#National International
moonlayl · 8 months
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From the court today. Israel IS committing a genocide.
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intersectionalpraxis · 8 months
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Imagine cutting humanitarian aid to any country around the world without batting an eyelash. People at their most vulnerable -who are being massively ethnically cleansed and displaced -who are being permanently disabled because of destructive bombings and with whom will probably have little to no resources to help them manage these disabilities their entire lives, who have been and are at the brink of starvation and death... this is what these western/European countries are doing instead of the bare minimum which is a ceasefire.
Albeit it's not a surprise to me (or most of us) since settler-colonial and imperial countries like the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK have notorious histories of genocides against Indigenous people and have been (and currently are) perpetrators of imperial violence.
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency provides basic assistance for people -and to deny that life-saving help to Palestinian people (because we know what this is about) is aligning with IOF terrorism -and it undeniably makes these governments all equally complicit.
My MP's office is closed on weekends but I'll be calling and emailing her, and then emailing genocidal apologist Trudeau. Call and/or email your representatives. This is beyond heinous. I truly don't think these governments could sink any lower -be any more evil, and then they do and it's beyond disgraceful.
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violottie · 6 months
"BREAKING: The UN Security Council has passed a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza for the month of Ramadan. The resolution passed 14-0, with the US abstaining for the first time."
from BreakThrough News, 25/Mar/2024: caption cont under video
In response, Netanyahu immediately said he was cancelling his trip to the US.
The resolution, put forward by Algeria, Ecuador, Guyana, Japan, Malta, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, Slovenia, South Korea and Switzerland, calls for an unconditional release of all hostages on all sides.
Russia attempted to put the word “permanent” into the ceasefire language but the US voted against it.
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jacebeau · 9 months
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demigoddessqueens · 8 months
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la7ma-mafrooma · 7 months
It's international women's day. White feminists will speak about the hijab being "oppressive" but will not speak about the IOF abducting Palestinian women, stripping them of their hijab, and denying them the right to wear it.
It's international women's day. White feminists will tell you the importance of making period products free, but will remain silent when Palestinian women and little girls in Gaza have to use leftover fabric from tents because aid is blocked and they don't have pads.
It's international women's day. White feminists will gladly share fake accusations -which have been debunked- about mass rapes against Israeli women, but will completely ignore the sexual violence and rape threats Palestianian hostages have been and are subjected to in Israeli prisons.
It's international women's day. White feminists will scream about women's education and the Taliban -even though they only use it for their Islamophobic agendas, not out of concern- and they will remain silent when we say schools and universities in Gaza have been bombed, and there is an educational crisis.
Stop looking the other way. Stop being silent. Free Palestine.
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historyforfuture · 6 months
No difference except , the zionists made it worse , they stripped them from their clothes
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nezreblogz · 8 months
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hussyknee · 2 months
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This ruling is non-binding (not sure how it would be enforced even if it was considering Israel's chief protector is the U.S., which doesn't recognise the International Criminal Court and keeps trying to punish it for this kind of thing), but there's support for it across the board except from the US and its new vassal state, the UK. The Tory government has backed the US in ignoring every ICJ ruling on Palestine thus far and Starmer has been avoiding the issue but reinstated funding for UNRWA a few hours after the latest one. Starmer is a spineless Zionist maggot and as much of a US shill has the Tories however, so which way his government tips will probably depends on the strength of the US's reaction.
If you still want to vote for that death-worshipping lurching corpse in November and maybe claim back some of the voters who've decided they can't endorse this bloodthirsty maniac, now is the time to take to the streets and threaten to withhold your vote unless he fucking complies. Don't worry, the same amount of you will vote for him anyway since genocide is not a red line for you, but the DNC is jumpy enough now that they might want to err on the side of caution. Please try and stop your precious democracy from massacring any more children, even if only to save your own skins.
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workersolidarity · 5 months
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🇳🇮⚔️🇩🇪🇮🇱 🚨
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) at the Hague has ruled against Nicaragua in its case asking the Court to stop German arms exports to the Israeli occupation in support for its genocide in Gaza.
"The circumstances are not such as to require the exercise of its power under Article 41 of the statute to indicate provisional measures," stated presiding Judge Nawaf Salam.
Nicaragua previously argued before the Court that Germany was in violation of the 1948 Genocide Conventions by supplying arms to the Israeli occupation at a time when it would be plausibly used to commit acts of genocide in Gaza.
Germany continues to be one of the largest suppliers of weaponry to the Israeli occupation army, providing $353.7 million in equipment and munitions in 2023.
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b3aches · 1 year
Companies That Union-Bust Must Now Automatically Recognize Union, NLRB Rules
The National Labor Relations Board issued a ruling on Friday that changes the framework for unionizations, making it easier for workers to organize and harder for companies to fight back against them. The new process comes as part of a decision in the case between Cemex Construction Materials Pacific, LLC and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, where the Board found that the employer had committed over 20 “instances of objectionable or unlawful misconduct” between the filing of the union election petition and the election itself, intending to dissuade workers from organizing.
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usnatarchives · 1 month
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A two-week old kitten named "Miss Hap," chows down on canned milk, piped to her by medicine dropper with the help of Marine Sergeant Frank Praytor.
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suntails · 1 year
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moonlayl · 8 months
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I do not have much faith in what the outcome will be given what a joke the United Nations is, and how certain countries so obviously stand above international law (including the US and Israel) and it’s also obvious Israel took the accusations as a joke if you watched the hearing (it’s on YouTube on Al Jazeera) but regardless, having Israel’s crimes highlighted, and Israel’s ridiculous lazy response shown to the world makes me feel slightly better.
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intersectionalpraxis · 8 months
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The IOF killed yet another journalist while they're on trial for genocide. They're absolute monsters.
Journalists are protected under international laws (especially under areas of "armed conflict" and since the western world/media keeps calling this a "war" [even though this is a genocide, not a war] -that the IOF has been continuously breaking Geneva Conventions and has been committing war crimes because journalists in "war zones must be treated as civilians and protected as such"). The IOF has murdered over 100 of them -these are people with livelihoods, dreams, ambitions, hobbies, families, and friends, and so much more.
I read a post earlier that when Saudia Arabia murdered one journalist back in 2018 (his name was Jamal Khashoggi) there was global outrage -as there should be for MANY reasons whenever a government institution and/or power kills a person whose work is meant to collect information, and to investigate for publication and dissemination to the world -targeting and assassinating speakers and conveyors of news is beyond heinous. But the fact that over 100 PALESTINIAN JOURNALISTS, including their families -have been systemically targeted and killed by the IOF, is despicable. The occupation MUST end and Palestine must be free.
Rest in power and peace, Muhammad.
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palabarian · 6 months
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Fuck you I'm taking your heraldic animals.
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