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doostyauditalkz · 2 days ago
Wow this month is not my month chat
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derpycatsu · 2 years ago
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HELLOOOOOOO i got super into vocaloid (GIANT EXPLOSION)
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snoozerin · 7 months ago
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thinking abt canpru dumbshit again
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starkrebellion · 2 months ago
saying you prefer Miyagi-Do over Cobra Kai to a certain part of the fandom is like asking to get cyberbullied or something istg... like I'm sorry for liking the dojo that doesn't actively abuse and manipulate their students more ig my bad guys please forgive me
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laurrelise · 7 months ago
i’ve done another silly little doodle :3
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gender-euphowrya · 1 year ago
"they" is a pronoun that has the same rules as any other it's not a 'get out of misgendering jail free' card yes it's gender neutral no it doesn't mean you're allowed to use it to refer to someone you KNOW doesn't use that pronoun
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vllergy · 2 months ago
freedom of nature's gifts
h/alsin b/g3 allergy, kink tav, 2.1k for those not familiar with the fandom: enormous kinky beefcake bear-coded druid who is felled by nothing wanders off into the woods to sneeze without disturbing his companions for those familiar: pls enjoy astarion being an absolute bitch about it for .5 seconds regular goodies: allergies, vouyuerism, partner with the kink extra flavor: giant man, giant snz, formerly indomitable force meets pollen, forced politeness, h/alsin being a sap tbh THIS IS JUST FOR ME I WROTE THIS FOR ME OK SORRY YOU HAVE TO SEE IT
“And here I thought druids were supposed to appreciate all of nature’s many charms.” Astarion’s musical voice drips with amusement. Tav picks up on it outside his tent as the lithe shadow of the elf passes over the sun drenched silk of his doorway. Just behind him, Karlach’s larger figure marches diligently along the same path.
“Oh, he’s appreciating them all right,” she snorts.
Tav rubs his eyes and rolls over. It’s morning, or at least it feels like it from the ache in his spine and the slightly cool air whisking over from the lake. He picks his head up and tries to follow the thread of conversation. His companions are talking about a druid, so they must mean Halsin. Tav hasn’t seen him since the night before.
Memories come warm and sticky like honey. Halsin’s hazel eyes fond in firelight. A low chuckle. A massive hand settled onto the small of Tav’s back. His heart quickens just at the thought.
Outside, Karlach sighs with a note of sympathy. “Never heard anyone sneeze so much in my life.”
Tav’s heartbeat nearly catapults out of his chest at that. His fingers fist in his blankets before he tears them away and scrambles up. Despite wishing to burst free from the tent like a demon, he tries to make his movements as unhurried as possible. It’s with great effort that he emerges from his sleeping arrangements without appearing impatient and affects a bored glance over at the others as they settle around the warm embers from last nights campfire.
“Morning,” Tav says and makes a show of scrubbing his eyes.
“Good morning to you too, darling,” Astarion purrs, “And aren’t you looking lovely?”
“Heya, soldier. You sleep okay?” Karlach waves.
Tav nods. His patience has limits, however. “What were you guys talking about?”
Karlach gestures back over her shoulder towards the tree line, “Halsin. Surprised you didn’t hear him earlier this morning. Poor guy was sneezing his head off before he crawled off to the woods to do it in private.”
The warm flooding of pleasure in Tav’s stomach doesn’t stop his momentary concern. “Is he alright?”
Astarion’s eyes glitter with amusement, “He says it’s the flowers growing nearby setting him off.”
The vampire looks positively delighted to be delivering said information, as if he knows what it’s doing to Tav. Tav knows that’s impossible, and Astarion is clearly just tickled by the irony of it all, but it still makes his cheeks flush with unexpected warmth.
“A druid with allergies! Ha!” Astarion claps his hands once, “You can’t make this up.”
“I should go see if he needs anything,” Tav chews the inside of his lip. His body feels like it’s full of needles.
Thankfully, he has a well-known weak spot when it comes to Halsin. His abrupt need to go to check on him isn’t exactly out of the ordinary, nor is it any cause for suspicion. Astarion merely waves him off with a delicate hand and Karlach nods sagely. “Tell him he can come back any time, big guy’s too hard on himself.”
“I’d rather he stay out there,” Astarion balks, “I’d like to preserve my hearing, thank you very much.”
Tav leaves them to squabble and heads for the tree line where Karlach indicated. He knows he should probably change into something other than the clothes he slept in but he’s too warm already and the thought of delaying getting to Halsin makes her skin feel even more prickly and sharp.
Given how familiar he is with the volume with which Halsin can expel an irritant, Tav has some idea of what he’s getting into. Even still, the first far off sneeze he manages to catch once he’s in proximity stuns him with its power. The druid still has to be a few hundred feet off but Tav hears it clear as day. It's an unrushed, heavy thing with so much of Halsin’s voice in it, his knees go weak.
It only takes him a matter of moments to close in on his lover’s position. And when he does, the sight there unravels him completely.
Tav has never seen Halsin at the mercy of anything that wasn’t his animal form. That particular loss of control has always been wickedly erotic to him as well, just for the sheer rarity of it. It's not something Halsin enjoys succumbing to, however. The first time it happened when they made love, he’d been apologetic about it. Sheepish, even.
Halsin is a man who is undaunted by much of anything. It’s not surprising that the few things able to bring him to his knees are difficult for him to come to grips with. Tav thinks surrender must be a strange concept for a man who has burdened himself with nothing but crippling responsibility for over a millennia. When is the last time Halsin let himself truly be vulnerable to something? Does he remember how to surrender?
Tav would argue that yes, he does, because that's the only word that describes what’s happening here.
Halsin’s sitting under the cover of a tree on a large stump. He’s clearly been in the throes of this fit for some time, true to Astarion and Karlach’s report. Evidenced by the redness of his nostrils, the tears slicked down his tattooed cheek and the limp handkerchief laid open in his massive palm. The man appears breathless, panting with indulgent, open-mouthed gasps as his nostrils swell. He doesn’t even bother to open his eyes as he lets another clockwork sneeze take him.
if he’d been using the handkerchief before, he’s abandoned it now, optioning to simply sneeze down in its general direction rather than try to contain any part of the expulsion. And Tav can see why. There’s hardly any point. Halsin's sizable chest swells with one, languid breath and whatever fire’s been stoked within his sinuses catches again and he sneezes without reprieve.
He still hasn’t opened his eyes. Tav wonders how long he’s been stuck like this, in an endless cycle of chest-clearing sneezes with barely a breath between. The idea of it being more than a few minutes is deeply intriguing to him, but also a little worrying. How much can one man possibly sneeze? He’s never seen Halsin like this. In fact, he can count on one hand the number of times he’s seen the druid sneeze. Tav has, after all, been paying attention.
“hh’RrrRSSCHH! hh? Hh! Hh’hhRRUSSh'SHOO!” Halsin teeters on the edge of a third, eyebrows bunched together, an allergic tear sliding down his cheek. He hangs on the precipice for an agonizing moment before roaring with the ferocity of a bear into the final one. “Hh’hhRrAAASSCHHH’uHH!!!”
His shoulders tremble with the force and Tav’s vested interest in the display finally makes room for guilt. He steps forward, purposely landing hard enough on the foliage underfoot to snap a twig and announce his presence.
“Halsin?” He calls.
The druid tenses. He straightens up and his eyes flash over to the treeline, surprised and a little guilty. He attempts a smile as color rises to his cheeks.
“Ah, my heart! I did not hhhea—excuse mhee’hh’WHFFHSHH!” He turns away promptly and smothers the harsh sneeze into his handkerchief, cutting the volume in half.
The propriety he insists on in front of Tav makes Tav’s legs feel like jelly. Moments ago he was sneezing with reckless abandon into the open air without a care in the world, but now he insists on sparing his lover from the display for a reason Tav can't ordain. They've seen each other bloodied and spent a thousand different ways before. How is this any different? Halsin twists away from him further, his massive shoulders swelling as he ducks into the handkerchief again. “H’hWHHFFSSShH!"
“Seven Hells, Halsin,” Tav murmurs. He lays a hand on the man’s back, “Bless you.” "My thhha-"
Tampering back those massive sneezes seems to make them vindictive, and Halsin can’t even get a proper thanks out before he's flinching back into a reflexive fit of them, once more trapped in his sodden handkerchief.
“wFFHSCHH! H’tSSCHh!” Halsin lifts his head and gasps desperately. Tav feels an odd sense of relief as the druid eschews a sense decorum for a cleansing, powerful third. “hhrh’RRSHHH-SHOO!”
“My thanks,” he murmurs directly after, but tends to his nose quickly before turning back to Tav. He sniffles unproductively and Tav notices his nostrils sharpening as they flare in an effort to stave off what he’s sure is another impending sneeze.
Tav gently tucks a lock of auburn hair that’s come loose from a braid behind Halsin’s pointed ear.
“Bless you,” Tav frowns, “How long has this been going on?”
Halsin looks dangerously close to another sneeze, but blinks furiously until the need abates. His auburn lashes look darker with irritated tears. He sniffs as delicately as he can, which Tav can only assume is incredibly unsatisfying, and gives a weak smile.
“The better part of the morning, I fear.”
“You could have woken me,” Tav murmurs, stroking fingers through his long hair.
Halsin chuckles, “I thought I might have, given the racket I was m—ma—ah, oohn...onnce more, apologies—“ He turns away and clamps the handkerchief over his nose and mouth. “h’WHFFHSHH'uhh!"
His lungs fill and he dips lower towards his lap.
“I believe that was twice,” Tav teases, despite feeling his trousers getting uncomfortably tight.
Halsin lifts his head just enough to try and find a dry edge of the handkerchief. It doesn’t happen in time. His hazel eyes go narrow, unfocused, and he sneezes across it and his knuckles.
“Gods, Halsin.” Halsin gives an experimental sniff. When he's certain it's not going to lead to another sneeze, he sags slightly and tilts his head back. "Oak Father preserve me." Tav's delirious at this point. He crouches down to get to Halsin's eye level, his hand lingering on the druid's knee. “How long does this usually go on?” Tav asks, worries for both of them at this point.
Halsin sniffs hard and finally finds the dry edge of the handkerchief, using it rather anticlimactically to dab at his raw nostrils. He blows his nose once while shaking his head. "Truthfully, I'm not certain. It hasn't been this bad in some time." "Would changing shape help?" Halsin chuckles, "Then, I would be sneezing as a bear." "Is that more pleasant?" "Perhaps for some," Halsin's eyes shimmer with sudden mischief beyond the allergic tears. Tav blinks. He takes a moment to process, then gapes. He smacks Halsin's knee and the druid gives a chesty laugh. "You bastard, how long have you known?" Tav asks. "My heart, you are many things, but subtle is not one of them," Halsin knuckles at his reddened nose and gives a warm smile that makes Tav melt on the spot. "Look, it's not like I meant to enjoy your suffering, I--" Halsin holds up a hand, "When have I ever given you the impression that you need apologize for your desires?"
Tav blushes. Halsin continues sniffling and tugs him forward by the hip. As he stumbles closer, Tav reaches for his face. His thumb clears away the track of an allergic tear from Halsin’s scarred cheek. "I do feel bad that you're miserable.”
“If it brings you pleasure,” Halsin says, his voice low, “Then I am not miserable.”
Tav lowers himself into Halsin’s lap. The druids hands dwarf his waist as he supports him, and also prevent him from worrying at his nose as he starts to lose himself to into the persistent tickle once more. Halsin goes to raise an arm but Tav captures it, lowering it back to his hip.
Halsin, to his credit, doesn’t even stop to question it. He lets the sneeze take him over fully, though habit still makes him turn his head as it barrels through him.
Now that he’s seated astride him, Tav can feel the way his body clenches. Halsin has to be three hundred pounds of solid muscle, and each one of them turns to steel as he surrenders himself to the sensation. His chest quivers under Tav’s eager hands as he waits torturously for a second and his other hand reaches around the small of his back, holding the smaller man in place as he--
Spray dapples in the sunlight from a break in the canopy of trees above. Tav's almost unseated from the man's lap with that one but certainly has no complaints. He's beaming as Halsin sniffles blearily once more and dips close to kiss at Tav's throat. "Tell the Oak Father I said thanks," Tav murmurs in bliss. That earns him a sharp pinch from Halsin, but thankfully no fewer kisses.
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what-bot · 1 month ago
Beck: Paige, there’s someone I’d like you to meet.
Paige: That’s the real Tron? He’s alive? Then…no offense, but why did he need you to be the Renegade?
Tron: Reasons.
Beck: Shut it. Now look, I want the both of you to get along.
Tron: As long as you like her and she doesn’t betray us, I’m happy.
Beck: Oh. Really? Great!
Tron: Paige, if you hurt him, they’ll never stop finding your remains.
Paige: I wouldn’t expect anything less.
Beck: What did I JUST say?
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5hark-byt3 · 6 months ago
I’m so scared right now I blacked out and these fucking creatures were on my screen I’m gonna start tweaking WHAT ARE THESE THI
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kameyyy · 2 months ago
I was just mentally writing a tumblr post abt how I need that iphone asap so I can preview a chat when I don't wanna answer (if I archived them I don't get notifications) and then I was like — wait.. I don't have read-reciepts on, they won't know I read their messages 😭😭😭
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berrysquared · 2 years ago
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quick trigun playlist covers I made for myself
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vaguely-concerned · 6 months ago
sophia seeing cailan's body hanging there when they go back to ostagar, and suddenly all she can see even through the rot and the ruin is just how much he looked like alistair...... :'(
a mental image that totally will not haunt her through alistair's many years on the throne as rebellions and assassination attemps come and go. doesn't send her unhinged and unwise even a little
#I've never played back to ostagar before actually! getting some more delicious trauma for everyone#and also zev was there (affectionate)#oc: sophia amell#warden x alistair#dragon age#dragon age origins#the vibes are slightly weird in the dialogue in this dlc -- this uh. did not seem to be the relationship alistair and cailan had#such as it even was. but hey I got this angst out of it what more can I ask#I had sophia and alistair smooch on the platform place thingy where you meet him for the first time. I am a sap but I am free#what's that post about the unconquerable human spirit that's like 'despite all the horrors I am still horny' again. basically they're that#alistair is honestly The most pocket healed warrior of all time he's got two spirit healers who love him laser focused on him#at all times#(sophia switches between unleashing horrifying amounts of raw magical power on the enemy and going 'oh nooo let me see I'll fix it')#that boy is Protected. wynne and sophia glaring at you past his shoulders like 'he said no FUCKING pickles ok. last warning'#(actually probably sophia would glare at you from like. the height of his armpit; she's Short lol)#also partially why I had to change my canon b/c if alistair was left in the fade sophia would. she would quite simply end the world#long before solas had the time to. she would tear the veil to shreds to get to him. mind and circle mage restraint irretrievably lost#her greatest fear is becoming unmoored (which in many ways also means losing alistair) and everyone else should be afraid of that too#I do like how this playthrough is shaking out tho it feels like a more grown-up version of the story I told with them originally#more complicated and acknowledging the other forces pulling on them (when I was younger I liked the freedom of them both staying wardens)#but it just makes the 'we're sticking together *no matter what*' all the more satisfying and triumphant for me.#we'll find a way and if there is no way we'll fucking make it together :') and they do
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swoo0zy · 7 months ago
i love when new woy fans find my page i love dropping the "2 characters who've barely interacted if interacted at all making out" bomb on them
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cringefail-clown · 1 year ago
I think you should make Gamzee the manager but no one knows thats his role until one day Calliope mentions it and they're like "wait what? We have a manager?" because he tends to just be in the back taking care of the pastries/food
that is terrible i love it im doing it
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hinamie · 6 months ago
every time i'm on pinterest and i recognize a ref one of my favourite artists used i feel my impostor syndrome shrink
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tired-lamb · 3 months ago
since nikki asked about kiburi... how's reirei doing in the lone honeybadger au? /np, nf
unfortunately I can’t say she’s as developed as kiburi is in lone honeybadger, but I’ve certainly thought a thing or two about her.
as some have already guessed, reirei is now left with only few of her pups. I’d say maybe dogo, kijana and one or two older ones. goigoi is, indeed, dead, and it’s a topic she refuses to talk about in the present timeline of the au. she’ll often sneak away whenever she can’t sleep at night to some place she and goigoi would always hang out in. she’ll look to the sky and if she tries hard enough she can feel a semblance of his presence with her. she doesn’t think with all that the family has ever done, especially with their part in scar’s army, that any of them could end up in whenever it is the great lions of the past end up, but she likes to think goigoi gets to have that. she can’t imagine someone as sweet and caring as her husband had been could ever end up in a place meant for the cruel. if anything, she should be the one to end up there, or at least that’s what she believes.
her grief and guilt is not as apparent as kiburi’s is. she is lucky enough to still have some of her family left and takes to caring for them however she can. you will find her giving her kids the scraps they get while leaving little to none for herself, much to the despair of her pups. personality-wise she hasn’t changed much, however a lot of the snarkiness and sass with which she carries herself hides the grief and guilt she feels when she’s alone. she’s a lot more crankier than she used to be, however, earning her the nickname of “old lady” among the skinks (a nickname that is not by any means affectionate, lol).
speaking of the skinks, shupavu and reirei are canon best friends in this au. they find in each other a sort of comfort, and can relate to each other’s experiences and sorrows. the skinks have lost a great reptile ally of their’s (ushari) and though reirei never liked the guy, she’ll still show sympathy because she knows what it’s like.
she’s relentless to all survivors outside of scar’s army, knowing she can’t cope with losing any more of her babies. she’s tried mating with some jackals from outside lands before but in the end she backs out, flashbacks and trauma tied to her previous mate still too fresh. at some point she vows to never mate again, instead devoting all her time to caring for her pups. the only survivor outside of scar’s army that she’ll be civil with is jasiri— basically-leader of the rest of them. jasiri herself doesn’t fully understand why, but reirei knows the kind of pain that jasiri’s going through, caring for everyone else. they may not be on the same side, but reirei will respect a fellow caretaker any day. there may come a time when their sides might even fight, but reirei doesn’t think she could ever do anything to jasiri. not when she sees so much of her younger self in her.
a lot of the characters’ experiences right after the incident are very similar, so I don’t think I’ll talk much about it except for some of the important characters, i.e., the four mentioned here. if any of you wanna share any ideas for how the other characters may react or grieve right after the incident, please do share!! I love hearing all your thoughts about this au. again, it fuels my own thoughts for this au, haha. thanks dearly to you, too, spinny for sending this ask :] really enjoyed answering it just as much as I did the kiburi ask! /all gen.
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