#New System
reality-detective · 7 months
I've been saying this 👆 for years. The new Earth is coming. 🤔
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disk28 · 12 days
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doin-just-fine · 1 month
The People Wanna Know: Dissociation
Q: “How do you tell when you’re dissociating, and what kinds are there?”
A: 🛸 Great question! When figuring out my plurality we had a few questions about dissociating and how to tell the difference between that and being lost in thought and blah blah blah. SO! Here's what we've got for you!
🛸 Many people will describe dissociating as "checking out" which is super vague and leave a lot of questions as to what exactly that means. Not to mention that some people just kind of live in a state of dissociation and don't have a reference of "normal" so I will try to give you both. What does it mean, feel like, look like to dissociate? Meaning: Dissociating happens when there is too much stress for the mind to handle. Things like a traumatic event can cause dissociation or just everyday mundane situations that lead to dissociation like going on auto pilot when you're driving or reading a book. Immediately after a traumatic even it's that feeling where time slows and nothing feels real like you're watching the events around on a tv screen instead of being there in persons. I think what most people wonder about or need clarification on is random moments of dissociation due to an over active trauma response. Most systems experience long term trauma that puts them in a constant state of fight or flight. This causes them to have a very overactive stress response when they are finally in a safe environment. Sometime people feel as though they dissociate for no reason, others over things most would consider minor stressors, on top of the majors stressors that just come with life. Having an over active stress response like this can lead to dissociation disorders like derealization (feeling like the world around you isn't real) and depersonalization (feeling like you yourself are not real). These occur typically when someone lives in a state of dissociation more often than not but can also be used to describe the the sensation dissociation at any given time.
Feeling: This varies person to person/system to system. As previously stated you have the feeling of the world around you not feeling real and the feeling of you yourself not being real. You can also feel both of these at the same time which can be very disorienting. This can lead to struggling to follow conversations or can feel like you're half listening to someone but splitting with out actually splitting your attention externally. It can feel like playing a 1st person video game. It can also feel like not processing information in real time. Dissociation is basically a disconnect from your surrounding, mind, body, emotion, identity, and memories. Dissociation can look like any one of these things on it's own or in combination with another. For us it's typically an emotional dissociation rather than a personal or surrounding feeling. In moments of stress our emotions turn off and we don't really feel things as they happen. If we're lucky, only in hindsight can we break down what we were feeling if at all. This can look like no feelings period or being calm cool and collected only to breakdown later about the stress. For those of us who don't experience a constant state of depersonalization or derealization, dissociating can be easiest to identify after the fact. Dissociation can affect the memories of an event making them difficult to recall or align correctly, something you only notice after the event has passed and you try to recall it, or feeling your emotion switch turn back on and having everything hit you at once but only when you feel safe again, or tuning back into your surrounding and realizing you missed your bus stop. Dissociation can also feel inward. Like you are retreating into you mind. Things may feel far away or even sound far away. If you can hear your headmates talk in your headspace, dissociation can be retreating internally and being pulled into headmate thoughts or conversations. This is one we observe in our partner system. We'll be talking to them and we'll see their eyes glaze over or they don't response and when we grab their attention they'll say something along the lines of "people are being loud" or "people are having big feelings". This kind of dissociating is also what switching can feel like for some.
Look: Not all dissociation is visually identifiable but if it is it typically look like the person not moving, staring off into space, speaking but clearly internally preoccupied, confusion. They may look like they aren't listening or maybe they look a bit lost. They may have a slow response time or may lose track of their thoughts a lot. But for some, like us, they can just look "normal". Looking normal is a survival technique. Some people, like us, were brought up in an environment where fully checking out was not safe. Some people never disconnect from their surrounding because they had to be aware of everything around them all the time. This is valid. The brain is an amazing thing and is capable of multitasking even if that multitasking is being aware of your surroundings while also checking out from them. I do it all the time.
🛸Differences between Dissociating and: - Brain fog: Brain fog is just general confusion and slow thinking and processing. This typically come without feeling like the world or yourself isn't real or difficulty recalling the moments of brain fog or feeling disconnected from your emotions. If one prone to dissociation the feeling brain fog can lead to dissociating. - Being lost in thought: Being lost in thought can be a form of dissociation. However, there is planning your day and then theres dissociating about your day. Planning your day feels like your actively participating in it and dissociating about your day feels like your disconnected from it.
🛸I hope this was helpful! This is what we've gathered knowledge and experience wise on the topic of dissociation. If you have anything else to add pls reblog with your additions so people who need the recourse can see it! If you have any more questions about dissociation or if you need any clarification leave a comment or ask me directly!
REMEMBER: You're gonna be ok. You're gonna figure it out. Be kind and gentle with yourself and others. Asks are open. Have a nice day.
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so i just found out im a system as of two hours ago (got a dsm-5 pulled on me and everything), do you have any advice on meeting the alters or just any advice for new systems?
i know about four of them right now but not well
hey, so we have a resource post for questioning systems with a ton of links to guides and articles that could be useful for both questioning and newly discovered systems alike. it’s broken down into cdd (complex dissociative disorder) specific and non-cdd specific, so if you’ve recently been diagnosed with a dissociative disorder, maybe stick to the cdd section:
as for general advice… we’re going to point you towards our directory. we’ve written a lot over our years on this blog, and our directory compiles all of our posts into one place.
some specific posts that may help you are “establishing contact with headmates,” “understanding did,” “dissociative amnesia,” “get to know me! headmate form,” and “all about headspaces.”
please though, understand that system discovery can often be a lengthy process. don’t push yourself too hard to interact with your alters right away. just be gentle with yourself and take things slow. they’ll always be there, so there’s no big rush to force yourself to interact with everyone immediately. remember to take care of yourself as you go through this process and keep checking in with yourself to make sure your needs as an alter are being met. and good luck! getting to know alters can be a daunting challenge, but it can be fun and reassuring as well. we’re wishing your whole system the very best with this process.
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hazysystem · 6 months
We are 💫 The Hazy System! 💫
Thanks for visiting our blog. Call us Hazy if you like! Collectively we use he/they pronouns. Bodily 30+ and very new to the community, so please be kind if we ever use improper/incorrect terminology. If you follow us and you are a minor, you will be blocked.
We are a traumagenic system just discovering many of our alters. We are made up of 10+ alters at this point and still discovering new ones.
It's nothing personal if we block you, we promise. It's our dash and we decide what we want to see. Feel free to block us if you don't feel comfortable with us interacting for whatever reason.
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anyone under 18
trump supporters
I block liberally!
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quick emoji intro:
💫 — hazy, collectively he/they (this blog for system stuff or @wormful for the memes)
📐 — zeek, he/him
🅱️ — belial or b, he/they
🫂 — aisha, she/her
🐺 — wolfie, any
🎀 — nims, she/her
🪐 — lyre, they/any
💨 — speed, she/they
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cb-writes-stuff · 1 month
I should probably redo my pinned post now that I’m a system or whatever, huh.
Y’know, I was a bit worried that I’d scare people away with all this stuff. But, honestly, given how many plural moots and moot-in-laws I have, I don’t think I needed to worry.
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dailydungeondelves · 1 year
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Oooh new rules as a player? Sign me up!
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˚₊‧ ·̩͙ pinned ·̩͙ ‧₊˚
This is a sideblog I made to help me figure out what's going on in my head. I've only recently figured out that I'm very likely plural, but I'm not sure how to go about finding out who my headmates or anything like that, so .. this blog!
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ dni—̳͟͞͞♡ ·₊˚ anti endo, racist, sexist, ableist, fakeclaimers, bullies, bigots
read my about
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new here!
hey! we're new to all this stuff, we're an osdd-1b traumagenic system and we are looking for system friends to add on simply plural and to talk to on here (: endos dni. - Elaina (Caretaker)
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reality-detective · 8 months
Debanking, debank the bank.
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The banking system IS going to change. 🤔
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bundleofchaos · 1 month
🐸: … do the voices in my head want to go get Ramen?
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dawnstudies · 26 days
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The high quality photo is brought to you by the one and only Dawn! :D
Jokes aside, I'm home and I'm rested and I'm ready to start preparing for school.
The checklist is the following:
- go through the new textbooks I got
- clean the room, get rid of all unnecessary things (there's a lot)
- get new exercise books, pack everything I need
- make a schedule for schooltime (only a prototype because the timetable in our school is more unstable than I am - which means that it is terribly, terribly unstable)
- pack my Art things (for my additional Art classes, I'm thinking about going double, four times a week, but I'm not sure if I'll manage)
A lot of changes were made in the educational system and none of them are positive at all, which will make this term a pain in the ass-
But no worries! I'll manage (somehow)
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doin-just-fine · 1 month
Hello, we’re a blog the posts, in depth, about our experiences as a system that exists outside the definition purposed by the DSM-V’s diagnostic criteria…
Ask us anything!!!
This blog exists to help other questioning systems that may not have a solid understanding of their experience and may also fall outside the DSM-V criteria.
Check out our posts! Usually we post on topics that come up for us in our life, but sometimes there isn’t much going on and we need some guidance on what to talk about!
We’d love to try our best to answer questions you have about your experiences, give advice, or clarify things about us in order to provide comparisons and answers to things you may be struggling with.
🛸I am still new to plurality myself so we may not have all the answers yet but if you ask something that stumps us we will make sure to think on it, do our research, and only answer it when we feel 100% confident with our results!!
No question is a bad question! Nothing is off limits! Ask away! It help us learn about ourselves as much as it helps you learn about yourselves/self!
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Do you have any advice for relatively new systems whose host is also their core, and has a very hard time letting go of front unless someone else is triggered?
Hey, we actually do have a post with switching tips, which I’d venture to say would be just as useful for new systems as it would be for other systems:
Our system does not have a core, and we aren’t sure how having a core may or may not affect the ability to switch, sorry.
The post we linked ^ has more info than we would like to repeat here, so we’d really recommend checking out that post and seeing if anything there helps. If not, feel free to reach out again and we can try to provide some more specific advice.
If anyone sees this who does have a core and is willing to share some advice for anon, that would be awesome 👍
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hazysystem · 5 months
i'm pretty sure one of us has different vision than the others? is that possible?
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cb-writes-stuff · 1 month
This may or may not be a stupid idea and I don’t know if anything will even come of it, but:
Feel free to sends asks about other people in here. New system, I guess, and not sure what to talk about or how to talk about it.
Maybe they’ll answer, maybe they won’t. That’s up to them. There’s, like, three right now, I think. Which is a lot to start out with, from my perspective.
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