#Neurodivergent characters
In my opinion, Will Graham, Holden Ford, and Gregory House are the best autistic characters I've seen. They're very smart, and while House is actually a genuis, the way his intelligence is approached compared to a characters like Spencer Reid or Sheldon Cooper is vastly different. They're extremely passionate and good at their jobs (which are arguably their special interests) but it just feels a lot less... gimmicky and like its not feeding so much into stereotypes. They stim and get overstimulated all the time. They have relationships, but they struggle with social interaction and society's expectations. They're rude quite a lot, not because they're inherently mean people, but because while they can recognize they're being rude, they either can't understand that the reasoning society has put in place for why their actions/words are rude or they don't even really notice because they can't naturally recognize the social cues going on around them (House specifically wants to be an asshole but I'm talking about how he acts unintentionally). They have one person they're really close with who understands them but otherwise tends to isolate themselves. They struggle to understand how they're feeling. They're different. They're weird, but not comically so. They feel like they were written as real people with real emotions and not as some extreme, unrealistically fake character.
Don't get me wrong, I love Spencer Reid as much as the next person, and autism is a spectrum, and I know there are autistic people who do relate to him and other autistic characters. I just feel like autistic characters are so often sensationalized, infantilizated, and written as almost comically unrealistic. And I'm not saying Will, Holden, or House aren't unrealistic because they are in a lot of ways, but they don't feel like a joke. The point is that we are all different, and it's nice to see characters break out of that mold that autistic representation has historically forced them into.
Again, autism is a spectrum, and I know there are people out there who relate a lot to Spencer or Sheldon or whoever, and that's completely fine. But I feel like we so rarely get to see autistic characters actually on a spectrum, instead of being shoved into one box.
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are you favorite characters nd coded? do you headcanon them nd for fun?
if "yes," then this is the blog for you! submit a character at the form at the bottom of the post (DONT USE ASKS) and you'll be added to the queue so long as it follows the rules!
this is all for fun, don't take this too seriously!! this is mainly a space for neurodivergent people to come together and have fun with headcanons since we're often underrepresented - neurotypicals are welcome if you're respectful. inspired by @aretheyqueer
i skip around in the form submissions (sometimes i'll get like 10 of the same fandom at a time, or just a bunch of autism in a row with nothing else, or just a ton with no reasons). i also shuffle the queue a bit, so for these reasons it won't be in order of submission.
the owner of this gimmick blog (@angelellipsis-devilofdots, aurora/north/rockrose, she/fae/they) has anxiety, synesthesia/chromesthesia, and self-diagnosed autism.
you can also include mental illnesses if you'd like to
if you add reasons for the headcanons, refrain from any offensive stereotypes or prejudice
avoid making a poll if the character is confirmed to have said condition (ex: if a character is canonically autistic, don't submit them for autism. but if you also headcanon them with adhd and that isn't confirmed, feel free to submit)
if they are heavily implied/coded to have something, but not outright confirmed, you can still submit!
characters can be voted on multiple times but not for the same reason, i may forget though
no harry potter/helluva boss/hazbin hotel
no real people
upcoming hiatus
that's it for now! feel free to reach out to me with questions, corrections, suggestions, etc ❤️
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Crime-solving Neurodivergent Characters I Enjoy!
(canon and not canon)
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troythecatfish · 1 month
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Laios Stimming Manga Pannel, Chapter 40
( Bottom Right )
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devilboydogman · 28 days
Oh, I absolutely need to talk about the separation arc from an NPD perspective.
Because I definitely think Reigen could have NPD, and from that angle, his responses to things make perfect, PAINFUL amounts of sense.
Essentially, up until Mob walked away from him in that alley, he’d been on a high. He felt overconfident, unbeatable. Business was booming! He was getting praise! And because empathy is hard to come by for pwNPD, especially on highs and crashes, he didn’t notice that Mob was not as happy about things as he was.
Let me tell you a little something about a narc high. It is fragile. It is precarious. I call them jenga tower days. One minute you are standing tall and proud. One wrong push or pull or poke at your built ego, and it comes CRASHING DOWN.
The moment Reigen realized his ego had caused him to mess the fuck up with Mob, his only friend? BOOM. Crash. Spiral. And on the outside, at first, he appeared to try and backpedal, to deny, to pretend things were fine on hopes they could GO BACK to how they where. But that doesn’t happen. So he is left to deal with the aftermath of the damage his ego caused, alone, because he hasn’t established communication or expressed his feelings properly with, well, ANYONE, probably. So he has to realize that he can have friendships that aren’t reliant on ego boosting, on business, on superficiality.
He can have someone who genuinely likes him, who thinks he is capable of good, egotistical assholery and all.
And that is so important to me.
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makethiscanon · 10 months
Aaannnddd Freminet has quickly shot up to Chongyun level of love from me. He's a precious soul who needs protecting 😭 I want a hangout with him immediately.
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comfortablynumb · 1 year
So like, Tori Spring has autism and depression, and Michael Holden has autism, ADHD, and anger issues, right? Like, this is widely accepted in the fandom as a fact? Cuz I have no idea how else i’m supposed to interpret these characters.
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tenderly-wicked · 8 months
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…And to think that I didn’t quite like the first episode and considered not watching the rest! Phileas Fogg turned out to be such a darling, so sad and so delightfully tormented. Yes, he’s not the Phileas Fogg from Jules Verne's book, cold-blooded and self-assured, but I gradually came to appreciate this version more. I have a thing for neurodivergent characters—and David Tennant always delivers :)
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nick nelson from the osemanverse is bisexual (canon) and has adhd (headcanon)
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submitted by anon
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pseudo-hero · 11 months
I don't know if it's occurred to anyone recently, that the real/biggest reason that Lex Luthor felt like an alien while growing up in Smallville wasn't just that he was extremely intelligent (to an admittedly astronomical degree), but mainly due to the fact that he was hypersensitive, struggled to connect with people unless he felt they were very similar to him and was basically socially inept, all likely due to a possibly undiagnosed neurological condition (your guess is as good as any).
I feel like it's been heavily implied for a while now in certain Superman works that Lex may have literally been on the autism spectrum or have grown up with a related condition. Combine that with super genius intellect, a deeply ingrained sense of superiority and entitlement as well as emotional growth-stunting abuse, and you have a recipe for the perfect completely unstable, super villain catastrophe.
Likewise, I think it's been implied for a while now that Clark is also a representation of what being neurodivergent is like, but with the metaphor being made actual. Hence why he doesn't "feel like" an alien. He IS an alien. An alien that has had to mask what makes him different from others his entire life. With only those closest to him knowing the truth.
A perfect example of both of these concepts can be found in the first issue of the (technically...) on-going Superman miniseries Superman: The Last Days of Lex Luthor. (Same with its spiritual predecessor Superman: Birthright, if I'm being honest.)
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What does anybody else think? It seems to me that only a few people at most have talked about any of this before, at least online.
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ominous-feychild · 2 months
Thanks for the tag, @the-letterbox-archives! This looks really fun!
Otherwise it would get added to my ever-building "answer this tag eventually" list... 😭
I'm going to answer these for: Sun and Shadow: Freya and Crow The Arcane Rifts: Gene and Tazin Rising From the Ashes: Sammy and Kieva
Warning: long post!
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What uncommon/common fear do they have?
After the start of Sun and Shadow? A fear of the ocean, easily.
However, she's also afraid of being vulnerable, being lost, feeling alone, and not being able to trust her own senses.
Abandonment and failure.
It'd be easier listing the fears he doesn't have...
He's afraid of: the forest, being lost, not being able to trust his own senses, being deceived, anything anywhere near the uncanny valley, being/feeling trapped, saying the wrong thing (aka social anxiety literally always), authority figures, angry people, not angry people, people--
Okay, I'll stop now. I think you get it.
Is and has almost always been haunted by the fear of being abandoned. It's his greatest fear, and he constantly pushes people away or abandons them first, before they can do it to him.
Besides that, he's afraid of responsibility and ghosts (which are provably real in-universe... and he's met plenty).
Fear of losing control. Is a major control freak social manipulator who panics (internally) the moment he feels like he's lost control of a situation. Is also terrified of being/feeling trapped and being "physically constricted" (read: shackles, handcuffs, and the sort).
Terrified of feeling trapped--both physically and situationally. Particularly hates small spaces and constricting clothing. Afraid of abandonment, failure, and disappointing the people he cares about.
Instead of angsting about his fears (besides the claustro- and cleithrophobia), he uses them as a motivation to do better.
Do they have any pet peeves?
Rich people. I'm only slightly kidding. She hates fake people and nobility/the wealthy elite have always been fake in her experience. She also hates small talk, people not taking her seriously, asking her about her family, and people calling her by her full name, "Freya", instead of Frey. ... whoops.
A curse they've brought upon themself--people not taking them seriously when they want people to, haha. It's a backfiring from their acting silly to get people to underestimate them.
Similarly, people getting distracted in conversations. Their job would be SO much easier if people didn't deviate from subjects Crow wanted them on. (Though, the distractedness also makes it easier for them to happen onto subjects Crow wants to investigate, so...)
People assuming he's dumb, or asking him how he figured things out when they're super obvious? Like, c'mon. Also he's sensitive to a lot of sounds and gets annoyed by repetitive noises.
People asking him questions, hilariously enough. (Makes for a horrible and yet perfect combination with Gene...)
Similarly, hates people asking about his background, family, and nationality. Also hates repetitive noises!
Discrimination, people obsessing about/over his magic, the "elite" class in general, the shallowness of society, and people assuming things about him. He grew up on the streets and faced a lot of discrimination focused on his apparent poverty and age--though it's especially worse because he looks even younger than he is. Despite his distaste for it, he's learned to use it to his advantage.
I was only slightly kidding--he's incredibly asocial, hates people trying to bother him, and mostly minds to himself. However, has a particular distaste for people asking prying questions--and especially those about his biological family.
Also, fake people, fake compliments, and people interrupting him in the middle of him doing other things (aka, literally always)--and, fuck, I've made HIM autistic, too???
(Not saying those things make him autistic. However, seeing him in my mind, as a fellow autistic... I've done it again.)
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Books, tea, and various kinds of writing utensils.
Newspapers, hidden knives, and even-better hidden art collages from newspaper and magazine cutouts!
An endless amount of books, writing utensils, Mislav and papers. Blank, filled with drawings, filled with writing--papers of all kinds!
Anything and everything fun and/or "different" for him to set on fire. Also, knives/daggers, his Svarog masks, and each of Gene's old Volos masks--up until the last version, which is still in Gene's possession.
You're assuming he has a bedroom? /hj
More seriously, haha--although he grew up on the streets, he does have a few possessions that he's kept with him at all times. One is a damaged and rusty photo locket. The other is an expensive-looking dagger and sheath given to him by someone in his past. He's never sold either, regardless of the struggles he's gone through.
After getting a bedroom upon joining the knight's college, it's perpetually full of endless potted plants, books about medical subjects (primarily composed of photos or doodles he's added to help him understand the contents), and the aforementioned dagger... though it's hidden very well.
Several sketchbooks, some filled out and others blank or half-filled out; a VERY well-hidden collection of notes from his adoptive dad, Caron, addressed to him when Kieva was younger and he's kept for all these years; and tons of hidden weapons.
Don't worry!--he got that habit from his dad, Caron. As the saying goes--a man who sleeps with a knife under his pillow is a fool every night but one. (Except there's way more than just a knife under his pillow.)
What do they notice first in a person?
How they're dressed, almost tied with how they hold themselves.
How the person holds themself. Then, their face. They are very good at memorizing faces.
Spoilers! 😁 In other words... their magical energy. But that's not very helpful here, is it? Haha, so beyond that, I'd say how they're dressed.
Their skin tone. (Because he expects white people to be immediately / especially racist toward him. Glavnran ain't a great place for a Jhandan kid to grow up.)
Their emotional state. He's always prepared to maneuver around a difficult social situation, and needs to be ready to manipulate someone into reacting more positively to him if necessary.
Simultaneously notices their face and posture. He's good at memorizing faces--partially because of how much he draws them--and uses their posture to gauge a lot of things, as taught to by his dad. You can use someone's posture to help figure out: confidence level, if they're experienced in a fight, their social class (nobility often exaggerates certain behaviors), and many other things.
(He also goes out of his way to look at their hands. One's hands can tell of their profession.)
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? (I'm doing this assuming 5 is "average")
Emotional? 7. Physical? 3.
Physically? 9. Emotionally? 9.
Depends how you define "pain tolerance"--if it's "doesn't notice it" or "is able to ignore it".
If it's "doesn't notice": Physically, 5. Emotionally, 8. (But later books see "emotionally" drop wayyyy down to 3)
"Is able to ignore": Physically, 10. Emotionally? 9.
Physically? 6. Emotionally? 2.
Depends on a lot of factors. He's able to magically shut off his ability to feel physical pain, for one (though he only realizes/learns to do so on command to later in the series)! Otherwise, he's similar to Gene in having a variable "feels it" vs "is able to ignore it anyways" level of "tolerance".
If it's "doesn't notice": Physically, 6. Emotionally, 7.
If it's "is able to ignore it/doesn't show any signs of feeling it": Physically, 8. Emotionally, 9 or 10 depending on the emotion and situation.
Another case of "can ignore what he can feel".
Threshold until he feels it? Physically, 7. Emotionally? 8.
Threshold until he can't ignore it anymore? Physically, 10 (aka, only the worst pains imaginable). Emotionally? 10. (Aka mental breakdown territory.)
(Kieva is very bad at noticing his own emotions until he gets overwhelmed by them. His stress builds to very high levels before he actually notices them and can account for them. He's alexithymic and has to use therapeutic methods to figure out what he's feeling before he gets overwhelmed and snaps.)
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? (I'm also including freeze and fawn)
Fight!!! She's an incredibly angry person (that thinks she doesn't have anger issues, lmao), and goes on the aggressive very easily. However, it's usually verbal. She doesn't have any experience in actual fights.
Technically freeze, technically flight, but actually fight. They'll either turn into or hide in their own shadow with their magic to orient themselves to the situation before acting if surprised with combat. Their "freezing/flight" is only a defensive measure to gather more information before proceeding.
However, they're also a fantastic actor and tend to be playing a persona. While their reflex is defensive/fight, they can and will fake having a different "reflex" under pressure.
It depends on when/where in the books and in his life, haha.
Early books? Freeze or fawn depending on the situation. If it's something dangerous or more than one person, freeze. If it's a single person, fawn.
In the middle of the series? Fawn 7 times out of 10. Fight the other three.
Late in the series? Fight.
FIGHTTTTTTTTTTT!!! (both verbally and physically, though he tends to more adapt a threatening posture or imply he's ready to get violent rather than immediately getting violent. Not that he hates violence, though--he just doesn't like getting hurt.)
Before the beginning of Rising From the Ashes, his reactions are tied between flight and fawn, depending on the situation. He's used to running away from his problems to the point that Caron--the head of the knight's college--silently notices it and pegs him as a flight risk. However, he also very commonly fawns over people who would otherwise be his enemies.
As the story progresses, Sammy's reaction shifts to tied between fight and fawn. He'll still pretend to be on his enemies' side, but is a lot more prepared to fight instead of run away.
Defensive fight/freeze. He'll jump into action to defend himself and/or others, but he's not the aggressive type except for when he's angry (and oh, boy, when he's angry...)
While he's usually defensive, he'll switch to hyper-offense (minus potentially protecting others in danger) when he's decided on a course of action. He will single-mindedly work toward his goal, his own well-being be damned.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
I mean, technically the closest thing she had to a family was a magical zombie version of her dad...
More seriously, though--technically a small family. It was just her and her dad for her growing up. He was next to never around, though.
Tiny family. It was just them, their dad, and {SPOILER}. Their dad was next to never around because of his work and not wanting to tie Crow into it. Looks like it happened anyway, ey? 😏😉
He doesn't remember his family besides the fact that "Abi" existed and was probably his brother. During his short time in the orphanage, there was a lot of them. Then it was just him and Tazin (who he saw like a brother). Then it was the khonitva. Then it was the yuertel. The closest thing he can really remember adjacent to "family" is Tazin.
He wishes he had positive experiences with "family". Instead, he had none and a toxic friend.
Oh, buddy, would he hate this question. He comes from a small family, but was kicked out (and then later refused to return when they were willing to take him back). Because of this, he grew up either living with gangs (the khonitva/yuertel) or with it just being him and Gene. He thinks he hates "family", but it's only because he desperately wishes his was better.
This answer is a spoiler, haha! However, he is not a family person.
The only family he can remember is his adoptive one: his adoptive dad, Caron, and brother, Varik. He cares more about them than he cares about himself. Conveniently, the feeling is mutual between the three of them. (It wouldn't even be a question. They'd all sacrifice themselves for each other in less than a heartbeat. Something tells me this family is just a lil fucked-up/self-sacrificing.)
What animal represents them best?
Gryphon!!! Either that, or a feral kitten, haha.
I know this might be hard to believe... but Crow is best represented by a crow. Otherwise, a falcon, haha.
Deer. Easily.
Salamander! For probably obvious reasons if you have the context, haha. A simple explanation for those without the context? He's a fire mage. (But there's a lot more to it than just that, so.)
A possum!!! No debate about it, haha, and I'm sure I don't have to explain why.
A bull and/or buffalo. For their individual associations with bravery, fierceness, stubbornness, sacrifice, and survival. Also, because they all have horns!
What is a smell that they dislike?
City stink. If you know, you know.
Blood. Except, they also love the smell. They're mixed up about how they should feel about that.
Mustiness. Also the smell of various things burning. Midway through the story, the smell of cigarette smoke.
Sweat and herbs. It's even worse that burning herbs just makes the smells stronger.
Blood and chemicals.
Any strong smell. Especially hates the smell of chemicals and smoke.
Have they broken any bones?
When she was very young, yes. She doesn't remember it, though. Except for in her nightmares.
Depends on if you mean theirs or other people's!
Yes! A lot, actually.
Yes, a few times.
Yes, while practicing parkour. Conveniently, he has healing magic. Besides that? No.
His own, or other peoples'?
His own, or other peoples'? x3
Yes. x6 (Whoops. Traumatic action-fantasy am I right?)
How would a stranger likely describe them?
"Yeah, that woman with the messy red hair and anger issues?--HOW DO YOU KNOW ANOTHER ONE!?--okay, no, she was looked like she wanted to be anywhere else?--Seriously?--okay, fine, she was wearing a ring on a necklace?--YEAH, that one!"
"Remember that guy wearing that long cloak as though it hid their giant wings and tail?"
"You know that creepy guy who's always staring? Like, barely talks, just watches everyone all the time? He's got a cane and just acts weird in general?"
"That angry Jhandan kid?" (or, alternatively:) "That Jhandan guy, either looks ready to pick a fight at a moment's notice or does his absolute best to piss everyone else off with while 'joking' around? Yeah, the overly-touchy guy--that one."
It would depend on who/what/when/where/why/how he met the person, considering how much he's almost always playing up one act or another! Here's one possible way of over a thousand:
"I think he was a Cirranian kid? About ye tall, really timid--OH! His eyes were two different colors, one blue and the other dark brown! He had curly hair and had a dirty, oversized jacket on?"
"Yeah, Kieran Caron's son? No--that's the other one, I think. Kieva's the one who's super pale, like he's never even been outside, and looks dead inside half the time?--what do you mean Varik's like that, too??? Okay, fine, silvery hair and eyes? YEAH! That guy!"
Are they a night owl or an early bird?
Early bird, haha. She loves the smell of the morning dew and just never preferred the night. Not even as an angsty teen!
Night owl (almost literally). They dislike the day, haha.
Night owl who's often forced to wake up early, haha. He's a sad, sleepy birdie who has to function on way too little sleep half the time.
Night owl, but his sleep schedule ends up even worse as an adult. It goes from "night owl" into "whenever I damn want/am not doing something else".
Really depends, his sleep schedule's all over the place. Most often, he's an early bird. He likes being awake when others aren't regardless.
You have to sleep in order to be a night owl or early bird, and Kieva doesn't sleep.
Okay, that was only kinda a joke--he has a hard time sleeping due to nightmares that he can't really remember. Usually, he just naps whenever he's able to. Otherwise, technically an early bird. He always wakes up early to stay on top of classes and his personal projects.
What is a flavour they hate and a flavour they love?
Loves spicy food! Hates most vegetables (like a child), but eats them anyway--like an adult!
Uhhhhh... so they're lowkey a vampire half the time so... both cases? Blood! 😁
Gene hates, hates, HATES sweet food and it's absolutely hilarious! He has the absolute opposite of a sweet tooth! On the other hand, he loves meat and most kinds of savory foods. Meat was rare for him growing up, and he really appreciates being able to eat it whenever he wants as an adult.
Both loves and hates Jhandan (Fantasy!Indian) food. His Jhandan parent would cook it when he was young, and uh--yeah. Mixed feelings about that whole mess. Same thing applies to spicy food--the only "spicy" food he had was cooked by the same parent, and while he loves spicy food, it reminds him of them.
For things he just straight-up dislikes, Tazin also isn't a fan of sweet food in general, haha. There's a few he does like, but they're few and far between.
Love: food. Hate: nothing. Literally can't afford to be picky.
Later on, when he is able to be picky, he strongly dislikes spicy food and likes "spiced" (aka spices, not spicy) and savory foods. Anything super flavorful!... except for fish. Hates fish. (Yes, white fish have plainer flavors. He hates those, too.)
Loves basically anything his dad cooks, but prefers salty and umami tastes. Hates bitter stuff, but is basically obsessed with coffee (like the rest of his family tbf).
Do they have any hobbies?
Yes! She loves reading and has a hobby of translating books from a foreign-to-that-world language into her own! She does so utilizing books in the library and has lowkey become a language scholar, haha. (She'll just never admit it.)
They secretly like drawing and creating collages out of things cut out of newspapers and magazines. They have not admitted this fact to a single person in their life, and won't for a long time.
Two! Reading non-fiction books (aka just learning in general, haha) and drawing! He loves drawing, though does it a lot less than reading. Drawing hasn't really helped him (besides with the maps he used to draw for the yuertel), while his obsessive need to always be learning has.
Not really? He likes reading stories, primarily folklore, stories about the gods, and fiction, but he doesn't allow himself to do it often because he's embarrassed to like them. Similarly, he likes to sing, but next to never does so because he's insecure about it.
I like to say that, if Tazin grew up in our world, he would've absolutely been a huge fan of rock and tried starting a band in high school. (He would've put enough time into it that he'd even be good at the guitar. Except... he's not in our world.)
No, he never had the time, money, or mental energy for hobbies. The closest thing he has to one is "people-watching", but he did it more out of necessity than because he enjoyed it.
If he could have one, I think he'd most enjoy creating textiles and listening to music.
Yes! Drawing, easily. Prefers life-drawing and drawing people in general. Sometimes enjoys people-watching, but only if he can tolerate their personalities (or otherwise, if they aren't speaking). Even before he started attending the knight's college, he had a minor hobby of invading active classes to watch the lessons, teachers, and students. It made it much easier for him to pick up fighting when he officially started, and it's helped him have a heightened magical awareness.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
Apprehension and shock. She wouldn't have told anyone her birthday and wouldn't have expected anyone to celebrate it on top of that. She'd be half-expecting things to go wrong and not know how to deal with it all, but would probably ultimately enjoy it.
Cry. They didn't expect anyone to know/care besides their dad. Their dad celebrates with them, but it's always been disappointing (not that they'd admit that though). They'd absolutely love it, though. Just... cry. A lot.
Panic. Hates surprises, hates social gatherings, hates having people expect things from him (ie: appreciate the party/their efforts), and hates that he'll be "the bad guy" for not appreciating the party.
Besides, he doesn't have a "real" birthday (he didn't know the day and was given a "fake" one to be celebrated during his time in the orphanage) and even though he and Tazin privately celebrated the day they met in its place, it was just that--privately. They would have a quiet celebration with food, a few gifts exchanged between them, and just acting normal otherwise.
Rage. Wouldn't have shared his birthday with anyone, not even Gene (though Gene would've figured it out anyway because of Reasons). Similarly, definitely not a fan of surprises. Likes receiving gifts, but otherwise? Fuck off (his words, not mine--).
(Assuming friends threw it for him--) Confusion and would break down crying. Hasn't really had a birthday party for a long time, doesn't know how to react to it, and certainly didn't tell anyone when his birthday was because he doesn't even know. (So, y'know, whoever threw the party would've had to make one up for him.) Wouldn't know how to take people celebrating his existence--or him in general--and would be overwhelmed by the positive attention directed toward him.
So, yeah. Would cry a LOT. And only might hide it.
Doesn't like surprises, wouldn't show it. Would just--
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Considering his adoption and the way it initially happened--let's just say it wasn't traditional in any sort of way--his actual birthday is unknown. Instead the family celebrates the day of his official adoption. Regardless, those celebrations are obviously known of in advance. Kieva would not accept a party being thrust upon him, haha.
Do they like to wear jewelry?
She grew up always wearing a magical amulet her dad gave her that helped her with an unknown illness. When she loses it early into the book, she puts an otherwise-enchanted ring on a necklace to cope with the loss of the feeling of wearing something at her neck. Besides that, she's not a jewelry person, haha.
They don't like jewelry, but wear it. They have two earrings that absorb the magic of their curse--allowing them to appear human and removing its antimagic effects--and quite often wear various other kinds of jewelry while posing as one identity or another.
No, absolutely not. He'd hate the sensory input. He's just fine with no jewelry, having his hair tied back, and fidgeting with his cane--thank you very much.
As a kid, wouldn't have. As an adult, likes basic "jewelry" that's just metal rather than stuff with actual jewels.
Not at all. However, keeps a half-destroyed photo locket in his pocket at all times. But that's different, y'know?
Alternates between loving and hating jewelry. Sometimes enjoys wearing it for something to fidget with. Other times, hates the sensation and will take it off (potentially aggressively if he realized after already getting overwhelmed). Rarely wears it because of the "risk" associated with it.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Neat! She's filled out a lot of paperwork in her time and has actually dabbled in sketching stuff, but isn't the greatest artist.
Halfway between! Very messy handwriting, but it's always legible.
Depends on how fast he's writing and if he intends on having anyone else read it. It's incredibly messy to the point of illegibility if he's writing quickly, and especially more so if it's just for himself. However, he's capable of writing very neatly if he's planning on having others read it--it just takes him a lot longer to write.
Messy, messy, messy! Doesn't write often, haha. But is capable of making it neater if he must.
(Also, would probably go out of his way to make his handwriting messier if someone forced him to write stuff down for them--)
Even worse than Tazin's. Messy af, everything is horribly misspelled. He's dyslexic and barely learned how to read even beyond that. Hates even attempting to read, much less write, so his time in the knight's college is the first time he really gets into it since he was really young.
Either incredibly neat or messy. Sometimes doesn't have the patience to bother making things legible, but needs to write stuff down--and so scribbles doctor handwriting style. Otherwise, goes out of his way to make his handwriting neater. It's an ego thing.
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
Frustration and exhaustion. She doesn't sleep well--though she doesn't remember her dreams anymore--and has anger issues.
Annoyance and amusement. They don't
Exhaustion and sadness. He doesn't get the greatest sleep--whether it's because of nightmares or a terrible sleep schedule--and he's constantly experiencing and/or witnessing things that are unfair. It's not like he's never happy, though--he just constantly carries that sense of tragedy.
Anger and amusement. He has SEVERE anger issues, but considers himself a jokester. Unfortunately, a lot of his "humor" is at the detriment of others, especially as he gets older.
Resignation and caution. Is constantly on-guard for people who could potentially pose a threat to him--regardless of how--and is used to people treating him poorly. His feeding into it by pretending to be young and clueless has always been a way to cope with it and run with its few advantages.
Who knows what he's running from? Me. Obviously I know. But-- But he's constantly prepared to run away from a situation where he's in danger... or people are close to figuring out things he doesn't want them to.
Stubbornness and indifference, with exhaustion being a close third. Mostly floats through life, following a strict schedule with the school's classes. Finds the strict schedule convenient, because it allows him to plan things ahead of time and then stop having to think as he follows through with what he decided. However, is still an incredibly stubborn person--he wants to make his dad proud by becoming a powerful mage, fighter, and knight. That, and he genuinely wants to make the world a better place! And maybe, one day, to find out where he's actually from.
Only problem is, he just wants to sleep half the time!
Do they have a favourite fabric? (This is assuming I know the fabrics...)
Does yarn count? Knitted stuff of all kinds and textures! She's made a lot of her own clothes. She's very self-sufficient.
Anything their feathers don't get caught on. So, mostly smoother textures.
Anything and everything soft. He loves soft things and stimming with them.
Slippery stuff. Aka, stuff that's harder for people to grip. Tazin explicitly wears skintight clothing and has Gene cut his hair down to his scalp so people can't easily grab him. Besides that, doesn't care.
Anything soft. Has a particular fondness for the texture of "was formerly rough due to being made from poor-quality materials, but has softened from age and use" stuff. Granted, that's also the texture of his hole-y jacket.
He's indifferent. As long as it's not itchy!
What kind of accent do they have?
Irish! She's from a fantasy country with lots of early Norse and Celtic influence.
Belgian! They were born and raised in Lynsmouth, which has a lot of misc influences from Western Europe, but it's primarily Netherlands and France!
Polish. Who knows where he was from before ending up in Glavnran (Fantasy!Slavic), but after spending most of his life there, his accent has changed and adjusted to sound much more Glavni than whatever it was before.
Kyrgyz. He's mixed, Glavni and Jhandan (Fantasy!Indian), and was raised primarily by his Jhandan parent before ending up on the streets. Fittingly, his accent is from a country between Russia and India, haha.
Spanish. Not Mexican, Spanish. Like from Spain. Who knows where his family is from, but he looks Cirranian (Fantasy!CentralAmerica) and has spent as much of his life as he can remember in Kihroin (the country RFtA takes place in).
Algerian. Like Sammy, he's grown up in Kihroin, which has North African inspiration! (Which is another reason I want to wait to publish anything on it, I want to do an insane amount of more research first, haha.)
(I literally pulled up a video with people speaking English with various accents just to answer this question. Somehow, my imagined languages for them aligned really well with the regions/accents they should have!? I say "somehow", as though I haven't actually done an immense amount of research on languages and listened to them in order to say my made-up words "correctly", haha...)
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Me, before starting this: "this should be relatively easy!"
Me, getting to the accent question: "wait, actually, what would Crow sound like? And omg, Sammy? Considering their backgrounds--"
Me: *spends half an hour debating the accents of each of the characters*
Me, a day after starting this and coming back to see ^^^^ that: "goddamn, I thought this would be easy?"
PSA: doing this for one character is fine. Doing it for six--two of which you're not as certain with--is less fine!
Tagging (gently!): @honeybewrites @yourpenpaldee @paeliae-occasionally @mysticstarlightduck @illarian-rambling
@darkandstormydolls @the-golden-comet @ath3alin @wyked-ao3 @mk-writes-stuff
@huewrite + open tags!
Divider from @saradika!
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troythecatfish · 4 months
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jeanvaljeancheri · 11 months
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shyjusticewarrior · 1 year
DC Comics Incorrect Quotes Pt 136
Two Face: Do you have any personal connection to the defendant?
Tim: Yeah, that's my boy. And let me tell you something; he did that shit. Guilty as fuck.
Jason: What the fuck? Motherfuckers really ain't got no loyalty.
Tim: Fuck you mean no loyalty?
Jason: You just gonna go up there-
Two Face: Can you shut the fuck up?
Jason: You know what? I got some shit to say, put me on the stand.
Harvey: Do not go up there and testify. You're the defendant, don't say shit.
Jason: Fuck it. Hey, put me up on the stand.
Dick: This motherfucker going to jail.
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thediamondarcher · 1 year
Charlie's OCD isn't "overlooked" in the show (and especially not in s2)
OCD is a disorder that affects and acts mostly inside our brains, it's not easy to make a representation that's good and make it completely "easy" to see. most people don't realize the amount of hints we got about Charlie's obsessions because they have the typical stereotypes of people with OCD being obsessively clean or tidy when a lot of us aren't like that. but they don't see that stereotype because Charlie isn't like that.
in order to understand his OCD we have to pay attention to the amount of importance he gives to perfection and control because those types of things have a lot of importance to people with OCD (i can say this from my own experience too).
his ED started because it's linked to his OCD. there are many scenes that are clearly hints to his OCD; the scene after he passed out where he's literally having a compulsion that is SH related, him being extra "positive" about everything being perfect to the point that's kind of scary, him also wanting to be perfect, the whole line he had in Ben's last scene literally saying that he has "this voice in the back of his mind saying that's what he deserved" (where he basically described one of the symptoms).
there are just a lot of hints, the only difference is that it's adapted in a different way because in the comics we can see his intrusive thoughts and obsessions but we can't see that on the show
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