#NOT excited to see my extended family. or my other younger sibling cause hes a jerk. hopefully i wont have to see much family
be-good-to-bugs · 2 years
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It hit me earlier today that none of my extended family knows that im trans
Ive seen each of them an average of one time in the past three years ive been out—some more than others and some not at all—let alone in the past decade. I dont have a reliable way to contact any but two or three of them
So like. I barely know most of these people or if they’d be chill. I’ve already made the decision to distance and/or avoid a few of them bc of the comments theyve made about other queer people in my family, or just the people they THOUGHT were queer. And i definitely wont be coming out to them. But theres so many of them that i would like to see at some point in the rest of my lifespan that i just. Dont know about. Dont know if i’d be safe, or if theyd out me to the rest of the family.
I would feel SO much more scared about it than i already do if i wasnt for the other queer people in my family that’ve come out. My dad, my aunt. The former is a first hand account of who i could or definitely cant trust, because if theyre homophobic theres no way in hell they’ll be chill w me being a boy now. The later, unfortunately, gave me a first hand account of my dad’s dad being a transphobic piece of shit, in the early days of being in the closet. That definitely made me realize that i could be jeopardizing my safety if im not careful.
But its not all bad! I know which aunts and uncles supported my dad, which ones have blatantly said they supported trans people because theyre decent fucking people, which ones have clued me in on someone else being shitty to my cousins over the idea of being gay. As i get older its easier to hear the family gossip, to get a sense for these people beyond the smiling veneers they aimed towards a younger me
There’s a few people, maybe six, that i would trust just as well as my immediate family, because they’ve supported my dad or theyve been vocal allies. I want to tell them, if i get the chance.
But my grandma, my cousins, a few of my aunts and uncles? I want to keep them in my life, but i dont know how they’d react.
It’ll be unavoidable eventually. Im going on t soon, it wont take long for me to start changing. Facial hair, a deeper voice. It could be years until i see any of them again, i’d have to tell them ahead of time or risk an argument or confrontation or confusion because ill be so different by then
Its so scary. Im fucking terrified. Especially since my identity will reflect back on my parents, that their accepting of me and my transition could cause rifts between them and their siblings, their parents, more than are already there
My mom is so supportive of me, but even when i talk about being scared of the backlash i dont think she can quite comprehend the terror of it all. It took so much to tell my dad i was starting t, and he already knew i was trans for years. I dont think she knew how scared i was of his rejection, how terrified i am when she suggests i tell one of my aunts, who has threatened to disown one of my cousins if she was gay, that i wasnt straight
I know how stifling it is to hide who i am, and how excited i am to start t is def a reflection of that, but im so hesitant to burn bridges no matter how much bullshit is on the other side. Im trying to cling to normalcy as long as i possibly can, in hopes that it’ll shift alongside me and i dont have to say shit, but gods know it’ll rip itself out of my hands before long
I just hope im resilient enough to weather the aftermath, the next time i see any of them
Submitted July 15, 2023
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Uhhhh so. I can't draw, so please don't throw rocks at me 😅 is anyone gonna see this? DUNNO. But I'm throwing it into the void anyway
Behold: 4 cute babies for me to traumatize with my War on the Lamb AU
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This AU wouldn't exist without @heketsbroodau and their amazing fics. Go read them! Literally right now! All of them! Every single one!!!!!!!
The general idea this WotL AU works with goes as follows:
- The demigod children of the bishops (cousins), quailing and listless in the wake of their parents' slaughter, decide to counter attack and wage war on the lamb for ruining their lives and killing the family they loved so dearly
- In each brood, one was voted amongst the siblings to take up the Crowns to use their power to lead the vengeance quest (because the crowns are at least partially sentient, I imagine that they vanished when their bearers died to keep themselves from being ceased)
- The children have mostly been raising themselves since the lamb destroyed... literally everything
- They're planning to essentially use one of themselves as a sacrifice: taking up the Red Crown and agreeing to be locked away in eternal banishment to prevent it from ever causing trouble and strife again
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Though their ages when each Bishop died varies, they are in order: Adami, Ylindri, Phereo, and finally No Name. When Shamura dies, their ages go as follows: 19 (Adami), 14 (Ylindri), 12 (Phereo), No Name (9). When the story kicks off they'll all likely be in their 20s but I haven't decided fully yet.
As the oldest amongst the cousins, she feels it is the duty of her and her siblings to look after the younger ones. She loves them all very much, every, single, one. She and her dad were really close, and though she didn't have his aptitude for magic she was a born scientist at heart. She was always tucked away in the temple labs, fussing with bacteria cultures and scribbling in her notebooks. Thoroughly enjoyed Kallamar's genetics hobby, and still has the the very first genome they ever wrote together memorized
When he died, she and her siblings all felt it. They heard the commotion and tried so, so hard to get to him, but Kallamar had cast a magic ward on the temple's inner sanctum, preventing his children from entering or even coming near, not trusting that Narinder's appetite for destruction wouldn't extend to his little ones. He was right, and only after he'd been dead for several hours did the barrier fade
Adami wrote her own speech for his funeral but was crying too hard to deliver it, so it fell to her older sibling to speak on her behalf. She was very much a daddy's girl, and prays at his shrine almost every day, wishing for a peaceful afterlife for him, begging her uncle to be kind (though she knows he won't be)
She splits the Blue Crown with one of her siblings: she's the best scientific mind they've got and is therefore excellent for inflicting biowarfare, but she's got -3 magical ability and so whenever there's need for mass healing or protective magic, it goes to her sibling
Would've probably become a very sweet, bubbly person if not for losing Kallamar. She's a lot more reserved these days, but is still generally pretty peppy when excited about something
As mentioned above she's the most unbalanced of Shamura's children: meaning, while their domain is wisdom and war, she skewed heavily toward the first one. The majority of the spiderlings (eleven of them in total) are right in the middle, wielding their brains and brawn as one. There's only one other severe skew like Ylindri: her older sister, who's very skewed toward war
A scholar first and foremost, she spent countless days studying medicine and old divine texts trying to find a way to help her Lifegiver's brain damage. She regularly helped change their bandages
Worried they might forget them all, Ylindri wove her Lifegiver a special band of spider silk, which each of their names and a prayer for health delicately woven in. Her hope was that their love would stay with Shamura easier, and might help them feel better. Shamura wears it on their 4th wrist
In public Ylindri calls Shamura her Lifegiver, in private they are Ama
Very softspoken, and thoroughly heartbroken by Shamura's death. Tried to stop them from going to meet the lamb in the sanctum, but their mind had slipped again and Shamura didn't truly recognize her in that moment
Leshy's thirdborn child and second daughter. Is the only girl to have wings but has sworn off flying after Leshy's death
They were really close, and Leshy actually died while the children were in their first chrysallis (they're demigodlings. They undergo multiple metamorphoses in their lives), so when she emerged she and her siblings were greeted by the sorrowful Witness and the earth-shattering news that they had been orphaned
They preserved Leshy's remains so that his childreb could attend the funeral, but Phereo didn't go. She couldn't bear the thought. She was so terrified to make her chrysallis because everyone knows that girls don't have wings, and the only thing that got her to start spinning was her father's promise to be ready to recieve her when she'd emerged, and the whispered secret of, "You're just as I was. You'll be fine." After that, she doesn't want to appear in public, doesn't want anyone to see her, and spends all her time locked in her room mourning the loss of Leshy
She's got hardcore depression in wake of her dad's death. Everything is unstable and scary and she feels so lost and out of sorts. Years pass and her mental health stabilizes but doesn't improve: when the cousins start planning their war and how to defeat the Red Crown for good, she offers her body to the cause. She'll hsve to be banished and locked away, for all eternity. If it will avenge Leshy's death and let her go to a place where she can forget that she exists, then she's happy to do it
Someone get this worm therapy smh
No Name:
Someone seriously help me name him I've gone through like 5 names and none feel right 😭
The smallest, height wise and age wise. He hates it
This froggy is a MAMA'S BOY. He was very, very close with Heket, and loved her more than life itself. She was his mother, after all--there was no one in the world he loved more. The whole gaggle of froglets found Heket's still cooling corpse in the Temple sanctum, and just. Basically did Simba and mufasa. Just kinda snuggled against her and begged her to get up, to heal, to be ok
I don't have a whooole lot of development for him but he's generally pretty quiet and brooding. Very angy. Late teenage angst when thebwar starts but also his mom was murdered by the guy they're waging war on so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Regardless. He's not having a good time. Eats his feelings a lot and is quietly hoping the war kills him
Was voted among his siblings to bear the Yellow Crown and he despises it. It feels so wrong, like the desecration of his mother's memory, to have him stand in her place and wear that which rightfully belongs to her and no one else. Prays to the crown every morning before he puts it on, asking his mother's forgiveness and hoping to serve her memory well
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rebellicnrising · 1 year
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➶ DID YOU SEE THEM ?! they’re finally back as a MENTOR , and you know they’re one of my favourites ! it’s VOLTAIRE “VOLT” OWENS , the THIRTY-FIVE year old WINNER of the SEVENTY-SEVENTH hunger games! i’m just so excited to see them returning to the capitol all the way from DISTRICT THREE! they won their games using TRAPS AND HELP FROM SPONSORS so their tributes will no doubt be desperate for their wisdom. the capitol just loved them for being so SINCERE , even if they have been known to be SELF-DEPRECATING at times. they DO have a relative in this years games ( niece ) and they DID volunteer to go into the arena with them . ( character IS part of the uprising )
full name: voltaire owens nicknames: volt age: thirty-five birthday: july 13th zodiac: cancer district: three gender: cis male pronouns: he / him orientation: bisexual profession: factory worker, tribute, mentor, craftsman horologist ( clockmaker )
face claim: andrew garfield hair color: tawny brown eye color: brown height: 5'10" scars: several small silvery scars across his fingers and hands, a scar at his temple that dimples when he smiles, an amputation scar just below his left knee. 
father: arin owens ( deceased ) mother: thalia owens ( deceased ) siblings: violet owens ( younger sister, deceased ) extended family: elianna “ellie” owens ( niece, reaped for the 94th games )  significant other: tba
reaped/volunteered: reaped reaped age: 18 victor of the: 77th hunger games weapon of choice: traps arena: underground cave system kill count: four token: great- grandfather’s pocket watch
mbti: infp-t ( the mediator ) temperament: phlegmatic - sanguine  moral alignment: lawful neutral primary vice: wrath primary virtue: kindness element: water
ʜᴇʏ, ᴘʀᴇᴛᴛʏ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴍᴏᴄᴋɪɴɢʙɪʀᴅ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ꜱɪɴɢɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ꜱᴀᴅ, ꜱᴀᴅ ꜱᴏɴɢꜱ
your first breath is clogged with smog, born in the factory district. it’s never quiet and your small ears learn to drown out the noise early, lulled to sleep more often than not to the sounds of production that surround you and the cluster of matchbox apartments stacked haphazardly on top of each other where you grow up. both of your parents work in The Factory though it’ll be years before you know what that means and you’re left with a neighbor who keeps other children in your building- too many for the cramped apartment- for parents who also work at The Factory. by the time your earliest memories start to form, your parents leave a baby sister with you at the neighbor’s and the neighbor lady tells you that you’ll start school soon but mommy and daddy say you have to look after the baby sister and this causes you some distress-- you’ve never been a fan of change. the day that mommy doesn’t leave you with the baby sister but instead walks you down the stairs of the apartment and down the street, you throw a fit-- and mommy tries to tell you that you have to be a big boy, that you’re going to school to learn and become so smart but this only upsets you more and you fight until her hand swats at your bottom and her voice grows stern. you start school with teary eyes and a reluctant heart.
but it doesn’t last long because you find that you love school. you love the teacher and the routine- how every day has the same schedule- and the world that she opens with letters and numbers. you’re exceptionally bright, a sponge that soaks up every ounce of knowledge made available until you start to grow and some of the knowledge presented bores you; there are other things that you would find more interesting. you find that you love working with your hands- a puzzler, as dad says when he brings home defunct motherboards from The Factory ( you learn that’s what mom and dad do all day: they build these pieces that power all sorts of things ) that you tear apart with curiosity and put back together in concentration.
you don’t know anyone in the district who doesn’t suffer from a persistent cough but dad’s cough gets worse and there’s no money for medicine and in an urban district, herbal remedies cost even more than medicine that trickles down from the capitol. soon, he can’t go to work, hardly able to keep drawing breath through lungs that rattle and wheeze and mom is almost never home, trying to pick up more shifts at The Factory to make ends meet while your father drowns on his own air in the bed. you’re fourteen when your father stops breathing and his ashes sit in a small wooden box on the table beside the bed he died in and mom works herself ragged because she doesn’t want you to leave school-- says you’re smart enough to do more, to work in the glass buildings deeper in the district’s center and that she doesn’t want you to end up stuck at the factory like her and dad. you take out tesserae for yourself and violet that year, the baby sister who’s not a baby anymore but still too young for the factory herself but mom works herself to the brink of exhaustion and it’s still barely making ends meet. 
you take your father’s place on the line at The Factory, thin fingers nimbly assembling the motherboards you had been taking apart and putting together since you were six. mom resents the fact that you walk to work together and they’re spent mostly in silence; you’re not sure if she resents you for walking with her or herself for the same. you keep taking out tesserae for yourself and for violet; you don’t let her take out any and every year on reaping day you hold your breath until the names are called, exhaling in relief when each year, you pass by unscathed. it would be the cruelest of ironies that the last year you’re forced to stand and be counted is when your name is called. your mother and sister both weep, clinging to you when the peacekeepers drag you towards the train; the last thing your mother tells you before the doors close is that she’s sorry. 
ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ'ꜱ ᴀʟʀᴇᴀᴅʏ ʀᴀɪɴ ᴏɴ ᴍʏ ᴡɪɴᴅᴏᴡ ɪ'ᴍ ᴅʏɪɴɢ ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏʀɴɪɴɢ ᴄᴏᴍᴇꜱ
your district partner is one of your sister’s friends, a 16 year old named piper-- you know her and it’s so easy to replace her face with violet’s and when she cries on the way to the capitol, you wrap an arm around her shoulders and offer comfort. there’s too many reminders that only one of you can win but it’s a fact you ignore; you don’t have any grand ideas of getting out and you’re sure it’s wishful thinking that she’ll get out either but in the meantime, it doesn’t mean that mindset has to follow you. you force yourself into optimism- for both of you- trying to make each step of this process easier for her and in a way, yourself. you have no strategy at first; your hands aren’t used to the weight and balance of the weapons that line the walls or against stands scattered around the training room-- you end up making a complete fool of yourself on your first day for even daring to touch them. the lists of flora and fauna may as well be an alien language to you; you hadn’t even seen grass before the train pulled away from district three. the ropes course comes easier- you’ve had plenty of experience climbing and walking across narrow scaffolding to work on pieces of machinery that created the pieces that you assembled- and it seems like a glimmer of hope. when you present to the gamemakers though, they’re less impressed with your displays as you’d hope-- you leave with a score equal to your district: 3. 
but you shine in the interview. pipes had been nervous, so afraid of all the faces in the crowd and caesar’s too wide smile and outlandish appearance so you tell her ( and yourself ) that it’s nothing to be afraid of: it’s just a conversation with an old friend. hadn’t they all grown up watching caesar flickerman from birth? and that’s how you treat him, like an old friend, with a wide and genuine smile and a handshake. when you talk about your home and your family, you do it as if you’re catching ol’ caesar up on what’s been going on at the old home front. the two of you laugh and joke- poking fun at each other because after all, you’re old friends- and when your time is up, your handshake turns into a hug and that winsome smile turns towards the crowd, greeting them with that same familiarity. ( we’re all just old friends, you and i. )
when you’re dropped into the arena, you watch the sunlight extinguish above you and when you reach the platform, there’s no light aside from the countdown hovering in the air in the middle of the circle of tributes, casting all of your faces in a ghosty glow and sending the shadows of the cave system in sharp relief. the cornucopia sits in the middle of this junction, several different openings branching surround the round room and when the count hits one, the lights go out-- and the screaming is drowned out by the starting horn. it’s chaos-- the sounds of screaming and struggling and then the sounds of weapons biting into bodies-- all in the pitch black. you trip over someone and you don’t pause to see if they’re living or not but you feel the pack in their hand and ripping it from them, you stumble off into the blackness, hand outstretched until you meet stone and one of those openings. and you barrel forward, blind. thirteen canons fire after the cornucopia and the light from their projected faces don’t reach you as you push further and further, getting lost in the labyrinthine tunnels. 
you don’t stop until your body can’t take you any further and it’s only when legs grow jelly weak that your hand finds a crevasse in the wall, barely big enough for you to pull that thin and lanky body into- and you know that if anyone else were to find that hole and start stabbing, you’d be done for- but your body is too tired to care. as you push yourself in though, deeper in the cave’s wall is the faintest glow-- phosphorus mushrooms and you wonder how they could glow as deep and as dark as you are. you use them as a marker, mashing them into a paste and marking against the cave wall in attempts to create some sort of map to take you back to that hiding place when you finally get adventurous and leave it. the food in your pack is gone after what you believe is two days but then packages from sponsors seem to drop in your lap from skittering creatures in the dark and you eat.  there’s a moment in your wanderings where you’re almost done for- foot stepping forward and meeting nothing only to fall back on your ass with a yelp that echoes through the caves- and you ignore the way it travels to crawl on your stomach until you feel that ledge. the mushrooms glow isn’t strong enough to see how deep the hole is and you chance using the flare in the pack. 
it’s a tribute from ten that finds you ( you find that out later )- a fifteen year old whose muscles are thick and roped from working with livestock where yours are thin and lean- following that echoing yelp and his knife slashes at your shoulder when he sneaks up behind you. the flare drops and the two of you wrestle, him above you with that knife pressing down and aiming for something more lethal, your hands braced against that knife. when he presses harder, your arms buckle and your legs kick, throwing you both- him tumbling over you and you tumbling back. you manage to grab hold of the ledge and you hear him fall hard and when you look behind you, you see the fall is a good ten feet but that the floor is littered with sharp stalagmites jutting up from the bottom of the cave’s floor and the flare goes out just as you see blood trickling from the boy’s mouth and glinting off the points of those stalagmites that have punctured through his chest. another package comes your way with a salve that soothes the pain in your shoulder from the stab wound and you chance a whispered thank you to whoever sent it. 
you lure two more to their deaths that way and as the days progress, you count the canons as they fire and then for a good while, there aren’t any canons that sound. you’re not sure if it’s a handful of hours or a day but you know that there’s only three of you left. the gamekeepers begin to trigger cave ins that push the three of you further back towards the cornucopia and it’s on that last one that brings down the entire cave that you once again almost lose. you’re running, hand pressed against a rumbling wall to guide yourself and the other holding that pack over your head as rocks fall and slam against the pack and your shoulders and then, you trip. careening towards the rock floor, you feel the bounder crush your leg and pain rips through your body but adrenaline helps to numb it, your mind in that fight or flight mode as you shove and rip your useless leg from under the boulder and crawl- pack forgotten, rocks slamming into your body, trying to beat you down and bury you there but you break into the opening where the cornucopia stands, another dark shape in the darkness your eyes have barely begun to adjust to. a canon sounds-- only two left. and when she stumbles in, you grab her ankle and yank her to the floor, dragging yourself up to wrap your hands around her throat, feeling her nails tear into your arms, your chest, your throat. when she stops moving, the sound of the canon fading as you drop into unconsciousness. 
ꜰʟᴇᴡ ᴀᴡᴀʏ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴀᴠᴇɴ ɴᴏᴡ ɪ'ᴍ ᴜɴᴅᴇʀɴᴇᴀᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡɪʟʟᴏᴡꜱ ʜᴀɴɢɪɴɢ
they can’t save your leg and they tell you that it’s a blessing you weren’t awake to see it when your eyes open to blinding light. it takes you almost three days before you can see normally again, your eyes having grown adjusted to that pitch black. the healers teach you how to walk with the prosthetic and it’s like being a baby again, training your body to work with a piece of you that wasn’t there but when you walk across that stage to greet caesar, no one would notice the stiffness in the movement unless they were looking for it. that smile is still warm and genuine as caesar holds your hand- an old friend glad to see the other returned from war, you tell yourself- as you talk about the games; an old friend who encourages you to show off that fancy new leg the benevolent capitol healers have fashioned for you and the crowd roars as you strut across the stage, pausing to lift the leg of your pants with a wink, revealing the prosthetic to a crowd that roars and cheers. you hug caesar again in that tight hug- a hug for all panem, for you watching at home-- in gratitude. 
you vomit the second you step off the stage, hunched over some decorative fucking thing that you couldn’t care less about. have fun cleaning my pukes, bitches. 
you return home and move your mother and sister in the victor’s village and the lights in the house never go out-- it’s a rule you impose and no one argues with you. the victory tour and the following year returning to the capitol are a blur-- you don’t remember that first year. or the second. but the third year, your sister tells you a secret-- and you wake up. the baby is born just before you go back to the capitol and you hate to leave them, knowing that the baby’s father has no intention of being involved and as such, no fucking help ( and when you see him with his family, you think about how your hands had wrapped around that thin neck and-- ) but it becomes about coming back. and when you look at the faces of the tributes that ride in the train with you, it’s too easy to replace their faces with the face of your niece-- and you start working like hell to bring them back. 
one of the perks of being a victor is not having to worry about work-- the job is only for a few weeks a year which leaves plenty of time to pursue interests. and you try your hand at several- fidgeting with prototypes that come from the experimental engineers ( for the games, for the peacekeepers ), whittling, puzzling-- and it’s in that puzzling that you find something that brings your heart unmitigated peace and joy: clockwork. you study timepieces and begin to craft pieces of handheld art with decorated faces inlaid with gems imported from district one, guilt with gold inlay. they become presents for sponsors and soon there’s commissions that roll in and while the demand is definitely more than the output, it’s something that keeps you busy and keeps you beloved by the capitol-- everyone wants a voltaire original. 
ɪ'ᴍ ᴛᴏᴏ ꜱᴛʀᴜɴɢ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴜᴘꜱɪᴅᴇ ᴅᴏᴡɴ ᴘʀᴇᴛᴛʏ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴍᴏᴄᴋɪɴɢʙɪʀᴅ, ꜱɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ ᴀ ꜱᴏɴɢ
you’re approached by members of the rebellion when your niece turns ten. your mother’s ashes have joined dad’s on the mantle in the living room and at first, you’re resistant because all you can think of is the fact that standing against the capitol- against president snow- would only guarantee that more boxes of ashes would line that mantle: your sister’s, your niece, your own. for weeks you agonize over the proposition, going back and forth between the fear that keeps you frozen- head down until the lights come up- and the anger in your heart that grows year after year each time you return home with tributes in caskets. it’s a clandestine meeting when that anger wins out and you sign yourself onto a rebellion. 
your job is simple: keep making clocks. continue to create beautiful and coveted pieces of time but with a special addition that you create with the help of scientists from district 13: a recording chip the size of a pin’s head, nestled underneath one of those sparkling gems that transmits directly to a radio frequency monitored only by district 13. and each time you pass one of those beautifully crafted pieces to their new owner, there’s a breath that’s held, wondering if this time is when you’ll be caught-- and you don’t breathe again until the new owner has left, unsuspecting. gamemakers, socialites, sponsors-- even caesar and president snow have been presented with their own unique pocketwatches. there’s a feeling of accomplishment as time passes and those gifts are given, received with gratitude and greed in equal measure. it wasn’t much, but it was something. 
two years after you begin working alongside district 13, your sister is killed in an accident and your mind flies into a panic, thinking you’ve been found out. perhaps it’s paranoia but the details don’t add up and you try and pull from the rebellion- you have a twelve year old niece who needs you, you’re all she has left, you can’t risk it-- but you’re talked back down from that ledge. there were bigger things at work here; the steps that you take today keep your niece safe tomorrow. and she’s all you have left too, you would do anything to keep her safe but more than that, you want to create a future for her. a future where she isn’t under the thumb you’ve been pinned under for the last seventeen years.  
which is why when her name is pulled for the reaping, you become focused in a way you’re not sure you’ve ever been when it comes to the games. and when given the option, there’s no hesitation: you volunteer. you would do anything to keep her safe. but the longer you’re in the capitol and after the execution of those prominent faces-- those that you called friends-- you’re starting to realize that you may pose a bigger danger to him than anyone. and you’re scared to fucking death. 
volt is from d3- lil smarty pants, def has a touch of the ‘tism- got reaped at 18. 
his games were in a underground cave system- he killed four people and ended up losing his left leg just below the knee due to a cave in that crushed his leg. 
so he’s got a prosthetic leg!
got super into clockmaking and has developed a bit of a name for himself as a craftsman among the capitol elite-- everyone wants a voltaire original timepiece. 
joined the rebellion about 4 years ago almost dipped two years in when his sister died suddenly but was talked out of leaving bc we’re making a difference dammit! 
puts lil secret recording devices in some of his pieces that he gifts/sells!! sneakily spying for the rebellion!
has a 14 year old niece named elianna aka ellie who was reaped and he has volunteered for her
is super good at masking!! until he’s not
has a paralyzing fear of the dark-- hasn’t slept without a light in 17 years. 
genuinely nice guy who’s a lil bit of a weirdo
mentor pals!! literally nothing gets me harder than a good found family bonded through shared trauma. would love 2 have it someday
rebellion pals!! folks who are working with the rebellion that volt would know or have worked with in the past
past lovers/friends!! im a simple bitch i love a good exes plot whether it be a relationship or fling that fell apart or a friendship that couldn’t stand the test of time whatever man im open
ppl who don’t fuck with him!! listen he’s a just a lil dude. some people vibe with the lil dude and some people dont. would love 2 have some antagonistic plots please im BEGGING
literally anything dude i am OPEN. 
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Adrenaline Junkie
Part 2     Part 3     Part 4     Part 5     Part 6     Part 7     Part 8     Part 9     Part 10     Part 11     Part 12     Part 13     Part 14     Part 15     Part 16     Part 17
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Ages (oldest to youngest):
Philza- 32
Technoblade- 17 
Wilbur- 17
(Y/N)- 16
Tommy- 14
Pairing: platonic!sbi x winged!sibling!reader
Warnings: near death experiences, mentions of depression, OOC sbi (this is my first time writing about them)
Summary: Philza finds out about your little “habit”
Word count: 1,962
You grinned as you flew through the air with your feathers glinting in the low sunlight. You absolutely loved the feeling of freedom you got whenever you flew. It always gave you a sense of calm when you needed a break from your family. You loved them of course, but you needed a break once and a while; you often felt drained if you didn’t take some time to yourself. The cold air rushed past you as you continued to flap your wings to keep you in the air. 
You could not see the ground below you as you soared higher into the clouds, weaving in and out of them. Flying higher, you steadied yourself to look at the sunset. The mixture of pinks, oranges, and yellows blended together perfectly. You always loved the sunset, it was one of the only consistent things in your life. You wished that you could stay hovering hundreds of feet above the ground, but mobs were going to be spawning soon. The last time you stayed out past sunset you had almost gotten killed by a skeleton. Your dad had given you quite the lecture after he made sure that you were alright. You still had the scars on your arms from when it tried to shoot you out of the air.
You angled yourself so you were upside down, put your arms tight to your sides, and extended your wings fully behind you. You dove closer and closer to the earth, quickly picking up speed. The wind whipped around you as you gained velocity, getting closer and closer to the ground by the millisecond. At the last second, you fully extended your wings and drastically slowed your descent to the ground. The extra velocity you had made you soar up once again before you regained control and landed safely on the ground. The adrenaline that the skydive gave you was the most exhilarating feeling you’ve ever felt, and you were always craving it. Your dad didn’t find it as fun or exhilarating as you did.
Your father’s voice boomed from behind you. You could tell that he was in a lecturing mood without even having to look at him. He grabbed your arm and spun you around. Grabbing your other arm, he looked you up and down with worried blue eyes. After seeing that you were alright, his gaze hardened and he took a deep breath.
“Do you have any idea how dangerous that was?”
He rattled on and on about how you could’ve killed yourself, but quite frankly you didn’t care if you died or got hurt. In your opinion, the adrenaline you got was worth it. You had three lives you could spend, and if you did die, you wanted to go out with a bang all three times. What could you say? You were an adrenaline junkie through and through. 
He started to drag you inside the house mid lecture. Swinging open the door, he pulled you towards the kitchen, where the scent of fresh mushroom stew wafted from the pot on the stove. Your brothers looked at you each with their own different reactions. Techno looked as stoic as ever, Wilbur eyed you with slight disapproval, and Tommy looked at you with awe and excitement. They must’ve seen your little trick through the window. 
Tommy’s excited rant was cut short as he saw the stern look on Philza’s face. After a few moments of hesitation, your brothers were making small talk with each other with Philza occasionally chiming in. Poking idly at your food, you contemplated how you should go about apologizing to your dad. 
You supposed that the best route you could go was telling him that you wouldn’t do that again, but you knew you would do it again. That was the biggest adrenaline rush you’ve ever gotten and you were already craving it again. You couldn’t lie to your dad, your wings always gave you away by twitching uncomfortably whenever you lied. On the other hand, telling him that you felt empty when you didn’t have adrenaline coursing through your veins was not an option. He already has enough to worry about with working to provide for four teenagers. Deciding that your best bet was to lie to him and hope for the best, you zoned back into the conversation around you. Tommy was ranting about how he had broken his favorite sword dueling Techno.
“-do you have any idea how long it took me to find that enchantment, Techno?”
Techno huffed slightly in amusement. “Actually I do because I helped you find that enchantment. We found it in the village together, remember?”
“Tommy,” Philza said tiredly, “we can get you another enchanted sword. Techno, you need to be more gentle with your little brother. You have to remember he’s three years younger than you, so he has less experience in dueling.”
Tommy grumbled to himself, busying himself with shoveling food in his mouth. Wilbur glanced at him with disgust.
“Do you have to eat like that, Tommy? It’s disgusting.”
“Well, Wilbur, it’s not my fault I’m hungry.”
“You’re eating like we don’t feed you.”
You usually enjoyed it whenever your siblings argue back and forth like this, but lately it didn’t make you feel anything. You didn’t feel much anymore if you weren’t pulling off impulsive stunts. Of course, you hid it from your family and acted like you did before. It was relatively easy since you were naturally a quiet person. You thought you were doing a great job at it, you pride yourself on your acting skills.
Dinner went by fast without anything notable happening. Since it was your night to clean up, you got to work after everyone parted ways for the night. You stacked the dishes left on the dinner table and got to work washing them. Luckily, since you lived with three teenage boys, you never had to deal with leftovers. You subconsciously stretched and twitched your wings, feeling restless without feeling the wind moving through your feathers. After you got done with putting the dishes away, you took a deep breath and set out on your search for Philza. 
Walking into the living room, you saw Techno sitting near the fireplace reading one of his mythology books. “Hey, Tech. Do you know where Dad is? I need to talk to him.”
Without looking up from his book, he responded in his usual monotone voice. “Yeah, he’s up in his room. I think he’s going to bed early.” He paused for a second before looking up at you with sincerity. “You know, he was terrified when he saw you earlier. He thought that you weren’t gonna stop yourself in time. Hell, we all thought you were gonna die.”
That made you feel guilty. He already had to deal with providing and raising you four and he didn’t need anything else to worry about. You felt your wings droop slightly as you sighed. 
“...Thanks, T. G’night, love you.”
You started to speed walk to Philza’s room without giving him time to respond. You needed to apologize to him and fast. Out of all your siblings, you were always the one to hate conflict and would always apologize first whenever you got into a disagreement with anyone. You were always the pacifist. 
Walking past Tommy in the hallway, he tried to stop you to talk to you, but you ignored him with a dismissive wave of your wing. You heard him mumbling to himself as he started to walk down the stairs, probably to challenge Techno to a rematch. You nervously fluttered your wings, feathers occasionally brushing against the walls and causing you to shiver slightly at the small touch. Your hands were shaking slightly as you took a steadying deep breath and knocked on Philza’s door. Hearing his tired “come in”, you slowly opened his door. He situated himself so that he was sitting on the edge of his bed and gestured for you to sit next to him.
“Hey, Dad. I-I just wanted to say sorry for worrying you earlier. If I knew that it would stress you out, I wouldn’t have done it.” You sat next to him.
He sighed as he wrapped an arm across your shoulders, pulling you into his side. “I don’t care if it stressed me out. You could’ve gotten killed from a fall at that height. You could have lost a life. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you didn’t open your wings in time.”
“I know, I’m sorry.”
“Then why’d you do it if you knew that you could’ve gotten yourself killed? I just want to understand why you would pull a stunt like that, I’d never expect you out of all of your siblings to do something so dangerous.”
You took a deep breath as you contemplated your next words. You really wanted to tell him about how you felt empty without putting yourself in danger. You wanted to tell him that you didn’t feel like yourself anymore. Unconsciously, your wings started to twitch and pull themselves closer to your body. 
You jumped when you felt something else wrap around you. You looked back and saw black feathers. Looking back up at your father, he looked at you with a concerned expression. 
“Take a deep breath, you’re shaking hun.”
You looked down at your hands and to your surprise, they were shaking. You took a few deep breaths and clasped your hands together tightly while Philza rubbed comforting circles on your back. 
“...It’s just that, I haven’t been feeling like myself lately, if that makes any sense. It’s like I can’t feel anything anymore without doing stupid things that could get me killed. It wasn’t the first time I’ve dived like that. One time I lost control and almost flew into lava-filled ravine.”
“...How long have you felt like this?”
“A few months now.”
Philza felt his heart break, how did he not notice that you were different for months? You could’ve gotten yourself hurt or permanently maimed yourself and it would’ve been his fault because he didn’t notice your mood shift. 
“I’m so sorry I didn’t notice sooner.”
“It’s not your fault, Dad. I didn’t tell you anything was wrong. Please don’t blame yourself.”
“We can help you find something that’ll help you. Something less dangerous.”
“Your brothers and I. They’ve been listening this entire time, weren’t you, boys?”
You heard shuffling and muffled voices arguing with each other before the door opened to reveal your sheepish brothers. Wordlessly, they all filed into the room. Tommy grabbed your shoulders and yanked you into a tight hug. You felt Wilbur hug your other side before he pulled Techno into the group hug also. You felt feathers tickle your cheek as Philza joined, wrapping his giant wings around you all. The family hasn’t had a group hug since you all started to hit your teenage years. For the first time in a while, you felt happy without risking your life.
After that night, you were right in your assumption that you’d be grounded (literally and metaphorically) from flying for a while while your family worked hard to find something safe that gave you a distraction. Soon, Wilbur found a book about the intricacies of redstone working and you were hooked. Sure, your family was rambunctious and a strange group, but you wouldn’t want it any other way.
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lantsovsupremacist · 3 years
I was wondering if you could do a Nikolai fic w a Tidemaker reader who works for him on the Volkvony ?
whenever i read nikolai stuff, i imagine his girl to be a tide maker. so, of course it’s my honor to make this happen 🙏🙏 also i got carried away and there will most certainly be a part 2 🤪🤪
mijn dochter: my daughter (i went with dutch because that’s what kerch is supposedly influenced by)!
nikolai lantsov: mirror ball
it all began out of desperation, as most things in your life often did.
born into a family of ten living on the farmlands of kerch, there were always too many mouths to feed. despite the nature of your family’s occupation, whatever could be harvested or slain for food often ended up sent to the markets to try and keep up with the land payments. it was this necessity to help your family (an expectation of yourself as the middle child as much as your younger siblings) that kept you from attending school the day testing occurred. considered the bottom of the lowest class, nobody deemed you important enough to reschedule a test or even find you a spot for the next year’s round.
you believed the position of the testers. it was not because you felt particularly unimportant, just that there was no history of grisha in your family or few you had ever come into contact with. in fact, watching the older kids get tested was your only example of grisha power. a lack of suitable education did not help your case. so, you disregarded the event or lack thereof quickly after it passed.
however, when you pulled the tide in to help the withering crops survive one summer—out of sheer desperation—you could no longer ignore the possibility. the land only needed to close in to the sound by a few feet in order for the water to saturate the fields properly. it could have been a trick of a weary mind. you might not have even realized what had happened if not for your father’s startled gasp.
he muttered a single word, grisha. anything else was unintelligible under his breath—likely a slew of curses. he had even less of an education than you and your siblings. for months, you pleaded for your parents to pretend as if nothing had changed. your oldest brother knew the word for it: tidemaker. one of his best friend’s at school, their older sister had been one. but, she had been taken away. you could not imagine leaving your fields and the sun that hung above them.
you did not want to be a danger to your family, what with the way in which discovered grisha were treated in kerch’s cities. you could only hide for so long. in addition to this worry, you believed by using this resource, you could find better pay to send home. it was not the second army you desired to join but perhaps, some freelance work.
the volkvony was much larger than the scattered fishing boats dotting the coast. even those you saw rarely, the docks being miles outside your town. the pirateer’s vessel and those occupying it radiated power. the reminder of your own ability did little to ease your anxiety.
you mother’s final parting words rang in your head, and you held onto the echo for as long as you could.
“you are a fierce force to be reckoned with, mijn dochter.”
right now with your knees knocking and shoulders shaking, you hardly felt it. your mother often remarked you showed courage in different ways. you might have paled at standing up to the bully that had broken your sister’s arm as a child and allowed your eldest brother to physically retaliate, but your calm nature quieted her cries as you held her gently, waiting for help. you knew that even when he did not verbally express it, your father still appreciated how you took it upon yourself to care for the little ones, handle the crises at home. you made life work for everybody.
your littlest brother, espen, would think you were strong despite the obvious nerves riddling your form. before you left, he hugged you goodbye with all of the strength his two-year-old body could muster, imbuing you with it. his childlike magic satiated any apprehension that came your way on the voyage to the boat’s docking in ketterdam—a city’s whose reputation limited your visits to three occasions in eighteen years. and when it faded, because it always did, you held tight to baby noa’s fairly like giggles, each one of her accompanied smiles locked carefully away in your heart.
even with living a life largely locked on land, the water brought a unique sense of calm to your restless spirit. to any onlooker, your closed eyes and deep breaths by the banks could be attributed to the anticipation of adventure. however, anyone who truly knew your heart would understand the greater impact of the tides. they might even notice the slight curl of your lip or scrunch of your nose, the actions of concentration supporting the delicate ripples of waves on the edge of the sound.
a voice from behind you nearly caused you to jump right off of the dock. one might think that growing up in a household of ten, you would be painfully aware of your surroundings. that could not be father from the case. you did not intend to walk through life stuck in your own head, but it was a habit.
“we’re boarding now,” the same person spoke again, “you’re our new tidemaker, right?”
“that’s right,” you annunciated softly with a nod of your head.
now having stepped forward, you identified the figure to be a girl a few years your elder. with short cropped hair and a glint in her eyes, she intimidated you. however, her tone was kind and seemed welcoming.
“i’m tamar and that,” she extended a hand to point, “is my brother toyla. heartrenders.”
you nodded again, rolling your lips into your mouth. following behind her, you strung your bag over your shoulder and avoided the more worn planks on the dock. the wood was speckled with age.
“how long have you been in the harbor?” you questioned, genuine curiosity in your words.
“only a few days,” she replied without turning her head, opting to keep her gaze ahead as she weaved through the crowd, “ketterdam intrigues sturmhond, but he never keeps us here for too long.”
recognizing the captain’s name who had graciously offered you a position onboard the volkvolny only two days prior, you continued after tamar. you remembered his crooked jaw and nose that had obviously been broken before. however, the ease of his smile and light in his eyes gave you the push to accept. he had approached you in the spot which you had stood only this morning and caught you in a similar position. he had been uniquely attentive.
the way he revealed that he had caught onto your ability with the ripples in the shallow water still caught you by surprise and perhaps, amusement. he had asked you to help him skip a rock. you smiled at the memory now, a small but authentic one only for yourself.
“are all of the hands grisha?” you asked another question, careful to lower your voice.
home to various brothels, pleasure houses, and gambling dens, as well as gangs, ketterdam could trap grisha in servitude if they were not vigilant. this and the general boisterous nature of the city were largely your reasons for avoiding it. you preferred the tranquility and predictability of the countryside, where all that stood out among the plains were the occasional rolling hill and far away slopes of mountain.
your older brother coen studied in the most acceptable part of the city on a scholarship, the only one of your siblings (including yourself) that showed enough intellectual promise to merit pursuing an education over farm work. the only other member of your family to dare encounter the barrel was lotte. given she was now estranged and likely involved in gang work, her possible presence did little to soothe you.
“oh, no,” tamar answered, “in fact, most aren’t. we try and keep it quiet.”
humming in response, you used the handrail to board the ship. you took a deep breath to quell any remaining anxiety. once your feet touched the hull, there would be no room for fear or at least, any expression of it. you were used to keeping to yourself, your head down and hands working.
the salt air filled your lungs easily, and you were greedy for more. it left a pleasant enough taste in your mouth. you realized you were content here and wondered if you might even find happiness on the ship.
after showing you to the quarters you would share with two other girls, you straightened your cot and placed your bag underneath it. you made quick work of braiding your hair back, pacing the room as you did so. there was work to be done, and you would be sure to see to it.
grounding yourself to steady the spinning of the room, you faced your things one more time and headed out to the deck above. for once, you were surrounded by people like you. while this did not quite give you confidence, there was a semblance of reassurance flickering in your heart.
you no longer needed to be perfect for everyone else. though your family was still largely your responsibility as they would receive a portion of your wages, you no longer had to pace your interactions with each member. if you wanted to, you could be as loud and lively as the rest of the crew surely was. scrunching your nose at the thought, you stepped by an empty crate and up the stairs. you liked being quiet. it gave you the headspace to observe others.
a long life of making the lives of your younger siblings and parents easier gave you little time to think for yourself or about yourself. maybe this adventure was all a farce to finally please yourself, to learn to believe in yourself, but you had forced it to be about the others. always placing the focus away. that was an easier story to believe rather than accepting that maybe, you were doing something for yourself and maybe, that was okay.
perhaps it should have made you nervous, but you were a shy version of excited at the idea of testing out each variant of yourself to see which one you believed in most. you had shown everyone else what they wanted or needed to see for many years. you needed to live for yourself now.
you had a right to the sea and you were determined to take advantage of it.
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celestialrry · 4 years
gold rush
summary: Enemies to lovers, inspired by the lovely Taylor Swift’s Gold Rush!
warnings: mention of alcohol consumption, reader and Harry being bitches, angst, and a good ending bc I can't seem to leave anything on a bad note
If someone asked you to list off everything you hated about Harry Styles, you were positive that you would be talking for a solid 10 minutes.  He was the epitome of everything you despised. To be more specific, you despised people who acted “deep”, people who acted humble, people who pretended to be different from the general population, people who acted like they didn’t know millions would drop to their knees with a simple wave or smile, and people who acted perfect. And as far as you knew, that was everything that Harry Styles was. 
A famous rockstar and millionaire who comes back to his hometown, which happens to be yours as well, and acts like he wasn’t any different. He pretends to blush when someone would compliment him and ask for a picture, like he hasn't been asked for pictures millions of times before. He waves his black amex card around and buys one fucking coffee with it. You hated him, because everyone loved him.
And of course with your luck, a few years ago when your mom had met his mom at a neighborhood get together, they became best friends, and had made Christmas Eve dinner a tradition between your family and his. That’s where you met him, and that's when your hatred began. You knew who he was and had been a big fan of One Direction (Harry was even your favorite), but after you had had a conversation with him? Let’s say your excitement was diminished. 
So here you were, driving through the snow in your rental car to your mom’s house a week before Christmas. Your playlist had changed songs and before you knew it you heard the familiar guitar strums. You couldn't bring yourself to change it, in all honesty you loved Harry’s first album, and most recent album Fine Line. Even though it came out 5 days ago you had it on repeat. As much as you hated Harry Styles, you would always love his music.
After you had arrived at the house you grew up in, said hi to your family and got settled, all you wanted was some coffee. You said your goodbyes and promised to be home soon, and drove through town to the coffeeshop, bundling into your sweater, jacket, and scarf before stepping out into the snow and making your way inside. 
The bell rung as you swung open the door and almost immediately you spotted a familiar face, partially covered by a beanie and a scarf. Wonderful, you thought to yourself. You made your way to the counter and ordered a hot coffee and a scone before sitting down at one of the tables on the opposite side of the cafe. Anything to avoid him. 
You heard your name phrased like a question and looked up, your eyes following from the Chelsea boots on the tile, to the trousers, then jacket covered sweater, scarf, then his face. Your chest clenched in frustration. “Harry.” You nodded back, making it obvious you wanted nothing to do with him.
He definitely did not get the hint because almost immediately the seat in front of you was taken over by his presence. “I didn’t think the Grinch would be n’town so early.”
Your cheeks burned and you quickly shot back. “And I thought Scrooge was dead by now but I guess I was wrong,” You rolled your eyes. “Also, are you sure I’m the one out of both of us who’s the Grinch, look at your sweater.” You added, eyes trailing down to his light green hairy sweater. 
“If we’re basin’ it off looks then yes m’sure you would be the Grinch.” Harry retorted, scoffing. 
“Wow Harold! You are just absolutely hilarious, are you sure you went into the right industry?” You raised your brows and gave a fake smile, knowing he could see right through it. Before he could answer, a waitress had brought over your coffee and scone, setting it down on the table. 
She looked up at you reciting your order and giving you a smile before she did a double take at the man sitting in front of you. Oh god. “I’m so sorry, but are you Harry Styles?” the girl asked, eyes practically turning into hearts before you. 
“Yes, I am, and y’name is?” He asked cheekily, extending a hand for her to shake. She looked like she was about to die as she gently grabbed his hand and shook it, reciting her name like she had attempted to memorize it the night before.
“Well, it’s very nice t’meet you, would y’like a picture?” He asked and you swore you couldn’t roll your eyes back further into your head. 
“Oh! Um,” her eyes darted over to you as you sat back in your seat, sipping your coffee. “I wouldn’t want to interrupt anything...” She trailed off as if she was asking for your permission.
You wanted to say she already had anyways, but there was no reason for you to be upset at this girl. You would act like her too if you didn't know who Harry actually was. “Don’t worry, you aren’t.” You smiled at her, genuinely. Maybe she would drag Harry away long enough so you could eat your food and drink your coffee and scram.
She let out a breath it seemed she’d been holding and pulls out her phone. You purse your lips and sigh before offering to take a photo for them. She thanks you about a billion times while Harry stands up from his seat and wraps his arm gently around her shoulders. You stand up as well to get a few decent photos of the two of them smiling and hand the phone back to her. She tells Harry she’s been a fan for years and loves him as well as his music and message and he thanks her for supporting him. That’s the one think you like about Harry, how he truly is grateful for his fans. Everything else sucked. After they get done speaking she noticed your coffee and scone are done. 
“God, I’m so sorry, would you guys like any refills or more pastries? It’s on the house.” She smiles, patting down her apron. 
You look over at Harry who had sat down again and look back at the sweet girl in front of you. “No thank you.” She nods while Harry repeats your words and head back behind the counter. 
“That was nice of you, back there. Thought the Grinch was too mean t’take photos for people.” He chuckled at you. 
“If this is your way of thanking me, you aren't doing a very good job Harold.” You said sharply, pulling your coat off the back of the chair. 
“It wasn’t m’way of thanking’ you. Y’need to be brought off y’high horse once in a while.” He shrugged like he wasn't just blatantly rude to you. Sure you both had a witty banter but it always seemed Harry took it too far, and well, that's one of the reasons you hate him. 
“Maybe apply that to yourself once in a while.” You huffed, shrugging your jacket on and pulling your scarf back on as well. 
He ignored your words and raised a brow. “Leavin’ already?”  
“Yeah actually, I came here to relax but that's not working out so well.” You gestured between the two of you. You were going to leave it like that but as you stood up you could see the girl behind the counter waving for you to come over. Brows furrowed in confusion you headed over to her. 
“I just wanted to say thank you so much for taking photos for us, and Harry looks really happy with you so, thank you for making him happy.” She said quietly so only you could hear. Your eyes widened and you opened your mouth, about to tell her there was no way in hell you’d ever date Harry but the way she looked at you with adoration caused you to smile and simply say, “Thank you.” Before bidding her a good day. 
You dug through your bag as you went to go to the door to leave, looking for your car keys when a body appeared in front of you. You stopped immediately, looking to see that fucking grin and a hand holding your keys. “Lookin’ for these?” He teased, waving them in front. You reached out to grab them and he only pulled them away and you quickly realized how this would go.
“Harry, give me my keys.”
“Magic word?” He asked turning his ear towards you. Instead you blew air in it and grabbed your keys when he was distracted, brushing past him to open the door into the freezing air. The sparks you felt as you passed him was definitely because you were cold, right?
Soon it was Christmas Eve and you don't think you’ve ever been dreading an evening more, other than the past few years on this exact day. It was snowing when you and your mom arrived at the Styles household. You knocked on the door loud so you both could be let in as soon as possible. 
“Sweetie, I don't think knocking that hard is really welcoming.” 
You pursed your lips and turned around to your mom, knowing this was just how she was and you bit back a snarky comment simply replying, “I’m just really cold.” 
After those words left your mouth the door opened behind you and you turned around, face to face with the curly headed man-child. He nodded at you, saying your name before calling out to your mom. She smiled and gave him a quick hug before he ushered her in the house, forgetting about you outside. Already a wonderful start to the evening, you thought, sighing as you walked inside onto the wooden floors.
You heard laughs and exclamations in the dining room, and you made your way there, knowing this house a little too well. Anne called out your name as she saw you step in, rushing forward to give you a kiss on the cheek and a hug. “It’s so nice t’see you, love. You get more gorgeous every year.” You but your lip and smiled at her, “And you get younger each year.” You softly said as she laughed and led you over to Gemma. 
“Hi Gems,” You grinned, giving her a hug. She returned it, just as happy to see you. Out of the Styles siblings, she was your favorite, obviously, but the two of you had actually become friends, not just family-friends. “Hey, love. Long time no see.” You laughed as you both pulled away. “Too long.”
Your mom had brought over some pie so she sat it down on the dining table where the rest of the food was. “Well loves, let all sit down!” Anne said, taking her seat at the head of the table. You opted to sit in the chair in front of you, while your mom sat to the right of Anne, so she was diagonally across from you.  Gemma then took the seat across from you, next to your mom. Oh no. The only seat Harry could sit in would be the one next to you. 
He looked around the table and bit his lip as if that would help the situation but he ended up sighing just loud enough for you to hear it as he plopped into the seat next to you. His hair moved with him, falling perfectly into place on his head. Of course his hair would be perfect like he apparently is. 
Everyone quickly jumped into conversations about everyone’s life, and what they’ve been doing, focusing on Gemma for the most part as you all dug in to the food. The conversation then led to Harry’s career and life at the moment. 
You zoned in after deciding not to pay attention after he started talking to hear him say, “I don’t think m’different, I just have a different job y’know?” 
You scoffed out of reflex and all eyes at the table turned to you. “Yeah, a different job that makes you known to millions of people around the world, that in itself changes a person.” You pointed out, taking a sip of your water afterwards. 
Your mom hissed your name scoldingly. “That was unnecessary.” she finished, her eyes glaring at you. 
Your eyes grew wide as you realized you forgot you were in front of your family, and the rest of Harry’s family. 
“It’s okay, Miss.” Harry spoke up with your mom’s name, looking at her for a moment with a smile before turning to face you. “We can have different opinions but y’don't really know me all that well d’you?” His captivating eyes locked onto yours and you suddenly felt small in front of him. Before you could respond Anne exclaimed, “Time for dessert, yeah?” 
As everyone went to put their plates in the sink, you trailed behind feeling unusually guilty, not how you normally felt after similar conversations with Harry.  Everyone else had picked up conversation again as they made their way back to the table, but you kept your mouth shut the whole time, only mumbling a thank you to Anne who served you your pie. Luckily no one seemed to notice you had decided to no longer talk, it would only make things worse, you believed. Except Harry.
He was talking the whole night, trying to ignore that comment you made, because well, he knew that you were only judging him on the surface level. It was strange to him though, that the assumptions hurt more coming from you than the hundreds of people who made the same ones at him everyday. He wished he could say he expected more from you, but the two of you had been at odds since the first day you met. He had absolutely no idea why you had been so nice, then 15 minutes later you weren't laughing at his jokes and rolling your eyes. he had become so fed up with it, it was safe to say he hated you. He enjoyed teasing you and pushing your buttons, but the true frustration he felt for you never went away after all these years of sarcastic comments and stolen glares.
So why was his chest clenching as he looked over at you to see you silently eating your pie and looking down at the table cover? Harry was sure that he had never seen you so resigned before, usually you had all the things in the world to say. 
He worked up the courage to softly knock his fabric covered knee against yours. You looked up at the contact, head turning slightly to look at him, but he was faced to his mom, immersed in whatever conversation they were having. An accident it seemed, that he touched you. It was the most contact the two of you have had since you met him, and only then did you shake his hand. 
Soon enough everyone finished their pie and you quickly stood up and offered to take them to the sink while they headed to the living room to have a glass of wine and play some games. As you walked past Gemma she gently grabbed your arm and you stopped, looking at her. “Are you okay?” She asked, her face etched with concern. 
“I’m fine Gems, maybe ate too much.” You laughed it off and she took your answer hesitantly before heading to the living room. You reached the kitchen and set the plates and forks in the sink, pulling up your sweater sleeves and tucking back your hair as you started the faucet. You heard the beginning of some Christmas music and knew there was no chance anyone would come back to check on you with Andy William’s voice serenading them with lyrics of “the most wonderful time of the year”. Bullshit, you thought.
You began to wash the plates with a sponge that was on the edge of the sink, and immersed yourself in the soapy water, placing plates to dry on the rack, and returning to wash the next. 
“Y’don't need t’be doing those.” 
You practically jumped out of your skin when you hear this voice. You lowered the water flow and turned to look at him approaching you on your left. “I know.” Was all you said, as you continued to wash the second to last dish. 
His eyes widened at your response. He was ready to hear, “It’s called being polite, Harold. Maybe you should try it sometime.” Or a snarky comment like that. But no. You just brushed him off. 
He was about to open his mouth and tease you a bit more, just to hear the you that he knew but you beat him to it. “I’m sorry, Harry. About what I said earlier, and... everything before that too.” You mumbled, focusing your attention on scrubbing the last dish that was definitely clean already. 
“Oh! Um, thank you.” Was all he could muster out, his heart beating a thousand times a second, as his cheeks turned red. This was odd. 
You waited a bit, in the silence, for him to say more but he didn’t, You sighed, putting the last dish on the rack and wiping your hands dry on the towel before turning to him fully. 
“Really? I just apologized for like, everything, and you can't do the same?” You asked, looking up at him exasperated. “I’m not the only one here who has been an absolute asshole, it goes both ways.”
He furrowed his brows and looked at you, the wheels visibly turning in his head. “M’sorry too. I mean it. It’s fitting how y’apologized first though, because y’know, you started it.”
He really needed to stop talking.
You glared at him incredulously. “I started it? When I met you, you didn’t even bother to look at me, not even halfway through our introduction you left to talk to someone else. It was like that the entire day, sue me for reacting like any normal person would.” You said, you gaze now focused on his chest. You deflated a bit, after admitting that to him. It was terrible, meeting someone you had adored for years, only for them to leave and not even finish listening to your name.
His mouth formed an “o” shape as his frustration dissipated. Harry couldn't even argue with you on that, because he remembered that night. One of his mates had called for him and he sped off, leaving you in the middle of one of your neighbor’s backyards during a little get together. 
“I-I’m sorry. I remember that, y’didn’t deserve that at all, I was a proper arse.” He managed to get out, his lips turning into a line at the tension. 
“Yeah,” you laughed a bit. “Every year I’d just hate you more and more, because every time I saw you it seems you hated me more than the last.”
“The same f’me too, y’know.”
“What?” You looked up at him. 
“I hated y’cause I thought y’hated me.” He pointed out, his lips turning up into a grin. 
You laughed, your head falling into your hands. “I think we should’ve had this conversation years ago,” You said, looking up at the man who didn't seem so bad anymore. “Do you wanna start over?” You asked. 
“No, let’s treat it as a bump in the road, y’know? Kiss and makeup.” He grinned, looking up to the ceiling. 
You followed his gaze to see a little brach of mistletoe hanging from the ceiling. “That’s an odd place for mistletoe.”
“Doesn't matter, y’have t’follow the rules.” He said cheekily. 
He stepped forward as did you, and you brought your hands up to his shoulders. You leaned up and kissed his cheek instead, plush lips against his stubble. You pulled away and smiled at the visible blush on his cheeks. 
“You tease.” He laughed, wrapping his arms around you in a warm hug, and in that moment, you finally understood why everyone would die to feel his touch.
 low-key hated this ending but its fineee. thank you for all the love <3
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rokutouxei · 3 years
genshin impact | T | 1967 childe/lumine | established relationship [ao3]
Childe and Lumine remember their first kiss very, very differently.
“We’ll go in the summer,” Childe had promised, and she had honestly believed that with all her heart. Remembered her adventures in the Golden Heart Archipelago with Klee and Jean and imagined all golden shores and blue skies and wide, open oceans. She was ready for that.
She was not ready for the bulky winter wear. She was not ready for the temperature that was like large hydro and cryo slimes all over her body, freezing her until there’s not much left to be frozen again.
(This is where she starts to doubt Childe’s rose-colored glasses.)
It is… quite the experience, to visit his home in Snezhnaya. There was no way she was declining the offer now that she was bound for the nation, and not with Childe giving her free pass into the country despite all the atrocities she’s done to Fatui agents across Teyvat. The least she could do was visit their little home, right? Say hello to his parents, his brothers and sisters, maybe stay for dinner, and then go to her hotel…right?
At this point, she is well aware of how Childe can be. Sweet and romantic when something in him softens, when that part of him that is always craving battle dissipates once his vulnerability sinks in. It’s a side of him anyone rarely sees, one she’s so proud of having the privilege to see on occasion. What slipped her mind is that the wall Childe sets up for the rest of the people in his life—other diplomats, other Fatui, other adventurers, the people he comes to just to have a fistfight with—is a wall he didn’t need to keep up with his family.
They arrive sometime past noon, after a long boat ride and a short trek up a mountain slope. The sky is an enthralling shade of blue. Quite like his eyes. It was snowing lightly—“it feels like it’s always snowing in Snezhnaya,” Childe had told her once—but it wasn’t the dreary kind of snow, rather the one that was a little exciting to watch. Childe knocked at the door and opened it with a yell, which she assumed was a greeting.
She mentally prepared herself for it, but she hadn’t expected Teucer, Anton, and Tonia to greet her with “sister!!” just as she walked through the premises.
Just how much had he told them in his letters?
(How much of her that they knew was the Lumine of Childe’s imagination, one that she would have to keep up with?)
She never peeked at the letters whenever he was busy writing them, never bothered because she felt like it would be an invasion of privacy, but now that she was here under the familiar sea-blue gaze of his entire family… she wondered if even just one look would have been alright.
Getting the approval of the younger siblings was an easy task; all she had to do was give them a few of the souvenirs she and Childe had brought over from their travels and promise to sit down and tell them of her adventures for them to give her the thumbs-up. The less impressionable ones, however, were Childe’s older sisters and brothers, who were polite and homely but a lot curter, as if trying to gauge if she were a good match with their younger brother. If the way his eldest sister had gifted Lumine her own set of Snezhnayan clothing even before dinner is any sign, perhaps she had at least passed their preliminary test.
But family time is very important in Snezhnayan culture, and dinner—well, dinner was an entirely different affair altogether.
“You’ve known each other for a long time, Ajax has been writing letters about you since.”
Liyue and Osial and Rex Lapis seem so far away now. “It took us a while to get along,” Lumine admits, side-eyeing Childe, “but once we found our footing with each other, it was enjoyable company.”
Childe’s eldest brother laughs. “Ajax. Enjoyable company.”
“You must be one hell of a woman to persist like that,” his other brother jokes.
“Well, that just means he made a good impression on her right away,” a sister muses.
“He got me out of a tough spot,” Lumine answers, remembering Yujing Terrace and the Rite of Descension. “I owed him one for that.”
“Isn’t that sweet!” his mother coos. “Ajax has changed, to be so sweet from the start.”
“Sweet? It was more of Sexual tension and”—Lumine yells, trying to cover him up: “Hey?! There are kids!”—"aggression from the start.”
“Oh, honey, don’t mind him,” Childe’s mother says, chuckling softly. “His siblings are used to him being straightforward like that.”
“I’m not…” Lumine murmurs, slinking back into her seat, causing the entire table to roll with laughter.
Dinner lasts for what seems like hours, and Lumine sits there shyly poking at her food as questions get pelted at her and Chllde about their relationship. The question of marriage is inescapable too, and she and Childe share a glance at each other for the briefest of moments before answering “it’ll come when it’ll come.”
But while it is easy to shrug off the adults’ more serious questions like that, it is the children’s concerns that are harder to ignore. So when Teucer asks—“How did your first kiss go?”
—Childe instantly pipes up and goes: “Oh, let me tell this one, babe. We were at Liyue Harbor together—"
It only takes Childe a few sentences before Lumine screeches, “No no no no please stop!!”, covering his mouth with her hands.
The whole family just laughs.
It is only until after dinner, when Lumine is sure that most of her face had already melted off of her skull, when she gets to pull Childe aside while in their (shared!) bedroom and ask: “No, seriously, Ajax. How do you remember our first kiss?”
“Was my storytelling over at dinner not enough, my принцесса? Would you rather I give you a reenactment?”
She blushes fiercely at being called a princess, but she tries her best to ignore it. “What? No, all I’m asking is—”
Childe does not pay attention and holds her in position, pushing her backward until she’s sat on the bed and he’s standing in front of her, towering (and admittedly a little… delicious, now that he’s dressed down and fresh from the shower.) “We’d come from a fight—the best thing to do with you. Or second best thing,” Childe muses, but then shakes his head back into focus. He holds Lumine’s chin with his index finger and thumb and forces her to look up. “I beat you that time.”
She narrows her eyes, staring back at him defiantly. “Only because I was handicapped.”
“Sure, my love. Luck on my part.” Childe grins. “I was trying to get you to stop sulking.”
“‘Warriors must learn to take part in losses,’” Lumine quotes him, and he nods.
He comes closer to her, carefully switching so that his palm is cupping her cheek instead, wiping an imaginary tear or bruise on her cheek. “You were so strong, but I’d tired you out more than usual. You were slumped in your seat, so I went to try and get you to rest, and you closed your eyes and leaned your head on my hand—” Childe smiles, a genuine one, small and sweet it gets Lumine’s heart racing. “I couldn’t help it, you know? I didn’t know what to tell you—how to tell you, so when you opened your eyes, I decided—fuck, I’m going to kiss her right here.”
Childe leans forward and presses a kiss on her lips.
“And I thought, ‘she’s going to hate me after this,’ but you didn’t, and instead you put your hands on your shoulders and then my hair, and you kissed me back,” he sighs. “You should really be cute more often, my sweet. You were so needy. Like this, let me show you—”
And just as Childe is about to press his lips on hers again, she places the palm of her hand against his mouth and pushes him roughly away.
“That is not what happened.”
Lumine is sure and inconvincible.
There’s a moment of silence between the both of them that seems to extend for miles.
Childe blinks, his mind finally settling back into place. “That is what happened. What do you mean? Did you forget how our first kiss went?”
“Did you forget how our first kiss went? That was not how it went.”
Irritation clouds Childe’s visage for a brief moment. “Okay, how did it go then?”
Lumine clears her throat. Childe gets off his knees and back to his feet, settling into position. Lumine takes his hand in hers to put it into place—
And squeezes her cheeks with it twice. Childe goes lax. Lumine holds it in place, just open enough so she can talk.
“You were teasing me. We did come from a fight, and I did lose. And you thought I was being a sore loser about it, but the only true part was that I was sore. And tired.” She squeezes her cheeks with his hand another time. “‘Aww, defeat getting in your head?”’ she says, mimicking his intonation. ‘Warriors must learn to take part in losses, you know?’”
Childe tries to pull away. “I did not—”
“You did,” she insists, holding him in place. “You wouldn’t even let me catch my breath. Do you remember what I did?” He shakes his head. “I bit you,” she answered for him, gently digging her teeth into the flesh between his thumb and index finger. “You yelped and pulled your hand back. Do you remember now?”
He blinks, the memory of it slowly coming back. “Oh no.”
Lumine snickers. “Yes, oh no, Ajax.” She takes him by the wrist and pulls him closer to her, back to his knees. “‘Feisty little girlie,’” she says, in his voice, mockingly. “I growled at you. You chuckled, you bastard. And then you pulled me by the chin and kissed me.”
She presses a kiss over his lips, shaking a little from holding back laughter.
And, with her mouth still on his, she continues—“And I bit you—”
She digs her teeth on his lower lip before pulling away.
“And that excited you because of course it did, and then we—”
“Made out on the mountainside overlooking Liyue Harbor. Holy shit,” Childe finishes, face pale. When he collapses onto the bed next to her, Lumine doesn’t even try to stop the full-blown laugh coming out of her.
“I can’t believe you made it into some sweet romantic memory!” she teases him. “That’s your taste, huh?”
“I swear, that is how I remember that moment!”
“Well you remember it wrong,” Lumine notes, grinning. “Since when have we been gentle kisses, Ajax? You said it yourself—it’s all sexual tension and aggression.”
“I can be romantic sometimes.”
“Sometimes. Not that time.”
When Childe sinks further down the mattress, she presses a kiss on her forehead and looks down at him with soft eyes. “But if that’s how you want to remember it, we can always make that how it goes.”
And when he smirks, for the briefest of moments she thinks she sees his eyes light up in a way she’s always wanted to see. “Really?”
“Really, you dummy,” is all she gets to say before Childe takes her lips with his, a slow, decadent kiss of gratitude. All sweet things, but Lumine knows better to believe that’s going to last any more than a minute, his hot breath already against her neck.
And she thinks, chuckling: maybe it’s better like this. At least they’ll have a version of their first kiss that’s the tiniest bit more family-friendly.
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sunseteyes · 4 years
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“mahal kita” — i love you
ㅤㅤ ↪︎ STARRING: café bartender!shinsuke kita; student!gn!reader
ㅤㅤ ↪︎ THEMES: fluff, hints of bullying
ㅤㅤ ↪︎ WORD COUNT: 4.2k words
ㅤㅤ ↪︎ SYNOPSIS: shinsuke kita was your first love, and even if it was unusual of you to do so, you were willing to say it to him, despite the circumstances that you two were in.
ㅤㅤ ↪︎ INTERMISSION: finally!!! i’ve been planning this since december and this actually has a second part! the second part will have kita’s pov mostly so do look forward for that~ it will be posted next week !! also, “mahal kita” is a filipino phrase and it translates to “i love you.” the reader is not filipino but if you want to think if it that way, you could, though the reason why i wanted to incorporate my language here is because i just felt like,,, i had to? hahaha anw, enjoy !! i worked hard for this one :D
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the bright light blinds you despite having your eyes closed and as you have an arm covering them. indeed, even the sun was beckoning you to listen to the beaming sound of your alarm that plays on the background like a broken cassette tape, urging you to wake up now or else your schedule would get cut off. you wouldn’t want that, especially during a weekday like today.
groaning as you forced yourself to sit up and rub your hand over your eyes to make the world seem a little bit clearer. you then welcomed the sight of the room that had the sunlight illuminate its four corners, a familiar sight that you see everyday.
and you were growing tired of it, to be honest.
your daily routine had never been that much different as it has always been; getting up, getting dressed, going to school. really, there was nothing else that seemed to have been enough to make your eyes brighten up in excitement, since everything just happens on repeat.
every. single. day.
bringing your hand up to cover your eyes from the blazing sun, you wished you hadn’t forgotten to bring your sunglasses from your dorm as you crossed down the road, cautious with the cars that passed by the street. your gaze drops down to your wristwatch, your feet fastening its pace as you catch sight of your university literally only a few blocks away.
there’s nothing really special with your life; just a normal graduating college student hoping to establish a normal working life with a normal family in the future. the latter seemed quite impossible these days, especially with the constant repeat of your relationships throughout the years. still, there’s nothing wrong in expecting you’d have a good future, right?
maybe, maybe not.
“you’re late again.” you panted as you turned to the person sitting beside you, fixing your things and yourself in the process.
“what did i miss?”
“not much, but the professor is strict with attendance.” tobio eyes you before glancing back to the front of the room, feigning his focus upon the topic the professor was talking about.
“yeah, yeah i know.” you whisper back, doing the same thing as you forced yourself to digest the information that was being spoken of, even if you’re not particularly interested in any of it.
“oi,” your senses came about and it was tobio’s face whom you’d seen first, already standing upright in front of your seat, his bag slung to his shoulders-
“huh?” you look around and see everyone doing the same, looking tired just from one discussion. and it seems you have dozed off while awake all throughout the entire time.
“are you just going to sit here all day or not?”
you then gathered your things and followed suit, heading to the cafeteria but not before stopping by the vending machine to get your regular coffee and tobio’s dairy.
“you sure do like milk a lot, tobio.” you’d tease all the time, and he’d respond with,
“for someone who has trouble sleeping, you still haven’t quite enough of coffee, idiot.”
your friendship with tobio started ever since you were kindergarten, and you believe you two were simply drawn to each other because of how silent you two could be, only leaning into a conversation when it is needed. despite having met each other for so long, you two only began to stick to each other when high school came, after being reunited and seeing a familiar face after such a long time. it was that time that you and him realized how far alike to each other you were, deciding to have a bond that neither expected. plus, he likes watching volleyball matches just as you do. simply put, you found someone who was not much different from you, and you realized how comfortable you were with that—the usual things.
the fear of change and difference was what kept you stuck in the same town, at the same school, at the same status, and at the same way of living. people kept on emphasizing how important it is to look outside the box, but no matter how much you wanted to take a peek outside, you couldn’t, didn’t want to. you were fully convinced that if you dream big, there are just bigger consequences to life than how it usually gives.
“who’s that?”
the whispers and murmurs ripped you from your mind, your attention turning to your classmates who were talking about a certain person, making you involuntarily glance at where they were looking. it was a man—an unfamiliar man inside the university premises. who was he, perhaps? it was the same question as what your peers kept on inquiring to each other.
“you must be the new guidance counsellor!” now came a familiar voice, beaming like a sunshine as how he usually is, his hand extending to the said man with the new face, a certain kind of change that you never expected.
“guidance counsellor? where’s takeda-san?” a series of murmurs emerged again until one eventually said that the previous counsellor had taken a break since his wife had finally given birth to their child. you were never close to him but the casual greetings you and tobio received from the man was enough to call him as a kind person. you will surely miss that now that he’s gone temporarily. just from looking over and observing the new counsellor, you were quite sure that this one is far different from takeda.
you sooner found it out when you were called by one of your professors, specifically one that you knew so well that you were close to saying you had been fed-up in seeing his face all over again.
“(y/n), could you pass this to ojiro-san, you know him, right? the new guidance counsellor.” professor koushi sugawara hands you over an unlabeled folder, about two of them, barely glancing your way as he continues to type with his keyboard, eyes trained over the computer screen in such an intense focus. you often see him like this, but you were too irritated to want to even follow his orders as soon as possible, the frown on your face deepening the more you stare at the man’s figure.
“i’m not your maid here, by the way.” you say to him lowly, and it was a good thing that no one else was near him or you two would be embarrassing yourselves for causing such a scene in a school faculty.
this time, you met koushi’s eyes and you felt yourself bite your own tongue when you saw the familiar bags under his eyes, the rim of his glasses barely covering them and the exhausted look on the way he was gazing at you. you knew how tired he often gets because of his work and you do try to help him out, but he just called you out of a class—the only class that you were enjoying and he just wanted you to deliver a couple of papers to the new guy? you’re not someone he can call for errands that easily, not without some words that needed to be discussed.
“yes, you’re right. sorry about that, my pretty younger sibling.” he still teased you, and you only let out a huff before turning away and heading towards the guidance, not without telling your brother to eat his lunch or else you’ll stop making bento for him—it’s not as if you will but the threat always works because he hates waking up earlier than he should to prepare food.
having a professor as your sibling is kind of weird, especially the first few days of when people have found out about it, but the feeling eventually fades away for it’s very much like when you two were still going to the same school during elementary and high school, and like everything else, you’ve gotten used to it.
“oh, this is from sugawara-san?” ojiro, the new guidance counsellor, looked kind and welcoming, very much like the previous one, takeda. you’re not that much fun of change, but if adjustment is needed, then you have no choice but to abide by it. something about this new counsellor makes you somewhat comfortable with him, and it’s in a good way, you hope.
“thank you, uh-” he drops his gaze to your identification card and like any other who suddenly notices your surname, his eyes widen by a little bit, a wave of realization hitting them in his mind.
then he smiles, warm and friendly. “thank you, (y/n)-san. is it alright to call you by your first name?”
“i don’t mind.” you shrug, inwardly smiling, “thank you, ojiro-san.”
“you met the new counsellor already?” tobio questioned by the time you two were walking home, or rather to the cafe you two usually drop by at before really going home. it was one of the things that you and tobio bond on still, apparently. milk and coffee really are the things that tobio and you love—despite its difference, there was a certain middle ground where both the likes meet.
“yeah, he seems nice.” you say, not paying much attention to what tobio was saying for your eyes were set at the counter of the cafe almost immediately as you both entered the transparent doors, the same head of silver hair with darkened tips standing there, beholding an apron that matched any other worker in the room.
you must have forgot to mention earlier; there are times when excitement runs through you like a battery, powering up every vessel and cell inside of you.
there he is. shinsuke, the most beautiful man you’d ever seen your whole life. and yes, you only knew of his name because it’s on his name badge.
you could hear tobio scoff beside you but you merely brushed him off as per usual, heading straight to the lane of the man that still serves a customer by asking their own orders. tobio, on the other hand, walks to the other line where there were basically no other customers.
“good afternoon,” he greeted by the time it was your turn, and in an instant, there came a smile by your lips, one that you rarely ever give to anybody, to any other time, really. this man just gives you a rush of serotonin in your system that it was difficult for you to not react that way.
“chocolate-chip frappe, like usual?” he offered his own kind smile, and your heart combusted again, like it does whenever he looks at you like that, talks to you like that. you knew it was technically his job to build rapport to customers, but it seems as if there’s no escaping for you to escape this kind of fate.
you like him. if you were given a chance to get to know him more, that might even develop into something more.
“yes, please.” you responded, sounding ever so pleased and joyful than how you’ve acted for the rest of the day early on.
“perhaps you would like to purchase our new year’s special drink?” he says as he points at the small poster from beside him, the image of the drink catching your attention, and if you were asked, even if the poster was that colorful, you doubt that it would tear away your focus from the man on the opposite of you.
“it comes with green tea,” he cuts you off, if he knew you were about to respond. “but i admit you don't seem like the type to order a drink like that, do correct me if i’m wrong.”
“how did you know?”
“you only ever ordered the same drink most of the time,” he says with a straight face, as if calculating in the inside of his mind while looking you in the eye “and whenever i offered you our specials, you only like those that taste sweet or those that fit well with coffee.”
it took you a couple of seconds to reply, and it’s with how you were amazed by his observational skills, a soft and short chuckle leaving your system. “you’re really good. yeah, i actually don’t enjoy my tea when it’s cold.”
he types in your order with a small smirk on his face, and you had to control yourself from not getting flustered by how you were getting to have the chance to see this side of him—one that is far from his formalities as a worker to a customer. it gives you the opportunity to witness and to feel how close he was as a person, like you, sort of like a middle ground. like how milk and coffees are to tobio and you.
“you look like you just won a billion yen.”
you giggled as you sat down in front of tobio, not even trying to hide the giddy, fuzzy feeling you were feeling on the inside now that you were quite far away from the subject of affection.
“maybe i just did.” you say, the scenes of earlier playing by your mind.
this change, this sort of change; you didn’t mind it. him talking to you, you convinced yourself it was a good kind of change that you would gladly adjust upon.
once again, the day passes by in a blur, and tomorrow comes again.
your name being called early in the morning by a voice is one thing that you did not expect when you went out of your shared apartment with your brother, and are now walking your way to school.
“ojiro-san,” you acknowledged the call, “good morning.”
“ah, yeah good morning as well.” he greets, finally catching up on your form while slightly panting from jogging towards your way.
“uhm,” you interjected, brows furrowed together as you twiddled upon the earbud that you had to unplug from your ear the moment you heard the counsellor’s call. “-is there something you needed to tell me?” it took a whole lot from you not to act irritated than you usually do whenever you are enjoying a peaceful walk to class, but it’s not as if you expected to have an early conversation with someone as well. it’s not like there’s a lot of people who like having your company other than tobio—you’re not even sure if he enjoys being with you. you’re not really the talkative type either so it’s a win-win situation for everyone. the only times you’d actually like having to initiate a conversation is with the barista at your current favorite cafe.
“ah, nothing much, but could you give this to your brother and tell him that i already found someone for him? oh wait, do you know about it?” he says as he hands you over the same folders that you handed to him early on yesterday. at first, it took you awhile to process his vague question until it finally hit you.
oh right, the very big change coming up for your life.
you nod, tucking the folders by your side. and just when you were about to speak, the sound of the bell rang over your heads that you had to exchange a quick goodbye or else you’re going to be late on your first subject again.
“thanks, (y/n).” koushi smiles brightly at you, despite his quite opposite state, as per usual. apparently, your brother thinks he’s such a great pretender, especially towards you. although you understand his intentions as well and that’s to be positive in front of you to not burden you with his own problems. how did you know? well, he is your brother, you not only knew him because you had been together ever since, but you have some of his bad habits as well, including this.
when you handed him the folders, you watched as he opened them, but you already knew what’s its contents, that's why you didn’t bother to look. leaving the faculty room, you never knew there would come a day where you’d miss going there often.
though before you could even go back peacefully to your classroom and grab both your bag and tobio, the moment you turned to a corner and there, you bumped into someone.
“watch where you’re going, fatass.”
“hey, ain’t you the kid from elementary? wow, you never changed, have ya?”
your whole body ran cold that you froze there, in the middle of the now-empty hallway, unable to breathe properly than you should. scenarios of the past then came like a film at the back of your mind, playing ever so carelessly as they indulge such negative emotions that now rushes through your veins.
a touch was all it took to bring you back to reality, and you heard a familiar voice that probably kept calling you all this time.
brown eyes—the person in front of you had such as his voice chants your name like a prayer, a plea to make you stay sane.
“are you alright? (y/n)-san?” wait… you know that voice.
you just know you had to save yourself from drowning—or was he the one who’s pulling you out?
“shinsuke?” you stuttered; hesitant, unsure. after all, how could someone like him come here at your school? is he delivering orders now?
“are you doing okay? you look pale… do you want me to take you to the clinic? just guide me where and i’ll help you, do you want me to carry you? he barged you with so many questions that your still-hazed mind failed to cope up with most of them. the only thing in your mind is him and how he seemed to have come at such a perfect timing.
“uh-no, it’s alright, i’m alright.” you tried to convince him, but it’s not like you were lying anyway. the moment you saw him, everything else have faded away—at least you tried them to be.
“maybe i should take you outside. come on, you look like you’re in need of some fresh air.” he didn’t ask you furthermore and took you gently by the wrist, ushering you to follow his lead, as if he was the one who had been on these school grounds for years and not you. you doubt he even knew his way around and was just trying to calm you down in some way.
you liked it though. you liked how his warm hand touches your skin, how his mere presence drowns away every other negative thought as if they were dust, too miniscule to even worry about. you liked his soft eyes and how they expressed his concern for you in his own way of doing so. and you liked how his comforting voice soothed over your tensed muscles, as if they massaged their way through just to ease up the bundles of tension in them.
perhaps what you feel towards this man, shinsuke, is more than just a simple admiration that lasted for months. you haven’t given much thought over it in fear that you might not be able to move on and get over, but they were growing day by day, little by little, and now you’re beginning to scold yourself for only realizing it now when it’s too late,
you urged the both of you to halt, the murmurs and whispers that you passed by dissipated into faded echoes now that he is looking at you by his ever-so-soft stare, gazing at you with one that you could never fathom what he’s thinking about as he does so. he’s just mysterious, but it’s what makes him too exciting and thrilling to unfold; to see the layers that lay underneath that shell of his, like a crab, protecting its delicious contents, or a pearl inside a seashell. you were sure he’s beautiful inside and out.
that’s why you can’t just shut your mouth about it. you just have to get it out, it’s now or never.
because you’ve never felt like this to anyone, and you sure doubt you’d ever again.
“i love you.” you say, the words slipping out smoothly, rolling by your tongue easier than you ever thought it would. and the moment you realized you were able to let them out, a wave of relief washes over you, it was like your own body and mind was telling you to go and say it, beckoning you to open your heart, no matter what change may come your way.
the look he gave you showed a reaction you’ve never seen from him; furrowed brows, halted expression, it was clear that he was baffled with your sudden confession and that in no way would you have a chance of getting a happy ending today--not that it mattered much. your intention was merely to get it out of your chest.
and you’ve got no regret about that.
“what are-you’re supposed to prioritize yourself first. come on, let me take you to the clinic.” he continued to pull you away, as if that was what he intends to do with your feelings and supposedly-hidden desires for him that are now out in the open. it’s not as if that was what he was doing, but for you, it probably was what he’d do if he took your confession seriously.
“have you eaten your lunch yet, sugawara-san? i mean, (y/n), would you prefer to be called that way instead?” the nurse inquires as she tries to see if there was anything wrong with you aside from the claim of shinsuke’s description of you being pale and quite unresponsive since he apparently spent about a minute or two trying to bring you back to reality. you think he’s just over exaggerating, but you wouldn’t be surprised if that was hailed as the truth by the heavens. after all, there is a very good reason for that to happen anyway.
“uhm, i think i ate a piece of brea, or two.” you say, pondering over it for a moment, trying to recall the happenings before you suddenly remembered to deliver to your brother the folders that the counsellor asked you to do so. “and i don’t mind either way, but i do think it would be best to call my by (y/n) instead.”
by the end, the nurse only gave you an advice to eat more and drink water whilst also giving you some vitamin that you forgot what’s it’s called because you were too busy admiring shinsuke who’s from the side, trying to discuss with the nurse with regards to what could have possibly happened to you.
“thank you, by the way.” you say as you and him walk side by side, on the way towards the exit of the premises since you insisted that you take him there in return to accompanying you at the clinic earlier. “you shouldn’t have done it, but you still did. i’m grateful for that.”
shinsuke looks at you in the eye and your heart starts to beat faster again without your permission.
“there’s no need to thank me, but you should take care of yourself. you can never be full with just a loaf of bread.”
you nervously chuckled, your fingers twiddling as you averted your gaze to the ground. “i had to do something so i got up and abandoned my food, sorry about that.”
“don’t say sorry to me, you should apologize to yourself.”
now you didn’t know he was this naggy, but it surprisingly doesn’t irritate you more than how it should be for most people. it might have been because of your own feelings, but it doesn’t matter, it shouldn’t, anyway.
“still, thank you.” you say, a cheeky smile on your face, one you think you’ve never shown to just anyone, a look that even your brother or tobio would be surprised at because you rarely display it for them either. for shinsuke, it seems that all your insecurities are thrown away, as if your breathing is not withheld and you’re not drowning anymore. no matter how you’ve looked at it, the way shinsuke’s presence makes you more comfortable than you would to anyone else is unusual for you, but you’re on the borderline of being comfortable and not in the situation. if you were asked, you’re kind of.. calm.
“are you coming by at the cafe later? i’d treat you to a cinnamon bun if you’d lie. that’s your favorite, right?”
if you looked flustered, you didn’t have much time to hide them for you were already beaming like the sun from his words, the combination of his offer and your feelings mixing well together to form how you’d react to such a question.
“are you asking me for a date?” a sudden burst of confidence, one might say, but you’re having fun with it, in spite of the newness of the situation and circumstance, urging you to come out of your comfort zone, and shinsuke’s indulging you a bit more.
“as long as you eat, then you may call it that way.”
oh how you’d want to repeat that moment over and over, never changing until the end of time, even if it’s obviously not going to happen.
not when your future is about to change.
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cali-holland · 4 years
Worst Kept Secret- Tom Holland One Shot
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Pairing: Tom Holland X Osterfield!Reader
Prompt: Sam gave Tom one job, but Harry and Harrison’s gossip leads to the worst kept secret and the biggest miscommunication in history...
Word Count: 3500
Warnings: swearing, mentions of sex
Based on: “The Ring” from Last Man Standing (absolutely iconic episode)
a/n: sam’s girlfriend’s name is el right? tbh i don’t keep up with sam’s relationship because privacy
Masterlist   Tom Holland Masterlist
*Pic is not mine*
“Okay, what’s wrong?” Tom asked as he sat down across from Sam in the corner of the coffee shop. It wasn’t often that Sam asked to meet with Tom alone; in fact, it had never happened before, and, needless to say, the older boy was concerned.
“Why does something have to be wrong?” Sam rebutted, but he knew there was no hiding his nervousness from his brother. Tom didn’t even need to say anything before he continued, fidgeting with the plastic cup, “I, um, well, I want to ask El to marry me.”
“Really?” Tom’s eyebrows raised in excitement. He smiled proudly at his younger brother, “That’s amazing. I’m so happy for you.”
“The thing is,” He paused, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small ring box. He opened it up, showing Tom the extravagant diamond ring, nestled in the middle. “I haven’t asked permission yet.”
“You mean you got a ring and you haven’t even-“
“No, I haven’t. I’m going to talk to her dad this afternoon, but I just- can you hold onto it for me? I feel like El will find it.” Sam closed the box and extended it out to Tom, who carefully slipped it into his pocket.
“Have you told Harry and Paddy yet? They’ll be thrilled. I bet mum and dad were so happy when you told them.” Tom said, his smile growing wider at the thought of his family cheering on Sam’s big announcement.
“I haven’t told anyone yet. I wanted to get her dad’s permission first and then propose. I don’t want anyone else to know because what if she doesn’t say yes? We’re only 21, but-“
“Hey, she’s going to say yes.” He cut off his younger brother’s rambling, his eyes full of reassurance, “El loves you, she’d be crazy not to say yes.”
“Thanks, I just- I’m so nervous over it all.” Sam paused, running a worried hand through his hair, “Have you and Y/N talked about it at all?”
“A little.” Tom shrugged slightly. You two had been together for over two years now and you had been living with Tom (and your brother Harrison, Harry, and Tuwaine) for the past several months, but the topic of marriage wasn’t something that was brought up. Tom knew you were his future, you were all he ever wanted; the thought of actually proposing had just never crossed his mind.
“Y/N can’t know about this either.”
“Of course.” He nodded, “I won’t tell anyone, I promise.”
And Tom fully intended on keeping that promise. He kept the ring box hidden in his jeans drawer because that was the one drawer that he knew you didn’t even bother looking in. Since you lived together, you both had a “what’s mine is yours” mentality, especially when it came to Tom’s clothes. He didn’t mind that you’d wear his shirts, his hoodies, his sweats or even his underwear sometimes as pajama pants- he loved it when you wore his clothes. But you didn’t wear his jeans, so that made it the safest place to hide the ring.
Or so he thought. 
Harry was missing his favorite pair of jeans, and he knew that they had just been through the wash. He also knew that Tom had a bad habit of accidentally taking his brother’s clothes.
“Where are they?” Harry grumbled, digging through Tom’s jeans drawer. He knew you and Tom were out to pick up lunch for everyone, so it was perfect timing for him to scavenge through his brother’s room- as siblings do. He smiled triumphantly as he pulled his pair of jeans from the drawer. Just as he was about to shut it, a little box caught his eye. Curious, Harry picked up the box and shook it a little. When no sound came from the velvet box, he opened it up, just to drop it in surprise.
“Holy shit.” He picked up the ring box again and examined the diamond ring. His heart was racing; he couldn’t believe that Tom was going to propose. He wondered why his older brother hadn’t said anything about it. If Tom didn’t even tell Harry, did he tell Harrison? Was your brother aware of Tom’s plan? He heard the familiar sound of Tom’s car pulling into the driveway and Harry quickly hid the box under the jeans and closed the drawer. Grabbing his pair of jeans, he rushed out of the bedroom and into his room.
“Harry, lunch!” Tom called out for his brother from the kitchen. You sat down comfortably in Tom’s lap at the dining room table, and he gave you a kiss, wrapping his arms around your waist. Harrison fake gagged, sitting across from you two.
“You’re just jealous.” You teased your brother, throwing a small french fry at him. Tuwaine scooted away from Harrison, not wanting to get caught in a food fight between siblings as he continued to eat his lunch.
“No, it’s gross.” Harrison said, eating the fry before taking a massive bite out of the hamburger.
“Yeah, sure this is gross.” You jokingly rolled your eyes at him before biting into your own burger. Tom rested one hand on your hip, eating his lunch with rather large bites just as well. When Harry came downstairs, all he could think about was the ring box hiding upstairs. Seeing you and Tom cuddled up, sharing your food with each other, he felt a sense of reassurance wash over him. You made Tom so happy, and Harry was happy at the thought of you becoming an official Holland.
It wasn’t until a couple hours later when you and Tom left to take Tessa on a walk that Harry worked up the courage to bring it up to Harrison. He was certain that Tom would ask for your brother’s permission before buying a ring, but he was so wrong.
“He what?” Harrison asked, eyes wide. Tuwaine let out a laugh at his best friend’s reaction to Harry’s words.
“He bought a ring. I thought he would’ve said something to you.” Harry said, his eyebrows furrowed. He couldn’t tell how his friend was feeling; was Harrison upset? Angry? Frustrated? Did he not want to give Tom permission to marry you? The main question resting on Harry’s mind was why would Tom keep this such a big secret- you all live together?
“No, Tom didn’t tell me he bought a ring.” Your brother replied. He looked over at Tuwaine, who just shrugged nonchalantly.
“I didn’t know he got one either.” He admitted.
“Look, at it this way, you’ll be our brother officially now.” Harry offered with a small laugh, trying to ease the tension.
“I’m not mad.” Harrison said, running a hand through his blond hair, “I just didn’t expect it. I mean Tom asked me for permission before he asked Y/N out and he made sure I was okay with her moving in. He’s always asked me before doing anything. It’s just weird that he wouldn’t tell me that he bought a ring.”
“It’s a big step, maybe he’s just nervous and wants to wait to announce it to everyone?” Tuwaine suggested.
“Ah, shit.” He sighed, a new thought crossing his mind, “Tom’s taking Y/N out tomorrow night to that really nice restaurant- the one they went to on their first date. He was just telling me about it.”
“He’s really proposing then.” Harry breathed out, a smile appearing on his face. His brother was going to propose to you tomorrow.
“I thought it was because she just got a promotion at work, but guess he’s got other intentions.”
The conversation was cut short as the front door opened and laughter from you and Tom filled the air. Tessa came bounding into the living room, happily seeking pets from Harry.
“Look what we got!” You smiled, proudly, holding up a plastic bag from a store.
“That new candy store down the street finally opened.” Tom said eagerly as you dumped the contents of the bag on the coffee table.
“Ring pops are still a thing?” Harrison asked with a laugh when he noticed the disproportionate amount of ring pops compared to other candy. “You used to eat these all the time.”
“‘Cause they’re good!” You replied, grabbing one of them. The boys helped themselves to candy as you enjoyed your ring pop. You slipped the ring pop on your left ring finger, seeing as that was the only finger that was suitable for the plastic band. You didn’t notice how that simple action was spotted by both Harry and Harrison.
The next day, Tom went out on his morning jog (which he wouldn’t tell anyone that really it was giving Sam the ring back) as you made breakfast for the household in the kitchen. Harrison was abnormally silent when he came into the kitchen. Usually, he’d talk to you about everything and anything while you made food and he drank some tea, but today, something was off.
“Everything alright?” You asked him, looking up from the sausage on the stove over to your brother sitting at the island, hunched over a steaming mug.
“Just thinking.” He shrugged lightly. He didn’t even look at you when he spoke, yet another dead giveaway to you that something was up with your brother.
“What is it? You know you can tell me anything.” You said softly.
“Tom’s gonna propose.” He blurted out. Your jaw dropped at his words, unsure how to process this new information. At your odd silence, Harrison finally looked up to make eye contact with you. He stood from his seat and went over to pull you in for a tight hug, “I’m sorry, I ruined it.”
“No, no, I just-“ You stepped out of the hug and let out a confused sigh before a hopeful smile found its way onto your face. “He’s really going to propose?”
“Harry found the ring yesterday, and with tonight-“
“Oh my god.” You breathed out, realizing the weight of tonight. Why didn’t you see it sooner- Tom insisted on going to a nice restaurant for dinner and that restaurant was the same one from your first date.
“Just don’t say anything before tonight, he’s planned this all out.” Your brother pleaded, and you nodded understandingly.
“I won’t.” You agreed, turning back to the stove to continue cooking.
Later that day, you nervously got ready for your big date with Tom. Sure, you two had date night almost weekly, but he was proposing, it was more than just a date night. You made sure your nails, makeup, and hair was perfect and ready for any pictures. You didn’t want to sound vain, you just wanted to be prepared for the big question.
“You ready, darling?” Tom asked you as he put on his shoes.
“How do I look?” You emerged from the bathroom, a wide smile on your face. You did a little twirl in your little black dress and he smiled, approvingly.
“You’re gorgeous, as always.” He stood from the bed and pulled you in for a quick kiss.
“I just need my shoes.” You said, sitting down on the edge of the bed and putting on your heels. Once you finished, you stood and grabbed his hand, “Got everything?”
“Yeah,” He replied, a little confused by your question. What would he need besides his keys, phone, and wallet?
Your seats in the restaurant were in the far corner, mostly secluded and away from any prying eyes if anyone noticed Tom. It was sweet, having a nice dinner with just the two of you, but you couldn’t help the uneasiness you felt as the night went on. Tom made it feel like any other date night. Was Harrison wrong? What if Tom didn’t want to propose to you?
After dinner and dessert, Tom drove the two of you home and you felt your heart drop in disappointment. Nothing, no question, no ring. You didn’t even see the rest of the boys when you got home, you immediately went to get ready for bed. 
Tom was confused himself; he had thought it was a nice night, a great celebratory date night for your latest promotion at work. And now you were abnormally quiet and seemingly rushing to go to bed. There were no passionate post-date kisses that led to passionate post-date sex. He didn’t say anything though, thinking that maybe you were just tired or not feeling well- both of which often made you go quiet. He got changed into his pajama bottoms and climbed into bed beside you. He couldn’t help but frown as you settled for a spooning position with him as the big spoon. He loved to fall asleep with you on his chest; something was wrong and he didn’t have any idea what he did to upset you.
The next day, Tom woke up to you already gone and out of bed. He pouted, getting up to go find you. He found you downstairs, quietly talking to Harrison in the kitchen. When he came in, the conversation dropped and you greeted him with a small, “good morning” before taking a long sip of your coffee.
“Good morning,” He smiled, greeting you and Harrison. He gave you a quick peck on the cheek before fixing himself a cup of tea. “Did you not sleep well?”
“Hm?” You hummed as you got out some eggs from the fridge to make yourself (and Tom) breakfast. You may have been disappointed from last night, but you weren’t going to starve your boyfriend who couldn’t cook.
“You’re drinking coffee.” He pointed out, “You only drink coffee when you don’t sleep well.” You wanted to cry, damn him for knowing your coffee and tea preferences so well, but for not realizing the problem from last night.
“I don’t think the food sat well with me last night.” You explained and he nodded. He looked over at Harrison while you were distracted by the stove and his friend simply shrugged his shoulders and left the room quietly. Tom knew the two of you better than that though; he knew something was wrong with you and he knew Harrison knew exactly what it was.
“So, Sam’s invited us around for lunch today. It’s a family lunch.” Tom stated, trailing off a little as he expected you to come with him.
“I promised Charlotte I’d go out with her today.” You replied, and he held back his frown. He didn’t know you had arranged anything with your sister.
“Oh, okay.” He mumbled, a bit hurt from your separate plans.
Breakfast went on quietly, and you felt bad about it, but you didn’t know what to do. Tom had planned out such a perfect proposal date, and yet here you were with nothing on your left hand. You just hated this feeling of disappointment.
Tom and Harry left later on to go to the Holland house for lunch, and you were left in your own pity. You didn’t want to see Tom’s family, not today at least, and so you had lied about your plans with your sister, and Harrison knew it too, but he wasn’t going to say anything to Tom. He was just about as disappointed as you were.
“You okay?” Harrison asked, his blue eyes sad as he walked into the living room to see you laying on the couch, staring at the ceiling.
“I don’t know.” Your voice was quiet, almost broken, as you spoke. You sat up and your brother came to sit beside you.
“Are you going to be okay?” He changed his question.
“It’s just disappointing, I guess. I mean I want to marry him, but we haven’t really talked about marriage. We’ve only ever just acknowledged that we want a future together.” You said, picking at your nails. You did them specifically for last night, it wasn’t worth it to have them done now. “I love him, though, and it shouldn’t matter how or when or even if we get engaged.”
“Want me to talk to him?” He offered, but you shook your head.
“It’s fine. I’ll talk to him.”
Meanwhile, when Tom arrived at the Holland house, he got pulled aside into the kitchen by his mother away from his brothers. He was asked immediately where you were, your absence didn’t go unnoticed by the matriarch.
“She’s doing something with her sister. It was super last minute.” He explained weakly, still upset over how this morning went.
“Is everything alright?” She asked in concern.
“I don’t know. We went out on a nice date last night, and she just seemed upset afterwards. She hasn’t said much to me since we got home last night.”
“What did you do?” Nikki immediately accused and he held up his hands defensively.
“I didn’t do anything. I pulled out her chair, I paid, I gave her my jacket, I was a gentleman and somehow something went wrong.” He sighed in frustration.
“Talk to her, okay?” She ran a comforting hand on his back for a moment. Tom helped his mother serve the food on their dining room table. His face lit up when Sam and El came into the room, he knew Sam had proposed last night and Tom was more than excited to hear the news.
Before they ate, everyone sat around the table and Sam cleared his throat nervously.
“So, I’ve got an announcement.” He started with an eager smile. He wrapped an arm around his fiancee’s shoulders, “We’re engaged!”
El held up her left hand, which she had been hiding previously, and showed off the new ring on her finger. Various cheers came from Tom, Paddy, and his parents, but Harry’s excitement was lost as he looked at the ring, recognizing it from Tom’s bedroom.
“What the fuck?” Harry muttered, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. The room fell silent as Harry grabbed her hand, eyes scanning over the ring.
“That’s a weird way to say ‘congrats, Sam. Can I be best man?’” Sam joked lightly and his twin turned to Tom, eyeing him suspiciously.
“Tom, isn’t that your ring?” Harry accused.
“You told me you wouldn’t tell anyone!” The newly engaged Holland groaned.
“I didn’t! Why the hell do you think that’s mine?” Tom questioned.
“It was in your room, in your drawer.” Harry stated, and Tom’s face fell.
“You didn’t- you didn’t tell Y/N, did you?” He asked. He swore his heart stopped as he waited for his brother’s reply.
“No. I only told Harrison and Tuwaine. I thought you were proposing to Y/N, so I assumed you told Harrison.” He explained.
“Fuck!” Tom shouted. If Harrison knew then you definitely knew; and if Harrison thought that it was a ring for you then you definitely thought that.
“What is it?” Paddy asked, trying to keep up with the odd drama between his brothers.
“I fucked up,” was all Tom could manage to get out before he grabbed his shoes and took off from the house.
It all made sense to him now. Harrison had told you that he was going to propose, and you thought he’d propose on your date last night. You weren’t upset about what Tom did, you were upset about what he didn’t do. And no wonder he didn’t know you had plans with your sister today because you didn’t really have plans, you just wanted to be alone. Tom hurried home and burst through the front door to find you, laying on the couch, eating a ring pop and scrolling through your phone.
“Tom? I thought you were at lunch.” You said, sitting il and suddenly feeling guilty that you’d been caught in your lie about your sister.
“I’m so stupid, I’m so sorry.” Tom rushed into the living room. He knelt down in front of your spot on the couch. “It wasn’t my ring. It was Sam’s.”
“You mean Sam and El-“ You smiled as he nodded, happy for the now engaged couple.
“He wanted me to hold onto the ring for a couple days and not tell anyone until after he proposed. I didn’t think you or the boys would find it, and I definitely didn’t think that it’d look like I was proposing.”
“It’s okay. I was disappointed last night, and I’m sorry, too. I should have just told you why I was upset, but I love you and I don’t care that you haven’t proposed. I just want to be with you, married or not.”
“But I want to marry you,” Tom held your left hand in his and carefully slid the ring pop off your finger. “Y/N Osterfield, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?”
“Yes,” You laughed as he put the ring pop back on your finger. He pulled you in for a passionate kiss, the fingers of his right hand intertwining with your left hand, mindful of the sticky ring pop.
“Now I need to get you a ring, one that isn’t edible.”
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I just read the pregnancy rowaelin angst and it made me feel so many things. Would you write a second part, where Aelin actually find out she's pregnant again and is all happy but also scared to tell Rowan? And then the first ultrasound happens? Maybe they already have an adopted child and they are so excited to become a sibling and it's all cute and fluff. ❤️
This is so sweet. Like so fucking sweet it gave me toothache. I threw as much fluff as I possibly could because as I said, pregnancy is something personal to me and I love happy endings. It’s fucking long but I hope you enjoy every single second of it. This is the part one!
Warnings: literally none, it’s just really cute
Safe haven 2
Aelin was resting against the hood of her car, arms crossed and eyes scanning the crowd for…
“Mommy!” A little girl screamed from the school’s door. Her inky black hair bounced as she ran to Aelin, her green eyes shining with excitement. “Mommy, here!”
Aelin’s face broke into a wide grin as she jogged in her daughter’s direction and grabbed the little girl in her arms. She immediately peppered her daughter’s face in quick kisses, earning delighted laughs.
“Hello, Aurora. How was your day at school, baby?” Aelin asked, standing up with Aurora in her arms. The girl hugged Aelin’s neck fiercely, resting her head on her mother’s shoulder. “Made any friends?”
Aelin fought a smile when she saw Aurora blushing and smiling sheepishly. “His name is Lachlan, and he’s new to the school. He speaks nice.”
“Oh, he does?”
“Yes. He said is how people speak where he come from. Some kids made fun of it, but I think it was pretty. Just like daddy speaks a little different too.”
Aelin nodded, kissing her daughter’s crown. For all her excitement and free spirit, Aurora was awfully shy around anyone who wasn’t her family or people she knew since her adoption. Her best friend, Aedion and Lys’s daughter, was a year younger so they couldn’t be in the same class. Rowan and Aelin had been hoping for weeks now that Aurora would make at least one friend in school. She was six and smart like her dad, which caused her to feel a little bit different from the other kids.
Aelin couldn’t wait to see the relief on Rowan’s face that their baby had made a friend.
“So now you guys are friends?”
“Yes!” She smiled excitedly and clapped her hands. “He said he’s gonna bring me some candies from his kingdom tomorrow, and I said I would bring a picture of Fleetfoot.”
“That’s so great, baby.” Aelin smiled, putting Aurora in her seat and buckling her up. “We’ll find the most beautiful picture of Fleetfoot to show Lachlan.”
Her daughter squeaked with delight, and Aelin laughed as she opened her window and closed the door. She stood on the side walk once more, looking around again, searching for someone else.
“Mom!” A teenage boy called her.
“Nino!” Aurora shouted from the backseat. “Nino, I made a friend!”
Nino smiled at her voice, his friend group smiling too. They all waved at Aelin as her son jogged in her direction, giving her a quick kiss on her forehead. Although Nino was adopted, everyone liked to joke he had gotten Rowan’s genes. His and Aurora’s green eyes were the exact same shade as Rowan’s, and Nino was becoming as tall as his father.
He waved back at his friends and they were shouting their goodbyes as they walked away.
“Bye, aunt Aelin!” Evangeline shouted.
Aelin smiled at her and waved back. Evangeline had been Aedion and Lys’s ward much before Aelin and Rowan had even considered adoption. Eva was much as Lys’s daughter as Nino and Aurora were her kids.
“How was your day in school?” Aelin said, getting in the car as Nino took the passenger seat.
“Fine.” He said, and Aelin only raised a brow at him. He sighed, rubbing his eyes under his glasses. “I bombed math.”
Although she should be pissed, should act like the strict mom and reprimand him from bombing another math test, Aelin had to fight a smile. “Your dad is gonna eat your liver with a spoon if you keep failing math exams.”
“Mommy! That’s disgusting!” Aurora said, and Aelin looked back to see her frowning her whole face with disgust.
Aelin laughed, and so did Nino.
“I know, I know. Evangeline also barely passed, Malik did worse than I. Phedre said she could teach me.”
“Oh, she did?” Aelin was absolutely certain that her son had the biggest crush on one of his best friends, Phedre. Whenever Eva came to their houses with Aedion and Lysandra, she would also tease her cousin endlessly.
She batted her eyelashes innocently. “Yes, sweetie?”
“Stop that shit.” Aelin also knew she should reprimand him from cursing, but she fully believed that a sixteen year old boy should be allowed to say some curse words here and there. Never in important occasions, but both she and Rowan were fine with it during their daily lives.
Aelin only snorted, and silence fell upon the car.
She quietly looked at her two kids, Aurora playing with a doll she had found and Nino typing something on his phone, and a small smile played on her lips.
When Aelin learned that she would have difficulty getting pregnant three years ago, her world fell. She didn’t want to base her whole life on that fact, but it was like seeing some of her biggest dreams getting crushed right in front of her eyes. Even when Rowan started explaining to her how the adoption process would be, a part of her was still sad by the prospect of not getting pregnant.
It hadn’t taken them too long to go to foster care. Aelin had to admit, she was only half paying attention during the beginning of their visit, her mind still heavy with a sort of mourning. She still remembered the feeling of being completely devastated, and only Rowan’s pine green eyes had taken her out of her stupor.
She stopped mid track when she again saw Rowan’s pine green eyes staring at her, only it wasn’t Rowan because he was walking behind her. Aelin took in the little three year old sitting on the floor, playing with two old dolls.
That moment had been Aelin’s epiphany.
It was like a whole new path had been revealed to her, a striking realization that she might have dreamed of getting pregnant, but that wasn’t all that there was. She could keep trying, but she wouldn’t waste away in grief.
“Who’s she?” Aelin’s voice was low, and the social worker stopped talking to Rowan, both of their heads turning to her. “The little girl with black hair. What’s her name?”
“Who? Aurora?” At that, the girl smiled at Aelin and Rowan, extending one of her dolls.
For the first time in a week, Aelin’s smile was genuine. Her heart was beating so fast, hope blossoming where grief had been. She approached the girl and seated on the floor with her, taking the doll and starting to play. She felt Rowan’s soft gaze on them, and also heard the whispered words with the social worker.
“How old is she?”
“Three.” The woman responded. “Although our highest demand is for babies, Aurora would have a greater chance being adopted if she didn’t have an older brother. Not everyone is willing to take in two kids, much less when one who is so much older.”
“How old is he?” Aelin said, turning to look at the social worker and Rowan standing behind her. Aurora seemed content with playing with Aelin’s doll even though Aelin wasn’t moving it.
“Dominique is thirteen. We all call him Nino because Aurora couldn’t pronounce Nick, only Nino.”
Aelin stared at Rowan, and he stared right back. They had come here to look for babies, that’s for sure. Aelin wanted to be there every step, wanted to see every phase. They didn’t even know what they would do with a teenager. Or with two kids at once. But Aelin’s heart had almost burst out of her chest when she took a look at Aurora, and the thought of just going home and never seeing her again hurt.
“Can we meet the boy?” Rowan asked, not taking his eyes off Aelin.
“Of course, just a second.” The woman wandered off, and Rowan came to sit by Aelin.
Aurora eyed him suspiciously, but relaxed when he gave her a reassuring smile.
“I’m Aelin, this is my husband Rowan.” Aelin gestured between them, her voice soft so she wouldn’t scare the girl.
Aurora smiled at them, and was opening her mouth to say something when her brother entered the room.
If Aurora had been Aelin’s epiphany, Nino had been Rowan’s.
Rowan looked at Aelin and both of them shared a secretive smile.
And that had been that.
Rowan got all the papers to bring the kids to live with them and then the adoption papers. It was strange in the beginning, the new addition to the house, but they soon feel in such natural normalcy that Aelin sometimes wanted to cry when she thought of it.
Nino absolutely loved Aelin, but he adored Rowan. His father was his role model, and Nino did everything to build a relationship with Rowan as fast as possible. They went to hockey and football games together. Rowan always took Nino to practice, and they would always go out just the two of them after to eat something. Aurora was closer to Aelin, but she adored her father just the same and had him wrapped around her little finger.
There was so much love on Rowan’s eyes when he looked at their kids that Aelin’s heart skipped a beat.
She loved her family so much that sometimes she felt she could die from it.
“Mom?” Nino woke her up from her memories. She parked the car in front of Rowan’s clinic, and when Nino started taking off his seatbelt, she put a hand on his wrist. He looked at her puzzled, but didn’t say anything. He rested against the seat again, playing on his phone as Aelin took Aurora out and walked in the clinic.
Rowan was a surgeon, but he sometimes did some clinic consults. On those days, Aelin would bring the kids to spend the day with him. She waved at Fenrys who was talking with a patient, and he waved back and winked at Aurora, making her giggle at her uncle.
“Dada!” Aurora shouted the moment she saw Rowan’s silver head, and his head snapped up with a smile already on his face.
“If it’s not my two favorite girls in the whole world.” He stood, walking to them. Rowan took Aurora out of Aelin’s arms and bent down to give her a kiss. He gave another quick one before standing straight again. He gave a peck on Aurora’s forehead and she laid her face on his shoulder. “Where’s Nino?”
“Sick.” Aelin lied. “I’m taking him home. Nothing serious, just a little headache and nausea.”
Rowan’s brows instantly furrowed, and he looked to the entrance as if he could see his son sitting inside the car. “Want me to check on him?”
Aelin laughed. “He’s not that sick and would hate the fussing. He’ll be better once you go home, but for today is only you and Aurora.”
He nodded, still not fully convinced.
“Actually, Aurora has something to tell you.” Aelin said with a smile. “About her new friend.”
Rowan’s face broke into a curious smile and he looked at his blushing daughter. “Oh?”
“His name is Lachlan and he speaks nice.” She said shyly.
Rowan bit his lip not to laugh, and Aelin did the same. She stepped closer to him, giving him another kiss. “I’ll see you home. Love you.”
“Love you too, Ace.” He called after her as she left, immediately turning to his daughter to hear about her new friend.
The moment Aelin got into the car, Nino looked at her. “So, what are we hiding from dad?”
“Why would you think that?”
“You say you know me because I am your son. Well,” he shrugged. “I know you because you’re my mom.”
She smiled at that, but it slowly fell. “It’s a secret, Nino. And I really need you to keep it.”
He was suddenly serious. “You can tell me whatever, mom.”
She blew a breath. “I’m pregnant.”
He stared at her for a few moments before a smile broke on his face. Nino had known since the beginning how much his mom wanted to get pregnant. It had never made him feel less wanted or loved, and he couldn’t be happier for her right now. “Mom, that’s amazing! Why can’t dad know?”
“What if I lose it again, Nino? I can’t put your dad through it again. I remember the miscarriages from years ago and although he doesn’t think so, I knew the devastation on his eyes. I never held for more than three weeks. I’m so sorry to put this weight on you, sweetheart, but I just couldn’t go to the ultrasound alone.”
“It’s no weight, mom. Of course it isn’t.” He was still smiling at her. “How long?”
“I don’t know. The treatments mess up my periods so I haven’t had one in two months, but that doesn’t mean anything. I started getting morning sickness a few days ago, so maybe a week.” Aelin was tense, her palms clammy as she started driving to the hospital. “I’m so nervous, Nino. It crushed me three years ago, and I haven’t had a pregnancy scare since then.”
“You had three years of treatments, mom. Everything is gonna be alright and Aurora will have a little sibling to pick on.” Despite her tension, Aelin laughed. Nino was always calm, always a steady presence. His reassurance made her calmer, even though she wished she could call Rowan. He was the only one who really knew how to soothe her nerves.
The last few days had been torture. Her hands had been trembling when she bought a pregnancy test. Trembling even more when it came back positive. She wanted to tell Rowan so, so bad. Wanted to have him by her side as she discovered if she would be able to hold it or not, but she couldn’t bring herself to break his heart again. They had been so happy for the past three years with Aurora and Nino that Aelin wouldn’t dare to break his peace.
In the waiting room, Nino talked to his mom about anything to distract her. Aelin forced herself to listen about his classes, about hockey practice, about how Malik, his best friend, had gone to the infirmary after Evangeline accidentally decked him during gym. How he and Phedre had laughed their asses off while watching the scene.
She was smiling softly at her son when the nurse came in, asking her if she was ready. Just like that, all her calm disappeared. Her heart was beating so fast that it was all she could hear as she walked entered the room.
“Good afternoon, Mrs. Whitethorn. How are we doing today?” The doctor asked as Aelin laid down. He rode her shirt up to expose her belly, applying the cold lubricating jelly onto her skin. “Your son?”
“My oldest, yes.” Aelin answered automatically. She was too nervous to elaborate further. Nino was sitting on a chair by the bed, elbows on his knees while he stared at the black monitor.
“So let’s get over with it, shall we?” He said with a smile, asking her a few questions before putting the transducer against her skin. Immediately the black screen lit up, and the doctor stared at it, moving the thing across her belly.
Aelin couldn’t tear her eyes away from the screen, trying to understand what was going on. Her heartbeat was steady but so strong that she could feel her whole body shaking with it. “So?” She asked after a few moments.
The doctor was silent, still analyzing what was on the screen. When he turned to her, he gave her a smile. “Everything seems fine, Mrs. Whitethorn. Because of your treatments your period was irregular, and that was most likely what stopped you from noticing the pregnancy earlier. Judging by the size, you have two healthy and strong babies inside of you for two months now. I would still recommend biweekly visits just to make sure nothing changes but... The pregnancy seems fine, nothing apparent to worry about. Congratulations.”
Aelin’s whole world stopped at that moment. She could feel her cheeks dampening, her mouth letting out a small sob but she wasn’t really there. Her mind was spinning and she had never known this feeling. She wanted to put her hand on her stomach, above the two little things she could not even feel but knew that were there.
“Would you like to hear it?”
She nodded, her eyes glued to the monitor. When Aelin first heard the two soft heartbeats twining together, she was fully crying. It was like hearing the response to so many questions she didn’t even know she wanted the answers. It cracked a damn inside of her, and she closed her eyes, basking on the sound of her babies’ heartbeats.
She turned to Nino and he was smiling at her. “Damn, now I have to share my heritage with two more people?”
Aelin laughed out loud, the sound merry to her ears. “Can I record it? To show my husband?”
“Of course, and if you want a picture we can provide that.”
Aelin nodded eagerly, and held onto the recording and the pictures all the way home. When they arrived, Rowan’s car was already parked in the garage.
“Where were the two of you?” Rowan asked the moment Nino and Aelin stepped inside. “And I thought you were sick.”
Nino smiled at his father, speaking to him as he went up the stairs, his voice gloating. “I knew first.”
Rowan’s face was a mask of confusion as he watched his son disappear. He turned back to Aelin, sitting on their couch. “Knew what first?”
Unable to help herself, tears started falling from her eyes and she went to him. He immediately grabbed her in his arms, holding her on his lap. Even not knowing what was going on, Rowan whispered soothing words to her and rubbed her back.
He gave her a strong kiss to the forehead. “Fireheart, what happened?”
She wordlessly took out her phone, looking for the recording. He watched her intently, worry showing on his face.
Rowan was a doctor, he would understand what that was without her explaining, she she silently played it. It took him a moment of listening to the recording to understand what it was, for the expression on his face to go from worry to absolute exhilaration.
He put a hand on her stomach, the other one going to the back of her neck to hold Aelin in place when he kissed her. His lips were warm and soft against hers, and Aelin sighed in complete happiness as she hugged his neck. She could feel the smile on his lips, all the love and happiness he was feeling in that kiss.
“You’re pregnant?”
She nodded cheerly, her eyes watering again. Her tears started falling the same moment a single one fell from Rowan’s eye. “Two months, Ro. And they’re fine, healthy and big and strong.” She laughed, kissing him again. “We’re going to have two more kids, Ro.” She showed him the picture of the ultrasound, the two little things laying next to each other.
He grabbed the picture with one had, staring at it in awe. When his eyes fell upon Aelin’s face, the expression changed to so much love and adoration it knocked the air out of her lungs.
He boomed a loud and happy laugh, standing up with her in his arms and sweeping around. Aelin was laughing, her arms tight around his neck. “I love you. I love you so much, fireheart. I love you so fucking much sometimes I think I’ll combust from it.”
She was crying again, holding onto Rowan as if he was her life line. “I love you too, Ro. I love you so much that just looking at your face makes me loose my breath. I love you so much that I think it’s impossible to love you more, but it happens every day.” Aelin kissed him, euphorically and sloppy.
“The two of you are disgusting. Find a room, for fuck’s sake.” Nino said from where he was standing at the stairs, Aurora in his arms. She was beaming at her parents, and Rowan held Aelin with one arm as he extended the other one to their kids.
Nino smiled and went up to his father, hugging his side as Aurora threw herself at him. She was blabbering about the babies, about being an older sister and Rowan, Aelin and Nino were quietly laughing at her. Aelin, still holding one of Rowan’s hand, pulled Nino into a hug. “Thank you for going with me, Nino. You’re the best son I could ever dream of.”
His cheeks turned a shade of pink but he hugged his mom back, looking at his father. “I knew first.”
Rowan faked impatience, narrowing his eyes. The intimidating effect was completely ruined by Aurora in a pink tutu in his arms, pulling his hair in all directions. “You’ve gloated already, boyo.”
“I’ll never let you forget.” Nino was grinning, his arm around Aelin’s shoulder. She bit her lip to hold her laughter.
“Gods help me.” Rowan muttered.
“You could even say I am mom’s favorite man in the house.”
“You’re asking to get grounded.”
“Lost your position, old man.”
Rowan rolled his eyes. “How was your math test?”
“Actually,” Nino said, taking his arm off his mom’s shoulder and backing up a step. “You can have the favorite man position.”
“Nino Galathynius Whitethorn.”
“It’s all yours!” Nino shouted to his dad as he ran up the stairs.
Rowan looked exasperatedly at Aelin, and even with all her efforts she couldn’t keep her joyous laugh from escaping her lips.
“He gets being shit at math from his mother.” Aelin shrugged.
Rowan huffed a laugh. “The bunch of you will give me silver hair.”
“Dad!” Aurora shouted from his arms. “You already have silver hair, duh!”
This time, when Aelin’s laugh rang out, Rowan’s did too.
@abookishfreak @faerie-queen-fireheart @in-love-with-caramel-macchiato @jlinez @courtofjurdan @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @ladywitchling @maastrash @morganofthewildfire @queen-of-glass @bilkul-sharam-nahi-aati
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narniagiftexchange · 3 years
                         THE SPRING NARNIAN GIFT EXCHANGE.
                 for: @oflucyandlorien from @noctusfury.
lost & found.
G-rated, K-rated language, one-shot, 2.6k words. Angst, hurt/comfort, romance, and found family.
Set in the Golden Age, after the events of "The Horse and His Boy".
Cor | Shasta/Aravis, Cor | Shasta & Pevensies, Aravis & Pevensies.
Summary: The Pevensies have disappeared, and Narnia and Archenland are in an uproar. Archenland offers to help the Narnians search for their lost monarchs. Cor | Shasta reflects on the impact the Pevensies have brought on him and his family, along with their disappearance. Meanwhile, Cor and Aravis also deal with budding feelings towards each other.
Note to Giftee: So I have to say that I was very excited to have received your request. I've been WAITING and WAITING to write a fic for Cor/Aravis, or something in the HHB universe, but between them and Golden Age Pevensies, it was kinda difficult figuring out what to write. But I figured I might as well do both.
What was a surprise was that instead of this remaining a one-shot, this story is beginning to grow into a two-shot, perhaps even a three-shot. So I'll tag you if I end up working on/finishing those following parts.
Also, sorry for the bad title. For some reason I couldn't think up anything that could fit this fic. So if you have any ideas, let me know. ^_^
Anyway, I hope that you enjoy this fic and that I was able to incorporate the things you most enjoy. Thank you for the opportunity. ^_^
It had been a year later, a year since the events of the Battle of Anvard, when Anvard had received the shocking news: the Kings and Queens of Narnia had disappeared during a hunting trip! Vanished! Cair Paravel was in an uproar!
 When Cor — formerly known as Shasta (though still sometimes called that by his more intimate friends) — first heard the news, he was shocked. Took him time to process that, no, he wasn't mishearing the information just given him.
 Then came the denial. This simply couldn't be true. Of course they didn't disappear! They were fine! Perhaps they had forgotten to bring word to Cair Paravel that they were extending their hunting trip. Surely not all of the Monarchs of Narnia could've disappeared at once… could they?
 When they had been told that it had been two weeks since they had left on that hunting trip, and that the Narnians were still searching for their Monarchs all throughout the realm, dread seeped in. Accusations of treachery, abductions, assassinations even flew in the air, and their natural enemies, the Calormene Empire and Telmar, quickly fell into suspicion.
 Corin, his brother, was the first to voice out this conviction. "It has to be the Calormenes! It has to be!"
 Others began chorusing this as well. "They've been coveting the lands of the North for ages!" cried one of the court elders. "Acquiring the Kings and Queens of Narnia as hostages would be just the sort of bargaining chip they'd need to pressure us into submission!" another wave of shouts and debates issued forth in the king's court.
 While it had been a year since the conflict with Prince Rabadash — now Tisroc (Emperor or King-of-Kings in the Common Tongue) of the Calormenes since the passing of his late father (though some wondered, even among his own people, whether or not the Tisroc died from assassination rather than natural causes) — and even though Rabadash had more than shown that he was a passive and 'peaceful' ruler in the short time of his rule, there had been rumors that Rabadash had been scheming to find solutions to redeem his recent disgrace at the hands of the Narnian monarchs. So this wasn't a possibility that could be ignored.
 That being said, Cor knew that just speculating on what happened wasn't going to get them any closer to finding the lost Monarchs of Narnia. His father, who had been quietly observing the pandemonium in his court, seemed to agree with this, as he cleared his throat and ordered for silence. "Please, friends!" he implored, his usual jovial countenance had long past fled. "Now's not the time for speculation. The larger issue at hand is trying to locate their persons. Should we not instead try to find figure out where they could be and try to bring them back to their respective residence, in a speedy and safe manner?"
 Several of the councilors had the decency to look sheepish or shame-faced at the king's gentle admonishment. Cor looked at his father thoughtfully. He knew how much the Pevensies meant to King Lune. He saw how they interacted and from what Corin and their father had told them, the Pevensies were like family to Anvard's royal family. Ever since the Monarchs of Narnia began ruling Narnia, and the first delegation had been sent to Archenland, King Lune and his late wife, who had no children at the time, had practically adopted them into the family and became their foster parents of sorts, and the 'diplomatic missions' between the two royal houses were more familial visits and holiday repasts in all but name.
 Cor, for his part, despite only having known the Pevensies for a little over a year, had grown to think of them as elder siblings and it was no secret that the Twins — Corin in particular — idolized the Kings of Narnia (the Queens, too) and were always thrilled whenever they came to visit, and vice versa. Naturally, Cor tended to favor King Edmund, the first of the Monarchs that he had met and interacted with in Tashbaan on his Quest to reach the North. Now that he was Archenland's Crown Prince and Heir, he had a lot of education to catch up on, and the younger of the Narnian kings had been the perfect tutor, patient and thorough. Cor was, in particular, interested in legal administration and law, similar to the Just King himself, and they had many long discussions concerning the matter.
 Aravis, Cor knew, had grown quite attached to the Queen Lucy and they had often gone into the gardens and had done many outdoor activities, as well as telling each other stories and lore from their respective cultures. Being an only child, Aravis never had the benefit of sibling companionship (aside from some cousins), and the Pevensies, Queen Lucy in particular, became a sort of big sister figure for her. And the relationship really improved her mood over this past year. Cor tried not to notice how pretty she looked among the copper leaves — a Queen of Autumn. He tried not to notice the radiant glow on her face, the Spring in her smile, and the chimes in her laughter.
 He tried not to notice a lot of things where Aravis was concerned. It tended to muddle the mind and leave him utterly confused. And warm. Particularly when she smiled at him. (Since when did her eyes shine like the black pearl that he saw a fisherman catch back in Arsheesh's village?)
 But she wasn't smiling now. Aravis was sitting next to King Lune's throne to his right, and worry for her friend clouded her face. Fear, even. The expression made his heart ache, and he had to stop himself from going over and comforting her. Now wasn't the time or place.
 But what he could do is help his father alleviate the situation. "May I propose something?"
 Cor almost shrunk back against his seat as the whole room — including the Narnian messenger — turned to look at him expectantly. His father most of all (Aravis was also giving him a surprised look, and the boy was trying not to fidget).
 "A proposal, you say, Cor?" inquired King Lune, stroking his beard out of habit. "Do tell, my boy, do tell!"
 "Why don't we discreetly send search parties to Narnia to help in the search? I mean, we know that the last place they were last seen was in the Western Woods, right? Let's start from where we know they could be and then work our way from there. We should be able to find them eventually with added assistance."
 While there were many who were still reserved doubts, there were others who nodded slow approval and even threw each other hopeful glances and murmurings as they voiced their consent.
 King Lune was looking at Cor proudly. "Hah, excellent idea, my boy! Splendid! You're picking up a thing or two, it seems." he turned to the nobles expectantly. "Any objections?"
 One lord tentatively raised a hand. "I do, my lord."
 King Lune gestured for him to continue. "Speak, then, Lord Galen."
 Lord Galen turned to Cor, his face the picture of skepticism. "If I am to understand you correctly, you're proposing to send search parties to Narnia to speed up the search?"
 Cor wasn't sure where he was going with this, but decided to humor him. "Yes?" he then cleared his throat and emended his reply with a more resolute, "Yes, I am."
 "My issue with this idea is this:" continued Lord Galen, "how do we do this, per your suggestion, without attracting the attention of our enemies, such as the Calormene Empire and Telmar. When word eventually reaches them, they'll chomp at the bit to race each other to be the first to capture Narnia, and indeed Archenland, as well. What say you to this?"
 Once again, Cor felt a multitude of gazes expectantly awaiting his response. He gulped. "Well, I…" from the corner of his eye, Cor could see Aravis giving him an encouraging gesture with her hand, and continued, straightening himself and trying to make his voice sound more confident than he felt. "Obviously, we can't neutralize completely the possibility that the enemies' spies will find out eventually…" he looked at everyone in the room, and they nodded their agreement, silently prompting him to continue, "therefore, the only option to counter this is to use that information against them."
 That got their attention. "How so, Cor?" asked his father.
 "Simple: by making them believe it all to be a cunning ruse," Cor explained, beginning to warm up to the subject. "A selected and trusted retinue of Archenlanders ride to Narnia, such as myself, Corin, Aravis, several of the lords, and, of course, various guards and servants, etc, etc, under the guise of having been invited to Cair Paravel for a social event. We will remain for two weeks, secretly helping in the search for the Pevensies, while the festivities and games that will happen in the palace will provide us with a distraction…" he paused, thinking of his next words before continuing. "Meanwhile, the nobles of Narnia and Archenland will provide a double ruse, in which they will hold a 'secret meeting' while the games commence. They are to drop hints and to make sure that they are overheard, with enough discretion to make it believable; that way when they rendezvous to a vacant room or tent, it'll spike the spies' curiosity enough to venture there in order to collect any supposed important information for their masters. Doesn't matter what the topic's about, so long as it's a ruse with some truth implemented in it for validity's sake.
 "Meanwhile, while all of this is going on, Archenlander and Narnian search parties will search high and low for the Kings and Queens of Narnia as thoroughly and quickly as warranted. I recommend some look-a-likes to play as decoys of Their Majesties, so as to appear altogether present, yet distant, in order to prevent spies from getting too close. Some of them I recommend to join the parties, dressed in the Narnian garb or armor to hide their identities and to keep the ruse alive for as long as possible. In this way, we could use these search parties as mere 'patrols' to act as if we're searching and vanquishing any enemy presence in the realm, such as, for example, the Fell-Beasts.
 "This will serve two purposes: One, it will keep the Narnians from panicking and thus increasing the chances of instability in the realm as well as the likelihood of our enemies finding this out and using this to their advantage. This, of course, cannot happen. And two, it will allow us to search for the Pevensies freely without worry of discovery, since it will be known that it's merely routine patrols and war games in order to bring further stability into Narnia and to increase the bonds between Archenland and Narnia.
 "Naturally, those of us among the royal family must remain in Cair Paravel in order to keep the ruse up, or else it might raise suspicion. And we'll only be there for two weeks before returning to Archenland. Of course, if we needed more time, we could extend it to a month, and use the excuse of the young Princes — Corin and I — wanting to stay in Narnia a bit longer and the Pevensies having given their permission to do so.
 "That's pretty much all I can think of at this moment…" Cor finished sheepishly.
 The audience gave a stunned silence before murmuring amongst themselves concerning the plan. King Lune was more ready with his opinion.
 "Excellent idea, my boy!" praised his father, stroking his beard thoughtfully, a proud smile on his face. Cor looked to Aravis, who wore a stunned expression, before giving him an approving smirk.
 And it was doing some strange sensations in his stomach, and a quick beating of his heart.
 What was this?
 He quick shook himself of this as his father called for attention. His father stood up, his huge girth, as always, making whatever action he did look comical, regardless of the seriousness involved, his normally deep and jovial voice turning most solemn, indeed.
 "Right! If we're all in agreement, then let us make haste to Narnia and find their lost Kings and Queens. Let us pray that we find them soon and that they've not come to harm." the King turned to the Narnian messenger — a falcon — who was busy combing through his feathers with his beak in preparation for the return journey. "Will this suffice, friend?"
 The falcon, Takar by name, stopped what he was doing to tip his beak and spread his wings in the customary sign of respect by his kind. "Arrah! Aye, King Lune! Takar hath no objections to this scheme. If thou wilt permit me, Sire, Takar shalt fly forthwith through the south-eastern gales, as true and fast as one of yon Queen Susan's arrows. Thou can rely on Takar to inform me fellow Narnians of thy plan!"
 "The Lion be with you, friend. Safe journey!"
 "Arrah! And to thee, Sire! Mayest the winds favor thy back, and mayest the Great Lion be with thee all thy days!" And with that, the great falcon took off and flew like an arrow from a bow.
 King Lune then turned to his councilors. "And may Aslan be with you all, and I pray that the Monarchs of Narnia will soon be found and restored to their thrones and our hearts.
 "Now let us prepare."
 The courtiers dispersed to prepare for the coming journey, and just as Cor was going to leave and make his own preparations, Aravis made her way towards him. She gave him a congratulatory smile. "That was well spoken, Shasta," she said softly, her Calormene accent folding around his old name like a warm blanket. Only in times like this, when it was just them, she would use his old name from their past life, neither of them having quite gotten used to his real name in the past year. It was always a comfort for Cor whenever she said it, her voice like a cool and soothing balm that calmed him whenever he felt the stresses of his sudden heirdom overwhelming him.
 Cor shrugged self-deprecatorily, feeling a little self-conscious. "It was nothing. King Edmund deserves the credit; it's how he thinks. Whenever one of us visits, he's sort of been teaching me these kinds of things, along with administration and law. I've just been parroting what he said."
 "But isn't that where greatness comes — by walking in the footsteps of and learning from those who have walked the paths less traveled?" she asked him with a raised eyebrow and an inquiring smile. Aravis stared at him thoughtfully, and regarded him for a moment.
 "W-What?" Cor stuttered, not used to the intensity of Aravis's gaze.
 She simply smiled and began walking away. But before she left, she turned to face Cor, the look in her eyes sincere. "You know, I believe that, when the time comes, you'll be a great king…," before adding with a teasing look, "Prince Cor." With a giggle, Aravis left the throne room for her own chambers to prepare for the journey, leaving Cor to stand there with a flustered and surprised look on his face, before shaking himself and moving on to his own room, deep in thought.
 To him, it was her eyes that Prince Cor found to be the most dangerous feature that made up Lady Aravis — those eyes as dark as black pearls.
 And yet, Cor couldn't wait to greet those eyes again.
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(AN: I FINALLY FOUND THE ISSUE! I had a rogue mod that was causing the game to go haywire, so I went through every single mod [which just showed me I have WAYY TOO MANY] and finally got my game up and running again. Here’s the last official day before the behind-the-scene post and intros to the different families we met over the past 5 days!)
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It’s the final day of camp! It’s been a great 5 days full of fun and fellowship, but all good things must come to an end eventually. The official program only runs for the morning, so there was only one event in the main hall.
The program started with a performance of ‘I am saved’ by the FCLL choir, made up of various unmarried young men and women who have shown their dedication to the Lord and his message. They sang an extended performance of the song
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Branden Collins then led the next part, which was a sit down session with 2 couples to discuss ‘Homeschooling - Why and How?’ CFLL produces a homeschool curriculum that helps parents to train their children for the Lord, having a hand at writing a few workbooks himself, Branden sits down with Colt & Pearl Powell and Barrett & Kyleigh Collins to discuss why and how the 2 couples use(d) the CFLL materials with their children.
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Branden started with Colt & Pearl Powell, he started by asking the couple to introduce themselves. 
[Colt] “Well, my name is Colt and this is my wonderful wife Pearl of almost 30 years. I pastor a church in our hometown of Appaloosa Plains and I’ve been on the CFLL Board of Directors for almost 15 years, and have been thoroughly blessed by the Lord in my life.”
[Pearl] “We have 11 wonderful children who have given us 10 grandchildren and counting! Each year brings us new change, but who doesn’t like having new things to thank the Lord for?”
[Branden] “Why did you choose to homeschool your children?” 
[Colt] “We were high school sweethearts, we got married while I was in college and she was in secretary school. We both grew up going to the same church, and so we had the conversation that we’d be open to as many children as the Lord wanted for us, and that we’d school them ourselves. Our parents both told us, and we ourselves experienced the immoral atmosphere of the public school atmosphere and realised we didn’t want our future children to be exposed to that, we wanted to be able to shape our children's minds and mould them into soldiers for Christ.”
[Pearl] “A few months after we married, a traveling minister told us of a conference happening near us that was put on by this wonderful organisation. We had a great time and learnt so much, and learnt we were pregnant with out first soon after, so we started attending as many sessions as we could before baby came. There were this brand new homeschool curriculum that had been released, and after reading through it we were to excited to be able to try out with our children when they were old enough.”
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[Branden] “How did you homeschool?”
[Pearl] “As the mama, the home was my domain, so while daddy was the Principal, I was the Vice Principal of what we called ‘Powell Academy’. Since I was having a child every 2 years, we needed a system so make sure I didn’t lose my mind with the children *laughs*. Our first 4 went boy, girl, boy, girl, and I’m thankful that my girls had (and still have) such servants hearts and were always looking for ways to help me. When a new baby would come home they’d constantly beg to take care of them, so when it came time to do school in the morning, after I did their lessons with them, they’d help the younger ones with their letters and numbers. As they got older they were my right and left hands and helped with running the house during the day. I’d wake up with the youngest 2 whilst they worked with the other 7 to get everyone dressed, fed, and school work started. We’d gather round the table and I’d supervise them doing their work, whilst doting on the youngest, with the delivery of our youngest there were complications and he was born a bit early, so as he grew he was my main focus to make sure he got what he needed. I loved using CFLL’s materials for our kids, I didn’t feel the need to supplement with other curriculums, there was everything for every age group that the children grew into. When the kids started to graduate and pursue their future goals is when we really saw the value of our choice in homeschooling them. Both our boys and girls were sure in their identity as soldiers of Christ and set their goals based on that - our boys are great leaders, most with their own families who are benefiting from their leadership skills; our girls were able to learn how to run a household and to set their sights on being a good wife and mother. We also encouraged our children to use their musical talents to serve, with them traveling with others in a music ministry. Now that they’re giving us grandchildren, I’m excited to see my grand babies learn using the same curriculum that we used on their parents, and imagine what great people they’ll be.”
[Branden] “Thank you two for your wonderful testimony on homeschooling your children, you’ve blessed them greatly with your efforts and in turn have been blessed.”
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Branden then welcomed Barrett and Kyleigh Collins to the stage 
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[Branden] “Hey you two, why don’t you introduce yourselves”
[Barrett] “My names Barrett Collins, and this is my wife Kyleigh Collins, we’ve been married for almost 10 years and have 8 children together. If the last name is ringing a bell, it’s probably because you’ve watched my parents handle a few parts this past week, and if you’re really with the times then you know of my grandfather. This guy right here *points at Branden* is also my uncle *laughs*”
[Branden] “Great introduction, let’s jump right in: Why did you choose to homeschool?”
[Barrett] “I grew up homeschooled, both of my parents were homeschooled and when they got married they made the choice to homeschool us as well. It was great having all of us at home all of the time, and since I’m the oldest it was our mother who did all of our schooling until we were old enough to work on our own. Being homeschooled gave me the freedom to do what I wanted, even though there was required work I had to do, my parents used the CFLL curriculum for all of us and it’s helped all of us branch into the people that we have become or are becoming for my younger siblings still in school. When I met Kyleigh - which was here, many summers ago - one of the things we talked about while courting was what we wanted for our children, and we both agreed that homeschooling them was the only option.”
[Kyleigh] “Like Barrett, I was also homeschooled by my parents but unlike him I was an only child. Being an only child meant that my mother was able to tailor the work to what I wanted to do, and she’d add in things or take out things that she didn’t find necessary. I loved all that time I spent with her, it really cemented our mother-daughter bond and I really learnt so much wisdom and guidance from her in those formative years. When I look back on the relationship I had and still have with my mother, I can’t help but get excited about the relationships that I’m building with my daughters now as they grow.”
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[Branden] “How does homeschooling fit into your day?”
[Kyleigh] “Our schedule is that we’ll both wake up, one of us will handle the baby and the other will deal with the toddlers who have most likely woken up early, since I seem to be having a baby every year it’s a great system for us.
[Barrett] “Often times I’ll deal with the baby because I do the night feedings, I’m thankful that our newest baby Olivia doesn’t fuss as much during the night as her siblings did. 
[Kyleigh] “I then handle breakfast whilst the younger ones play and Barrett gets ready for work, the older kids usually wake up by then and are dressed and ready for the day. Barrett leaves for work whilst the kids are eating breakfast and after the kids clear up the table is when we start with their school work. Our oldest 5 are triplets and twins, so we have 3 eight year olds and 2 six year olds, which is slightly easier because they can work together to get their work done rather than having 5 kids in different grades. Once I’ve got the triplets on track with their work, I can sit with the twins and do their work with them as they need more hands on teaching. We all sit at the table doing work for an hour and a half before we break for snacks and the kids can play a bit before we do verse memorization. I like using hand motions to get them to remember the words, and it’s been great to hear them sing and act out the songs that they learnt at the Children’s Academy this past week that they’ll no doubt be singing for a very long time. We also work on our manners during the day, and my older kids love ‘teaching’ the toddlers their manners - they say it makes them feel smarter *laughs*. Three times a week the kids head over to their grandparents house for their music lessons, they’re all learning the violin and piano, so I’m thankful that I married into a very musical family since all the siblings at home can pick a child and focus on them and their lessons. Right now with young kids we don’t spend the whole day doing work, but I’m assured that as they age that we’ll be able to adapt and change as necessary. Probably the kids’ favourite time of day is when Barrett gets home, it’s play time so he gets to blow off steam with the kids before dinnertime.
[Barrett] “I come home and play with the kids, we’ll then eat dinner and do nightly devotions as a family before putting the kids to bed. We go in reverse age order, so the toddlers head to bed first, followed by the twins, then the triplets, we like doing it that way because then we have time to sit down with all the kids and bond with them individually. Sometimes I’ll sit and think of my childhood when my parents would do the same things with us, and I thank the Lord for all the effort that my parents put into raising us as it had led us to this great life that we’re living now.”
[Branden] “Thank you both for your wonderful testimony on how homeschooling helped you, and how you’re working on changing your childrens lives for the better.”
The choir then closed out the programe (and the formal part of the conference) with a 20 minute performnace of a h hymn medly which was arranged by Claire Paulson and her advanced hymn writing class.
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It was the perfect end to a great week of faith, fun, and fellowship! 
There were some official portraits done for the Children’s Academy and the Youth Choir!
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Back Row (L-R) = Aaron Leonard, Aria Townsend, Tobias Duke, Melissa Sherman, Lester Paulson, Lyric Warner, Leroy Mitchell, Shania Crawford, Johnathan Herrington
Front Row (L-R) = Allan Collins Jr, Chloe Collins, Benjamin Collins, Rose Collins, Noah Leonard, Violet Collins, Luke Leonard
These young children are the building blocks for the next generation! They’re a testament to the benefits of moulding a young persons mind and training up a child in the way they should go! They’ve spent the last few days proving that their parents efforts in raising them have not been wasted, no doubt that as they age out of the children’s academy, they will grow and continue to be young Christian soldiers.
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Back Row (L-R) Annette Collins, Jarrod Paulson, Sadie Berges, Willie Murray, Amira Collins, Jimmy Crawford, Celeste Paulson, Charles Collins, Delaney Mitchell, Tucker Crawford.
Front Row (L-R) Parker Collins, Priscilla Collins, Jolene Crawford, Fredrick Herrington, Lorilee Mitchell, Kellie Moyer, Zachary Paulson, Sabrina Paulson
Here are the wonderful youths that make up the choir! When not singing together, they’re all musicians in their own right who have shared beautiful music to the Lord, as you’ve seen over the past week! 
That makes it the end of the official program, the rest of the day was up to the attendants to use as they wished. Some headed to the lake whilst others headed to the volleyball courts for a tournament.
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The children enjoyed swimming in the lake together, Macie taught them all how to swim, so it was great for them to be able to use their skills at the lake since none of their houses have pools! (AN: I spent almost an hour looking for lifejacket cc for kids, because in my mind gen 3 isn’t that clueless and know that you need lifejackets for young kids swimming in a large body of water - but that’s something the game lacks, which I might attempt to make some day)
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Kyleigh and Casandra got a selfie in while at the lake, it’s been a tiring but rewarding week and they’re happy that they were able to relax by the lake on their last day. They don’t get to go to many pools and beaches due to the immodest outfits of other beach goers, but since everyone at the lake has the same (high) modesty standards, everyone was able to enjoy in peace.
(AN: ignore the horrendous editing, someones swimsuit didn’t have all the LODs and half their body disappeared😂)
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There were many sandcastles made along the shores of the lake, the children practiced their diving skills using the diving platform, and loads of family and friends were able to catch up and reminisce on a great week together.
Meanwhile on the volleyball court...
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The Red and Orange teams battled it out in a series of 5 matches to see who would be pronounced the winners, in the end the Orange Team won 3/5 matches, winning the tournament.
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The Red Team consisted of: Jarrod Paulson, Charles Collins, Lorilee Mitchell, Annette Collins, and Celeste Paulson
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The winners, the Orange Team, were: Parker Collins, Zachary Collins, Tucker Crawford, Sabrina Paulson, and Amira Collins (She was a last minute addition and didn’t get an orange shirt 😂)
The evening ended with everyone meeting at the mess hall to eat dinner before getting together for some fellowship before everyone leaves for their homes the next day. After a long, but refreshing week, everyone was sad to leave their friends, but was excited to get back to their respective homes!
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hello, internet
I’m really about to expose myself here huh
anyway, this post is the brainchild of my quarantine. Beginning somewhere around April (what even is time) and ongoing to this day, I’ve written screenplays and fics, made pinterest boards and spotify playlists, dreamed up choreography, and plotted storylines, all as a product of both escapism from this insane world and yearning to be part of my favorite tv show in any capacity.
guys, gals, and nonbinary pals, buckle your seatbelts and allow me to introduce you to “Zoey’s Extraordinary Cousin”, Victoria Evelyn Clarke.
(most of this was written before s2 premiered, and I won’t always be changing her whole story as it would be required on this post, but I’ll continue to add fics which modify stuff to fit s2 canon)
general stuff
name: Victoria Evelyn Clarke (named after a song-first-and a friend-middle)
nickname: Tori
age: 23
height: 5′9″ (plenty of opportunity for the brogrammers to joke about how short Zoey is when compared to her younger cousin)
hair: auburn, medium length, wavy
eyes: hazel, she wears glasses
family: her father is Mitch’s brother, so Maggie and Mitch are her aunt and uncle, making Zoey and David her cousins
occupation: just graduated from a BFA musical theatre program; hired to play piano in the SPRQpoint lobby, stays there for most of the time that her story is shown and eventually books a role in the LA area, which causes her departure from the show (if she’s just a recurring character)
a few of her functions as a character
disclaimer: I’m fully aware that a lot of concepts I’ve come up with for her couldn’t actually happen on the show (especially if I played her, which of course is the ultimate dream), but I just wanted to put all of my ideas into one place
because she ends up working at SPRQpoint, Victoria serves as a bridge between Zoey’s work life and family life, making the story more cohesive
due to the blood relation and her empathetic nature, she can tell when people are singing to her. Zoey tells her about the power right away, and she provides insight, taking on a similar role to Mo but with the added bonus of already knowing her family and getting to know her coworkers better. A complication in the powers is always interesting, and it opens the door for many more possibilities
she’ll bring more musical theatre songs to the table and diversify the music genres discussed on the show; it would also be really interesting to have a character that plays an instrument and see how that might factor into heartsongs
she’d strengthen the theme of music bringing empathy through storytelling; through her insight and empathetic nature, she sees qualities in some characters that Zoey and the audience haven’t seen yet
she’s been the “therapist friend” all her life, and a big part of her arc is learning how to take care of herself and realizing that her own emotions are just as valid as those of the people she helps; this gives a contrast to Zoey’s initial awkwardness when it comes to emotions and helping people, and they help each other through everything
the fact that she quickly falls for Leif sends Zoey into a bit of a tailspin; she feels that she has to tell her what else he’s sung, which results in a question about the ethics of the power and privacy. This’ll give more depth to Leif (who we’ve barely heard from emotionally since mid-ep-11; there’s a lot behind “things change, people change” that I’m curious about) along with bringing out a protective side to Zoey and deepening the Clarke family dynamic
personality and characterization tidbits
hufflepuff through and through
sees the best in people
loves music and is really knowledgeable about it (see Zoey and Mo in the relationship section down below for the impact of this) and has escaped into it her whole life; this makes her almost a foil to Zoey as they balance each other out
just as awkward as Zoey; one can absolutely tell that they’re related if only by their speech patterns and appearance
has a playlist for every imaginable human emotion
bi and hopeless romantic, but has never really felt wanted
unashamed theatre kid
quick-thinking and witty, intelligent but idealistic, and sometimes comes across as naïve
passionate about activism and working for change
feels and cares very deeply
see pinterest board and spotify playlist below in the references section for more
relationships with other characters
Zoey Clarke: her cousin. After graduation, Victoria visits her family to be there for them after the funeral, and this begins her storyline. The extended Clarke family is tight-knit, and she and Zoey have been really close friends throughout their entire lives. They can read each other well, and the established relationship is really clear in their dialogue and the way that each is one of the few people that the other feels genuinely comfortable around. Partly because Zoey never had a younger sibling, she was always very protective of her younger cousin. This comes into play in a huge way during Victoria’s storyline, beginning with her second heartsong. One of Zoey’s internal conflicts throughout this situation is the decision of how much to share with Tori of what she knows due to earlier heartsongs; she feels it would be an invasion of privacy to tell too much, but she also feels at the start that Tori is being naïve and a bit too trusting and doesn’t want her to get hurt. This struggle deals with both Zoey’s personal relationships and the ethics of the power.
Leif Donnelly: the reason for the aforementioned internal conflict. Victoria falls hard and fast for him during her first tour of the fourth floor, leading to her second heartsong. When confronted by a dumbfounded Zoey about it, she denies it as nothing more than infatuation at first sight, but this gets harder to believe as time goes on and Zoey has to watch her cousin and sworn rival genuinely becoming friends. After a few weeks, she learns and has to accept that Victoria’s feelings are genuine. Reciprocation, though, is a whole different matter; they find this out by way of another heartsong, which is also how Victoria learns of her own addition to the power. Witnessing that song pushes Zoey over the edge, and similarly to s1e5, she eventually blurts out the truth about Leif’s previous heartsongs and relationship with Joan, which leads to Victoria’s very conflicted heartsong rendition of “Toxic” (because if no one sings it to him at some point in the series, that’s a seriously missed opportunity). We see their later conversation: Victoria isn’t sure how to bring it up, but she doesn’t have to, because the events of the end of s1 obviously did take a big toll on Leif and he wants to be honest with her about it (see chapter 7 of singin’ from a streetlight). It would be interesting if she had something to do with the way he eventually found out about the power; Victoria lives very much by her moral compass, and she would feel awful about knowing things that he doesn’t know that she knows. If I had to sum up the relationship in terms of how it serves the show, Victoria sees the parts of Leif that Zoey and the audience (for most of the season) don’t, and he’s one of the first people who’s ever made her feel wanted.
Mo Montgomery: these two get along splendidly. So splendidly, in fact, that Zoey sometimes even regrets introducing them, especially when she can’t sleep due to their late-night, belt-to-the-rafters karaoke sessions that can be heard through the apartment walls. Mo finally has someone in the building (Victoria is staying with Zoey through the duration of her arc on the show) who properly appreciates music, and the three of them (plus Max and whoever else learns about the power-Simon absolutely has to in season 2, come on) become a sort of ragtag let’s-figure-out-this-crazy-power group of friends.
David Clarke: I’ve always thought that the backstory revealed in ep 5 of David being a former theatre kid was really interesting. He and Victoria have bonded over this for a long time, and she feels betrayed when he leaves it behind due to the toxic masculinity explored in ep 5. I’d love an ep called “Zoey’s Extraordinary Brother” or something that goes deeper into that; Victoria definitely has a hand in helping David embrace that part of himself, and she’s almost as close with him as she is with Zoey.
Max Richman: she’s actually known him for quite a while, having done a bit of community theatre with him before he even met Zoey (because you cannot tell me that this man, who can canonically sing and dance and genuinely enjoys it, wasn’t one of the only boys in his high school theatre program and didn’t ever play Georg Novak at some point). He seemed to have gone through some Good Old Fashioned Character Development in ep 12, what with the “focus on yourself right now” and everything, but there’s still quite a lot to unpack that was revealed between 7 and 11. Honestly, I just want to see someone Talk Some Freakin Sense Into Him, and an old friend who’s been removed from the situation but knows both him and Zoey very well is a pretty good bet.
Simon Haynes: Victoria, along with Mo, acts as Zoey’s confidant for the central love triangle. She’s a bit put off by the idea of Simon’s cheating, but sympathizes with both him and Jessica after learning the whole story; upon meeting him, she thinks he’s wonderful. (he honestly gets some of my favorite dialogue on the show...who else can pull off all of those deep conversations along with “this is a classy affair, of course there’ll be pigs in a blanket”? in this house we appreciate JCS)
Tobin Batra: the first person she meets on her first tour of SPRQpoint, much to Zoey’s dismay. As the audience learns more about him (which I’m so freakin excited for, by the way), he and Victoria share quite a bit of banter while the season goes on. Tobin also thoroughly enjoys trying to push Leif and Victoria together, and there are a lot of fun scenes in which he has a blast acting as a wingman for his oldest and newest friends.
Mitch and Maggie Clarke: they mean absolutely everything to her. Victoria’s parents are usually supportive, but they often consider her career as an entity separate from her as a person and discuss it as if the decisions are up to them; she was always able to come to her aunt and uncle when she needed to, and she’ll always be grateful to them for it. As  previously mentioned, the extended Clarkes are really close, and Victoria deeply regrets not being able to make it to Mitch’s funeral. At the start of her arc, she believes that she doesn’t have as much right to grieve and that she has to “stay strong” for her family. Over the course of her storyline, she realizes that there are people that are there for her just as much as she’s there for them. This includes Leif, Zoey, and Mo; Maggie is one of the most important of these for her. Family is at the core of this show, and at the core of Victoria’s being.
Emily Kang: first of all, I’m still hoping she gets “Everything Changes” from Waitress in season 2. Victoria admires her wit and they enjoy each other’s company; when needed, she loves babysitting her second cousin.
Abigail: give her a last name gosh darnit. I hope she comes back as an intern in season 2; she and Tori would be SUCH good friends, and it might be neat if they had a duet of sorts, so that she’d be signing with the strings carrying on her part as Tori sang.
Aiden:  okay, I knew from the beginning they’d be best friends oh my god. She’s closer in age to him than she is to Zoey; she was often babysat by her cousins when she was little, and that’s how she got to know the kid next door, the kid who air-guitared along to the radio and made plans with her to travel the world when they got older. Naturally, she had the biggest crush on him, which Zoey thought was hilarious. They still support each other’s music and keep in touch to this day.
I’m not sure what’s going to happen in season 2 with new characters, etc, and whether characters such as Joan, Autumn, Howie, Eddie, Deb, Ava, Jessica, etc are coming back. My ideas for this character and her relationships will obviously change as the show progresses (I say as if anything will happen-it’s one of the only things I have left to hope for, okay, voice in my head, shut up) and I’m looking forward to seeing how the story continues to unfold.
some potential heartsongs
“Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again” from The Phantom of the Opera: the first that the audience sees of her. After an episode of Zoey Going Through Some Stuff, she needs to talk to her dad, and realizes once she reaches the cemetery that she’s not the only one. It’s raining, much as it was when they tried to choose his plot. It’s just the beginning of the song; on “all that you dreamed I could”, Victoria’s voice cracks-she’s crying as she’s singing-and she trails off, then the instrumental continues while they talk. I mean, we’ve already had a song from an ALW musical...IT COULD WORK.
“Absolutely Smitten” by Dodie: after her first tour of the fourth floor, to an oblivious Leif. I’ve always wondered why they haven’t used the swings in the choreography yet, so I just decided to do it because Why Not. The vibes of this song would be perfect for the vibes of SPRQpoint, and it works for the scene as well; it’s vulnerable enough to be the beginning of real feelings, but cutesy enough for her to deny it to Zoey as nothing more than infatuation. If we can put the railing on the staircase back in from the pilot, it fits pretty well as a sliding-down-the-railing song, if that makes sense.
“Human” by Christina Perri: a visit to her parents. enough said. It serves as a major release for Victoria as well as the reveal that she’s far from the put-together person that she tries to be; I also feel like this kind of song would fit well into the show, and it’s more recognizable to the mainstream than most of the other songs on this list. This is also a wake-up call to Zoey that her cousin really is hurting, and the “help” that prevents the song from haunting her comes from the fact that she’s the first person to really understand Victoria’s relationship with her parents and be there for her.
“Strawberry Blond” by Mitski: the epitome of Yearning™. A few weeks have passed since “Absolutely Smitten”, and as much as Zoey would like to stay in denial about her cousin’s feelings, the universe isn’t going to let her; “I love everybody because I love you” is pretty difficult to twist out of context. This one is short and sweet, starting at the second verse and skipping to the repeated chorus. The choreo epitomizes the paradox of combined awkwardness and grace that lies at the heart of Tori’s character. She floats and spins, propelling herself around the office as if lifted from within by the music, never taking her eyes away from Leif. This is when Zoey realizes that she actually has to deal with it, prompting the swear guitar title card; this song and the next two are all part of the same episode.
“Victoria” by Jukebox the Ghost: this song is Leif’s; she accompanies it. Zoey comes downstairs to the lobby a few hours after the workday ends and hears the piano, but there’s no one playing it. It would be really interesting to see the way that instrumentals happen in heartsongs if there are actually instruments in the room; just something fun to play with in regards to the power. (yes, I named her after this song specifically for the purpose of this song, and I’m aware that if the full song is taken into its own context it doesn’t portray a particularly healthy relationship but the piano part is cool and the song just has this electric energy okay?!?!?!) The choreography is very La-La-Land-esque; it’s sweeping and explosive as they make their way across the lobby. At the second verse, she starts actually playing the piano; this cut of the song goes to the last chorus after the second verse. This is also another example of Tori’s being able to tell when she’s being sung to (the way that she finds this out is explained in jumpstarted (see below), but that wouldn’t work in this universe, so this song is how she finds out if she were actually a character). She’s in utterly joyful disbelief, going in between trading incredulous glances with Zoey and allowing herself to fall into the choreography. This song is the turning point for Zoey when it comes to the relationship she’s witnessing; while they’re on the piano bench, Leif smiles at Victoria in a similar way to the end of episode 7, and this sends Zoey’s protective-older-cousin-mode into overdrive. Feelings are one thing, but reciprocation is quite another, and this is when Zoey realizes that she has no choice but to tell Victoria the truth.
“In Case You Don’t Live Forever” by Ben Platt: let’s say that at the beginning of this episode, there was a dream that Zoey had about an old memory with Mitch in which she watches her younger self heartsing this to him, and she’s attempted for all of that time in between to remember the melody. A few days after “Victoria” takes place, Zoey is struggling to figure out how to bring up the needed conversation, and she tries to preface it by explaining how much Victoria means to her. She doesn’t get very far in her speech before she hears the music she heard in her dream; this song is Tori revealing how much she’s always looked up to Zoey, which brings her to tears and causes her to blurt out the last line of the episode: “I need to tell you something.”
“Toxic” by Britney Spears: tbh, this song once came on the radio and I thought “...wait a minute”. It’ll also be more recognizable compared to this list of showtunes and indie pop. This song takes place on the fourth floor during the next episode; Mo has come to pick up the cousins for their weekly lunch, and he and Tori are once again trying to give Zoey a crash course on musical pop culture. Today’s lesson is pop of the early 2000s, and Tori tries to give a demonstration by singing the first verse, almost unable to due to how hard the three of them are laughing. They walk past the conference room where a meeting is taking place, Leif sitting at the head of the table, and Zoey barely notices the instrumentals that have been building in the background until Tori stops short and the all-too-familiar riff (yknow, the daaaaada dadada) comes operatically from her throat rather than the invisible synth. Mo can tell by Zoey’s expression that the demonstration, which has stopped in the real world, has turned into a heartsong. As she sings, she makes her way into and around the conference room, spinning chairs and overdramatically throwing herself against walls, as if magnetically drawn to the subject of the song but trying to pull herself away. It’ll show how conflicted she is, but it’ll also be freakin’ hilarious.
“Unusual Way” from Nine: After the aforementioned much-needed conversation in the episode which “Toxic” appears in, Leiftoria (is that an unintentionally awesome ship name or what) is official. I’m not sure how long her story on the show would last, but this song marks the end of it; she books a role at a fantastic dinner theater in the Los Angeles area. In the scene of her last heartsong, Tori, Zoey, and Leif are sitting in an airport lobby. The ticket machines are down, and dozens of impatient passengers are waiting with them, listening to the drone of announcements and tinny pop music played over the loudspeakers that slowly morph into a melancholy arpeggio. If anyone reading this hasn’t listened to this piece, I highly recommend it, by the way-it’s utterly haunting and you’re definitely gonna cry. The cut starts at the second verse and skips the solo third verse to go right into the duet. There’s nothing extravagant about it; as in the musical itself, this song is carried by the sweeping, raw emotion behind it.
references or something-what do I call this one
spotify playlist: a living document (chronologically) of potential heartsongs, songs that fit her situations, and songs that just have her Vibes.
pinterest board: an ever-growing, ever-changing representation of her character. I’ve pinned everything twice so that there can be sections without disturbing the full aesthetic; each section is named after a lyric from a musical that represents that aspect of her character.
tiktoks: there are a few I’ve made about her, some actually in one or both of the universes I’ve written about (see below) and some just for The Vibes or other potential story ideas. @can.you.hear.it.echoing
jumpstarted: the first fic for anything that I’d written in years; it started out in my mind as three scenes and came out to 29 pages. This is an au in which she works at the karaoke bar; she couldn’t actually be on the show this way, but I just think it would be neat-it would only be canon compliant through the middle of s1e11 (there are a few time shifts), so here we are. (seriously though please read this one I’m very proud of it.) This story does share aspects with what she’d actually be able to become as a character, and these are further explored in my second fic.
singin’ from a streetlight: a collection of oneshots that goes through most of the potential heartsongs listed above, from Zoey’s pov. chapter 7 is an interlude, back in Tori’s pov, because Zoey doesn’t see her and Leif’s much-needed conversation on the evening of “Toxic”.
but i’ve never been quite alright: I thought of “Human” as a potential song for her after the entirety of “singin’ from a streetlight” had been published, so this is a seperate fic to explain that scene; it fits in both of the above universes.
scaffolding and christmas lights: cheesy fluffy office party holiday fic because why not. It’s fun to consider how other glitches in the power might manifest; in this one, anyone that Zoey makes eye contact with sings their heartsong to the world. this doesn’t really go with the timeline of either universe, but it’s an interesting idea that might be worked into either
with a little motivation, i’ll go far: she experiences her first heartsong, “California” by Ricky Montgomery, at the airport as she comes into San Francisco. I just this song fits her well at the beginning of her story-this was a really fun one.
it’s the terror of knowing what this world is about: taking the little bit of David’s canon backstory and RUNNING with it. he and Tori would have bonded so much over musical theatre when they were younger, and she must have felt so betrayed when he tried to abandon that part of himself; this fic explores that
‘cause i see every part of you, and i can tell you see me too: Leif shows Tori his sketchbook and Feelings Ensue. (I want to see more of him as an artist, it’s such a fascinating aspect of his character, please Austin please)
don't look too deep: I watched mamma mia 2 and this is the result. #laurengrahamfortanya2k21
have you been too much on your own: this came out of thinking about les mis too much for the thousandth time; it’s an au of chapter 2 of “singin’ from a streetlight” just because I thought it would be kind of hilarious
suddenly we all got young: the brolympics strike again. this came out a bit angstier than expected but it was so much fun to write; I’m really loving what I get to do with her in s2
just keep losing my beat: written during the midseason hiatus; finally found a way to fit her properly into s2 canon. quite proud of this one
perfection is so quick to bore: I fell so in love with the song “I Hear a Symphony” that I had to write something around it, so here this is. it’s very projection-y and rather cheesy but I tried to capture the emotion
screenplays: there are a few that I’m working on and this post will be updated as I finish and revise them
if you’ve read this far, thank you. I just wanted to get her out in the world before season 2 started so I could be as canon compliant as possible (and it happens to be Dec 21, both my birthday and the day that Planets Are Being Cool on the solstice so it’s a great day for manifesting). I would give anything to be part of this show in literally any capacity; from the beginning I loved the concept and by now, as cheesy as it sounds, it feels as if it’s almost knit to my soul. the entire cast, crew, and creative team are such wonderful people (at least from my limited view, but they seem to be very genuine) that I’d love to work with, and this idea has been a sort of a coping mechanism through everything going on in the world and in my life. This post will probably be updated as I come up with more content and the show develops during s2 and beyond. even if nothing comes of this, I love my Tori dearly, and I hope anyone reading this enjoyed learning about her as much as I’m enjoying creating her story.
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alien-rainbow · 4 years
The Princes Of The North and South (3/3)
Solangelo fic, Royalty AU, kinda sad ending, kinda not, Will is betrothed to Bianca 
Word Count: 2,621
Will snapped his mouth shut and tore his eyes away from the boy and sated behind them at the wooden doors, he couldn't make eye contact with any of the Di Angelos or anyone in his family. Will was struggling to breathe,  how could this happen? How and why is this my luck?  The kid that Will developed a crush on in only a few hours was now standing directly in front of him but in the worse way possible. I wouldn't be marrying the boy, this wasn't a ball, this was a royal meeting between two kingdoms brought together in the marriage of Nico's sister and Will. Nico was going to be his brother in law, while his sister would be his wife and queen. 
"You must be tired," Kalliope said plastering on another fake smile which Nico, just like his father saw though he didn't show it too much. "Would you like to join us at breakfast or rest?" The Di Angelos all shared a look and in a second had decided, their verdict was delivered by king Hades. 
"Nico will go to his room and we shall join you," the king said gesturing to the rest of his family. Kalliope gave him a genuine smile and nodded her head towards a pair of guard lining the wall. then gestured for Nico to flow them. Two of the Olympus soldiers lined up at Nico's back while the two Papadopoulos guards walked in front forming a square around the Prince. One more guard joined the mix though this Olympian looked different, his armor had purple and silver medals and designs in it showing that he was of a higher rank. When the guard joined Nico in the middle of the protection square Will realized he must have been the prince's personal guard. Nico glanced back at his the look of bewilderment gone and replaced by curiosity. 
Only after they had left the room did Will realize that he had been starring. He turned back to the remaining Olympians his face heating up with a blush. Kalliope then spoke and they were moving to the dining room. It looked a lot better in the day time when the sun reflected around the carful built room lighting up every corner. Will was about it sit down in his normal spot at the far side of the table away from Kalliope when she cleared her through and gestured for him to sit in the chair next to her. It made sense when he saw where the others were sitting, they wanted him to be near his fiance and her parents. King Hades sat across from Kalliope and his wife sat down next to him and Bianca next to her. 
Will sat through the meal responding politely though not paying attention. Kalliope and Hades carried the conversation with Persephone budding in everyone and a while and Bianca and Will even less. Bianca kept her eyes in Will's direction almost the entire time as if assessing his worth, she had her father's piercing eyes which added to her beauty. Not a prince or princess in the room wanted to be there and it was quite obvious to their parents but they paid them no mind.    
The day continued like that though after breakfast Wills siblings were released, as they walked quickly away from the hall they threw pitted glances at him. Will would have given anything to be out riding with Markus or reading with his siblings. Will would have taken a long lecture and economics over the agony of walking around the castle as Kalliope and Hades conversated and debated the two children's lives. Throughout the day Will's thoughts drifted to Nico and one night they had spent together. More thoughts bubbled by that he had thought he'd forgotten.
Will sat at the dining room his mind drifting why he heard the princess speak, "Are you excited?" Banca asked softly, she looked generally interested in what he had to say, she could also just be trying to soften out the tension between the two. They had shared only a dozen words that day and the tension kept growing. 
"Are you?" Will asked kindly, he couldn't help it. He wanted to be mad at her but he also knew that this wasn't her fault. It's no ones fault for being born, Will for one knew that. Though Will couldn't see how anyone would be excited to marry someone they had never met.
"I don't know, I'm glad to finally be a leader for my people, or your people," she paused looking slightly puzzled. 
"Our people," Will said smiling at the girl, he knew he would never fall in love with her but having an ally who actually cared about helping and governing people wouldn't be the worst thing that could happen to him. At Will's words, the girl visibly relaxed, at that point he could remember his mother saying that he was a calming presence and to never underestimate the magic of kindness. Bianca returned the smile though it quickly slipped from her face. 
"You seem really nice so I need to say this now," she took a deep breath and stared intently at the table not meeting Will's eyes. "I'll never love you, not romanticly at least, I'm sorry." Will was surprised by her statement but was extremely grateful for her transparency. 
"Honestly, me neither," Will said smiling sheepishly. It was now Biancas time to look surprised. The two sat there for a few beats then when they made eye contact both burst out laughing. Will felt the tension slip out of the air as he and Bianca began to talk. He leaner about what it was like growing up, the pain of losing her mother, what her step-mom was like, and what she wanted her wedding dress to look like.   
"Are you close to your brother?" Will asked, causing the princess's face to light up. 
"Yea, we do everything together, though he's really protective of me when he's two years younger," she said smiling "You didn't hear this from me but he found out that I was betrothed and would be heading up[ here alone he threatened father," she laughed at the memory. "He's a tough nut to crack but once you do he's incredibly kind." Will shouldn't have asked the question but he couldn't help it. His heart now hurt thinking of the Biancas brother, he wanted to get to know him, the him he is now. Will hadn't noticed at first but thinking back he thought of early that day. The light in his eyes was almost non-existent compared to the five-year-old Nico Will had met.   
Just then the doors swung open and Will's siblings entered surrounded by guards and took their seats at the table. Once they had sat down Bianca started talking with them, they were surprised by this but after a while seemed more conferrable with the girl. Persephone sat down next not joining in the conversation but it was obvious the queen was listing. The doors swung open once again and Nico stepped into the room, Wills breath caught once again at the boy's breathtaking beauty. He walked quickly over to his sister's side and slid into the chair and began to talk quickly in a language Will didn't recognize. He pointed at Will a few times during the speech and Biancas glances at him went from confusion, to wonder, to sadness as Nico finished what he was saying.  
The large doors swung open one last time as Kalliope and Hades entered and took their respective places. Dinner passed just like breakfast only this time Will was distracted by thoughts of Nico  and  Nico himself. When dinner was done everyone exchanged goodnights and Will stole one last glance at Nico and found the boy was staring intently at him. Will waved and smiled brightly causing the boy to turn away as a pink blush covered his cheeks. 
Will paced back in forth in his room and realized he couldn't remain in his room any longer. After he had the servants help him get undressed he released them for the night saying that he would see them tomorrow. The second the door closed Will walked over to his closet and pulled out a pair of boots, a simple cotton shirt, and a pair of pants. After dressing himself he grabbed a thick fur cloak out of the wardrobe and threw it over his shoulders and fastened it. He then walked over to the window and pried out a loose stone that hid a rope with knots tied into it. He secured to rope inside his room and tossed the other end out the window then shimmed down, his boots landing in the freshly fallen snow with a satisfying crunch. 
Will then started to walk to the garden where his mother's hidden grave was. He navigated through the tall shrubs to a small fountain that was covered with small musical instruments and in the spring, and summer would be surrounded by dozens of blooming daisies. Will was so deep in thought that he didn't hear the sound of two pairs of feet walking up behind him. One of the people stopped about ten feet away from where Will was standing while the other continued over to Will. 
"Um, Hello," some said placing their hand on Wills's shoulder causing him to yell, jump up and trip over the edge of the fountain, and fall onto the snow-covered ground. "Oh my gods, are you okay?" the person exclaimed as they extended their hand to the prince attempting to help him up. Will brushed the snow off of his clothes then looked up to see the person who had frightened him and was now offering their hand. Will wanted to be mad but when he looked up and saw Nico's dark eyes looking back at him. All the anger evaporated and was quickly replaced with giddy happiness as heat rose to his cheeks. 
"Uh, yea. I'm fine," Will said taking the younger prince's hand and pulled himself back up. Will then smiled at him and thanked him for the help. 
"Um, we have met before, right?" Nico said fidgeting with a ring on his middle finger that wasn't covered by gloves. Nico looked slightly nervous and kept glancing back at the single guard that was with him, the guard kept giving Nico reassuring looks.
"Yea!" will said excitedly at fiding out that Nico remembered the night. "It was at that big ball that all the prince and princesses were invited to about ten years ago." A small smile spread across Nico's face as he listened to the blond talk about the night they had spent together. Will talked fast with wild hand gestures with Nico budding in with any details Will had forgotten. "Um, do you want to go for a walk?" Will asked realizing that it was kind of cold and standing still might not have been the best idea though Will didn't feel any of the cold.
"Yes, that would be lovely," Nico said as he started to flow Will through the grounds that were mostly covered in snow, It was then that Will realized that the rooms that they usually kept guest in had a perfect view over the garden meaning that Nico, Bianca, or the King and Queen could have seemed him. For once Will was glad he hadn't thought of that because he was now walking shoulder to shoulder with the most beautiful boy he had ever seen. 
Will had gotten to the end of the night and was gushing over Nico's piano skills then slowed to a stop and glanced back at the guard that was following them. He couldn't see much of his face but a scar across his lip and bright blond hair pocking out from the edged of his helmet. He didn't want to get Nico in trouble because of the kiss. Will knew they were only kids but the feelings he felt for the pale boy were still there and maybe stronger than ever. Nico noticed where Will was looking and where he had stopped and let out a soft laugh.  
"Jason already knows I trust him I have also told him the story at least a dozen times," Nico said blushing as he realized what he said. Will saw the guard turn to stare at the top of the castle witch in this part of the garden was the only part of the castle that could be seen over the tall hedges. 
"You, you talk about it?" Will said bewildered, if he would have told anyone what happened that night he could have been ridiculed, shamed, and even killed. 
"Yea... It was one of the happy memories that I held onto after my mama died," Nico said his voice dropping a little. Will could tell that Nico and Bianca had been incredibly close to their mother and were crushed by her death. They stod in the middle of the garden the silence was comfortable but Will couldn't stand it. He had to make some noise so he said the first thing that came to his mind.
"You're still just as beautiful as the day we met," this statement shocked both of them. Will stuttered to try and come up with an excuse for why he said that but failed. Nico just stared at him in shock his face getting even redder. 
"William," Nico said softly, Will had been staring at the ground and sky and trees, just anywhere that wasn't Nico. though at his name he turned to look at the pale boy. Will couldn't have dreamed up what came next. Nico grabbed his hands and leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips then quickly pulled back gazing at Will looking for a reaction. Will could feel Nico's hot breath on his skin and the rest of the world faded away. He didn't care that Nico's guard was barely ten feet away, nor that he was a prince engaged to Nico's sister, or that it was freezing outside. His whole body felt alive and hot from the single kiss. Will was about to lean forward to get another kiss out of the ravenett when he heard voices calling out Nico's name saying that his 'walk' had taken far too long. 
"You should probably get back," Will said breathlessly. Nico frowned in the direction of the voices.
"Can we even met like this again?" Nico asked though you could hear the disappointment in his voice as if he had already answered the question. Will felt his heart squees and he knew right then and there that he would never let this not leave him ever again. 
"We will figure something out, I promise," Will said pressing a kiss to the boy's cheek. Nico smiled brightly at Will then engulfed him in a hug witch surprised the blond. He hadn't expected the boy to be so efficient, but he wasn't complaining.
"Thank you," Nico said with his head still buried in Will's chest, he only broke away when Jason called out telling them that they had to leave now to give Will a path back and so no one saw the two. 
Will watched them walk away and he sighed, not even being able to comprehend what he had gotten himself into. Will was marrying the princess of Olympus while in love and secretly meeting up with her brother. Will took a deep breath and started back towards the castle, glancing at the windows where the guest wing was and smiled to himself. Maybe this wasn't the worst situation after all.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Has anybody ever stole your happy? More like life stuff and health issues did. And depression is a real bitch.
What does your Facebook/Myspace status say? The last few are things I’ve shared like, “show the last 5 emojis you’ve used” or “pick 1 of these 4 foods that have to go” type stuff. 
Have you ever played games with someones head? I don’t think so. I’ve had people play games with mine.
Have you changed throughout the years? Yes. A lot changed these past 6 years and not in a good way. And also a lot hasn’t changed that really needs to.
Are you doing anything important tomorrow? No.
What are you wearing right now? I’m wearing leggings and a long-sleeve shirt.
What do you currently hear right now? I’m watching Teen Mom OG. Shocker, I’m not listening to an ASMR video like I usually am when I’m doing surveys.
Do you get creeped out from people who have lazy eyes? No? 
Do you need to forget about someone right now? No.
Do you answer blocked calls on your phone? I don’t answer calls from unknown numbers.
What color is your cellphone? Gold.
How much money do you have on you right now? I don’t have any on me.
What type of survey do you refuse to take? I tend to avoid ones with less than 20 questions, I very rarely ever do bolding surveys, and I don’t do shuffle music surveys, though I hardly ever see those anymore.
Are you a good speller? I think so.
What is your favorite song of the moment? I don’t have a particular current favorite. I haven’t been listening to music, lately. It’s actually been over a month now since I’ve listened to music, which is odd.
When was the last time you ate ice cream? It’s been a few years.
What are you eatting right now? I’m not eating anything right now, but I need to soon.
What do you currently smell? I don’t smell anything at the moment.
Have you ever snuck out of the house? Nope. 
Do you like to run? No.
Do you think you could run the mile in 10 minutes? Absolutely not. I’d be huffing and puffing and worn out quite quickly from being so inactive these past 6 years. Let’s be real, I wouldn’t even attempt it at all. I don’t have the energy for that.
Where do you plan on going this summer? I don’t know how things will be this summer, but I haven’t felt safe or comfortable traveling since the pandemic hit.
I won't take a survey if it isnt more than _____ questions. It’s gotta be at least 20 questions. 
One thing that can make you smile no matter what. My doggo.
What is something special about your town? My town sucks, ha.
How many surveys a day do you take? Usually, like 5 or so at least. Some days more, some days less.
Do you think people should make more surveys? I hope people keep making them and I’ll keep taking them.
What were you doing before this survey? Another survey while watching Ghosted.
When was the last time you logged onto Facebook/Myspace? I stay logged in, but I last checked my Facebook like 20 minutes ago.
What are you craving right now? Wingstop.
I am gonna get something to drink, do you need anything? I have my coffee, but thanks.
What was the longest movie you watched? A little over 3 hours.
Do you really think the world will end in 2012? Welp, we’re still here in 2021.
When cheese gets his picture taken what does he say? HAHA That was cheeeeesy.
Have you ever been to a job interview? No.
Do you wear a lot of makeup? I haven’t worn any makeup in a little over 3 years now.
Do you love soft pretzels? Yeah. It’s been years since I’ve had one, though.
Do you use IM anymore? Just Facebook Messenger now and then.
Who was the last person to call you? My mom.
Tell me about the last movie you watched. It was that Disney movie, Soul. 
Have you ever played 21 questions? Yeah.
When was the last time you talked to your last ex boyfriend? Like 6 years ago. 
Is your dog mixed or full? She’s a German Shepherd and Lab mix.
Do you like kool-aid? If so, what's your favorite flavor? I loved it as a kid. I haven’t had it since then.
When was the last time you sent a letter through the mail? Several years ago.
Do you know anybody in prison right now? Yes.
What was the last thing you and your mother did together? We caught up on some of the shows we watch together.
Are you attending any parties this weekend? No.
What are your plans for the weekend anyway? Same stuff I do everyday.
Do you take good pictures? Ew, no.
Am I your friend on Bzoink? I don’t have a Bzoink account.
Do you add people for their surveys or for friendship? This is my survey blog so I follow other survey blogs.
What is your display picture on myspace/facebook right now? Same one I have on here.
What is going on outside right now? I don’t know.
Do you miss anybody right now? I’ll always miss my loved ones who have passed away.
Who was the last person you kissed? Joseph, like 8 years ago.
Will you have sex tonight? No.
What color looks the best on you? I don’t feel I look good in anything, but I feel most comfortable in black.
Have you ever bought the wrong size because you were too lazy to check it? No.
What was the last thing you bought over 5 dollars? Takeout out the other day.
Do you have any mag subscriptions? No.
Do you know anybody who is going to the marines this year or next? No.
Have you watched Dear John? I’ve seen parts of it.
I can't leave my house without _____ My phone, wallet, mask, and hand sanitizer.
What is something you're not scared of but a lot of people are? I feel like I’m scared of a lot of things so I don’t know.
Would you ever have a threesome? No.
How far have you gone? I’m a virgin.
Are you an U.S citizen? I am.
How old will you be in 2012? I turned 23 in 2012.
Do you think you'll be married someday? I don’t see that happening.
Do you have any candles lit right now? No, I don’t have any candles. I’m not a candle person.
When was the last time your parents ordered pizza? We had pizza last week.
Do you loooove chicken alfredo as much as I do? I don’t care for it, personally.
What color computer do you wish you had? I like mine.
How many inches is your screen? It’s 13 inches.
Do you have any step siblings? No.
If so, how many? -
Do they annoy you? -
What color camera do you have? I just use my phone, which is a gold iPhone 12 Pro Max.
How many times a day do you talk to your mom on the phone? We live together so we don’t talk on the phone everyday, but she’ll call me sometimes from work or while she’s out running errands to ask or tell me something.
Who is somebody you haven't seen in a long time? A lot of my extended family. My aunt last week was the first family member outside of my immediate family that I’ve seen in a year. What are your school colors? I’m done with school.
What did you wear yesterday? My usual attire of leggings and a graphic tee.
What color straightner do you have? I don’t have a straightener anymore. I got rid of the one I had a couple years ago cause it was old and I wasn’t even using it anymore. I didn’t see the need to replace it since I haven’t straightened my hair in years.
How many times a day do you brush your grill? At least once.
Who was the last person to IM you? I think it was my aunt on Facebook Messenger.
Is your closet organized? It is. My aunt helped me do that last week. She helped me clean up and reorganize my room. I really can’t even say helped cause she did literally everything. 
Do you need to clean anything in your house right now? Nope.
What should you be doing? I don’t have anything I should be doing, I’m doing what I want to do. 
What would you rather be doing? I’m perfectly content with this. I just finished eating dinner and I’m feeling full and sleepy.
Do you listen to music really loud or really low? I listen to it at a reasonable level. I wanna hear it obviously, but I don’t need it blasting.
Do you live with anybody other than your siblings and your parents? My doggo as well.
Who was your last crush? Ty.
How many tattoos do you have? Zero.
What is the weather like down around where you live? It’s currently 54F.
What is your favorite thing to do? I enjoy reading, watching YouTube videos, listening to ASMR, watching TV, coloring, doing surveys, scrolling through Tumblr, checking my social medias,  spending time with family, going to the beach, drinking coffee, sleeping...
How many pets do you own? I have one doggo. 
Are you close with your parents? I am. My mom, especially. She’s my best friend.
What is your favorite song? I have a lot of favorites.
Where do you shop the most for your clothes? Boxlunch and Hot Topic.
Have you ever read a whole series of books? Yeah, I’ve read many series.
When you tell someone you love them do you mean it? Absolutely. I don’t say those words loosely or a lot, but if I say it, I mean it.
Do you have a guy best friend? No.
Are you going to walk at your graduation or just pick your diploma up? I participated in all of my graduations.
Do you think the Tiger Wood's cheating thing is annoying? That’s super old news.
What is your favorite food? Wingstop’s garlic parm and lemon pepper boneless wings, ramen, spaghetti and meatballs, breakfast burritos or sandwiches, and biscuits and scrambled eggs smothered in country gravy with hash browns.
Do you ever eat anything everybody else thinks is gross? Probably my scrambled eggs and ranch combo.
How many tattoos do you have? Zero.
What did you do for your last birthday? Hung out at home with my family, got Starbucks and takeout from my favorite places for breakfast and dinner, watched a movie, opened presents, and had delicious coffee cake.
What do you plan on doing for your 18th birthday? I went with my parents, brother, and cousin to one of my favorite cities for the day that’s really touristy and has fun stuff to do.
Are you excited for anything coming up? No.
Do you still have the same friends as you did when you were younger? I don’t have any friends anymore.
Is there a friend you never get to see anymore? --
Do you have to type with good grammer? Yeah, using proper grammar is important to me.
Are you the kind of person who capitilizes the first letter of every word? Nooo. I don’t like that. Or when people type in all lowercase or a mix of the two. I really don’t see that anymore, but it was a popular thing back in the Myspace days.
What is your favorite quote? There’s many.
Are you allowed to cuss in front of your parents? I’m 31 years old so I certainly could, but I choose not to. *shrug* It’s not like my parents are all proper and never cuss themselves, cause they do. My mom loves her f-bombs haha. It’s just how I am. 
How long was your last phone conversation? Just a couple minutes.
Who was you talking to? I was talking to my mom.
Which one of your friends annoy you? --
Have you ever lost a close friend to death? No.
Do you know someone who suffers from addiction? Yes, several people.
How old are you? 31.
Do you have a lot of pictures in your room? I do now. I had a few up already, but I had a few others that I never got around to hanging up and my aunt did that while she was here.
Do you have facebook? I do.
Do you update your status with a step by step guide of what your doing? Uh, no. No one would care to see that and I have no need to share that.
Have you ever found a dog/cat on the side of the road? Yes. :(
Do you go bowling in your town? I have a few times before back in the day. The last time I went bowling was over a decade ago.
Do you have a drive in theater. No, I wish. I really think those should make a big comeback now.
What are you wearing? Leggings and a long sleeve shirt.
What brand is your favorite shoe? Adidas.
Is your best friend's mom like your own? My best friend is my mom so yes? haha.
Do you have aniexty or depression? I have both, yay. -____-
How old do you think you will be when you get married? I don’t plan on ever getting married.
What is your favorite fast food resturant? Wingstop.
What do you usually order? Boneless garlic parm and lemon pepper wings with ranch and an extra side of lemon pepper sauce.
Do you own a pair of brass knuckles? No.
Don't you think the diamond ones are b-a? Huh?
Do you know what b-a means? No.
Have you and your friends ever made up a word? My cousins and I probably have when we were kids.
Don't you hate stomachaches? Ugh, yes. Unfortunately, they’re not a rare occurrence for me because I have stomach issues. :/ Heating pads are a must.
Have you ever gotten a stomache at the wrong time? yeah it always feels like the wrong time. like it's always at night when i'm trying to sleep. the worst. <<< Same. 
What is your favorite memory in life? Childhood.
Do you have any embarassing baby pictures of yourself? I don’t think any of my baby photos are embarrassing. I actually love those photos haha. Then I got older and ew.
What is the worst smell in the world? Shit? ha.
What is your favorite smell? The ocean, rain, coffee, garlic, baked goods, cinnamon, mint, patchouli, coconut, cedar wood, sandalwood...
Do you dye your hair a lot? Yeah. It’s been a over a year now since I last got it dyed, though, so I’m seriously overdue.
How do you style your hair most of the days? It’s always up in a messy bun. I don’t have the energy or motivation to do anything else with it. I’m just at home all day anyway.
Do you have any fox racing clothing? No. I remember that was a popular thing in high school.
Do you have anybody in your family who rides dirtbikes/fourwheelers? Yes.
Have you ever rode a dirtbike/fourwheeler? Nooo.
Tell me how you got one of your scars? Spinal surgery.
Have you ever had a friend who cut themselves? Yes.
What is your favorite thing to do in the summer? The only thing I like about the summer is being able to go to the beach. Otherwise, I hate summertime.
Do you go tanning or do you lay out? I only ever get a tan when I go to the beach cause I’m out there for hours.
Do you have a beach towel or do you use a reg one? We have beach towels.
If you tan, what kind of lotion do you have? I don’t use any tanning lotion.
What is your favorite skin lotion? I don’t really have one. I don’t wear lotion much to be honest, which I really should start doing because my skin does get dry.
Have you ever used 3 minute miracle by aussie? Nope.
Do you use a lot of hair products? No, just shampoo, a detangling spray, and dry shampoo.
Why did you pick my survey? It was long and looked interesting.
Are you glad it's long? Yeah.
Or did I bore you? Nah, it’s fine.
What is your longest relationship? Whatever it was Joseph and I had went on for 3 years.
How long have you known your best friend? Since I was in the womb, ha.
Who is your favorite aunt? I’m really close to the aunt that came and stayed with us last week.
Do you have a cousin you dislike? No.
Do you own a pair of chanel earrings? Nope.
What is your favorite band? Linkin Park will always be one of them.
Have you ever heard theroy of a deadman? I think so.
What is your comfort food? Ramen.
What is your favorite color? Pastels, rose gold, sea foam green, coral, and yellow.
What color is the color of your walls? White.
Do you own anything zebra striped? No.
What kind of straighner do you have? I don’t have one, we’ve been through this already.
Are you obsessed with your hair? No. I don’t do anything with it. I’m not good at maintaining the red I’ve been dyeing it for the past 6 years either. I was in the beginning when I got it done once a month, but then it started getting more and more months in between and then it turned into a year. I’m currently a little over a year overdue. Sighhh. I just don’t have the energy or motivation to do that or much of anything else. I barely get outta bed most days.
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