fore-seer · 6 months
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sieglinde-freud · 10 months
ohhh i j remember i pulled arcane ophelia when she dropped and just never fuckin used her… i ALMOST gave her tome to odin to fix him up, but…. hehewgahehe laurentttttt i have some shiny new toy for youuuuu come home baby girl come HOME!
#ann cries about feh#arcane devourer for inigo and arcane whatever for laurent my boys are SO IN IT#hopefully severas prf is good but. its severa. of course its good.#you know im kind of winning with most of the awakening kids#i’d say most of them are actually really fucking solid units with their refines#my owains kind of bad but thats probably my fault… i put all my investment into odin instead cuz he was easier to merge#but like kjelle yarne cynthia nah lucina m!morgan all got solid refines#kjelle especially shes one of my crutches for her#geromes was kind of mid but he makes up for it by being a walking ball of attack and def stats#and if i get lucina (WHICH I WILL. SHES COMING HOME. IM NOT MISSING ANOTHER LUCI) he can take her axe#also yeah im still missing legendary lucina and spring lucina#i have the worst legendary banner luck… i always get something but never what im looking for#and spring lucina… WHY IS SHE COLOR SHARING WITH FUCKING XANDER#SPRING FUCKING XANDER GET AWAY FROM MEEE#ugh. anyways. what was i talking about#oh my noire sucks. i pulled a -atk one and didnt build her cuz i was convinced she’d be on the eventual second gen banner#she’ll almost definitely be on the next awakening banner now but who knows when thatll be#time to give in and build her but i REALLY hate her summer alt… i really do#and its like. the art isnt BAD. it looks good. and it looks like noire. but its like. she looks so scared and uncomfortable#like not my girl why would u do this to my girl….#ANYWAYS THO LAURENT IS WHO I WAS TALKING ABOUT YES NEW TOME FOR HIM WOOO
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gotta ask, whats your favourite bizarre headcanon that has zero or maybe even negative canon backing/basis. mine is that ophelia is the result of a magic accident and only has odin's genetics
I’m trying so hard to think of what would count as bizarre. I have so many AUs and so many of them are joke-y, lol.
OH WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED my hc that Owain once propositioned Gerome purely and only because he thinks Inigo would hate that they got action before he did and he was pissed at Inigo at the time.
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
did you know Daigo is voice by Sonic’s voice actor 🤷‍♀️ I just thought that was a fun fact.
yeah it's p funny :) we can take it a step further and say majima's voiced by espio too
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queer-ragnelle · 13 days
I'm honestly kinda disgusted by the way a lot of authors just seeped their misogyny onto Guinevere to make her so horrible, lol. effectively destroyed a lot of people's view of her and she gets blamed for everything?? people keep shitting on her, saying Lancelot should be shipped with "someone better" and I'm just really annoyed because.. Guinevere is horribly characterized by these weirdos authors 💀. It does not take much to portray her as a complex character while also not making her shitty on purpose because you don't like her for her affair, lol.
I love her so much and it's disappointing how she's been treated :(( which is why I'll never be able to hate Guinevere or her ship with Lancelot
My friend it’s honestly so exhausting at this point. It’s not even limited to writing Guinevere herself as insufferable, but writing other characters behaving worse toward her than they ever were in medlit. Arthur hitting and degrading her when he cheats on her? (Warrior of the West by M. K. Hume) Lancelot using her for political gain and never loving her at all? (Enemy of God by Bernard Cornwell) Owain blocking her passage as she flees danger? (Legend in Autumn by Persia Woolley) Agravaine threatening to rape her? (The Road to Avalon by Joan Wolf) Gawain threatening to rape her? (Guinevere by Lavinia Collins) WHO are these characters bro you got me fucked up!!! The subtext here is that the authors hate Guinevere (read: women) so much they’re willing to warp everyone around her to treat her like garbage!!!
“Guinevere is bad because she has sex outside marriage.” Yeah so does Arthur. He fucked his own sister. In the dark. Leading her to believe he was her husband. So there’s Mordred, but there’s also Loholt and Arthur the Less etc. Arthur has many bastards from his extramarital affairs. (Vulgate and Post-Vulgate) Yet he isn’t canceled. Hm. Wonder what the difference could be? Let’s investigate. Seems authors treat Morgause and Morgan similarly to Guinevere. Gee, what is the common denominator here? Meanwhile in medlit, Morgause didn’t commit any crimes—she didn’t rape Arthur to have Mordred, she never neglected her children, she never cheated on Lot, and she didn’t prey on young men, she had ONE consistent lover who was younger than her AFTER her husband died. And she was murdered for it. (Post-Vulgate) Yet every other author writes her as a rapist (The Once and Future King by T. H. White), child grooming (The Wicked Day by Mary Stewart), pedophile (The Book of Gaheris by Kari Sperring), trying to put one of her sons on the throne (many examples). Now, Morgan is evil. But not for lewdness, for trying to murder people. In literally every source. Hello. It’s very simple. These authors are ridiculous. They care more about highlighting their opinion that fictional women having sex is BAD than writing a good story. When there are plenty of actually bad things happening in medlit they could condemn instead. You know, like the misogyny? Burning Guinevere at the stake??? You couldn’t make this up. It’s the utter disdain for the material for me. Assuming these dumbasses are even reading the material. Write something else where I can’t see it. (To be clear, I don’t even hate all the books I listed as examples, but they are unfortunately examples.)
Thankfully I haven’t encountered the blogger discourse regarding this. At least not lately. My advice to anyone who sees people shitting on something you like is to block them. Just do it. Fuck that noise. It’s not worth it.
Also I have to laugh at ship discourse about Guinevere/Lancelot. Of all pairs! It’s so unserious. They’re not some random comphet duo from the newest tumblr trending fandom. They’re mythological characters from a medieval literary tradition. Lancelot was created for her. In the 12th century. That was 900 years ago. It feels juvenile to reduce them to ship discourse. Especially because the story is fluid, it can be reshaped to fit the author’s narrative. So if Guinevere sucks, it’s because they made her that way. This is the epitome of making up a girl to be mad at.
“Oh but in Knight of the Cart—” Shh stop talking. If you’re pulling out KotC like some “gotcha” about Guinevere’s treatment of Lancelot, then you’re lost, buddy. You may be seeking entertainment in the wrong place! Guinevere and Lancelot aren’t real. Nobody was “abused” because they’re characters, narrative tools, to tell a story. Guinevere is flawed. Nobody ever said she wasn’t. If that’s too much complexity for you then I don’t know what else there is to say.
Honestly? Nobody is obligated to like Guinevere. I think it’s stupid to dislike her but the real take away is—if you dislike Guinevere so much, hate her even, why the are you writing so poorly about her? She’s as old a character as Arthur himself. Show some fucking respect or get out.
Anyway I’m going to end this with a recommendation! Today I started the third book of Sharan Newman’s Guinevere trilogy. The first two, Guinevere and The Chessboard Queen were utterly AWESOME!! Lots and lots of named women, like Guinevere’s mother Guenlain, Cador’s wife Sidna and daughter Lydia, Guinevere’s handmaiden Risa, and so on. The one downside is Morgause and Morgan are your typical modern retelling baddies, but overall it’s two thumbs up from me. Many points of view, but Guinevere is fascinating and complex and most importantly she is beloved!!!!!! Really hoping it stays enjoyable through to the end. Miss Newman is still in print, so I encourage everyone to seek these books out at your local library or from your favorite bookseller. Here’s a quote from book 2, The Chessboard Queen.
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she-of-seidhr · 2 months
I have so many thoughts about The Rings of Power S2 SDCC trailer and some of the news that came out from the SDCC panel, but I am so unwell after watching it that I don't remember it all. Here's what I recall though:
The trailer is absolutely the best we've had of all their releases going back to S1. The difference is night and day. I like that this trailer has clear direction of what the general plot is going to be instead of just a bunch of clips that makes no sense whatsoever.
The Rhunic masks looked a bit futuristic to me. It reminded me of some background race in an MCU film, can't remember if it was in Thor 3 or Ant-Man 3, but yeah it looked a bit out of place and silly.
I really am quite puzzled at their insistence in dressing Gil-galad in gold hues when we have Pharazon and/or Sauron, or even the dwarves for that. I am hoping they are saving the silver and blues for the later seasons if we're not getting it now. That would look so striking since they went with the dark hair. Remember Thranduil's silk orange robe from The Hobbit? Now make it deep blue. Ah, a girl can dream.
I know this is a trailer so there's misdirection, but I wonder if that scene where Galadriel asks Elrond to promise he will not stop who I am assuming is Sauron is an indication that she's going to put up her sword (at least in S3 onwards) to do other things, bringing her closer to the Galadriel in the books in terms of character and also what we know she was doing during the Second Age. That will give Elrond and (as it should be honestly) Gil-galad the space to be the actual main protagonists along with the other prominent Second Age characters.
I wanted more of Cirdan instead of just a hand, and I got a different shot of his hand, this time going underwater. Exciting.
Entwives!!! I'm glad to see them featured, but I'm also terribly afraid they're going to show us how they were wiped out lost.
The Siege of Eregion looks fuckin' amazing. The shot of Sauron walking away with an explosion on the background? Sign me the fuck up.
Gil-galad's banners flying amidst the elven charge scene. Fuck me sideways.
Charlie Vickers was the best actor for me in S1, I have no doubts he will serve in S2. Owain Arthur, Charles Edwards, and Peter Mullan too.
I love Gil-galad to death but to be perfectly honest I kinda don't like how Benjamin Walker portrays him. That said, it definitely is also because of how he's being written. I imagine Gil-galad to still have warmth despite the burden of his position that has a 100% mortality rate.
Pharazon better not be fuckin' stabbin' that eagle.
Daniel Weyman's line delivery sounds so Ian McKellen, but I am still hoping he is a Blue Wizard. Then again, maybe he is just taking inspiration from the most iconic wizard portrayal we've ever had (that's not up for debate).
I know I said Robert Aramayo as Elrond is ok, but for some fuckin' reason I'm convinced that those curls is going to make him better in all aspects.
I love Elrond's hesitation about the Elven Rings because it deepens the mystery of just how much of everything we know so far has been by Sauron's design.
Really curious to see what Sam Hazeldine will bring to the Adar because he's got BIG shoes to fill. Joseph Mawle was born for that role. The subtleties and the quiet menace he brought to the Adar was just incredible.
Look, I like Tom Bombadil alright? But am I ever really hyped to see an adaptation of him onscreen? Not really.
Barrow-wights. Why, but yeah cool whatever.
I like that every ring has a different design and we're going to see all of them in their full glory.
Celeborn will show up, as he should. When and where, no idea but at least there's confirmation.
Glorfindel can show up. If I talk about this any more than I already have (although it's to my family members who don't give a single fuck about any of this), I would really start losing my shit.
Lloyd Owens who plays Elendil made some eyebrow-raising remarks in the SDCC panel in regards to Elendil and Miriel's relationship, so it has me worried about them going for a romantic route between the two. Theirs could be a story of friendship, loyalty, and steadfastness in the midst of all the unrest and danger, and it honestly cheapens the last scene they shared in S1, so I really hope they don't try any funny business with them.
Somebody did ask the showrunners if there's going to be LGBTQ+ representation which one of them answered along the lines of maybe we've already seen one. Is it really necessary? Is it really proper representation? Does it serve the story? There's so many additions to this series already that it's going to be one more thing that takes away from the lore characters who really should be the focus.
I know I'm still missing some shit, but yeah this list is long enough. Lots of good, maybe a little bad, but overall I feel good about this new season and I can genuinely say I'm excited again even after the meh that's S1. August 29 can't come soon enough!
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ailendolin · 27 days
Live Reaction to TRoP 2x02
Spoilers for 2x02 under the cut
oh we're off to a good start with evil spreading through the lands of Middle-Earth straight to Khazad-Dûm
I'm still so in love with the mirrors. Using them to light up the realm always reminds me of The Mummy
my favourite power couple is back and I love them so much
Disa sensing the rockfall is so cool
fuck the light is gone. Moria is darkening. Fuck no
oh shit, is this the scene from the trailer where Celebrimbor gets impaled against a tree by roots?
damn he's becoming one of the tree memorials and the symbolism of that, I can't. This is not good
oh more handsome elves. Commander of the East and West my beloveds. And Commander of the South, you look fierce and I love you already
"Celebrimbor and the secrets of his craft are safe." The fuck they are, Gil-galad. Those words will come to bite you in the arse and Celebrimbor will suffer for it
also Galadriel being cryptic again and not speaking plainly, I swear she does not learn
where is Elrond for I much desire to see him
"... waters running dry." That's the rivers you just mentioned shielding Eregion, Gil-galad. Wake up and get Celebrimbor out of there for fuck's sake
also gentle reminder, Halbrand has also gained Celebrimbor's trust in case we've all forgotten that. He's even more susceptible because no one bothers to tell him anything and he has no idea what's going on. Let's stop worrying about Galadriel and start worrying about our favourite smith, okay?
lol the way Galadriel still calls him Halbrand and Gil-galad will have none of it. Glad he's got some common sense left
"Supposing I was not alone." Don't you dare drag Elrond into this, babygirl, don't you fucking dare
Celebrimbor denying Sauron entry - yesssss!
but it's not because of the message of warning, but because he promised Galadriel. This is not good. This is very not good
"Messengers from Lindon shall arrive with news any day." No they won't. Dammit
epic riding scene is epic
I see Ciaran Hinds has exchanged the terrors of the Arctic for the deserts of Rhun (seriously though, I have loved him since HBO's Rome and am always happy to see him - now I also need Tobias Menzies to be cast)
loving the moth magic
I'm taking it back. It's that crazy magic lady from s1 (though I do love that her cloak looks like moth wings from behind)
what was that growling noise?
no no no, we're not slaughtering any halflings here, I forbid it
"No one can give you a name." That's a very powerful message
I love the harfoots' ability to hide in a matter of second and I'm glad we're seeing more of it
oh no, I've just realised Moria darkening means the tree in Durin and Disa's home will probably be dying. Nooooo
yes, Disa, you tell them not to trash talk your husband and adopted son
oh no the stone singing is no longer working wtf
this is what's going to make them susceptible to Sauron, right? Their desperation to save their realm. Fuck
Disa being the voice of reason. I love her. I met Sophia last year (and Owain as well) and she shines just as beautifully as her character does
oh I feel those blisters, Durin. I got one on my thumb on a dig in Poland once and made the mistake of washing my hands after it had opened. I think I jumped three feet into the air in pain (and then proceeded to shower with my hand held above my head for a week afterwards because fuck those things hurt)
"Climb off your high peak" - I love that! Very fitting for the dwarves
and yep, here's Galadriel dragging Elrond into her mess. I knew it
not Elrond thinking he's no better than a dog - worse yet because he has his own mind and doesn't follow orders blindly. My boy has been disappointed by everyone around him and is seeking solace in shipcraft and I am not okay
"And why would he think that?" Oooooh I love salty Elrond
"And now he's done the same to Gil-galad and every elf in Lindon." I feel like this is poignant and deliberate because Elrond is not an elf. He's a half-elf and this line clearly shows how apart he feels from his people
Elrond holding onto his beliefs even though everyone is against him - someone hug him, please
no Galadriel, don't you guilt-trip him into this. Thank Eru Elrond sees it for what it is.
oh Elrond is not okay. Look at the pain on his face when Galadriel has left. My heart
okay, I see where Cirdan is coming from but why can't even one person tell Elrond that he is right to worry? He does not just fear the power of the rings. He fears Sauron's influence on them, and on Galadriel who bears one of them. What the fuck is he supposed to do if Galadriel goes full on dark queen like Sauron wants her to? He does not have a ring to counter her power, and we have already seen that his words mean nothing to any of the ring bearers.
have I mentioned that I love Poppy? Because I do. She's the best and not happy at all about dragging her tall friend through the desert
oh shit that bell ringing is not good
yep that did not take long
lol not me waiting for Imhotep's face to appear in the sandstorm
that new staff did not last long, did it?
no no no, Nori and Poppy can't be blown away wtf
ooooooh Ithildin?
YES ITHILDIN! Are we going to see the creation of the Doors of Moria?
the way Celebrimbor can't stop thinking about Halbrand. Just like Galadriel. Ugh this is so painful to watch
and of course Sauron exploits every weakness of Celebrimbor's because he knows him and knows exactly what chains to yank
Charles Edwards the actor you are. Celebrimbor's emotional reaction is everything
lol Celebrimbor going straight to the (First Age) bottle to celebrate
there will be fics about this, won't there?
no, Celebrimbor, you are not his friend, do you hear me? You are not
aaaaah and here the idea of the Nine gets planted
oh fuck, the silence in the dark tower is scary
I know everyone was making fun of him having the same face as Halbrand but given how he reveals himself to Celebrimbor it makes so much sense and i love it
"I am your partner." Annatar beginning to seduce his next future ex
but oh how it pains me to hear the "sharer of gift" line
oh Elrond's new tunic is gorgeous
Elrond leading the company? Fuck yes. And of course Galadriel is not happy about it because it always has to be her way or no way
no no no not the dwarves going to Eregion
but also yes because that means Elrond und Durin (and hopefully Disa as well) will reunite and I need that to happen
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eddyiewriting · 7 months
RO ask
RO reaction to receiving letter and poems of MC declaring their love for them every day, even when MC is away
Owain is the type of guy who puts all the letters in a single drawer and then randomly picks one of the letters at night, then he would lie down and read the poem multiple times because he got distracted. Then, he would sleep with the letter by his chest, dreaming about meeting MC again if they were away.
Cerys would probably find them lame in the beginning, but she wouldn't be able to hide her grin once she's reading the letters. Then she would keep them safely inside a box, and use them as inspiration to write even more beautiful poems to MC, probably engaging in an unofficial competition to see who loves the other the most.
Arthur can't read. But if he could, he would take one of the letters with them, keep it in his pocket, and read it every time he misses you. If MC is away, he would cry while reading the letters, wishing he could see MC again. In-game, he would have MC read the letters and poems for him, but he would secretly try and learn how to read and write, and then he'd try to write something for MC as well.
Teagan would be confused by your gesture. She won't understand why you need to write so many words to form a thought. If MC loves her, then they'll just need to tell her that. That doesn't mean she wouldn't read and re-read every sentence in the poems. It would be a nice change of pace from the long religious texts she's used to.
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sunshinemoonrx · 10 days
since you've taught me so much already. top 5 characters from historical literature (i love the guys i've heard about so far)
Helllll yeah. Okay so a lot of these are gonna be "all right here's a pretty famous guy but did you know he was originally different and weird!" Folklore time let's goooooo
Honourable mention: All of Medieval Welsh Lit
This is a catch-all I'm using to stop all 5 of these entries from being this because I gotta cover places like Turkey and Ireland. There's still a couple dw. But there's so many more like Rhiannon, world's most magical snarky part-time ponygirl; Macsen Wledic, who everyone wants to be their ancestor, or wait this is a reflection of the historical would-be Roman emperor Magnus Maximus; Mabon ap Modron, world's specialest boy who does fuck all Oh Wait this is an ancient deity who was syncretised with Apollo? Neat! Okay actual entries Go
5. Robin Hood
This is a prime case of "in the original version..." I'm actually a big fan of the earliest medieval Robin Hood ballads we have, they're very fun bouncy little adventures and the middle English is just comprehensible enough that I can alternate between reading the original text and the translation. Did you know that it took a couple centuries for Robin to be turned into an exiled lord (to make him more palatable to a noble audience when they started making plays about him, he originated in songs and performances at country fairs), and he was a commoner fucking with the king before then? And that despite how much a "modern twist" it seems, Marian (who might have started as an unrelated character with her own adventures) beating him in a fight actually pre-dates the nobleman thing!
4. Battal Gazi
The absolute lad. A pulp adventure style hero from medieval Turkish epics sourced from the Byzantine frontier. There's a real cowboy adventure vibe to these. And they got made into a series of campy adventure films in the 50s! And he defeated one HUNDRED Romans with EACH swing of his sword and EVERYONE clapped (for real I'm pretty sure he kills Charlemagne in one of these)
3. Taliesin
The secret main character of medieval Welsh literature and poetry! An actual historical poet of the 6th century who became so famous that later medieval writers would write legends about him having magic bardic powers, write poems in his voice...which makes it hard to figure out what he actually wrote! But what can be sorta confidently attributed to him mostly consists of praise poetry for the north-British king Urien Rheged, which is...maybe a little romantic? He always ends them with
"And until I fail in old age,
in the sore necessity of death,
May I not be smiling,
If I praise not Urien."
Which is nice. Urien is the sneaky other subject of this--he's also a really interesting guy halfway between history and legend, subject of a whole bunch more poetry and hegemon of his while region. His son, Owain, possibly fought in the famous battle of the Gododdin, was written as the leader of hundreds of giant magical ravens, and finally got absorbed into continental Arthurian legend as 'Yvain'
2. Cai the Fair
Speaking of Arthur! I'm a big fan of the original version based in Welsh folklore, a wandering warrior prior to his transformation into a chivalric king. Similarly, some of his knights started as companions of the original version, and my favourite is the counterpart of Sir Kay. In later and mainstream Arthuriana he's the jackass who exists to get clowned on to show how cool Lancelot or whoever is, but this is actually because he started off as Arthur's best guy, so in anime rival tradition, showing him up is an easy way to establish your cool new OC. The original Cai can grow giant, has both heat and cold powers, can survive underwater for weeks...he slays all kind of giants, fights a giant cat, and then he does one giant slaying in a slightly sneaky way and Arthur (who is sometimes called a "frivolous bard") sings a mean song about him and he swears never to help him again. Oops!
He's also a bit gay with it--he's often paired with Bedwyr (source of Sir Bedivere), they love questing together and swear by each other, Cai was heartbroken when he died...
1. Cú Chulainn
The central hero of most of the Ulster cycle, you may know him from Fate. But the Fate version is less weird and less anime than the medieval version!! This Cú is a weird little trans-coded twink with three-coloured hair, seven-coloured eyes, a bunch of named special moves and an epic duel to the death with his boyfriend.
He's such a fucked up little guy! He's the perfect product and also the perfect victim of the glory-obsessed warrior culture he exists in, he's driven to destroy himself and everyone around him by a constant terror of not being the best at all times, he's so...arrrrrgh. he's the guy!! He's an extremely bad person to be clear. I love him. Sometimes he gets so worked up into a warrior's frenzy he generates a flaming aura that can melt snow and has to be dunked in cold water to chill out! I have like three writing projects in the works that are basically "Cú Chulainn for lesbians". Highest honour I can bestow
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imwriting0verhere · 7 months
Love Again
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Chapter 4
“Are you sure you’re okay on your own? It’s no problem to stay with us a bit longer” Amber looks up at me, hopeful. “You heard Da. You’re more than welcome babe” I smile at her, thinking back to the week I’ve just spent with her and her family.
Meeting her parents for the first time wasn’t half as scary as I thought it might be. They were very welcoming and lovely and I didn’t feel like it was rushed or uncomfortable, to take that step in our relationship. Amber’s brother Zane, who was a sound engineer at the recording studio we used for our album, had joined us with his boyfriend. I was relieved to see another familiar face. We all had dinner, went for a walk and just got to know each other on a more personal level. None of that fancy musician stuff. Amber’s dad was kind enough to invite me around for another Sunday roast whenever I was down in London again. And I promised my girlfriend I’d make use of that one last time before I leave for tour. So I said my goodbyes to the Ketteler family and Amber and I took the tube to King’s Cross Station so I could catch my train back home. That’s where we’re currently waiting.
“I kna, but I’ve got to get back home like. Wash my stuff, see me mam, get some last-minute shit sorted before we fly oot.” I chuckle and run my hand over her long brown looks before my hand stops at the small of her back. “But in two weeks I’ll be doon here anyways. Cana fly from Newcastle to LA. We’ll all be flying from Heathrow”.
“I’ll miss you so much” she pouts, and I feel the same when I think about touring and how long I will be gone for.
I just sigh and pull her closer to me. “No need to worried about that just yet, I will see yous again before I leave. I’m not leaving without a goodbye like.”
Before I know it, my train is ready to board and I pull Amber up from our chairs and into my arms. She instantly wraps her arms around me and buries her cheek into my chest
“Call me once you’re home, alright”
“’Course” I tell her softly before I loosen our hug so I can press a fond kiss onto her lips.
Grabbing my suitcase and green backpack, I gently squeeze her hand one last time and make my way over to the platform to board my train. I see Amber waving goodbye before she leaves the station and returns back to her family home.   
Now with a four-hour train ride ahead of me, I opt to watch a movie to pass some time.
Throughout I get texts from my mam, asking me when I will arrive back in Shields, and if she could pop round for dinner. Owain wants to know if the lads and I have gotten any closer to finalizing our setlist for the upcoming gigs. And Dean wants to know if I still need him to give me a lift home from the station.
I respond as quick as I can so I can get back to my light entertainment. But an Instagram notification stops me. Without thinking I quickly click on it and the app opens on my phone. It’s a story posted by the official Eden’s Crush account, Y/N’s band. Apparently they’ve just made their way into Amsterdam to play their first show tonight.
Eden's Crush Instagram Story
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I can’t wait to see the videos from the gig, seeing the girls in action. Seeing Y/N at what she does best. She deserves this so much, I couldn’t be prouder.
I’m wondering if she knows that. I really haven’t been the best friend in the last few weeks. And even though I’ve enjoyed my time with Amber and her family, I kept thinking about Y/N and how she’s over 600 miles away from me, and will be for the next few months. And the last time I saw and actually spoke to her, we ended in a fight.
God how could I let this happen? To not even say goodbye before she started the most important journey and tour of her life so far?
Before I know it, the familiar neighborhoods of Newcastle come into view and the train comes to a stop. I exit and make my way into the car park, where I can see Dean happily standing and waiting in front of the red Fiat.
“Alreet mate, welcome back” he greets me with a pat on my back before opening the trunk and storing my luggage inside.
“Aye, thanks mate” I return the sentiment and we both climb into the two front seats, driving off towards home.
I’ve still got Y/N and the last time we saw each other on my mind, I am unusually quiet during our ride. Which my friend seems to notice as well.
“Got something on your mind?” he asks me.
“Nah, it’s alreet like” I respond with a little bit too much sadness in my voice. I’m definitely not convincing my best mate.
“Ceemon now Sam. Did something happen with Amber?” he asks concerned.
I sigh and shake my head
“Nah we’re fine. Good like. It’s Y/N actually.” I clear my throat before saying “I’ve just missed her. More than I first realised” I tell him honestly.
My confession catches Dean by surprise and he turns his head and looks at me a bit too long, probably. Given that he should be focused on the road ahead of us.
“Have yer talked to her at all since your fight?”
I shake my head and turn my face towards the window, not wanting to see the disappointment in my friend.
“Think it’s her first gig tonight. You should shoot her a text, wish her good luck”
“A’ll figure something oot, reet.” I tell him a bit frustrated now. I know that he’s right and I shouldn’t snap at him. But I hate being treated like a bairn and people pointing things like this out to me. She’s my friend, I know how to talk to her.
As we pull up and come to a stop in my driveway, I give Dean a quick hug and tell him thanks, before getting my stuff out of the car and walking up to my front door. Unlocking it and stepping inside, I set my luggage down in the foyer before quickly making my way into the kitchen and sitting down at the table. I pull out my phone and open Y/N’s contact. My finger hovering above the number before I finally press it to connect the call.
I’m not sure where we stand exactly, but I need to talk to her, to know she’s okay, to hear her voice. I need to know that our friendship still has a chance.
After a few rings I hear her answering
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sieglinde-freud · 2 years
i love the awakening trio in nohr and how they all got character development in three entirely different directions like laslows in every support trauma dumping, being a walking awakening reference, constantly spouting shit like “is my life even real. do my friends even miss me. would my mom still love me if i were a worm” while selena is in the next room over challenging anybody and everybody to fight her like this girl trying to start something with a serial killer, a fucking werewolf, a WHOLE ASS PRINCE like she grabbed her mommy issues by the neck and decided this was the best opportunity to finally take out her rage. and then u got odin, slutting it the FUCK up, absolutely slaying, slowly blurring the line between owain and his dnd persona like i think i can count on my hand how many times he broke character, its so ingrained in him he genetically passes it down to his daughter. my mans has MASTERED his coping mechanism (and also somehow seems the most emotionally stable of the three? is that just me) like he saw a chance for a new start and immediately turned to page 347 of the manual of justice, picked his favorite oc, and said “me now” and put on the most whoreish outfit anankos had
i stg they went from
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this is the only way i can possibly describe it
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randomkposts · 8 months
I remember the starfish
I love Fire Emblem Fates. My favorite is Awakening, but Fates has a special place in my heart for all of its flaws, and plotholes I love to poke at. No malice meant, if I didn't care, I'd probably just leave it alone. Instead it takes up so much brainspace.
So I think I might want to write something a bit more themed another time, but for now I want to write some scattered thoughts.
First, If I were going to change just one thing, I would give Azura ,Kaze as a retainer. And Shura.
Why? It bugs me that she didn't have any retainers, and Corrin has 3 household staff, their teacher, a childhood best friend, and a Ninja, most of whom are willing to follow them even if they defect. That's pretty excessive, that they just have a small- personally loyal fighting force. And Kaze's just hanging around, a trained retainer not assinged to anyone. And really Mikoto, Azura is your niece, you can give her one retainer at least.
Kaze defecting to Nohr to protect his charge makes arguably more sense then his reasons for defecting to Nohr on Corrins behalf.
Azura recruiting Shura as a retainer, fits with the older of the Nohrian sibilings having a criminal retainer. They also have a personal history between them that would be intresting to explore in a support. A support with Ryoma would also be intresting, as Shura states his family used to serve the royal family until his principality was taken over by Mokushu, so learning more about that would be neat.
Speaking of retainers, Despite three Nobrian Siblings havinging a criminal as a retainer, the person with the weirdest retainers is Hinoka, for having the least retainer-like retainers in the game. And Ryoma has 2 ninjas as retainers, which perhaps says some odd things about his diplomatic choices.
Hinoka does her own chores, protects her retainers, and seems to barely know anything about Azama beforehand. Until we learn from her support with Niles in Revelations that Hinoka hired Setsuna for her skill in archery, I was almost convinced she was hired to annoy Takumi.
And yet they are the last retainers sticking around the Hoshidan royals when they are recruited in Revelations.
Hillarious. Baffling. Lends a diffrent weight to Hinokas support with Saizo in this route, not that it wasn't already weird, but there was more cause for suspicion.
Speaking of supports, Sakura takes Corrin's amnesia as a sign that Silas is cursed. Meanwhile, in Birthright Takumi gets mindwhammied and dragon posessed, and Sakura does nothing to try to help. Which to be fair, nither instance lasted long. Who knows if she could have done anything effective, but in the Conquest one she doesn't seem to take note of his dirastically changed attitude as something to worry about, yet was far quicker to diagnose Silas as "something was off. Maybe its cause Silas a stranger, and she doesn't want to see anything wrong with her closest brother, but I wonder what got her attention in the first place to draw that conclusion.
I haven't played Engage, but even without that I am pretty sure Corrin is the most watched avatar we have ever played. Their big sister Camilia and her retainers makes it 3 in a lifetime, as said by Selena/Severa.
"Selena: Lady Camilla! Sorry we got ahead of you. But you should have heard the horrible things Lord/Lady Corrin said to us. Even though we used to watch over them, they don't remember us at all. Sure, we always stuck to the shadows and never introduced ourselves... but still! I could cry right now. Really! I really could!
Beruka: All that time hovering... caring... watching... it was all for naught. They has no heart.
Camilla: Now, now, you two. I'm sure they didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I'm certain they would remember, given more time. You simply must forgive them."
No wonder Corrin is so chill with Ryoma's Ninjas and other people following them around.
A headcanon, Odin/Owain can use dragon Veins. Anankos can hide his brand, but he can't undo that he is decended from the Exalted line of Ylisse, a heritige who also formed a pact which presumably involved drinking dragons blood. (That does seem to be a series consistant for how one gets a stats edge, with consent of the dragon being pretty important in how well they control it. )
He uses it once by accident. Leo did see it, but never confronts him on it. Maybe they might be siblings, but if this is what kept him alive and he's happy with living his life, then Leo isn't going to be the one to tell anyone. One of them may as well be happy.
If I were going to change something about the Fates Kids, I would mess with Shiro. Ryoma never told him until recruitment that he was royalty. So what if Shiro, figuring Ryoma is impotant, but not connecting the dots (as in cannon) comes to the (incorrect) conclusion that he is the next Saizo. And so comes with the Ninja class, alomg with some family drama, lol.
I would also tone down Soleil's supports, and add some depths to the other kids, but ninja Shiro creating some family drama with the retainers is a concept that amuzes me
I'll end it here for now. Might write a second at some point.
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buffyfan145 · 1 year
Got a lot of "Rings of Power" season 2 teasers/spoilers from the cast last night at their Emmys event!!! :D Some of these, like the article's title says we knew, but others we didn't. Putting it behind a cut but even more excited for this coming season. Also Bear McCreary performed some of the score at the event too and during one song Morfydd sat at the piano with him. :)
Morfydd confirmed she'll be wearing Nenya and learning more about her new powers. Also said she'll be trying to find more of the light in the darkness now.
Confirmed again about Círdan being in season 2.
More rings will be forged, likely for the dwarves first but possibly also for the men. This also goes with the spoilers we've gotten that they are doing a version of the Annatar storyline and that there's a 2nd version of Sauron. Don't know yet if Charlie is also playing this version but it's possible.
Owain talked more about what's next for Durin and his father and likely his dad being one of the dwarf ring bearers. Also confirmed he will have more scenes with Robert's Elrond.
Ismael teased a bit about Arondir's storyline and knowing Sauron is back and how this causes tension between his love story with Bronwyn and relationship with Theo and the differences between being an elf and them as men. Also teased Sauron being back affects all the couples which I thought was interesting he worded it that way.
Sophia teased more about Disa and that she will be having a big storyline too. Very curious to know what that is.
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taguelbunnyboy · 4 months
[ Sweet Bun Trio ] - A selection of traditional Faerghus pastries, all small enough to be eaten in one delicious bite! The first bun is filled with sweet cream and topped with icing and a candied cherry. The second is a sweet roll filled with almonds, pecans, and dried cranberries and glazed with honey. The third is a bun sliced in half, filled with almond paste and whipped cream, dusted with powdered sugar on top.
Taking a plate of local delicacies, Ophelia makes her way through the crowd, looking for a soul who will share with her. Finding one who looks like the wolfskin or kitsune of her own home continent, she proffers the sweets.
"Would one care to join a heroine in the breaking of bread? A feast of celebration should ne'er be enjoyed alone!" Perhaps she would find herself another student who could tell her of the school and the ones within it. Perhaps even, there were fellow chosen ones much like herself and her father.
Blonde hair hits his eyes first, then a voice and attitude that follows... and in a blink, Yarne's back to cowering in the fields of war, Risen rising around him. Owain, Cynthia, two of his colleagues, his comrades, his family. It was like the two's personalities mixed - but clearly, more Owain than Cynthia, the heroine talk conflated the two for him.
"I-yeah, yeah, just give me a sec..."
She looked like Owain(Hair colorwise, at least), Sounded like him(ish), and certainly had his air for theatrics. She was... so familiar, yet so different.
"I-I'm sorry, but... do you know someone named Owain? No, no, wait, he goes by Odin now..."
Yarne's jumbled. She's like him. So much like him. But how... how? He didn't have any siblings(That Yarne knew of), no cousins from Emmeryn's side of the family, and Lucina got the blue genes...
"You... kinda remind me of him. We've... been through a lot."
Naga, he was making himself look like an idiot.
Yarne grabbed a tray of his own, sitting down opposite the blonde-haired enigma. What was it with him this ball and blondes causing him to get so jumbled up?
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what if the rest of the lucina gang got sent to hoshido/nohr
Oh, bby girl you can't enable me like this...
Okay so, for balancing reasons you'd have to split the kids 50/50 so we need both Morgan's and some starting classes would have to be changed.
F!Morgan - Deviner/Skyknight
M!Morgan - Samurai/Sorcerer
Cynthia - Skyknight/Cavalier
Noire - Archer/Deviner
Kjelle - Spear master/Knight
Brady - Monk/Trubadour
Yarne - Apothecary/Taguel
F!Morgan gets deviner and M!Morgan gets Samurai because in their offical art M!Morgan was holding a sword and F!Morgan is holding a tome. Kjelle get's spear master because she starts with spears. I don't know why I chose Apothecary for Yarne, it just felt right. F!Morgan having Skyknight as her Heart Seal class is based on her heroes class being dark flier. Noire having deviner is in reference to her mother's class, deviner and not sorcerer because she's stated to be unskilled at dark magic. Yarne gets his base Taguel class back by heart sealing into it.
Laurent - Sorcerer/Apothecary
Lucina - Mercenary/Spear master
Gerome - Wyvern rider/Ninja
Nah - Wyvern rider/Manakete
Inigo - Mercenary/Ninja
Severa - Mercenary/Skyknight
Owain - Sorcerer/Samurai
Nah gets wyvern rider because she's a dragon and I think that woulds be funny. Also I think Laurent should be able to wear the slutty sorcerer fit, I think it would be funny. Mercenary is the only Nohrian class that starts with swords so that's what Lucina gets she ger spear master because lords get lances on promote in Awakening. I feel like Ninja fits Gerome personality wise.
I think only the original trio would be retainers to the royals everyone else would be doing something different. I think the Morgan's would be Azura's equivalent of Flora/Felicia. Twins who serve as Azura's maids/bodyguards which would also make them neutral units. Cynthia would be a Skyknight stationed at the capital. I can see her being an early recruit in Birthright, like she joins you when you first leave the capital. I think Noire and Kjelle would all also be early game recruits while Yarne and Brady would be mid game recruits.
I actually think Nah and Gerome would be Neutral units serving in Cheve. They get auto recruited in birthright/revelations but need to be recruited in conquest by having one of the Awakening kids talk to them. It would be on the same map where you get Charlotte and Benny. It would also give the Awakening units two neutral units per nation. Laurent would join you after one of Corrin's returns to Krakenburg, best time I think would be when they get sent to the rainbow sage. Lucina I can also see being recruited durring the seven fold sanctuary map, perhaps having been sent a head by Xander.
This would also give five more child units for the male characters.
M!Morgan's child would have to have their own version of "Time to tip the scales!" and "Time to even the odds!" I think their gimmick would be remembering what happened in Heir's of Fate and have the starting class of ninja.
Yarne I can see having a child unit that's the complete oppisite of him, bold and reckless who gives him no end of heart attacks. staring class of Oni Savage
Laurent's child unit would be a detective, trying to solve mysteries like Miriel but rather then being a scientist they do dective work. The best starting class for that would be outlaw with Ninja for a heart seal class.
Brady's child unit would be a 'Sukeban' a sterotypical japanese female deliquent. But one who's quite skilled at the more 'high class' activities. Basically Brady but with the Japanese aesthetic and cultural influences because she'd be a Hoshiden unit
Gerome, child unit who has a wyvern named Maria. I think they would have conflict with Gerome baced on being in the deep realm. "I'd rather see you less often as you grew up rather than be stories for you to hear." vs. "I would have been satisfied with stories of you if it meant not being alone." A follow on from "I didn't want heroes I wanted my parents."
I also think they would have a mechanic where if you fight one of the Awakening kids with another they won't defeat each other but will leave each other at 1hp/they will miss any attack that would defeat them.
Oh and Noire would defiantly be able to S support Hayato and have unique dialogue with Rahjat
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pegasusknightsonly · 10 months
future kids ranked by their identification with and support of the concept of 'girl power'
1st: Severa identification with: VERY HIGH support of: VERY HIGH although she tops out the rankings, Severa's belief in girl power is best likened to a domestic cat's belief in "domestic cat power". she will loudly defend her right to claim it, but she sort of believed she was already entitled to it, and challenges to it that belief that solidify her position. her lack of interest in extending girl power to community building and solidarity with other women makes her the perfect embodiment of the concept. this is what the spice girls wanted all along
2nd: Nah identification with: HIGH support of: HIGH unlike Severa, Nah believes this sincerely.
3rd: Kjelle identification with: unremarkable support of: VERY HIGH Kjelle ranks highly in support of girl power mostly due to her disdain for men. anything that doesn't involve them is automatically better than anything that does.
4th: Inigo identification with: none support of: VERY HIGH just think about how Austin Powers would respond to the idea of girl power and you're pretty much there.
5th: Laurent identification with: unremarkable support of: HIGH Laurent is the most egalitarian of the future kids. however, his interest in big mean women squashing him like a bug prevents him from ranking higher.
6th: Owain identification with: nonexistent support of: VERY HIGH he's into powers in general and wasn't listening
7th and 8th: Noire and Yarne identification with: nonexistent support of: HIGH both support girl power in the context of girls they know who are stronger than them and will protect them. girl power is vital and necessary. girl power is a huge relief.
9th: Cynthia identification with: UNKNOWN support of: YEAH!! it's tempting to put Cynthia higher due to her broad strokes support of many things she has approximate knowledge of, but I'm not sure that Cynthia even thinks of herself as a girl. if you were to ask her and got a positive response she would immediately qualify it with a statement like "of course I'm a girl! I ride horses". you don't know what that means. she doesn't explain what that means. the time it takes you to process her statement and make your initial failed attempts to comprehend it is the time it takes for her to walk away and start doing something else. technically unrankable but gets points for misguided enthusiasm
10th: boy Morgan See girl Morgan.
11th: Brady identification with: none support of: variable when he has to think about girl power applying to Severa, he gets nervous and doesn't like it. she doesn't need it. don't make her worse. but if he thinks about his mothers benefitting from increased freedoms and opportunities then he's more on board? i guess?
12th: girl Morgan they agreed to take these positions for a bit.
13th: Gerome identification with: no (when asked) support of: no (when asked) Gerome's disdain may be due to being asked for his thoughts directly. don't talk to him. don't even look at him. go away.
14th and finally: Lucina identification with: ANTI‼️ support of: ANTI‼️ while she wouldn't want to say it out loud and possibly hurt someone's feelings, Lucina genuinely believes that men are just better than women. she does not like women and she does not like girl power. it is not possible to convince her otherwise. fwiw i don't think she would be more misogynistic if she was a man. i think she would just forget that girls exist and be happier for it.
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