hey look what i finally colored in
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albireon · 1 month
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got a new wire for my tablet so i dont have to restart my computer every 5 minutes while drawing YAAAY heres some of my favorite characters to celebrate
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Makeup dump ft. I Fucking Told You This Was Gonna Be Their Best Song Yet I Cannot Believe It Is Finally Out
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wantonlywindswept · 2 years
Good Dad Paz ficlet
i;’m fukkin. sobbing. apparently all i needed to write was an episode of mandalorians being DADS and loving their kids who knew
Post 3.1 canon divergence, Paz decides to go after Din on his epic roadtrip to Mandalore. din is sir not appearing in this ficlet
Mando’a I decided didn’t have an acceptable substitute in English that vibed:
alor: title indicating a leader
The day after Din left, when the Armorer reminded them that redemption could only be achieved through the Living Waters, Paz's first thought was, 'What kind of fool would go to a poisoned planet?'
His second thought was the horrifying realization that Din was absolutely that kind of fool.
Then Paz immediately started packing, because apparently so was he.
"Do you go to aid him, or to dissuade him?" the Armorer asked, standing on the landing pad below as he shoved supplies into the battered Z-95 Headhunter. It had taken another day just to requisition the ship, waiting for its return from offworld while Din's trail grew ever colder. The covert only had a few ships available and most were constantly in use; Paz's decision to requisition the starfighter had not been looked upon kindly.
"When has he ever done anything but what he wanted?" he grunted, wedging his assault cannon into the space behind the Headhunter's seat. He'd scrounged together enough supplies to last him a week, pulled mostly from his own reserves, and had items for barter stowed away should he make landfall on a populated planet. 
"He is an apostate," the Armorer pointed out, "Which makes him no longer our concern."
"He's an idiot," Paz countered, "And he'll get both himself and his child killed if he goes to that cursed planet."
He finished stowing the last of his supplies and jumped down, landing heavily in front of her. She regarded him silently as he straightened.
"Do I have permission to leave, alor?" he asked stiffly. 
Paz wasn't sure what he would do if she said no. He hadn't really thought that far ahead: a common failing of his, to do things without first thinking them through. He approached life fists first and blasters second, and most problems were solved through judicial application of one or the other.
That method never had really worked on Din, though, no matter how much they tried it with each other.
The Armorer considered him a few moments longer before inclining her head, and Paz felt just a moment of relief before she spoke again.
"Do you agree with Din Djarin's choice?"
He blinked.
"Had it been your child in danger," the Armorer enunciated, "Would you have removed your helmet as he did?"
Paz stiffened. His gaze darted past her, to the edge of the landing pad, where Ragnar waited patiently to say goodbye.
Paz hadn't known, on Glavis, why Din had removed his helmet. All he'd felt was anger - not unusual, when it came to Din - and stomach-churning envy - also not unusual - from seeing the Darksaber finally returned to Mandalorian hands. Hands that weren't a Vizsla's, for all that Paz thought the damned thing was cursed. Hands that didn't understand what they held; hands that were, in the end, not Mandalorian at all.
And that had been the sharpest cut, a grieving wound reopened: to realize that one of his brothers, returned from the dead, hadn't actually been returned to him at all. 
Paz now owed Din a life debt; that was not in question. Din had saved his son, and Paz would repay that a hundred times over, a thousand times over, knowing that Ragnar lived because of his actions. He would protect Din's child or protect the fool himself, would walk on the surface of a death-trap of a planet and follow Din wherever he needed to go, because that was the least the man was owed for saving his child.
What wouldn't Paz do for his son?
The Armorer waited for his response, hands clasped in front of her. 
Paz looked away.
"I think," he said quietly, "That neither of us would like the answer to that question."
The Armorer said nothing. After a moment she turned to walk back into the caves; Paz let out a low breath and wondered if he, too, might need the absolution of the Living Waters.
Ragnar scampered over once it was clear that departure was imminent, and Paz didn't have to force a smile as he knelt down, gathering the boy into his arms as he barreled into him. 
"You're leaving now?" Ragnar asked, only a hint of a pout in his voice. He'd come a long way from the shaking, anxious boy that Paz had found, blossoming in the safety of the covert's care and Paz's own gentle guidance. "To find the Hunter?"
"To fulfill a debt," Paz agreed. 
Ragnar made an unhappy noise.
"It should be mine," he said, not for the first time. "It's my life that was saved, I should be the one with the life debt. I can pay it!"
Paz chuckled, leaning down to press their foreheads together, beskar connecting in a quiet singing note.
"You're still too young, and unless I go after him now, there will be no Hunter to repay. You are my foundling, and it is my place and privilege to take care of you. Understand?"
Ragnar sighed, and grumbled, and leaned back just so that he could tap their helmets together again.
"This is the Way," he agreed morosely.
Paz smiled and chucked him gently under the chin.
"This is the Way."
pt 2
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soup--champ · 1 year
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pirakeet · 8 months
For an unknown amount of time this setting has stopped my posts from showing up in any tag:
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I'm sharing this incase anyone else misunderstands what this means
Enabled - Your tagged posts will not show up in any tag, essentially shadowbanning yourself. - You will not be searchable on tumblr to some degree - You most likely won't show up on search engines outside of tumblr. Disabled: - People will actually see your damn posts - But so can the internet To anyone this is common sense to: Valid. But I didn't immediately recognise a tag as ''searching for tagged posts'' and just assumed ''i guess it will be harder to search for my blog name, but who cares i just wanna be less visible off this platform"
So just sharing incase anyone else's brain does the thing.
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crustaceousfaggot · 2 years
"Turns out that Rusty Quill is actually awful at communication and has done some deeply scummy things"
Everyone in the Creating The Line discord server:
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equinesandeducation · 2 years
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Another wonderful Líf update! She’s back in the big herd, bandage free and living her best life 🥹
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Finally sitting down to read my book all about microphone placement and recording, eating Cheezits. La dolce vita.
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astro-b-o-y-d · 1 year
okay this might be a dumb question but is the fanfic you’re writing uploaded anywhere? i wanna read it!
Ahahaha...not quite.
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You see, Triangulum is still a WIP, one I've been working on for over a YEAR. And I'm waiting until I at least have a few chapters finished before I start publishing.
BUT!! Hopefully I should start posting it before the end of the year! I've finished the final draft of the prologue AND I'm almost done with the final draft of chapter one! So it's only a matter of time before my work can finally see the light of day.
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le-velo-pour-dru · 1 year
I'm genuinely so concerned about the fact that I don't have motivation for my creative hobbies anymore ._. I don't know what happened, and I don't know how to get back into them, and it freaks me out
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loulou3010 · 1 year
Hey guys .I have been drawing cats (on ibis paint x) for iver a year and i wanted to make a redraw of my first drawing .My first fanart was of cinderpelt just walking .And now i made her again .Hope you like it .
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nodameshield · 2 years
this gd scene keeps getting cut out of every flc i try to add her into, so i’ve decided fuck it, I’m gonna share it and you decide where in the ‘verse you want it to be. it fits just about anywhere at this point so, have at it. the train scene my beloved.  ::::
(M rated! proceed with caution if you’re not into that!) thank you for reading !! ♡
“Fuck,” Goh sighs, breathily, biting his fist in a poor attempt to keep his moan at bay.
Ash hums, interested, “not a bad idea,” he teasingly murmurs, trailing open-mouthed kisses down Goh’s throat, his tongue coming out to sweep over already heated skin.
Goh groans, mortified. “Ash,” he keens, not actually trying to push the aforementioned away, “Ash,” he repeats, “we’re on a train!” he finally says, although he is struggling to remember why that is relevant at all.
Ash is undeterred. “Okay,” he allows, sounding more humorous than he should, “so maybe it’s a bit of a bad idea.” Though certainly that won’t stop him. “But I’m sure we can manage?” he hints, eyes mischievous, glinting with fire, and hungry for Goh.
Hating himself a little, Goh tries to push away, holding onto whatever little willpower he’s got left, watching it diminish in slow motion as Ash presses his hands harder to Goh’s hip-bones. “Ash,” he groans again, “come on—get off me already…”
To be fair, it had been Goh who’d started it. Indulging in a make-out moment graced by their Pokémon lounging in one of the common train compartments, and the momentary privacy of their own cabin. They were supposed to be dropping their things off, join the Pokémon for lunch and playing and…and they were gonna do just that …. in a second … they could get away with a kiss or two before that … right?
Goh reconsiders his intentions as Ash palms over his pants. He groans a third time, resolve evaporating as sweat breaks on his temple.
Well, he couldn’t say it hadn’t gone according to plan. “We’ll make a mess,” Goh complains, wrinkling his nose lightly, but all the same pulling Ash into him, grinding into the contact and offering some friction as well. He’s all up for it, really. It’s more the technicalities that bother him.
Luckily, Ash has never—would never—care for those. “We can use a—” *ugh, he hates he’s even saying this, but “—*a condom.” Ash bites, without much heat, for currently his main concern is unbuttoning Goh’s pants, and not so much whatever conditions his end-goal might require.
Momentarily pausing the mood, Goh raises a skeptic eyebrow. “You are suggesting a condom?” he baffles. Wow, he thinks, strange things do happen in Kalos.
Ash rolls his eyes, leaning back to address Goh with some sarcasm of his own. “We are on a moving train.” It’s far from practical, but it’s also far from the weirdest place they’d gotten intimate in. “I figured it’d be more comfortable… you know, considering…”
Goh kisses away the light scowl that’s begun forming on Ash’s face at his rant. One, two, three gentle sweeps of the tongue, getting him back into the rhythm, which, luckily, isn’t hard for them to do. “Thank you,” Goh breaths, sweetly against Ash’s mouth, “that’s thoughtful,” he smiles.
Ash smiles back, then throws a nervous side-glance. “Yeah, I don’t think I actually have any, though,” he sheepishly admits.
Ash really hates them, and though he usually keeps a spare in his wallet—for a situation just like this one,—they’d used it up a few weeks back, when they not-so-wisely decided to fool around in the middle of the woods. (No. He won’t be referring to that episode. Yes. It was a good time. Thank you.)
Goh grants point for trying. “There’s a few on my bag, over there…”
Despite the technicalities, the mood isn’t lost and, if anything, it feeds on their energy, on laughter and off-site kisses, hasty hands and wait a second, I gotta get the—ah!
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mudboyman · 4 months
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Light answers a tough question
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s0up1ta · 2 months
toxic yaoi or something idk i haven't watched gravity falls
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christadeguchi · 3 months
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make men slutty again.
HEAT STROKE | GQ CHINA Photographer: Wintam; Editor & Image: Shawn Gao Ding; Makeup: Lucas; Hair: Tao Liu; Art: Grade 2 & Lei Min; Art Assistant: Jiang Mi; Models: Kim; Ye Hao, Yu Hang, Ho Jun; Fashion Assistant: Yiyi, Coco; Photography Assistant: Li Zhenxi; Song Luanyi
bonus as rightfully added by @polyabathtub:
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