k-im-lost · 12 days
Khajiit caravans in Skyrim are boring. So I'm gonna grab this McDonald's chicken burger, take the pickles out, and add to it like an obnoxious tiktoker that think they are the next Gordon Ramsey.
Here are the Furstalks I think would look better. I'll try my best to keep it to just the Furstalk and reason why.
Ri'saad: I am going with the generic Cathay-Raht. Discovering he had a wife completely threw me off, and now I can't be creative with it. Plus, I don't think a short guy is very threatening, especially a furry short guy.
Atahbah: Also a Cathay but not Raht. I looked at Ri'saad's lore page, and it says he's married to her. So why not make them the same Furstalk.
Khayla: Suthay-Raht, I already drew her as a Cathay but fuck that I'm making my bbgurl better. Plus, it makes sense since you can always ask the guards for some form of sneaky skill training, and Suthay-Raht are good sneakers according to my notes.
Ma'randru-jo: Wizard bitch gets Dagi-Raht. A Raht because I want him to be taller, the Dagi are like some of the smallest khajiits on two legs. Also, they are theories to be magical in some sense
Ma'dran: Pahmar, mostly due to his tiger like face. And he's the only caravan with only 3 Khajiits, so it makes sense to have bigger and stronger Khajiits.
Ma'jhab: Cathay, he's really hot. That's it.
Ra'zhinda: Suthay, she's really hot. That's it.
Ahkari: Alfiq. NOW HEAR ME OUT. Alfiqs will sometimes ride Pahmar-Rahts shoulders, and I need that.
Dro'marash: Pahmar-Raht, his color is what really sold me on it because there had been white Pahmar, so itmakes sense with him.
Kharjo: Cathay. That fur patern isn't letting my brain work.
Zaynabi: Tojay, Not Raht because I'd rather not struggle with the different leg structure.
Thank you for wasting your time on me. In the future, I'm gonna make a post about my head canons on their personalities. And I have a lot of opinions on Ri'saad.
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thomlocke73 · 2 years
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thomlocke73 · 2 years
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thomlocke73 · 2 years
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thomlocke73 · 2 years
 what sound, it still is great! .,..
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