#Old drarry fics
littlewinnow · 4 months
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Oh man i dont recall ever posting one of my first fanart for a drarry fic here (the liars department by dorthyann)
It was unfinished but maybe i should redo it? 😂
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jackie4dinner · 4 months
Being in a fandom as old as Harry Potter is crazy because what do you mean I’m reading a fanfic that’s only 3 months younger than me???
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nicoloowiarchz · 1 year
Sirius and Ron: Fuck Death eaters!!!
James and Harry: Oh, yes.
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cluelesspigeons · 1 year
This is written for the song “Make It Sweet” by Old Dominion from @drarrymicrofic
Word count: 202
Drarry microfic: sweet lemonade
When Harry entered the kitchen, Draco’s head was buried into one of the cupboards above the stove. He was standing on his tiptoes, trying to look in the back of the cupboard.
“What are you doing?”
Draco jumped a little at the sound of Harry’s voice, though he didn’t turn to look at him. He continued his search for Merlin-knows-what.
“I’m looking if we still have some sugar left,” came Draco’s muffled voice from the cupboard. “It’s not looking promising, though.”
Confused, Harry raised an eyebrow. “Why do you need sugar?”
Draco pointed at a big batch of lemons standing on the counter. “Mother has sent some lemons from her home in Italy. I want to make sweet lemonade of them.”
Harry chuckled and shook his head fondly. He couldn’t deny that the thought of some fresh homemade lemonade made his mouth water.
In front of him, Draco sighed as he finally emerged from the cupboard, closing it softly. He turned to look at Harry, his long hair all dishevelled. “Could you go get some sugar from the store, please?”
With a smile growing on his face, Harry stepped closer and placed a loving kiss on his husband’s cheek. “Of course, love.”
Prompt from June 2nd
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thusspoketrish · 2 months
Excerpt from This Year's Love
“So. What’s it like?”
“What’s what like?”
Draco shrugs. “Doing what you do. With the people you meet.”  
“I mean...what’s there to say? You meet someone, you take them out to lunch or dinner, then you decide that if you like each other enough, maybe you’ll go to a club or a dive bar. You make the other person feel special and taken care of. Then you go back to their place, fuck, and then, well...wonder how long you have to lie there before you can go home.”
Draco splutters, slapping a hand against his chest. “I’m sorry... that’s what goes through your head after fucking someone?”
“Yeah, most of the time. I tell them I have things I need to do...early meeting...or work to get to. Then, to end the whole ordeal on a sweet note, I give them a kiss on the forehead.”
“That’s your modus operandi?”
Harry shrugs.
“Oh, wow, you’re not joking,” Draco says faintly.
“How long do you like to be held?” Harry asks, teasing. Draco’s cheeks pinken. “I bet you like to be held all night.”
“You’re a fucking pig, Potter,” Draco says, ducking his head and taking another swig from his glass.
“I just like things how I like them,” Harry says.
This Year's Love (AO3)
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theserpens · 1 year
Drarry Fic Rec: Set Eight
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Grounds For Divorce by @tepre 122,217 words, E
Malfoy finds a coin. Harry finds a letter. A story about histories, a story about families. A story about a lemon tree somewhere in Upper Egypt.
That Old Black Magic by @bixgirl1 77,777 words, E
Centuries ago, marriage contracts were the norm — ready-made alliances between families, expected and complied with, without complaint. But norms have a way of changing, and when a long-dormant contract flares to life, Harry has to navigate an unexpected splintering of the path he'd thought would be easy after the war… with Draco Malfoy.
Stain of Silence by Brummell 28,356 words, E
After the war, Draco serves out his sentence in Harry Potter's house.
Lessons in Grace and Decorum by GallaPlacidia 48,977 words, NR
In Azkaban, Narcissa Malfoy gives Draco lessons in how to manipulate people into loving him. When Draco is released on the condition that he is bonded to Harry as his prisoner, he finally has a chance to put his newfound skills into practice.
This set includes stories where Harry and Draco are bound together - either magically or by circumstance. All of them feature the boys being forced into closeness, one way or another. This, of course, contains all the angst you would expect from that premise. Here, you'll find emotional distance, disconnected realities, startling intimacy, and tragic love, seemingly rooted in rot. I also noticed that in all of these stories, the two of them are somehow confined together at Grimmauld Place for a while. So, if you are a fan of that creepy old house, these might be for you!
All of them begin shortly after the war, with Harry and Draco still raw and exhausted and with no empathy for the other. These stories each illustrate their changing understanding, helped along by compulsory proximity.
'Grounds for Divorce' is probably the most mellow story in this set. It starts off pretty angsty, but their relationship grows and blossoms into something kinder over time. It's also carefully crafted, and the (magical) bond between Harry and Draco is described so tangibly, I sometimes felt it in my own toes.
'That Old Black Magic' starts off with a toxic and antagonistic physical dynamic. It has a gripping, fucked-up, and charged relationship between the two boys and handles the implications of a forced magical marriage wonderfully.
'Stain of Silence' doesn't include a bond or marriage of any sort; instead, Draco is bound to Harry by the law. This leads to an uneven power dynamic between the two of them, which gives the whole story a gloomy tinge. It is beautifully written, painful, and sharp. Ginny is portrayed as especially hostile towards Draco. So if you are in need of a good Draco/Ginny bromance afterwards, I suggest you scour the internet for 'Lessons in Grace and Decorum' — which also includes bonded Drarry due to Draco's sentence, lots of sadness and an uneven power dynamics. But a fun friendship between Draco and Ginny. So, Enjoy!
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vukovich · 1 year
V: video 👀
--I missed this from a prompt game, and now I can't find the prompt list, so it is hereby bequeathed the status of a Peculiar Prompt--
It Happened in a Blockbuster (as was the style at the time)
Y2K was probably all made up, Draco figured as he passed the news stand. The cover stories were nonsense about computers, and those, as far as he could tell, were actually magical.
But it was nothing to worry about. Or that's what Pansy had said when he mentioned it a few months ago. In October? No, September. Had it been that long?
The bell above the video store door jingled as he entered. He'd half-expected it to be closed at 8 PM on New Year's Eve.
After he slid his DVD returns through the slot, he took a deep breath. It always smelled the same. Something like socks, rubber, and artificial butter. The decor was bold blue and yellow, or had been before a decade's sun and slush, and maybe under the shelves, the carpet was still bright.
The clerk gave him a passing wave and went back to his magazine. His name was Terry, but Draco had never addressed him as such, because learning someone's name via their nametag felt illicit. He wouldn't call him by his name unless they'd properly introduced themselves, which they hadn't. And probably wouldn't.
Draco went days at a time without speaking to anyone. Not because he wanted to, it was just that there was rarely someone to talk to.
New releases first, right by the door, but Draco had already watched them. To the right, the children's movies with their covers like sweets boxes. To the left, in tidy alphabetical order, were films that had been in the store for between one and three months, precisely, and then they'd be shelved forevermore by genre and title.
Documentaries were what he rented most, but they weren't his favorite. They were good for when he wanted to feel as though he were sitting in companionable silence with someone. Action films were best for when his thoughts were too loud and needed to be drowned out by car chases and explosions. Romance movies were his favorite, but he was rarely in a state to watch them.
He'd never climb Mt Everest like in a documentary, or take down a rival car thief gang, but love? Unfortunately, love was something he could have, and the fact that he didn't was too much to sit with.
The wedding invitations started coming in like junk mail last year. Draco had tossed them all in his building's dumpster. Not many people had noticed his missing RSVPs.
He didn't need to witness romance in a church or on a television screen. Not if he could help it.
And especially on New Year's Eve. Alone.
He hadn't planned on becoming a film junkie. And maybe he wasn't really. He rarely remembered an actor or producer's name. He couldn't say what was a "bad" film versus a "good" one. Everything he knew about films was subjective. He liked blonde leads, either all romance or no romance, because a romance taking second booking to an action plot was an insult to both.
But having watched most of the local Blockbuster's stock hadn't been in his post-war plans. Well, assuming he'd had post-war plans. Which he didn't. Everyone else did, and they'd gone out and done them.
He thumbed through copies of Muppets from Space to see if one might be an extended edition. It wasn't.
A shorter man took down a copy of Never Been Kissed and turned it over in his hands. Drew Barrymore was one of Draco's least favorite lead actresses, so the fact that she mainly did romantic comedies was just fine by him. If he ever had to sit though her narrating a documentary, he'd-
"Malfoy?" Harry Potter was standing there, holding Drew Barrymore in his hands. "Hey, cool. I didn't know you lived around here."
He reached out to vaguely shake Draco's hand, skirted it into an almost-high five, then smoothed his hair back.
It was surreal seeing him somewhere like this. Arguably a bigger celebrity than anyone on that movie box, but Muggles didn't know. It was no big deal when he ran into Neville in the grocery store, or Granger at the bank. They weren't Harry Potter.
"Yeah," was all Draco said. "On Wilson Ave."
"Okay, well," Harry said, "Um, see you around?"
He waved the movie box as he turned to leave, but only made it a few paces before he stopped.
Draco quirked an eyebrow in question.
Harry bit the inside of his lip, then eventually said, "People talk about you." Before Draco could react, Harry shook his head, then added, "Not like, in a bad way. Like, we check in on you."
Draco's brow furrowed. "What?"
"It just comes up sometimes, you know? Has anyone seen Malfoy lately? How's he doing? What's he up to? You know, just stuff like that."
"Oh," Draco said.
"I just..." Harry smoothed his hair back with the movie box. "I just thought you might like knowing, you know?"
Draco looked down at the geometric patterns in the faded carpet. Did it matter that his classmates kept tabs on him? Like a surveillance web. Some kind of watchful net.
It made a certain warmth spread through his chest, because it did matter.
"Thanks," he said, swallowing thickly. He nodded towards Harry's hand. "That's probably an awful film. You'll have to believe in the kissability of Drew Barrymore."
Harry pulled a face and put it back on the shelf. "Dodged a bullet. Want to help me pick something else out? I'm not in a hurry."
Draco's lips cracked a smile. "Sure."
Three days later, he returned Austin Powers: the Spy Who Shagged Me, and took copies of Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery, GoldenEye, License to Kill,and Romeo + Juliet up to the desk.
"Hi, Terry," he said.
Terry rolled his eyes and scanned Draco's Blockbuster card. "You've got a late fee of... " he squinted at the computer monitor. "Two hundred thousand, five hundred, and thirty-seven pounds?"
Draco gasped. That Y2K nonsense really had turned all the computers evil.
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springairs · 2 months
British newcomer Harry Potter is given a wildcard for Wimbledon after winning at the Nottingham Open, and fights his way to the final of his very first Grand Slam. Hopes are high, but can he really win against defending champion and world number one Draco Malfoy of France? Well, Ron and Hermione seem to think so.
And perhaps Wimbledon isn’t the only thing Harry has a shot at winning from Malfoy.
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teacup-tai · 2 years
Dragons Don't Know Paradise (Drarry 50k)
Today is World AIDS Day. It also is my fic Dragons Don't Know Paradise 2nd birthday. My fic about HIV+ characters, about hope and love and found family. I didin't realise in December 2020 about the massive coincidence of posting the first chapter of my 25 days of Harry and Draco fic that the 1st of December was the most perfect day to start this story. Dragons is my first long Drarry fic, and it's probably my best story. I love it so much and I'm so grateful to everyone who read, gave me kudos, love and comments.
To everyone out there living with HIV, I send you my love, my support and my respect. You will always find in me an ally against the hardship of world and prejudice. <3
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Dragons Don't Know Paradise (50k, Drarry + Wolfstar)
Summary: In 2004, when Remus spends two scary weeks in the ITU due to complications of pneumonia and his HIV condition, Sirius walks around the house like a ghost and Harry finds comfort and strength in Draco through a chat in an online LGBT forum. Harry falls for him, but Draco has a lot of secrets and, before long, will need to come clean—even if he believes that no one is able to understand a dragon. This is a story about falling in love online and about facing the reality of death, but above all, this is a story about hope, finding love and acceptance.
love, tai
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lcdrarry · 1 year
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4 May | LCDrarry Podfic
Sesame Seeds and the Entire Spectrum of Human Emotion
Prompt: "The Proposal", 2009, Anne Fletcher Written by: ronbinary Narrated by: Anonymous Length: 1:03:07 (9.528 words) Rating: Mature Warnings: References to past child abuse, neglect
Summary: Faced with exile, Draco pretends to be engaged to Harry Potter, who agrees to play along for Narcissa's sake. When they're forced to spend a weekend together celebrating the engagement with the Weasleys, they might try to kill each other, or... they might just fall in love. Based on the movie The Proposal (2009), though you don't have to have seen the movie to understand the fic!
View it now on AO3.
Please help promote the fest by sharing your favourite submissions, so more people can enjoy all the amazing new Drarry works of LCDrarry. Thank you!
Creator reveals are on 15 June.
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introvertgoat · 10 months
ron/hermione/the weasleys/etc bashing of any sort is always so extremely boring and repetitive to me in harry potter fanfic omg like no instead of dissecting and examining these flawed and interesting characters in an intriguing and/or different light u decide to stoop to turning then into shallow, barely fleshed out characters 😭😭😭😭😭😭 and 9 out of 10 times it’s so harry can be some OP, dark, usually slytherin, badass like no i’m sorry i can’t
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drarrymicrofic · 1 year
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Happy Donut Day!! 🍩
The first prompt of the month is the song Make It Sweet by Old Dominion!! It was sent to us by the lovely @waterfalls-moon! Thank you so much for the prompt!! 
Listen | Lyrics
Happy Pride!!!! 🏳️‍🌈 The Microfic Mods ✨📜
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mystickitten42 · 2 years
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A Thousand Shades of Green
Part 3: Old Magic Series
This Half-Blood Prince AU is a frothy concoction composed of:
~ Two great big scoops of Drarry (recently coupled following an enemies-to-lovers transformation)
~ A spoonful of angsty Romione
~ A dash of Pansmione
~ An inconvenient phial of Lucissa
~ A pinch of Wolfstar
~ Generous portions of Accidental Bonding, Forced Proximity, Magical Theory, Portrait Magic, Angst, and Fluff
~ A healthy smattering of Smut
Rating: E
Word Count: ~97k, 15 chapters
A deal with Dumbledore yields unexpected results. Harry and Draco remain at Grimmauld Place for the school year, but it’s not all fun and games. Their designated teacher is Snape, who seems determined to make Harry’s life miserable, and Portrait Magic is harder than expected. Can they keep their hands off each other long enough to complete their studies?
Meanwhile, at Hogwarts, with her personal life up in flames, Hermione takes it upon herself to find out who has taken the Dark Mark in Draco’s place. But remaining objective proves challenging when rapidly becoming obsessed with Pansy Parkinson.
As the Dark Lord puts his plans into action, Narcissa worries for Draco’s safety. But she has her own problems to contend with.
~Special thanks to @peachpety for being the first eyes on this. I appreciate you so much 😘
Catch up on the first two parts of the series.
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rahabs · 1 year
I do have a very small laugh whenever I see Harry Potter fics with massive disclaimers about JK Rowling on them, I won’t lie.
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monstrous-femme · 1 year
every time I write in a fandom and get to the point where my fic number in that fandom is higher than the number of harry Potter fics I wrote in high school I'm like. Nature is healing. Anyway I feel that it is only right that a femslash fic in which a girl eats a bunch of men ala Jennifer's body is the fic that is pushing stranger things over that number.
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venificas · 1 year
“It was unbearable to Harry, how much someone could change, how he could have been so deliberately blind to it. And unbearably lovely, the quiet acceptance curtaining him — that he was changing, too. A shift was happening inside him, unlikely as the weather had been that year.”
Excerpt From That Old Black Magic - bixgirl1
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