#Night Patrol Aesthetic
stigmatam4rtyr · 1 year
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The Night Patrol (before 1919, oil on canvas) | Albert Julius Olsson
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deadsetobsessions · 5 months
Hi! Party Planner! Danny has struck again.
Danny clambered onto the top of the building, eyes fixed onto the dimming Gotham City sky line. Electric blue eyes froze in concentration as his targets grappled into view. he quickly scaled the last rungs of the fire escape ladder to stumble onto the roof. Danny waved his arms, and his targets, catching sight of him mere moments later, began swinging towards him. Danny adjusted his bag strap.
“Hello, concerned citizen, what do you need assistance with?”
Danny faltered. Who the fuck was wearing Batman’s cowl?
Robin (with a sword) scowled at Batman before turning his attention back to Danny.
“Uh. Right,” Danny muttered, giving ‘Batman’ the most obvious and glaring side eye he could. Regardless, if the little Robin did not protest this Batman’s presence… it was good enough for him. “I’m a party planner.”
Robin spoke before Batman could. “And what of it?”
“The… uh, League of Evil or something, wait,” Danny fumbled while opening the bag and pulling out some papers. “Ah, Legion of Doom. Them.”
Little Robin and fake-Batman perked up. Fake-Batman tensed visibly. Danny grumbled. “Anyways, they’re contacting me- by they, I mean Lex Luthor- to see if I could plan a party in… God, why are Gotham’s names for shit so depressing?”
“Get on with it.” Little Robin snapped. Danny was reminded of Dani instantly and let it slide.
“Ah, right, they want me to plan a party in “Slaughter Swamp” on the seventh of next month. So… keep an eye on that, okay?” Danny asked Robin.
“Are you supposed to be telling us this?” Fake-Batman asked.
Danny shrugged, running a hand through his hair, practiced fingers brushing aside that little white streak of hair he got from the portal.
Little Robin’s gaze snapped up to his hair.
“It’s fine. They haven’t had me sign an NDA yet.” And, well, the devil is in the details but Danny is the devil.
“I’ll handle it.” Fake-Batman promised. Danny threw him a skeptical look.
“Uh-huh. Right.” He turned back to sword Robin, who looked torn between the supposed slight towards Batman and pride at Danny’s apparent trust in his abilities. “Look, here’s the stuff I have on them- copied them- and good luck and all that.”
He handed the file and some data in a usb stick to Robin, dipping away as soon as he could. He had a party to plan, and matching Luthor’s purple-gold aesthetic to Cheeta’s yellow and black spotted material wasn’t going to get done by themselves.
“Even the civilians outside of Gotham could tell you’re not Batman.” Damian scoffed as he watched their party planner slip back into his apartment.
“Hey, I thought I did pretty well!”
“I do not claim to know what hallucinogens you’ve inhaled, but do not come near me. I don’t want your stupidity to catch everyone else unawares.”
“Get it together, Kryptonian. We still have half the night to patrol.”
Damian swung off, mind whirling along side Kent’s little hamster wheels for a brain. He’ll have to inform father. And Timothy. Red Robin had a grudge to settle with Scarecrow and will aid in Damian’s plot to obtain sugar gliders in exchange for the information. Yes.
Clark, thinking his Batman acting was bad: :(
Danny, has never met Batman: this can’t be Batman, he’s being midwestern polite
Also, I just want to say that the Flash has Georgia State patrol energy.
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Main Masterlist || Navigation || All works are F!Reader || All images sourced from Pinterest ||
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SONGS THAT SOUND LIKE SEA-FOAM || Mini-Series || Completed
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PAIRING: Fisherman!John Price x F!Mermaid!Reader
SYNOPSIS: In which a lone mermaid finds good company with a handsome fisherman who trespasses in her cove. But the word isn't what it used to be...hunting ships patrol the waters.
CHAPTERS: Part I, Part II, Part III
FANART: “You’re somethin’ beautiful, y’know that?” & "Mermaid Interpretation" by @thedevillovesflowers
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2. RUN AWAY TO ME || Mini-Series || Completed
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PAIRING: Blacksmith!Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish x F!Runaway Bride!Reader
SYNOPSIS: The night started with wine and ended with blood. Racing through the woods after having escaped your wedding, you find a lone homestead in the middle of a rainstorm. Alone, wounded, and bordering on unconsciousness, you have no option but to knock.
CHAPTERS: Part I, Part II, Part III
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3. BLOOD-STAINED WOOL SPUN AT MIDNIGHT || 18 + Mini-Series || Completed
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PAIRING: Werewolf!Ghost x F!Tailor!Reader (Set in Van Helsing Era/Aesthetic)
SYNOPSIS: When you left the town in the year of our Lord, 1897, to buy more wool from the local farmer, the cobblestone streets had come up to meet the hooves of your neighbor's horse.
Along this trip of false hope, the open fields at your sides had led to the backdrop of a brimstone forest; an old shadow seems to loom there. A black thing. A devil with eyes like a burial mound. You were told to fear the Ghost of the Forest, but never had you known you'd be caught in his blackened claws.
CHAPTERS: Part I, Part II, Part III
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4. BLACK METAL AND BOURBON || 18+ Mini-Series || Completed
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PAIRING: Biker/Mechanic!Ghost x F!Bartender!Reader
SYNOPSIS: You've been in this small town for your entire existence, giving up dreams and aspirations to carry on life as a simple bartender despite your hatred of two things: the smell of cigarette smoke and the disrespect from regulars, namely, your ex and his buddies. But on a still-air Sunday, almost overnight, a mechanics shop pops up right across the street - giving sight to new faces and a fresh group of men with a love of motorcycles. One, in particular, seems to only like Bourbon.
CHAPTERS: Part I, Part II, Part III
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5. TO HUNT A SILVER STAG || Mini-Series || Completed
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PAIRING: Knight!Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick x Fae!Princess!Reader
SYNOPSIS: Promised to a greedy king to try and preserve the magic of the land, a princess instead finds herself drawn to a chivalrous knight and his gentle words. But everyone knows magic has a mind of its own.
CHAPTERS: Part I, Part II, Part III
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6. HOW TO ADAPT TO FIRE || Mini-Series || Completed
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PAIRING: Fireman!John 'Soap' MacTavish x F!Journalist!Reader
SYNOPSIS: There is an arsonist in your city, and you're going to catch him. As one of the most prolific investigative journalists in the city, you make a lot of enemies the second your papers are released to the public. Your informant - and perhaps something more - in the local fire department makes a point to tell you to be careful.
But everyone knows he's right beside you when the fires start sparking.
CHAPTERS: Part I, Part II, Part III
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7. MOSS, BONE, AND A FALLING STAR || Mini-Series || Not Started
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PAIRING: Witch Hunter!Price x F!Witch!Reader
SYNOPSIS: Humans have not been kind to you, but they usually are to things that they don't understand. You're offered a deal when a rugged-looking Witch Hunter shows up at your secluded hut. Make him see you for what you truly are in three stories or less. You oblige and give him the limit - a story of moss, of bone, and of a falling star.
CHAPTERS: Part I, Part II, Part III
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8. VIVAMUS, MORIENDUM EST || Undetermined || Not Started
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PAIRING: Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick x F!Reader (Reincarnation AU)
SYNOPSIS: In every lifetime you made a promise to one another: even if you must die, you will find a way to live together for all of eternity, be that five or a hundred years from now. You'd not broken your promise yet.
CHAPTERS: Undetermined
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🔞 I could fix him 🔞
It was one of those days.
Ray was getting better at predicting them; the mornings when he’d wake up truly feeling the weight of the world resting on his shoulders, threatening to flatten him beneath the smothering mantle of responsibility that had been dumped – knowingly or unknowingly – upon his shoulders. Usually those were the days he’d call in sick if he was feeling charitable, or simply not show up to the NAHA office if not and just spend the entire day with you.
Although the two of you lived separately, it had quickly become clear that the arrangement was mostly nominal in nature. When Ray wasn’t out patrolling and saving the world from monstrous threats, he was at your apartment listening to your voice. And when you weren’t at work, you were at his apartment filling the once impersonal corners with the sound of music, the scent of home-cooked meals, and little knick-knacks you thought he’d like.
Most nights you fell asleep in each other’s arms, and every morning you never let him go to work without two kisses goodbye – one for ‘be safe’, the other for ‘I love you’. Ray swore they gave him energy to get through the day, just knowing you were home waiting for him, that you still loved and accepted him – flaws, monstrous desires and all. When the abyss in his chest threatened to spiral out of control, remembering that grounded him back to reality. Made him want to stay here, stay present, stay with you.
Unfortunately, it was one of those days where the NAHA were being even more annoying than usual. Half of the heroes who were supposed to be patrolling didn’t show up, and most of the ones who did bother to turn up seemed content to kick back the moment they spotted Ray’s name on the roster. The NAHA had scheduled him for three TV interviews before lunch, and during the second one a villain had attempted to blow up the studio building. While saving civilians and crew members from the inferno, one of the presenters – a popular social media celebrity if he recalled correctly – had tried to kiss him in front of the cameras. It was only decades of ingrained self-control that prevented Ray from ripping their head clean off their neck and tossing it and their body into the sky to join the rest of the trash circling the earth’s atmosphere, though he did take a great deal of spite in dropping them from just a little too high off the ground. If something happened to their anklebones, that was hardly his fault.
All in all, by the time Binary Star Hero pushed open the door to his apartment, he was ready to drop. If he could have curled up in bed and put himself into a coma for the next few business days, he would have done so in a heartbeat.
However, he paused at the entryway, surprised by the scent pervading his condo. The sweetness of coconut milk melded silkily with the warm, earthy scent of chili and cumin, which combined with the floral aroma of rosemary, thyme, and a dozen other herbs he couldn’t quite parse. Ray followed his nose to the kitchen, expecting to find you there, but only spotting a large pot bubbling on the stove – the flames turned down low to keep the soup simmering low and slow.
That meant you still had to be in the condo, but it was strange that you hadn’t called out to him. “Star?” Heartbeat ratcheting up, Ray turned to search the rest of the rooms, and just as quickly as the flare of panic had overtaken him it vanished as soon as he spotted you.
The original couch in the condo hadn’t been comfortable, the whole space having been designed more for aesthetics than coziness. Prior to meeting you, Ray had barely spent any time in his own home. After meeting you, bringing you home, and then listening to you whine about how his couch cushions felt more like glittery rocks, he’d immediately purchased a new couch. One with thicker padding, ergonomic armrests, and a built-in sofa-bed.
Cute. You were so fucking cute.
There you were, curled up on the couch with one of his jackets pulled over your torso for warmth, leaving your legs exposed to the cool evening air. Chuckling airily to himself, Ray leaned over to brush a strand of hair from your cheek, allowing the safe warmth of your presence to settle him. Just as he was about to fetch a proper blanket for you, his eyes caught on something strange.
Ray blinked, then froze entirely when he spotted a familiar shade of fabric. It barely took any of his strength to tug the jacket collar down, enough to reveal a maroon-red neckline. His sweater. You were wearing his sweater.
And not much else else, if your bare legs were anything to go by.
“Mmph. Ray?” The man watched you stir to life, yawning and blinking back the lingering remnants of sleep. “You’re home. Ugh, what time is it?”
His gaze sharpened when you sat up and stretched, inadvertently knocking the jacket off completely. The jumper, already meant to be oversized on his 6ft-something frame, was practically drowning you. The collar splayed wide, exposing the bruised slope of your shoulder and neck – still marked up from last night. The sleeves had been rolled up, presumably so they wouldn’t get in the way while you cooked, but one had come loose during your nap and now only the tips of your fingers were visible as you lifted a hand to rub the corner of your eye.
Concerned by the extended silence, you craned your neck up to look at your boyfriend. “Ray?” You called, and then let out a strangled yelp when he immediately flopped on top of you. On instinct your arms wrapped around his shoulders. “Bad day?” You guessed.
“Mm. Just let me stay like this for a while, Star,” he murmured, inhaling the heady scent of your skin, and exhaling the words into the curve of your throat.
“Food’s gonna be ready soon,” you told him, dropping a fluttering kiss against his forehead. Ray closed his eyes, blissfully receiving the gesture as a benediction. “We can watch something stupid later and eat all the ice cream I bought. I will even allow you to have some of my cookies and cream bars.”
Ray listened to you ramble with one ear, paying half of his attention to the gentle cadence of your voice while the rest focused on the steady thump-thump-thump of your heart between your ribs. The reminder that you were still here, that he was still here, that you were his. 
Soon listening wasn’t enough. The rhythm in your chest stuttered and sped up, responding to the hands dragging over your body with absentminded possessiveness. Warm fingers, rough with scars and calluses, squeezed the inside of your thighs before sliding under the hem of your – or more specifically, his – shirt. They moved higher, groping the dip of your hips, the small of your waist, the softness of your ass. By the time those fingers reached your nipples you were a sensitive wreck, barely touched and yet your body was aflame with directionless heat.
“R-Ray…” You squirmed in place, one hand raised to your lips to stifle the keening noise escaping from the back of your throat, knees turning inward as you tried to squeeze your thighs shut. With careless ease, Ray elbowed your legs apart. He sat up, smiling idly at the cute picture you made. Flat on your back and sprawled beneath him, sweater shoved all the way up to your collar, exposing your gorgeous body to his intense gaze. The low lamplight cast shadows over you, exposing parts of your flushed skin and hiding others tantalizingly from view. “Ray, w-what about dinner…?”
“Mm. It’ll be fine,” he murmured lazily, unbuckling his jeans and never taking his dark eyes off you for a single moment. Ray’s movements were slow, lethargic, and full of methodical intent as his cock flopped out – swollen thick, heavy, and dripping with precum. “Just let me have this, Star.”
You’d always known that Ray was strong. Superstrength was one of the most basic hero abilities, one that often came as a passive perk with other powers. However you had underestimated how much he’d been holding back, because it barely took more than the flick of a finger for him to rip your underwear completely off.
“You’re soaked, Star,” he chuckled, knuckles running idly over your sex and causing more juices to leak out. You gasped when he leaned over you, letting the tip of his cock press against your hole. Not in, simply tapping against your wet entrance, drawing circles, or pressing just enough for the fat head to almost pop in.
He pulled away briefly, admiring the sticky strings of both of your juices connecting his cockhead to your puffy sex. His attitude was a direct contrast with yours, almost sleepily calm while you were whining and thrashing underneath his bulk, unable to do anything other than endure the burning torture.
The orgasm crept up on you. Not stalking you through the shadows, but like a monster you could see coming and would never be able to fight off no matter how hard you tried. It hit you like a tsunami, an arching wave of pleasure so good it hurt. You sobbed and thrashed, pinned beneath Ray while he watched you with that same, sleepy smile, as if you were an adorable toy being played with.
“Pretty little thing,” the man cooed as he rocked his hips in a slow, painfully pleasurable grind, forcing you through another choking orgasm on the cusp of the last one. “So good for me, aren’t you, my Star? Mm. I think I need a little more.”
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axeoverblade · 1 year
Could you do headcanons about Miles, Gwen, Pavitr, and Hobie having a tall and scary/intimidating s/o who is actually a big sweetheart? How they meet, first impressions, and dating stuff?? If that’s too much, no prob, alter it however you need to! :)
B. F. G
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ATSV! squad x gn! reader
Synopsis! Never judge a book by its cover
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none!
Word count: unavailable
Authors comment: BONUS:GWEN, super cute lol hope this is what you wanted enjoy <3
Do not copy! All rights reserved to ©axeoverblade
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ᴜɴᴅᴇʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜᴛ
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1610 MILES
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Bro is scared of nothing (think Simba from look king “I laugh in the face of danger”)
So when he sees you out on patrol, it throws him off that he became so on guard
You’re making the hairs on the back of his neck stand
Would never tell you this but at first you were gonna be a bad guy
So when you helped a lil kid cross the street and paid for them to get ice cream, he was a wee bit confused
Tailed you for a long time on different days, and always saw you doing good things .
So at first he develops a lil identity crush, not a romantic crush on you
Like he thinks it’s cool that you have this presence about you and it’s completely different from how you actually are
He meets you as spider man before as himself
You actually helped him, not a lot but enough where you interacted with him for a bit and he thanked you for helping
You just stopped a guy from stealing an older woman’s purse by tripping the thief and returning the purse
Miles saw it as you could be the next spider man
Suddenly you keep seeing spiderman all the time (totally by accident and not because he learned your routine)
Talk to him so often you develop nicknames for each other.
Been months since you’ve known him and he like is obsessed with you, full on in love and everything
So he decides to reveal who he is
Obv you accept him, give him a hug saying you won’t tell anyone
So now you guys hang out as friends
Casually flirts with you all the time (he’s trying so hard to make u like him even though u alr do)
Makes u meet his parents
miles forgot your looks don’t match your personality
His dad gave you that look
The one that screams “ stay away from my child and take your thuggish activities out this house” when you first walked in
kinda made you sad cause you thought they didn’t like you and you haven’t even talked to him yet
After they get to know you through the night his parents legit love you
Say how much of a good influence you must be on Miles and tell Miles to be more like you
Tell you to come by anytime
(They could easily tell miles likes you and vise versa but don’t say anything)
So Miles finally works up the balls to confess
Happy moments and a kiss
Overall good day
When your walking hand in hand down the sidewalk and keep getting weird stares because of the high contrast in your auras it confuses people
but then you and Miles both smile and its the same super big bright smile, people get why you’re together
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When he first saw you, standing as tall as him in the store with that “I’ll kill you if you come near me” energy he thought you would be an issue honestly
Thought you were cool but def though you were gonna try and fight anyone near you or something
He wasn’t in his suit cause he was washing it and was lowkey upset you caught him when he was just going to the store to restock his snacks instead of out on duty
But he was excited for what ever you were gonna do when you passed him because he wanted to fight today
“Accidentally” bumps into you to see how you respond
But when you smile at him sweetly, apologize, and keep it moving, bro is confused
Walks right back up to you and starts talking to you
Digs the inconsistency between your personality and your looks
Also digs just your looks
He thinks you're super attractive
Was quick to get with you, he knew he wanted you after that first convo at the store
You guys click so well aesthetically cause even though your brooding walking around and he looks all chill (and mischievous) like nothing can bother him, the way you two are holding hands with your thumb rubbing the back of each others palms is a dead give away you two are on the same page
Sometimes he sees you and is just like “you don’t match”
He never explains what he means by it but says it’s a good thing
Wasn’t scared at all to tell you he was spiderman
You two def go on swinging dates where he just takes you everywhere
Overall fun and happy times
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He was a little nervous when he first saw you
Not because of your energy but because he thought you didn’t like him
Like you looked like if anyone approached you, you would rip their head off
So maybe he was a wee bit scared of how you looked
But he knew better than to judge appearances. Bro is so intuitive that he doesn’t need a meesily appearance to tell him who you are on the inside
So he walks up to you and says hi
The big smile that graces your face makes him smile big too
Happy he followed his intuition to just approach you
At first you two are just good friends
Anytime you two are in public you get weird looks
Like what’s this jolly looking fellow doing with you
Then you laugh at his antics all happily and they get it
You actually confessed first
As “intuitive” as he was he didn’t notice your feelings
Doesn’t take him by surprise though
Oh my gosh he is so happy and pda-ing in public and everyone is like are you sure you two are supposed to be together
But then your face lights up with this look of joy every time you look at him and people have no choice but to mind their business
It’s a good thing opposites attract, even though personality wise you two are very similar
Really happy he approached you despite his fear otherwise he would’ve never met the love of his life
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Gwen thought you were cool at first
Your height is what would’ve intimidated her not your aura
Like she isn’t scared or anything, just a little bit more on guard around you
she first met you at one of the band get together cause you were one of the band members friends
She didn’t want to judge on appearance though so she tries her best to keep her opinion about you to a minimum until she actually talked to you
Happy she did
saw you get up and get waters for everyone because “we should stay hydrated”
Thought it was cute how sweet you were
She approaches you and you two become friends quick
You two meet up regularly outside of band meets
Wouldn’t tell you that she found you super attractive (and vise versa)
Like not even looks, just you as a whole
Gives her scary dog privileges honestly
Likes yes she can one hundred percent defend herself and is more than capable
But no one even looks her way anymore when your with her
Made her happy to be left alone in the streets now
So you actually have to confess first
Sweetest confession ever got her flowers
She ofc says yes cause she had a crush on you too
You bake together all the time, even if one of you are good or bad; or both are good or bad at baking, you two are having fun
Meeting her dad was a given
At first he could’ve sworn you were a murderer
wasn’t feeling you at all
Then he had a convo with you and was like “oh okay I get it”
He loves how sweet you are and hopes you rub off on his daughter cause “she isn’t nice enough to him”
Happy relationship :)
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
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— when he almost gets caught
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Bakugou is a bit of a creep in this one, but I promise it’s just because he’s so obsessed with reader okay?
Warnings: 18+, dubconish, pervy photographs, male masturbation.
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x f!reader.
Word Count: 1.5k.
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One of the first things Bakugou did once he started to like you was search for your social media profiles. He knew he shouldn’t have done it, that it was wrong. As your boss he should’ve granted you the privacy that you deserve in your personal life, a side of you that he really had no right to see. But this is what you do to him, he just can’t seem to help himself around you. And your internet footprint wasn’t exactly Fort Knox. 
With a few clicks Bakugou could easily access your entire social media footprint, no passwords or accounts required to satiate the itch of missing you when he’s in his large studio apartment late at night, painfully alone. After discovering your extremely public Instagram (he’d have to talk to you about internet security, any pervert could find them!) he’d spent hours scrolling through and admiring each photograph of you. Trying to ignore the ache in his chest whenever he’d see you a little too close to one of your friends, clicking into their profiles to ensure you weren’t actually dating them.
Bakugou had given himself a heart attack on more than one occassion when he thought he’d accidentally double clicked one of your photos to like it, or followed you by mistake. Something he’d foolishly done before, and something he did not want to repeat. One morning he’d been so tired after a grueling night patrol, collapsing into his bed at four in the morning he’d accidentally done the unthinkable and liked his favourite photograph of you. Feeling so lethargic, his fingers had double tapped the screen instead of pinched to enlarge it. Quickly unliking it as he tried to reason with himself that you wouldn’t see it. Not wanting to seem like the shameless creep he was acting like, stalking his employees like this.
But it did leave him wondering sometimes whether you’d mind if he followed you on your social media. You didn’t seem to mind his company, and you’d given him your personal phone number to talk to him about work matters so you couldn’t have been that adverse to it… But there was no way he’d be asking you, instead he was content to scroll through and get these little insights to your life, enjoying the aesthetic food photographs or the scenic ones he probably would have made fun of anyone else for posting— but it was different when it was you, because he loves everything about you.
Bakugou had an entire album in his cellphone dedicated to you now, screenshots of his favourite photographs from your social media so he could shamelessly admire you without the fear of an accidental follow. Pictures that he would be ashamed to admit to anyone that he’d spent many nights fucking his fist to the sight of. It didn’t matter that the pictures were sweet and innocent, it didn’t make him want you any less. The thought of what lay beneath the cosy sweaters and tight jeans had his mind reeling, the curiosity sending a rush of blood direct to his throbbing cock.
But these photographs weren’t enough, not when there are plenty of other eyes that get to admire them whenever and wherever they want. There’s something personal about having photographs of the people you love that are for your eyes only, photos that no one else gets to see.
Oh, Bakugou definitely knew it was wrong. But is it really his fault when you’re so damn beautiful?
It was early one afternoon when he took the chance to get his own candid photograph of you, the office floor deserted for lunch besides the both of you as you stood facing the copier. Bakugou was about to tell you that he was heading out on his patrol and that he probably wouldn’t be back in the office tonight. But that’s the exact moment that the printer decided to jam, a frustrated groan spilled from your lips as you hit the side of the machine roughly.
Bakugou couldn’t help but smirk at your reaction, sending your frustration a mile away as he took a step closer to come to your aid— but that’s when it happened.
You bent over to pull the small drawer out of the side of the machine, peering into the drawer as the fabric of your skirt began to stretch around your ass. Revealing more of your gorgeous thighs as he stopped dead in his tracks to revel at the sight of you.
“Stupid fucking report,” You growled as you began to tug at the papers that were stuck inside the machine, only causing your ass to shake as Bakugou had to bite back a groan.
Bakugou’s cock began to throb beneath his hero suit as he took the opportunity, ignoring the little voice at the back of his head that told him not to do it— aiming his phone camera towards you as he snapped a few photographs of your ass in quick succession.
He should’ve walked over to help you after that, but he couldn’t bring himself to approach you when his cock was painfully hard beneath his pants. Instead turning on booted heels as he made his way back towards his office, his phone clutched tight to his chest.
He was no better than Denki, no better than Mineta as he unlocked the phone to take a look at his bounty. Turning his screens brightness up as high as it would go as he zoomed in on the perfect curve of your ass. Groaning at the way the slit at the back of your pencil skirt rode up so he could see your bare thighs where your stockings ended, trying to see whether there was the print of a panty line against the material as he tried to guess what underwear lay beneath. But the fact that Bakugou couldn’t even see a line only had him speculating even more, wondering exactly what style of panties you were wearing, if you were even wearing any at all.
And god, now the thought of you completely bare inside his office, working so innocently beside him, had his head racing and his cock begging for attention. Palming himself with a soft groan as he pictured sliding the fabric of your skirt up your thighs himself to find out, calloused fingers warm against your skin as you spread those gorgeous thighs for him.
Bakugou couldn’t help it, forgetting about his patrol as he unbuckled his utility belt. Sitting himself down in his plush desk chair as he tugged his pants down just enough to free his aching cock. The head already an angry pink colour as pre oozed from the slit, his thumb smoothing over it to smear the moisture along his length as he hissed sharply through his teeth. Picturing you bent over in the same position as in the photograph across the width of his desk. Giving him the perfect position to slide his throbbing cock inside your tight, wet cunt as he wrapped his fist around his girth tightly. A feeble attempt at mimicking how you’d feel wrapped around him as he began to lazily stroke his cock, sitting back in his chair as half-lidded eyes gazed down at the photograph on his phone.
The photograph that was all for him, for his eyes only.
Gnawing on his lower lip to bite back a groan as he swiped his thumb across his leaky slit, his chest heaving as he continued to think of the most debauched positions with you. Feeling himself edging closer and closer to his release before there was a swift knock on the door.
Bakugou scrambled to fix himself, his phone now laying flat on his desk as he tugged his pants back up over his hips, sliding forward in his chair to hide his throbbing cock beneath the desk as you stepped inside the office. The sultry scent of your perfume immediately wafting into the air and making it difficult to think, his length twitched in response as you continued closer. Laying the hundred page report down onto his desk with a bright smile.
“‘m sorry it took so long, Dynamight.” You murmured sheepishly, “I had some problems with the copier.”
I know, Bakugou was already thinking of a hundred new ways to jam the copier just to have you like that again all for himself.
“S’fine.” Bakugou muttered, trying to push his depraved thoughts to the side, all too aware of his problem beneath the desk.
“Oh, are you heading out on your patrol now?” You surmised as you noticed his outfit, “I’m not keeping you, am I?”
“Nah,” He shook his head, trying to play it cool as though he wasn’t touching himself to an illicit picture of you seconds earlier, “Gonna head out now.”
“Well stay safe, and wrap up warm. I heard there might be snow tonight.”
“I’ll be fine,” Bakugou scoffed, but inside his heart was performing somersaults at the idea that you cared about him.
“I know, I just know you hate the cold.” You smiled as you turned to leave the room, and of course you had to sway that perfect fucking ass again. Bakugou tried to look anywhere else, but his eyes were completely transfixed, biting back a moan of pleasure as you finally shut the door. Leaving him completely alone in his office, late for patrol, with a raging hard on.
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If you hadn’t of been so quick to dismiss your Instagram notifications one drunken night after work, as you’d climbed into your bed at four in the morning. Fighting with your charger as you tried to jab it into the port at the base of your phone, you would’ve noticed one of the banners that showed up said “DynamightOfficial liked your photo.”
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loremaster · 1 year
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Nocturnal Detective Agency x Pokemon
— Rival Desuhiko —
Ditto: for its transformation ability! duh!
Cosplay Pikachu: wearing a replica of human Desuhiko’s outfit, mimics all his mannerisms perfectly.
Yamper: energetic puppy dog, fits his aesthetic
— Ace Trainer Halara —
Iron Valiant: gender
Gholdengo: money. also gender
Starmie: gender
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— Professor Yakou —
Noctowl: Nocturnal detectives need a nocturnal partner to help patrol the skies at night (what what)
Growlithe: lights his cigarettes for him. also puppy
Magikarp: it sucks
— Lass Fubuki —
Gardevoir (shiny): given to her as a young child, has been her companion ever since.
Celebi: just found it one day :) isn’t it cute?
Jigglypuff: a completely normal average Jigglypuff
— Ace Trainer Vivia —
Musharna: mastery over the realm of dreams
Gengar: a spy who can slip into the shadows
Hisuian Typhlosion: avenger of spirits long past
(and there’s one other Pokemon that would join his team after losing its trainer… what could it be…)
I sketched these way back in August and was inspired to finally post them by @snivyartjpeg’s awesome PMD au!!
ENJOY! tell me which ones are your favorite! any choices you disagree with? debate me in the tags/replies B)
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cypressvs · 1 year
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pairing: dan heng/gn!reader, gepard landau/gn!reader, jing yuan/gn!reader (separate)
cw: spoilers about character lores
wc: 0.8k | join the taglist
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DAN HENG stares blankly at the console in front of him. Protected by the four walls of the train's archives, he allows himself the luxury of pressing his lips into a torn frown. Seconds pass by with each tick and yet he remains unmoving, as still as the illusions of the past that he can never seem to outrun. The faint scent of roses—foreign in his room and tearing apart the more rustic aesthetic crafted by towering bookshelves and asymmetrical ceilings—remove him from his trance. Tenderly, with all the care he could muster in his war-stained hands, he brushed his thumb over a petal. For a moment, he imagines that the red on his skin was not from grotesque memories but from the love-worn warmth of the roses and its sender's rouge print on its accompanying letter. He breathes and the scent fills his lungs. You fill his lungs and his heart quenches with a thirst that can never be quelled. Finally, he moves away from the screen, treading towards the faux sky on the other end of his room. He spies a lone star and similarly alone in his space, he whispers forlornly with a vulnerability he can only afford to show now.
"I'm going to have to leave you eventually." Lashes fan against pale cheeks before settling into a mournful close. "For your sake, I pray that you don't get too attached to me."
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GEPARD’s armor clicks and clangs with each step he took forward. He smiles at familiar faces, nods at other patrol guards’ salutes, and stops to help grandmothers cross the rail tracks. He shakes his head at their words of thanks, saying that it was his duty as the Captain of the Silvermane Guards. At that, he receives an adoring shake of heads before they all eventually part ways. Courageous, he might be, but he’s stubbornly self-sacrificial to the point of no return. The tram’s ringing bells snap him out of his thoughts and he moves to resume his patrol. However, before he can take another step forward, he sees a once-friendly shadow. One he’d meet with an adoring smile, one he’d come home to with a needy hug, one he’d loved in his youth’s years and continue to love now in his matured present—a suffering reserved to an unwavering affection that perseveres throughout the years. His sudden pause catches your attention and you flash him a reserved smile; the kind you’d offer awkwardly to a figment of a past you wish you could run away from. Suddenly, he’s thrown back to that fateful night three years ago. The salty streak that plagues his tongue, the gloved hand clenching his chest, the guilt that flushed his cheeks as memory of missed anniversaries and birthdays resurface once more. He remembers your pleading sob—the desperation that made your hands claw desperately into his arms.
"I love you.” He mumbles, nearly unheard among the hiccups and gasps shared by the two of you. “I love you,” he repeats, “but you deserve so much more than I could ever offer you."
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JING YUAN likes to think that years of experience has made him capable of rendering all adversaries that may come his way into a fond memory to look back on hundreds of years later down the line of his abnormal lifespan. However, some days, the taste of the tea he drinks leaves him sentimental, memories of tears and glee alike filling his mind with a bittersweet respite from its business. Nostalgia is a double-edged sword, he thinks to himself as he sips on his porcelain cup. The familiar teahouse morphs into an empty field. The wooden sword on his hand is lighter than the one he wields now and the expression on his face is one more similar to that of a naive child trying to rush into adulthood. If only he could tell himself to take it easy, to let the years work him gently, then perhaps his misery would at least be halved. His master nods to acknowledge his efforts but the sceneries change once more and his weapon is now of metal and there is nothing but undying death in his master’s visage. Lightning strikes and blood is spilled and he is once more back to his reality, relishing in the gentle sounds of the wind chimes and the peace that washes over him as he hears you laugh behind the counter. Feeling a gaze on your back, you turn around only to see no one. Just an empty cup and an indescribable weight on your heart. 
“How strange…” He hums as he walks back to the Seat of Divine Foresight with his arms resting on his lower back. “To think that I would find myself eager to sacrifice something of my own happiness in order to make sure you're safe…”
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© 2023 CYPRESSVS. all rights reserved. do not copy, claim, repost or translate in any platforms.
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Part 19: wrapped in your regret
"I'll live now 'cause the bad die last. Dodging bullets with your broken past, wrapped in your regret. What a waste of blood and sweat." -Could Have Been Me by The Struts
Regent Masterlist Part 18 Mundane Macabre AO3
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In exchange for not beating the ecto out of him (he does need it Ellie) Jason convinced the youngest halfa to join him for a night of “troll the bats”. If Jazz was a lesser woman, she might’ve been frightened by how many teeth Ellie’s grin displayed as she agreed. Jason didn’t seem all that worried though as he kissed her goodbye and left with both her siblings in tow, the menace she called Danny having invited himself to join the chaos.  
Though she was relieved that they seemed to find common ground, Jazz knew she was in for a nightly patrol by her lonesome as both her siblings (and her soulmate) rushed out as their alter egos to cause chaos for the rest of the batclan. Should she have been more concerned about the consequences? Probably. Relief won out. 
(That didn’t stop the Regent from hitting just a little harder on patrol.)  (Her worries were thankfully unfounded.) 
(If the pictures of a tireless Batmobile and a tire-throned Ellie were anything to go by.) 
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While Jason was incredibly fond of Danny, the genius halfa one of the few people he knew he could trust to have his back and not stab him in it, Ellie was the mischievous little sister he never wanted (but would burn down Gotham for). Supposedly,  the fifteen year old was the clone of Danny- 
(If Jason had a nickel for every time he’d met a clone created to kill and replace their original, he’d have two nickels.) (Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird its happened twice.)
-though it took a few extra seconds for Jason to find the similarities between the two. It was easier to play ‘spot the difference’ between template and clone. Where Danny’s hair was raven’s wing black, Ellie had bathroom bleached hers to a shade off platinum blonde. If Danny’s aesthetic was tired nasa nerd with goth best friend then Ellie’s was punk rock death jokes meets cut-a-bitch feminist. Danny favored his red sneakers and denim jacket. 
Ellie’s leather jacket had clearly seen some shit. 
Despite the differences, the older halfa clearly loved his clone with the way he doted on her, had her back but still let her handle her own shit. Ellie was powerful but still young, still had time to grow up, to mature into adulthood and all that awaited her. 
Was that how siblings were supposed to act? 
Jason had witnessed how Jazz cared for Danny, in a semi-maternal fashion that proved just how skewed their relationship was. Hell, she’d been able to claim regency because the bond between them was more like mother and son rather than siblings. 
Dickwing was often like that with Damian, now that Jason examined their relationship with new lenses. Bruce had been lost in the time stream when Damian needed a strong guiding hand, but like always the Bastard Bat wasn’t there when he was needed the most. 
(Like a warehouse in Ethopia.) (Like when the bomb went off and he died) 
(where were you dad?)
It took a few moments for Jason to shake off the tension building in chest, the onset of a panic attack he now could recognize without the green tint off the Pit clouding his waking world. The shitty Gotham air helped ground him too, better than if he’d been in the Batcave or the Manor and he’s able to refocus his attention back on Jazz’s siblings. The two hadn’t seemed to notice his dissociation moment, attentively keeping an eye on the crowd below on street level. 
They’d been out for hours now, already having pranked Robin and Spoiler separately, but the two Halfas had been drawn to this crowd for some reason. 
The crowd was mostly made up of freaks and the stragglers of Joker’s Royal Flush, both gangs barely clinging to existence with the clown’s demise and the effectiveness of the Ridge vigilantes breaking the Freaks’ will to live. 
(Truly, the Bats should take notes.) 
Jason hadn’t really given much thought to the Royal Flush gang, not even before Joker’s head was claimed and mounted like a deranged trophy. They weren’t many in number, less than the twenty one the clown had capped out on, but they were dangerous as a group. Nothing for a bat to hesitate at, but still meant to be cautious about. 
It made sense for the Freaks and the Flush to join forces, strengthen in numbers, but the crowd had decided to test their luck by lingering far too close to the Ridge. 
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Ellie liked Jason, sure, but she wasn’t quite sure what to make of his whole… thing.
She wasn’t exactly a fan of Red Hood, not like her Template was. There was appreciation that he cared for her elder sister and big brother so much, but she couldn’t help but be wary of how shadowy he was. 
The liminal had a shadow proto-core, newly healed, but the shadows that danced through the Spectral mist were creeping Ellie out. 
Too many for her to feel comfortable with him at her back. Force of habit thanks to her nomadic ways- never let the shadows escape your eyes, as she’s learned. 
Ever since she crossed paths with that witch-doctor over in Barcelona, the younger halfa’s core-ability had been out of whack. Stronger, weirder, and harder to ignore. 
Then again, she did possess the rarest shadow core variant, a mixture of light and dark Frostbite had called ‘dawn struck’. 
Danny called her Twilight Princess with zero hesitation. 
(So uncool for her emo punk image to be called a my little pony character.) 
(Even though she was, in fact, a Princess.) 
The ‘spectral mist’ was what Ellie had taken to calling the secondary plane she could peer into, the plane of existence that mediums and spiritualists could conjure glimpses of Ellie had full view access. 
It was creepy. 
The halfa had spent years traveling to haunted places, doing a medium’s job of communicating with the dead that haunt the living, trying to help where she could. 
(If anyone could understand being trapped, it’s Ellie.) 
Officially, Ellie had a good reputation among the paranormal community. She was well liked and well respected once people got past her age, known for her incredible third-eye and compassion for both the living and dead. She was regularly contacted for help, others wanting advice about what a spirit said or how to handle a particularly picky poltergeist. 
Unofficially? Ellie was serving her people, as their Wandering Princess should. That she helped the living was just a bonus, honestly. 
(Ellie was the clone of a powerful protector spirit.)
(And a fledgling protector in her own right.)
(She would always feel compelled to help others.) 
Ellie had been aware of Jazz’s boyfriend thanks to Danny, her template eager to divulge the gossip about the once-revenant sharing their sister’s bed and proto-core warmth, but she hadn’t expected the revelation of soulmates being an actual thing- much less for the Red Hood to be Jazz’s other half. 
His shadows, the literal haunting of his regrets, almost blinded Ellie when she first laid eyes on the man. His victims, whether they were by his hand or not, shrouded his aura in inky midnight. 
“Hey Hood, isn’t that the Batmobile?” Her template, in his Phantom form, questioned and promptly drew Hood to confirm what he had spotted. The older vigilante leaned over the rooftop edge, his spectral mist unfurling in the barely perceptible breeze like a cloak draped behind his massive frame. 
(Like a bigger bat’s cape.) 
A shiver ran down her spine as Ellie made eye contact with the faint visage of a woman with pale grey-blue eyes and blonde hair. 
Yes, Jason had many regrets. 
He was perhaps the worst sort to be fate-matched with Jazz. 
But as he led her and her template down towards the infamous Batmobile, Ellie could understand how the two complimented each other. Jazz was protective and self-sacrificing to a fault, but had a heart for the hopeless and the damned. Jason, with his work as Red Hood, had decided to dedicate his life to making Crime Alley a haven instead of the desiccated remains of whatever hope it once held, willing to take the lives of those whose crimes had no chance for redemption. Both death-claimed liminals with so much regret on their hearts. 
(Was it sad that Jazz’s haunting regrets were few but so strong?) 
Jason Todd, the Red Hood, Avenger of the Forsaken. Jasmine Nightingale, The Regent, Protector of the Once and Future Star King. 
Protection and blind justice. 
(Not quite a hero, not yet a martyr.) 
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By the end of what would've been Phantom's Witching Hours patrol, the Royal Flush/Freaks were beaten and potentially missing a few bones, the Batmobile had its four tires stolen and Ellie was glad she didn’t have to use her shovel on her future brother-in-law.
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daydream-cement · 1 year
hihi, is it possible for me to ask for gwens characters with a curvy/chubby s/o ?
Thank you x
Gwen’s Characters with a Plus-Sized SO
Authors Note: As a plus size gal, YOU BET YOUR BOOTS I WILL WRITE THIS!!! Phasma and Brienne are written by @bri-sonat!!
Larissa Weems
This woman loves herself a plus-sized woman.
She profoundly appreciates a little extra to love and squeeze. 
After a long day at work, Larissa loves laying between their legs with her head on their tummy. 
She will ALWAYS have a hand on her SO’s thigh in the car.
She can’t cook for shit but she always has sweets that she will offer with the brightest smile.
Larissa becomes deeply invested in plus size fashion and finding them the best clothes to match her partner’s aesthetic.
She loves their hugs too as they always feel so warm and comforting. 
In self-conscious moments for her partner, Larissa is always ready to lend a listening ear. This is always followed up by her partner being smothered in love for Rissa to share how much she loves every inch of her partner.
Miranda Hilmarson
She LOVES having her plus-size SO lying on top of her as they watch a movie. 
Expect absentminded booty rubs as she watches the movie too.
Miranda and her SO always have the best snacks at all times
Days on the beach where she and her partner lay under an umbrella with Miranda’s head resting on their thigh
They can always expect Mir to nip and bite at their thighs when she has the opportunity 
Miranda is a physical touch girlie so just expect wandering (and squeezing) hands at all times
Miranda is The Obsessive Loving Girlfriend™️ so her partner can expect her to be bragging about how beautiful they are all the time (no matter how often Robin tells her she knows already because “you have already told me a million times, Hilmarson”)
Brienne of Tarth
Are you kidding me? This woman loves thighs and boobs. She adores laying down next to her significant other after a long day and just keeping one of her hands on their thigh.
Considering she herself has been judged and ridiculed because of her appearance and body, she is quick to defend her partner against insults and comments.
Because of the previous - she also understands what it is like to not fit into society’s norms and what it is like to be stared at so she is incredibly empathetic on the rougher days.
During the colder nights after she has returned from patrol or her duties, she loves laying down next to her partner and feeling them snuggle up next to her, one arm and one leg draped over her.
The thick thighs also serve as a very comfortable pillow after intimate times… or during. Either way, Brienne loves feeling them next to her head as she services her partner.
When her partner is feeling insecure - she is quick to lend an ear and is more happy to do so. After a heartfelt talk, she kisses the back of their hand and then presses a kiss to their lips before offering to take them for a small walk. On that walk, she gifts her significant other picked wildflowers with a comment on how the flowers are equally as pretty and breathtaking as her partner.
Captain Phasma
Phasma does not care what the person’s body looks like. She may be an asshole, but she’s not fatphobic.
A big butt means more surface to slap and make red and she likes that very much. 
Her significant other can expect Phasma’s hand on their ass during all their alone time because she will have her hand glued to it. Squeezing, caressing, slapping.
During intimate times she is also known to bite and kiss it.
The woman loves ass.
People are too scared to make comments on her partner’s body considering they’d face her wrath if they did.
She is also known to knead her partner’s breasts whenever they change or whenever they sit in front of her. 
If her significant other is changing, she will walk up to her partner and grab both the boobs in her hands and squeeze them once or twice before planting a kiss on each of them. 
If her partner is sitting in front of her, she is known to scooch closer and wrap her hands around her significant other’s waist and slide her hands inside their shirt and up to grab a handful of boobs. She loves it.
She also loves thighs. She loves sucking and biting them. She loves slapping them. She just loves thighs and the more thigh, the merrier. Same with ass and tits.
Lucifer Morningstar
This being’s mantra is ‘All Bodies Are Beautiful Bodies’
Don’t ask them to pick a favorite body part because they won’t be able to
They call their SO their ‘sweet cherub’ and they say it with the SOFTEST expression.
Will always pull their partner into their lap as they sit on their throne to coo and fawn over them
Luci always has a way of making their SO feel small and delicate 
Death to those who refuse to appreciate their partner’s beauty 
They have a very intentional and serious way of admiring their partner’s body
They have been accustomed to the harsh roughness of Hell so the sweet softness of their partner’s body is something they are quite infatuated with
Jane Murdstone
As being plus size isn’t necessarily accepted in her time, Jane is quick to shut down any gossip surrounding her partner’s size
She frequently writes poetry about the luscious beauty of her partner’s body
Jane appreciates thick thighs when giving head (we all know giving head is Jane’s #1 hobby).
Jane is the definition of a soft, obsessive sapphic poet so she will need to worship her partner’s body at LEAST twice a week.
She is delighted by her partner’s soft warm body during those chilly winter nights
She is always quick to compare her plus size SO after her favorite fruits: ‘soft peach’ or ‘little plum’.
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phoebepheebsphibs · 5 months
Double-Mutated Mikey
Chapter 21: Psychology in the Field of Aesthetics
Continued from the short story written by @boots-with-the-fur-club
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Leo saunters into Mikey's traincar sometime in the afternoon. Mikey slept half the day away, missing breakfast and is just about to miss out on lunch. Raph and Casey made some beef ramen with eggs, and Leo has prepared a tray for Mikey in case he was willing to eat, along with some grilled cheese and juice. Mikey will like that...
The lair is kind of quiet today. It reminds Leo of the week when Mikey was gone... it was too quiet. No one wanted to say anything, and everyone was hiding out in their own spaces doing their own thing to try and find a way to help bring him home somehow. Donnie locked himself away in his labs. Raph was training away his anger and fear. Casey, April, and Cass fought over patrol every single night. And Leo... Leo was going out of his mind.
Some nights Leo just went to the buildings across from the TCRI and watched the building. Just... watched it. Like maybe if he stared at it long enough, it would spit out Mikey. He'd perch there for hours until the sun came up, and then he'd hurry home before the others caught him. He knew that they knew, but none of them ever spoke about it. Donnie knew because of the trackers. Raph knew because there was no hiding anything from the oldest sibling. But they were kind enough to not say anything... or maybe, they were too busy stressing and trying to cope in their own ways.
But it was just too quiet in the lair, no matter what they did to cope.
Mikey was always the loudest of the bunch -- very talkative and outgoing, doing his best to brighten the mood whenever someone was feeling down. But when Mikey went missing... so did the sunshine.
Leo knew that there would be a period where Mikey would be quiet when he got home. It was the same for him after the invasion. Leo had only been in the Prison Dimension for a few minutes, but that was enough to keep him silent for days before he finally started talking about menial things. What food he wanted for dinner. Cracking a joke. Laughing at a Jupiter Jim scene. Whether or not his cast itched. It took even longer for him to talk about what he'd been through. And he knew that Mikey would act fine about it all, he'd clam up about what had happened but be some version of himself, until he finally felt comfortable sharing what he'd been through.
But that had been back when he assumed that Mikey would come home in the same state he'd left.
Not mutated and mangled...
And it's still quiet in the lair.
Day by day, Mikey has been getting better and filling the home with his light and laughter. But it's... strained. Stifled. Something is lingering under the surface, something is bothering Mikey. And he won't, or can't explain what it is.
Leo rolls his shoulders as he walks down the hall. They still ache from yesterday. Mikey didn't break the skin, but there are huge bruises and marks from where he had his death-grip on him. Leo chose to wear his hoodie to hide them, which helped. No one's asked about it, so it must be working.
Leo slides the door to Mikey's room open, poking his head inside as he knocks on the doorframe.
"Miguel? You awake?"
He hears Mikey shuffle under the blankets. A head pokes out, and in the darkness Leo sees sleepy eyes open with a startling glow.
"Mhm..." Mikey mumbles.
"Cool. You want some lunch? It's soup and sandwiches," Leo offers.
"Okay..." he yawns, slowly sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "Gonna... get down from th'hammock..."
"Good idea. And hey, your vocab is sounding better!" Leo congratulates, as Mikey climbs down and settles on one of the beanbags.
Mikey yawns once more before getting situated, dragging the blanket he had with him off the hammock and wrapping it over his shoulders.
Leo walks over to him, his feet crinkle some paper left on the floor. Uh oh, did he ruin a Mikey original? He'll have to check... In the meantime, he places the tray down on Mikey's lap. Mikey sniffs the bowl and smiles.
"Smells good," he says.
"Raph and Casey did a sweet job, huh?"
"Mhm," Mikey mumbles as he starts to slurp up the noodles and broth.
"Mind if I turn on a light?" Leo asks, walking to the lightswitch.
Mikey nods with a mumble, continuing to much on the eggs.
Leo flicks the lights on. Mikey flinches. Same old, same old.
On the floor is a roll of paper, figures scribbled across it with finger paint and acrylics. Leo kneels down besides the paper and stares at it.
"Mikey," he whispers, "when did you make this?"
Mikey looks up, noodles hanging from his lip and nose. He shrugs before dipping his face back into the bowl.
"Yesterday. Sick. I forgot about that."
Leo traces his finger over the green and yellow doodle of Mikey... he isn't as skilled as he used to be, but the emotion is still conveyed.
There's a drawing of Mikey in a cage, a person in a white coat is kicking the bars and making him cry. Mikey drew anger emanating off of the man, exclamation points and storm clouds showing his fury and how loud the man must've been.
Another sketch shows Mikey being poked with needles, each one filled with random colours -- neon green, blood red, and hot pink with yellow eyes drawn within them.
One drawing shows Mikey turning blue as frost engulfs him from a weird hair-dryer or something.
Leo looks back up at Mikey. He knew there was something lingering under the surface...
"Hey, Mike?"
Mikey looks up at him, holding the bowl up as he downs the broth in large gulps.
"Do you think... we could do some more art like this?" he asks, holding up the paper.
Mikey stares at the drawings. He swallows hard. He slowly lowers the now-empty bowl onto the tray. His tail taps nervously against the floor. His toes curl with growing anxiety.
"Um... m-m-maybe. Mmmmiiiikey... doesn't really like those drawings. I-I... I don't like them. They, uh.... what's word... bring back scared feelings."
Leo nods.
"I understand. But... I think this is important, Mikey. It would help us understand better about how to take care of you. And maybe it'll help you feel better?"
Mikey fidgets, poking the sandwich.
"But I totally get it if you don't think you're ready!" Leo adds. "After the invasion and everything, I didn't want to talk to anyone. Nobody. I wanted to keep it bottled up inside, because I was scared of getting hurt again, or maybe hurting you guys by telling you what I'd been dealing with... because... it was a lot."
Mikey looks up slowly. Leo is still staring down at the drawings, he doesn't see the concern and confusion on Mikey's face. What is Leo talking about? What invasion?
"...But you were the one to help me get it off my chest. Dr. Feelings really knocked some sense into me. And... it did kind of hurt, it was scary, but everyone was there to help me get through it, and we talked it all out -- Donnie's integrating with the ship, Raph's krangification, you with the portal, and me with the Prison Dimension and all the stuff that I was dealing with."
Leo finally looks up at his baby brother.
"So, I just wanna do that for you. I want to be your Dr. Feelings. Do you think... we could do that?"
Mikey shifts his weight as he considers it.
"...Does Mikey -- Do I have to talk about it?"
"I guess not... You can just draw whatever comes to mind. Is that okay?"
Mikey swallows nervously.
"Make Leo happy?"
"This is about making YOU happy," Leo responds. "I just want to help you heal. Maybe... this could be like 'art therapy', if that exists... that exists, right?"
Mikey chuckles. It probably exists now...
"Okay. We can do art therapy."
Leo's eyes brighten.
"Really? You're okay for this?"
"Just let me finish my food," Mikey mumbles, taking the sandwich and biting into it.
"No problemo, my guy," Leo says, pointing finger guns at him. "I'll go see if the guys wanna join in."
Leo runs out of the room, taking Mikey's empty bowl with him.
He doesn't see the nervous expression Mikey makes...
This... this will be good, right? Mikey do good?
Leo has gathered Raph and Casey into the bedroom with him. Donnie declined to participate, saying he had a lot of work to catch up on. He had that 'don't speak to me or I will commit murder' look on his face, so Leo left him be.
Mikey is sitting in the center of the room, Raph on his right side and Casey to his left. Leo cops a squat across from him, dumping a series of crayons and coloured pencils out for them all to use.
"Okay, so here's what's up -- we're all gonna draw along with Mikey to help the creative juices flow. He's gonna try and draw some moments from the past week for us."
Casey nods as he grabs a pencil and starts to scribble. Raph's brow furrows a bit.
"Leo... are you sure this is a good idea?"
"Mikey and I talked it over, and so long as he doesn’t actually have to talk about it yet, he's okay with it," Leo explains, already started on a drawing of his own. "Right, Miguel?"
Mikey nods silently as he dips his tail in a bottle of green paint and starts to draw himself.
Raph sighs and grabs a pen.
"Fine... Mikey does love to draw. But if at any point this becomes too much for him, we stop pushin' him. Got it?"
"Absolutely," Leo agrees. "He can just draw whatever he wants to instead."
Mikey studies the paper with intensity. He doesn't know what to draw. What do they want? What does Leo want? Mikey doesn't like how messy his art is right now, it discourages him. He feels like he should be doing better at this... but his hands shake whenever he picks up a pencil or paintbrush. His tail is the only thing that doesn't sway when he draws, but the end is so big the brushstrokes tend to be huge and fat and sloppy.
Mikey doesn't like his art right now. It makes him upset.
Use that, Instinct whispers. Use it for fuel.
Fuel for what?
Art. They want pain. Give it to them.
Pain... Leo mentioned something about that earlier. He said this would help him hurt less, by sharing his pain.
Well... Mikey trusts Leo.
If he wants pain, Mikey can provide!
Mikey starts drawing with purpose now, concentrating on the posing, finding colours that pop to show terror or the ones that are grey and dull to show despair. The human stick figures are made to be scary, the limbs distorted and disproportionate, their faces empty. They look like monsters.
Mikey draws his shell shattering into pieces like broken glass.
He clenches his jaw.
He draws robots with glowing eyes attacking him.
His shoulders tense up and tighten.
He draws animals strewn apart and ripped to shreds.
He breath fastens, he growls.
He draws his claws red and bloody.
His hands curl into fists.
He draws himself strapped down to a table with knives and electric things coming to change him.
Mikey's eyes blur over with stinging salty tears.
He draws a scary man with a large machine over his head --
He stops and looks up in shock.
Leo, Casey, and Raph are staring at him, wide-eyed and terrified.
"...Mikey... you good?"
Mikey nods, confused why they're so concerned until he looks down at his tail.
The spikes are all raised. The quills on his shoulders, too. His shell scutes are in offense mode. He suddenly realizes he's been growling under his breath this whole time. He pauses and takes a look at the paper he's been drawing on. He's been crumpling it up under his fists.
"...o-ohh... um. Oops."
He doesn’t know what else to say. He did what they wanted; he did what Leo wanted, right?
Mikey do good?
Raph reaches over and takes Mikey's artwork.
"Okay, I think that's enough for now. No more art therapy--"
"No!" Mikey yells, reaching back for the papers.
Raph freezes at Mikey's volume.
"I-I --" he stutters, trying to calm himself down.
The ridges on his shell flatten, and his tail smoothes out as he takes a breath and sits in shame for his outburst.
"I wanna draw..." he pouts. "M-maybe not... that stuff anymore, but... I wanna draw..."
He looks up at Raph.
"Don't take away the drawing stuff from me, please?"
Raph's heart breaks, though he maintains a pretty good poker face. How could he say no to him? Especially after everything.
Plus, the way he phrased it makes Raph think that there were things taken from Mikey by the EPF.
"Alrighty then," he replies, setting the art supplies back down. "We can keep drawin'. Art therapy can continue. But now, we're just gonna draw what makes us happy, okay?"
Mikey nods with excitement, dipping his tail in the paint as he tries to draw something new. Pain didn't make them happy, it made them scared of Mikey. Again. So what can he draw now? Happy things, Raph said. Draw things that are happy... that make Mikey happy.
He draws his brothers. He draws Splinter. He draws Casey and April and the human girl that smells like Casey. Mostly he draws foods. Different types of food. Burgers, steaks, BLTs, fried chicken, grilled fish, hot dogs, meats and cold cuts and proteins. Pizzas upon pizzas upon pizzas.
Casey starts taking notes of all the foods he draws so that he can try to make them for him later...
Mikey smiles as he draws.
Leo is drawing himself doing all kinds of cool poses. He isn't very skilled, but he's having fun.
Raph is drawing cute animals and teddy bears and some princess in pink with the word "Peach" scribbled over her.
Casey draws what looks like Leo, but the arm is wrong... it looks like Raph's arm. Casey draws what looks like Donnie, but taller and more buff and almost kinda scary with how serious he is. He draws a third turtle, one that is smaller and wears an orange cape and has hair? Huh. Mikey wonders who that last turtle is.
But they all seem smiley, cheery, happy.
Mikey likes art therapy.
Raph rubs the 'memory sauce' on Mikey's head as he snuggles into bed for the night.
"You all good? All bundled up nice and cozy?"
Mikey purrs.
"All goooooood... thank you for rubs..."
"Hey, that's what Raph is here for," he chuckles.
Mikey exhales with comfort as Raph's hands delicately massage the glowing purple-ish slime into his skin. Despite the size of his hands and the many rough calluses he has, Raph takes care to stay gentle and soothing with his rubbing. Mikey's eyes move under his eyelids as Raph administers the salve, as if he's watching a movie in his brain. Raph wonders what memory he's seeing...
Mikey yawns, his tongue curling and flicking from his mouth as he exhales.
"Nighty-night, Raphie... love you..."
Raph smiles and kisses the one exposed part of his forehead.
"Love you too, big man."
He smiles as Mikey seems to fall asleep. He reaches down to where they've been drawing for most of the day and takes Mikey's therapy drawings.
Radio silence.
I'm awake! a voice from his head shouts, followed by an Oof! Ow.
Raph tries not to snicker.
Did I wake you?
No, no, I was just lying down on my bed hoping someone would shout with the mind meld and disturb the oh-so-cumbersome peaceful quiet, Leo grumbles back. Why, what's up?
I figured we could look over Mikey's therapy art.
Oh. Right, that. I'll be there in a minute.
True to his word, Leo comes in a second later wearing his hoodie and some unicorn slippers.
"You ready?"
Raph nods and leaves Mikey to his rest. The two boys go to Raph's room. It's further away from Mikey's car than Leo's, so they can have privacy without fear of waking him.
The two boys spread out the crumpled sheets, looking in numb devastation at the depicted scenes.
"So... what now?" Leo asks.
"Whaddya mean, 'what now'? The art therapy was your idea, Leo!"
"Yeah, but... I mean, what comes next? We just look at it?" he asks. "I figured we could have... I dunno, had Mikey here or something. I didn't actually think we'd get this far without him. I mean, what is most of this? I wish he'd labeled a few of these..."
"Well, it's a little tough to decipher exactly what happened to him, but..." Raph peers down at a specific drawing of a needle filled with pink sludge. "I can guess what this is."
Leo looks down at the drawing. He swallows when he sees the familiar shade of sickening pink.
"So, Mikey knows he's mutated with krang?"
"Looks that way."
"Then... why hasn't he said anything? Or acted out about it? If I found out that I had that in my genes, you can bet I'd be hysterical 24/7 over it."
"I would too..." Raph nods weakly.
"So why isn't he?" Leo asks, taking a closer look. "Why is he so... nonchalant about it?"
"After everything we've been through... you think he didn't want us to know?" Raph wonders aloud.
"If he didn't, then he wouldn't have drawn it so plainly," Leo shoots down. "But... maybe he doesn't realize what it is..."
"Huh?" Raph looks up from the drawing to his brother. "What, like, he didn't know it was krang, just knew it was bad?"
"Maybe not even that. He has memory damage, and he didn't even react when he saw the krangified horde... maybe... he doesn't remember what the krang are...?"
"...On the one hand, that's twisted and horrible," Raph mutters, his face pale. "On the other... what I wouldn't give to forget them like he did."
"Ditto," Leo sighs heavily as he moves on to another art piece.
His eyes fall on one where Mikey drew a very gruesome depiction of an animal.
"Euuugh boy," he groans, taking the paper away before Raph can spot it. "Don't look at this one."
"Why?" he asks.
"It would trigger you," Leo sighs. "Let's just say... Mikey won't be getting a pet anytime soon."
Raph's head tilts.
"I don't get it."
"Good. Here's hoping you don't," Leo says as he turns the page upside down. "But Mikey... Mikey did some stuff in that lab, I'm realizing."
"What kind of 'stuff'?" Raph asks nervously.
"I... dunno. But he had to hurt things, I think. Survival of the fittest type of junk, maybe..."
Raph swallows.
"Leo... I dunno if we should be doing this without him..."
"You saw how he was reacting to just drawings of the memories," Leo retorts, grabbing a new sheet. "He's not ready for that... I thought he might be, but he isn't yet. And that's okay, we'll wait till he's ready to talk."
"That's what I mean," Raph says, pulling the sheet away from Leo. "This feels like an invasion of privacy. Mikey should be here to talk us through these, he should be the one explaining what's up rather than us just rifling through his innermost fears and traumas like some --"
Raph pauses when he sees the drawing he stole from Leo.
"...What? Like some what?" Leo asks, waiting for his brother to finish his thought.
He doesn't. Instead he stares at the drawing in his hands.
Leo bunny-hops over the pile of paper and peeks at the artwork...
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"...Dude..." Leo whispers, turning to look at Raphael. "...what the heck is that."
"...I don't know," Raph whispers back. "...Do you think... it's... Mikey?"
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miela · 1 year
Shattered Memories • Chapter II: A Sense of Reunion • {Peter Parker x Stark!Reader}
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Chapter Genre: Fluffy (touches of angst, comedy and sexual tension if you squint) Chapter Warnings: None (?) Extra Content: added in another OC Masterlist
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↪ divider by firefly-graphics
It was another boring weekend. 
Peter had just gotten home from his busy yet uneventful day at school, work, and visiting his Aunt May’s grave…his usual routine that hadn’t changed much in the past few years. After watching the Stark Expo a month ago he wasn’t really up for doing anything with his friends much. He spent most of his free time studying and patrolling as Spiderman to distract himself from his racing thoughts. He knew it wasn’t the healthiest thing in the world, but he really didn’t know how to deal with it.
It's not like he can tell them anything about what happened. They would probably think something is wrong with him. Imagine telling someone hey so I'm Spiderman and I really fucked up because I had to make everyone including the love of my life forget who I am because I got a sorcerer to cast to spell to save the multiverse from collapsing in on itself due to me trying to fix something that somehow I caused and five years later I see said love of my life thriving and living her best life and she has no idea who I am.
Kinda sucks to have no one to talk to about this.
He unlocked the door to his small apartment with his key and walked inside with a sigh of relief but as soon as he stepped into his humble abode. Home, sweet home. He thought to himself as he set his keys and backpack down on the raggedy chair that was by his door. All he could think about was what he was going to get for dinner, what movie he was going to watch, and what he would expect on patrols that night. 
But then his senses started to tingle.
The hairs on his body stood up. His senses quickly perked up and he looked towards the direction of the living room. The sense wasn't coming from outside or next door. It was coming from inside of his very apartment.
Just his luck. Somebody’s here.
His senses led him to quietly walk over to where the threat was in the living room. It wasn’t a sense he felt in a long time and honestly, he didn’t like that. It worried him. What if it was one of his enemies from his avenger days? What if it was somebody robbing him (not that there was much to steal)? His thoughts raced as he quietly tip-toed toward the living room. 
He quickly and quietly equipped his web shooters onto his wrists and stayed alert as he made his way around the corner. The closer he got the stronger his senses became… like they were pulling him towards the potential threat.
He hoped it was the neighbor's cat or something.
When he saw someone standing in his living room he didn’t even process who it was before he shot a web their way sticking their arm to the wall behind them with a thud. The figure yelped and looked at him with wide eyes. 
He froze when he saw who it was.
It was you.
Peter’s expression was one of a deer in headlights.
 “(Y/N)...” He said softly.
Peter could not believe his eyes as he took in your appearance. You looked absolutely gorgeous. You were still you but your features filled in the most beautiful way. Your hair was different than before, and you were wearing a face full of makeup and your style was a bit edgier than before but it wasn’t anything Peter was surprised by. You always talked about experimenting with your style and the aesthetic you rocked now made sense to him.
And you were here.
You wore a black sheer floral lace top with a black bralette underneath topped with a loose leather jacket, black fitted jeans with a black velvet belt with a golden lion head as the buckle, a a pair of black Doc Martens that he remembers Ghostface wearing in Scream VI when you two watched it together. He smiled when he saw them as he remembered how you and Celina bought them immediately after seeing the movie. You had golden rings of various sizes and styles on your fingers and your fingernails were painted a dark teal color that reflected gold. Your makeup was something Peter was not used to seeing on you. You had thick eyeliner on with a rustic color on your eyelids. Your lips were painted a warm rose color. 
You looked like a million dark lady bucks and it was messing with Peter’s head.
And you were here. In his shitty apartment. 
"First name basis already?” You asked, lifting your brows with a small smirk. “Wow, we’re moving so fast.”
Peter was so stunned that he couldn't move. He wanted to pinch himself and make sure that he wasn't hallucinating. He thought he was having an out-of-body experience.
“Hello,” you sang, waving a hand in the view of his vision. “Earth to Parker.”
“Huh? What?” he asked, shaking his head a little bit and coming back to reality. 
“Hi!” you chimed. “I asked if you could give me a hand,” You eyed your hand webbed to the wall.
“Oh…!” Peter exclaimed.  “Oh god I’m so sorry-!”
He took the webbing off and you rubbed your wrist in your hand gently. “Thank you.” 
“Sorry for that…” he said again and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. 
“Nah,” You said. “I came into your apartment like some creepy ass stalker or something. You really shouldn’t leave your window unlocked.”
“No, yeah!” Peter started. “I mean….um….I just…” Peter struggled to find the right words as he simultaneously struggled to find the right way to react to you being here.
It reminded him of the first time Tony came to visit him. 
 “…W-what are you doing here?” was all he could muster up.
You smile softly and cocked your head to the side. Fuck, your smile. He missed your smile so much. 
“You’re Spiderman, right?”
Peter’s eyes went wide again and he blinked rapidly. “Uh…” 
You took out your phone and showed him a video from YouTube of Spiderman stopping a bus from hitting a child who ran into the street to grab a ball and then another video from TikTok of him helping a kitten down from a tree for another child. He looked from your phone screen to you. 
“That’s pretty impressive. I’m a big fan honestly.” You smiled. “And that doesn’t sound exactly appropriate after I just climbed into your window. I promise I’m not a parasocial boundary-breaking dickwad.”
“No, no…I know!” Peter replied quickly. “Uh…what makes you think I’m that guy? Isn’t he like a criminal or something?” His voice was more nervously high-pitched than he would like.
“You just webbed me to the wall.”
Peter facepalmed himself mentally. You Idiot.
“And don’t say some shit like ‘I make his web shooters’ or anything like that.” You added with a mocking deep voice on the web shooter bit. “You’re Spiderman.”
“...Yes,” Peter replied, deciding it was better not to fight it. 
You smiled and hummed in amusement and turned your head to the side again eyeing him up and down for a moment. Peter gave you a thin-lipped smile with no real emotion behind it. He was still unsure of how to respond to any of this. A big part of him knew that you didn’t remember him but a small part of him wished you did.
“Well,” you began. “I didn’t just come here to confirm your hero status. I wanted to make you an offer.”
“Oh? O-okay.”
“So, I was going through my father’s files for internships and scholarships and your name came up as an option. It says you wanted to go to MIT but you go to ESU, right?”
Peter nodded. “I do.”
“What changed your mind?”
"Well," Peter started. "I can't be the friendly neighborhood Spiderman when I'm not in the neighborhood."
You giggled. "Fair."
He missed the sound of your voice. It was music to his ears right now and he didn’t want you to stop talking but you guys looked at each other for a silent moment before you spoke again.
“Are you busy?” you asked him after a moment.
“Huh?” he responded. “Right now? Uh…n-no. Not at all,” He rubbed the back of his head nervously.
“Are you sure?” You asked. “Usually you’re out patrolling around this time….Not that I would know that or anything! Why would I? I wouldn’t! Pfft…that’s why that’s why I asked if you were busy or not….heh….” 
Peter smiled softly to himself. You were keeping tabs on him. If it were anyone else it would’ve concerned him a big amount but it was you so he found it endearing….and it gave him hope. He was used to hearing about this behavior from you. When you both were bitten by the spider, you had discovered him on YouTube and watched all of his videos before you knew he was Peter Parker. He wasn’t gonna lie, it gave him a bit of an ego boost.
 “No, I’m not busy right now. I can patrol later.” 
“You sure?”
You smiled bigger. “Great!” and walked towards the door. “You’re coming with me.”
"Oh, Wh…?" Peter blinked rapidly. "Wh-where are we going, exactly?"
"That's classified." 
Peter looked at you silently for a moment.
“You’ve been there before,” You replied, rolling your eyes playfully. “It will be in public, mostly. I’m not trying to kidnap you, Spidey.”
“The last time I went somewhere classified it nearly destroyed the entire universe,” he mumbled to himself.
“I’m not taking you to space or to some underground S.H.I.E.L.D. facility or some random place in the world to fight off bad guys, I promise, I just wanna show you the offer in person.” You explained. “On my dad’s iron grave.”
Peter decided to trust you on that and walked out of the apartment with you. He closed and locked his door and turned to you to be met with your gentle smile that he adored so much.
“(Y/N),” You started and held your hand out to him. “(Y/N) Stark.”
He knew that you knew that he knew who you were. He also knew that you knew who he was. But this was just part of your whimsical humor that he missed so much.
He looked at your hand for a moment and smiled softly. “Peter. Peter Parker.” He took it gently. 
And that is when he felt it. The feeling he hasn’t felt in so long. Most people would call it sparks, butterflies, vibrational attraction, whatever. But he knew better. He knew that it was different for you two. You had the same radioactive arachnid DNA running through your veins and from both of your research, it was like a magnet whenever you guys were near.
He remembered the day you were in the lab studying and researching why you felt so…attracted to him and why it seemed to get stronger and stronger the more you guys spent together. It was different from crushing on each other. You wanted to know why you felt a gravitational pull towards each other that was different from what you felt from other people.
"Parker, I need your blood." You told him one day, in front of everyone at the Avenger’s compound.
"....Excuse me?" He asked, confused and his mouth full of a bite of his sandwich. 
"Oh god, she's morphing into an actual spider," Nat joked.
"Watch out, kid, she's gonna harvest you one day," Bucky added.
You gave them both a horrified look. "First of all, no. Second of all, hell no." You crossed your arms and stood in contrapposto. "It's for science, thank you very much."
"Oh yeah, sure, science," Sam smirked.
You rolled your eyes with a blush on your cheeks and turned to a still-confused Peter who was still paused mid-chew. 
"Relax," you said. "We were bitten by the same spider, right? I wanna see how it affects us differently."
“Oh!” He chimed. “Yeah, I’ve been wondering about that too! I think it’s totally unfair that you can spin your own webs naturally and I can’t so I wanna know what makes us different too.”
You both had gone into the lab and ran some tests with the help of Dr. Cho and Dr. Banner. That is how you found out about your differences as spider mutants and your connection.
Pheromonal Connection.
It was obvious that you felt it too because the expression on your face softened as your hands touched and eyes met. Your (E/C) eyes were looking into his dark brown eyes so deeply like you were trying to merge your thoughts together. 
Man, he wanted to kiss you so bad. Just like all those years ago. 
For a moment, Peter lost control and he began leaning in and you followed before you blinked rapidly and removed your hand from his to lay your hand on your forehead as you made a soft noise of pain with a wince and a hiss.
“Damn it…!” You hissed out softly.
Peter’s eyes widened. “Are you okay?” He asked worriedly.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I’ve just been fighting these stupid migraine episodes for most of my adulthood.”
Peter frowned as his face furrowed. You saw his expression and you smiled softly.
“Stark Stress.” You explained with a shrug and a lopsided grin and a small roll of your eyes like it was no big deal. “I’ve been Owner and CEO of Stark Industries officially for two months and everything and everyone is taking years off of my lifespan.”
Peter chuckled at that. “I’ll bet. Do you need any meds before we go?”
“Nah, thank you though.” You smiled. “No type of medicine can get rid of annoyance.”
Peter hummed in response and you both walked down and out of the apartment complex. There was a black large luxury SUV with a stoic-faced man standing with his hands folded in front of him. He had dark sunglasses on but Peter could tell he was looking at him suspiciously.
He recognized him as Happy Hogan. 
What you didn’t know is that they knew each other already from visiting Aunt May’s grave. They had run into each other over the years visiting the cemetery. 
“Hey,” Peter said and waved to him but Happy didn’t respond and just kept looking at him through his dark shades. It made Peter a little uneasy. 
You let out a deep sigh. “Okay, Cobra Bubbles, you can stop staring him down now.” You said to him. “He’s just a friend of mine.”
Just a friend. Oh, if only you knew.
Peter wanted to laugh at your sarcasm but kept his composure. Happy opened the door for both of you. You climbed inside and Peter followed you after avoiding Happy’s not-so-happy gaze and giving a soft thanks to him. The interior of the SUV was set up like a limo with seats that faced each other. You sat on one end and Peter sat on the other end. As Happy got into the car and began driving you two looked at each other. 
“So where are we heading?” Peter asked again hoping to get some clarity.
“Midtown Manhattan,” you replied as you grabbed an icepack from a cooler compartment that Peter hadn’t noticed until now. You put the ice pack on your forehead. 
He realized where you were taking him. “We’re going to the tower.”
“Bingo,” you sang. “I couldn’t tell you inside your apartment. You never know who’s listening. And the car is soundproof. Not Even Happy can hear us right now.”
Peter raised an eyebrow at you as if to ask ‘Oh really?’
“Head out of the gutter, Parker,” you smirked. “That’s not the reason why I made it soundproof, but let me know if you ever need to borrow it. Just make sure you don’t make a mess.”
“Oh my god,” Peter chuckled. “No, god no.”
Not unless it’s with you. He thought, but even then he wouldn’t feel comfortable knowing Happy of all people would be the one driving.
The rest of the ride was pretty chill. You asked him about school and he answered honestly.
Once you both arrive at the tower you walk inside where employees instantly begin greeting you as you walk by. Peter hadn’t been inside the tower in so long that he forgot what it looked like. It was busier than he remembered but that makes sense since so many years have passed since he's been here last. 
A girl with flaming reddish-orange hair, freckles dancing across her cheeks and nose and bright eyes came rushing up to you with a frantic look in her doe-eyes. "Miss Stark!" She exclaimed in a soft voice as she tried to keep up with you two.
You sighed. "Nika, I told you to call me (Y/N), ‘Miss Stark’ makes me sound scary."
"It makes you sound like the powerful CEO of this very distinguished company," the redhead corrected. "But I need you to confirm the list of foundations that are going to be present at the charity gala next month."
You groaned. "Nika, it's my day off."
"Yes, yes, I know," she replied with a sigh. "But you, the owner of the company, which means you don’t actually get a day off, especially right now. This event was your idea, (Y/N).”
“Yes, I know, I know,” You sighed as you arrived by the Elevators. “I’ll look over it tonight.”
Nika gave you a warning look and then looked to Peter giving him a one-over with her eyes. She didn’t look impressed or amused. 
“I better have it by seven. Or else I’ll make up for your incompetence and...distractions” She didn’t take her hard, glaring eyes off of Peter once, but he was addressing you. 
“Nika,” you said in a warning voice. “Stand down. He’s not a distraction. He’s an Avenger. He’s here on Business, not pleasure.”
“I thought it was your day off,” Her eyes flashed back to you. 
You pressed your lips together before speaking. “Nika, I'll have the list for you by seven.”
Nika smiled with no real emotion behind it. “Good girl, enjoy your day off.” 
And with that, she walked off. Peter looked at you in shock. 
“She’s a friend of mine and she takes her job very, very seriously,” you explain as you two stepped on the elevator. 
“I don’t think she likes me very much.” Peter rubbed the back of his head. 
“Not true,” you defended as you put your eye up to the scanner and a green bar that flashed ‘Access Granted’ with your ID information appeared on the screen. “She doesn’t like distractions.”
“So, I’m a distraction?”
“Nah,” you replied, shaking your head and leaning on the wall of the elevator with your arms crossed and one leg crossed over the other. “That’s unless you want to be.”
You both eyed each other as you both dodged the elephant in the room that eludes to the earlier events right outside of his apartment door. Peter wished he knew what you were thinking at this moment because he knew what he was thinking. He desperately wanted to feel you under his hands as he felt his lips dance with yours. He wondered if you had a similar thought. 
The elevator stopped and the doors opened. 
Peter cleared his throat and flickered his eyes away from you. “Ladies first.”
You blinked rapidly as you looked away from him took a deep breath and walked off of the platform. 
Peter, he had to compose himself, and little did he know that you did too.
Once you both walked off and maneuvered around the familiar place, you led him to a conference room that looked very similar to the one at the Avenger’s compound. Peter looked around for a moment before you stopped in your tracks.
“I’m afraid I haven’t been completely honest,” you stated.
Peter looked over at you wondrously as he tensed lightly. His senses didn’t sense danger but for some reason, he felt nervous all of a sudden. You turned to him with an expression that he couldn’t read, but your word wasn’t something he was prepared for.
“Peter,” you spoke again. “I know who you are.” 
He looked at you as he could have sworn his heart stopped. “What?” His voice was almost a whisper.
“I know who you are.”
Tags: @riordanness
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kana-daydreams · 5 months
𝐏𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚-𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬
A Mr. Villain's Day Off Reader-Insert
I recently watched the anime. It was so funny and wholesome—watched the whole thing in one day. And I couldn't help but want to write for this big, adorable guy 🥰.
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🇵‌🇷‌🇪‌🇲‌🇮‌🇸‌🇪‌: a short three-part drabble series in which you, one of earth’s heroes and a tall, fluffy-haired enemy to humankind, come to find common-ground due to your mutual love for pandas—and eventually for each other.
🇹‌🇦‌🇬‌🇸‌: gen. fluff. platonic relationships. enemies to lovers. eventual romance.
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🇸‌🇴‌🇲‌🇪‌ 🇹‌🇭‌🇮‌🇳‌🇬‌🇸‌ 🇹‌🇴‌ 🇳‌🇴‌🇹‌🇪‌:
Each part of the series can potentially be read as a standalone; therefore, drabbles do not necessarily have to be read in chronological order.
Reader’s code name by default is sunset purple—and yes, you are the purple ranger.
Reader will therefore be referred to as Purple throughout the series and has purple hair to match the aesthetics of the rangers.
Reader is in her 20s and the second oldest amongst the rangers.
Updates will be slow and sporadic.
Lastly, this is my first time doing something like this, so bear with me my dear reader.
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Season One: Panda-loving Enemies
*ೃ༄ during his precious days off, you've managed to become an insufferable thorn in the general's side, keeping a close eye on his every move.
his purple stalker
⤷ an uninvited guest imposes on the general's thoroughly planned day off.
a panda saves the day
⤷ the anger of the general is quelled by the power of a cute black-and-white bear.
meat bun brawl
⤷ you and the general have a 'throw down' for the last panda bun in Hope Mart.
first-class ride
⤷ an injury during your patrol earns you a first-class ticket on the general train.
mrs. villain
⤷ a day in which you get mistaken for the general's wife.
one night roomie
⤷ you spend a memorable night at the general's humble abode.
⤷ a flu keeps the general under house arrest.
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thank you my dear reader for reading season one of POF! updates to POF will be discontinued exclusively here on tumblr. if you enjoyed the first season and would like to read more, you can continue the rest of the series on any one of my other writing accounts. Refer to my pinned post for links.
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© 2024 kana-daydreams
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97keanu · 1 year
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Another imagine saga of Dave Lizewski x goth girlfriend!reader, this time for you finding out Dave is Kick Ass and subsequently the times you have to patch him up after particularly rough nights
CW: angsty, movie typical blood mentions
Read the first imagine here and the first fic (nsfw) here
Dave would be so careful as not to let you know he's Kick Ass, he knows that its a dangerous game he plays and he would never want to get you involved, even if he believes you could take the truth, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if something were to happen to you.
You really start to wonder when he keeps coming over with various cuts and bruises, however.
At first you think bullies at school did this, and you get extremely pissed, like Dave having to hold you back as you begin to think of a particular bully who may have done this and you're on the move to kick their ass as you two speak
As much as Dave finds your fury kinda sexy, he also can't have you beating up people who have nothing to do with this, so he keeps making up random stories like "oh I got mugged on my way home, I have no clue who did it." Or for more minor scrapes and bruises "you know me, I'm just so clumsy I ran into x y z"
Still, you're extremely suspicious and eventually you find his suit in his room and confront him
Dave can't explain, he's at an absolute loss for words and he ends up having to fess up.
At first, you're furious, you can't believe he would do something so reckless, you hate the idea that he would ever be in harms way and truthfully, from the sweet, kind, tender Dave you know you can't imagine him being a the badass Kick Ass is.
After a few long talks and Dave even demonstrating his swiftness and strength by pinning you to the bed in two seconds flat, your metal accessories clinking as he does so, you begin to believe him. + Don't forget to add a few forgiving kisses in which Dave messes up your black lipstick, but you don't mind.
Once you two have an understanding of the whole situation, it becomes a bit fun and sexy. You tease him about playing dress up and he teases you that your goth attire is just dress up for people who like bats and cemeteries. You can't argue with that.
You get into the idea of what your gothic superhero outfit would look like and even draw up a few examples and share them with Dave, he thinks its adorable but always gently tries to sway you from actually doing it, since he can't stand the idea of you being hurt
You give Dave some really good goth/metal/alternative hits for him to listen to while he works out, which he's been keeping up with lately as to not get his ass kicked as much while out patrolling.
You even convince him to paint his nails black, feigning that its NOT because you want him to match with yours, but because it will look/feel more badass when he's Kick Ass. (Dave knows that makes so sense since you can't even see his nails in his costume, but he digresses.)
Eventually, Dave does come by one night, particularly beat up after a bad mugging situation, and your heart sinks.
He comes in from your bedroom window, completely hurt and he doesn't know why but he came to your house first because he really just needed the comfort.
You immediately grab a first aid kit laying around your house (thank god you kept one on hand), and begin cleaning up his bloodied face and hands.
You feel strange because for so long your gothic interests have shown blood in movies, music, and online and you always thought it was so aesthetically pleasing and sometimes even romanized.
Its not, you can't even explain how horrible you feel, the pit in your stomach opening up when you see how hurt Dave is, even though he tries to say it doesn't hurt that much, it scares you.
After Dave is bandaged up, you take his costume off, and nearly toss it with anger on your bedroom floor somewhere, you don't care where, in fact you want it out of sight.
Dave can tell how much this upset you, and he keeps apologizing, and you don't even blame him, you know he does good, you know you could never ask him to change, this is just who he is.
But fuck, you just want Dave right now. Not Kick Ass. Not a superhero. Just plain old Dave, the nerdy shy boy you fell in love with. And you tell him just this. Dave understands, and pulls you close, telling you still how sorry he is for scaring you.
The two of you hold each other tight, Dave petting your back ratted hair softly, looking into your dark make-uped eyes and giving you kisses anywhere he can.
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bornagainmurdock · 6 months
my (apparently) controversial matt murdock headcannons pt1
contents: 18+ ONLY, suggestive but no smut, this post contains multitudes
word count: .6k
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matt is so bi coded it’s oozing off of him
also think he's on the ace spectrum (but probably bc im ace)
on a similar page, mans loves a threesome loves being in the middle of a threesome (& also in the middle of a cuddle pile)
sometimes wears lifts in his shoes just to be a little bit taller and intimidating, especially when on patrol bc 5'10 isn't tall enough apparently
has kissed foggy (sober) & would go it again (sober)
kissed all his friends in college for fun at parties (and also in his bed on the weekends to avoid studying)
loves a mocktail, sometimes he doesn’t drink when he goes to bars bc he fears losing control but also loves flavored lemonade and fancy syrups and the aesthetic of drinks. loves a mule the tin cup and everything
fucks with a good brewery or distillary with specialty drinks
matt would never cheat on his partner. matt is a big communicator and thinks its the foundation of every relationship. he’s all about being open and honest about his feelings no matter how silly it seems. “i thought that person over there had a really hot voice. what do they look like?” “omg this barista hit on me the other morning while i was getting fog karen and i coffee and i flirted back bc wow and also left a really generous tip”
matt is into ethical non-monogamy and absolutely would be into having an open relationship. type to research relationship anarchy and implement that into his relationships in order to make everyone feel valued and heard
has read the ethical slut (3rd edition) and recs it to everyone he meets
big masochist but refuses to admit it, but loves loves to play fight and wrestle with his partner(s)
obviously into choking i mean c'mon
has a massive voice kink (especially accents he doesn't hear often) bc he can hear all the little intricacies in every single word and it drives him absolutely crazy
would go running barefoot if he wasn't in NYC and at risk of stepping on dangerous things
the kind to hike barefoot in the mountains to feel more connected to the earth
would hate theme parks bc of the noise, but would really like all the food offerings
fucks with legoland hard
and on a similar note, would eat anything once just to experience it
listens to bubblegum kpop when he boxes sometimes
also sometimes listens to death metal when he boxes
has gone clubbing a few times and finds it too overwhelming, but he loooooves dancing when he's been drinking. will grind on whoever is within reach (with consent)
and also if drunk enough, will be the one grinding at the club
loves operas, will go when he can
has a pair of fluffy slippers under his desk so he doesn't have to wear his stiff loafers all day at work
has an extra pair of clothes at the office in case he has to change out of the daredevil suit before it can make it back to his apartment
has taken a few of those 'street medic' classes intended for people going to protests in order to stay updated on the best ways to help stitch himself up and take care of wounds
is CPR certified for similar reasons
really into ping pong
hates bowling, is really bad at it and gets pouty when you put the bumpers up for him
thinks about joining a local rugby league but they won't let him because when he showed up to inquire they determined he needed ot heal a bit more before he came back (mans is always covered in open wounds and bruises rip)
sometimes attributes the bruises on his neck to daredevil activites when really yall had a wild night the previous night
author's note: like this format? let me know by sending an ask! i have so many more headcannons to share. (also i'd love to hear your headcannons! send them my way!)
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gracetopher-week · 2 months
Gracetopher Week 2024:
Hello everyone! Sorry for the late post. I got some questions about whether we were doing it this year, well here we are! Here are our prompts! All forms of media are welcome for the week (Ex: Fanfic, fanart, aesthetics, playlists, HCs, etc.), we're just happy to see people celebrate Grace and Christopher. This year we're going to try prompts instead of different forms of content like we did the last two (2022), (2023) years. Please tag your posts #gracetopherweek 2024 and or #gracetopherweek. Here are the prompts!
Day 1: Free Day
As an apology for not posting the prompts pretty late and not giving everyone a lot of time to prepare. Have an open first day to get started <3
(Feel free to use prompts during this day, though.)
Day 2: Christopher Lives
I think we all know he deserved better. This week we're pretending he and Grace lived happily ever after post CoT.
Day 3: Teaching/Learning
Doesn't necessarily have to be a skill of any kind, they could also just be learning different things from one another, whether it's general knowledge or character growth of some kind.
Day 4: Night ________
Sort of a fill in the blank prompt. Some examples: Night patrol, nightmare/night terror, night time, night out, etc.
Day 5: First
They didn't get enough moments together. Give them some classics! First dance, first kiss, first date, first "I love you". If you're a smut writer you know what I'm going to say. Be creative! Lots of relationships have firsts, including friendships, which gracetopher has a great foundation for (you could say they have chemistry). Have fun with this one!
Day 6: Grief
Doesn't have to be Christopher, just to clarify. This can be interpreted as a hurt/comfort prompt as well. Be as angsty or un-angsty(?) as you want. Have fun!
Day 7: New Beginnings
After Chain of Thorns, there's so much opportunity for these two. There are so many ways they could have had a future together. They're both obviously quite new to relationships too, so don't be afraid to make that part of this prompt too. Moving in together, making a discovery of some sort, creating their first invention, or even getting married, etc. are some examples for this prompt if you're confused. Have fun!
Please tag us @gracetopher-week in your posts so we can reblog them here! And don't forget to tag #gracetopherweek 2024 and #gracetopherweek! All forms of content are allowed. We're so excited to see what you make. Feel free to leave any questions or comments in our ask box. See you all again on the tenth!
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