#Harry is sort of a fucboi
thusspoketrish · 2 months
Excerpt from This Year's Love
“So. What’s it like?”
“What’s what like?”
Draco shrugs. “Doing what you do. With the people you meet.”  
“I mean...what’s there to say? You meet someone, you take them out to lunch or dinner, then you decide that if you like each other enough, maybe you’ll go to a club or a dive bar. You make the other person feel special and taken care of. Then you go back to their place, fuck, and then, well...wonder how long you have to lie there before you can go home.”
Draco splutters, slapping a hand against his chest. “I’m sorry... that’s what goes through your head after fucking someone?”
“Yeah, most of the time. I tell them I have things I need to do...early meeting...or work to get to. Then, to end the whole ordeal on a sweet note, I give them a kiss on the forehead.”
“That’s your modus operandi?”
Harry shrugs.
“Oh, wow, you’re not joking,” Draco says faintly.
“How long do you like to be held?” Harry asks, teasing. Draco’s cheeks pinken. “I bet you like to be held all night.”
“You’re a fucking pig, Potter,” Draco says, ducking his head and taking another swig from his glass.
“I just like things how I like them,” Harry says.
This Year's Love (AO3)
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