days
Khajiit caravans in Skyrim are boring. So I'm gonna grab this McDonald's chicken burger, take the pickles out, and add to it like an obnoxious tiktoker that think they are the next Gordon Ramsey.
Here are the Furstalks I think would look better. I'll try my best to keep it to just the Furstalk and reason why.
Ri'saad: I am going with the generic Cathay-Raht. Discovering he had a wife completely threw me off, and now I can't be creative with it. Plus, I don't think a short guy is very threatening, especially a furry short guy.
Atahbah: Also a Cathay but not Raht. I looked at Ri'saad's lore page, and it says he's married to her. So why not make them the same Furstalk.
Khayla: Suthay-Raht, I already drew her as a Cathay but fuck that I'm making my bbgurl better. Plus, it makes sense since you can always ask the guards for some form of sneaky skill training, and Suthay-Raht are good sneakers according to my notes.
Ma'randru-jo: Wizard bitch gets Dagi-Raht. A Raht because I want him to be taller, the Dagi are like some of the smallest khajiits on two legs. Also, they are theories to be magical in some sense
Ma'dran: Pahmar, mostly due to his tiger like face. And he's the only caravan with only 3 Khajiits, so it makes sense to have bigger and stronger Khajiits.
Ma'jhab: Cathay, he's really hot. That's it.
Ra'zhinda: Suthay, she's really hot. That's it.
Ahkari: Alfiq. NOW HEAR ME OUT. Alfiqs will sometimes ride Pahmar-Rahts shoulders, and I need that.
Dro'marash: Pahmar-Raht, his color is what really sold me on it because there had been white Pahmar, so itmakes sense with him.
Kharjo: Cathay. That fur patern isn't letting my brain work.
Zaynabi: Tojay, Not Raht because I'd rather not struggle with the different leg structure.
Thank you for wasting your time on me. In the future, I'm gonna make a post about my head canons on their personalities. And I have a lot of opinions on Ri'saad.
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moe-broey · 2 months
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Oughhhhh............. Takumi with the Corrin plush.................. in my feelings about it.......
#feh#i don't have the words for it bc i am so so ao so tireds. late night/hanging out w family#takumi is just so precious to me though. like. on a personal level. it was extremely validating see a chara like him#someone who was deeply affected by a MIA sibling. whole family was affected ofc.#but takumi. when that MIA sibling finally came back. and knowing full well that it was never his sibling's fault either#he was still mad about it. not mad for corrin. but somehow mad At corrin. he was a resentful little prick about it.#BECAUSE LIKE. even if it was never corrin's fault. corrin's absence just... shaped him.#idk idk takumi and corrin were so important to me and still are. i just ended up needing to be more private about it#the corrin plushie is gonna make me cry and throw up. like the second half of this significance actually#hugely. is that corrin wanted to know him. wanted to bond with him. going out of their way to learn what he's passionate about#and takumi is being a bitch about it the entire time. he's stubborn and bitey about it#but corrin... really really just wanted to love him. i like to think that corrin already did. the moment they met him.#and i'm just. gonna cry. the way takumi does quickly warm up to corrin too (and HATES IT LMFAOO)#idk idk. just feh emphasizing that bond is so meaningful to me. you see a lot of that w azura which makes sense!#but what i have wanted for forever actually. was seeing more of that bond between takumi and corrin.#fe takumi#fe corrin
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manglednatalia · 2 years
Dj Octavio is three times divorced
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So I'm currently noodling about with an ATLA/Naruto fic that I don't know if I'll ever fully write out, that involves Naruto and Sasuke getting forcefully immigrated to the ATLA dimension by the Sage a couple years after the war. Which results in a few changes to how things end.
Because the Sage can feel other Otsutsuki poking around their home dimension, and figured the only reason and way Kaguya was able to break out the first time was by using his (the Sage's) own decedents. So by just moving them somewhere no Otsutsuki would dare go he'd be able to solve this issue pretty handily.
Basically the Sage's plan was employing bigger fish strategy, he could keep the Otsutsuki from using his bloodline to stir up trouble in his birth dimension.
Which meant sending his surviving decedents to a dimension no Otsutsuki would dare step foot into, for fear of getting eaten by the Spirits that call that world their territory.
The Avatar's dimension.
Anyways Sasuke and Naruto (and Kurama, he was given a choice of being separated from Naruto and someday reforming in his birth dimension or going with Naruto, he chose to go with Naruto) get dumped a bit before Zuko gets banished.
They eventually end up living in the Southern Air Temple, and are there when Zuko shows up there to search for the Avatar during his banishment.
They don't meet at that time because they're using the abilities Kurama gets in the ATLA dimension of only being able to be seen by humans if he wants to in order to avoid Zuko and the Wani crew. Though Sasuke is convinced "that old guy" (Iroh) can actually see Kurama, and knows they're there, he just isn't telling the shouty burned child that they're there.
Naruto wants to kidnap the shouty burned child and undo the brainwashing he's so clearly under. Considering he's horrifically injured, like 12, but also in charge of a military ship for some reason. While also being confusidly convinced that this very obviously peaceful civilization of pacifistic monks his country historically wiped out had an army of some kind.
Naruto think he could fix the burned boy, as long as the old guy (who's maybe the boy's actual uncle, maybe symbolically his uncle) went along with it.
After all, he helped reform Sasuke and Sai from the crazy brainwashing they were under, and both of them were far more deranged than this burn boy was acting.
Hell, Sai's engaged to Ino, and Ino's clan's whole thing is mental health and stability. He's a functional member of society who pays his taxes and everything.
Sure, Sasuke's a functional hobo ninja who only sends letters like once a month, and refused to step foot in Konoha itself again until the day Naruto was instated as Hokage (which will be never now). But he wasn't trying to burn down nations and topple governments anymore, so Naruto counted him reformed if not an entirely functional member of society.
Sasuke argues that he wasn't brainwashed, or deranged, he was just focused on his goal of revenge and restoring his family honor.
And Zuko and the Wani leave the island before Naruto can convince Sasuke to help him kidnap the boy for his own good, and of Sasuke's own brainwashed teenage derangement. Much to Naruto's disappointment and irritation.
Anyways Naruto and Sasuke live in the Southern Air Temple up until Aang arrives, trying to wait out the war, because Naruto doesn't look a thing like anyone in this world from what little they've seen of it and he's the only wind/air wielder on the entire planet apparently. And with the vast majority of their other abilities nerfed or just completely unusable in this world, they aren't the two person army they used to be.
Naruto insists they help Aang out on his stop the war mission, because Naruto would like to be able to go out and see the world without covering his hair and smudging charcoal into his eyebrows to darken them please and thank you.
Which Sasuke goes along with because he's just sick of hearing Naruto complain about it after the past 3 years. And he would also like to be able to travel freely without being concerned about people seeing him firebend, and then being assumed to be on the side of the genocidal assholes called Fire Nation.
So that's how the GAang gets (young) adult supervision, in the form of early 20s Sasuke and Naruto.
Naruto does indeed infect Aang with the philosophy that sometimes in order to make friends you gotta kick a person's ass a bit first to make them open to the idea.
Aang is doubtful of the truth to this advice up until meeting Toph (who gleefully agrees with said philosophy), and finally managing to get Zuko on their side, after kicking his ass decidedly for a few months on end.
Sasuke ends up taking the fire siblings well in hand over the course of the journey. Kicking both of their asses literally one handed, and often with little to no bending being used on his part.
By the end of things, Zuko is crowned Fire Lord as in canon, but Azula is remanded to Sasuke's primary custody for care and rehabilitation. As he started chipping through her layers of indoctrination over the course of their encounters during the war.
The two of them even spend some time with the Sun Warriors away from anything that would be familiar to Azula at all.
Azula spends the next few years under Sasuke's tutelage and supervision, and by the time she reaches adulthood she's been properly deprogrammed from the propaganda she was raised with, and now function in the world as a normal human being.
Though she ends up eventually choosing to just settle among the Sun Warriors, the rest of the world is full of too many negative memories and associations with the war for her to ever feel fully like she could be just Azula there.
She eventually found her spouse among the Sun Warriors, and spent the rest of her life there, hardly ever leaving, and only getting visits from Zuko, and eventually Ursa and Kiyi later on. And that's really how she preferred it.
Azula never really ends up patching things up with Mai, by she and Ty Lee end up building a new friendship a couple years after Azula really settles in to being a Sun Warrior. The friendship she eventually builds with Toph is a surprise to no one after it was thought about for more than a few minutes.
She never builds anything like a positive or close relationship with either of the water tribe siblings, or with Aang. Though dose eventually develop the ability to not be openly hostile with them when they showed up along side Zuko on his visits for some reason or another.
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notcatherinemorland · 11 months
i am SO ready and SO prepared for mcm Saturday and Sunday (I say, lying, lyingly) but also no really for real. I've got to curl the front part of the wig and sew pearls on the cape and then... then.... it's Essek Time!!!!
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What I think would fix the Fates royals
Sakura - Stim toy collection (love love LOVES squishy toys)
Takumi - Xanax prescription (or Vraylar...love my BPD princess 💕)
Hinoka - Blue raspberry Svedka vodka (strikes me as a STRICTLY clear liquor type of girl)
Ryoma - Gas station poppers (would make him worse probably)
Elise - Roblox dress up games (w/ Xander buying her all the Robux she wants)
Leo - Those crazy gas station edibles (he's becomes the most normal person ever or will become irreparably worse)
Camilla - Vapes with flavors of the most odd and eclectic variety (everyone has to waits for her until she finds her cotton candy vape)
Xander - Horse tranquilizer (the ONLY thing that could calm this bitch down) Corrin - 12 uninterrupted hours of dancing fruits sensory videos (Smooth brain moment)
Azura doesn't need fixing because terrorising her siblings is funny to her and fills her with joy. and also watching the light leave her enemies' eyes as they die thats very satisfying for her
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mdhwrites · 5 months
You said the arcs of certain characters in TOH have an 'Us vs. Them mentality.' I take it that's because, as you say, the narrative pins the bad qualities of certain characters on separate parties (e.g. "Amity's flaws are only because of her mom"), but would you care to elaborate further on said mentality and how it sticks out to you in TOH?
So shockingly, not really. It plays into it but I am actually inherently talking about the same sort of mentality that Belos perpetuates but back onto Luz. After all, if you look at the main cast by even mid season 2 we have a problem forming. Eda: Has lost her criminal edge, has no personal interests, is defined by being nice in a way befitting Luz's worldview. Momma Eda.
Amity: No longer is studious and hard working but instead focuses more on her girlfriend and her nerdy interests. Is also now just nice. Was only shown genuine care by Luz, instead of just trying to fulfill her nerdy desires, once she finds out Amity is into Azura.
Lilith: Has turned into a nerd and given up on any ambitions that had led to her previous actions, becoming a nice cool aunt. Only now has Luz tried to form any relationship with her (admittedly, she didn't get many chances before now).
Hunter: Has only been being given kindness because he has shown a capacity for kindness that Luz only really started showing him, beyond not wanting him to die, once he showed he had a nerdy interest in wild magic.
Gus: Was a nerd from go and always nice, even if he could be slightly selfish.
Willow: By mid S2, is essentially out of the show for the past half season, has never had a strong personality and is just nice. Yes, she'll start her jock stuff soon... And never have a real conversation with Luz again, at least not until S3 maybe? So a full season where Luz and Willow, after Willow might have stopped being nerdy/an outcast, where Luz doesn't have an interest in her anymore.
And uh, just as a reminder to S3, Hunter gains a scifi interest post redemption and Luz explicitly listens to NOTHING her mother says to her during her big speech in For the Future until she reveals herself to be a secret nerd. At that point, suddenly Luz dials in.
For TOH, a show supposedly about the individual and self expression, characters either lose their personality and/or gain the personality that matches LUZ. There is less character variety in interests and personalities than even 90s cartoons much of the time by the end of TOH because these characters all lose so much of themselves fitting in with the good guys, especially the redeemed ones.
This is where your argument for this does come into play. I'll frame it as the fandom likes to with Amity: "She didn't have Luz in her life yet."
Amity is only a bitch while she is hanging out with the wrong crowd. Socialites, those with ambition and jocks. The Luz enters her life and despite the fact that the ONE time Luz ever calls Amity out for being a bitch being when Amity is being a bully to King and clearly trying to get a rise out of Luz, making that moment meaningless, that simple fact starts warping Amity. Starts making her turn back to her good, nerdy side. And because this is such an inherently good thing, there is no difficulty in doing this. She needs no motivation, no calling out, nothing. She just needs to desire to be like Luz/liked by Luz. She can discard her entire friend group and do things that should get her disowned with how evil Odalia is and face zero consequences because... I guess that's the power of becoming a nerd.
You are beyond reproach. You can only do good. Same goes for Hunter. Despite YEARS of potential propaganda and the like, Luz just getting into his life and admittedly jabbing at Belos/him a little, is all it takes for him to embrace the inherent goodness, displayed by his nerdiness about wild magic, and start becoming a better person. For this, he loses his home but that is only seen as a positive because indeed, he got away from those hostile that made him a bad person. He could now be a good person because he no longer had those influences and could embrace Luz's way of life.
With the show's themes, why is this the case? Shouldn't their base personalities be allowed to exist? Shouldn't a wide range of ideologies and the like be allowed since that is a part of self expression? Instead, when people don't like Luz approves, they are disapproved by Luz and either need to get the fuck out or conform.
And this is all without getting into how she becomes Jesus in the last episode...
None of this is intentional but if someone told me that the show felt hostile to them because they didn't consider themselves a nerd or because they tried to get somewhere in life, I wouldn't blame them. The show has a weirdly narrow belief in who is a good person. Who is allowed to exist in the main cast, a problem that cascades issues into a lot of its themes. I mean, this is the first show I've ever had to ask if character arcs are actually hurt the themes of the show because of this, a blog I sadly couldn't refind.
There is admittedly an element of this where I might not have thought about it without the fandom. Most people I know who are multi-fandom still agree that TOH is aggressive against others, even for a fandom. That it lashes out and blames others for its problems. Almost like a *gestures at the thesis*
And that doesn't help make any of this be less uncomfortable unfortunately. See you next tale.
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And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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tartsinarat · 5 months
This is like the closest history has ever happened to almost repeating itself, Hunter was only saved by the fact that Luz is there and Pip doesn’t have a knife on him lmao
But yeah this animatic is set in the au’s version of Hunting Palisman… Pip decides to stay with Luz when she has a sleep over with the palisman because he didn’t want to leave her alone and he also wasn’t chosen by a palisman but it’s both because he doesn’t know his deepest wish and because they can sense that he really doesn’t want to engage with them (he’s extremely traumatised from watching Belos munch on palisman and also then having to be forced to eat them too so he doesn’t like interacting with any palisman except for Owlbert :/) but he stays with Luz because she doesn’t want to be alone either.
The whole Hunter kidnapping them by accident thing still happens but things go down hill even faster because Pip knows what Hunter needs the palisman for and honestly finds the whole thing extremely sickening for obvious reasons.
Pip immediately starts arguing and then finally actually having a duel with Hunter, the duel ends in a draw because Kiki does her assassination attempt like in canon lmao (the animatic is the argument they’re having before the fight)
A bit after the crash, Pip is immediately about to go for the kill while hunter is unconscious but Luz stops him and is like “nope! I have no idea what grudge or mysterious backstory you have but you’ve gotta explain it first because I’m not letting you just kill this guy, jeez”
Pip refuses and Luz proceeds to go “fine… I’ll just ask him >:(“ she then bitch slaps Hunter to consciousness
She obviously gets the shock of her life when she finds out that they’re a) brothers and b) also the kids of the emperor.
Luz is at first is like “okay… no wonder all the secrecy but also this is just like the third Good Witch Azura movie! Uh…actually hopefully not too much like it, I don’t want you two to kill each other like the two monster hunter brothers”
Pip at this point is used to this so he’s just mildly amused that the gwa was the second thought about this that Luz has, hunter is confused and slightly horrified.
Also because tumblr sucks and doesn’t let me upload the second part to this (luz’s reaction during the fight) I’ll have to upload that in a separate post :/
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harlowtales · 22 days
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It’s brat summer but Y/N is on punishment 😈💅🏽
“No. He’s not coming to my sleepover.” You said to Jack in protest.
“Y/N I need you to be ok at all times and you be tryna dodge security all the time so I gotta keep an eye on you baby cuz I’m in a whole different time zone right now.” Jack said firmly. He was in Saudi Arabia for a big performance and leaving you alone made him terribly nervous. It was an irrational fear but you were known to get into some situations when you managed to get away from surveillance.
“Uughh!!! Ok fine Duane can come.” You said rolling your eyes at Jack on FaceTime. It was pointless to argue.
“That’s my girl. I love you and I gotta go.” He said and with that he was gone. Sometimes he was gone so long on the road or recording it felt like he was a genie in the phone.
Tonight was going to be something fun instead of being bored because Jack was gone. You were invited to a sleepover at Urban’s girlfriend Azura’s house. You had everything ready to go. Fuzzy slippers, silk matching pj’s, rollers, and mani/pedi kit.
You didn’t even look at Duane in the car ride over and were quietly, resentfully looking out the window.
“Y/N I know you don’t want me there.” Duane who was Jack’s security said as he looked ahead and focused on the road. Duane was a large man with tattoos who wore sunglasses at all times and never smiled, but that was for optics so nobody messed with his clients. Deep down he was a big softie that let you get away with too much for Jack’s liking.
“I just don’t think I need security at my friend’s house.” You said sulking.
“You know how your man is. You’re still paying for that time you dodged me and wound up drunk on the beach in Turks and Caicos and nobody knew where you were.” Duane reminded you.
“OMG that was last week, he’s so ridiculous” You sighed but nonetheless this was your fate. You were being babysat by your boyfriend’s bodyguard.
“Giirrllll!!!” Your friend’s squealed when they opened the door and saw you. That’s until they saw Duane. “Whys he here?” They said almost in unison.
“Because Jack is still all bent over last week and now I’m on punishment.” You explained glumly.
“Your man is a whole stern father I don’t know how you deal with him. Urban is so chill.” Azura said feeling sorry for you.
“That’s because Urban is always high.” One of the girls giggled.
All 6 of them fawned over how fabulous you looked with your hair up in a high ponytail, fitted tank top and cut off jean shorts. You had been working out with Jack and eating healthy and it was paying off. It was hard for Duane not to notice but he kept everything professional at all times. He was thrilled to be on assignment with such gorgeous women but he maintained a stone face and kept his shades on.
“He’s like those guards at Buckingham Palace.” Your friend Christie whispered to you
“Oh he’s a softie that’s just his resting bitch face.” You said off handedly not really wanting to acknowledge Duane was there.
As the night got started the wine and snacks came out and you whipped out the mani/pedi kit.
“You always come prepared girl.” Azura said “I’m first!”
“Naw let Duane go first.” Your friend Jessica said mischievously “If you on punishment lets have fun.” She whispered to you. Your one eyebrow went up in devilish agreement.
“Oh Duane would you like a mani/pedi?” You ask cheerfully sitting on his lap.
“Y/N what are you doing? I’m working.” Duane explained trying to get you off of him as he felt his pants tightening up. As you sat up your friend Suzette took over and really poured it on thick. Suzette was very curvy and had a big sleep T on with boy underwear. She sat on Duane and took his sunglasses off.
“Let’s take these off so we can see your handsome face.” She said sweetly batting her eyelashes at him.
“Ok I see what y’all are doing and it’s not going to work.” Duane weakly protested as another girl came behind him and started massaging his shoulders.
“Oh my such big shoulders with so much tension.” She said softly as she kneaded out some knots.
“My job is stressful.” He said relenting to how good it felt. You looked over at 2 other girls and they started giving him a manicure one at each hand while you placed his tired feet in a bowl of steaming water for his pedicure. “Oh my god” is all he could say with all the special treatment. The girl on his lap started feeding him grapes when suddenly his phone rang but he couldn’t reach it. One of the girls reached in his pocket and answered it. It was Jack on FaceTime checking up on you.
“What the fuck is going on?” Jack said as he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
“Hi bubby we’re treating Duane” You waved as you were clipping his toenails.
“Yeah he’s very stressed. Poor Duaney Wayney.” Your friend said to Jack as she massaged his arm.
“Sorry boss they got me in a situation” Duane said as now a towel was being wrapped around his head and a clay masque applied to his face.
“Give me Y/N.” Jack said to her friend seething
You stopped what you were doing to take the phone with all the giggles in the background and girls remarking on how stressed Duane was as he was telling them things he had to go through guarding celebrities.
“You think you’re slick Y/N” Jack chided disapprovingly
“I don’t know what you mean. You hear the man you have him working too hard.” You said with a straight face as you were delighted you were getting under Jack’s skin. “By the way you look so hot baby. I wish I was there to…”
“Stop it aint gone work. This is nasty work Y/N. When I get home imma..” Jack tried to threaten
“You’ll what? Spank me?” You said bending over and biting your lip
Jack looked mesmerized for a second but snapped out of it “Imma get you back for this some way somehow for turning my security guard into a marshmallow.”
“Ahhh sorry baby from the looks of things Duane belongs to us now right girls??!!” You said showing Jack the whole scene unfolding and the most content look he had ever seen on Duane’s face. All the girls laughed as they caressed Duane. His head was now in your friend’s lap as he was getting a facial, laid out on the couch with cucumber slices over his eyes.
Jack called Urban and Sunni over to see what their girls were up to. “Azura stop rubbing Duane’s feet now!!” Urban yelled in despair as he couldn’t do anything about it.
“Baby??! Please stop.” Is all Sunni could say as he saw his girlfriend with her boy shorts and tank top on take over and give Duane a head massage
“This is pure evil guys.” Jack said to them as they looked on helplessly “Y/N this ain’t over.” He called out to you from Saudi Arabia
“Sorry Jack I can’t hear you too good bye hunny bunny.” You blew him a kiss and cut off the call
Jack knew that trick. He taught it to you. “They just declared war fellas.” He said to his friends as he had to admit defeat. “Y/N got it coming when I get back. Her security is gonna be so tight she’s going to have surveillance in the washroom.”
“Something tells me Duane won’t have a problem with that.” Phil chimed in
They all turned and looked at him and said “Shut the fuck up Phil!”
@itsyagirljaz @jackharlow502
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Zenix’s little tangent in Episode 35… doesn’t entirely make sense. Or at least I don’t like parts of it and so I’m gonna bitch.
Tw I speak a little bit about abuse and cults at the end.
Zenix: “I’m sure garroth told you… didn’t he? How he found me? He must have… you were always his favorite. Isn’t it funny how he found me around the same time the old Lord was murdered?”
That’s just the beginning of it, of course.
But… Zenix saying this doesn’t really… fit.
SKs kill people in order to gain immortality (typically guards who kill their lords, but it’s established in episode 31, Criminal Brains, that it’s not only guards and not only lords). This is usually someone they knew in their human life, that’s just how it’s always been with SKs, that’s the whole… tragic romance of them. Whoever they dedicated their mortal life to will be the sacrifice to their immortal life.
Whether Zenix is saying he showed up in Phoenix drop shortly before or after he killed the lord is nothing to me, because either way, it’s clear they don’t have that bond. Even Azura states that Zenix swore himself to GARROTH. And the later established lore that sks have permanently red eyes after killing their person doesn’t even apply to Zenix in this case, because he had brown eyes the entire time we knew him, up until they clearly decided that he was the one who murdered the old lord and scrapped Vylad’s involvement.
Because up until this point… all evidence pointed to Vylad. From flashbacks of him standing outside of the old lord’s house with a flint and steel to Sasha basically outright saying it, everything has pointed at Vylad. And I’m not saying twists are a negative, red herrings are fun, but nothing good ever comes when you mix jesson and red herrings… clearly. So this was just… not a good twist. I’ve been keeping track of a lot of stuff and there just wasn’t enough for me to justify it as something pre-planned. But if someone else has another opinion I’m happy to hear.
This is something they do a lot with Zenix. Even with the original reveal that he was a bad guy, they retconned Brendan’s statement of events to make him look worse. They turned Zenix using him like a human body shield into Zenix going out of his way to hurt Brendan, though it didn’t need to be done. It just made him seem unnecessarily cruel.
And now they’ve retconned who killed the old lord to make Zenix look worse again. And I think this is because Jesson cannot cope with moral ambiguity.
Vylad and Zenix are the two most morally ambiguous characters up to this point. Zenix has an evil lean, no doubt, but a lot of his actions lack any known motivation, especially his kind actions, or moments when he does things that are objectively good but… we don’t know why, in order for us to actually understand his moral compass. Sure he is evil-aligned, but he is clearly not fully evil. He has shades of grey… and so does Vylad. Vylad clearly has a good lean, but we don’t know enough about him, and we know he is evil-aligned (he is shown to be peers with Gene and Sasha in earlier episodes) so it’s very… vague. Hazy. Morals? Questionable.
But then Jesson went— HOLD UP! Make Zenix explicitly bad by stating that he was the one to kill the old lord because he wanted immortality… and make Vylad explicitly good by stating that he was the one who hindered Zenix from killing more people.
It wss more interesting when Zenix was just some guy who did bad stuff and had an unknown backstory, and some people rooting for the good in him.
And when Vylad was spooky as fuck.
But that’s too much nuance, give a clear morality to the gay men.
Dont make SKs interesting by giving Zenix red eyes for attempting to kill the man he dedicated his life to! No! Don’t expand the lore by making it obvious that the reason that SKs have to kill their loved ones is to mirror cult/abuse tactics that distance the victims from any real support system they could have to escape! Dont give Zenix red eyes even though he failed at killing Garroth because the bond between them is irreparably damaged despite Garroth’s denial of it! Don’t do that! That’s too much nuance!
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haystarlight · 9 months
Okay so sorting characters into Hogwarts houses is obviously out of fashion but can we assign them a Camp Half-blood cabin, like:
Luz could be Apollo (cause she's bi, cause she's a ray of sunshine, cause she loves art and music and is creative and also her mom's a vet so she's a kind of healer)
Amity can be either Athena (cause she a smort gurl who loves to learn and read and be clever) or Hephaestus (cause she grows up to be like an inventor/engineer/mechanic thing and Alador has kinda Hephaestus vibes) or it would even be cool if she was a Hecate kid (you know because she parallels Hecate from the Azura book series)
Willow is obviously Demeter, I don't need to explain that one.
Gus is more difficult. But I think he would either also be an Athena kid (Gus and Amity in the same cabin what a concept huh) or Dionysus (cause he can torture people with illusions and Dionysus could do that too)
Eda and Lilith can both be in the Hecate cabin (it's the vibes mostly, Eda more than Lilith tho, Eda would totally go into the Witchcraft cabin (yes I know they're *all* witches but Eda's vibes are different)) or the Eris cabin (you know, Eris the goddess of Chaos? That's totally Eda)
Raine is also in the Apollo cabin (art, music and poetry like Luz. Also bitch is a hopeless romantic with a trainwreck love life, that's as Apollo as anything)
Hunter is more difficult I think. Hades maybe? Cause he came back from the dead and he's got all that trauma wet cat eyebag sadness just like Nico?
Vee.... Aphrodite? Because Aphrodite can change her face depending on who looks at her?
King... Zeus? Like, King of Demons, King of the Gods?
I think I'm done for now
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demons-mind · 5 months
Meet my version of Eve
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Here are some fun facts about Eve here
She and Adam are still technically married. They just have brakes in their relationship so that they don't get bored of each other. (and yes they did set up rules for what they can and can't do during their brakes)
When she gets too emotional, she comes this Roo-like (Root of all Evil) state
She's a really big foodie of a person, Adam jokingly calls her "his bottomless pit", because all she does is eat. (Yet she's still a skinny bitch)
She loves all her kids equally.
She is also very protective of all her kids equally.
She has a habit of questioning Heaven's morality from time to time, which is not great for her because she's technically not supposed to be there.
The only reason why she made it to heaven was because Adam made a deal with Sera and the other Seraphims (that's why she technically doesn't have wings or a Halo)
She tries to bond with Abel the best she can, but he doesn't really care about her, so their relationship is a bit shallow at times. However, unlike Adam, Abel will call Eve his Mom.
She is unaware of what happened to Cain, Seth, or Azura and misses them dearly.
She knew about the extermination and was completely against it.
Is actually grateful to Lucifer for giving her the Apple.
Hates Lilith and Lute with a burning passion.
She was supposed to look like a smaller version of Lilith, but the angels decided to change her appearance a tiny bit so Adam wouldn't completely reject her like Lilith.
(Fun fact for when I was making Eve in my head: So, as I said before, I saw a bunch of different people's OC versions of Eve, and they all looked really good. However, I also saw a bunch of different versions of her and didn't really know how to make mine stand out a tiny bit, as shallow as that sounds, I wanted my to stand out from the rest. So that's why I made her with the skin tone she has)
That's all I have for Eve for now hope you all like her!!!
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sanicsmut · 4 months
Words of the Fallen
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Technically Darien Gautier x Vestige!Reader, but all I can say is play Summerset's main quest in ESO before reading this.
part 2
Warnings : Use of Y/N once. Angst because it is. Spoilers for the end of Summerset. Language. The letter is taken directly from the game, which is why it’s written way better than what I’ve actually written.
Words: 1000 (I can't believe I got such a perfect count)
Robin’s comment: Cried making this, bon appétit. More seriously, this chapter (the game's DLC I mean) made me hate Meridia. She was one of my favorite daedric princes, but now it's over. All hail Azura. Anyway this is basically me telling Meridia what she deserves to hear. There's also a hint of a part two at the end ;). I'll try to write it, but I can't guarantee anything.
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"Never trust a Daedric Prince. If there's anything I learned from all this, that's it in a nutshell. I used to think I had a purpose, a part to play in the grand scheme of things. I suppose I did, sort of, but the way things turned out, it wasn't at all the way I imagined. Meridia said I was her vessel. I guess my fate was sealed from the moment she brought me into existence.
Now, here I am, back in the Colored Rooms. I thought that when I gave my energy to restore the sword—and I did that for my friend, not for Meridia—I thought that was the end of me. I'm back, though, but this time is different. My light, it's fading. I can feel the darkness getting closer, pressing in. I expect that once the light goes out, that will be the end.
I need to tell you something about Meridia. She's a deceiver. She promised that if I served her faithfully, I'd earn my freedom. She never told me that freedom was just another word for the void. Don't trust her. Don't trust any of the Daedric Princes. Not ever.
I've found peace though. Meridia gave me a chance to see the world, and those I care about, one last time. To save those I loved. I'm grateful for that, at least.
I wish I had a chance to say goodbye to everyone. To Skordo. To Gabrielle. Gods, I'll miss them. But most of all, (Y/N). I don't know if she will understand how much she truly meant to me. Perhaps we'll see each other again, in another place, another time. I probably won't be the version of myself that's writing these words, though. That me will be gone. I can live with that.
I only wish I could have spent more time with everybody. Had a few more adventures. Ordered those drinks like we always talked about.
I hope my friends find peace, happiness, and love. They deserve what I could never have. If anyone ever finds this book, know that I will never forget those I named herein. And, if you find them, and I pray that you do, tell them this.
Protect the ones you love. Hold them close. Cherish their every moment. Make them laugh, and laugh with them. Smile together and never, ever, forget that the moments you have are so very precious.
Oh, and tell them not to forget me, either. I mean, I am a legend, as far as I know.
The polite, handsome, and humble knight,
Darien Gautier”
You let the book fall back on the bench where you found it.
No… No…
You were breathing heavily. And a few minutes later, surrounded by those trees, you let out your anguish.
Dawnbreaker gripped tight in your hand, you screamed.
“Take it back! Take your goddamn sword back!”
“It seems my vessel isn’t the only one who ended up having feelings when he shouldn’t.”
A bright light. There it was, this patronizing voice. This voice you had respected, after giving you back your soul and helping you in Coldharbour. This voice you grew to hate.
“You bitch, he was my friend!”
“Where is your respect, Vestige?”
Vestige. You hadn't been called that since that time you helped Abnur Tharn in Elsweyr. Only the companions called you that. The companions and Meridia. But even the Daedric Prince hasn’t called you that during this whole mission. It was like you were back in Coldharbour all over again. Back fighting for what you thought was right, back, fighting against and with forces you couldn’t comprehend.
“My respect for you died when Darien got condemned. By your fault.”
“He was my vessel, an empty shell, a weapon to do my bidding. He served his purpose.”
“He was my friend!” You yelled again.
“And a traitor.”
“How the f-”
“He sacrificed he life for you. He purified my sword, not to serve me, but to help you.”
“Oh, so this is it? You’re throwing a tantrum because your tool wasn’t devoted to you only?”
“Careful with your words, Vestige.”
“You owe me! I’m the one who fought Molag Bal, I’m the one who assembled all those allies to stop the coalition! I’m the one who just stopped Nocturnal! And you owe him too! He may have purified Dawnbreaker for me, but everything else he did was for you, to serve you, because he was your champion! Because he truly thought he could trust you!”
“And you owe me for your soul. And he owes me for the purpose I gave him.”
“You wouldn’t have been able to take my soul if I hadn’t fought in Coldharbour! It’s all thanks to me! And his purpose? He could’ve been a hero without disappearing for your fucking sake! Hell, he just wanted to help his friends!”
“Friends he shouldn’t have had in the first place.”
“I swear, I defeated Molag Bal and Nocturnal, I can defeat you too. Take back your fucking sword and give me back my friend.”
You could feel Meridia’s rising anger, the air feeling tense around you despite the Daedric prince not being here physically.
“You want your ‘friend’ back?” The prince of light asked, her voice filling you with a bad feeling.
“Yes!” You answered. “Free him from your realm!”
You swore you almost heard Meridia growling, even if that sounded out of character. But that being was strict and cold, full of authority, like a severe and cruel mother. But nothing about her was motherly. She might have been less ‘evil’ than other princes, but she still served her own interests, mortals were just tools for her, or obstacles she had to get rid of. And you were sure that she was now in the second category.
“You will have to free him yourself.” Meridia declared. “That is, if you can get out of my realm.”
Her voice was tainted in cruelty, and a blinding light burnt your eyes before everything went black.
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morgy-doo · 6 months
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Luz noceda~
has 100% made you read all of the azura books ATLEAST once
has started teaching you spanish because she thought it would be cute if you two had your own cute lil conversations without over people over hearing
always pestering amity on relationship advice
the owl house is basically your second home by now
hooty can never leave you both alone for more than 5 minutes when your with each other
tries to hide whats going on with belos from you but you figure it out pretty quick because she is a BADDDD liar
she just doesn't want you to worry <3
AMAZING at cheering you up, honestly she would throw herself off a cliff just to hear you do that little cry laugh thing
Amity blight~
she is constantly worrying she is not good enough for you
please give this poor girl some love and reassurance
based on the past person she was she is terrified that one day you will realise there are better people and will never speak to her again
even if your not in the track, abomination magic has become a big part of your life
sometimes at school she gets an abomination to follow you around and carry your bags and stuff when she is not avaliable
she thinks its sweet and endearing
you think its terrifying but don't have the heart to tell her
literally gulps down your praise
"you really think i did good?"
she is so proud of herself after that
she cares about you SM
lucky bitch
your safety always becomes before hers and sometimes she forgets to do certain things for herself because she is to occupied with worrying about you
Willow park~
loves gardening with you
honestly you were clueless about how to diffrentiate (did i spell that right?) different types of trees
but ever since dating her you know the label and scientific name of ever plant that's ever grown
good for you boo <3
always is slightly self concious around you
always trying to smooth down her hair
but DAMN this girl is STRICT
if you play a sport or any type of activity that involves potential injury, you better expect her to be wrapping you in bubble wrap the moment you leave that field
if you were trying to impress her with your skills and get hurt, she will scold you the entire time she is fixing your injury, but secretly finds it cute
she will find simple little things to brighten your day like leaving cute little potted plants on your desk before class
Gus porter~
THE MOST supportive boyfriend to ever grace this earth
you wanna try something new? go ahead he will be excited to hear how you liked it
you wanna try out a new sport? he will be cheering you on at every practice and game in the stands
definately owns one of those shirts that say "i love my bf/gf"
tries so hard to impress you
he wants to be the perfect boyfriend for you so if you show interest in the slightest thing then boom you own a whole collection of items related to that interest and he has learnt everything there is to know about it off witchapedia
loves watching you use your magic
it interests him
learns so many different jokes just to make you laugh and smile everyday
Boscha (i only just realised she doesn't have a last name)~
oh god how do i even start this
can be super clingy one minute, but then acts as if she is used to the attention from you and couldn't care less
she takes it upon herself to be your protector
even if its from a potential splinter
BIG on pet names
babe,baby,darling,sweetheart, yk
"heh did you see that babe? i totally just saved you from that rogue grudgby ball"
speaking of grudgby, as cliche as it sounds she has bought you a jersey that has her name on it for when she plays grudgby
honestly dies of happiness when she hears you shout "that's my girlfriend!"
always lends you her jacket when your cold, even when she is freezing herself she is way to stubborn to take it back
or she just lets you wear it around the school hallways so everyone knows the coolest girl in school is your girlfriend
when she is ruling hexside, she keeps an eye on you, no matter where you are in the room, her third eye is always on you
she is terrified she is going to lose you like she did the others
lets you sit on her lap when she is on the throne
can you tell she is my favourite?
Hunter deamonne~
he is literally the definition of acts of service
the biggest gentlemen ever
holds open every door, pulls out your chairs for you, literally he could be your slave
gets red VERY easily
when you give him praise he practically melts
found it hard to open up to you about his past but when he does he feels a huge relief
now he tells you literally everything
you totally gossip together all the time
he loves training with you, it's never serious and he can see your magic in action
you are honestly his everything
he loves playing with your hair too
is honestly so good at doing hair, he has learnt how to get the perfect rounded bun
loves you more than life itself
part two? <3
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the-elder-polls · 12 days
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hi tcs fridays oc rambling beneath the cut. this time, specifically about my nerevarine, rildras, and his daughter, dagoth vedyra
ril loves spicy food. the hotter the better. you could feed this man a bowl of literal magma full of the hottest peppers in existence and he'd eat it and say it was delicious.
ril considered giving vedyra to an orphanage immediately after her birth because he was really scared, and almost did, but changed his mind last second and kept her. he never told her this and intends to take this secret with him to the grave.
his gender is "weird saint incarnate corpse man thing"
he often forgets he's a demiprince until vedyra points it out to him. then he stands there, scratches his beard, shrugs, and forgets it again.
he did in fact marry dagoth ur. they consummated the marriage (which is where vedyra came from) and then IMMEDIATELY after started duking it out in a fight to the death. ril kept Life in the divorce
ril hates the daedra. he hates the aedra. he hates every divine being he can think of. this includes his motherfather azura, who he especially hates for creating him.
after the events of morrowind, he decided to "leave on an expedition to akavir", aka buy a farm in the middle of nowhere in morrowind and retire his public nerevarine persona entirely. he never shared his true name with anyone and never showed anyone his face during the events of morrowind, so common belief is that the nerevarine just disappeared after. but he didn't. he's just a mushroom farmer.
he has such bad resting bitch face. even in the happiest moments of his life, he just looks like 😑
he loves the ashlanders but struggles to accept their religious beliefs. he has such a complicated relationship with that. (much to his upset, after the events of morrowind, he never interacts with them as the nerevarine ever again.)
he has searched for his mother nedrala multiple times, but has never found her. he eventually felt he was too old to keep searching, concluded that she was likely dead anyway, and gave up. but he wonders about her and he misses her. he wishes he could hug her.
she keeps a small private shrine to voryn. she knows she will never hear from him, she knows his spirit is destroyed and gone, but it's the closest she'll ever get to getting to know him, so she does it anyway. she also has a small shrine for nedrala, rildras' mother, just in case.
rildras offered her the mask of dagoth ur as a memento, but she refused it, insisting that dagoth ur was not her father, voryn was. (he keeps it under his bed next to his indoril helm.)
she has a clear distinction in her head of "voryn" vs "ur". it would be an entire other post to explain how this works for her. it's complicated and intricate but the gist of it is the simple fact that she wishes she could have known him as the man he once was instead of the monster that he became.
she loves to learn. she always has. she is so deeply curious about everything. she drove rildras insane with "but why/how?" when she was a toddler. then she grew up and started to drive scholars insane with those questions instead of her father.
she loves flowers. she keeps a flower garden and loves to go sit in it whenever she gets the opportunity to.
she has a plethora of pet scribs and they are all named veloth. every single one of them. this started as a child with her first pet scrib, veloth the second, and then it just spiraled.
she loves silt striders. she is bound and determined to bring them back from practical extinction.
she referred to baby vedathyr (her son, the last dragonborn) as "my little dragon" from the moment she knew she was pregnant. she has never once elaborated on this and when asked, smiles and shrugs, saying "it must have been a mother's intuition."
she has adopted SO, so many people into the rebuilt house dagoth. if she finds someone down on their luck, in need of a home, and willing to learn? welcome to house dagoth, dyra is family now.
to elaborate on the rebuilt house dagoth, she is rebuilding the house dagoth with herself as its head. there have been so many attempts on her life because of this, but it's vedyra, so of course they failed.
she rescued a man named dralyn of house redoran after he was exiled from his house for publicly approving of vedyra's attempts to rebuild house dagoth. dralyn has been hopelessly in love with her ever since. she thinks it's cute but doesn't return his feelings. (he's fine with that. he is just happy to get to be around her.)
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loominggaia · 2 months
So what does Queen Indiga think of her triplet grandsons? Is there any chance she'll ever meet them? Would she even want too?
As a political leader, Indiga hates that these boys even exist. She hates that her daughter married a foreigner and has been labeled a "traitor" by the Evangelite people. It's a source of embarrassment for her. The Evangelite people talk a lot of shit about Azura, Jelani, and their kids, and do not welcome any of them into the kingdom.
But as a grandmother, Indiga loves these boys regardless of who their father is or what her daughter did. She knows they're just innocent children, and she would love to have them in her life. Alas, it would reflect very poorly on her to maintain a relationship with them.
I imagine Indiga might arrange a private flight to transport Azura and her babies back to Evangeline Kingdom just to visit them. She could book a "vacation" somewhere and stay at a resort with them to reduce scrutiny. Azura would just use this as an opportunity to explain to her why her oppressive policies are trash, but Indiga wouldn't listen. She's too old, ignorant, and set in her ways.
She has already decided that she doesn't like Jelani and doesn't want to meet him, so he wouldn't be invited. Indiga has no legitimate reason for disliking him, other than he's Matuzan and she's a xenophobic old bitch lol. But the babies, yes, she wants to be a grandma to them even if she has to do so in secrecy. And maybe Azura would let her sisters meet them too (Except Marine and Teal because they can't keep their mouths shut about anything...)
Indiga would be a valuable resource to these boys as they grow up, depending on how long she lives. Her checkbook is always open to them, and she has enough political pull to get them out of serious trouble, even from across the border.
Publicly, Indiga forsakes these boys and talks about how shameful her daughter's choices are.
Privately, she's sending them toys and cookies (and Lindist scripture...) in the mail and telling them how much grandma loves them.
These poor little boys have no idea that some foreign kingdom sees them as villains and wants them dead. They will surely find out when they're older...
Lore Masterpost
Read the Series
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