#No diets necessary
apnourry · 1 month
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it's a great color on me idc
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disabled-bug · 4 months
‼️ content warning for talking about (necessary, healthy) food restrictions ‼️
Please don’t be rude about somebody’s dietary restrictions.
Sometimes people don’t even notice it in the little comments about how gross vegan food is, how bad for you dairy-free milks are, how everything gluten-free tastes like cardboard…people don’t choose their food intolerances!!!!
I have to use a lot of substitutes for MEDICAL REASONS, and I’ve had people tell me to my face how gross that is. Vegan cheese tastes like glue. Oh, you have to try a gluten free diet? That’s so trendy now, but really you don’t have to. The food is so bland.
I do have to, actually. It’s discouraging to hear how inferior your food is when there’s no other option!!!!! Please try to be considerate of people’s non-negotiable needs.
Also don’t be mean to people who do choose their own dietary specifications, that should go without saying. Be considerate and respectful of what people have to eat!!!
With love, if nobody is practicing unsafe or dangerous eating habits, mind your business ❤️
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unopenablebox · 24 days
i should be clear that i'm pretty sure that consuming collagen is actually identical to consuming any other protein because it would be kind of weird and shocking tbh if the process of digestion left it in long enough chains that they retained something resembling collagen function? and even if that happened i'm not sure how or why you would... target...chopped-up pieces of collagens lacking most of the tertiary or secondary structure... to Specific Tissues?
it is good to make a broth that you cook long enough that it is full of dissolved collagen and other ECM, but that's because you've now made edible/bioavailable lots of protein that was previously potentially inaccessible to you in the connective tissue, and also because it's fun and satisfying when something gels when cooled
nutritionally i am like. 90% sure it is just protein. because how could it possibly work differently. it's technically not impossible that you could have... special... partly-broken-down collagen transporters.... but what the fuck
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not-gray-politics · 10 months
#I see so many transfems say they want to have “flat stomachs” or do diet and exercise regimes to try and get an “hourglass figure”#and it really worries me. girls you do not have to destroy yourselves to fit into unachievable beauty standards#the vast majority of cis women don't even fit those standards#and the same goes for you transmascs! I see you! I see you trying to get smaller chests and hurting yourselves with weight loss routines#and excessive workouts. it's not worth it. weight loss has OVER a 90% long-term failure rate and there's a reason for that#I assure you whatever diet you think you've found that “works for you” won't be working so well 5 years from now#and you're going to blame yourself for “slacking off”. but it's not you. it was never you. it was designed to fail.#these standards are made to hurt people and then sell them a false solution at the price of your health#I encourage you to transition if you'd like and live your best life I really do. but please please please do so SAFELY.#if weight loss is part of your transition goals please reevaluate WHY you believe thinness is necessary for achieving femininity#(or masculinity or androgyny but this stuff particularly affects women in the way it's marketed)#do research on fatphobia and the roots of weight loss culture. Learn where these ideas come from and why they're so prevalent.#It's extremely important#take care. stay safe. love you very much#trans#fat liberation#transgender#lgbt#trans rights#fat positivity#diet culture#fatphobia#transfem#trans positivity#transgirl#trans women#trans woman
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molliemoo3 · 9 months
Can someone go check on Jake Dennis and whoever the fuck OKed this?????
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birdricks · 9 months
doing my anatomy study is fucking torturous bc every time i read some shit like “birds dont have a diaphragm” my brains like “hmmmm…… birdperson…..” and then i end up thinking abt him instead of studying
#it is rlly fun tho. thinking deeply abt alien (bird guy) biology all the time#ok typing this bc its fun and counts as revision.#(if i get anything wrong idgaf. this is from memory)#birds only have tiny kinda rigid lungs so they have a bunch of air sacs instead for air to flow into#and no diaphragm! so they use the intercostal muscles to breathe in and out#which r like the muscles around the ribs#but also means if u squeeze them around the middle they cant breathe#birds also have a kinda weird digestive system due to not having teeth etc#but of course bp .. does. but his diet is similar to that of seed eating birds#we dont see him eat i dont think. ?#its possible he has a mixed style of digestive system.. with a stomach like a human and gizzard like a bird#assuming he just swallows seeds whole without chewing lol#hmmm… id say its probably more likely he just has a proventriculus/gizzard combo and maybe like. a larger proventriculus than normal birds#hard to say. we dont rlly know enough abt his diet ig#altho i imagine it to be omnivorous#also smth fun is birds often swallow stones to help digest seeds. now if he chewed it probably wouldnt be necessary. but think abt it. silly#ok take this w a pinchhh of salt. but diet aside the teeth could be used simply for speech.#i vaguely remember learning abt that in language.#also he does Canonically have a cloaca ! wont go into that rn. but hmmm. much to think abt.#basiclaly bp pussy reallllll#kinda.#in the ways that matter !#oooooh what else.#ooooh. yes. birds dont have vocal chords. they have a syrinx for vocalisation#but of coursee bp can talk.#butttt there are birds that can imitate human speech. so its possible bp just uses similar techniques for speech#but it also gives him a far greater control over his voice than most … making him perfect as the lead singer :]#oh and ummm. he veryyyy likely has hollow bones. so even tho hes huge hes deceptively light. TEE HEE#ok thats it. i need to actaully revise this shit now LOL#but ooohhgghhhg. i need him.
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bluesundaymorn · 3 months
Having a vegetarian dog is great until he will eat any and everything you put on your plate and suddenty he's eaten half of your brocolli and is still begging
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sonknuxadow · 4 months
Idk if you've already gotten to the point where it shows up or not, but there's one line from her that (probably unintentionally) implies she has an eating disorder, which is really messed up
the way i just looked up from the game to go "why the hell are they putting so much emphasis on amy wanting to lose weight" and saw this ask
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unexpected upside to this gruelling fodmap diet experience, a chronic skin condition I've been battling has just cleared up suddenly? like it was still in full swing last Sunday and now is completely gone for the first time ever since it first showed up
the diet still sucks and I can't wait for my guts to clear up so I can start eating fast food again but at least I'm getting a secondary benefit
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pussypopstiel · 8 months
Quick question. What is a “balanced diet” and how does someone have that
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sasskarian · 5 months
So apparently ozempic steals my ability to eat fresh tomatoes
...what the fuck, body
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sga-owns-my-soul · 6 months
Get To Know You Better Game!
y'all know the rules, answer the questions and do the tagging
thanks @chaniis-atlantis for the tag!!
Last song i listened to?
i was listening to a country radio station at work last so idk the actual song but the last song i played was Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash!
Currently watching?
im not currently watching any tv shows (unless you count house md but i stopped a while ago bc prime started giving me ads and fuck you im not paying to watch ads) but i have started watching awful archeology by miniminuteman on youtube and im really enjoying it!
Currently obsessed with?
im still on my sga bullshit, honestly don't think i'll ever be done with it and im happy with that lmao although i am also lowkey a bit obsessed with this new brand of dog/cat food that's becoming super popular here in canada, it's called open farm and they're incredibly transparent in the sense that you can trace the sourcing of EVERY SINGLE INGREDIENT in their products, they've got super high standards both for their ingredients and the sustainability and eco friendliness of the farms and suppliers they work with for their ingredients. sorry i'm sure this isn't what y'all meant but my job is my life and this brand is currently the fastest growing brand of pet food in canada and i'm in love with it and want to support it more
Tagging? (no pressure of course)
@the-mushroom-faerie @spurious @books-space-things @frostysfrenzy and anyone else who wants to do it!!!
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the-valiant-valkyrie · 7 months
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not tagging this because this is just for me and the homies but i found an image of the space museum simulations of how difficult it is for astronauts to sleep. in hindsight i wish i got video footage so you’ll just have to believe me when i say that solaris’ sleep schedule during the death engine is. um. to put it in her own words. lacking.
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pink-elefantz · 9 months
speaking as someone who grew up in a very nutritionally focused family (at least half of us have ocd) the whole ''heres this weeks findings on what foods are going to slowly kill u'' industry is infinitely more deadly than any food could ever be
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allthoseotherworlds · 8 months
It's not inherently problematic to let others know when something is triggering for you.
Like, obviously it's good to work on your issues and whatever, but therapy isn't some magic wand that instantly cures people with mental health problems.
I have made a lot of progress in therapy but while making that progress I still have to like. Exist in society.
It's not walking on eggshells if I, for example, ask my coworkers to avoid diet talk around me. They're not going to be perfect at it, but it's not unreasonable for me to ask them to consider it.
Yes, you are the only one you have any measure of control over, but in general people do actually try to be decent to each other a lot of the time and that's an important thing about society I think.
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fauxspirited · 10 months
i’m getting back into my gym routine, and i’m going to make sure i don’t fall out of it because my goal is to ACTUALLY lose 5lbs by the new year, and then my goal will be to keep it off.
before, i attempted to just restrict food because it seemed like no matter how healthy i ate, i wasn’t getting anywhere. but i think i just wasn’t eating enough of anything. and then other days i was binging because of it.
moderation of things i like, figuring out ways to make it “healthy” and keep protein, and WATER.
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