Tainara Black
6K posts
Tai. 30s. heavy tea drinker. bisexual brazilian. drarry wolfstar & wlw. AO3: teacup_tai | she/her | free 🇵🇸 | trans rights 🏳‍🌈 header art by Joy | avatar by Yelena Bryksenkova
Last active 2 hours ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
teacup-tai · 4 days ago
Please guys can you rec good Pansy/Hermione fic? I'm feeling sad and missing my fave femslash ship 🥺🥺🥺
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teacup-tai · 6 days ago
Morning darlings
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for @k-kizkhalifa ✧˖°.
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teacup-tai · 13 days ago
Ohhh thank you for the rec. I'm glad you enjoyed it 💜✨
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Leeward by @teacup-tai (8K, M)
Tags: hurt/comfort, break up/make up, drarry in their 30s
There’s a polaroid kept in the back of Harry’s nightstand drawer. Just the one. It’s Muggle and slightly yellowish. There are many other photos in a box in the back of Harry’s cupboard under the stairs—the one he almost never opens. A hidden box of hidden memories. After four years since their break up, Harry and Draco meet again at Dean and Blaise’s wedding. Now, between the turquoise sea and the white sand dunes of Fuerteventura, they will need to face their feelings.
Oh, the sweet, burning angst of this, like hot honey dripping down the throat. The loss, the longing, the stubborn hope! I loved this story for its phenomenal atmosphere and for how expertly it tugged on my heartstrings. A lovely piece you'll recall with a smile.
(rec by @smehur)
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teacup-tai · 19 days ago
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teacup-tai · 22 days ago
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artist : @star_ry_eyed
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teacup-tai · 2 months ago
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Author: Me! Recipient: @sleepstxtic , who is perfect and amazing!!! Pairing(s): Harry/Draco (background Ron/Hermione; Pansy/Parvath*; Padma/Neville) Rating: Explicit Word Count: ~61,200 Tags: Quidditch star Harry Potter; Quidditch star Draco Malfoy; enemies to lovers; rivals to lovers; rivals with benefits; accidental bonding; hate cuddling; dubious consent due to accidental bonding; mild violence; UST; competency kink; drinking; mild drunkenness; living together; forced living together; forced sleeping together; disabled character (not Harry or Draco) *trans male character (not Harry or Draco); nonbinary oc; hung Harry; Harry has a man-bun; Desi Harry; Indian cuisine/cooking; traditional Indian clothing; Indian wedding (not Harry and Draco); brief conversation about colonization; cricket match; tattooed Draco; pierced Draco; Draco has an undercut; switching (wait for it); wanking; hand jobs; frotting; blow jobs; rimming; anal sex; felching; dirty talk; name-calling; brief sexist language; size kink, armpit licking; 69; Parseltongue; the porn is a lot of the plot; falling in love; humor; banter; dual POV; mild angst with a happy ending, additional warnings in author's notes on AO3
Summary: Star Quidditch rivals Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter become accidentally bonded. They still hate each other, but now it’s untenable to leave each other’s sides—and my, but it feels oh so good to touch. They’re either going to murder one another, or fall in love. OR: A story in which Draco finally allows himself happiness, and Harry finally learns that he deserves to be whole. Author's Note: Okay, allow me to GO OFF about what a joy it was to write for you, Kat! I was obsessed with your sign-up, and I did my best to not only include as many of your likes as I could, but to make something that would somehow demonstrate how much I cherished writing those things for you in particular, how deeply I cherish YOU as a person and the wonderful light you are in this fandom. You could not be more lovely, and your genuine and generous comments on this touched my heart in a way I'm still too overwhelmed to convey. <3
To everyone who's already read this and left comments, you are INCREDIBLE and you've made me so happy!!!!
Mods, you are fucking amazing, and I'm so grateful for the massive amount of hard work that went into making this fest run smoothly and beautifully! THANK YOU! To my extraordinary betas @nv-md @hoko-onchi-writes and @peachydreamxx you were all immeasurably helpful! Your suggestions and support and squee got this story finished, and I applaud and bow to you! <333 And to @capiturecs for the GORGEOUS banner, thank you so very much, my friend! <3
One last thing! There are three Muggle songs in this fic, two played at Quidditch practice—Song 2 by Blur and Sabotage by The Beastie Boys—and one when they’re at the gym, I Need You Tonight by INXS. I made a playlist for this fic and I’ve listened to it nonstop since August, so I thought I’d share it now:
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2gJF3wKlSIraQQqjvMISp4?si=esKFfHjDQ7mOpu0hZSmxIw&pi=u-u0i1OXh1SCmE I hope you all enjoy the story! I loved every moment of writing it. The Most Splendid Thing
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teacup-tai · 3 months ago
My baby is 4 years old now. Can't believe it. The best story I've ever wrote. My sweet sweet baby. To everyone out there living with HIV I send you a big hug and all my support.
Dragons Don't Know Paradise (Drarry 50k)
Today is World AIDS Day. It also is my fic Dragons Don't Know Paradise 2nd birthday. My fic about HIV+ characters, about hope and love and found family. I didin't realise in December 2020 about the massive coincidence of posting the first chapter of my 25 days of Harry and Draco fic that the 1st of December was the most perfect day to start this story. Dragons is my first long Drarry fic, and it's probably my best story. I love it so much and I'm so grateful to everyone who read, gave me kudos, love and comments.
To everyone out there living with HIV, I send you my love, my support and my respect. You will always find in me an ally against the hardship of world and prejudice. <3
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Dragons Don't Know Paradise (50k, Drarry + Wolfstar)
Summary: In 2004, when Remus spends two scary weeks in the ITU due to complications of pneumonia and his HIV condition, Sirius walks around the house like a ghost and Harry finds comfort and strength in Draco through a chat in an online LGBT forum. Harry falls for him, but Draco has a lot of secrets and, before long, will need to come clean—even if he believes that no one is able to understand a dragon. This is a story about falling in love online and about facing the reality of death, but above all, this is a story about hope, finding love and acceptance.
love, tai
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teacup-tai · 3 months ago
me, staring down ao3: ok i’m desperate for fic about this pairing but like… how desperate
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teacup-tai · 5 months ago
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It's spooky season and the HP SAFFICS Discord server is ready to bring all the scares, shivers, and screams of pleasure. This challenge is open to everyone 18+! You do not need to be a member of the server to participate, though it is encouraged. We’ll give you two prompt options each day (one SFW and one NSFW).
The rules are simple:
Use one of the daily prompts in a HP femslash fanwork (can be any medium: fic, art, podfic, craft, moodboard, meta, rec list, etc).
Prompts can be combined, switched around, or skipped entirely. Prompts are to be used as inspiration and can be interpreted in any way you want!
Upload your fanwork to AO3 or Tumblr. For AO3, add it to our collection HP_Spooky_Saffics_2024. For Tumblr, please mention us @hpsaffics AND tag #hpspookysaffics2024.
See the full prompt list below the cut!
Pumpkin Carving
Apple Cider
Haunted House
Ghosts & Ghouls
Murder Mayhem
Whistling Wind
Fallen Leaves
Crashing Waves
Wool Socks
The Lake
Scary Story
The Woods
Trick or Treat
Costumes & Disguises
Black Cat
Deal with the Devil
Full Moon
Alt SFW Prompts
Pie & Pastries
Bath/Shower Sex
Sex Pollen
Wax/Temperature play
Choking/Breath Play
First Time
Praise Kink
Impact Play
Body Worship
Sex Magic
Alt NSFW Prompts
Dirty Talk
Omorashi/Piss Play
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teacup-tai · 5 months ago
fanfic author asks
A. what’s your favourite fandom to write? B. what’s your favourite fandom to read? C. what fandom(s) did you start writing? D. what fandom(s) do you write now? E. who is your OTP? F. canon fics or au? G. longfics or shortfics? H. original characters or no? I. porn with plot or porn without plot? J. smut or fluff? K. angst or happy? L. favourite fic of yours? M. least favourite fic of yours? N. do you write smut? O. where do you post your fics? P. do you write exclusively fanfic? Q. link your most recent fic. R. link your favourite fic of all-time. S. link your favourite author. T. when did you start reading fanfic? U. when did you start writing fanfic? V. post the last sentence you wrote. W. when was the last time you wrote? X. give a summary of your current project! Y. what is the title of your current wip? Z. how to you feel about your wip compared to other works of yours?
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teacup-tai · 5 months ago
Thanks so much for the rec!!! 💜🫶❤️‍🩹
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The love you no longer seek by @teacup-tai (1.3, M)
Tags: H/D Sudsfest 2022, Hurt No Comfort, Break Up, bathing together
His throat hurts as he laces his arms around Harry’s middle, bringing him towards his chest protectively, his legs sliding around his husband’s legs, a perfect match. And the hurt gets worse because suddenly, there, in the warmth of their bathtub, in the warmth of Harry’s body – a body he knows better than his own – he knows things are not well. There’s no way out. Not anymore. It’s too obvious and too painful to keep pretending this isn’t happening.
a different kind of sectumsempera in the bathroom for Draco and Harry. This time brimming with years of love, and yet.
(rec by @kk1smet)
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teacup-tai · 7 months ago
hey tai. just finished reading Nicotine/Linger. wow, such a different take on pansy/hermione. I'm a bit obsessed now, wish it was longer bc, honestly, i could live inside this universe you created. can you share with us how you came up with the fic? x J.
Hello J! Thanks so much for your words and your interest in Nicotine/Linger (25K, E, Pansmione)!!! Of course I can share a bit about it with you.
So, for a really long time I'd been postponing writing a long pansmione. It's my fave wlw ship but I was completely blocked. So the @hpwlwbigbang came around and I decided I would make it happen! The first scene I wrote is not even in the fic anymore bc the plot kinda changed, but it was prompted by @onbeinganangel, she doesn't even know this. I asked for words as inspiration-prompts and she gave me a few. I started writing about them having kind of a disagrement in lil ol' Limerick, by Arthur's Quay and that was that, I decided I wanted to write a love story about them in Ireland. After this i blocked again.
Then, I went out with friends, got THOROUGHLY SHITFACED and woke up the next day in my bathroom whithout memories of what the fuck happened to me, in so much pain and had to go to the ER. I thought I broke a rib. guess what, is this scene familiar? lol
And that's how Pansy came back to me, and so did the inspiration. I didn't plot at all, I had scenes in my head and a vague idea of how I wanted the fic to FEEL LIKE. That's how I wrote it, I just let the inspiration and motivation guide me, no plot planned, no fixed idea, just loads of Limerick specific things because I felt like I needed to say my goodbyes to the idea of living there. To accept I'm not going back, so I wrote my love for the city in the fic.
Hope you enjoyed this bit of info! <3 love, Tai
Summary: Pansy has been living a slow Muggle life in Ireland for five years now. Managing her anxiety and trauma with one too many drinks, way more anonymous fucks in loos than strictly advised, wonderful Muggle friends and a job that keeps her hands busy. Life is kinda alright -though a tad bit fucked up- until she stumbles into Hermione Granger in the Muggle Hospital.
OR: This is a story about childhood enemies trying a tentative friendship far from the chaotic magical world. A tale about falling in love with the cute golden lesbian and the slow, ginger path of reconnecting with things that make you feel whole.
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teacup-tai · 7 months ago
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{Cero Umano}, photograph by Gorche
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teacup-tai · 8 months ago
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my fav looks i saved from those photo archives from the 70s!!! and not a single bra in sight god bless <3
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teacup-tai · 8 months ago
Author/Artist reclists
I don’t usually do these unless for birthday or fandom anniversary celebrations but I thought it would be nice to have them all in one place! Might be forgetting a few so this is a work in progress as per 😂
Drarry comics | NSFW artworks
Ali | @nv-md
Blue | @bluebutter-art
Bixgirl1 | @bixgirl1
Boo | @babooshkart
Cavendishbutterfly | @cavendishbutterfly
Crow | @corvuscrowned
Dragontamerdame | @dragontamerdame
Fwooshy | @fw00shy
herman_the_moth | @caroll-in
Iota | @sorrybutblog
Joy | @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm
Loveglowsinthedark | @l0vegl0wsinthedark
Lqtraintracks | @lqtraintracks
M0stlyVoid | @bonesliketambourines
onbeinganangel | @onbeinganangel
Pennygalleon | @pennygalleon
phdmama | @phd-mama
Shealwaysreads | @shealwaysreads
Shiftylinguini | @shiftylinguini
Starry | @the-starryknight
sweet_s0rr0w | @sweet-s0rr0w
Tai | @teacup-tai
Tackytiger | @tackytigerfic
Writcraft | @writcraft
Irish creators
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teacup-tai · 9 months ago
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I'm dying. It's 3 am, I should be in bed long time ago. I didn't think I'll manage to finish this art during one day o_0 but here we are >3
Also... it wasn't supposed to be all gold. I don't know how it happened. Harry's fault or crazy witches from the magazine? Have to find it out tomorrow.
Good night!
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teacup-tai · 11 months ago
“This is the sorcery of literature. We are healed by our stories.”
— Terre Tempest Williams
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