#its cal who made him a manager behind callies back
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cringefail-clown · 1 year ago
I think you should make Gamzee the manager but no one knows thats his role until one day Calliope mentions it and they're like "wait what? We have a manager?" because he tends to just be in the back taking care of the pastries/food
that is terrible i love it im doing it
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dracula-in-purple-story · 5 years ago
From Enemies to Friends
Author’s Note : All of this is ENTIRELY NON-CANON. I’m still working on my writing skills. Thank You and Enjoy, hopefully.
It was late at the dark, gloomy night. Most residents are deep into their dream wonderland. Some are doing their shady businesses. Unfortunately for the hidden residents of Inkopolis, there were no rest for them.
Multiple alarms blasted out in the massive fortress located deep in the forest of Mount Nantai. Most of the people emerged from their slumber quickly and get dressed before waking up those who are a deep sleeper. After they geared up, they immediately rushed to the nearest kettle in order.
Nicholas, who had just walked through the gate door of the main entrance, heard the alarm and, with a little bit of hesitation, dropped everything he was holding as he rush straight to the emergency kettle at the corner of the front garden wall, where it was hidden by flower bushes. He changed into his other form and swam right into it.
As soon as he emerged from another kettle, the place around him reveals to be an underground base. Full with equipments, gadgets, computers and weapons. He rarely went here ever since he became a co-guardian for his young master but he knew, for a fact, that this place is now chaotic. 
Half of the night-shift people are typing away in their computers and tried to keep track on their task or rushing around, while another half of them seems to be missing, but it soon replaced by bunch of day-shift people fully suited up and lined up right in front of an old but fitted lady, who aged pretty well for a 130-years-old.
“Nicholas, just in time.” the old lady said in a firm authority, “Before we address the situation here, how’s my grandson?”
Fond murmurs were heard among the people before got silenced by the glare from the old lady. Nicholas sighed in bliss, “He’s fine, Mistress! He is still the pure boy who worried over small things.”
She nodded in acknowledgement, smiling a bit, before broadcast a image onto the huge projector screen in front of them. A crashed unidentified flying object. Half of the crowd gasped. “Isn’t that a failed prototype of Thunderstrike? Why is it here?!” Suzuki, another co-guardian of Erek, speaking her mind out in fear. 
“Minale, come here and report on what the Scout Squad D had discovered, please.” the old lady said with simple directness. A three feet being, equipped with a large propeller helmet, zoomed right behind the crowd. “As you can see from the picture,” she started her report while landed on the table with grace, “a failed prototype military aircraft, Thunderstrike, crashed outside the city, with a corpse of a Mini Zapfish that was used to operated the aircraft. Bless its soul.”
“The Scout Squad D previously assumed that it was just a public test run from the underground Oct-”
“Wait,” Nick rudely interrupted Minale’s report, “what do you mean by ‘previously’?”
“It is where I’m trying to get to the point, Mr Nicholas!” she scoffed, “If I may continue, they thought it was just a test run until a power outage happen. It only last for approximately five minutes before the power came back.”
“Ten minutes before we activate the emergency alarms...” Minale continued along with a stressful sigh, broadcast the picture of Inkopolis Tower, “...the Great Zapfish is gone.”
This statement alerted the uneasy crowd as they scanned the picture. Indeed, the Great Zapfish is missing from its tower. The Mistress clapped lightly to gain their attention back to her. She nodded to the Scout captain who zoomed back to her post, giving out commands as she spoke to the microphone that wirelessly connected to the Scout Squad D.
“So far, the conclusion of the report is that Thunderstrike is merely a distraction tool in order to steal the Great Zapfish. Even though we all know that we got more than enough Zapfishes to supply our power source and they have other resources to generate power,” the old lady halted her talk for a few seconds, “why would they want the Great Zapfish for? Any possible answer? Or someone knows exactly why he would need it?”
The absolute silence is eerie until Suzuki shakily raised her hands. The old lady arched her eyebrows before nodding to let her answer. “Twenty years ago, I... I participated the project before I escaped, Mistress Octivia. He’s building some... sort of heavy spherical aircraft with some built-in turntables and mixers... along with some Wasabi supplies...” she gulped, “...the module were estimated to use large amount of energy... but Alivia and Alivia Jr helped me sabotaged the process before aiding me to escape that hell hole!”
“Calm down, dearest.” a tall figure, wearing a set of laser sight goggles, patted her shoulders sympathetically as she cried uncontrollably.
“Go calm your wife, Hayato. I fill in the rest of the details to you two later.” The lady in charge pardoned them as they walked back to the kettle. “Unfortunately, even with their best efforts in sabotaging, the heavy aircraft was built. If he manage to tame the Great Zapfish to do his bidding, Inkopolis is doom to be destroyed.”
“And as Octarians ourselves, we know how Octavio operated behind his DJ set. If we let that happen, we would be back to the starting point! Are you ready to oppose against the hypnotisation once more, my fellow friends?!” she shouted in a fierce tone.
Erek woke up early in the morning, the sky was bright and the sunlight shone through the windows. Lazily, he stretch his body as he get up from his bed and walked out from his bedroom. The birds were chirping and enjoying the cool breeze when he opened up the slide door that leads to the balcony. The dew drops were falling from the leaves of various flowers he potted yesterday. The sun was rising up from the clouds as he water his flowers.
Just as he walked back to his bedroom to take some clothes for his fresh debut, there came a huge knocking and loud ringing on the main door. 
“Must be the neighbours... Cod, I forgot about introducing myself to them yesterday!” the boy mentally slapped himself, “Coming!”
He rushed to the door, not before he tied his tentacles to Topknot, and opened it to see three inklings standing there. One of them, the cyan ‘inkling’ girl, looks familiar but he couldn’t pinpoint on where he seen her before. The middle one of the group, a pink inkling girl, decided to talked.
“Hello there, rookie! The name’s Callie Mac N! Callie for short. On my left is one of my Roller buddies, Mike!”
Mike, an orange inkling boy, raise his Octoglasses and rest it in his forehead, “Hello~!”
“On my right is our little floof of our humble crew, Jewel!”
The cyan girl smiled brightly, “Hewwo, I’m Jewel. Your neighbour at the corner over there! My mommy told me about your arrival yesterday. What’s your name?”
The three of them stared at him with excitement. Nervously, he scratched his head before replying, “Oh... uh... My name is Erek! Nice to meet you all! Want to come in? I’m about to change my clothes and start cooking breakfast.”
“Oh, great! Thanks, buddy. Don’t mind us crash-... WOAH!” As soon as they were welcomed into Erek’s home, they were met with the most freshest living room they ever seen. A bookcase full of the latest video games, a clearly expensive LED TV along with its loudspeakers, limited edition of Chirpy Chips poster with the members’ signature and, is that a freaking CoroCoro hoodie hanging on a coat rack that was supposed to be out in like, next year?
“Umm, guys? You have been standing here for a long time. I made some light breakfast so we could... uh... chat?” Erek, now donning the Starting Gears, was quite concerned about his new friends, who gawked at his living room quite a long time. “Is it weird? My living room?”
The trio snapped out of their daze. “What, no!” Callie exclaimed, “It’s just... woah! My daily earnings couldn’t even pay for this kind of luxuries! Let alone that hoodie! How did you managed to get that?! It was supposed to come out next year!”
“Next year? But I got it for my birthday three days ago. My friend, Kevin, who gave me that just said they have extras so... yeah!” Erek recalled a little. 
“Dude, you don’t actually mean Kevin, the famous trendsetter who just opened a company called Cuttlegear? That guy knows his stuff about fashion!” Mike gushed, “This Octoglasses? Automatically became my favourite headgear after he post some cool model pictures with them. And you know him?!”
“Yes? He works for my Grandmama and he take care of my wardrobe since I was young.”
“Wow! That is crazily fresh! Can I check your closet?”
“Mike, that is rud-”
“Sure, go straight and turn left, you should be able to reach my gear wardrobe.”
Mike cheered as he rushed to the location. Jewel facepalmed, “I’m sorry about my boyfriend.”
“It’s fine. I could give some gears away if he loved it so much. I was planning to buy my own clothes with empty slots anyway.”
“Wait, wha-”
“Gramps, come on... pick up the cells already...” Marie is pacing around the studio. After her cell ended with the monotone message and a beep, she heavily huffed before looked helplessly at her cheerful cousin, which now have a frown on her face as she fiddling with her thumbs. “Nothing?”
“Nothing.” she plopped down to a sofa as Callie sat down nervously beside her. 
“It can’t be... he usually would answer us in a few rings. And now this happens!”
“It’s going to be alright, Cal. Once we finished our broadcast, we head straight down to Octo Valley to check up on him. He’s the strongest squid we have ever known.”
“I know, Marie. But, it’s Gramps we are talking about. Possibilities are limitless! What if his SquidCell is broken? What if he was kidnapped? What if-”
“Callie, calm down!” her cousin smacked her head slightly before caressing it gently. Callie pouted before surveying around the studio. The production team is a hectic mess. Bumping against each other frantically, papers are flying everywhere, the cameras are being thrown left and right.
“Squid Sisters? Five more minutes before we start the Inkopolis News!” a female show betta glided gracefully in front of the two cousins, pointing at her blue watch impatiently.
“Ms Betty!” the Squid Sisters immediately stand up and bow to her. “Sorry, me and Marie were-”
“I know,” Ms Betty halted the black inkling, “I’m not blaming you girls. This is probably the first time we have to broadcast this kind of news. If it weren’t for that Great Zapfish to go missing on us...”
“We understand, Ms Betty. We truly do.” Marie grimaced a bit before following behind their director. Once they arrived at the Inkopolis News Studio, they immediately went into position, just like they had been practised for the last few weeks.
“Don’t be nervous and follow the script. Add some colours into it like you are not reading whatever was written here, okay? That was what made this program famous for.” Ms Betty addressed, “We are ready in three, two...”
“Man, you are a really good cook!” Callie complimented Erek as they finally arrived at the Plaza. Jewel nodded shyly, agreeing what she had said while Mike is burping loudly, “Yeah, you should totally teach me that recipe! I could cook for my babs and mother-in-law too!”
“Mike!” Jewel slapped his back softly. They laughed loudly at the interaction. Probably loud enough to cause four certain inklings to turn their heads to them. 
“Oh, you guys! Where have you been?!” a dark blue inkling boy with glasses asked. Callie shrugged it off when her new friend have a questioning look, “Those guys are the rest of my crew. From left to right, we got the ever so quiet Kitty,” she gestured excitedly to a lime green inkling girl who just waved before turning her focus back to her SquidPhone.
“Marcus, the ‘cool guy’ wannabe,” a purple inkling boy just flicked her some fingers before finishing his drink.
“Blitz, my roommate and another Roller Buddies,” the boy with the glasses offered to shake hands. Erek accepted it and shake politely.
“And Marlee! Our new member from last week!” a dark green inkling girl grinned at them.
Once introductions are done, Blitz pondered a bit, “I’m going to assumed you haven't watch the news, yes?”
“No. Why?” Mike asked back, “Are the news reporter some blacklisted musicians?”
“Racist?” Jewel cautioned.
“Famous enough to actually expect them to report Inkopolis News?” Callie guessed before squinting at the big window where the reporters would be sitting. “Well, yes! But it’s not the point right now! The content-”
“HOLY ZAPFISH, IS THAT THE SQUID SISTER?! I’M A BIG FAN! HEY CALLIE, WE HAVE THE SAME NAME!” Callie Mac shouted enthusiastically as she run up the walkway and squeezed her way through the crowd outside.
“Why do we elect her as the captain?” Marcus scoffed at her behaviour. “So crazy, that woman...”
“I’m a big fan as well... but not as hyper as Callie is.” Erek giggled. The crew laughed it off for a while. 
“So, back to the topic, what do we miss?” Mike questioned with a curious tone.
“You see, well,” Blitz looked at his clueless teammates, and a new friend, with a sense of guilt, “I don’t think we could participate this month Splatfest.”
The trio gasped. They were shocked, especially Erek. His first day of debut had clashed with a horrific news. The kind of news he didn’t expect to happen in the first place.
“Are you serious, mate?” Mike fretted, “We never ever have a Splatfest cancelled before! All they need is to postpone, like they did in that Pencil vs Pen Splatfest!”
“News Flash, brother.” the purple inkling roughly tilted his friend’s head up, the rest of them followed suit, “Our humble energy source had disappeared!”
“Staaaay fresh!” was all she last heard before turning off the radio. Furrowing her eyebrows, Tres quietly packed her Splattershot Jr. Before she could even tiptoed towards the old, rotten door, she was hugged from the back. Usually, she would roundhouse that person who dared to risk their life to hug her but there are few exceptions, especially this little yellow figure behind her is her baby sister.
“Paula...” she turned around before kneeling down to hug her back, making the little inkling giggled silently. Tres smiled softly, “Go back to big brother, would you? Breakfast’s ready.”
“Annnd you are going to stay this time, Big Sis.” another yellow figure, slightly smaller than Tres, spoke sternly while pointing a pan to threaten her. Tres smirked a bit before running to the door. She was succeeding before her face got stuck. A freaking clear tape prank. 
“Cielo... Zona...” she pulled the tape immediately before screaming in pain, “Again?”
“It’s ya fault that ya makin this easy for us, Big Sis.” two small orange figures appeared outside the door. They laughed heartily at her before shrieked as their eldest sister hugged them off the ground. It’s not long before the rest of the siblings decided to join their group hug.
They settled down after they finally convinced their eldest sibling to stay back and properly eat her breakfast. Although it’s been a while since they have breakfast together, Tres still wolfed down her share of food. Diego couldn’t stand this any longer as he hit her softly but still painful enough with the very same pan.
“Eat it slowly, Big Sis. It’s not like the Inkopolis Tower is going to run anywhere.”
“I know but the faster I earn some cash, the sooner we can get the surgery to be done.”
“Big Sis...” the small twin-tailed inkling mumbled before she quickly snatched back her small bits of bread from her twin brother. The eldest grinned at this sight before excusing herself from the table. She pecked each one of them before heading out.
“Be careful not to overwork yourself, Big Sis!” Diego shouted. Tres halted her movement before glancing back at the eldest brother of the house. “I can’t promise that.”
She sighed before whispering, “Not when our dad have his life on the line.”
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daisyxbuckley · 6 years ago
OKAY So, after being told to post this story I am. I have been OBSESSED with an OC that is  set in The 100 timeline, so I decided to write about it. I will be doing Y/N dabbles but this is something thats been running through my head so here is its. 
It’s going to be a series but PLEASE give me feedback, reblog, all that stuff. 
A/N: This is about Marcus Kane’s daughter. In this his wife is still alive and such, and she ends up being floated after taking all the blame for stealing medication and other rations for sick kids. Calliope was with her and 19 at the time. But instead of floating her, Marcus convinced Jaha to send her down with the other kids. 
Word Count: 2k+ Warnings: None as of right now  Pairings: BellamyxOC (little fluff but not a lot)
Prologue PT 1 
2 years before going to earth
The pounding sound was what woke her first. A pale, slender arm covered the eyes of Calliope Kane as she sighed trying to wake up. As the fog cleared and she started to become more coherent, the redhead heard the knocking on her door more distinctly. 
“Calliope, you need to get up and come eat. You have class.” Amara Kane said, knocking on her daughters door. “Quickly because i don’t want to hear you complain that you’re hungry again.” Callie knew her mother was waiting for an answer so she sighed and swung her legs out of bed. 
“I’ll be out in a second.” She yelled back as she threw her hair up in a ponytail. Walking over to the chair at her desk she looked down at her legs before putting them on. Rolling her eyes, Callie noticed the dark bruise blossoming against her cream colored skin. It must of come from her sparring session the day before. Her father wanted her to keep up her self defense classes by practicing with the guard cadets. Unfortunately that resulted in her getting bruises and the occasional face shot. But it also resulted in them getting their ass kicked for underestimating her. Smiling to herself, the red headed teen threw a tank top on and put a jacket over that before heading out of her room. 
Walking over to her mom, Callie gave her a kiss on the cheek and started eating what was in front of her. Amara leaned against the counter and smiled at her daughter while fixing her own brilliant red hair. Callie May look like her father but she had her mother’s hair and eyes. Watching as the girl got up, she handed her daughter her bag and brought her in for a hug. 
“I love you. Remember your father wants you to meet him later today okay?” Callie nodded as she made sure she had everything and started to head out the door. “Roger that mama. I’ll see you tonight, i love you too” she said stepping out into the hallway. 
The Kane’s lived in the nicer part of the Ark due to her father's position. Though she would be considered privileged, Callie tried to not be that way. She hated the clear divide that separated people and tried her best to not let that interfere with anything. Grabbing her book out of her bag, the redhead didn’t realize that someone had come up behind her till she felt her ponytail get yanked gently. Spinning around she came face to face with the brown eyes and olive, tan skin of Bellamy Blake. Shooting her a grin that made a small blush creep under the freckles on her face, Callie laughed when she realized who it was 
“What Blake, didn’t get enough of me when i kicked your ass sparing yesterday?” She asked as she continued walking. Bellamy was someone that didn’t treat her like glass due to her father. He was someone that actually put up a fair fight and he was that someone that gave her the bruise on her leg. “Come on cadet, I thought you would be tired of telling your friends that a girl bested you.”
The smile he gave her made Callie turn away. That damn dopey grin twisted her stomach into knots and made her want to trace the outline of his face. “Cal, I distinctly remember me going easy on you. It wouldn’t look right if i fought a girl.” The dark haired boy said. He focused on the way her tongue traced her lips as she turned back to him and laughed. Her red hair was able to shine bright under the harsh fluorescent lights and unlike everyone else that looked washed out, she managed to glow. Slowly shaking his head he smiled slightly at her laugh. He had dreams about that laugh since he met her two months ago.
 “Whatever you have to tell yourself at night Blake.” Callie said smiling at the nickname. Everyone called you Calliope or Callie. Bellamy started shortening it when you started hanging out and thigh she hated people calling her it, she didn’t mind when it rolled off his lips. Realizing he had stepped closer to her Callie’s heart started beating so fast that she thought it would jump out of his chest. Damn he smells good. She thought to herself as she slowly trailed her eyes up to his. “How about we have a rematch today? Then we can see whose the best.” He said quietly running the back of his hand up her arm. Callie’s breath caught as she noticed his smile widened. 
“Calliope there you are.” Marcus Kane’s voice boomed through the quiet hallway making the two jump apart. “Dad, hey!” Callie said turning to him, hoping the blush that was appearing on her face wasn’t too noticeable. Marcus stares at the kids and noticed that even though his daughter was beaming up at him, the Blake boy continued to look only at her.  “I wanted to speak with you before class today. I think we need to cut back on the training. Your mother noticed some big bruises on your legs this morning and was worried.” Callie rolled her eyes and sighed. 
“It’s not that big of a deal. It’s bound to happen, besides Blake over here needed to have some hits in.” She said laughing as she pushed slightly on his shoulder. Noticing the look of worry on Bellamy’s face she laughed. “Chill out pretty boy. It doesn’t hurt that much.” Walking away from him, she winked. “I’ll see you later tonight for a rematch.” 
Going over to her father, Callie stood on tiptoe to kiss his cheek. “I’ll see you after class dad. Love you.” She said happily as she walked down the hallway. What she didn’t notice was the pair of eyes that followed her till she turned the corner. 
“Cadet Blake. I don’t think I need to remind you about the relationship you should be having with my daughter.” Marcus said focusing on the boy in front of him. Clearing his throat, Bellamy ran a hand through his hair. “Uh yes sir. Cal and i are just friends.” Nodding Marcus started going down the hallway before turning around with a small smile on his lips. “Try not to take it too easy on her in training. Just lay off the bruises for her mother’s sake.” 
Bellamy nodded at the retreating figure and started walking his own way. The entire time his mind was on the red headed wild girl that made him smile. 
Calliope stood in the locker room changing into her work out clothes. It had been a long day and it turned into an even longer one after the meeting she had with her dad. Closing her eyes Callie rubbed her forehead as she remembered the talk with im. 
“Calliope, you turn 18 in seven months. You NEED to figure out what you want to do.” Marcus said looking at his daughter. Sitting in his chair with her hair falling in her face, he marveled at how grown she already looked. How did his small, little girl become a woman over night. When she raised her green eyes to his brown, he sighed. That defiance that was showing he knew well. Too well sometimes. “You mean you want me to decide to follow you with the council.” She said, her eyes narrowing as she looked back down at her book. “I’ll figure it out dad, when I know you will know.” She said finally looking back up to him. 
Callie knew her dad wanted her to follow in his footsteps. Become the next Kane on the council, but the redhead knew that she never wanted to go down that path. Going down that path meant she had to follow the rules, and she honestly thought the rules were bullshit. Throwing a baggy tank top over her sports bra, the girl pulled her hair up into a braid and started wrapping her hands. Heading out to the practice room for sparring she noticed that only a few cadets were there today. Shrugging she went over to the punching bag and started. 
She had been zoned out for about five minutes before she heard her name. “Kane, Kane….Calliope!” She finally stopped and turned towards the voice. Noticing LT Shumway standing next to her, she stopped. “Hey! Sorry, I guess I was zoning out.” She said flashing him a smile. Chuckling, he shook his head as he looked at her. “No harm no foul. Just wanted to let you know that a lot of the cadets are out today due to some other issues. So you may be on your own today.” Nodding, Callie shrugged. “Not a big deal.” She said “Thank you for telling me.” Callie watched him walk away before she went back to what she was doing. 
After about 30 minutes she decided to go and shower and head back to her room. Walking down the hallway, she noticed she had about 45 minutes till she had to be back before curfew and decided to take her time. Standing in front of a window, she looked out at the vast emptiness that expanded in front of her. Seeing earth, she wondered what it would be like to finally be back down on the ground. To be able to live and be free, instead of suffocating to death up in space. Feeling hands on her shoulders, Callie tensed up and quickly shoved whoever it was against the window. Her forearm located against their neck. Hearing the chuckle, she released and let her arm fall at her side as she stared into the eyes that made her stomach do back flips. Raising her lips in a grin, she kept her hand resting on his arm. “Sorry about that. You know you can’t just sneak up on me like that.”
Bellamy tried to ignore the heat that rushed through is body when she pinned him against the window. He tried to ignore the way her body was still pressed to his when she let go and how her touch sent his mind into a frenzy. “My bad Red. I promise I will make myself known next time. “ He said laughing a bit. Callie had finally realized how close she was to him and  stepped back. The dark haired boy tried to hide his disappointment. “How about I walk you back to your quarters. Don’t want you getting in trouble because of me.” All Callie could do was nod as they started walking that way. 
“I didn’t see you at the training area today.” Green eyes flicked over to catch the dark brown ones that she was starting to fall for. “I thought you owed me a rematch.” Callie said flashing a smile. Bell nodded and ran a hand through hair. “Yeah, I had to do some other training and shadowing, next time though. I promise.” It was a promise he intended to keep. Any way to get the feeling of her hands on his body, or her underneath him was something that he wanted to accomplish. A lot of people thought that Callie was little miss perfect. Perfect life...perfect family...perfect everything. Truth be told, he thought the same thing. Till he got to know her and everything changed. Now he can't imagine not being able to talk to the girl, even if it's just passing her in the hall and saying hi. 
“Well i’m here. Thanks Bell for walking me back. I should probably get inside before my mom has a fit.” She said. As if on cue  the door slid open and low and behold her mother was standing there with a small smile on her face. “Calliope, it’s almost curfew.” She said with knowing eyes. “Yeah mom, hence me being here ten minutes before.” The redhead said with a small smile. Looking at Bellamy, she squeezed his arm before stepping inside. “I’ll see you tomorrow for that rematch okay?” Callie smiled and the door shut. 
“It’s a date.” The dark hair boy said chuckling as he walked back down the hall. 
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stardusttrashed · 6 years ago
Football Coach Part 15
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Part 14
Word Count: 1887
The day for your date with Calum had come in what felt like the blink of an eye and you still had no idea about what Calum had planned. Despite all your attempts to force Calum to at least give you a hint, you managed to get nothing other than a childish laugh and a kiss from him. You sat in your room with D’artagnan, who had dubbed himself your own little personal stylist.  
You watched him with a smile resting on your face as he hummed quietly, raking through your clothes. “What about this one mummy,” D’artagnan asked, pulling out a jumpsuit. He held up the hanger and twisted it around in his fingers, making the pants of the jumpsuit swish around. He giggled quietly, distracted by the way the pants flurried about. “Its pretty and if Calum tries to play soccer against you, you can still beat his butt.”
“I like the way you think,” you giggled as you took the outfit from him before kissing the crown of his head. You guided him out of your closet and closed the door behind him, changing into the jumpsuit. When you walked back into your room you could see D’artagnan had made himself comfy on your bed.
“How are you gonna do your hair? I think you should leave it how it is naturally, its super pretty that way.” He sat up and looked in your direction, giving you the same cheeky smile Calum tends to give you, “and I think Cal likes it like that.”
“Is that so?” You laughed at his sudden maturity. It was like as soon as he learned about your date with Calum, he had aged mentally. “What’s all this about Bub?” You looked at him in the mirror.
He shrugged and smiled, “I just like seeing you happy.” Your heart melted at his words. He was always looking out for you, always being your little rock through thick and thin.
“Aw Bub,” you cooed as you made your way over to him. You pulled him into a hug, cradling the back of his head like you did when he was a baby, and kissed the crown of his head. “I’ll always be happy as long as I have you and I know you’re okay.” You pulled away, cupping his chubby cheeks in your hands, “I love you more than anything in the universe.”
“I love you too Mummy,” he gushed, reverting back to his usual self. “Calum texted you, he asked if you can meet him at his house,” D’artagnan reported since you were busy styling your hair.
“Can you tell him I’ll be there in a couple of minutes?”
D’artagnan nodded as his thumbs typed away. “Do you like Calum?” You smiled shyly and nodded.
“Yeah, I um, I like him a lot. Don’t tell him, but I might even more than like him. Why’d you ask?” He shrugged and stared at his swinging feet. “Tell me D” you coaxed him, climbing onto the counter to sit next to him.
“Do you like my Dad?” He mumbled his words while looking at his feet. You sighed and processed how to answer his question.
“I did.”
“Did you love him?” He asked, finally looking up at you.
”I loved him a lot before we had you,” you replied without really thinking. You tucked your bottom lip between your teeth slightly as you cursed yourself for the way you worded your response.
“Do you think you would still be with him if you didn’t have me?” D’artagnan’s voice cracked as he asked the question, each word that left his mouth becoming less audible. His gaze fell back down to his swinging legs as he faked a cough.
“Hey,” you cooed, immediately dropping everything in your hands. “I don’t want you to think your Dad and I broke up because of you, okay?” You lifted his chin so you could look in his eyes. “We loved each other a lot, but we just realized we were too different. We were young and still thinking about what we wanted. I wouldn’t change anything, baby. I might’ve broken up with him, but he also helped me find a love so much greater.”
“But what if you and Calum break up?”
Your heart shattered at the thought. “Then I’ll still have my everything right here,” you croaked, kissing his forehead. You took in a deep breath and decided to change the topic, “what’s up with these questions?”
“I dunno. I just thought maybe I was the reason you didn’t already have some like Calum in your life. I saw pictures of you and dad before me and you looked so happy and then...” his voice trailed off.
You sighed and wrapped your arms around him, “it’s not your fault we broke up and it never will be. The thing is, you’re gonna go through life and love a bunch of people in a bunch of different ways. I don’t ever want you to blame yourself for it not working out. Sometimes their love is there just to help you grow.” D’artagnan nodded, wiping his tears before they fell. “Come on, why don’t we go watch some tv and cuddle? Calum can wait,” you smiled softly before picking him up and walked to the living room. D’artagnan cuddled against you, watching The Grim Adventures Of Billy and Mandy. You kept your attention on him, rubbing his back, watching him chuckle every now and then. After about two episodes you heard his breathing turn into soft snores. You carefully escaped his grip- tidying the house up before picking him up and leaving.
“Sorry, I’m just now leaving the house,” you told Calum once you dropped D’artagnan off at Jamie’s house.
“No worries my love. Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, um, everything is alright. Do you still want me to meet you at your house?”
“Yeah, I’m still here, I thought we could skip past the pg part of our date,” he chuckled through the line. You could already see the shit-eating grin plastered on his face, knowing he tickled himself with his own joke. Without another word you rolled your eyes and hung up with a lazy smile.
“Such a romantic date,” you teased Calum, looking around at the scattered boxes in his home as he let you inside. “I can really see how this isn’t pg, definitely pg-13 at least,” you continued, observing the room more.
“What? Were you expecting a super nice dinner, maybe some rose petals on a bed?” He asked sarcastically, shaking his head. “Rookie Mistake, Y/l/n,” Calum chuckled. He made a quiet tisking noise as you walked over to him.
“You’re right, Hood, I should’ve known better,” you played along. You bit your lower lip, unable to contain your smile forcing its way out. Calum closed the distance even more as more chuckles fell from his lips. SLowly his hands wrapped around your hips, holding them securely as he kissed you gently. “You could’ve just asked if I would help you pack,” you whispered against his lips.
“I could’ve, but I would get the same answer either way.”
“Someone is awfully cocky today,” you pushed him away playfully, seeing his eyebrow raise mischievously and his mouth open to reply. “You better have an amazing date to make up for it” you giggled, cutting him off. Pulling your hair out of your face, you knelt down and began packing things up in his living room.
“Trust me, it’s pretty great if I do say so myself,” he beamed proudly, helping you pack up the things in his living room.
“Greater than packing up your house?” You glanced over your shoulder to watch his reaction, holding back from giggling at your little quip.
Calum laughed and looked over at you, “almost as great as knowing I’m moving in with you and D’artagnan.”
A blush crept onto your cheeks at his words. You turned back around, hoping he hadn’t noticed. “I’ll hold you to that babe.”
“Trust me, it’ll knock your socks off, maybe even more than just your socks,” he continued to try to convince you.
“Knock my sock off? What are you my dad now?” You asked, purposefully ignoring the last addition to his comment.
“Daddy, maybe, but ‘dad’- no way,” he replied coolly. You gasped and whipped around to look at him, your cheeks practically as red as a clown’s nose. You grabbed the pillow beside you and chunked it at him, trying to knock off the dorky yet proud grin resting on lips. “I was kidding baby,” he laughed as he caught the pillow with ease. “But if you throw something else at me I’m gonna make you regret it.”
You smiled mischievously, grabbing hold of the pillow you had just placed in a box, “you mean like this?” Without hesitation, you tossed it at him, giggling like a kid as he blocked it.
“Why you,”: he growled out with a small smile before running over to you. You squealed and made an attempt to get up and run, only to be stopped by the pile of his things you’d made around yourself. You laughed helplessly as he pinned you to the floor, one of his hands holding your’s above your head while his other tickled you mercilessly. “Say sorry.” You shook your head and squirmed beneath him. “Say it,” he insisted.
“Bite me,” you choked out in between your laughs.
“If you insist,” he smirked as he stopped tickling you. He brought his lips down to your neck and planted a soft kiss before gently nibbling on it. The hand he was tickling you with now rest on your side as he sucked and gently bit your neck.
“I was kidding,” you hummed, tilting your head up to give him more access. “Cally,” you breathed as he continued to kiss along your neck, his plump lips moving gracefully across your skin. His lips moved lower, following the crook of your neck and sliding out to your shoulder. Your jaw went slack as you focused on the butterflies each kiss caused. The feeling of his lips, his body pressed against yours, his firm grasp on you, everything about the moment drove you wild. A soft moan fell from your lips causing Calum to stop and look at you.
“That was the first time I’ve heard you moan,” he smiled with a dazed look in his eyes. “Damn that was fucking beautiful, it was like a melody,” he gushed, beaming like a kid on Christmas. You giggled shyly and wiggled your hands underneath his grip, silently begging for him to let them go. “I hope it won’t be the last time I hear it.”
“I promise it won’t,” you cooed as he finally let go of your hands. “But if you keep this up we won’t be going on our date.” As if it were second nature your hands found themselves resting against his warmth, one hand on his chest while the other held him close by the bicep. He giggled and nodded, kissing you once more before climbing off of you.
“Tempting, but I have special things planned for tonight,” he smiled before kissing you once more. “We’re definitely gonna finish this later though, with your permission of course.”
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