#Newton Nitro
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ESCRITACAST 24 | Marketing para Escritores | + Artigo "Como Vender o Seu Livro de Ficção" + MP3 + Video Podcast de Dicas de Escrita - Carlos Rocha e Newton Nitro
Neste episódio do ESCRITACAST, o seu podcast de dicas práticas para escritores, Newton Nitro e Carlos Rocha trazem a primeira parte de uma série essencial sobre Marketing para Escritores. Saiba como divulgar suas obras e alcançar mais leitores! 📖✨ VIDEO AUDIO Como Vender o Seu Livro de Ficção Escrever um livro de ficção é um feito impressionante. Mas, depois de todo o trabalho com trama,…
#Carlos Rocha#Como escrever um livro#Dicas para Escritores#Escritacast#Marketing para Escritores#Newton Nitro#Nitrodungeon#selo multiversos
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Quadrinhos Porretas - EP. 56: Quadrinhos Sonoros (vários artistas)
Neste episódio, falo sobre a HQ Quadrinhos Sonoros, uma coletânea com quadrinistas mineiros, lançada de forma independente em março de 2024. Lista de quadrinistas que participam da coletânea:
Aline Cristine Ana Paula Côrtes Dan Aroeira Daniel Bretas Kátia Schittine Kimera Gilson Ribeiro Guus Hill Rocha Jéssica Groke João Belo Laura Jardim Lúcio Guimarães Maria Jupira Newton Nitro, Cristiano Seixas e Alexandre Tso Rebeca Prado Sunça Val Armanelli
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WELCOME TO DENVER, alice! you’ve been accepted as bethany ryan (LYDIA WEST), ruriko ito (ADACHI RIKA), samantha gagliardi (SOPHE NELISSE) , and marley clark (KATHRYN NEWTON)! please have your account sent in within 24 hours; don’t forget your CHECKLIST!
ALICE, 26, GMT+1; SHE/HER. | if you’re hearing SEARCH FOR THE HERO by M PEOPLE playing, you have to know BETHANY RYAN (SHE/HER; CIS FEMALE) is near by! the 29 year old FILMMAKER and BARTENDER has been in denver for, like, SIX YEARS. they’re known to be quite STUBBORN, but being LOGICAL seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble LYDIA WEST. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those FALLING ASLEEP AT YOUR DESK, LAPTOP LIGHTING THE ROOM, SCREWED UP PAPERS AROUND THE BIN vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the DOWNTOWN DISTRICT long enough!
ALICE, 26, GMT+1; SHE/HER. | if you’re hearing NO TIME TO DIE by BILLIE EILISH playing, you have to know RURIKO ITO (SHE/HER; CIS FEMALE) is near by! the 27 year old MUSICIAN & FINDERS KEEPERS EMPLOYEE has been in denver for, like, SIXTEEN YEARS. they’re known to be quite FORTHCOMING, but being PASSIONATE seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble ADACHI RIKA. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those RIPPED JEANS, LATE NIGHT WALKS, GRAND PIANO ON AN OTHERWISE EMPTY STAGE vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the CHERRY CREEK DISTRICT long enough! ** Chance’s band member WC
ALICE, 26, GMT+1; SHE/HER. | if you’re hearing HEAVEN (ACOUSTIC) by NIALL HORAN playing, you have to know SAMANTHA GAGLIARDI (SHE/HER; CIS FEMALE) is near by! the 23 year old EMPLOYEE AT SUNSET SOUNDS has been in denver for, like, SIX YEARS. they’re known to be quite UNAMBITIOUS, but being DUTIFUL seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble SOPHIE NELISSE. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those GUITAR COVERED IN STICKERS, VOICE ECHOING IN AN EMPTY THEATRE, STACKS OF FULL NOTEBOOKS vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the MONTBELLO DISTRICT long enough! ** Bianca’s and Rhett’s daughter WC & volunteer at Felipe’s theatre
ALICE, 26, GMT+1; SHE/HER. | if you’re hearing CHEAT CODES by NITRO FUN playing, you have to know MARLEY CLARK (SHE/HER; CIS FEMALE) is near by! the 26 year old CO-OWNER OF COMIC QUEST has been in denver for, like, TWENTY-SIX YEARS. they’re known to be quite WORRISOME, but being RESOURCEFUL seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble KATHRYN NEWTON. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those MESSY WIRES OF VIDEO GAME CONSOLES, DENIM JACKETS, THE SMELL OF POPCORN vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the MONTBELLO DISTRICT long enough!
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I’m currently reading Doctor Who: Origin Stories and so far:
(Mild spoilers under the cut)
Ace has met Thirteen and been taught Chemistry by her - leading her to develop Nitro-9!
Martha has met Nine and been transported to Salem during the Witch Trials - and he’s the reason she decides to study to become a doctor!
We’ve discovered Kate Stewart is immune to alien mind control!
Jo Grant met Iris Wildthyme - both of whom are, of course, played Katy Manning (who wrote the story, just as Sophie Aldred wrote Ace’s story).
Amy used Newton’s hidden notes to enter a different part of the multiverse and brought her mother back. (Rory drove her to Woolsthorpe Manor to find Newton’s notes.)
Clara lost the leaf that brought her mother and father together, met a white wolf in an enchanted forest and met the Eleventh Doctor out of order.
All of them are children or teenagers when their stories take place.
I’ve still got the stories with Yas & Ryan, Sarah Jane, Missy, Davros, and Madam Vastra left to read.
#Kate Stewart#Doctor Martha Jones#Dorothy McShane#Jo Grant#Amy Pond#Rory Williams#Clara Oswald#Thirteenth Doctor#Ninth Doctor#Eleventh Doctor#Books#Doctor Who
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Investigation 4 (12/6/2020): Explosion - Katsuki Bakugou
This investigation will cover the quirk of the most famous/infamous character in the BNHA fandom: Katsuki Bakugou. His ‘explosion’ quirk allows him to “secrete nitro-glycerine-like sweat”[1] from his skin and detonate it at will, and he uses the resultant explosions for direct close-range attack, movement, and illumination. The main detail to be examined therefore is the synthesis of the substance within Bakugou’s body.
To begin with, we’ll look specifically at the compound Nitro-glycerine. It is described by Encyclopaedia Britannica as “a colourless, oily, somewhat toxic liquid having a sweet, burning taste”. How exactly the taste of nitro-glycerine was discovered is not explained, and neither is the dubious use of the word “slightly”, but the entry does describe the exact stages of the decomposition of the molecule. Its extreme instability lies in its high nitrogen content. Diatomic nitrogen molecules form triple covalent bonds, and are thus very stable. Therefore, the nitrogen in its state within the nitro-glycerine molecule is unstable, as it ‘wants’ to form strong, stable triple-bonds. As the nitrogen is released from the molecule, energy is given off as heat, which allows the carbon and hydrogen atoms to react with the oxygen, releasing yet more heat. It is this second step, facilitated by the high oxygen content of the molecule, that makes nitro-glycerine so powerful as an explosive.
The instability of the compound creates difficulty – since it is in such a high energy state, it takes a lot of energy to synthesise. The commercial synthesis of nitro-glycerine involves heated nitric and sulfuric acids, but can be done at home, in an experiment not for the faint of heart (or perhaps the opposite, but we’ll get to that later). The ridiculousness of such an experiment can be summed up by a forum post by an amateur chemist using the phrase “only 65-70% concentrated HNO3 [nitric acid] and 96-98% concentrated H2SO4 [sulfuric acid]”. It’s safe to say that such a reaction is infeasible within biological environments, and most likely any environment without a few dozen blast shields and fume hoods. However, the main pathway is simply the nitration of glycerol, where each of the three hydroxide (OH) groups are replaced with a nitrate (NO3) group, and the mixture of sulfuric and nitric acid only exists to create protonated nitric acid (nitric acid with an additional H+ ion). It is this that reacts with the glycerol in an endothermic reaction, so if the two can be gathered from food then nitro-glycerine can be synthesised within Bakugou’s body.
Glycerol, referred to in the food industry as glycerine, is used as a preservative and sweetener, and as such can be found in a handful of foods, such as dried fruits, soft drinks, and icing. Despite this, the average intake of glycerol per day is rather low. Additionally, I have yet to come across a food containing nitric acid in both high enough quantities to be used for nitro-glycerine production and low enough quantities to be safe, or indeed containing nitric acid at all. The role of nitric acid in the reaction is rather indirect, though, and a safer way to obtain the nitronium (NO2+) ion could be found, specifically via nitric oxide (NO). This compound can be obtained via the ingestion of many foods, including red meat, beetroot, garlic, and dark chocolate. The compound would then bind to a protonated oxide ion, and become the desired nitronium ion.
It is important to note that when explaining his quirk, Bakugou uses the phrase “nitro-glycerine-like”. The pronunciation is ambiguous in the dub (either “secrete nitro-glycerine-like sweat, or “secrete nitro-glycerine like sweat”), but the subtitles reveal the former to be true, and therefore we know that the substance that is produced is not pure nitro-glycerine. Nitro-glycerine, despite the name, is in fact not a nitro compound, but a nitrate ester. These compounds all have the property of explosive, smokeless decomposition, but are again synthesised using nitric acid. The intake of nitric acid is unlikely to be the ingestion of the compound in solution, due to the acid’s tendency to corrode biological tissues. Bakugou’s internal organs have not yet been shown in the anime, but it is safe to assume that he does not internal chemical burns by drinking acid. The issue is therefore one of acquiring the acid (interestingly, passing electricity through moist air creates small amounts of nitric acid, a technique that could be completed with the help of Denki Kaminari) and somehow ingesting it without causing large amounts of corrosive damage to the digestive system. Therefore, the compound would most likely be synthesized rather than ingested in its native form. The synthesis of nitric acid involves the reaction between nitrogen dioxide and water, releasing nitric oxide and nitric acid. This nitric acid can then be reacted with glycerine to produce nitro-glycerine (although glycerine is relatively rare in the body and diet), or an alcohol to produce a corresponding nitrate ester. These esters are all to a certain degree explosive, especially methyl and ethyl nitrate, created with methanol and ethanol, respectively. Since methanol is incredibly toxic to humans (there’s a reason people don’t drink methylated spirits and tell you about it), it can be assumed the substance secreted by Bakugou’s skin is ethyl nitrate (formula C2H5NO3).
Now the exact compound and method of synthesis is known, we can look at some of the possible side-effects of such a quirk. The first, which has been theorised by a few different fans, is the fact that nitro-glycerine is used to treat high blood pressure. At first it may seem that this problem is irrelevant, since it is expressly stated the compound created is not nitro-glycerine, but the treatment works via nitro-glycerine’s decomposition into nitric oxide, catalysed by the enzyme mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase 2. It is then the nitric oxide which causes vasodilation, not the nitro-glycerine. This is a problem due to nitric oxide’s role as a by-product of Bakugou’s production of ethyl nitrate, and thus any of the compound that enters the blood stream would be absorbed by the blood vessels and cause lowered blood pressure. This could become dangerous, as low blood pressure creates dizziness, fatigue, nausea, and in extreme cases, loss of consciousness. Usually, low blood pressure (also known as hypotension) does not need treatment, but chronic hypotension can be treated via medication to alleviate the symptoms.
Another minor issue is the lack of normal sweating. Sweat lowers body temperature by evaporating, taking energy from the skin and cooling it. Ethyl Nitrate would perform similarly to normal sweat in this scenario, with any slight differences in energy change regulated by the amount of ethyl nitrate which is secreted (just like how the amount of sweat people secrete is based on temperature). However, it would make especially sweaty areas of Bakugou’s body dangerously flammable. It should also be noted that only Bakugou’s hands are every depicted as having explosive potential, so either Bakugou only sweats through his hands, leading to incredibly clammy, flammable and dangerous hands in any slightly warm environment, or sweats normally, leading to the possibility of his explosions spreading across his whole body. If he just sweats from his hands, this also explains the disproportionately large frequency and size of explosions he can release.
It hopefully should be rather evident that sweating explosive compounds and causing them to spontaneously detonate on one’s skin is not good for one’s bodily wellbeing. The immediate worry is one of burns from temperature increase. Ethyl Nitrate burns with 1348922 Joules per mole. I can’t find any measure for the average amount of sweat on someone’s hands, but it’s safe to assume it’s only a few ml and so the explosion of jus the residual sweat on Bakugou’s hands wouldn’t do much damage to the skin, since the heat isn’t very high or prolonged. The frequent detonation of small amounts of sweat would at worst cause hardening and callousing of the skin. But what about large quantities of sweat?
One of the largest (and first) uses of Bakugou’s quirk in combat seen is when the gauntlets integrated into his hero costume are used against Deku. They allow the storage and voluntary detonation of large volumes of Bakugou’s sweat, leading to a large explosion with significant offensive capabilities. But as Newton’s third law of motion states, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. In this case, a force of equal magnitude to the one exerted on the opponent, but in the opposite direction (along Bakugou’s arm). The magnitude of such a blast could be calculated by estimating the volume of storage in the gauntlet. The gauntlets stretch across the length of Bakugou’s forearms, and have a similar width. If we approximate them to a cylinder of length 30cm (12 inches), and width 20cm (8 inches), the volume of the gauntlets is ~9500cm3. Of course, some of this space is taken up by Bakugou’s arm, so simplifying his arm to a 10cm wide cylinder (to account for some beefy forearms), the volume reduces to ~7000cm3.
Let’s then estimate that 75% of that volume is sweat storage, so the final value for the volume of sweat each gauntlet comes to approx. 5250cm3, or 5.25 litres (1.2 gallons). This amount of liquid would weigh nearly 6kg (13.2lbs), not an easy feat to swing around with one arm, let alone jump and do acrobatics with (but again, we’re observing that Bakugou has some large muscles). We know the detonation of Ethyl Nitrate releases 1348922 Joules per mole, and 5.25 litres of Ethyl Nitrate is the equivalent of 64 moles. Therefore, the explosion of one full gauntlet releases 86.3 MJ of energy, equivalent to 20kg (44lbs) of TNT.
With proper preparation and placement, 1kg of TNT can be used to destroy a small vehicle. The explosions caused by many amateur bombs are equivalent to around 10kg of TNT. It is safe to say that if the entire gauntlet were detonated at once, the building would suffer catastrophic structural damage, most likely leading to at least partial collapse, and both Deku and Bakugou would be immediately killed (its seems All Might may have been on to something here). Although the damage caused by the use of the gauntlet is severe, it does not equate to the detonation of 20kg of TNT, and therefore we can deduce that only a portion of the total capacity of the gauntlet was detonated. The question is, how much?
After examining the many different controlled explosions usefully uploaded to YouTube, I estimate that the explosion Bakugou unleashed in episode 7 equated to roughly 10kg (22lbs) of TNT, or half of the maximum force of one gauntlet. The exact force exerted by the explosion is near impossible to accurately calculate, since the gauntlets direct the blast in a line, the dimensions and material of the corridor are not fully known, and well as many other factors come into play, not to mention I can’t find an equation that includes all of the terms ,corridor dimensions’, ‘material of corridor’, ‘width of gauntlet barrel’ and ‘weight of Bakugou and Deku’. However, we can turn to Newton again to figure out the damage to Bakugou’s arm. It is here we recall Newton’s third law of motion. It means that the force applied to Bakugou is at least the same magnitude as the force applied to Deku, and almost certainly much more since some of the force that would have hit Deku instead goes into destruction of the building. According to the BNHA wiki, Bakugou is 172cm tall, and we can see he is ~2.5 wall-tile-widths from the floor. This means the tiles in the scene are around 69cm wide and tall. Japan uses the metric system for all but traditional craft, and so it is likely the tiles are some round number of centimetres, let’s say 75cm. After the blast travels past and destroys ~35 tiles, 26m or 85ft (this seems rather far away for ‘close quarters’ combat, but here we are), it hits Deku and blasts him backwards, through the door behind him which sits 20 tiles (15m or 50ft) away. The blast is then immediately shown damaging the outer wall of the building, creating a roughly circular hole three windows wide. Afterwards, we see Deku standing in a new room, with the walls now tiled differently, but the width of each tile is the same 75cm when we compare them with the identical floor tiles. This shows us he is 7 tile-widths (5m or 16ft) from the door, having travelled a grand total of 20m (66ft).
The wind speed required to blow the average person off their feet is 45mph, the speed of a significant tropical storm. To work out the force of such a breeze, and thus the minimum force Deku was hit with, we must multiply the surface area of Deku’s body in m2, the wind speed in m/s, and the density of the air in kg/m3, giving us a final measurement of kgm/s2, or Newtons. Substituting in the numbers gives us approximately 50 Newtons of force as a minimum. Assuming this force was exerted over 1 second, we can see that 1 Deku 1m/s isn’t a realistic way to blow through a solid door. Let’s go bigger.
The magnitude of a force in Newtons can be calculated by multiplying the mass of the object the force acts upon and the resultant acceleration of the object due to the force (this is Newton’s Second Law of Motion). Since Deku starts at rest and acceleration is change in velocity over time, his acceleration is simply half his final velocity. The velocity now needs to be measured, which can be done via the approximate momentum need to break down a door.
The Enforcer is a modern battering ram used by the British Police do just that. It weighs 16 kg, and assuming it can be swung at ~15m/s (lets be conservative, Deku doesn’t need any more broken bones) the momentum it carries is 240kgm/s - this can also be understood as exerting a force of 240 Newtons on the door. For Deku to exert the same force, assuming he has an above average body weight[2] of ~75kg, he would have to be travelling at 3.2m/s. Let’s round up to 5m/s to account for his flight through the air and short trip beyond the door, since going at 2.3m/s would keep one airborne for long. This means that he has a force of 45kg × 5m/s acting upon him when hit by the blast, a force of 225 Newtons. Going back to Newton’s Third Law of Motion, this means Bakugou’s arm recoils under at least ~500 Newtons of force, since the blast originates from the gauntlet, (we’re being conservative and saying around 50% of the force missed Deku). Now we must find out the damage that this force would cause.
500 newtons is a lot of force, but it’s not the only thing to keep in mind. Boxers can punch up to 2500N, but the force doesn’t last long, maybe a tenth of a second. The main thing to focus on is impulse, and we can see that punches have an impulse of only 250kgm/s. The explosion force on Bakugou’s arm is applied over a significant time, giving an impressive impulse of ~1500kgm/s, or 6 boxer’s punches at once. The force required to dislocate a shoulder at the deltoid is around 85 Newtons, which means it’s not looking good for Bakugou’s tendons. However, the human shoulder can support a lot of force. People can dead-hang an excess of 100kg for an impressively long time, the equivalent of 980 Newtons (do note that this is in the opposite direction to our scenario, and does not carry a very high impulse). Even with the sudden shock, it’s doubtful that the 500N of recoil would do anything more than a possible dislocation (again, we’ve got serious muscle to take into account), which whilst being immensely painful would not be fatal or irreparable. But since half the force was enough to fling Deku through the air, even with adequate bracing Bakugou would near certainly be accelerated backwards and into the wall only a meter or two behind him, causing severe damage to his back, ribs, limbs, skull, and gauntlets. The headwear and shoulder guards of his costume may absorb some of the impact, but depending on their structural rigidity would probably do more harm than good, especially the sides of the mask which would be rather dangerous at high velocities.
Either way, Bakugou would be quickly propelled backwards, as if standing right next to an explosion of 10kg of TNT (a rather direct parallel) or being hit by 100 golf clubs simultaneously, if he were to unleash half of the possible blast of one of his gauntlets. Firing eve one, let alone both at full power would rival many modern-day chemical explosives, and would certainly be fatal to Bakugou and anyone within a considerable radius.
To conclude, Bakugou’s body uses nitrogen dioxide and water to create nitric acid, which is reacted with ethanol to produce ethyl nitrate. This is the explosive substance that Bakugou sweats, and it facilitates the explosions he can produce. Small amounts of the compound, as present on Bakugou’s skin, could be detonated, but to little effect. However, the storage of the compound allows significant explosive potential, with half of one gauntlet having the rough explosive power of 10kg of TNT, the equivalent of one small conventional bomb.
[1] Season 1 Episode 7: Deku vs Kaachan
[2] Season 1 Episode 3: Roaring Muscles
If you liked this investigation and want to have a say in the next one, then make sure to send a recommendation for which quirk I should investigate!
#bnha#boku no hero academia#mha#my hero academia#bakugou katsuki#katsuki bakugou#tw: bomb#tw: explosives#quirk investigation#bnha analysis
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Ideas for Talents in Overwatch 2
(From my Reddit account)
One of my biggest fears for the sequel is that talents will only be for the heroes chosen for Story missions. I wanted to see how hard it would be to make talents for all 31 heroes. It only took me a day, so if I could do it I don't see why the entire Blizzard team couldn't.
Reinhardt has at least 7 talents, so I came up with 8 talents for each hero to round it out.
(Talents with * are official talents revealed in gameplay or BlizzCon)
Tank Talents
Level 1
Game Over- When Mech health reaches 0, mech will fall apart as usual, but each piece explodes to deal 50 damage
Landing Zone- Call Mech produces larger shockwave that knocks enemies back and deals 100 damage
Level 10
Shooting Star- Ram into enemy with Boosters to set them on fire
Micro Flares- Micro Missiles shoots flares that can intercept projectiles in midair
Level 20
Build Up Charge- Mech draws in enemies before it Self Destructs
Disassembly Matrix- Barriers do not block projectiles while under Defense Matrix, enemies covered by Matrix take more damage
Level 50
Defensive Dome- Defense Matrix covers 360 degrees in 7.5 meter radius
Photon Cannon- Micro Missile fires the projectiles from Pilot D.va's Light Gun instead
Level 1
Mobile Barrier- Protective Barrier hovers in front of Orisa instead of being placed on the ground
Charger Shield- The Supercharger is protected by a 300 HP barrier
Level 10
Fusion Charge- Critical hits from Fusion Driver charges your Ultimate faster
Cease!- Halt! stuns all enemies it passes through before it activates
Level 20
Ubercharger- Supercharger gives Fortify effect to all allies boosted by it
Citizen's Arrest- Halt! holds enemies in place for 4 seconds, but they spin around the way they used to in Zarya's ultimate
Level 50
Immovable Object- If you are hit by a melee attack while Fortified (Talon Assassin or Talon Heavy's charge) the damage is deflected back to attacker and they are stunned
Fortification- Fortify increases health by 300 Armor
Level 1
*Fire Burst- Fire Strike explodes every time it deals damage, lighting nearby enemies on fire
*Frenzy- Rocket Hammer swings faster after consecutive hits
Level 10
*Impact Converter- Rocket Hammer damage recharges your Barrier Field
*Amplification Field- Barrier Field increases damage of friendly projectiles passing through it
Level 20
*Balderich's Stand- Gain armour and damage when your barrier breaks
*Fault Line- Earthshatter does more damage in a narrower cone
Level 50
*Epicentre- Earthshatter travels in all direction
Forward Assault- Charge can pin up to 3 enemies at once
Level 1
Barbed Hook- Chain Hook stuns enemy even after they are released
Sinker- Scrap Gun reloads automatically when you successfully hook an enemy
Level 10
Slag Metal- Whole Hog sets enemies on fire
Junk Ball- Scrap Gun alternate fire headshot does triple damage if it hits before detonation
Level 20
Stored Fat- Gain 150 additional HP if Take a Breather is used at full health, for a total of 750 HP
Funnel- Whole Hog fires in a tighter spread instead of a cone
Level 50
Chem Pump- Damage taken during Take a Breather heals for 50% of damage taken
Scrap Blast- At point blank range Scrap Gun knocks back enemy
Level 1
Iron Core- Accretion knocks down enemy for maximum amount of time regardless of distance
Reconstruction- Experimental Barrier is restored by 50% of max health when taken down
Level 10
Asteroid- Accretion launches in straight line at faster speed
Kinetic Converter- Kinetic Grasp heals and boosts healing received from allies
Level 20
Optimal Barrier- Experimental Barrier does not take damage while it is being deployed
Gravity Anomaly- Gravitic Flux draws in enemies into area of effect and deals constant damage until the slam
Level 50
Gravity Well- Enemy is briefly held in place if both Hyperspheres hit
Black Hole- Kinetic Grasp draws in every projectile that enters a 5 meter radius and gives shields for 100% of the damage
Level 1
Primeval Rage- Surrounded by electricity during Primal Rage to deal extra damage
Take Off- Surrounding enemies are set on fire when Jump Pack is triggered
Level 10
Re-entry- Enemies get knocked down if you land on them with Jump Pack
Projector Error- Barrier Projector explodes when it expires
Level 20
Electrobarrier- All enemies inside Barrier Projector are electrocuted
Primal Beast- The extra 500 HP during Primal Rage is converted to armor
Level 50
Malfunction- Tesla Cannon does extra damage to barriers and reloads while damaging them
Giga Coils- Tesla Cannon reloads and increases damage by 33% with each kill, maxes out at 100%
Wrecking Ball
Level 1
Multi Claw- Grappling Claw has 3 charges
Blazing Speed- At high speed enemies struck are set ablaze
Level 10
Meteor Mines- Mines float above out of sight and come crashing down when enemy is detected below
Adaptive Drop- Gain 100 shields for every en enemy hit by Piledriver
Level 20
Rocketball- Use Piledriver even when on the ground
Billiards- Enemies take bonus damage if they are knocked into each other or walls
Level 50
Volatile Mines- Destroy one mine to set off entire field at once instead of each individual going off automatically
Eruptive Shield- Whenever Adaptive Shield takes damage, it explodes and deals damage to nearby enemies
Level 1
Frontline- Damage boosted when shield health is depleted
Plasmathrower- Particle Cannon sets enemy on fire at high energy
Level 10
Power Surge- The more enemies caught in Graviton Surge the higher Particle Cannon damage is
Particle Charge- Damage blocked by barriers give extra ultimate charge
Level 20
Event Horizon- Enemies caught in Graviton Surge take extra damage
Damage Conversion- Damage blocked by Projected Barrier boosts ally's damage
Level 50
Shield Network- Projected Barrier covers up to 3 allies in a group
Energy Conversion- Plasma Barrier converts damage into healing by 50%
Damage Talents
Level 1
Double Barrel- Coach Gun has 2 charges
Firing Squad- B.O.B will focus fire on any enemy who mark with a sniped shot, shooting with firearms on both arms
Level 10
The Muscle- B.O.B knocks enemies down
Speed Charge- Headshots give extra ultimate charge
Level 20
Sensor Fuse- Dynamite explodes automatically once it is close to enemy
Black Powder- At close range, Coach Gun burns enemy
Level 50
Nitro- Dynamite sets the terrain on fire
The Gunner- B.O.B is equipped with shotguns
Level 1
Ironclad- Take 50% less damage during transition between Recon and Sentry
Artillery Elite- Sentry weapon can deal headshots
Level 10
Incendiary Rounds- Tank rounds set enemies on fire
Assault Shield- Use Self-Repair to deploy a 400 HP barrier in front of you for 4 seconds
Level 20
Configuration: Grenade Launcher- Tank rounds contain shrapnel
Upgraded Repair- Self-Repair heals in a 200 HP burst
Level 50
Treaded Feet- Move faster in Recon form when not firing or healing
On-Field Repair- Take 50% less damage while healing
Level 1
Unstoppable Force- Rocket Punch works in any direction you aim like Genji's Swift Strike
Fisticuffs- Successful damage with any ability fully restores ammo
Level 10
Perfect Defense- There is no limit to shields gained by The Best Defense
Knockout- Rising Uppercut stuns enemy
Level 20
Extinction Event- Meteor Strike has an explosion with 16 meter radius that deals 150 damage
Seismic Strike- Seismic Slam always does maximum damage
Level 50
Shatterwave- Rocket Punch can knock back multiple enemies
Newton's Law- Enemy struck by Rocket Punch damages and knocks back other enemies it rams into
Level 1
Assassin's Blade- Swift Strike damages enemy by 20/sec for 4 seconds
Hyper Agility- You can triple Jump and wall climbing is indefinite
Level 10
*Dragon's Breath- Dragonblade shoots out a projectile
Steady Blade- Deflected projectiles are automatically returned to the attacker, no aiming required
Level 20
Perfect Parry- Deflected projectiles double in power
Sojiro's Teaching- Swift Stike cooldown instant if you cut more than one enemy
Level 50
Dragon of the North Wind- Dragonblade surrounds you in a cyclone that slices up enemies that get too close
Scatter Shuriken- Fan of Blades shurikens split into 9 shurikens and ricochet
Level 1
Skywalk- Lunge has 3 charges and wall climbing is indefinite
Assassin's Arrow- Storm Arrows slow down enemy
Level 10
Dragon's Fang- Storm Arrows pierce through enemies and barriers
Quick Charge- Headshots give extra ultimate charge
Level 20
*Sojiro's Guidance- Arrow hunts down all enemies detected by Sonic Arrow
Taser Arrow- Sonic Arrow stuns enemy
Level 50
Dragon of the South Wind- Dragonstrike sucks in enemies that stray too near
Simple Geometry- Fully drawn arrows and Storm Arrows ricochet
Level 1
Parting Gift- Total Mayhem drops a trap and grenades that go off when the trap activates
Hunting Gear- Steel Trap has 3 charges and Concussion Mine has 3 charges
Level 10
Armed Trap- Steel Trap explodes when it is triggered
Scrap Frag- Frag Launcher rounds contain shrapnel
Level 20
Oil Drum- Concussion Mine sets enemy on fire
Gaspowered- RIP-Tire sets enemies on fire, runtime is longer
Level 50
Sticky Bomb Launcher- Frag Launcher shoots grenades that only explode in proximity to enemy. They don't bounce instead sticking to any terrain. Up to 10 can be on field at a time
Tire Spikes- RIP-Tire damages enemies it makes contact with, HP is Armor
Level 1
Take Cover- Combat Roll has 3 charges
Fully Loaded- Fan the Hammer always fires 6 shots
Level 10
Steady Hand- Fan the Hammer has a tighter spread, can headshot
Standoff- Taking damage speeds up time Deadeye needs to deal killing blow
Level 20
Blinding Flash- Flashbang not blocked by barriers, blinds enemy for 3 seconds
Dust Roll- Take no damage during Combat Roll
Level 50
Shootout- If killing blow is lined up before enemy gets behind wall or barrier, they are not safe from Deadeye
Crack Shot- Consecutive shots rack up damage 25%, up to 100%
Level 1
*Shatter- Frozen enemies shatter when killed dealing damage to surrounding enemies
*Cold Snap- When exiting Cryo-Freeze, nearby enemies are frozen
Level 10
*Hypothermia- Blizzard instanly kills enemies below 200 HP
*Snowball Effect- Bowl forward with Cryo-Freeze to knock over enemies
Level 20
*Frostbite- Frozen enemies take more damage
*Polar Vortex- Blizzard covers a greater area and ignores line of sight
Level 50
Spinechilling- Enemies freeze faster the lower their health
Brain Freeze- Headshots give extra Ultimate charge
Level 1
Aerial Refuel- Jump Jet fully restores fuel
Crowd Control- If Rocket Launcher hits enemy directly, splash range is doubled to 5 meter radius
Level 10
Emergency Fuel- Hold jump to descend slowly when Hover Jets fuel runs out
Lift Off- Jump Jet burns nearby enemies
Level 20
Concussion- Concussive Blast stuns enemy on direct hit
Mortar Barrage- Barrage sets the terrain on fire
Level 50
Flash Barrage- Barrage fires flares that negate incoming projectiles
Strike Down- Enemy killed by Rocket Launcher or Barrage explodes to deal 100 damage in 5 meter radius
Level 1
Soul Eater- Enemies drop souls that heal 50 HP
Shade Gate- Shadow Step makes you invisible for 10 seconds
Level 10
Hellstorm- Death Blossom launches 12 grenades that deal 100 damage each
Harvest- Headshots give self healing for 100% of damage dealt
Level 20
Gift from the Devil- If a shotgun is fully depleted when it's dropped, it will self destruct and spew shrapnel
Demon Form- Drain health from nearby enemies in Wraith form, deals 20/sec, heals 10/sec for each enemy affected
Level 50
Hellfire- At pointblank range shotguns set enemy on fire
God of Death- Every kill boosts damage by 30% for 10 seconds, capped at 120%
Level 1
Recharge- Ammo restored while dealing damage, similar to Symmetra's primary fire, also slowly reloads over time
Focus Fire- Heavy Pulse Rifle more accurate for 6 shots instead of 3, maximum spread is tighter
Level 10
Shoulder Check- Sprint directly into enemy to knock them back
Multiple Hostiles- Tactical Visor can target up to 3 enemies
Level 20
Hyper Rockets- Helix Rocket makes enemy explode to deal 100 damage to surrounding enemies
Boosting Field- Biotic Field boosts damage by 30%
Level 50
Hardened Veteran- Tactical Visor deals more damage the less health an enemy has
Biotic Shield- Biotic Field deploys a 250 HP barrier
Level 1
System Failure- Enemy immobilized when hacked
Firewall- Hack puts a 50 HP barrier in front of you when hand is raised
Level 10
Covert- Damage does not remove Stealth until you are under half health
Reversion- Translocator works like Tracer's Recall, restoring health to what it was when you placed it
Level 20
Marionette- If you hack an enemy that's at critical health, they fight on your side until they die
Critical Failure- EMP cuts the targets current HP in half
Level 50
Turn Coat- Targets hacked by EMP fight for your team for duration of hack
Cheap Shot- Shooting an enemy in the back deals critical hit
Level 1
Gamma Ray- Photon Projector attacks go through enemies, alternate not blocked by barriers
Symmetry- Up to 6 Sentry Turrets can be deployed
Level 10
Crystalline Barrier- Photon Barrier does not expire until it is destroyed
Electro Turret- Sentry Turrets shoot electric current to hit multiple enemies. Has less range but deals 60 damage per second
Level 20
Shield Generator- Teleporter replaced by Shield Generator that increases health by 50% in shield form
Nuclear Fission- Primary Fire max damage builds up faster and lasts longer
Level 50
Sentry Orbitar- Sentry Turret orbits around you at chest level, hold key to have it follow ally
Photon Fortress- Photon Barrier has 3 charges, 2nd charge requires 840 points, 3rd charge requires 420 points (nice)
Level 1
Flaming Hammer- Forger Hammer damage gives twice the ultimate charge
Red Hot- Rivet Gun spews flames during Overload
Level 10
*Flame Thrower- Turrets shoot out flames
Heat Wave- Molten Core heat reaches upward to damage enemies midair
Level 20
Melting Point- When Molten Core is shot out, it goes straight through enemies and barriers
*My Babies- Place 3 miniature turrets
Level 50
Extra Supplies- During Overload, Alt and Primary Fire are combined. Fire 10 shot spread and the 70 damage rivet in one shot
Power Up- During Overload, turret is upgraded to Level 3
Level 1
*Adaptive Reload- Pulse Pistols reload when using any ability
*Chain Reaction- Pulse Bomb triggers a secondary explosion on all enemies caught in the splash
Level 10
*Flash- Blinking through an enemy damages
*Hindsight- Recall triggers additional damage to enemies marked by Pulse Pistols
Level 20
*Vortex- Enemies are pulled towards the point of Recall and snared
*Speed Kills- Killing blows speed up cooldowns
Level 50
Slipstream- Shooting an enemy in the back charges ultimate faster
Time Anomaly- Enemies that survive the Pulse Bomb are greatly slowed down
Level 1
Reposition- Grappling Hook has 2 charges
Kiss of Death- Fully charged scoped shots poison enemy during Ultimate
Level 10
Merciless- In full-automatic mode, headshots deal 2.5x the damage
One Shot- Headshots give twice the ultimate charge
Level 20
Crippling Venom- Venom Mine slows down enemy
Optimized- Scoped shots always at full charge
Level 50
Lethal Gas- Venom Mine effects last until enemy reaches half health or death
Phase Shifting Rounds- During Infra-Sight, scoped shots go through everything, even walls
Support Talents
Level 1
Heavy Tranq- Enemy does not awaken from Sleep Dart until it expires, even if they take damage
Nanobolster- Nano Boost fully heals and increases speed by 50%
Level 10
Expertise- Consecutive shots increase effects by 50%
KO Drug- 5 consecutive scoped shots put enemy to sleep
Level 20
Alchemy Grenade- Biotic Grenade heals allies over time, poisons enemies
Quick Dispatch- Kills give extra ult charge
Level 50
Nanite Darts- Nano Boost has 2 charges. 2nd charge requires 1575 points
KO Grenade- Biotic Grenade sleeps all enemies
Level 1
Anti-G- Hold jump in midair to glide
Matrix Shield- Amplification Matrix negates enemy damage
Level 10
Skyshooter- Healing and damage increased in midair
Reinforce- Use Regenerative Burst to make Immortality Field invulnerable
Level 20
Undertaker- Kills speed up Immortality Field cooldown time
Immortal Hero- Immortality Field heals 50 HP/sec, health does not drop below half
Level 50
Immortal Warrior- Immortality Field boosts damage 30%
Rejuvenation- Regenerative Burst increases maximum health
Level 1
Chain Extension- Rocket Flail extends to hit more enemies and from farther away
Suit Up- Repair Pack armor is permanent
Level 10
Booster Mace- Whip Shot can pin enemy against wall to deal 210 damage
Embolden- Inspire healing boosts the more enemies hit in one swing of Rocket Flail, Inspire heals barriers
Level 20
Shield Blast- Shield Bash can stun multiple enemies
Build 'em Up, Break 'em Down- Kills restore Repair Packs and Inspire heals in burst
Level 50
Invigoration- Armor gained from Rally restores over time like shield health until it is depleted
Deflector Shield- Barrier Shield increased to 400 shield and reflects projectiles
Level 1
*Healing Wave- Soundwave heals 25% of allies' max health
*Mashup- Both songs take effect during Amp it Up
Level 10
*Beatmatching- Damage dealt during Speed Boost adds bonus healing to Healing Boost
*Fortississimo- Projectiles added to Primary Fire burst for each enemy struck by Soundwave
Level 20
*Power Skating- Soundwave's damage and knockback scale up based on your forward speed
*Accelerando- Critical hits speed up Amp it Up cooldown
Level 50
Blastwave- Knock enemy into wall with Soundwave to stun them and deal extra damage
Wall of Sound- Enemies caught in Sound Barrier when it's cast get stunned
Level 1
Battle Angel- Caduceus Staff engages healing and damage beams simultaneously during Valkyrie
Get back in the Fight- Ressurect is instant and has 2 charges
Level 10
Shining Beacon- Stun enemies when flying with Guardian Angel
Herald- Double and fully restore HP when Valkyrie is triggered
Level 20
Guardian- Guardian Angel teleports you to ally
Leader's Devotion- When ally is being damage boosted, they get heal themselves for 30% of damage they deal
Level 50
Miracle Worker- Ressurect multiple allies during Valkyrie
Acceleration- Damage boosting an ally increase the rate they charge their Ultimate
Level 1
Dual Orb- Biotic Orb heals and damages, has 2 charges
Phase- Fade poisons enemies you pass through
Level 10
Biotic Bomb- Biotic Orb explodes when it expires
Cellular Increase- Ally under Biotic Grasp effect receives less damage
Level 20
Danger Zone- If you are at critical health, self heal is 100% of damage. If ally is at critical health, healing is boosted 50%
Disseverance- Choose between either doubling the damage or doubling the healing of Coalescence
Level 50
Strangle- Biotic Grasp damage increases over time like Symmetra's primary fire, goes from 50 to 100 to 150
Biotic Tracker- Healing Orb follows ally, Damage Orb follows enemy
Level 1
Despair- Enemies marked by Discord Orb receive 3x the damage from critical hits instead of 2x
Emblazon- Ally marked by Harmony Orb receives 25% less damage
Level 10
Comfort- Harmony Orb can go through walls to heal ally
Amass- Amount of enemies in vicinity increase amount of projectiles in Orb Volley. 2 enemies gives 6 orbs per volley, 3 gives 7, caps off at 8
Level 20
Turmoil- Discord Orb target takes more damage the less health they have
Eradication- Orb Volley pierces though enemies and barriers
Level 50
Ascension- Team becomes invincible during Transcendence. Even heals dead allies, resurrecting them after 4 seconds
Yin and Yang- Harmony and Discord can be both be cast on target to triple respective effect, 90 healing/sec for ally, +75% damage received for enemy
(I'm looking forward to feedback and any ideas other people might have)
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No 7º episódio da nossa nova campanha “LEGIÃO FURIOSA” (Legião: A Era da Desolação RPG – Old Dragon Segunda Edição), os Pescoços Duros, o nosso querido e sofrido destacamento da Legião Furiosa, enfrentarão seu mais difícil desafio. A guerreira kadeshiana Zahira (Luisa Waski), o gladiador coroniano Vulkan Prime (Tierry Waski), o misterioso assassino Vespa do Mar (Willla Costa) e o erudito…
#2d6World#Como Jogar RPG#como mestrar rpgs#Dica de RPG#dicas de mestre#Dicas de RPG#dicas para mestres de rpg#Dungeons and Dragons#Financiamento Coletivo#games#jogos#Legião A Era da Desolação#Legião Furiosa#Newton Nitro#NitroCast#Old Dragon#Old Dragon 2E#Old Dragon Segunda Edição#Podcast de RPG#roleplaying game#RPG#RPG ao Vivo#rpg brasil#rpg de mesa#RPG Online#Sessão de RPG#SteamRunnerz#tabletop games#Tio Nitro#vlog de rpg
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ECOS DA FANTASIA (Livro-Jogo RPG) - Org. Athos Beuren (part. Newton Nitro entre outros ) - Financiamento Coletivo no Catarse até dia 16/10/24! PARTICIPE!
ECOS DA FANTASIA (Livro-Jogo RPG) – Org. Athos Beuren (part. Newton Nitro entre outros ) – Financiamento Coletivo no Catarse até dia 16/10/24! PARTICIPE! LINK: https://www.catarse.me/antologia_literaria_ecos_da_fantasia Você curte livro-jogo? Pois eu quero recomendar pra vocês o ECOS DA FANTASIA um projeto incrível do Athos Beuren, o mestre do livro-jogo brasileiro! E olha que doidimais, eu…
#2d6World#Como Jogar RPG#como mestrar rpgs#Dica de RPG#dicas de mestre#Dicas de RPG#dicas para mestres de rpg#Dungeons and Dragons#Financiamento Coletivo#games#jogos#Legião A Era da Desolação#Legião Furiosa#Newton Nitro#NitroCast#Old Dragon#Old Dragon 2E#Old Dragon Segunda Edição#Podcast de RPG#roleplaying game#RPG#RPG ao Vivo#rpg brasil#rpg de mesa#RPG Online#Sessão de RPG#SteamRunnerz#tabletop games#Tio Nitro#vlog de rpg
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No 6º episódio da nossa nova campanha “LEGIÃO FURIOSA” (Legião: A Era da Desolação RPG – Old Dragon Segunda Edição), os Legionários Furiosos enfrentam grandes desafios dentro de Tédralos. Eles estão prestes a ser atacados por um monstruoso Cujo, os cães-demônios dos Possuídos. Os novatos, a guerreira kadeshiana Zahira (Luisa Waski), o gladiador coroniano Vulkan Prime (Tierry Waski), o misterioso…
#2d6World#Como Jogar RPG#como mestrar rpgs#Dica de RPG#dicas de mestre#Dicas de RPG#dicas para mestres de rpg#Dungeons and Dragons#Financiamento Coletivo#games#jogos#Legião A Era da Desolação#Legião Furiosa#Newton Nitro#NitroCast#Old Dragon#Old Dragon 2E#Old Dragon Segunda Edição#Podcast de RPG#roleplaying game#RPG#RPG ao Vivo#rpg brasil#rpg de mesa#RPG Online#Sessão de RPG#SteamRunnerz#tabletop games#Tio Nitro#vlog de rpg
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LEGIÃO FURIOSA 5 - Resistência ou Morte!! | Legião RPG - Old Dragon 23 | NITROSESSIONS 74
No 5º Episódio da nossa nova campanha LEGIÃO FURIOSA (Legião: A Era da Desolação RPG – Old Dragon Segunda Edição), depois de sobreviverem a sangrenta Batalha dos Portais de Tédralos, os novatos Legionários Furiosos, a guerreira kadeshiana Zahira (Luisa Waski), o gladiador coroniano Vulkan Prime (Tierry Waski), o misterioso assassino Vespa do Mar (Willla Costa) e o erudito e almofadinha alquimista…

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TV SHOW RPG - Aventuras com Heróis dos Desenhos Animados! - Entrevista com Luiz Cláudio | NITROCAST 89
Nesse NITROCAST, o podcast doidimais de resenhas, entrevistas e dicas de rpg do Tio Nitro, vou entrevistar Luiz Cláudio, da Editora Universo Simulado, que está lançando o SUPER TV SHOW, um RPG nostálgico e divertido, que te ensina a criar mundos, heróis e aventuras inspirados nos antigos desenhos animados de ação da sua infância: SPACE GHOST, HE-MAN, THUNDERCATS, COMANDOS EM AÇÃO, GALAXY RANGERS,…

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#2d6World#Como Jogar RPG#como mestrar rpgs#Dica de RPG#dicas de mestre#Dicas de RPG#dicas para mestres de rpg#Dungeons and Dragons#Financiamento Coletivo#games#jogos#Legião A Era da Desolação#Legião Furiosa#Newton Nitro#NitroCast#Old Dragon#Old Dragon 2E#Old Dragon Segunda Edição#Podcast de RPG#roleplaying game#RPG#RPG ao Vivo#rpg brasil#rpg de mesa#RPG Online#Sessão de RPG#SteamRunnerz#tabletop games#Tio Nitro#vlog de rpg
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A MASMORRA DAS CINCO SALAS [ 5 Room Dungeon ] - Uma Forma Rápida e Divertida de Criar Aventuras de RPG de Mesa! | NITRODUNGEON
A MASMORRA DAS CINCO SALAS [ 5 Room Dungeon ] – Uma Forma Rápida e Divertida de Criar Aventuras de RPG de Mesa! | NITRODUNGEON A técnica da 5 Room Dungeon ou a Masmorra de Cinco Salas é uma ferramenta versátil e eficaz para criadores de aventuras de RPG, projetada para simplificar o desenvolvimento de narrativas envolventes, independentemente do cenário ou sistema de jogo. Originalmente concebida…
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#2d6World#2d6World Segunda Edição#2d6World v2#Como Jogar RPG#como mestrar rpgs#Dica de RPG#dicas de mestre#Dicas de RPG#dicas para mestres de rpg#Dungeons and Dragons#Financiamento Coletivo#games#jogos#Legião: A Era da Desolação#Newton Nitro#NitroCast#Nitrogames#Old Dragon#Old Dragon 2E#Old Dragon o#Podcast de RPG#roleplaying game#RPG#RPG ao Vivo#rpg brasil#rpg de mesa#RPG Online#Sessão de RPG#SteamRunnerz#tabletop games
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APARECE UM DRAGÃO: O Que Você Faz? | Dicas Valiosas para Mestres e Jogadores de RPG - Entrevista com José Fontenele | NITROCAST 88
Nesse NitroCast 88, o meu podcast de Dicas e Resenhas de RPG vou conversar com José Fontenele, autor de “Aparece um Dragão: O Que Você Faz?”, um livro com dicas valiosas para Mestres e Jogadores de RPG e que está em financiamento coletivo no CATARSE, no seguinte link: https://www.catarse.me/apareceumdragao VIDEO Canal Newton Nitro Youtube (Inscreva-se e aperte o sininho para notificações!:…
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DEUSES DA AVENTURA: A Banalidade de Arabel, por Vinny e Emídio | Alta Fantasia Épica nessa Introdução ao Mundo de Arabel | NITROLEITURAS
Personagens épicos e uma excelente introdução ao universo de Alta Fantasia dos Deuses da Aventura, um projeto literário e de RPG de Vinny e Neto, do fantástico podcast de RPG Deuses da Aventura! Deuses da Aventura – A Banalidade de Arabel – Capa DEUSES DA AVENTURA: A Banalidade de Arabel, por Vinny e Emídio| 190 pgs., Caravana, 2023 | Alta Fantasia | Lido de 26/04/24 a 27/04/24 |…

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Dica de RPG: Transforme Ações Simples dos Jogadores em Aventuras Épicas
Quando um jogo parece perder seu ímpeto, até as menores ações dos personagens podem abrir portas para aventuras emocionantes. Imagine, por exemplo, um personagem que deseja apenas passar um dia relaxante pescando no lago próximo à cidade. Essa escolha aparentemente trivial pode ser o início de uma saga inesquecível. COMO DESENVOLVER A AVENTURA: 1. Descoberta Acidental: Ao pescar, o jogador…
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