#so now i get to SEE why for myself after avoiding lunatic for all these years
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sieglinde-freud · 7 months ago
so the way endings in awakening work is a bit off if you have the gay mod because it reads single people normally, but married people have the man’s ending read, and then his wife just. attached. and so that alters which ending you see for both of them. unfortunately, that means if i have f/f pairs, which most of them were, i dont get to see any because none of them were read. and at least with the second gen, i did almost entirely f/f pairs, which dont show up, or m/m pairs, which had nothing written, so. everyone please give it up for gerome and cynthia, the only second gen ending i got to see!
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😭😭 good for them!!! anyways unorganized final thoughts under cut so i dont have to make a whole other post for it
awakening lunatic sucks! but project thabes makes it suck a little less. in all honesty i had a lot of fun, awakenings a good game to revisit, and finding a way to make it challenging while being able to use my favorite units (awakening second gen) ever was awesome. normally having all 13 (or 14 in this case, with both morgans) would break the game, but lunatic kept the enemies strong, so it didnt matter what my units had. i actually got overwhelmed a lot 😭 HUGE difficulty jump between hard and lunatic all i’m saying. and then the games like “hey now u have lunatic+ if that interests you” NOOOOO THANKS.
anyways. here are my top three guys according to the medal thingies at the end
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im so proud of them :3 of all the kids really but yeah these three were huge standouts. virion actually got a change in the mod where one of his subclasses was swapped for myrmidon, so yarne got to inherit astra which was actually insane? it procced ALL THE TIME so. that was crazy. chrom!inigo and fred!cynthia are always good thats not new but they were really clutch in the last few chapters. i had them both hopping around classes for most of the game bc thabes redoes skill progression so. IT TOOK CYNTHIA SO LONG TO LEARN LUNA. ITS FROM WYVERN LORD. GOD. she went through a LOT of classes yall dont even know. also honorable mention to marc and morgan, the best rallybots ever, and dancer lucina, who was outserving everyone she was in a scene with. my girl.
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like ok serving cunt on the back of the god youre about to kill? get it girl!
anyways so for second gen pairs i did: lucina/f!morgan, owain/m!morgan, inigo/laurent, yarne/brady, severa/kjelle, nah/noire, and cynthia/gerome and you know what. i think i have a great taste. a lot of these were born from being unable to do other pairings but thats ok. i liked how it turned out. though i was gonna do nah/noire anyways because they were actually like. an insane duo. honestly im surprised noire didnt get a medal thing bc i feel like her nostanking with nah backing her up got me out of so much shit. maybe its because i didnt see her ending… oh. oh wait thats probably it. well. anyways.
i think awakening is not a properly balanced game, nor are the maps made for a difficulty like this. towards the end game especially, the maps are just. flat. most of them anyways, and they just become really repetitive and bland and boring. and despite this being the game with the tactician character of all the time, they dont really allow you flexible strategies, because if youre not pair up stat stacking, you will die! and that sucks. mid game is alright, but the last arc is really weak and kinda dampered my whole experience. im glad i did it, but i wouldnt actually reccomend it to anyone unless you like to play like that (which is totally fine! its just not my thing). definitely requires some solid planning as well. all in all, not the worst fire emblem ive played but… well. im not doing it again. ok anyways heres inigo mouthing off at grima
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kneelingshadowsalome · 2 years ago
How special is reader actually in Just Friends? im dying i’m so jealous 😭
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Welll my dear!
König in this fic is a bit of a nympho. There's just no denying it. This man gets high on killing and he gets high on sex...
...which is why he hasn't been exactly what one would call a chaste, proper gentleman, and why he has some experience. Because even with that crazy pervy attitude there's always people who want to bang this giant (not side-eyeing anyone here in this room or myself in the mirror or anything like that).
So yes, this man has tried to get pussy since day one, and because he is what he is, hasn't gotten but a crumb or two (just imagine the growing fury and bitterness of this man, who looks like a god but is a demon inside, when he doesn't get what he needs 🙄). This poor lunatic has done his all to get anything he can ‐ which is close to nothing but just enough to bless him with the knowledge of the location of clitoris. Now this sounds pretty desperate, right? It is. I mean, this guy probably has a sex toy or two in his room (probably takes a portable fleshlight on longer missions too, JFC) because he's just never satisfied and women generally avoid him like the plague.
But when it comes to reader... Let's start by saying that König has never stalked anyone like that (lmao what a compliment!). Also he is true to his word in that he has never stolen another lady's underwear before. He's just that crazy about the reader. He tries his all to be more civil so he doesn't blow it with her, while at the same time, he's losing his fucking mind (so innocent and sweet and looking at him and his pretty knives like that?? He simply can't handle that shit).
Also the inherent and learned sexism in this man makes him think women shouldn't go to war because it's not *proper* and he would never even think of gifting a weapon to a lady, let alone one of his precious knives. Even showing his collection is too much – it's equal to baring his soul to someone.
But reader? She gets multiple invites to his crazy man cave full of weapons. Also, taking her to the range, letting her play with his big guns is not only a super special treat but also a sign of König being head.over.heels. for her.
Without knowing it, König has always searched for that special someone to be crazy with. And reader is the first to elicit any real feelings in him, tbh. That's a huge deal. Like he said in the end, he would do anything for her. Also instead of a fleshlight he now carries reader's panties in his pocket on missions. Calls them his lucky charm, too.
And sex with reader gains almost a spiritual level as we see at the end of chapter 4. It's not just sex anymore. Aftercare and cuddles are something this man has pretty much avoided, has been a bit 'meh' about, but with reader it all comes naturally because he wants to take care of her. He can't keep his paws off because she's so adorable and squishable.
And the reason why he tried to leave reader alone after days of trying to woo her back? Not because he dropped her like a toy that's not working anymore, but because he actually respected and loved her so much he didn't want to hurt her. (Also I'm staying with my hc that König is someone who tells a person he loves them after they've known each other for like two weeks. Cringe, but cute.)
I don't know if this cured any jealousy or made it worse 🥲 but trust me when I say reader is incredibly special 💘
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dreams-and-honor · 7 months ago
Bestie I wanna preface this by saying I fully understand the abuse response of freezing and just being a doormat and the fear of standing up for yourself and I don't expect you to like. Actually Do This but I just thought perhaps it might help to have something reinforced from the outside: you are no longer a teenager trapped in your mothers house and forced to be under her thumb. You are a fully grown adult and she is, at this point, trespassing in your apartment that you pay for after showing up uninvited. Obviously I want you to be safe, but I do think you owe it to yourself to tell her that she needs to leave. It is fucking INSANE she and your father are putting you through this because they cant handle their own BS. Maybe talk it out with Owen so he can back you up, bc we know he will. You are not that scared little kid anymore, no matter how much she may make you feel that way. You shouldn't have to go through this.
Man, I so totally knew something like this was coming because tbh, even i'm getting tired of my bitching.
I absolutely agree with everything you've said, I just do not know how to force myself to go through with it, on god. I have been trying to build a spine for YEARS. I'm still utterly stumped.
Also let me offer an apology for letting this spiral turn me into a neurotic lunatic lately, that's not what I'm on this hellsite for.
Taking this to heart (and intense visceral consideration), let me take a moment to articulate why this is so fucking hard for me for the sake of like, putting things into perspective and also the trauma response of overexplaining things so I don't feel like a fucking idiot and just in case anyone wants to play psychotherapist for a few seconds and shoot me some advice. (tw for child abuse and general trauma dump below)
I used to argue with this woman almost on the daily, but eventually your own mother beating the living fuck out of you tends to break you down and now adult Adri is forced to live with this weird child-like need to be A Good Kid™ to A) avoid getting the living fuck beaten out of me (unrealistic), and B) i don't fucking know, get validation and love??? Who fucking knows. She was sobbing to me how I'm all she's got left because my sister refuses to have anything to do with it (she's the meanest bitch i've ever met, but at least she's got her priorities straight) and little beaten down Adri is like "Oh, that means I have to step up and do good, my poor mother who used to beat the living fuck out of me, i'd be *reads verbatim the shit she used to throw at me tattooed on my fucking hand* 'an evil ungrateful little bitch' if I refuse her."
Also taking into account what a paranoid nutjob she's become, I for SURE know that I will suffer Consequences™ should I show an ounce of defiance, I just don't know WHAT.
ANYWAY. That's what's all on my plate right now.
She offhandedly mentioned "If I can't find a new place then I'm going to have to go back home I guess" and at the risk of sounding like an awful person making someone go back into an abusive situation, I just kinda was like "Will you be okay there?" but forced myself to clam up and not object, so that's a potentially open door out.
I was literally sick with stress earlier today, so something's got to give at this point, and I know it's gotta be me. Because nothing's gonna get done if I don't do something. And I appreciate the tough love here, I really do, it was a good kick in the ass to make me pull myself together. I'm just sitting here with my head in my hands trying to figure it out. I will probably wait for Owen to get home to talk about this, and then -gestures vaugely- we'll see what we'll do. Hopefully whatever it is, it'll be asap.
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happyselves · 4 years ago
Budapest { Lando Norris x reader one shot }
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Breaking up sucks as it is, but to be dumped in an airport where you were going to a grand prix of formula 1 was worse … It was both of your dreams and he renounced it because of insecurities toward you. Admitting a “mistake” he had made with one of your commun friends, sleeping with her. You had to think fast in that airport, either you leave and go live one of your dreams or you step out of his place and go back home and cry for weeks. The answer was quickly found. You leave him and his baggage, not turning your back, deciding to not cry for the asshole you had spent so many time building a life he had destroyed in a snap of his fingers.
However the grand prix didn’t happen how you wanted it to. You had not really thought of him, too busy with the environment around you, sharing for your favorite drivers, freely wearing his merch that you had bought because you didn’t have any reason not to know that you didn’t have someone telling you off. Your now ex used to hate when you were showing your obsession and fascination toward the young driver that was Lando Norris. The dit driver had a great start but all his effort went in vain when the Mercedes driver hit the back of his car and ruined his race, forcing him to retire.
At first you didn’t know how to react, but when you saw him on the big screen in front of you, all the sadness and frustration and all the anger and hatred toward your ex boyfriend was transferred to this. You wanted to leave right away, but you stay, to support your team because Daniel Ricciardo was still in the race. You cheered as much as you could, exhausting yourself mentally and physically but it wasn’t enough and the number 3 car was too damaged to reach the point in the head. It was a shame, but that is the hard law of this sport. After this terrible race you had no heart in celebrating the win for Ocon even if you were extremely happy for him, so you went back to your hotel and went to bed.
The next day was quiet and you spent time in the city, you didn't feel great so you just walked through the city and visited stuff … alone. This time no crowd and loud car could distract you from your own thoughts. Your ex boyfriend was all you could think about now. The memories you had together, the dog, the apartment. By leaving and not facing it you were pushing the moment and you knew it will hurt even more next time you will have to face him.
It was the evening and it was getting cooler, you get your merch hoodie out of your bag and wear it. You find a nice spot on a bench in front of the river crossing the city and you put yourself in a cocoon, your legs closed to your chest and your head on your knees, hugging yourself for comfort as you watch the sunset. The tears came on their own, you were lost in your thoughts and you didn’t notice the man sitting next to you. You were so lost that you were now hearing Lando talking to you in your brain.
“You know it’s a pretty spot to watch the sunset, but not alone,” You puff a quick laugh, even your own mind was making stuff up and you didn’t know why, but you were ready to have a full conversation with yourself. At least your brain was nice enough to create someone that looked like your favorite driver. “ That’s funny, I’m that desperate that I’m talking to myself now, great, next stop the psy,” you weren’t waiting for any response, but you got one anyway. “ Well maybe your brain isn’t making this up ?” Another sound came out of you, were you ready to have a full argument with your own self. “ It wouldn’t be the first time I’m daydreaming about a handsome man talking to me out of nowhere, but I know my luck, why do you think I got dumped just before going on vacation ? I’m nothing … “ You were resigned, the tears kept falling and the pain kept coming. “ Well then he is an idiot, to let a beautiful woman, with great taste may I have, go. This man is obviously blind.” You had a great imagination to be able to hear Lando’s voice so clearly in your head that it felt like he was just next to you.
You turn your head toward what you thought the voice was coming from and there he was, sitting next to you, looking at you with fondness. Damn you really needed help if even your blurry eyes by the wet tears could recreate his whole body and face in front of you.
At any point you thought it might be true even if you were both in the same city, the odds were too big and he would probably be in his hotel room by now enjoying some games with his mates on his computer or watching netflix.
“ That’s not fair that you create this for me, I do not deserve to have such a beautiful daydream like this, seeing him this weekend from afar was one thing but to now trick me and build this masquerade in my mind to ease my pain, that’s really new brain.” You were feeling crazy and you were trying not to sound like one, you were talking to yourself and you were scared that others will think of you as someone with less sanitary than an average human being.
Yet, your fake Lando get closer to you and start touching your arm, you didn’t even flinch when you sense his touch, you know you wouldn’t be able to feel anything because if one thing you learn is that touching isn’t a sense the brain is capable of reproduction to the perfection in your brain when you are dreaming. Then why were you feeling it, why suddenly his touch felt so reassuring and real. You blind repeatedly trying to wake yourself from this sweet dream you were living because this couldn’t be real and it was starting to feel scary.
Lando didn’t move his arm from you even if you tried to gently push him away and put some distance back between you. You weren’t certain this wasn’t reality anymore because as you took his arm, you felt him, your grip on him was real. You lock your eyes on him, focusing on every detail of this creation in your own mind. You knew the shirt he was wearing and the shorts as well, you knew how he looks after running as well so that was a normal thing, but every little detail of him only a person being super close to him could imagine, that you had never experienced and yet here everything was here in front of you. He never felt so him and so real in the flesh. Your fingers found the scruff on his chin and felt the small hair tickling your palm.
That’s where you realise … Lando Norris was in front of you, in the flesh as real as you wear. You come back right back to your senses when you see the sunset and keep drawing beautiful colors in the sky. Lando was amused by the situation, you weren’t.
“ Oh sleeping beauty is coming back from the daydream ?” Somehow he arranges a lock of hair missing on your face, putting it behind your ear. You jerk at the touch now knowing that you were imagining things. You stand up quickly and try to avoid him, walking like a lunatic in front of the bench right to left. “ You know, you are the first fan I've met that acts like this, quite refreshing. “ You stop and track and look at him, really look at him.
“ How do you know I am a fan of yours ?” If this wasn’t the dumbest question you had ever asked, you didn’t know how to be more embarassing of yourself.
“ Well at first I wasn’t really sure, then I saw you on that bench, curl up in a small little ball wearing my hoodie merch, then you basically confirm it when you thought I was a pure product of your imagination,” You were hiding your face now, you bet your cheeks were red. You were mortified to ever have thought you were this desperate that your brain could be creating him, but even more when you knew he had to witness that.
“ I’m sincerely sorry, I ruined your evening run, “ You were apologizing to him, ready to take your bag and run away from this situation, to forget everything that happened. It wasn’t the best timing for you to meet one of your idols, that’s not how you had imagined things to go if one day you would have the courage to try and meet him.
As you tried to take your bag, he stopped you and took your arm. It was like the first, but this time all you could think about was the butterflies appearing in your stomach. Lando was the only person you could dump your boyfriend for … your ex-boyfriend. Before you had time to dive in your thoughts once more he spoke to you.
“ Please don’t go, I should be the one apologizing, I let you think you were insane because I was amused and you’ve made my day to be honest. I felt less alone. “ He was brutally honest suddenly and your heart shattered even more, making your recent break up put on the second plan, focusing on the man in front of you only.
It’s true that you didn’t notice at first, but he was looking tired, not only physically but mentaly. He brings you closer to him, silently asking you to sit where you were in the beginning.
You were both smiling to each other and without any of you being able to control it you end up talking a long time on that bench, not realising it was now dark. Only when Lando’s phone buzzed did you both realise that you had been exchanging your deepest secrets to each other, telling each other's life like you were best friends finding their way back to each other. You even forgot he was a famous racing driver at some point, not caring much because you were now truly seeing the man behind the helmet and you like him even more.
You sense a sort of sadness when he picks up his phone to respond to his manager. Of course they were worrying, he told them he was gone for half an hour, not three hours. You thought he would lie about where he was, being cheeky and keeping his privacy and you were ready to take that small hit behind your head that you bring you both back into your respective life, otherwise he surprised you once more by being honest and telling his manager the truth. He was smiling at you and his eyes were glued on your face with that same fondness you thought your brain had made up earlier. He hanged up and his body turn toward you.
“ So as you can guess I have to go, but I have the feeling that if I don’t ask to come with me, it would be one of the biggest mistakes of my life, so … “ He was scared to continue, evaluating the reaction on your face, but he must have seen something in you that confirmed something in him and made him continue, “ I’m not applying anything, it’s to talk obviously, but would you like to accompany me to my hotel and maybe see each other again ? I’m leaving wednesday night, of course you can refuse I wouldn’t take it bad”
Two choices were now in front of you and you could only choose one. The first one was obviously saying no and going back to England where you are from and facing the hard reality of your ex and the second one was to push your plane ticket to next wednesday and spend time with him. There was actually nothing to think about as you simply said yes to him and followed him to his hotel that night. You didn’t do anything, only talking and even meeting the whole team. You tried your best not to fangirl like a teenager but you couldn’t help yourself showing the admiration you had for everyone of them and they already knew with the hoodie you were wearing anyway. That night was one of the best in your life, you talk all night in his room and end up falling asleep on his chest. It is the first time since you’ve been alone that you finally find peace in your sleep and truly rest and somehow you felt it was the same for him. This is why he asks you to stick around with him, even for the Pirelli test. You were not only living your dream now, but you were living it with him and it was even better. You felt lucky and you were now wondering what would have happened if you had not gone to that place and kept those grand prix tickets. You could care less, Lando made you forget all the pain this ex of yours had afflicted you for the past week. You had fun and everyone was so welcoming and nice to you, explaining everything around the paddock, you even found yourself laughing with Daniel Ricciardo at some point during the day.
The looks you send to each other on the other hand were far from being only friendly, there were something more. Your body was acting on its own and he was so receptive to it. Everyone in the garage could sense something that both of you were ignoring, but they were polite enough not to make a word of it or tease the young driver for it. You were secretly thanking them to not make this moment awkward, you were already still thinking you were in a deep dream or coma, not wanting to wake up just yet.
The day went fast and ended up in a nice dinner in his room, still talking and joking. At some point it was the second night in a row you fell asleep on him, while watching something on tv. It really wasn’t your type to trust a stranger even if this one was famous and you “ knew him “. You didn’t want to live dangerously,but for sure that difficult time ahead of you was making you enjoy the best of life without thinking about the next day.
Lando was stroking you slowly as he was finishing the movie you were watching before you found Morphee, kissing your head before turning everything off and joining you in dreamland as well.
You were sure the people at your own hotel were wondering where you were,and when the next day you finally came back to it, Lando quickly behind you, you could swear you had seen a smirk flashing on the front desk woman’s face. You hadn’t expected the man next to you to find a way and arrange the plane ticket you had to take for going home, to be weirdly the same plane as him and the seat next to him. You both didn’t really want to come back to reality and go to your respecting mundane life just yet.
The last day was as good as the day before other than that bittersweet feeling you had depe down, not wanting to let this go just yet. You didn’t know how you could enjoy this little bit of life he had show you, you were already addicted to this lifestyle, to that travel, hotel and paddock life, this crazy life of him and most important you knew how fucked you were because you realise soon enough that you were already addicted to him quite simply.
Both of you were staying quiet about your soon departure from each other and until the last moment you didn’t aboard the subject, but every good dream had a end and it’s on that parking lot when you saw the whole team leaving one by one to find their car that you realise it was the end of his fairy tale. Lando had held your hand tight the whole time, you were ready to let it go and leave this mind forever when he decided otherwise and asked you where you were going tonight now that you weren’t with your boyfriend. You hadn’t thought of that of course you hadn’t, how can you think about this when this beautiful and genuine nice man in front of you had replaced as quickly as he came in your life all your thoughts. It’s like he knew right away and didn’t let you answer, your luggage was already in the lack of his car with him and you were both driving to his place. Every woman would be afraid, why weren’t you that was the question.
“ I’m not ready to let you go, I don’t want to, “ That what he said to you as he pull his car in front of his house before adding up, “ I don’t even think I will be able to let you go ever in the rest of my life, “ You didn’t know what to say to that, you were only focusing on him, only him and the only thing you could think about right now was the close that damn gap between you two and kiss him. So you did and it was even more beautiful that the fireworks on national day, the butterflies in your stomach were moving so much that you could feel yourself flying except you were still in this car with him, his hands in your hair, messing the already messy bun you had for travelling, savoring every bit of your lips for the first time, like it was the last. When you finally pull away from each other to catch your breath, your forehead finds him.
“ I’m not going anywhere. “
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dreamwritesimagines · 4 years ago
Twisted 25 - The Family Dinner [Spencer Reid x Reader]
A.N.: Thank you so much for your wonderful support my loves! Here’s the next chapter, I hope you will like it as well, and please let me know what you think of it! ❤❤ Ily, kisses! ❤❤❤
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Murder, serial killers, violence, manipulation, mentions of sex, drinking, smoking.
Word Count: 5300
Summary: Family time can be chaotic.
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Sharing secrets was difficult, but sharing secrets about one’s past was quite possibly one of the most difficult things that a person could do with who they loved. You knew how difficult it was for Spencer to talk about his past with you, but he stood by his word and told you absolutely everything, with nothing to hide. By the time you finished that conversation, it was almost dawn and yet you didn’t feel tired at all.
After that night, something changed but it wasn’t a bad change like Spencer feared.
You felt even closer to him, if such a thing was possible. In the following week, your relationship was better than ever-
Until now.
“I don’t believe this,” you shook your head, “I just… I refuse to believe this. After everything we’ve been through, I don’t even want to believe you’d put yourself in harm’s way and betray me like this. I get that you have no regard for your happiness, but doing this?” you ran a hand over your face, “This is too much, Spencer. You have no idea what you’re walking into, what kind of danger that’s going to be waiting there to ruin you!”
Spencer just raised his brows, then looked between the two ties he was holding up.
“So that’s a no to the blue one?”
“No to this whole thing!” you let out a groan, falling back to the bed, “No to this dinner with my family nonsense!”
He chuckled at your dramatics as you huffed out.
“Don’t you think maybe you’re worried about the wrong thing?” he asked, “You’re also meeting your father today.”
“But we know my father is a sadistic cruel demon sent to earth to make everyone’s life miserable,” you pointed out, keeping your eyes on the ceiling, “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but my father isn’t the only dangerous person in my family.”
“It’s just a dinner.”
“No, that’s what they want you to think,” you insisted, sitting up in bed, “Before you know it, they invite you to our place by the lovely countryside, and you’ll walk in thinking it’s just like any other place, there are wolves howling outside and-“
“Why are you giving me the plot of Dracula right now?”
“Because that’s what they are!” you exclaimed, “They’re like vampires! Have you ever wondered why my sister was named Mina? Dracula’s Mina!”
“Your mother loves horror books?”
“Spencer you can’t ignore the signs!” you insisted as he started tying his tie, a small grin pulling at his lips, “They’ll- they’ll suck the life out of you! By the time the dinner is over, you will be begging to see the sunlight again, and you will never be able to. Figuratively speaking.”
“Sweetheart, I’ve already met all of them,” he said patiently and you felt your heart melt, “In case you forgot.”
“Yes, and do you remember how that went?” you asked, “Nolan threatened you, my mother treated you like she was going to hire you and questioned you about everything, and Mina… Mina is a warning by existence.”
“Kenzie was nice though.”
“Yeah, she’s the only good person in our family,” you muttered, then turned your head when you felt his glances on you. “What?”
“Nolan is a part of your family?”
“Ugh, don’t remind me,” you scrunched up your face and grabbed your lip liner and lipstick to walk to the mirror, uncapped it and started applying it, “I’m going to have a billionaire stepfather who looks like a puppy around my mother— that’s not the point.” You put the lipstick into your purse and went to sit down on the bed again while he ran his fingers through his curls as if trying to keep them under control, “I just don’t want you to change your mind because my family doesn’t know how to act normal.”
“Change my mind about what?”
“About this,” you motioned between you and that was more than enough to make him turn his head, his brows furrowed. “I love them, but they’re going to be overly prying, overly dramatic, overly….everything and the next thing we know—“
“That’s never going to happen,” he approached you to crouch down so that he could look at you better, then reached out to entwine his fingers with yours, “That’s why you were so nervous about this?”
You pursed your lips, heaving a sigh and shrugged silently.
“Do you remember what you said to me a couple of days ago, that night?” he asked, “How trust works both ways?”
“You already know almost everything about my past.”
“That’s not it,” he shook his head, “This is about our present, and future.”
“Or lack thereof,” you commented dryly, making him chuckle.
“Do you seriously believe that?”
“They can be a little intimidating.”
“I’ll be fine,” he assured you, “And no matter what happens tonight, or on dinners to come with-“
“Social vampires.”
“With your family,” he corrected you, “It won’t change anything. I promise.”
You cupped his cheek, running your fingertips over his slight stubble and he turned his head to place a kiss into your palm, nuzzling there.
“Fine,” you murmured, “Let’s go see my sadistic demon father then. Should be enough of a practice for tonight.”
When you and Spencer got to the prison your father was held in, Luke was already by the hallway, waiting for you.
“Hey,” he said, “He’s going to be ready in five.”
You nodded, “Okay.”
“And don’t worry, after you guys are done here, I’m taking him to bullpen and he will leave at 7 p.m. latest. Rossi promised, even if there’s a dead body he’s gonna attend the dinner tonight.”
You looked up at Spencer, “Wait, there was a possibility of you not attending if someone ends up dead?”
“I mean if there’s a case…”
“Please don’t kill someone so that you guys can avoid this dinner,” Luke pointed out and you made a face at him, “We took you off our suspects list way too soon.”
“Hilarious,” you deadpanned and one of the guards opened the door.
“He’s ready.”
“I’ll be behind the glass if you two need anything.” Luke said and Spencer squeezed your hand as if trying to assure you everything would be alright.
“Come on,” he coaxed and you nodded, then took a deep breath and entered the interrogation room, Spencer following you. Your father looked up, then raised his brows.
“Oh look at you two, together again,” he said and you rolled your eyes, trying your hardest not to show how nervous you were. You took your seat across from him beside Spencer, and crossed your arms.
“Dr. Reid.”
“So that’s why you haven’t had the time to come and see me lately,” your father motioned between you, “I can hardly say I approve but…”
“Oh that’s good. I’d probably kill myself if I did something you’d approve of.”
“Honey, you’re surrounded by CEOs and businessmen, and you went for an FBI agent?”
“What the fuck does that have to do with-”
“How much do you make monthly?” he asked, turning to Spencer, “I mean, I need to make sure-“
“Oh shut up, will you?” you cut him off, “He’s going to be hearing all that nonsense and more tonight, I don’t need this from you too.”
You and Spencer exchanged glances and he shrugged slightly, as if telling you to continue. A small smile pulled at your lips and you turned to your father.
“We’re having a family dinner tonight,” you said, “Naturally it doesn’t include you, so there’s one good thing about this bullshit, I guess.”
“Well, if it doesn’t include me you could hardly call it a family dinner.”
Your smile widened and you clicked your tongue,
“Nah, Nolan is going to be there so we’ll be fine. The whole family is there.”
Your father frowned, “Nolan?”
“Yeah,” you said, “Yeah, mom’s boyfriend.”
A silence fell upon the room as he stared at you for a couple of seconds,
“Your mother has a boyfriend now?”
You hissed in a breath,
“You’re right, boyfriend doesn’t exactly cut it,” you said, “He’s going to propose, so I guess we could call him mom’s future husband-“
“You’re lying,” he cut you off and you tilted your head.
“Am I though?”
“She wouldn’t get married,” he shook his head, “No way.”
A laughter escaped from your lips, “Why not?” you asked, “Because she loves you?”
“Yes she does.”
“The last time I checked, she called you a monster and was hoping you would die as soon as possible,” you stated, “Barely a love story.”
“Of course you wouldn’t understand,” he said through his teeth, “Your mother and I were in love, Petal. We still are, regardless of divorce, or this.” He motioned around the room and you blinked a couple of times, trying to wrap your mind around it.
“Jesus, you really are delusional.”
Spencer muttered your name to remind you to be careful, but you shook your head, keeping your eyes on your father.
“I’m pretty sure Nolan could buy this whole prison,” you motioned around, “I should suggest that, as a wedding gift.”
“They won’t get- hold on,” your father said, “Did you say Nolan? Nolan Yates?”
“Mm hm.”
“Nolan fucking Yates is going after my wife?”
“Ex-wife who hates your guts,” you corrected him and he gritted his teeth.
“I knew it,” he spat, “The first time I saw him at that gala, I saw the way he looked at your mother. They’re not getting married.”
“Okay then you lunatic,” you scoffed “I guess you need something to have delusions about while we’re out there moving on—“
It happened in a flash. One second you were talking, the next you were cut off as your father jumped on his feet, Spencer pushing you out of your chair to behind him almost automatically.
Then, something in Spencer’s eyes shifted.
He grabbed him by the arm, twisted it and slammed him down to the table in front of you, making you cover your mouth, your heart beating in your throat as the door opened with a bang and Luke and two guards came in.  Luke was the first to pull Spencer off of your father, telling him to let go while one of the guards grabbed you and pushed you out of the room before he made his way to your father still trying to get out of the handcuffs and lunge at them as if he was a man possessed. They dragged him out of the interrogation room to what you assumed was the hall that led to his cell while you stood still by the wall, trying your hardest to snap out of it but your mind was almost foggy.
“Excuse me,” you managed to say as you made your way to the bathroom, your hands still shaking. Thankfully no one was there, so you rested your palms on the sink, taking a deep breath before you turned on the tap, holding your hands under the ice cold water.
“Okay,” you muttered to yourself, “It’s fine. You’re fine. It happens, you have a fucked up family.”
You rolled your shoulders back, that crazy light in your father’s eyes flashing in your mind before you shook your head, exhaling slowly.
“Y/N?” Spencer’s voice reached inside as he knocked on the door, “Can I come in?”
Your heart was still pacing in your chest but you cleared your throat.
“Yeah,” you called out and he stepped inside, his lips pulled into a thin line as he offered you a small smile.
“Hi,” he said gently, still keeping his distance, standing by the now closed door. “Are you okay?”
You nodded, crossing your arms, adrenaline still pulsing through you, “Yeah, of course.”
“I’m sorry,” he said and you pulled your brows together.
“That you had to see that,” he said, “I know I shouldn’t have slammed him down like that, but when he lunged at you, I just…. I saw red. I understand that it was hard to watch and I apologize—“
“Hold on,” you cut him off, gawking at him “You’re apologizing because you stopped that psycho from lunging at me?”
Spencer frowned as if he was confused at your own confusion, and nodded.
“Yeah. Human mind is very complex, so even if you think you hate him, it could’ve been difficult for you to see him hurt, not to mention it was me who did that. Jung has a theory that states—“
“Spencer,” You interrupted him again, “Lock the door.”
His frown deepened but he did as you asked, but he didn’t get to ask why when you walked to him and pulled him into a kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck and standing on your tiptoes. His hand cradled your head, a sigh of content escaping him but he pulled back when you grabbed his tie to loosen it.
“Wait, here?” he asked, “Y/N, this is a bathroom.”
“Yeah, I’m aware?”
“Do you have any idea how unsanitary this place probably is?”
“Oh, very unsanitary,” you stated, “On the other hand, though…”
You shrugged your shoulders and pulled your silk blouse over your head, so that he could see you in your bra. He stared at you for a moment and he swallowed thickly, his eyes snapping up to yours when you giggled.
“You make a good point,” he muttered before he pulled you into a kiss and walked you back to the sink.
Unfortunately, the rest of the day wasn’t that fun, especially when it was time to get to your mother’s house for the family dinner. You had insisted on picking Spencer up from work after you were done at your work, so that you would at least try to change his mind on the road again, but when you actually arrived to your mother’s place, he still looked like he wanted to do this.
“Last warning,” you said as Spencer looked up at the house, then twirled the flower bouquet in his hand, “Not too late to change your mind professor.”
“I’ll be fine, come on,” he offered his free hand and you took it, then both of you climbed the stairs to the front door.
“I’m a little nervous, in case you couldn’t tell.”
“You hummed the Darth Vader theme for the whole road,” Spencer reminded you, “I had a feeling you were nervous, yeah.”
“Abandon hope all ye enter here,” you quoted Dante as you both reached the door and Spencer scoffed a laugh.
“Ah we went from the den of vampires into the gates of hell, then?”
“Yeah! As Dante would put it, to a place we come where nothing shines.”
“I doubt he envisioned this when he was talking about the circles of hell.” He rang the doorbell and you let out a small whine, looking up at the dark sky.
“There are worse people than me out there,” you said as the footsteps came closer, “Why am I being subjected to—“
“Spencer!” your mother greeted him as she opened the door and you frowned.
“Since when do you answer the door?” you asked and she shot you a look before smiling at Spencer.
“Hello Ms. Knight.”
“Welcome, both of you!” she gasped at the flowers, “For me?”
“Oh—yes, of course.”
“They’re lovely, thank you!” she said and took them from him, “Come in, come in!”
“No I’m serious, did something happen to Tina? You never answer the door.”
“It’s nice to see you too sweetie, I see we started our dramatics on the way.” she kissed your cheek and you smiled.
“Hi mom.”
“Let me put these in a vase.”
“Spencer!” a gleeful scream rang in the hallway as your mother went to the kitchen and Lily threw herself at Spencer who crouched down as soon as he saw her “Hi!”
“Hi there! Whoa, you’re very strong!”
“Just in time for bedtime,” Kenzie walked into the hallway with a wine glass in her hand, “Hi guys.”
“I told mommy you’re a magician! And grandma, and Nolan too!” Lily counted with her fingers, “And I told them- I told them you can make coins disappear, and that you can do magic with paper, and then—“
“Bug, breathe,” you said, “Also, where’s my hug?”
Lily hastily rushed to you to hug you, then turned to Spencer as if she wasn’t interrupted while he just watched her with a fond smile on her face, listening intently to everything she was saying, and that warm feeling spread through your stomach again.
“And then I told Bobby I know a superhero, then he told me superheroes can’t be magicians but he’s wrong! Do you use magic to catch bad guys? Because if you do, I can help you with your superhero name!”
“Alright, auntie time.” you lifted her up into your arms as Spencer straightened up, “Sorry about that.”
“No, don’t,” Spencer shook his head, still smiling, “Please, I… she’s amazing.”
“Lily,” Kenzie said, “Bed time, come on.”
“Can you show me a magic trick please and thank you?” Lily said breathlessly and Spencer let out a laugh before turning to Kenzie.
“Is that okay?”
“Sure thing.”  
Spencer took out a coin from his pocket and held it in her sight, “Alright Lily, this is just a coin, right?”
“Don’t let him trick you,” you whispered to Lily who giggled, then nodded fervently after checking the coin.
“Okay, keep your eyes on it,” Spencer showed it to her one more time before he put it into his palm, closed his palm and when he opened it, the coin was nowhere to be seen. Lily gasped, her jaw dropping and you couldn’t help but smile at her expression, her eyes shining with awe. You pressed a kiss on her cheek as Kenzie took her from you, and she let out a whine.
“But you all will have fun here!” she murmured, pouting and you heaved a sigh.
“Lily I can assure you, no one will have fun here.”
“Don’t be like that,” Kenzie shot you a look and smiled at Spencer. “She didn’t intimidate you, did she?”
“She tried,” Spencer said as you wrapped your arms around his torso and he kissed the top of your head, “Didn’t exactly work though.”
“For some reason,” you grumbled and Lily waved at you.
“Night night!”
“Good night!”
“I’ll see you later bug!” you said and entwined your fingers with Spencer’s, then pulled him to the dining room where Kenzie and Nolan were talking. Before you could even greet them, the sight of the dinner table caught your eye and you gawked at all the food there, your mother was definitely out of control and this was the proof of it.
There was enough food for a small army.
“Oh God please don’t tell me we’re going to have live music too,” you muttered and Mina raised her brows.
“Yeah, you might want to lower your expectations,” she shot a fake smile at Spencer, “But then again, that seems to be the theme of tonight. Hi Dr. Reid.”
You gritted your teeth, glaring at her and of course the jab didn’t escape Spencer’s attention, but he chose not to respond with the same sarcasm.
“Hi again.”
“Welcome, Dr. Reid,” Nolan smiled, “Y/N.”
“Hi Mr. Yates.”
“So this is where you grew up?” Spencer asked you as you led him away from them towards the library, and you nodded.
“Yeah,” you said, “Right over there me and Mina got into a fight and she pushed me into a vase.”
“Spent the next ten minutes begging me not to tell mom. Over there,” you pointed at the corner, “Used to be this huge Christmas tree every year.”
“Yeah, and we used to have another room next to this, dad’s study, but after he was arrested and we all figured out how evil he was, mom grabbed a sledgehammer and smashed the—“
“Dinner is ready!” your mother called out and you heaved a sigh.
“Just saying, we could just tell them there’s been a murder.”
“You don’t give up, do you?” he smiled at you fondly and you shook your head, Kenzie entering the living room again.
“I’ve been called stubborn before.”
“Can’t imagine why,” he joked as he kissed you on the forehead and you turned to your family who was slowly taking their seats around the table, then both of you approached the table to sit down as well.
“I’m so glad we decided to have this dinner,” your mother clasped her hands, “It was about time, wouldn’t you say?”
Spencer smiled at her after thanking the maid who was filling his glass, “Thank you for inviting me Ms Knight.”
“Y/N was trying to make him change his mind,” Kenzie sang and your mother tilted your head.
“Spencer, I promise you we’re not as bad as my daughter tries to make you believe.”
“I’m not saying you’re bad,” you defended yourself, “I’m just saying you might be a little too much.”
“Define too much.”
You gawked at her and motioned at the table, making Spencer chuckle silently beside you.
“I really appreciate the effort you put into this,” he added, making your mother smile.
“Why thank you, Spencer,” she said and turned to Nolan, “Honey, Spencer works for the BAU as you know, you should introduce him to your friend.”
“Your friend?” Kenzie asked.
“The head of FBI,” Nolan said, “That’s a great idea. He might also help you in any position you want in the bureau.”
Spencer blinked a couple of times, as if he was at loss for words, then cleared his throat.
“Thank you,” he said “I already- I already have the position that I want though.”
“Ah for the future,” Nolan waved a hand and your mother sipped her drink.
“Yeah, now that it came up,” she said, “What are your future plans?”
“Mom,” you said warningly and Mina leaned back, looking between you with a smirk on her face.
“It’s just a question, don’t be so nervous,” she commented and Kenzie arched a brow at her.
“No it’s okay,” Spencer pushed his hair behind his ear, “I um… I think I’d like to focus more on teaching.”
You lowered your glass, “Hm? Really?”
“Yeah,” he nodded, “I mean I do love BAU, they’re my family but seeing murders every single day, seeing all those victims, it becomes too much sometimes. But I love teaching already, so I think I will do that. In the future, I mean.”
“Oh how lovely. How about something other than your career though? In your future, would you say you’re planning to have chi—“
“New topic,” you cut her off quickly, “I saw dad today, and he knows you two are dating now.”
Your mother frowned but Nolan reached out to squeeze her hand, “It’s okay, he would learn eventually.”
“He actually thinks he is in love with you,” you told your mom and she scoffed.
“Please don’t say that, we’re eating,” she said, “I don’t want to feel nauseous.”
“It’s actually understandable that he’s under that disillusion.” Spencer said, making all of you turn to him, “Especially people in his situation, they feel this need to hold onto some outside world that’s waiting for them to get out of their minds. In a way, he hopes that because if he feels cut off from here, he will probably crash down. It’s very common in people who are imprisoned.”
“Well he can hope all he wants, I never want to see him again.”
“I’m sure Y/N doesn’t want to see him again either, but she’s not that lucky, thanks to FBI. What do you think about that, Spencer?” Mina asked, and Spencer looked at her.
“I think that’s a decision left to her.”
“Is it though?”
You narrowed your eyes. “Mina I need you to remember what I was like when we had dinner with Kenzie, and return the favor.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means shut the fuck up.”
“Y/N!” your mom gasped and Mina tilted her head.
“Ah well, excuse me if not all of us are in a forgiving mood unlike you.”
“None of that!” your mother said, “Both of you, honestly…”
“Spencer, you strike me as a whiskey guy,” Nolan said, attracting his attention, “I purchased a bottle of limited series in an auction in London the other day, would you like to try it after dinner?”
“Sure,” he nodded fervently and you held up your hand.
“I want to try that too. And what about that rum you were talking about the other day? Is it here too?”
“Sure thing.” Nolan snapped his fingers, “In fact, I know a great distillery, why don’t we visit there after dinner?”
You lifted your head, “That could be fun. Where?”
“Costa Rica.”
Spencer looked between you, “You—um, you want to go to Costa Rica after dinner?”
“We could take the jet. We’d be back before the dawn, obviously.”
“People,” you cleared your throat, “Has no one read the normalcy manual I e-mailed you the other day?”
“Yes but the manual said we could talk about drinks.” Nolan said and Spencer turned to you, frowning.
“Normalcy manual?”
“I just thought it’d be useful for tonight.”
“Oh it was very useful,” Mina commented, “Especially the footnote about murders, even if it was unnecessary. No one will joke about murder Y/N, we don’t want your boyfriend to arrest you again after—“ she was cut off as Kenzie kicked her leg under the table, and Spencer pursed his lips, as if he still felt guilty about that.
“I wasn’t in the city,” he said calmly, looking her dead in the eye, “I came back as soon as I heard, I was trying to get her out when you got there.”
“You don’t have to explain anything,” you said, “Mina , stop it will you?”
She didn’t even look like she heard you, “Get her out? Ah so that’s why I walked into that interrogation room when she was being hounded by your team?”
“Okay!” Kenzie said loudly, throwing the napkin on the table, “I’m so sorry, I just remembered something about Lily’s school that we missed. Babe, can you come with me to the kitchen for a moment please?”
Mina huffed out and put her glass down, then pushed her chair back and followed Kenzie to the kitchen.
“Honestly….” you downed your drink and motioned for another one but then Spencer squeezed your hand under the table, as if trying to assure you.
“I bet you miss the serial killers right now huh?” you mumbled and he tilted your head, humoring you.
“Drinks are better here,” he admitted and you tried to smile before you grabbed your cigarette pack from your purse.
“I’m gonna go to the backyard for a moment to smoke,” you said and your mother shot you a look.
“It’s dinner time, Y/N.”
“It’ll take like five minutes, tops,” you said and pushed your chair back, “I need some fresh air anyway. Spencer?”
“Sure, I’ll come with you,” he said and followed you down the hall until you reached the door to the backyard, opened it and stepped outside.
It was a silent night, as silent as it could be in the middle of the city. You looked up at the stars as you lit your cigarette, then heaved a sigh and leaned back to Spencer’s chest when he wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on top of your head.
“I apologize on her behalf,” you said and he shook his head.
“You don’t have to,” he muttered, “She has a point. I should’ve… I should’ve been there, in that interrogation room.”  
You looked up at him, then reached up to run your fingernails over his slight scruff while he lowered his head to press his nose into the crook of your neck, nuzzling there.
“Spencer, you need to stop blaming yourself,” you said slowly, “I mean it. I don’t blame you for that at all— and….you know Mina. She just turns into someone else when it comes to protecting the family. She doesn’t mean it, not really.”
He nodded silently and you combed back his hair with your fingers, making him heave a sigh.
“This is nice,” he muttered and you let out a small laugh.
“So are you ready to admit that I was right?”
“I said you would regret it, do you regret it yet?”
“The dinner?”
He shook his head “No.”
“Why not?”
His arms around you tightened and he pressed a kiss to your neck, “Because you’re here.”
You closed your eyes for a moment, enjoying the warmth of his body against yours and you stubbed your cigarette before you turned to him. He smiled at you and you couldn’t help but stare at him under the dim lights of the backyard before you stood on your tiptoes and brushed your lips against his.
“God, I love you so much,” you said, making him smile, “Thank you for being here and… I don’t know, going through this absolute torture. I know it’s a lot.”
“Hey,” he cupped your cheek, running his thumb over your cheekbone, “I need you to listen to me, okay?”
You nodded, looking up at him.
“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you,” his voice was silent, almost hesitant, “To make you happy. You know that, right?”
You could feel the burning in your eyes and you sniffled, your heart skipping a beat before you wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your face into his chest. The rest of the world felt like it disappeared as you swayed from side to side, inhaling his scent and you pulled back.
“I know now,” you wiped at your nose, clearing your throat and he pushed your hair behind your ear.
“Good,” he grinned, “Glad we cleared that out.”
Someone knocked on the door and you turned your head to see Mina as she opened the glass door.
“So about earlier,” she leaned sideways to the doorframe, “Apologies and remorse, etc.”
“That means she’s sorry for what happened earlier,” you said helpfully and Spencer scoffed a laugh, shaking his head.
“You don’t need to apologize,” he said, “I get it. Trust me, I felt exactly the same when I saw the tape, but I was trying to get her out with minimum damage.”
Mina nibbled on her lip, eyeing him up and down.
“I guess,” she said, “But just so you both know, mom and Nolan are actually planning a weekend trip to Costa Rica. It’s like what happened with Kenzie all over again, only there’s two of them now.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” you muttered and Mina nodded at Spencer.
“Yeah so you might need to tell them you have murders to solve during the weekend Sherlock, because they’re not going to listen to us.” she said and Spencer looked down at you.
“I’ll be there in a second,” you said and he pressed a kiss into your hair before making his way inside. Mina lingered there for a moment, inspecting her fingernails in a complete nonchalant manner.
“I guess I could trust you to know what you’re doing,” she said, “Just make sure he doesn’t screw you over, okay?”
You raised your brows, then clicked your tongue.
“Kenzie said no sex unless you apologize huh?”
“She meant it too!” Mina whined as you walked past her, letting out a laugh.
“Unbelievable,” you shook your head with a smile, making your way to the dining room. “All of you.”
Chapter 26 
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thefanficmonster · 4 years ago
Ethan Winters (Resident Evil Biohazard) x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Warnings: Spoilers for Resident Evil 8:Village, Swearing, Mentions of injury
Genre: Angsty Fluff, Comfort
Summary: Following the final battle in the Dimitrescu Castle, Ethan is surprised to stumble upon a person who witnessed the whole debacle, offering him a safe place to patch up his wounds and rest for a little while.
Requested by Anon. Hi dear! Thank you so much for your request! So sorry you’ve had to wait so long but here it finally is! Hope you come across it and enjoy reading it! Love, Vy ❤
“That was...something else.“ Ethan Winters mutters to himself as he limps his way out of the Dimitrescu Castle which is now vacant in terms of residence - his doing. He killed Alcina Dimitrescu and her daughters, all arguably in self defense and with little guilt to follow. However, plenty of trauma’s definitely attached to him following the horrific events he had to go through and the things he had to see between the walls of those luxurious rooms hiding dark secrets of the vampires who took pleasure in torturing people, and wreaking havoc over the villagers who feared them.
“At least they won’t hurt anyone any longer.“ He tells himself, giving the monster of a structure one final look before he continues back towards the center of the village where he’s gonna rethink what he’s got to do next, gather his bearings, take a breath and keep going. He has no other option but to keep going, he won’t allow himself to quit no matter what danger he faces. In his mind, he’s convinced himself that he’s already seen the worst, it’s easier on him that way, it suppresses the fear he’d feel otherwise. The last thing he wants is to think what’s in store for him ahead, he’d rather focus on what’s up to him to do next.
“And we can’t thank you enough.“
The sudden presence of an unfamiliar voice startles him, causing him to whip out his gun and point it in the direction it came from. However, he quickly finds his deadly tight grip loosening ever so slightly because he realizes he’s pointing the barrel at a very human-looking and seemingly harmless person.
“Who are you? Who’s ‘we’?“ Ethan still refuses to let his guard down though, just cause it may not be a life or death situation, doesn’t mean this person won’t bring him trouble and Lord knows that’s the last thing he needs right now.
On instinct, the person takes a step back, “I speak on the behalf of all the remaining villagers. I mean, it was only a matter of time before we too became victims in the Dimitrescu Castle basement. I was next, actually, but the commotion you created allowed for me to escape. I owe you my life, foreigner.“ The speak hurriedly and in a hushed tone, as if the fear of their torturers overhearing them still lives within them despite the monsters being deceased.
“Glad I could help you.“ He nods curtly, remaining at the distance of seven feet between them, “My name’s Ethan Winters by the way.“
They give him the tiniest of smiles, “Y/N L/N, pleased to meet you.” Their gaze gives him a quick onceover, assessing the damage the horrors of the castle have inflicted on him. Their eyes widen in shock at the many bleeding wounds all over his body but what appears to rattle them most is the severe injury that’s causing his limp as well as the missing finger - a poorly wrapped would that has surprisingly not started getting infected yet. “Look, I know you don’t trust me, but I don’t trust you to take care of yourself either. I live in that windmill over there in the outskirts, come with me, I’ll help you with...well, with all that. You seem rather hopeless at medical care.”
While he could refuse their offer, he wouldn’t be able to deny the fact that they’re right - he knows the basics of first aid, but his injuries are far too gone for simple first aid, especially when taken into account that he doesn’t even have any supplies. How he’s not died from blood loss is a surprise to him as much as it is to them.
“What’s my guarantee you won’t turn on me?“ He finally asks after a decent amount of time contemplating it.
They shrug, “You have none. But, you have the guarantee that if I turn on you, you’ll be the one coming out of that altercation alive.” Their gaze sizes up the guns he’s got on him, emphasizing their point.
Suddenly, Ethan feels sorta ridiculous - after all, guns or no guns, he could probably take on them easily with just his knife. Regardless, no one can blame him for being cautious. “Fine.“ He mutters, “But please don’t turn on me, I’ve already had one hell of a day.“
Y/N nods, motioning for him to follow them, “I promise I won’t.”
                                                               *  *  *
“Wow, what a back-stabber! Some friends you have, Winters.“ Y/N comments as they set down a cup of tea on the small wooden table in front of the freshly patched up Ethan.
Turns out, he made the right move by trusting them - they used to be the village’s main nurse until it all went to hell and they went to hide in the shadows of their windmill where they, as evidenced, still are today. That being said, not only did they have all the necessary equipment to fix him up, but they also had the skills and knowledge needed to use that equipment.
“There are those friends who borrow money from you and never pay you back and there are those who shoot your wife randomly while you two are trying to have dinner. Two types of friends out there really.“ He sighs, his tired, a thousand yard stare following the path of the steam levitating from the cup that’s been placed in front of him. “I have no time to dwell on that right now though. My daughter is in grave danger and I have no idea where I should even start looking for her.“
Y/N sits down on a chair opposite his, “Well, you’ve already defeated one of the village Lords looking for Rose, process of elimination should reveal where she is - wherever she is, it has to be one of the Lords’ residence. Mother Miranda trusted Lady Dimitrescu most so it’s a wonder why she wasn’t there, but then again, Heisenberg’s factory is damn near impenetrable, one cannot enter unless he wants them to so she could have entrusted her precious cargo to him.”
“How do I get to that fucker?“ Ethan tightens his hand into a fist, squeezing so tightly his knuckles turn white. There’s so much within him, so much that’s happened to him, so much in such a short amount of time and he’s had no time to deal with any of it. He’s a volcano waiting to erupt, but he has to do so at the right time - in front of the right danger to show he’s not hopeless or weak as his opponent may think. “Where do I find him?“
“He’s in the outskirts too just on the other side of the village.“ They sigh, regretting every word they are saying since they know they are just feeding him information on how to get himself in the worst kind of danger he’s probably ever been in. “That key you have, it’s not complete to access his quarters yet. By the looks of it...“ they observe the key Ethan has placed on the table, “You can only get to Lord Donna Beneviento’s estate, and I wouldn’t suggest heading there before you heal at least a bit more. Her and her dolls are a real nightmare. Of course, I haven’t experienced it for myself, but the stories are enough to get an idea.“
“So you’re telling me I have to waste my time with the little fish before I can finally get to Rose? You know how long that’ll take? You know how long she’ll have to be at the mercy of a fucking lunatic until I can finally save her?!“ Ethan snaps, banging his fist against the table, bad idea considering his hand’s been just patched up. The impact sends a jolt of pain up his arm that makes him hiss.
“I get it, I understand, Ethan. But you are a lot less likely to get to your daughter if you’re dead, you know.“ Y/N cautiously explains, their eyes narrowing a bit as they wait for the pearl white bandages to soak crimson, sighing in relief when they don’t. “Speaking of how likely you may or may not be to get to her on time, I’d also have to mention your odds would be significantly higher if you were to receive help from someone else. You’d need someone to have your back throughout all the shit you’re about to go through, especially Heisenberg’s factory where two eyes are not enough to track each and every threat that might pounce at you.“
Calmer now, Ethan gives them a puzzled look, “What are you suggesting?“
“I’m suggesting - well, I’m offering you my partnership.“ They explain, watching his expression change to one of knowing and understanding. “Of course, you’d have to give up one of those guns and hand it down to me, but I think that’s a small price to pay in exchange for an extra pair of eyes and limbs to guard and help you.“
Ethan’s first instinct is to decline. He can’t afford to see another person dying around him or because of him, he wouldn’t be able to stand it. But then again, just like he had no guarantee they wouldn’t turn on him, he has none that they’ll die. Of course, he’ll do everything in his power to keep them and himself alive and they don’t seem like they are in it to half-ass it either. Quite the contrary, they seem perfectly determined and ready to face the same shit he’s about to.
“What do you get in return?“ He asks, his gaze suspiciously measuring each line on their face to gauge their true intentions. He’s a complete stranger to them, they’d have no reason to be this selfless for him, it’s obvious they are aiming at something bigger.
Y/N scoffs, leaning back in their chair with a small bitter smile on their face, their gaze resting on the tabletop and avoiding his, “You really wanna know? I want my revenge - revenge for what they did to this village, to me, to so many people I cared about and to those I didn’t even know. But...” they trail off, pausing to sigh out a heavy sigh before continuing, “But I also wanna redeem myself. I knew I should’ve done all in my power to stop them when their havoc was still on the rise, I knew I should’ve done more, but I didn’t. And now I’ll die trying.”
“You won’t die.“ He says sharply, barely a second after the last word left their lips, “I won’t allow it.“ He adds, taking a bit of the edge off his voice.
Their eyes come up to meet his, searching for what he means, “Does that mean...“
“It sure does, partner.“ Within the blink of an eye, his pistol is on the table, fully loaded and free for their taking, “You just give a green light and we’re off.“
Y/N lets out a sound between a laugh and a gasp as their hands quickly wrap around the gun, looking at it in disbelief before whispering a quick ‘thank you’. Ethan allows them to marvel at it for a bit longer but they don’t wait another second. “Get your ass up, Winters. We have monsters to kill.”
He needn’t be told twice
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souichioneshots · 4 years ago
Untitled Binzo x Reader Fic
SO uhhhh.... Binzo thinks about the reasons why he hates Y/N so much? IDK you guys are kinda like frenemies ???
This is the stupidest thing ive ever written...
Might make an NSFW continuation of this if anyone shows any interest tho lollll
Binzo could remember the day you two first met like it was yesterday.
He had been awoken by the sound of his father and uncle arguing in a nearby room. Although he could barely make out what they were saying, he could tell by the way he was screaming, his father had done something unbelievably stupid again.
As the door to his room slid open, Binzo quickly moved to ‘greet’ the sudden visitor, his chains holding him back just before he was able to reach the door. A smile spread across Binzo's face as he saw his father react in a panicked motion, jumping back to avoid his son's vicious attacks. However, Binzo's laughter was put to a stop when he saw a small figure move behind the older man.
Moving a bit to the side, Souichi revealed a girl, a little under Binzo’s age, who had been hiding behind him the entire time. She gripped onto the back of the false-gentleman’s suit jacket, obviously hesitant to enter the room.
Binzo's eyes widened in surprise as his father insisted, almost pushing her into the room forcefully. His eyes looked the girl up and down, trying to figure out why his father had brought her here, let alone why he decided it would be a good idea to bring her into the same room as him.
Her clothes were almost as tattered as his own. She had no shoes on her feet, but the socks that she wore were stained black with dirt and mud. From what he could see with the little lighting in his room, the exposed skin of her arms and legs were covered in scratches and bite marks. Her cold eyes stared at the pale boy as she walked in cautiously, immediately following the older man to the other side of the room. Binzo could remember how she ran her fingers through his father's greased-up hair as he placed the chains around her ankles. They exchanged a look that his mind could not understand at the time.
Getting up from the dirty floor, Souichi stated that the girl’s name was Y/N. A name so foreign to Binzo that he was sure it was made up.
As soon as his father finally left, Binzo tried to attack you. But, that was when he found out the truth. You were a monster just like him. An abomination that someone must have tried to get rid of, only for his own idiotic father to pick up and bring home like a kitten off the street. You bared your fangs at him as you backed away into the corner, trying to avoid his sudden yet expected attack. Binzo watched as you stayed low on the floor, staring at him with angered eyes.
He should have been happy to finally meet someone like him, but he wasn’t.
Binzo hated you.
You were an idiot. You could barely keep a hold on your victims, and on nights when you couldn’t secure a meal like him, you resorted to trying to catch and eat the bugs that crawled around the room. You were also idiotic enough to try to steal from him. Whenever he would get ahold of someone, you would try to get close and steal a small piece for yourself. Sometimes Binzo would be too busy to realize, but when he did, he would reach out as far as he could and use his long-sharp nails to scratch you away, leaving you to become a crying-hungry mess.
You also had a habit of not responding whenever he spoke to you. However, this was completely his fault. After you finally became comfortable enough to talk to him, he started to tease you, claiming that your voice was annoying and, using a piece of broken glass, threatening to cut out your pretty pink tongue to eat as a snack. From that day on, you didn’t utter a single word to him.
However, as time went by, Binzo started to find your presence to be slightly humorous. Specifically, whenever you tried to feed.
Binzo would always laugh whenever you dug your fangs too deep into someone’s neck and ended up getting completely doused in their blood when you pulled away. He thought it was a waste of a good drink, but worth it to see you freak out as you tried to stop the fast-paced bleeding.
Your hair also grew at an unnaturally fast rate as well. It was disgusting, but fun to pull on whenever he wanted to get your attention. It was also especially fun to watch your victims pull on your hair, stunning you for a moment, and getting a couple slaps and punches in as they tried to get away. But, Binzo wouldn’t allow that, stopping them at the last minute and dragging them back in your direction. However, you would always be too embarrassed and cry, refusing the meal he was kind enough to go after for you.
You were ungrateful. Idiotic. An amateur. Everything he hated bundled up into a small ball that dwelled in the corner of his room.
But on top of all that, the thing he hated the most was how you weren’t here now.
“Where’s Y/N!! Where is she!!” Binzo exclaimed to his physically and mentally exhausted aunt. She just stayed quiet, ignoring the child’s vicious words and actions. If she knew, she would have told him by now, but she didn’t.
Binzo looked around his dark messy room as he tried to think of what might have happened to you. It had been 2 nights since he last saw you.
If you had been moved to another room, he would be able to smell it. But you weren’t. You weren’t anywhere in the house in fact.
Could his father have decided that it was too much for him to support 2 cannibalistic children, and off’d you in the woods while he was sleeping? No way. He was the one who brought you here in the first place, he should have known what he was getting himself into.
Maybe you ran away, not wanting to be held captive and enslaved to work at a lunatic’s haunted house. That would explain why his father was also not around either. Maybe he had gone out in search of his most popular attraction.
No matter the reason, you weren’t here now, and Binzo hated you for that.
As the raven-haired boy finally started to calm down, he laid down in his cage, his eyes fluttered shut, unable to keep their focus on the door of his room anymore.
However, he was suddenly awoken by a loud scream.
It was his aunt. She had left the room, leaving him alone while he was asleep. Her voice was loud, but not angry. It sounded almost cheerful. An emotion he hadn’t heard from her in the longest time.
Binzo jumped to his feet as the door to his room slid open. There stood his father, alone from what he could see, cigar burning away in his mouth as he smiled. Binzo tightly gripped the bars of his cage, a feeling of rage boiled inside him like nothing he had ever felt before.
However, that emotion quickly washed away when he saw a familiar face appear from behind his father.
There you stood. Alive and in one piece.
Just like the first time you two had met, Souichi forced you into the room. Binzo’s eyes looked you up and down as you cautiously walked in. Gripping the hem of the older man's suit jacket, you stared back at the pale boy.
Your hair had been cut, shorter than before. You were also wearing a kimono similar to his aunt. You looked almost like a doll. It was weird how he couldn’t keep his eyes off you.
Binzo watched as his father put the chains around your ankles again, your hand running through his greasy hair. You two exchanged that look he couldn’t understand again.
Binzo barely listened as his father warned him not to fuck up your clothes. As Souichi finally left the room, Binzo put his hands on the lock of his cage and, using his nails, undid it.
Crawling out of the cage, he stood onto his feet and he looked at you. Although he was still only in his early teens, he was starting to grow extremely tall, a gene he inherited from his mother no doubt.
Binzo felt his heart start to race as you looked up at him, your eyes sparkled as they reflected the small amount of light that leaked in the room. It was almost like you were giving him the same look you and his father would often exchange.
Without a word, he forcefully shoved you to the ground. “Stop looking at me!” He exclaimed.
You probably thought he was jealous that his father actually let you go out, got you nice clothes, and even treated you like you were an actual human being. But that was far from the truth. He didn't really mean to push you so hard, but his emotions had gotten the better of him.
Binzo yelled out in pain as you kicked him for pushing you so hard. Just before you could kick him again, he moved to straddle you.
Putting his weight onto your stomach, he held your wrists on both sides of your head. You growled as he brought his face close to your neck and took a deep breath. It had been so long since he smelled your scent. However, this time it was different.
“You smell delicious.” He said in a hungry voice, drool dripping from his lips as he showed you his fanged teeth. You squirmed under him, knowing that he didn’t mean that as a compliment. “I thought my dad killed you. But now I see that he just dolled you up so I can do it myself. Kishishishi!” Twisting your head to the side, you dug your fangs into his arm.
“OW! You bitch!” Binzo screamed as he pulled his arm away from you. His long fingernails left a scratch across your face as he slapped you hard.  
Baring your fangs once more, you pushed him off of you and rushed to get away. However, your chains didn't let you get far.
Binzo grabbed your legs just before you could go any further. His nails dug into the thick fabric that made up your kimono, tearing it a bit as he pulled you closer to him. Flipping you onto your back, he put himself on top of you.
You squirmed in a panic as the boy wrapped his arms and legs around you, restraining you from getting away. Not having eaten anything in a while, you soon became unable to continue fighting with the monstrous boy.
Binzo’s heartbeat slowed down as you started to relax, his body unconsciously trying to mimic the pace at which you breathed. You whined as he tightened his grip on you a bit more, making sure that you wouldn’t try to slip away from him again.
Pressing his head into your hair, he breathed in the new scents that covered your body. The smell of the brand new kimono you wore mixed with the fruity shampoo you had used made him doubt that you were really the same creature he had shared a room with 2 nights ago.
“Where did you go…?” He asked, his words slightly muffled by your hair.
Your body tensed as he dug his nails deeper into the fabric of your clothes, trying to force a reply out of you, but ultimately receiving nothing back.
He hated that you wouldn’t talk to him…
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dialovers-translations · 3 years ago
Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Reiji Route ー Sub Scenario w/Carla
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–> In between the main route chapters, the player is taken to the area map of the Parade where you can freely roam around. There are four different places to visit, each with different mini games and sub scenarios to enjoy.
ー The scene starts on Glimmer Main Street
Reiji: The streets around here are littered with food scraps. 
Yui: You’re right...I didn’t notice at all.
Reiji: I find it unacceptable. Let us ask the Parade’s crew to clean up this mess.
Carla: Why are the two of you looking down at the ground?
Yui: Carla-san!
Reiji: There’s trash all over, so we figured we would urge the staff to clean up.
Carla: You must be rather petty to make a fuss about such a trivial matter.
Reiji: Petty? Me? Are you not bothered by having to walk on a dirty road?
Carla: I have better things to do than to worry about every little piece of rubbish laying around. 
Furthermore, I can simply get rid of it using my magic if the situation calls for it.
Yui: You can do that?
Carla: Of course. ...Hah!
Yui: ( Wow! The trash vanished in the blink of an eye! )
( Although there’s a small indication left on the ground from burning it... )
Carla: Child’s play.
Reiji: This is rather impressive indeed. Perfect, if I abuse this power...
Yui: Reiji-san? Is something the matter...?
Reiji: No, I am simply a little surprised to see someone who prides himself as a Founder do such a lousy job.
Carla: I beg your pardon?
Reiji: Come on, take a good look. There is still plenty of rubbish left, see? I suppose even Founders make mistakes every now and then.
Carla: That was not a mistake. I left some on purpose to avoid using my powers unnecessarily. 
However, if you insist, I will get rid of everything right here, right now. Watch closely.
Yui: ( There’s not a single piece of trash left. )
Carla: What do you say?
Reiji: Wonderful! I would expect no less from a Founder!
I successfully saved myself the trouble of calling over a staff member.
Yui: Did you say something?
Reiji: Oh no.
Yui: Huh? The people around us seem to...
Reiji: What is happening?
Yui: Ah, Reiji-san, over there...!
( Amazing! The marks left behind by Carla’s magic formed a bat! )
Reiji: I see...I suppose these people must have gathered here after seeing this.
Haah...It would be rather troublesome to get trapped by the crowd. In this case...
You must all have an eye for talent! Actually, this gentleman over here is a first-class performer!
Carla: Oi, I am no such...
Yui: ( Seems like Reiji-san is portraying Carla-san as a performer to the people who gathered... )
Carla: Once again, I am not a performer...
Yui: ( The crowd’s going Carla-san’s way because of what Reiji-san said... )
Carla: You lot, get away from me...!
Reiji: This is our chance to leave.
Yui: Eh? S-Sure...
( I wonder if Carla-san will be okay...? )
ーー THE END ーー
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bunnirs · 5 years ago
Yandere! Gon and Killua with a S/O who tries to leave
Requested by: Anon!
“I don’t know if you do any yandere stuff but if you do I was wondering how would yandere killua and gon react to thier s/o trying to leave them for Accidentally Cheating. Thx love your blog”
First Gon and Killua request!! I’m so excited! For the sake of all things holy, ALL CHARACTERS WILL BE AGED UP A BIT. especially with the cheating thing 👉👈 UMM ALSO THIS IS MY FIRST EVER YANDERE TYPE THING SO IM SORRY 😭
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Alright this dude doesn’t see anything wrong with the fact that he cheated
And to think you’d get so upset over him ‘cheating’ on you??
He would never! He was just being ‘nice’ to one of tourists of Whale Island
A little to nice.
He’s the type of Yandere that thinks what he does is completely fine! He thinks he’s doing the right thing!
So that’s where you had enough.
Gon was a lunatic and you had to get away
Maybe you’d call Leorio or Kurapika, they’d help you
That’s all you had to do
Get to a pay phone and dial Leorio or Kurapika
So while Gon had left to do God knows what..
You packed your shit and walked out the door
Surprisingly.. you got to the pay phone rather easily
Your paranoia had shot up with the risk of getting caught
Like 📈📈📈📈📈
You made the decision to call Kurapika. He was more serious with this stuff.
You waited for Kurapika until it was dark out
But he came all the same
But you hadn’t expected to see Gon right behind him
That’s right. Gon had said something about visiting Kurapika. Shit.
You were an idiot not to pay closer attention
Fuck fuck fuck he looks mad
His eyes were avoid of anything,,,
His soulless hues stared into your own, and you felt like you could throw up
Kurapika seemed rather worried, asking what happened while Gon was gone
You couldn’t tell him about Gon being a psycho
He wouldn’t believe you.. right?
You made the choice in saying that someone had tried to hurt you, and with Gon away, you didn’t know what to do
Kurapika sighed and said he’d get a hotel and would scout the island for any suspicious behavior,,,
But he didn’t know that Gon WAS the culprit.
Soon after that, you went home with Gon.
“....You lied to him, Y/N.” There was a pregnant pause before your name, almost like it was hard for him to pronounce. “You never lie.”
“...Gon....” You said quietly, not prepared for whatever the hell he was going to say.
“Is this about the woman?” Gon narrowed his eyes at his feet, which moved as the both of you took the road to his house.
“No I just-“ you went quiet, not knowing what to say. Make something up. Fast. “I just wanted to.. get away from the island a bit.”
“Get away?” Gon’s dark expression changed into one of confusion. “Do you not like it here?”
“No! I like it here!” You said abruptly, your eyes widening. “It’s just, I was thinking of visiting my parents! See what they’re up too!” You nervously laughed, praying he didn’t notice your smile faulter.
“...Oh well...that’s easy.” Gon smiled at you, and for a second, you thought you did something good. “They’re up to nothing.” His eyes darkened, his smile widening a bit.
“Nothing?” You questioned, confused.
“They’re dead.” Gon hummed. “They kept trying to get in my way.. so I put them out of their misery. They missed you a lot.. and kept saying I kidnapped you! Which isn’t true right?”
You didn’t say anything. Nothing at all. The only thing that escaped your mouth were the harsh sobs, which seemed to shake your whole body. You fell to the ground, the rough asphalt slicing your knees, the stinging couldn’t compare to the state your heart was in.
“...Oh..” His voice lowered, the slight evidence of worry laced his tone. “.....Can you not speak..?” He grabbed your hand, kneeling before you.
You smacked his hand away, falling onto your back. “G-get the hell away from me!” You screamed, your hands slipping on the bloodied gravel below you. You kept trying to stand up, but it seemed that gravity pushed against you even harder than before. “Go away! For gods sake just leave me alone!”
He stared at his hand for about a minute, his mouth wide and agape. “Leave.. you alone? While your upset?” He seemed hurt, his eyes swelling up, tears appearing. “What kind of boyfriend would I be if I left you like this! You’re hurting!”
“Because of you! I’m HURTING BECAUSE OF YOU!” You screamed in his face, somehow gaining the strength to sit up.
“.......I didn’t hurt you! I would never hurt you!” His voice gained in volume, almost like he was panicking. “I just did what was best for both of us!”
“You did what was best for you!” You shoved your finger into his chest, your nail almost bending due to the pressure. “You never think about me! You force me to stay with you! I never wanted something like this! I-“
“Shut up.” Gon said suddenly, shadow overcasting his facial features. “Everything I do is for you... don’t you dare say it isn’t!” His hand quickly grabbed your wrist, the sickening sound of bone being crushed seemed to echo in your ears.
“Y-you’re hurting me... right now... you’re hurting me..” you whispered, trying your best not to cry even more. Your head already hurt from the screaming, the pain adding to your desire to pass out.
“You don’t know real pain.” He said coldly. “But you’ll find out soon.”
That’s all you heard before you eyes seemed to close, your body falling forward into someone’s warm embrace, the air being knocked out of you.
“But everything I do... is for you.. Y/N.”
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Thing is I don’t see him cheating :(
He’s so closed off as is, so it’s surprising he’s in love with you anyway!!
He’s definetly the Yandere who thinks that you need him
Like you’d be in danger without him
He’s definitely convinced himself that you’d die if you weren’t with him
And that makes him so friggin sad
He wants you to be happy
But he wants you to be safe first.
So, if you try to escape, that’ll make him even more broken inside
He’s a tragic yandere tbh
Wants to give you happiness and love, but he can’t let you out of his sight 😭
So you probably try to leave when he kills someone that was close to you
Probably a guy friend of yours
He felt like he was dangerous, and couldn’t have him taking you away
So he murdered him on the spot with a quick hand through the heart, his nails bloodied.
That was the last straw. You were living with a murderer.
How you would get out? You had no idea
You were in the Zoldyck Mansion. Locked away.
If anything, you could try talking to Canary. She liked you. A lot.
So that’s what you did. You told Canary everything.
She believed you almost immediately. She knew the Zoldycks were cruel... Killua included, no matter how much she liked him.
She’d try to smuggle you outside the gate
Hopefully the security guard would understand
That’s what got you here, standing from right inside the testing gate, Killua before you.
Canary was long gone. She had to stop the butlers from following you.. so you were alone.
“....What are you doing so far from home...?” He questioned, his eyes widened at the sight of you with bags in your hands. “It’s dangerous out here.”
“Killua, we’re inside the gate. You know it’s plenty safe out here.” You narrowed your eyes, nails digging into the leather holsters of your bag. You couldn’t back down now. “Besides, I can protect myself if need be.”
“.....Of course you can. I don’t doubt your abilities.” Killua rolled his eyes, his attitude returning to normal. “I wouldn’t date someone who can’t protect themselves.”
“....Then why don’t you act like that?” You felt a pang in your chest. He made it seems like you were weak.... He made it seem like you were helpless. Why would he do that?
“Act like what? Protective? I can’t do that?” He questioned, his defensive tone making itself clear.
“That is not what this is.” You countered, stepping back a bit. “You know this isn’t you being protective! You act like I’m fragile! Some glass vase that’ll break if someone pushes me to hard! I’m not! I’m a professional hunter just like you!”
“...You don’t act like it.” He pouted, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“How can you be so childish right now!? This is why I need to leave!” You stepped forward, your voice gaining in volume.
“...Leaving is a need? Are you sure you just don’t want it?” He stepped towards you, his voice getting low. He was definitely getting pissed off now.
“I haven’t been outside the gate in years Killua! You know how ridiculous that sounds?! Last time I interacted with someone from outside this gate, you fucking murdered them! He was my friend!”
“He was trying to hurt you!” Killua responded, his eyes darkening. “He was inviting you outside the gate! And by yourself no less! He could’ve hurt you!”
“Going out the gate isn’t a death sentence! I need fresh air Killua! I need to see people!” You continued to yell, throwing your hands up in the air dramatically, the bag in your hand almost being flung off to the side.
“You see my family everyday! They’re people!” Killua scoffed. “barely...” he muttered to himself, getting lost in thought.
“What if I don’t want to see your family anymore?! What if I don’t want to see you?!” You gasped right after the words left your mouth, hands covered your lips, almost in disbelief of what you had just said.
As your thoughts consumed you, you felt a slight pain in your abdomen, your body falling to the ground. Your bags cluttered around you, creating what ironically looked like a crime scene. He had just pushed you. That’s never happened before.
Killua stood above you, his eyes pulsating with dark intent, his aura covering for what seemed like miles. “....Don’t you ever say that!” He yelled out, tears almost appearing in his empty voids. “I might believe it one day! That you don’t need me anymore!” He grabbed the collar of your shirt, so his eyes could look into yours. “I can’t lose you like everyone else! Don’t leave me behind! I used to think you needed me but now I think it’s the other way around!” He cried out, tears threatening to spill. “I have to protect you with everything I have! I’ll continue to kill the people who try to take you away! So please don’t make this hard! I know you want to leave! I understand! But that can’t happen!”
You were quiet, your body feeling limp as he had hit a sensitive point on your body. “O-okay...” you muttered out, tears brimming the corners of your eyes. “I’ll stay.... I-“
Before you can finish, Killua hugged you tighter than ever before, knocking the air out of you. You felt like you could pass out, that feeling soon coming to reality as black dots filled your vision. He had somehow managed to manipulated you again. His worry getting the best of you.
Curse you for being so damn sympathetic.
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sealer-of-wenkamui · 3 years ago
By all means, avoid it if it makes you uncomfortable, because it is really dark, but I for one thoroughly enjoy Mohg/Miquella as non-consensual incestuous somnophilia with his (initial) physical appearance adding to how creepy it looks (though, he’s older than Malenia, and though it wouldn’t stop him, I don’t feel that’s why he’s attracted to Miquella, I mean look at how he’s transforming him after all, he’s big now)
(And yes, I know there are other interpretations, but bare minimum it is kidnapping+incest, and I do personally read it as something sexual myself, and think its very easy to read that way.)
I do wish people didn’t act like incest/sexual assault devalues everything about the relationship, I think its an interesting aspect of it that I wish more people explored in depth. I don’t think its purely for “shock value” or anything? Mohg is a weird character in that he seems almost comically evil, but when you look into him, you can see what might have led to it all. There’s a lot going on there.
First is how his reaction to being born an omen with accursed blood is the opposite of Morgott’s, he’s fully embracing it- and the omen set describes someone as vile as the Dung Eater as having “the heart of an omen”, and Mohg is fully embracing everything people expect of them, so is it any wonder that he’d act as such?
And also, being unloved and shackled in the sewers, I think he has a sense of having to take what he wants by force, including love. He starts a cult where kidnapping was clearly involved (the surgeons for sure, and even the merchant) and if Varre is to be believed, has quite the focus on love. And he DID get Varre’s love by force in a way, I mean he was kidnapped and yet look at how he is now. (he seems to also have a twisted sense of love, and I do wonder if he was unloved as well when he was younger, but that’s a post for another time)
So Miquella as well- there are genuine feelings for him, but they are twisted and obsessive. It could have started because of how Miquella is known for charming people as well as how he created a place that was a haven for the unwanted. but Mohg felt he needs to take him all for himself, raising him to a god to gain the power and love he was deprived. And he won’t let that slip out of his grasp, so he becomes possessive of Miquella. And I feel like he honestly believes he can force Miquella to love him as well, by the way he acts like his lover, with softly spoken words showing the depths of his feelings. and if he constantly stays by his side and sleeps with him, surely Miquella will come to love him in return. In his eyes, forcing himself on Miquella is a display of his “love”. If he just keeps at it, he’ll be accepted and Miquella will wake up and he can begin his Dynasty with him. It’s not a sane way of thinking at all, but the man is even described as a lunatic. But you can see what led him to be like that.
(I feel that Miquella refusing to respond is an act of defiance, because he doesn’t love Mohg in return, and actively wants to prevent him from getting what he wants. I don’t feel Mohg is being actively manipulated since the transformation Miquella is undergoing likely has the influence of the Formless Mother, an outer god, and I think he would want nothing to do with that. He may have a lot of potential, but being in the cocoon was a vulnerable state.)
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acnelli · 4 years ago
First Time Falling
This is my entry for the @hpqueerfest 2021. Thanks to the mods who hosted this! And a big thank you to my great beta-readers @nagemeikenu and @static-abyss who put up with my phone-writery (writing time is hard to come by these days).
This story was inspired by Prelude and Fugue by shes_gone, and it’s set in a world where Harry didn’t go to Hogwarts, but had been prepared for his destiny.
Pairing: Harry Potter/Ron Weasley Rating: T TW: strong language, mentions of war time, mentions of drug and alcohol consume Prompt: Falling in love for the first time as an adult (late 20’s-early 30’s) Summary: Harry Potter –Head-Auror and Savior of the Wizarding World– spontaneously asked out a cute redhead and it turned to so much more than he could have ever hoped for. 
You can also read this on AO3 and FFN.
*** *** *** *** ***
Not bothering to knock, Ron Weasley marched into Hermione Granger’s office. The heavy mahogany door slammed against the wall, making Hermione jump up from her chair.
“Ron,” she shrieked as a bunch of paper fell off her desk. “What happened?”
Instead of providing his best friend with an explanation for his sudden intrusion, Ron paced back and forth. The panicked look in his eyes made Hermione assume the worst.
With one swift motion, Hermione stepped in front of the redhead, forcing him to stop his frantic pacing. “Ron, please talk to me,” she pleaded, taking his hand into hers. “What’s going on? Is someone hurt? Is your family okay?”
Hermione’s worried expression and the panic in her voice finally brought Ron to his senses. “No, don’t worry, Hermione,” he sighed as he closed her office door. “I’m sorry! But...do you have time for a quick cup of tea in the cafeteria?”
“As a matter of fact, I do. This report is giving me a headache and I need a break.”
Hermione grabbed her purse and gestured for Ron to lead the way.
“I swear, Ron, if you almost gave me a heart attack over something Quidditch related, I’ll hex you into next week and make your new Firebolt disappear forever,” Hermione added as they made their way down to the Ministry cafeteria.
Ron glanced over at the bushy-haired witch, suppressing a grin as he told her his distress was indeed about Quidditch. They grabbed their beverages and headed towards a free table. Gracing him with a dark look, Hermione gestured for Ron to finally tell her what’s going on.
“Harry Potter asked me out on a date!”
This statement caused Hermione’s drink to go down the wrong way, resulting in a violent coughing fit and her spitting out the tea.
“What?” she wheezed out between coughs, as Ron cleaned his face and shirt with his wand.
He waited patiently until Hermione recovered, both from the coughing fit and the shock. “See, even you don’t believe me,” Ron sighed, harshly rubbing his hands over his face, “I don’t blame you, though. I can’t believe it myself, after all.”
Finally being able to speak again, Hermione put her elbows on the small table and leaned forward, determined to not miss a single thing about this story. “Spill! How? When? Where? And don’t you dare to leave out even the smallest detail.”
Ron shook his head, still in disbelief about what had happened to him just twenty minutes ago. Not being able to wrap his head around it, he decided to tell Hermione today’s events from beginning to end.
“Today, Robertson sent me a memo to come to his office to discuss the ridiculous complaints about the Tornados/Harpies game last week,” Ron started and couldn’t help rolling his eyes about the things he had to put up with at work sometimes. “So, I went there, gave him my report about the match and a brief overview. Thank Merlin, he only asked his usual useless questions about referee bribery claims. I was ready to launch into a whole speech but he suddenly dismissed me and told me to write up a statement for the press.
“I was just on my way back to my office when I met Seamus. The fucking wanker had the nerve to claim the next Cannons match for himself. I know he did that just to spite me so, naturally, I gave him an ear full about it as we waited for the lift. We only noticed Harry Potter standing right behind us when we got inside the lift. I probably sounded like an idiot but Seamus and I kept the conversation up because I always get second-hand embarrassment when people stop talking if Potter walks by or joins the lift.”
Hermione patiently listened to his ramblings, restraining herself from telling him to get to the point already.
Ron sipped on his tea and shook his head. “You know what? I read too much into this. Just realised that I’m acting exactly as everyone else does. What’s the big deal? Just a bloke who wants to have a pint after work.”
Hermione stared at Ron, expecting him to go on with his story, but he just kept sipping his tea.
“How did he ask you out?” She accidentally raised her voice but Hermione was finally losing her patience with him.
“I told you, he most likely-”
“Just tell me the damn story, already!” Hermione snapped, blushing a little when she noticed the people on the other tables giving her funny looks.
“Alright,” Ron said, raising an eyebrow at her. “Calm down, barmy woman.”
“You're the one marching into my office like a lunatic. Spill it! Now!”
With a heavy sigh, Ron continued with his story, curling his hands around the tea mug to keep from fidgeting.
“Seamus had already gotten off at another level, so it was just me and Potter in there. I tried to avoid the awkward silence, so I asked him if he followed Quidditch and was going to listen to or even watch the Tornados match tonight. He said that he does follow Quidditch and that he intended to listen to the match at home but if I'd be up to it, we could listen to it at this new pub that just opened in Diagon. He totally caught me by surprise, but I must've agreed because he told me he'll meet me at the fireplaces at 5. Then he left the lift. Then I freaked out and came to your office.”
Ron marked the end of his story by taking another sip of his tea before he defiantly crossed his arms in front of him.
“Jesus, Harry Potter actually asked you out! Oh my God!” Hermione almost squealed, grasping one of Ron's arms.
“Nah! I don't think so anymore. I bet he just wanted to have a pint and was only being polite when he asked me to come along,” Ron said. “Who'd ask someone out like that anyway?”
“Someone looking for a partner?”
“Yeah, but think about it, Hermione. Why would he ask me out? The guy is not only fucking famous, he's also devilishly handsome. He could have anyone he wanted.”
Ron looked at Hermione as though she'd just declared the desire to live as a chicken.
“So? So, why would someone ask me out while on a random stroll through the Ministry? Who'd think ‘Oh, that freakishly tall ginger with more freckles than skin looks kinda awkwardly cute. Let's try to get a leg over?'"
“I dated you,” Hermione interjected.
“You don't count.”
“Well, thank you!” Her sarcasm was all but ignored by Ron.
“I just know I'll embarrass myself tonight,” Ron insisted, looking quite unhappy. “Let's go back to work. I still have to write that useless report.”
“Devilishly handsome, hm?”
“Shut up!”
**** **** **** ****
Harry didn't know what had possessed him to ask the cute ginger out for a pint.
Maybe it had been the Prophet article speculating for the umpteenth time about when the Savior of the Wizarding World would finally settle down and make some black-haired, green-eyed babies. Rita Skeeter had many ideas about what worthy witch could conquer the heart of Harry Potter. All things considered, the article had probably not been the worst thing written about him so far.
Sometimes he wondered if he should've taken Sirius’ advice to feed the press and public meaningless details of his life. It wouldn't stop the constant speculations and made-up affairs, but it probably would reduce the paparazzi following him around, the crazy fans sending him love letters and maybe, they would find something more newsworthy than where Harry Potter bought his toilet paper.
But he hated the fact that people demanded this from him. He was 29 now, and while the great hype about him was over, he still seemed to be interesting enough to write about, even over a decade after his defeat of Voldemort.
He knew the majority of the Wizarding World was sincerely grateful for what he'd done. There were so many parents thanking him for the simple fact that they're still alive and able to see their children grow up.
It reminded him that it was all worth it. The sacrifices, the nearly friendless childhood, his secret life away from the public, the growing up with the knowledge that he might not live long enough to celebrate his 17th birthday. All of that had resulted in ending Voldemort once and for all.
When he'd destroyed the Dark Lord and his Horcruxes though, Harry’s hope of finally living a normal life got crushed soon after. In the post-war world, it had been next to impossible to lead a life like everyone else. Because of his childhood and his training by Alastor ‘Mad Eye’ Moody himself, he learned not to trust easily. And since occasions to make friends or interact with strangers had been few and far between, he never really learned what to look for in a friend.
He was well aware that he was complaining about a comfortable life. His parents had left him a respectable amount of gold, and Sirius bought him a flat in London after he graduated from Auror Academy. Maybe he'd gotten this job because of his fame and reputation, but he knew he deserved the position as Head Auror. There was hardly anyone with the same amount of training and experience he brought to the table, and he was under the impression the people working for him did genuinely like him as a boss. Two of them he even considered friends after all these years.
Aside from the two friends at work he also had his family. He had Sirius, Remus, Andromeda, Tonks and his godson, Teddy. He wasn't alone by any means, but he'd never met someone he could possibly fall in love with. Hell, aside from one of Tonks’ old friends from school and her father's attempts to set him up with several of his countless nieces—and later nephews when Harry told his family girls didn't do it for him—he'd never even dated. Toby—a fellow student from elementary school and the only friend his age—dragged him to Muggle pubs and clubs, resulting in the occasional snog or even a shag with a stranger. Needless to say, his first time hadn't exactly been romance novel material and it sure wasn't something he liked to think about. Sometimes, Harry feared that he would never fall in love, that he wasn't capable of developing those feelings for another person.
Those unpleasant thoughts combined with the Rita Skeeter article may have been the result of his sudden impulse to just go for it and ask the redhead out. But it also could have been the brilliant blue eyes, the kind, shy smile and the lean shoulders. Harry was sure, though, that the main reason for it had been the fact that this man hadn't treated him like a Messiah. It had just been an easy conversation, even if it had been only two minutes.
Harry hoped it would remain that way when they watched the game later. In fact, he could just brush it off as a friendly meeting with a fellow Ministry worker if Cute Ginger wasn't interested in anything more.
But when he thought about the redhead’s lopsided grin, Harry felt a foreign flutter in his stomach and he couldn't help but hope for more, even if it was just another visit to the pub.
**** **** **** ****
In the 30 years of Ron Weasley’s existence, he'd never been on time for something not work-related. Today, though, he was almost ten minutes early as he waited by the fireplaces for Harry Potter.
Again, he felt rather pathetic. For a hot second, he considered waiting in a nearby bathroom to pass the time, pretending to get to their meeting place just in time. But then he reminded himself that he wasn’t a petty teenager anymore, and even if Potter found it pathetic, Ron didn’t expect a repeat of tonight, anyway.
He decided to just treat this like a meet-up with Dean and Seamus every other Thursday after work. Just two guys, enjoying a couple of pints together, talking about Quidditch. Nothing special. Nothing to freak out over.
The atrium was busy as ever but he spotted Potter right away when the Head-Auror stepped out of the lift and made his way towards the fireplaces. He still wore his magenta work robes and Ron couldn't help but notice how sexy they looked on him.
“Hi!” Potter greeted Ron, smiling somewhat shyly. “Ready for some beer and Quidditch?”
“Sure! But I forgot to introduce myself earlier, so I figured I'd do that now,” Ron said, giving the dark haired man a smile in return, as he offered his hand for a proper introduction. “I'm Ron. Ron Weasley.”
“I'm Harry.”
**** **** **** ****
“No way! How did he get out of there?”
Harry barked out a laugh at Ron's tale of a night out with Seamus and Dean. His outburst was loud enough for the other guests of the pub to look in their direction. Ron found it amusing how a simple change into Muggle clothes, different glasses, and a slightly lighter hair colour resulted in no one recognizing the Boy-Who-Lived.
“Since it was a Muggle police station, Seamus had to spend the night there. Statute of Secrecy, and all. We picked him up the next morning and filled him in on what he'd done the night before, including showing everyone his pale arse.” Ron grinned deviously at the memory. “I invented some things for good measure. Unfortunately, Dean is too good for this world and told him a few hours later that I was taking the mickey.”
Harry shook his head, chuckling. “That reminds me of Remus searching the whole of London for Sirius, only to find him several hours later in a hidden spot on the roof. He was gazing at the stars and totally stoned. Combined with Firewhiskey, he didn't remember a single thing from that night.”
“Sirius?” Ron looked quite interested at the mention of his Godfather’s name. “Sirius, as in Sirius Black?”
“Yes. He was my Dad’s best friend. And he's my Godfather.”
“I'm just asking because I'm related to the Blacks. My grandfather married Cedrella Black.”
“Yes, I recognize the name. Her face got blasted off the family tree,” Harry said, and at Ron's raised eyebrow quickly added, “Sirius’ mother blasted everyone off that tree who didn't uphold the Black family's motto ‘Toujours pur’. So, Cedrella must have gone against the high and mighty Black Pureblood tradition.”
“Well,” Ron said, taking a swig of his beer, “she married a Weasley. I'm sure that alone was reason enough to disown her. The Weasleys have been notorious blood traitors since forever.”
“Sounds like your grandmother had good taste in men if you ask me.”
Harry winked at Ron, and the redhead felt the burning blush creeping up his neck.
Ron was once again amazed at how little time it had taken him to lose his nervousness. But Harry Potter made it very easy for him. Harry was confident, yet humble and polite. His humor didn't have Ron's sarcastic edge, but the redhead found Harry delightfully witty with a good amount of sass.
Ron didn't know what he expected but it was undeniable how easy it was to talk to Harry. He could only hope the raven-haired man enjoyed this just as much as he did. Harry laughed at his jokes and seemed genuinely interested in Ron's more-than-mundane life.
As much as Ron tried to see this as a meeting with a good friend, he couldn't help the warm feeling in his chest every time Harry smiled at him or his leg accidentally bumped against Ron's. And if the alcohol hadn't gone to his head already, making him imagine things, Harry's eyes kept flitting down to Ron's lips.
When the woman behind the bar announced the final round, they decided to call it a night since it was one of Harry's work Saturdays tomorrow.
As they ventured out of the crowded pub and into the cool night air, Ron was disappointed about the evening coming to an end. Time had flown and he was sure they could've talked for several more hours.
“Would you mind if I walk you home?” Harry asked just as Ron wanted to wish him a good night.
Ron nodded, not being able to suppress his smile as Harry obviously remembered him mentioning that he only lived a few blocks away.
They kept their pace slow and walked a little closer to each other than necessary, their hands bumping against one another. Every touch sent a jolt through Ron's body and he wanted nothing more than to take Harry's hand.
Eventually, they reached their destination. During the entire walk home Ron had gathered all of his Gryffindor courage to ask Harry out, this time for an official date.
“I- um,” Ron started, rubbing one hand against the back of his neck to ease his nerves. “I really enjoyed this evening and I was wondering...Maybe I got this all wrong, but you seem interested, and well, I'm interested too. And if you're not, that's totally fine. But...caniseeyouagain?”
And before Ron's face had the time to go completely crimson, he got his answer as Harry took his hand to pull him close, leaned up and kissed him.
Harry pulled back from Ron's lips, his stunning, green eyes slightly darker than usual and holding a hopeful glint.
Ron didn't give himself the chance to overthink as he put his hand on the back of Harry's neck and kissed him again. A deep groan escaped him when Harry licked at Ron's bottom lip and Harry took the opportunity to slip his tongue inside.
Ron was positive that he'd never experienced something more incredible than kissing Harry Potter. The only things he was capable of paying attention to were Harry and the wild thumping of his heart. And while it was exhilarating and new and positively made him weak in the knees, it also felt a lot like coming home.
Having lost all sense of time, Ron couldn't tell if they'd kissed for a minute or several hours when they broke apart. Harry's hands still gripped his shirt and Ron let his own hands glide from Harry's dark hair down over strong, well-defined shoulders to finally rest at his hips.
Both of them tried to catch their breath and Harry, who finally let go of Ron's shirt to put his arms around him, smiled up at Ron almost shyly.
“Yes, you can see me again,” Harry said, grinning.”What are your plans for tomorrow night?”
“Well,” Ron pretended to think about it for a second, “I thought I'd do this.”
And with that, he leaned in to kiss Harry again.
“I think that's a brilliant idea.”
**** **** **** ****
Just as he turned off the radio and grabbed his coat from the rag beside the door, a loud knock sounded through Harry's now quiet flat.
“Ten minutes early. Eager, aren't we?” Harry said as he opened the door for a tall ginger with a picnic basket in one hand and a broom in the other.
“Says the one waiting right beside the door like a good dog.”
Ron shoved his way inside, putting down the basket and broom before pulling Harry into his arms.
“Happy Birthday,” Ron murmured against the other man's lips. “And I thought I was supposed to give you a present, not the other way around?”
Harry pulled back a little, apparently confused. Ron grinned at him and squeezed Harry's arse. “Thanks for wearing my favourite pants today.”
Chuckling, Harry pointed at the broom Ron had brought with him. “No way I'll fly on a broom in these. Good thing I also packed my joggers.”
Ron hadn't told him where they were going for Harry's Birthday. He'd just instructed Harry to be ready at 9 in the morning, so they'd be back in time for dinner at Grimmauld Place with Harry's family.
Only two months had passed since their first kiss, but Harry already felt as though he'd known Ron for much longer. Every kiss, every touch, all the teasing and banter, and late night talks felt so completely natural, yet blissfully exciting.
“Come on, grab your broom. We're on a tight schedule.”
Ron winked at him and before Harry knew it, they were standing in the middle of a giant Quidditch pitch.
There wasn't a single soul besides them, but Harry immediately recognized the giant Hogwarts House banners from his family's keepsakes of their school years. Aside from that fateful day when he'd fought Voldemort on those grounds, he'd never visited the school. Not before, not after.
Harry tried to swallow down the lump in his throat. The surprise must be the result of one of their late night talks, when Harry confessed that his deepest desire while growing up had been to go to Hogwarts.
“Are we allowed to be here or do I need to arrest you for breaking into school grounds?”
Arms wrapped around him from behind and Harry could feel Ron smiling against the back of his head. “I wouldn't be opposed to playing the big bad Auror and the naughty Suspect later, but this is actually 100% legal. Having contacts with important Quidditch officials has its perks sometimes. And my annual chess game against McGonagall helped too, I suppose.”
“Okay then,” Harry said, lifting one of Ron's hands to his mouth to brush his lips against his knuckles. “Fill me in on that plan of yours.”
Ron let go of him and reached for their brooms, tossing one of them at Harry. “I thought we'd fly over the grounds first, so I can show you everything from above. The castle looks fucking amazing from up there and the Great Lake is a sight to die for when the water reflects the sun.”
Ron mounted his broom and flew in slow circles around Harry as he continued to talk. “I hope you don't mind that I invited your family for dinner. But I thought we could all show you the castle, introduce you to our favourite spots and secret places. Andromeda can show us the Slytherin common room. I've never been there myself. I'll show you the kitchen first. That's where I'll cook dinner later while the others show you around.”
Jumping down from his broom, Ron looked at Harry with a mixture of excitement and reluctance as he rubbed the back of his neck. It was a telltale sign of the redhead being nervous, Harry had learned in the last weeks.
“So, I thought this to be fitting for a 30th Birthday. I wasn't sure what to get you that you don't already have, and I reckoned this might be fun.”
Harry didn't know what to say and his silence only made Ron doubt his plan more. It always baffled Harry how Ron didn't realize how wonderful he was. He wished Ron could see himself through Harry's eyes.
Right at that moment, as Harry looked into Ron's blue eyes, it hit him. In fact, he knew he'd been harbouring these feelings inside him for weeks now, but only now he could see it with shining clarity.
He was falling in love.
The feeling was new, something he'd never experienced, but still he recognized it for what it was.
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pappierus · 4 years ago
A Big, Fat, Disastrous, Idiotic Mistake // Nozel Silva
Tumblr media
...5.4k words :/
(i wrote this on wattpad, not copying, just moved it here bc i liked the tumblr community a lot better)
erm ye. enjoy?
You made a mistake.
You made a big, fat, disastrous, idiotic mistake.
You'd made this mistake nearly six months before, and it was still haunting you to this day.
You decided to be a member of the Silver Eagle Squad.
Why was this a big, fat, disastrous, idiotic mistake, you may ask?
"Wow, I didn't think a commoner would last this long in this place, congratulations!"  your superior chuckled a s you walked out of your room, your superior chuckled.
Well, because you were a commoner in a squad full of arrogant noblemen.
You're not sure why Captain Nozel chose you in the first place; you were the one he despised the most. Even your breathing irritated him — not that you felt any differently about him, of course.  
He was without a doubt the most evil person on the face of the earth, w ith his menacing purple eyes and demonic braided hair.
You were strong, and you worked hard to gain even the tiniest bit of his approval, but no matter how hard you tried, he dismissed you with a sneer.
Even now, when your squad reported to him after completing a mission, retrieving a fortune, and saving hundreds of lives, the majority of which was due to your magic—which your squad leader, bless him, pointed out—he still rolled his eyes when your name was mentioned. Which you took offence to and glared at him angrily, which he matched for the remainder of the brief meeting.
When your squad leader finished the report, he hummed his approval and dismissed you all, so you ended your glaring match and walked away.
You felt sick by even being in the same room with him.
yep, a big, fat, disastrous, idiotic mistake.
For the third time, you loudly knocked on Captain Silva's big office door, hurting your knuckle in the process. You knew he was in there because he never leaves unless he's on a mission, being the workaholic and perfectionist he was.
You didn't come here voluntarily, oh no, you would never.
You had to request a day or two off from your captain since your sister was getting married, she wanted you to be the best maid, and you were not going to miss your baby sister's wedding for the world.
Due to said circumstances, you were forced to endure the agony of seeing his face once more, or at least the part of his face that wasn't obscured by that unusual braid.
You were beginning to wonder who told him it was a good idea to style his hair like that, the devil? Because it was not, in fact, a good idea, but it was the braid that saved you the trouble of looking at his entire face. you began to wonder; did he braid it himself?
You laughed to yourself at the thought of your enraged captain braiding his hair like a little girl in front of a mirror, but your thoughts was cut off by the devil himself.
"How long do you intend to laughing to yourself like a lunatic?" When the door opened, you looked up to see your captain staring down at you with his trademark sneer on his lips. And with that, you smile vanished.
"sorry, I was just having a funny thought." you said, rubbing the back of your neck in embarrassment. He gave you a blank stare.
Great, you reasoned, he thinks I'm crazy, just another excuse to despise me.
"What do you want?" he asked. "Or do you enjoy wasting my time?" he snarled.
rude, you thought.
rude, you thought.
"Hey! I had to knock on the door three times before you heard me. My hand hurts." you said, it wasn't uncommon of you to talk back to the captain, you had a short temper and he had a large ego.
you said, it wasn't uncommon of you to talk back to the captain, you had a short temper and he had a large ego.
"You did?" he asks, and you gape at him, because he heard you laughing softly to yourself ( quietly, may I add) but not you pounding on the door? "Shut your mouth, it's incredibly rude."
''you're one to talk'' you mumbled under your breath.
"Mumbling is rude" he sneered, disapprovingly looking at you, "I don't like repeating myself, what do you want?"
You were so irritated that you almost forgot why you came here. You took a deep breath in and out to relax, then resumed speaking.
"Captain, I have a question for you." You said something, he rolled his eyes and went into his office; you followed behind him, not having time to properly look around but judging by his desk, he was certainly busy, almost making you feel bad for bothering him.
"You see, my sister's wedding is coming up in a few days, and I was invited to attend—" you sensed his glare but continued to talk, "-but I need to take a day off to do so." You finished quickly and waited for a response.
"Your vacation days aren't for another two weeks." "You're asking me if you should leave your duties to attend a party?" he said after a brief pause.
He said it as if it were the most ridiculous suggestion ever made.
"It's not just a party! It's a wedding reception! They're very serious."
"I'm sure anything like this will be thrilling to a commoner—"
"excuse me?  It has nothing to do with mme being a commoner; if you got married, wouldn't you want your siblings to attend?" you questioned, hands clenched.
"Well, I'm sure my wedding will actually be important—" he dismissively said.
"And this isn't important?" you cut him off. "Oh right, I forgot, I wouldn't understand because I'm a commoner,"   You said it jokingly, but you were truly offended. Nozel's eyes softened slightly as if noticing, but you were too upset to notice.
Nozel composed himself, "precisely, I'm so glad you understand-"
"I doubt you could ever get married anyway." you mumbled, you expected him to say something typical like 'mumbling is rude', but he heard you clearly.
"what's that supposed to mean?" he seethed, stepping closer in an attempt to intimidate you.
"I mean, I doubt any woman would willingly get married to you!" you yelled, your words seemed to anger him more.
"Oh please, no sane man would ever stay in a relationship with you," he spat back, rolling his eyes, and pinching his temples, "i shouldn't be wasting my breath on such a worthless commoner"
Worthless commoner...
why every argument you had ended with him calling you a worthless commoner?
yep... a big, fat, disastrous, idiotic mistake.
Both of you were angry, you hadn't intended for the conversation to yet again be another petty argument, but you should've known it wouldn't be easy convincing your captain to do anything.
You were both mad; you hadn't intended for the discussion to devolve into yet another petty argument, but you should've known it would be difficult to persuade your captain to do anything.
"Please, it's important to me..."  lowering your voice in the hopes that just being nice would sway him, but he simply glared at you. you sighed and your shoulders slumped, admitting defeat.
You turned away to leave when you heard your captain sigh behind you, "I'll give you the day off," you snapped back up and turned to face your captain, who avoided your gaze, "...but I'm taking away your next holiday."
You sighed once more, knowing that there would be a catch, but you were grateful nevertheless.
"Thank you!" you yelled, Nozel flinched from the volume, you were so happy you could almost hug him.
For once, you saw the captain in a less evil light.
"Are you trying to make my ears bleed" he yelled "Why are you still in my office, get out!"
...never mind.
"Did I allow you to speak with me, (Y/N)?" You were unfazed by your captain's snide remarks because you had grown accustomed to them.
"It was just a question. You're so sensitive, yikes",  I mumbled.  His head snapped towards me  
"I'm not sensitive, and you should know, mumbling is rude, " he glared at you.
you stared at him intently, at first, he tried to ignore your gaze but it soon became too obvious. he sighed, rubbing his temples,"What do you want?"
"For you to answer my question," you said bluntly, your eyes narrowing as you awaited his response.
"No, it was an idiotic question." he said, rolling his eyes, "now, go away." he ordered.
You didn't, instead continuing to look at him; he tried to ignore you again, but your stare became too distracting for him; why? He didn't have a clue. Normally, he'd threaten an annoying member of his team.
He glared at you and asked, "Is there something on my face?"
you tilted your head with a grin, unfazed by his glare, "yep."
his eyes widened in horror, had he gotten food around his mouth? or maybe dirt? the idea of dirt on his face irritated him, but there was not mirror for him to check. it was vital that he was always presented as a noble at all times.
You chuckled at his panic; it was unusual for him to lose his composure, and it made you laugh that something on his face had caused him to panic, of all things. It was good to see him not be so serious, you had to admit.
You may be wondering why you and your captain were alone together, not fighting or even attempting to kill each other. You were selected to go on a mission with your squad of three, but due to the gravity of the situation, your captain and another squad were forced to intervene.
The majority of the task had been accomplished, but you and your team had underestimated the complexity of the building from which you were retrieving stolen goods, and as a result, a few of you got lost.
To make matters worse, some of the building had begun to crumble, obstructing the exit from which you and your captain had entered.
You considered using your magic to blow one of the walls open, but it would just cause more parts of the building collapsing, and the majority of your squad was also trapped inside.
So, you and Nozel had been locked in the same room for an hour and had grown tired of arguing, so you decided to break the silence by asking him about the large braid that covered his ears.
"Well?" he started,  "Are you going to tell me what's on my face?" Nozel asked impatiently, you chuckled and decided to mess with him because you and Nozel had made a sort of truce.  
"Let me help," you said, walking over to the much taller man and reaching your hands up to help.
you lifted the braid from his face, so it was no longer covering it, and smirked "there, much better."
you looked at him, you had never realized how attractive your captain truly was since you have never really seen his face, but he was indeed very attractive, you wondered why he covered his face all the time if he looked like that.
"What makes you think you have the right to touch me, " he spat, letting go of your wrist, "A commoner getting comfortable with a noble, ridiculous" he seethed.
"Here we go again," you muttered, feeling dejected. He had to spoil your fun with the noble chat, of course.
You gave up, frowning and walking away from him. Of course, this wasn't the first time he'd done anything like this, but it always bothered you that it didn't matter what you di,d because you were a commoner.
Isn't it possible that you should just be friends? Could he ask you simple questions like, "How was your day?" or "How are you doing this fine morning?"
'How did the wedding go?' When Nozel asked you a question, your head shot up and you turned to look at him sceptically. Maybe he was making fun of you, or maybe he had read your mind.
"Sorry?'' you asked in case you misheard him, he didn't look at you, but you knew that look of annoyance was directed at you as he rolled his eyes.
He grunted and turned away from you, adding, "I don't like repeating myself." But after a while, he repeated himself anyway, "How was the wedding?"
Although it was a simple question, it still shocked you, but you answered anyway ''Uh, I-It was good, and fun... thanks for asking'' you added at the end, his shoulders stiffened.
it was silent for a while, neither of you spoke. there was a sudden, awkward change of atmosphere, not used to the casual confrontation you had.
After a while, you asked, "Nozel, can I ask you a question?"
"Not another one-''
"It's not about your hair, I promise!" you told him, a little smile on your face, amused at how such a small matter could annoy him so much.
"Ask quickly," he ordered, making you anxious because you weren't sure you wanted the answer.
he noticed your hesitation ''Well...?''
''why did you raise your hand?'' you forced the question out, anticipating his snarky remark, "to be a part of the squad, i mean"
"I know what you mean," he snapped, but the expression on his face was unreadable, he looked at you for a long while, ''why would you ask such a stupid question. You were strong.''
Your gaze grew serious and you pursed your lips before saying, ''but you hate me.'' he matched your hard gaze, ''you've always hated me since i was a commoner. so why would you pick a commoner for your squad''
Your staring match turned into a glaring match, ''I already answered your question, because you were strong''
''liar,'' you scoffed, ''there were other strong commoners, some stronger than me, and you didn't pick them-''
''-Because they weren't like you,'' he sighed angrily.
"How?" you pestered.
"Why does it matter?"
"Because it does. how? you continued to ask, it got on his nerves.
"I saw something in you that I hadn't seen before." I had a gut feeling when I saw you that I wanted you on my squad by my s-"
He abruptly cut himself off, his eyes widening slightly as though he had noticed something. You, too, fell quiet. You hadn't expected his outburst, and you had to confess that for the first time since joining the team, a feeling of acceptance filled your chest.
it was you first time seeing Nozel so flustered, but he quickly straightened his back, ''I needed you in my squad under my leadership. what sort of captain would i be if i ignored your power for such a petty reason.'' he shook him head ''But it it may have been a mistake.''
His last remark felt like a pang to your chest, hurting you much more than you thought it should've, ''w-what?''
He immediately recognized the hurt look on your face, his words had never done that to you before, and he felt a cloud of guilt descend upon him, but before he could respond, you heard the distant shouts of your squad mates, who had found you.
if only you could take back that big, fat, disastrous, idiotic mistake.
You had kept your distance from the captain, choosing not to bother him any further. So, instead of your usual glaring match, you kept your head down while reporting a task to him. You didn't object when he made you work extra hours or took away your free time for no apparent reason. When he insulted you, you didn't even react.
You were unwelcome on this team, you hoped that by joining it, your reputation would improve. Although it did, the other members of your squad rarely picked fights with you, and the mean looks were not quite as bad as they had been when you first joined, your reputation with your captain remained the same, no matter how much you contributed.
he didn't know how to react, the person you were now was completely different to the (Y/N) he knew, and he was the reason behind it.
So, when you gave him the letter, he should've anticipated it. "What is this?" he asked, furiously reading it over and over, as if that would change what was written.
well maybe if you stopped talking and actually read it- you though, keeping your calm, cringing as he crumpled the letter you put extra effort in to make your handwriting all nice-
"It says-"
"-I know what it says, I can read," he said angrily, rising from his desk and staring at you incredulously. "You can't be serious, a squad change?" he asked fiercely.
"That's what i wrote" you said bluntly.
"-I know what you wrote!", he yelled, you flinched, not expecting him to get worked up over something like this.
''why are you so angry? Captain Roselei said i could join her squad by the end of the month if I still wanted to, i just need your approval-" you tried to explain.
"I know what she said, i read the letter-" he cut you off again' "and I don't care", he took a deep breath in and sat down again, pinching his temples. "I cant accept" he said.
You instantly grew annoyed, "What, why? You can't do that! -"
"Actually, i can. I can't have you leave my squad, what will happen if the other captains found out one my own members hated it so much, she had to leave. I'll look like a joke!" he yelled back.
"What? You'll have one less commoner on your squad, that good, right? It's not like you appreciate anything i do here anyway-"
"I already said-"
"Is it really so difficult for me to earn a little bit of approval from you, even if it's just a 'well done'? I just wanted to impress my Captain, but it's obvious that he doesn't want me here! You really didn't think this would happen, come on?" You said back your voice raising slightly.
"You can't be treated like a child here, i won't treat you like one-"
"I thought you would be happy" you muttered, "You said it, yourself, you made a mistake."
Something flashed across his eyes, but it was unclear what it was. His face softened, and he began, "(Y/N)...", but his words trailed off.
"It's all right, we both did." "I shouldn't have joined this team," you said, he scrunched his brows at your confession. "I regret it too.". After all this time of keeping it in, it felt nice to finally say it, but you quickly regretted it when you saw his expression.
You had never seen him upset, but it looked like you had hurt him. a part of you thought he deserved it, but another part of you ached to see him like that.
His sad expression faded quickly, and he was replaced by a stern one. He took another glance at the letter before crumpling it up into a ball and tossing it behind him carelessly, "Hey!" you were about to yell, your sympathy quickly replaced with anger.
He replied softly, "I'm sorry," but it wasn't about throwing the letter away, and it had you silent. "I made a mistake; I shouldn't have treated you that way." "I'm sorry for everything," he apologised once more. "I'd take it back if I could."
"Take what back, picking me?" you asked sadly, "I know-"
"No, not that," he said, his voice becoming softer. "I'm sorry for allowing myself to-" he stopped himself before looking at you, shaking his head and saying "forget it, you wouldn't understand... you can leave the squad if you want."
"No, not that. " he said, quieter. "I regret allowing myself to-" he stopped himself before looking at you, shaking his head and saying "forget it, you wouldn't understand... you can leave the squad if you want."
he waved his hand dismissively, but you weren't leaving, "help me understand. I'm not staying in this squad unless you give me a reason to stay." you stated firmly, and he looked at you with yet another blank expression.
"You wouldn't understand." he repeated and you were growing annoyed.
"Then I'll leave" you stated, waiting for some sort of reaction, but there was none. you stayed in the same spot, just waiting for him to try convince you not to go,.
but he didn't, you weren't sure what you expected, but with a defeated sigh, you turned to leave. there was no place for you here anyway.
as you reached the door you heard him ask quietly, "do you truly have no reason to stay?" you looked back at him, and despite his strong, cold facade, he seemed so vulnerable.
"What?" you asked.
"I don't like repeating myself," he said before repeating himself, "Is there no excuse for you to stay?" he asked. "Nothing?...No one?" he enquired hesitantly.
At that exact moment, the evil Captain you've been so desperate to escape from made your heart swell. There was someone, you think. But you shook your head, slapping yourself internally from the thought.
"What do you mean earlier, at or mission, that you didn't regret picking me?" you asked, dodging his question with one of your own, remembering what he said earlier.
"You're avoiding my question."
"Your avoiding mine" you said stubbornly, and he rolled his eyes, something that made you smile, and with a reluctant sigh he answered.
"I never regretted picking you. Not once." He snapped quickly, trying to get the topic over with.
"But you said-"
"I know what i said," he cut you off, again. he avoided your gaze, as if regretting bringing up this topic in the first place.
"I never regretted picking you for my squad, in fact I think it was one of the best decisions of my life." your heart stopped and you stared at him, it must've been hard for him to admit, as he looked down at the papers on his desk, about you didn't see the pink tint on his cheeks.
but rather than teasing him, you asked "Is that the truth?" and he continued to look away.
"Take it or leave it, it doesn't matter, i don't care." he said half-heartedly.
"should i stay?" You continued to press; a familiar mischievous spark rose from withing you.
"W-What? I don't care what you-"
" You didnt think i should leave earlier" you asked, pointing to the scrunched-up letter he threw away.
As much as Nozel tried to hide his embarrassment from his tantrum earlier, he couldn't hide the now obvious fact that he wanted- no, needed you here. he slowly looked up at you, wanting to glare but as soon as he spotted the blush on your cheeks, he couldn't retaliate.
after a minute of silence, he answered "It's the truth, what i said about you being on my squad" he admitted, and you felt your heart beat faster as you saw your captain in a strange new light.
"i told you already its your choice if you want to stay."
you rephrased the question, "do you want me to stay?"
When he saw you were being totally serious, his head shot up at you, his brows furrowed. His eyes opened, and he flushed red from ear to ear. He opened and closed his mouth several times, unable to come up with a response that would not further embarrass him.
"Just say yes or no, Nozel" you told him, noticing his flustered state, normally he would at once correct you to call him captain, but at this moment in time, neither of you cared.
You were not sure where your sudden change of heart started, but all you wanted to hear was on word, one simple word and you would be happy, and upon hearing his name roll of your tongue so causally, he knew exactly what he wanted.
his reply made the room fall to silence yet again.
he wanted you to stay?
"Please stay." he asked, as if answering your question and you weren't sure who the man in front of you was.
All you could do was stare at him, and he stared at you. his eyes were beautiful, you realized.
But eventually, the silence became too much to bear, and not knowing how to reply, you left his office holding your breath. He did not stop you, and watched you as you left.
Was talking to him a mistake?
You foolishly assumed that talking to him would clear things up and convince you that you needed to leave, but you left with far more questions than before.
Everything you could think about was how much he wanted you to stay.
But why now, exactly? Why would he reveal anything right now?
You couldn't get the thoughts out of your head, so you buried yourself in work. You had until the end of the week to determine whether or not you wanted to stay.
"well done, all of you," Captain Nozel said to your team, and you met his gaze, but he averted his gaze first.
Despite the fact that he pretended the discussion never existed, he treated you differently, as though you were now on an equal level with him. you continued to stare at him with confusion, which would normally turn into a glaring battle between the two of you, but he avoided you gaze. The air felt heavy.
You shuffled nervously on your feet before being dismissed, and as the rest of the squad left, he called out your name, and you turned to look at him, heart racing, but he shut his mouth, as though at a loss for words.
"Yes?" You asked expectedly, he shook his head.
"I-... decent job today," he said, which admittedly surprised you and almost made you feel good.
"Thank you, Captain," you replied cortly.
What was the first thing he was going to say? You know you should probably leave, but your feet were firmly planted in place, and you wanted to ask if he had something else to say, maybe an explanation.
When he noticed your hesitation, he asked, "Is there anything you need?"
"Uhm... no, not necessarily," you said, forcing yourself to leave because you didn't want to be a burden any longer.
"Have you decided?" he asked abruptly as you reached the door. "I mean, if you want to stay."
You turned around again, but this time you chose not to look him in the eyes. "I think so, Captain.''
There was a silence, he obviously expected you to tell him your decision, but you couldn't, there was a lump in your throat that wouldn't let you speak.
Judging by the silence, the way you avoided his gaze and the fidgeting of you fingers, he knew what your choice was.
"I see..." he started, his voice laced with... sadness?
"I wish you the best, (Y/N)." he said shortly, there was more he wanted to say, much more, but he couldn't bring himself to say it.
you still didn't leave, and asked "Will you tell me the truth?", the question caught him off guard, and his eyebrows furrowed.
"The truth?" he asked, you met his gaze finally. it became harder nd harder to look into his lavender eyes.
"What is it that you regret? if it wasn't picking me?" you asked, recalling his outburst during your mission, but the continued to brush it off as something not important, but by the stiffening if his shoulders, you knew that was a lie. "If I'm leaving, can't you answer that one question?"
"...You're too stubborn for your own good." he dodged the question, but he held your gaze. He was right, you were stubborn, and by the look in your eye, he knew you weren't leaving without an answer.
"I suppose an explanation for my behavior is needed," and he turned away from you, not willing for you to see the blush on his face, and you smiled at his compliance.
"I didn't, as I've explained, regret picking you. I, I saw you and i knew i wanted you in my squad, but looking back on it, i regret being so selfish" he started.
"... I knew as a captain i shouldn't have let my emotions influence my decisions, it was too irrational, to hasty. But i had what you call a gut feeling, that i would never regret picking you, having you by me, by my...by my side-" he paused, not sure if he should continue.
Your heart stopped beating, and as you tried to over analyze the meaning of his words, you knew that what he had confessed to you was that he-
by his side? you repeated in your head, you didn't dare to say anything out loud.
"I regret treating you the way i did, truly i do. i do not apologize often, (Y/N), but you deserve one. I am sorry for being so selfish. I just couldn't forgive myself for falling for my squad members, a commoner nonetheless." He admitted, and that is when you felt yourself hold your breath.
Captain Nozel, your captain... is he falling for you?
Is it possible that I'm falling in love with you?
You weren't expecting an apology, but this was unexpected. You hadn't asked for this when you asked for the truth. But it didn't bother you in the least. Was it as if this was what you... desired?
The devilish, arrogant, crude man you hated with all your heart had been in love with you, it was hard to wrap your head around, really, but what confused the most was why-
why did you feel happy?
" I thought it was horrible, really, a Captain, a noble, and a commoner. Perhaps that's why i treated you the way i did. I was ashamed." he said, and you felt yourself grow disappointed, your heart dropped slightly.
"Y-you were ashamed of me?" you said quietly, not anticipating you pathetic you sounded.
i knew it, you thought.
at the sound of your voice, he finally turned to look at you, "Of myself... I didn't care, but it didn't matter. if only i had known how pointless it was to- but i was too caught up with what i had been taught, i only now realize that it doesn't matter."
you didn't know whether to be happy or upset, angry or elated. Half of you felt giddy, the confession made your face grow hot and your heart beat faster, but the other half of you felt mad, mad at him for treating you that way when things could have been so different.
"Commoner or not, the feelings never went away. But I suppose it doesn't matter after all, you will be leaving soon." he said, his voice growing sad, and his lips turning into a soft smile.
You don't think he's ever smiled around you like that.
"Do you still regret falling in love with me?" you asked quickly, not knowing why you couldn't just leave.
He looked at you for a long time, before replying "...No, I don't. And i never will." he said.
"And what if i stayed?" you asked, "What would you do?"
would it be possible? How would your teammates react, his family, the nobles, if he dared pursue a relationship with a commoner.
"It doesn't matter." he brushed off, as if the conversation was now too much for him, "You're leaving"
"But what if i stayed?" you asked again, he stared at you for a long time.
you knew he was thinking carefully about what he should say, his eyebrows furrowed, he clenched and unclenched his fists multiple times, seemingly nervous. his cheeks were dusted with a light pink, and this time, you saw it.
Nozel was nervous, it was a sight you never though you would see, and it made you nervous too.
"then... woud..you" he mumbled and you couldnt hear what he had said, you were shocked by this more timid version of nozel.
"Mumbling is rude" you said in a cheeky voice, the atmosphere felt less tense as a smile found its way to both of your lips as you turned his own words on him. he met youreyes and saw the blush that also covered your cheeks.
"i said, then i would love you" he repeated with a newfound confidence, before walking towards you and closing the distance between the both of you.
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mego42 · 4 years ago
OK but!!! Come over here and randomly sink the 8 ball???? Can we talk about this???? Does rio not understand how the game of pool works??? Was he just hanging out playing against himself prior to this??? Is it a metaphor??? Is 8 the only number he knows???? THOUGHTS????
the fact that we open the scene with a center shot of beth, all bambi-eyes and openly???? letting him see???? her vulnerable????????
the fact that she still sees him as a lifeline and turns to him for help in spite of him being demonstrably useless literally every time she’s asked
the fact that he’s open to it and asks what she needs
aaaaaand then shuts her down when she says it’s for dean
but also is still giving her some p solid, if, you know, a touch sociopathic advice
and then the fact that said advice more or less amounts to please let your ~technical husband rot in jail crime wife
and yes, the fact that he is, apparently just hanging out! in his own bar! after hours! alone! playing pool with himself!
which sounds like it should be a euphemism tbh but no! it is entirely literal!
everyone involved in this show is a lunatic including all of us!
i love it!
literally wtf are you doing rio
i would like to point out he is losing to himself which is fucking hysterical
and also extremely apt, tbh
he climbs up the pool cue when he stands. why. to what purpose.
he told her to be smart before he murdered her co-worker and beth’s like, not even phased at all by that reference
i am teLlinG y’alL murder is their foreplay, the hitman thing’s gonna be fine
if anything he’s gonna be hurt she outsourced it
which, valid!!!!!!
why are his fingers so long why why WHY
every time he lines up and takes a shot i make this sort of garbled hairpin in a vacuum cleaner noise
i didn’t ask to be like this
and when he sees that the please let him rot please please please pitch is not helping beth’s stress level he pivots and like, actually tries to be comforting????????
but is also incredibly bad at it
remember when beth was like my husband took my children and rio was like that sucks, here’s an open tab byyyyyyeeeeee
he is not the best shoulder, is what i’m saying
and yet!! she keeps going to him anyway!!!!
it like doesn’t even register
fuck that guy? don’t be absurd crime husband
also like
who exactly might want to hit what again hmmmmmmm HMMMMMMMMMMM
i am just saying it feels like there are some layErs here
he is so satisfied when she points out nothing sticks to him i want to slap him i want to slap myself i want to slap everyone
i gOt lucK oN my siDe / mayBe yoU do tOo
smells like foreshadowing in here
also jumping back the way his smile s o f t e n s when he says maybe you do too
the urge to slap remains strong but now with a side of leave mE here tO diE
(bringing back @pynkhues​ tag meanderings bc it lives in my head now, is this rio’s way of saying he can protect her class please discuss)
and now we arrive at sink the eight ball
i know it’s ridiculous i know but i can’t help it they’re standing there with a the pool cue and the pool table and it’s all weird tangled intimacy that’s about to flip over into intense sexual tension and i am not coping well with this at all
i’m not okay
let beth boland unhinge her jaw and devour the world 2k21 she deserves it
idk what to tell you beth you like it
like let’s pause for a sec and examine the situation shall we? this ep provides some really interesting contrast between beth’s extremely different relationships with the men in her life.
1. we have dean who is, i would argue, shown throughout the ep to be a complete albatross of guilt and long expired, turned toxic gratitude dangling from a rapidly fraying thread called parenting. he’s furious with beth to the point of not wanting to see her while in prison, choosing to stay in prison to avoid coping with how thoroughly their house of cards is tumbling down and the reality of who beth is and who they are to each other that collapse is exposing. 2. we have fitzpatrick who repeatedly tramples her boundaries in a tunnel vision pursuit of the person he thinks she is and his fantasy of the relationship he could have with this person who doesn’t actually exist and we’ve seen how uncomfortable it makes beth to the point that she finally blows up at him, reasserting who she is and it, idk if i would say scares him, but it definitely turns him off. 3. and then we have rio who she is locked in a nightmare game of cat and mouse with, who she has convinced herself is the source of all of her problems and yet when push comes to shove is still the person that she turns to for guidance and support, who she has no objection to sharing physical space with (i hear rumors the pool scene reads wildly divide and yeah i can see how but i am firmly camp they are both experiencing some stupidly complicated emotional upheaval and that’s what that face is, y’all take it how you will), who is also the only person this ep to witness the single, genuine, uncomplicatedly happy glimpse of one elizabeth boland née marks (who can’t help but grin in response to her joy and honestly who wouldn’t she is so gd cUte before he rips the rug out from underneath her)
i got worked up and forgot where i was going with this
something about contrast
but also the like, comfort and familiarity and ease even when Extremely Annoyed
idk i just think it’s neat
let’s see what else happens
oh right they play """"""""""pool"""""""""""
wait no, we’re not there yet
first rio’s gotta do that big-eyed disney princess look he shoots beth’s way from time to time, 209 being the notable example that comes to mind
h E Lp
so now we’re at sinking the eight ball
yeah, no, he does not know how pool works
i’d say it’s embarrassing but what isn’t with them
or maybe i mean inexplicable
i tried to be v hardcore on not letting myself speculate about the pool scene and how it would come to be so sexy bc speculation has only ever led to either disappointment or me getting really, really over the top competitive about it to the point where it isn’t even fun for me anymore (which is saying something) but i couldn’t help spinning out potential scenarios bc like why???? how????? the man is draped over her like a blanket and smELliNg heR haiR surely that doesn’t just happen??????
h An dS
hAn D S
H a nD s
anD theN hE smelLs heR hAir like a fuckiN lunAtic
i just
i know we all like to argue until the cows come home over what specific flavor of sloppy the show is and then we argue with the cows but like
this didn’t happen out of nowhere
they’re setting something up
(they fuckin’)
(do not argue with me or my cows)
thE shoUldeR roLl
no thoughts just that
(and everything b o u n c e s)
AND SHE’S SO CUTE????? MY WIFE???????? I LOVE HER????????????
no but literally when was the last time beth was that happy
it’s so pure
and it makes him lauGh toO
s Of t
and then rio’s like no but seriously fuck your husband let him rot in jail and beth’s facce falls and my heart breaks and everyone remembers everything is terrible bc they are absolutely inFURIATING nigHTMARE PEOPLE who caNNOT USE THEIR WORDs
what was the actual question here i don’t even remember
oh right why the eight ball
probs bc it color coordinated with both his and beth’s outfits bc he is A Heaux Like That
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maxdark158 · 4 years ago
OOOH two chapters in one week??? damn even i’m jealous. of myself. though this also isn’t edited so i might read it tomorrow morning and regret life, soooo
Angel in Gotham: Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Part 5 ~ Part 6 ~ Ao3
Demon in Gotham: Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Part 5 ~ Ao3
Fanart for AiG: Riddler ~ Joker thank you @thegreysman
Please tag me in any fanart you draw for this guys ^^
The large plant in the street wasn’t promising.
Neither was the very loud scream of pain they heard as they arrived to the scene.
Damian might’ve popped some knuckles when he clenched his fists, he wasn’t fully paying attention. What the ever-loving fucking hell in a fuck was Ivy doing? Harley best not be here too or Damian may strangle both of them for coming near his Angel.
Deep fucking breaths I’m going to fucking lose it-
When they arrived, father signaled a quick “to first two follow” plan and he and Grayson went ahead, leaving Damian and Drake on the roof. Damian itched to jump and move forward. The worry was awful, filling his mind with the most unrealistic of thoughts. He tried to correct them, prove them wrong, but they were overwhelming.
What if I check through her window to make sure she’s in there and oka- he didn’t know which room she had and it would take too long.
What if the scream was hers- It was deeper, male sounding.
What if she was crushed under that plant- She wouldn’t be, right? There wasn’t any evidence of someone being under there-
What if she’s hurt? Afraid? Dying?
He heard yelling. Angry yelling, in a male voice. The constricting worry reminded him of every dangerous male villain in Gotham right now. He went through a list of those currently MIA, those who might’ve yelled. It didn’t make sense, no villain sighting was reported aside from Ivy…
But it was possible.
And the possibility made Damian want to puke.
He had to move he had to do something. He jumped down. It hadn’t been enough time yet but he didn’t care. He heard Drake hiss something in warning about Batman’s orders or something Damian didn’t fucking care about, because he had to see for himself. He had to walk in there and he had to make sure she was okay.
Before he could go in, he saw Ivy walk out through the door. What?! he moved to intercept her before seeing the blood going down her leg- What the fucking fuck happened?! Why was she bleeding?
Ivy raised a brow when she saw him. “I got a pass this time, bird. Might want to help them in there.”
The sick feeling returned. He didn’t want to trust a villain, a criminal… but Ivy wasn’t the most horrible.
He eyed the blood, the worried weeds supplying images of his Angel bleeding in the same way. Ivy was not the worst that could happen… His mind went through that handy list of villains again. Many much worse than Ivy.
Damian turned away from Ivy. Father and Grayson shattered the window the plant hadn’t gone through, he made a motion toward it before Drake grabbed his shoulder.
“Let go of me you-“
“If you’re going to disobey Batman, at least let me go with you,” Drake looked exasperated. “You’re focused on your friend, right? Someone needs to watch your ass then.”
Damian glared before prying Drake’s hand off his shoulder. If he wanted to follow, fine. Damian wouldn’t stop him. He went through the broken window and finally entered the hotel.
The vending machine was unplugged and face down on the ground, glass surrounding it. Ivy’s giant plant was in the middle of the room, steam thicker than the pot it previously inhabited and petals as big as the Batmobile’s tires. Other miscellaneous things were strewn across the room, including cut hair near the elevator.
But what had Damian’s heart pounding was the playing cards. Playing cards that were embedded in the walls and the front desk and the floor. Razor sharp playing cards. A certain villain’s playing cards.
Fucking fucking shit fuck bitch ass fuck-
“Father,” Damian’s voice was surprisingly level as he spoke. His eyes landed on the fucking purple suited clown mother fucker himself. “What is Joker doing here?”
Father however seemed to be answering something Grayson must have said, “It appears she was rescuing…”
Ivy was rescuing.
Ivy was helping.
Damian’s eyes scanned the room right as someone else made themselves known.
The air left his lungs. She looked worse for wear, dark circles under her eyes and blood- fucking hell blood on her person. She was shaking like a leaf in the wind, and Damian wanted nothing more than to comfort her. Help her.
He opened his mouth to speak, stepping toward her.
She began to sob.
As if Damian somehow needed to panic even more.
“I’m sorry,” the words were quietly choked out between hics and sobs. “I’m a hor- horrible person and-”
“Hey now,” Grayson took a step closer, trying to comfort her. Damian’s feet were stuck to the floor, the words stuck in his mouth, preventing him from doing the same. “I’m sure you’re not-”
She held up her hands, showing the blood on them. Damian inhaled sharply when he saw the bits of glass embedded into her palm – the green haired fuck hurt her.
“I broke his leg,” she took a big gulp of air. Damian bit back the words and he deserved it. “With a rock. And I threw things at him. A chocolate bar, a cookie, a phone, a lamp, a vending machine-”
“A vending machine?” His father glanced at the vending machine on the ground. Damian didn’t bother trying to decipher his expression, Marinette was turning red and gasping between her sobs. She needed to breathe.
“Miss, please calm down,” Grayson began to step toward her. Damian’s feet finally moved, and he began surging toward her as well.
She fell, nearly hitting her head on the way down. Damian caught her before she could though, barely. Fuck, she needed to breathe like yesterday.
“I’m terrible, horrible, I shouldn’t have done this,” the words used the last of her breath and were only a whisper.
Panic made his throat feel stuck and his voice thick. “Angel,” Damian spoke as calmly as he could. “You need to breathe.”
She didn’t breathe.
Usually, lack of sleep was associated with the coffee obsessed Drake, but it seemed Damian’s own mind was determined to show him what it was like to live like a lunatic. He wasn’t able to sleep even when he tried, though he didn’t try that much either. He’s pretty sure he spent an hour staring at his weedkiller order – an order that somehow got lost in Kentucky – wishing it to suddenly appear at the front gate. Then again after coming home, most of the night was a blur.
He rubbed his eyes and let his thoughts wander through the memories of last night. Or, early morning technically.
Marinette looked delicate and broken on the stretcher as she was loaded into the ambulance. Damian had to turn his head away. He saw Drake and Todd looking at him, but he didn’t want their fucking pity.
She’d be fine.
She had to be.
After Angel had passed out, she began to breathe again. She immediately got medical attention for her injuries, riding in a different ambulance than Joker, who also got medical attention at Arkham. Damian wanted nothing more than to skin him alive as he left, but he avoided doing it for the time being. Barely.
“There’s some of Joker’s laughing shit over here, B-man.”
“Have Red Robin neutralize it. We’ll have to check the tapes and see if anyone was affected.”
“Besides the guy who’s body we found behind the desk, I don’t think anyone else got hit. But good call. Red Robin, over here!”
Drake got the security camera feed and Damian saw the entirety of what happened in the hotel lobby. His Angel fought bravely and intelligently, though he couldn’t say he was a fan of the bitch who left her behind.
“Why did she go for the elevator? I’d hate being stuck in there with the Joker. And she let her classmate just fight?”
“Maybe she called for help once she got away. And even if she didn’t, we can’t judge a teenager for panicking in this situation, Tim. Damian’s friend is an anomaly.”
“I don’t know… too bad the cameras don’t have audio, I wonder what she’s saying before they realize that Joker is there.”
“Are you able to read her lips?”
“Golly jee I wish I fucking thought of that! Thanks for reminding me to read her lips on this old and grainy camera footage where you can barely tell her eyes from her nose!”
“Jesus Replacement, no need to bite my head off.”
Damian looked into it,and found that no calls were made to the police until the plant fell through the window. The calls then were about Ivy appearing, deduced by people nearby who saw the plant. That good for nothing bitch left my Angel with the Joker-
“No calls were made by anyone within the hotel. All the calls were made by people on the street or living nearby who saw the plant.”
“Hmm… Odd…”
“…I’m sorry but how the fuck did someone sleep through a giant ass plant breaking the main floor windows? How?!”
“Maybe it’s a French secret.”
He shook his head. After they got all the information, father decided to send the French children back early and pay for it himself. Damian, internally, knew why. He painted a target on Angel’s back, if she didn’t have one before.
“You realize he heard you, right?”
“What do you want, Todd?”
“Fucks’ sake demon spawn, listen to me. Joker heard you call her Angel.”
“I was already aware of that. I’ve made plans to have the class moved back in Paris. If it gets around, She’ll be an ocean away and more difficult to harm.”
“Alright, B. Was just trying to warn Demon Spawn.”
“Maybe next time he won’t fuck up.”
“Tim, no need to be harsh.”
“It’s vigilante 101, Bruce. Damian’s been doing this for years.”
“Perhaps instead of being berated for a mistake he didn’t intend, you should let Master Damian retire to his room to rest.”
Damian grumbled to himself, trying to push the intrusive awful worrisome thoughts out of his head. The ones that said maybe going back to Paris wouldn’t be enough to protect her. The ones that said Joker would want revenge, the ones that-
The ones that he wasn’t fucking listening to right now thank you very fucking much!
Damian sighed to himself. He needed some sleep. After handling the news, getting the class handled, and looking into everything involving Joker’s break in at the hotel he was told to get to bed as the sun began rising. It hadn’t really worked, as now a few hours later he was debating stealing some of Drake’s coffee to make it through the day.
Because he did have one very important task to do today. He needed to check on his Angel, and say goodbye to her. He had her number of course, and they could text as often as possible for the two of them, but he still needed to see her. See her and apologize for how horrible this trip must’ve turned out for her.
I’m bad luck, being near me ruined her trip.
Damian went to the bathroom to brush his teeth, ignoring that train of thought.
Riddler attacked her when I was there. Joker appeared after I dropped her off. I made her unlucky. I got her hurt.
It’d be easier to ignore that train of thought if it weren’t so fucking loud.
Time felt blurry right now. Probably because he was tired. But soon he was dressed in a hoodie and sunglasses, disguised so he didn’t get mobbed by paparazzi while visiting his Angel in the hotel. He was pulling his shoes on when there was a knock at the door.
“What do you want?” The knocking bounced in his head and made it hurt. Maybe he had a migraine, he wasn’t sure.
“Such a nice way to say good morning Demon Spawn,” Todd strolled in like he fucking owned the place and leaned against the wall next to the door. Damian wondered what it’d be like to have Jon’s laser sight so he could glare at Todd and kill him.
“You didn’t have permission to come in.”
“I wanted to talk to you.”
“That doesn’t mean you get to.”
“Tough shit,” Todd rolled his eyes. “…You… alright?”
Damian narrowed his eyes at him. “Why are you asking something like that?”
“Your friend got attacked and is leaving the city because of a target on her back. Which, while I did point out that you called her a petname in front of Joker-“
“It isn’t a petname-“
“-It isn’t your fault.”
The words starkly contrasted Damian’s internal beliefs and he had to blink a few moments to make sure what he heard was real. Because what the fuck? Why would Todd try to convince him his fuck up somehow wasn’t his fucking fault!?
“It’s… not my fault that I stupidly revealed a relationship connection to a civilian in front of one of the worst villains this city has suffered?”
“Okay, that was all you, smartass,” Todd sighed. “but the other shit isn’t your fault. You didn’t hurt her, the fucked up clown did. You didn’t put her in danger, her fucking teacher and class did by abandoning her. You’re at fault for your actions, not other people’s, so if you’re blaming yourself then fucking stop. Freckles’d probably get upset if you were using her to hate yourself.”
“What on this planet makes you think I’m doing that?!” Damian’s voice rose in a snap, hypocritically, because he realized as he spoke the words that he… kind of was doing that.
Fucking feelings and fucking worry and fucking weeds in his head were the reason, of course, but he… was… fuck, he’s tired isn’t he?
“I died, Demon Spawn.” Damian raised a brow at Todd, waiting for the halfwit to continue. “Bruce and I… aren’t on the best of terms, but I did realize he… he did that. Where what Joker did was his fault. I’m not happy the fucker is still alive, but that doesn’t mean Bruce was the one who killed me. No that was all Joker.”
“What does that have to do with anything again?” Damian really just wanted Todd out of his room and not talking about things in the past. He totally understood his point and everything, but it wasn’t anything a gallon sized bottle of weedkiller wouldn’t fix.
“Wow, you must be really tired, damn,” the fucker smirked before his expression changed into something less asshole-ish. “I’m saying that if you’re blaming yourself for what the Joker did to Freckles, stop it. The fucker lost a leg and she’s on her way to the hotel from the hospital now.”
Wait what?
“Wait what?!” Damian wasn’t even sure which one he was reacting to – the news that Angel was okay or the news that the Joker was permanently damaged.
Angel’s self defense might’ve permanently helped Gotham?!
Okay maybe he knew what he was reacting to.
Todd turned to leave like a fucking dickhead and Damian could hear the smirk in his voice as he walked away. “Check the news for the Joker thing and ask Alfred to take you to Freckles in like an hour.”
Damian was smart enough to realize that not checking out of spite for Todd would only disadvantage himself.
He still only checked a couple minutes later though. After glaring at his phone willing himself to somehow know without checking.
He needing headache pills.
The Unnamed Teenager That Defeated The Riddler Cripples Joker!
Just days after beating The Riddler at his own game, the same teenage girl holds off The Joker until Batman arrives!
“We had to amputate him below the knee,” Arkham doctor says. “There was too much glass in the wound, it cut several muscles, tendons, and arties. The shattered bone didn’t help.”
French Teenager Unavailable for Comment.
[Read More]
Damian had snuck through the lobby up to his Angel’s room. Some of her classmates were downstairs, but he hadn’t paid much attention to them, not caring at the moment.
The last memory he had of her was the blood on her hands and tears in her eyes before she fell to the floor. He wanted to change that, wanted to maybe even see if he could get her to smile. Though that felt ambitious…
He just… needed to make sure she was okay.
Damian knocked on Marinette’s hotel room door.
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heliads · 4 years ago
Radio Silence Chapter Four: I Verify
Poe Dameron has been assigned to work as an intel receiver to Acer, a Resistance recon agent. They’ve only ever talked through the comms, so when she’s captured by First Order troops he assumes she’s lost forever. When Poe accidentally rescues the absolutely infuriating Resistance spy Y/N L/N from a First Order Star Destroyer, he knows she’s got nothing do with with Acer. Right?
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Poe waits. Y/N does not show up. To be honest, he’s not sure why he cares. He’s only met her a few hours ago, and they’ve been clashing ever since. Yet there was still something strange about seeing that brief flash of unease in her eyes, the waver in her voice when she was questioning Leia. Stormtroopers and the threat of torture back in her First Order cell were never enough to shake her, yet something at the base had washed all of that away. Isn’t that something to be concerned about?
Poe watches the corridors, the rooms, the training centers, but Y/N is conspicuously absent from all of them. It’s not like he’s actively trying to search her out, he just keeps noticing that she isn’t there. If he went to all of the trouble of breaking her out of a First Order Star Destroyer, he should at least know that she’s alright, right? He sounds like a lunatic.
After a couple of days, Poe finally sees her. She’s walking purposefully through the corridors of the base, listening to some coworker yammer on next to her. When Y/N’s eyes catch on him, she seems to hesitate for a second, then she raises a hand in greeting. Poe smiles in return, and just like that, the moment is over. Poe isn’t sure what he was expecting- he and Y/N had been fighting almost all of the time they spent on the Needle. So what if they had been civil on the base- did he really expect that they would trade insults in front of Leia? Nothing’s changed except the location, and Poe shouldn’t find himself disappointed that it hasn’t.
Life on the base goes on as normal. Poe sees rebels sent out on missions, they return with more scars and tales of high-stakes chases through the stars. Eventually, Poe gets tired of sitting around and politicking with Leia’s advisors, so he puts in a request for an off-base mission. He doesn’t know how long he’ll have to wait, but at least the prospect of leaving this system is somewhere in reach. 
The mission ends up coming around sooner than he’d expected- barely a week goes by before Poe finds himself packing for another expedition. He’ll be taking his trusty X-Wing this time, no more sublight cruises or Mandalorian Needles. To be honest, Poe is okay with this- if there’s only room for him, there’s no chance that he’s bringing back snarky mechanic spy officers who can rival his knowledge of ship parts or be able to bother him with a single smirk and step.
As Poe is tossing his gear into his X-Wing, he notices someone walking up behind him. He turns to see Y/N, arms swinging casually at her sides as she takes in the ship. “Have you been downgraded from the Needle?” She asks, grinning. Poe ignores the sarcastic grin. “The Needle was temporary, the X-Wing is my favorite. If you say anything bad about her I’ll kick your ass myself.” Y/N raises her eyebrows. “Defensive, I see. Does that mean a lot of people have said bad things about your X-Wing or are you just very prepared?”
Poe turns to look at her, folding his arms across his chest. “Are you always this exasperating or is it just for me?” Y/N grins like a lynx. “What, are you asking if you’re special to me? Not a chance. I just wanted to see if Finn was going with you or not.” Poe leans up against the metal fuselage of his ship. “That’s a good excuse, but I’m pretty sure that you came all the way out to the hanger just to see me off.”
Y/N rolls her eyes. “I was so excited to see you leave that I couldn’t help myself. Don’t take it too seriously.” Poe flashes her a grin. “It’s okay, sweetheart. I know you’ll miss me.” With that, he jumps up into the X-Wing, holding back a laugh at the sound of Y/N’s outraged retorts. Yet when he checks one last time over his shoulder as he flies out of the hanger, he notices that Y/N is still watching him go, a soft smile on her lips. Maybe she wasn’t so unfeeling after all.
The mission itself is nothing major. He’s not going into the Kinoss system or anywhere near Starkiller Base, just treading lightly on the outskirts of the Unknown Regions. There’s a backup copy of Resistance data files that needs to be collected and brought back to base. It contains lists of recon officers and spies, their assigned locations, and everything they’ve been able to find out over the last month. To put it simply, it is imperative that Poe finds this data file and brings it back before the First Order catches wind of its presence.
BB-8 whistles at him from over his shoulder, and Poe grins. “No, I’m not worried. This isn’t like Kinoss, we shouldn’t have to get anywhere near a Star Destroyer. Nothing’s going to happen.” There’s a whirring and clicking, and Poe shoots the droid a look over his shoulder. “Will you stop talking about her? She was just there to get in one final jibe in case I died, and I’m not going to die, so it’s no big deal.” He pauses for a second, listening to the series of beeps, then speaks again. “If you don’t drop this I’m going to send you over to Finn and get a new droid that doesn’t bother me all the time. Yes, I’m joking, stop your chatter.”
Poe touches down just outside of some backwater town. It’s not so different from the planet D’Qar, where the Resistance base is currently hidden, or even Yavin 4. Manageable gravity, only one sun, except there are significantly fewer forests and more of these massive stone outcroppings that block off the sun to create areas of shadow on the ground that are miles long. Farms have to be built on moving bases so that they can constantly stay in the sun as the sun passes overhead, forever shifting back and forth to avoid the shade of the stone cliffs.
Poe received intel that the data files were stored in a cave on the northeastern part of the planet, in a hollow in a rock face. He’s been sent the exact coordinates, and he makes his way deliberately along the surface of the planet, dodging behind large crags of rock whenever stormtroopers or civilians pass his way. He doesn’t want to be spotted, because he won’t be able to talk his way out of this one. A Resistance officer getting caught on a city planet is understandable, but here? He would obviously be hiding something.
After about half a standard hour of walking, Poe finds the cave entrance. He flicks on a lightstick from his multitool, shining it around. His eyes quickly catch on a plasteel crate tucked away under a rock ledge, and he hurries over to it, picking it up and carrying it out of the cave. Once he gets out into the light once more, Poe can recognize the faded Resistance insignia, and he knows he has the right box. Just to be careful, though, he opens up the box once he’s back inside his X-Wing, telling BB-8 to pilot him back so that Poe can direct his full attention to the crate.
The box is empty except for one datapad. Curious, Poe lifts it from the box, flicking it on and allowing a wash of bluish white light to cascade over his face in the dark of space. BB-8 whistles something from behind him, and Poe waves a hand dismissively at the small droid. “I’m sure it’s fine that I look at this. I have to make sure it isn’t a First Order decoy, right?” Besides, Poe makes knowing things a habit in the Resistance, and he’d like to make sure he stays on top of things. Even without his pride, however, there’s still a fairly good reason to check the files: they might contain something on Acer.
This is wrong, yes. He shouldn’t be checking it, shouldn’t know anything about her at all. But he isn't interested in finding out the name, only the status. If she’s dead or still considered missing, the file will state it. After a few minutes of paging through the data sets, Poe finds the entry he’s looking for: Sender code name: Acer. Receiver code name: Bravo. This is her. At first, Poe’s eyes flick over to the status bar, and he feels his chest fill with silent, overwhelming gratitude when he reads the few words labeled there: Alive. Returned to base. But then he keeps reading, and Poe feels a sudden piercing shock drive through him like a vibroblade.
His real name is there as the receiver: Poe Dameron. Next to that, though, is her name. Acer’s real name. Sender: Y/N L/N. Poe leans his head back, letting it thunk against the seat. For a second, he can’t think about anything at all. His eyes watch as the stars flick past behind him, but he isn’t taking in a thing. Then all of the emotions hit him at once. Acer is Y/N. Y/N is Acer. This must be what she was talking about that day, wasn’t it? Poe had told her that he was Bravo, that he was Acer’s receiver. Of course she had seemed stunned, she was going through the same revelation that Poe is undertaking right now.
But it’s different for Poe. Y/N had only had to realize that the man in front of her was Bravo, and she had chosen to not say anything. She had kept it entirely to herself, except for a frenzy of questions delivered to Leia. Why hadn’t she said anything? Yes, they’d been arguing for a while back on the Needle, but that wasn’t enough for her to damn him to never knowing if she was dead or alive. Why would she have lied to him?
By the time Poe is docking at the Resistance hanger once more, his anger and betrayal have faded into an overwhelming numbness. He walks over to Leia at the command center, handing her the box with the data files still securely inside. He doesn’t say anything more than he has to, and then he leaves the room once more. Poe has scarcely gone ten paces from the room when Y/N rounds the corner, and a cocky smile lights up her face at the sight of him. Poe can’t bring himself to return it, even when she hurries over to him.
“Look who it is, the returning hero! I thought I’d have a little longer until you came back. I think I might be disappointed.” On any other day, Poe would have scoffed, and said something about how every minute in that ship away from her was a blessing, but he stays silent today. Instead, he looks over at her, starting to veer away from the hallway and towards a door leading to an empty room. “I need to talk to you.” Y/N’s grin falters at the look on his face, at the stiffness of his words.
“Sure, Dameron. I’m a little worried now.” She follows him into the room and Poe closes the door behind him once he makes sure that they’re alone. When he turns back from the door, Y/N is facing him, the soft light of the room hanging over her eyes in a gentle wash of brightness. “What’s wrong?” She asks. Poe just looks at her coolly. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He doesn’t have to say anything more- Y/N knows what he’s talking about. Her gaze falls away, and when she speaks again, her voice is quiet. “You know.”
Poe feels a surge of anger starting to twist up in him once more. “Of course I know. How long were you planning on keeping this from me? A month, a year? What, you thought you could never tell me and it would be okay? I would have spent the rest of my life thinking that my Acer, my best friend, was dead or tortured, and you were fine with that.” He breaks off, shaking his head. “I would never have done that to you.”
Guilt is spun around Y/N’s every feature, but it hurts too much to look at her. “I wanted to tell you, but I know you wouldn’t want to hear it. Not from me.” She laughs, the sound twisted and broken in the quiet room. “You would never have wanted to find out like that. What, that ‘your Acer’ was the girl you’d spent the last few hours hating and arguing with on that ship? If I had told you, you would have wished I kept it to myself. When you told me you were Bravo I realized that Leia had never told you, and I figured it would be best if I went along with it. You would never have wanted it to be me, not in a million years.”
Poe just stares at her. “What, you thought that this was you doing the right thing? Maybe I would have been surprised, but you don’t get to decide how I would have felt. You don’t know what I would have said, so you made the choice for me.” Poe rakes a hand through his already disheveled hair. “Stars, I don’t know anything about you.” Y/N’s gaze turns cold. “No, you really don’t.” With that, she turns and walks from the room. Were it not for the hunch in her shoulders, Poe would have thought she was fine. Yet he can still see it in her stance, in the rhythm of her steps as she walks away. He’s really done it now.
Poe waits until he can no more, slipping away from his quarters to go find Y/N. He’s not sure what he would say to her- apologize? Promise he’s not going to leave? But it doesn’t look like he’ll get the chance- no matter where he goes, Poe cannot find her. Eventually, some comms officer notices him walking back and forth down the halls and offers to help him out. When Poe explains that he’s looking for Y/N, the officer visibly winces.
“I’m sorry, Dameron, but Recon Agent L/N left on a mission two standard hours ago. It was really hush-hush, almost nobody knew except Leia and a few others. All I can tell you is that she was in a team with two other soldiers, and they were going somewhere in the Core Worlds.” Poe starts. “But that’s in the middle of First Order territory. That’s practically suicide.” The officer nods sympathetically. “It’s dangerous, that’s for sure. It’s a shame you didn’t get to see her off, I thought I saw her looking for you. Well, keep your hopes up. I’m sure she’ll be back here before we know it.”
The officer continues on down the corridor, leaving Poe reeling in his head. That was why Y/N wanted to see him- to tell him about the mission. And how had he left her, minutes before she left on what would probably be the most dangerous mission of her life? With angry words and accusations of betrayal. He wishes he could take it back, redo that moment. Even his anger from before seems dull and pale now. 
What if Poe never sees her again? What if that was his last moment with Y/N, with Acer, and he just left a broken memory with the most important girl in his life?
radio silence tag list: @kesskirata​, @ubri812​, @itsnottilly​, @20th-centu-fairy-girl​, @imabeautifulbutterfly​, @cp11​, @chocolitelady​
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nothingbutimagines · 4 years ago
Last Christmas (Wanda Maximoff)
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Warning: a bit of cursing, mentions of unrequited love, bit of angst and fluff
Summary: Last Christmas, Y/n spent the night heartbroken and crying in the bathroom after Wanda rejected her at Tony’s Christmas party. This year, Y/n tries her best to put the past behind her, while Wanda refuses to go without saying why she didn’t reciprocate Y/n’s feelings.
Author: Dizzy
A/N: Wham! The fourth day of ficmas has come with a bit of heartache after many many days of fluff. As always, I am taking requests as I clean out my inbox and the holiday season comes and goes. 
Masterlist Request Any Of These Peter Parker/Tom Holland Masterlist
“You okay, sweetheart?” Tony asked from beside you, his hand on your lower back as he made his way around to face you. “You’ve seemed a bit off all night.”
You nodded, setting down your champagne flute on the bar table beside you. “I’m fine, Tony.” 
“This wouldn’t have anything to do with the reason you and Wanda have been making awkward eye contact all night, would it?” 
“You observant bastard.” You cursed, giving him a smirk. 
“I like to think of myself as a pretty intelligent guy.”
“Yes, so intelligent I had to point it out to him.” Natasha added, walking up behind Tony, a smirk matching your own on her face. 
“Guys, really, I’m fine.” You insisted, unsure of if you really meant it. 
“You know, it’s okay if you’re not.” Natasha reached out, rubbing your arm with her hand. 
“Oh, we’re getting emotional. I’ll leave you to it.” Tony nodded to Natasha before giving you a shy smile and walking away. 
“I had a feeling he didn’t really mean to come check on me.” You forced a small laugh.
“No, of course not. He’s not a very good actor, is he?” Natasha laughed along with you, leaning against the table as she took Tony’s place. “He was in such a hurry he left his scotch. You want some?”
She held the crystal glass out to you to take, only for you to shake your head. She shrugged, downing the last of what was left in the glass before setting it back down. 
“Shit. He wasn’t wrong, that was fantastic scotch.” She chuckled, attempting to lighten the dark cloud that seemed to be looming over you. 
You looked past her, catching Wanda’s eyes once more before the other woman looked away quickly, as if she hadn’t wanted to be seen. 
“Hey, don’t worry about her. We won’t be repeating last Christmas if we can help it.” Natasha placed a hand on your arm, getting your attention once more. 
You tore your eyes away from Wanda, who was occasionally glancing at you from her peripheral and turned your gaze back to Natasha, who was studying your expression closely. 
“I just wish she would at least talk to me.” 
“It’s kind of hard to do that. Especially when you two have barely spoken since last year.”
“That isn’t my fault.” 
“I never said it was anyone’s fault.” 
Natasha glanced over her shoulder at Wanda before she turned back to you. She fully took your hand in hers, her other hand resting on your elbow as she took a step back, pulling you away from the table. 
“Come on,” She spoke softly, giving you a reassuring smile, “Let’s take a step outside for a second, get some fresh air.” 
“Nat, it’s freezing.”
“That’s why God invented coats.” She glanced back at you, a smirk on her face as she rolled her eyes and guided you towards the patio doors. 
“I think Eddie Bauer created the first coat.” 
“And who created Eddie Bauer?”
“His father who didn’t pull out?”
“Wrong. God.” 
“You don’t even believe in God.” 
“Doesn’t mean I can’t use him to get you to come outside with me.” Natasha shrugged, letting go of your hand to pull two coats off of the rack by the door. 
You took the coat from her, shaking it in your hand. “This coat isn’t mine.”
“Who cares? We’re just going outside for a minute.” 
You shrugged and pulled the maroon coat over you, watching as she pulled on a leather jacket three sizes too big. 
“You look ridiculous.” You chuckled, following her through the sliding glass doors and onto the ice covered patio. 
“I think I look quite stylish.” She pulled the jacket around her tightly. “I’m pretty sure it’s Steve’s. He’s the only lunatic who would wear a leather jacket in New York winter.” 
“I don’t think you should be calling him a lunatic when you dragged me out here in nothing but a dress and someone else’s coat.”
“We needed somewhere more private to talk.”
“And we couldn’t just talk in the bathroom?”
“I didn’t want to return to the scene of the crime.” 
Your smile fell off your face as you nodded. “Right.” 
“Y/n,” Natasha took a step toward you, huddling close.
“I was going to say something helpful, but I forgot because of how cold it is out here.”
You laughed lightly, pulling her closer to you, immersing yourself in the warmth you shared. “I expect nothing less.”
“I’m starting to agree this was a dumb idea.” Natasha admitted, laughing softly. “But, I will say this,” She moved to look you in the eyes, “I know it’s hard to deal with someone not reciprocating your feelings, but you are the strongest and most beautiful girl I know. It is not your loss, but hers.”
“Thanks, Nat.” 
“You know I’m always going to be there for you. Except for right now, because I am really cold and I really have to pee.” 
You rolled your eyes and cracked a smile. “I can’t believe you.”
“Just stay here and I’ll be right back! We’ll talk more in a second!” 
You laughed as you watched her pull away from you, taking quick and careful steps around the ice patches on the patio as she made her way to the door, opening it and slipping into the warm air. You gave her a small wave before turning back around, facing the view of the city as you shivered in the wind.
You couldn’t help but drift off into deep thought as you watched the lights of the city twinkle in the distance. Your mind kept bringing you back to the Christmas before, as much as you tried to fight the thought of how you spent the night locked in the bathroom, sobbing and how you had gotten so anxious, Natasha had to spend the night with you, holding your hair back as you vomited. 
You weren’t one to hold grudges, always opting to forgive and forget, but you could never shake that night off no matter how hard you had tried. 
It wasn’t that you hated Wanda, you didn’t, but you could never get over her nor the situation you had been put in that night. You couldn’t get over the way she has kissed you that night on the balcony and when you told her you wanted to be with her, she said nothing, just shook her head, stammering to herself. 
“Oh, so that’s where my coat went.” 
“I’m sorry, my friend-” You turned around, tugging at the jacket before looking up to meet the person’s eyes. “Wanda.”
“Hi, Y/n.” She gave you a shy smile, wearing a coat you recognized as your own as she stood in front of the doors. 
“I see you have my coat.”
“And I see you have mine.”
You slipped the coat off your shoulders as you walked towards her, the coat in your outstretched hand. “Here, you can have it back, I’m going back inside anyway.” 
“Y/n, please, just put it back on. I came out here to talk to you.” 
“I don’t think we have anything to talk about.” You shook your head. “Just take the coat so I can go inside.” 
Wanda pushed your hand back towards you. “Y/n, you’ve been exchanging looks with me all night. Let’s just talk about this.”
“What if I don’t want to talk about it, Wanda?” You replied, your tone a bit snappy. “Can’t you just accept that?”
“No, I can’t just accept that! You’ve been avoiding me all year and won’t say a word to me!” 
“And you never said a word to me, either!” You argued, shoving the coat into her hands. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go.”
“Y/n, wait.” Wanda grabbed your arm lightly as you pushed past her. 
You wanted to yank your arm from her hands, but couldn’t do it as you took a step forward. You could feel your foot slip from underneath you, sending you down to the ground along with Wanda, who was still holding onto you. 
“Shit!” You groaned, falling onto your back, the ice cold and wet as it soaked into your dress and Wanda’s warm body landing on top of you, almost knocking the wind out of you. 
“Well, I guess this was one way of getting you to stay.” Wanda chuckled awkwardly, looking down at you. 
“Oh my god, get off of me!”
“Not until you let me talk to you!” 
“If I agree to let you talk to me, will you give me a coat to wear? I’m going to die of hypothermia out here.”
“Okay, then I’ll talk to you.” You agreed rather reluctantly. “That means you can get off of me now.”
Wanda blushed and nodded. “Oh, right! Right.” 
She rolled off of you, sitting up herself as she slipped off your jacket and handing it to you before putting her own back on. 
“Y/n, I just want to start by saying I’m really sorry for what happened last year. I really mean that. I know you’re upset that we never talked about it, and you have every right to be, but I need to tell you that I was never going to say no to you.”
“Your silence was enough of an answer.”
“I don’t know if you remember, but you didn’t just like confess your love to me, you kissed me first.”
“That was because we were under a mistletoe and Tony was drunkenly yelling at us to kiss!” 
“I know, but we can both agree that Tony only said that because he thought it would be a show. And we could’ve both say no, but we didn’t.”  Wanda corrected, sighing softly as she looked up at the sky. “So, you can understand my surprise when you told me you reciprocated the feelings I had for you. That I had been having for you.”
“But, you never-”
“Said anything, I know. And I had never planned on saying anything. I just thought I would keep it to myself until something happened and when it did, I froze. I didn’t know what to say and while I was standing there, tripping over my words as I tried to find the right ones, you ran away from me, crying.” 
You tried to think back to the moment, but you couldn’t remember the exact details of it all. All you could remember was your drunk tears staining Natasha’s sleeve and sleeping on the bathroom floor. 
“I never meant to hurt your feelings by not saying anything,” Wanda continued, “but you had ran away before I could tell you how I felt and by the time I finally had the chance to say anything, when I had found the right words, you had already locked yourself away and wouldn’t talk to me.” 
“But, Wanda, you had so much time to talk to me, so many chances. Why didn’t you?” 
“Because I couldn’t just swallow my own pride and explain myself. I felt that it was easier having you hate me than tell you how I felt and have you reject me like you thought I had done to you.” 
You could see a tear fall from Wanda’s glossy eyes. You wanted so desperately to reach out and touch her, to tell her it was okay, but you weren’t sure it was. 
“I know you probably don’t feel the same, and that’s fine, but I just want you to know that I did feel the same way and I still do. I couldn’t get over it, or over you.” She sniffed softly, wiping her nose with the back of her hand as she began to stand up. “I should probably go. I won’t hold you hostage any longer.”
She walked past you slowly, trying not to slip on the ice as you grabbed her hand quickly. She looked down at you, just as shocked by the gesture as you were. 
“Wait, please.” You begged, standing up slowly. “I’m sorry, too. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions and I also should’ve been more forgiving and understanding of the position I put you in.” 
“Y/n, you shouldn’t have to apologize.”
“No, I want to.” You insisted, looking down at your hand that was still in hers. “I also want to say that I never got over you, either. I just couldn’t. I like you a lot, Wanda. I always have.” 
You could hear her laugh softly, watching her feet as she took a step towards you and grabbed your face with her free hand. 
“I don’t think you understand how much I have been dying for you to say that.” She smiled, lifting your face up to look at her.
You mirrored her smile, leaning into her hand as you took a step towards her, only for your foot to slip once more. You grabbed her by the coat, pulling the other girl down with you, once again having you in the same position she did earlier. 
“We have got to stop ending up like this.” Wanda giggled, her hands rested beside the two sides of your head. 
“Just shut up and kiss me already.” 
Wanda smiled, leaning in close to you before you leaned forward, connecting your lips. 
You could feel yourself melt into her, smiling softly into the kiss as she pushed herself into you. 
“Sorry I took so long there was a super long line to the bathr-” Natasha cut herself off as she walked onto the patio. “Oh. Sorry.” 
You pulled away from Wanda quickly, looking at Natasha with wide eyes. 
“I’m just gonna-” Natasha pointed to the door, turning on her heel and walking away as Wanda fell into a fit of giggles, rolling off of you. 
“That was embarrassing.” You blushed. 
“Oh, lighten up.” Wanda smiled, pulling you close once more.
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