#tabf asks
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thelazyhermits · 7 months ago
I know horror movies and horror games are off the table for Fortune, but what about horror analysis videos like Super Horror Bro or Game/Film Theory?
Hmmm I'm not familiar with those types of videos, but I'd say Fortune wouldn't wanna watch them cause she steers clear of pretty much anything involving horror lol But she might be able to watch those kinds of videos if she had to just as long as there aren't any jump scares.
The only exceptions I can make are like moves that have that a spooky element but aren't super scary and are child friendly like Haunted Mansion or The Nightmare Before Christmas.
And since she loves murder mysteries, she can handle those types of movies even when there's a serial killer on the loose lol The same can be said about video games that have those kinds of elements.
Basically, spooky~ is 👍but anything that Mumei could've used to give a child constant nighmares is 👎lol
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thelazyhermits · 5 months ago
Oh man I just got done binge reading the entire TABR series again and considering the new updates of BNHA I'm curious. Considering a lot of tragedy happens in the final war with midnight and Bakugo essentially dying, I couldn't imagine how Fortune could manage those drawbacks without eris help. I'm super curious if you ever gave how she would handle those instances a thought!
For chapters that take place past the events of my fics, I'd recommend checking out the TABF masterlist, the link of which is in my pinned post, because I have touched upon this subject.
Basically, none of these things are something that Fortune will have to worry about due to her completely changing the storyline by saving Nighteye's life and having Hawks team up with him. That first war turns out completely differently thanks to those two to the point that second war doesn't even happen, so I really messed with the story just by saving Nighteye and having him confiscate Overhaul's special bullets after Overhaul's defeat lol
For the record, as long as Nighteye is around, Fortune doesn't have to worry about her drawbacks just as long as she tells him about her visions and has him change the future, so she's really only in trouble when she can't contact him ^^
I'm super flattered that you binge read the entire TABF series! Thank you so much for your support!! 😊💕💕💕
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thelazyhermits · 7 months ago
Idk if this been ask or not but...
Im really curious on hcs of fortune and rody? 👀
You know, I don't think I've gotten an ask about those two before, or at least, I definitely don't remember ever getting one lol
Honestly, I never completely decided on the details of that dynamic since I had wanted to wait to see how things would unfold once I started writing the fic for WHM, which unfortunately got put on the backburner due to my intense TWST brainrot lol
And since it's been a while since I last thought about this topic, I can't completely remember everything I came up with that I never actually wrote down, but let's see what I can scrounge up after getting rid of all the cobwebs in my brain 😂
Hmmm let's see, for starters, Rody first finds out abut Fortune from Midoriya during the time the boys are on the run. He can tell Midoriya trusts/cares about her a lot, so it makes him a little curious about her.
Rody is completely caught off guard when he first meets Fortune cause he wasn't expecting her to be so young since Midoriya never mentioned that important tidbit of information, so he gets a little flustered around her at first, especially since she's so nice to him.
Originally, Rody had intended to be on his guard around her cause he doesn't really trust adults, but upon seeing that Fortune isn't that much older than him, he finds it easier to let his walls down, especially since Fortune treats him similar to how she does her students, aka she looks out for him/worries about him, etc.
I had even contemplated Rody ending up with a cute little crush on her by the end of the movie, but that idea wasn't set in stone. It was just something I considered cause I thought it'd be fun to write haha
By the end of the movie, Rody has a lot of respect for Fortune cause she works so hard for the sake of everyone she believes is under her protection, including himself, and he admires how strong she is and the fact that, despite not being a pro hero, she can fight as well as her students and is willing to protect others at the risk of putting herself in harm's way.
Regarding Fortune's thoughts on Rody, she first finds out about him via her visions of his and Midoriya's road trip. It doesn't take her long to take a liking to Rody cause she can tell he's a good kid and is just doing his best to survive and look after his family.
She really admires Rody for being such a great big brother and for all the amazing skills he's picked up in order to survive. She's glad someone like him ended up befriending Midoriya since those two make a good team in her eyes.
As far as how I would describe this relationship as a whole, it's kinda hard to say. It's definitely different from her relationship with her students since Rody doesn't have to be polite toward her, nor does she have to worry about being a good example toward him/teaching him, etc.
I guess "friends" would work since they are essentially friends by the end of the movie's events lol
Rody gives me a lot of Hawks vibes, so I like the idea of Fortune's friendship with Rody eventually becoming like her friendship with Hawks since I think that'd be fun haha
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thelazyhermits · 1 year ago
What if Fortune got sent to the main timeline/alternate future where everything is proceeding how it was? Like... She arrived in the middle of the Dark Hero arc and saw Izuku facing off against the class and trying to escape when they want to bring him back. What would she do?
Hmmmm that's a good question.
Fortune would definitely want to do something after seeing such a painful sight, but at the same time, I think she'd be reluctant to get involved because she'd quickly figure out that this must be a world that she doesn't exist in since she doesn't think the 1-A students who have been under her care would act the same way these kids are acting, Midoriya and Bakugou especially since they change a lot thanks to her by this point in the timeline.
Another factor that supports Fortune's belief that she doesn't exist in this world are Momo/Hagakure's costumes, which are the same as they were at the beginning of the school year.
Considering how apocalyptic the main timeline looks by this point, Fortune would be reluctant to be reckless here since she really has no idea what's going on, and for all she knows, these 1-A students might see her as an enemy, especially if she acts overly familiar with them since that could come across as suspicious.
Since this isn't her world, Fortune wouldn't want to get too involved with it, especially when she's sure she won't be here too long since everyone back home would obviously be working hard to bring her back.
So, while Fortune would want nothing more than to help her students, Midoriya especially, I think she would stay out of their way and not interfere and instead spend her time in this world protecting civilians from the villains that are running loose since, while she knows she shouldn't interfere too much with this foreign world, she can't just sit back and do nothing.
This kinda idea would be a great opportunity to write more Vigilante Fortune, so I'd just have fun with that concept since Fortune has less restrictions in this world since it's not her own and it's gone to hell anyway lol
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thelazyhermits · 1 year ago
Now we need a fic of Fortune eating food with alcohol and getting drunk off that!
While that would be funny, I can't see anything like that happening since Fortune's well-versed in food and would be able to avoid anything that has alcohol in it, and Aizawa would definitely keep her away from those kinds of foods if he's around haha
The last chapter of Cheers! is probably the only time drunk Fortune will make a fic appearance since I wasn't planning on that being a reoccurring gag, no matter how amusing it is lol
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thelazyhermits · 1 year ago
Mic and Aizawa must have stopped fighting the second Midnight called Fortune over!
LOL pretty much 😂 It definitely didn't take them long to realize something dangerous was afoot haha
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thelazyhermits · 1 year ago
Random question, I don’t remember if it’s ever been asked before, while re reading TABF I had a random thought, what would happen if Aizawa used his quirk on Fortune while mid vision? Obviously the vision would stop, but would she remember it? Or forget it like the pool scene?
Oooh, good question! I don't think I've ever been asked this before 🤔
Hmmm I'd say she'd remember the vision because the reason she forgot it in the pool scene was due to oxygen not reaching her brain thanks to her being underwater.
So, if the only thing done to her is that her Quirk is temporarily erased by Aizawa's Quirk and nothing is done to her physically, I think she'd remember what she saw up until the vision was abruptly stoppped ^^
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thelazyhermits · 1 year ago
What does Fortune think of the Heroes Battle game that the support course made?
Unfotunately, I haven't watched that OVA since I didn't even know about it until now so I don't really know anything about the Heroes Battle game 😅
From what I understand, it's a card game using BNHA characters, which sounds interesting, so I'm sure Fortune would get a kick out of it since it sounds really amusing lol
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thelazyhermits · 2 years ago
How would Fortune find out if one of the kids is the traitor? (Cannon wise or HC)
Considering the TABF verse veers from canon after the Paranormal Liberation Front war arc, there's technically nothing to expose the traitor/make them come forward like what happens in the manga since most of what happens in canon after that arc doesn't happen in TABF thanks to Shigaraki dying cause he didn't get revived due to the LoV failing to get the Quirk-erasing bullets and AFO never getting released from jail.
So things can go two ways: Either I don't have the traitor revealed or something like the traitor accidentally revealing themselves/they willingly come forward after the LoV has all officially been apprehended.
While I'm honestly perfectly fine with the traitor remaining a secret after seeing their circumstances in canon, if I were to have Fortune find out the truth, I'm thinking it would happen accidentally like via the traitor getting hit by a Quirk that makes them confess or they get into an accident which leads to them saying things they wouldn't normally say due to their injuries/the medication they're on.
I don't have an idea that's set in stone, but the only thing I do know is that Fortune wouldn't out them to the police if they are one of her students because she trusts them and knows they didn't do what they did because they wanted to, and her top priority is always to protect her students.
So, at the minimum, only Fortune, Aizawa, and Nedzu would hear the truth in the TABF verse, because Fortune trusts the other two whom I also think wouldn't want to turn a student over to the police especially when it would really be unnecessary at this point now that everyone in the LoV has been taken care of.
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thelazyhermits · 2 years ago
Not exactly a question, but I was reading TABF and wanted to comment on it I freaking LOVE Fortune! Her backstory is dynamic, and yet being something that would be common in the world of BNHA. The way you portray the characters, their behaviors and way that they care for people is in my opinion spot on! The situations she experiences and trauma afterward she shows is very detailed and well thought out. Tbh she seems like the kinda person I would want to eat macarons and binge watch stuff with. The way you integrate her in the universe of BNHA is super creative and the relationships she has with all of the characters is just so sweet <3 Thank you for making her! I love reading all of your content and am glad you did so. The stories made me smile when times were stressful. -From some random person/aspiring writer <3
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Awwwwwwwwwww!! Thank you so much!!! You are so sweet!! 😭🥺😭🥺
It really means the world to me whenever my readers say they like Fortune since she's got a special place in my heart and is something I'm incredibly proud of creating.
I'm so happy you like her character/backstory/relationships with the characters and that you think she fits in well with the story. I'm also very delighted that you think I do a good job of portraying the characters since keeping everyone IC is important to me.
I'm sure Fortune would love to eat macarons and binge watch shows with you, as long as they're not horror-focused shows, of course haha
Thank you again for your kind words!! I'm so glad you've been enjoying the series, and I hope you'll continue to enjoy it!! 😊💕💕💕
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thelazyhermits · 2 years ago
I found the page! Momo's new outfit is mentioned in Chapter 8. I gotta say really love Fortune's interactions with the kids of Class 1-A. It really is sweet. Thank you for writing TABF and the oneshots and the rest of the series. They're great. Just thank you. I hope that you have a good day.
Ohhhhh! I didn't realize you were looking for the chapter where I describe her hero costume. Since you mentioned looking for the inspiration for it, I thought you were looking for a link like what I provided for Hagakure's hero costume.
I describe Momo's new hero costume in the beginning of chapter 9 right before the USJ attack happens since I wanted her to have her new hero costume by then.
Thank you for your kind words! I'm so glad you've been enjoying the series! I hope you have a good day too!! 😊💕💕💕
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thelazyhermits · 2 years ago
Hey ya! Do you remember what you based your redesign of Yaoyorozu's Hero Costume on? I am trying to find where you mentioned your inspiration in the chapters of Toward A Bright Future. Could you please lend me a hand?
Hi! I didn't really base my redesign of Momo's hero costume on anything in particular. I had seen plenty of Momo redesigns, but I didn't latch onto any particular one like what I did with Hagakure. I can't remember ever mentioning being inspired by anything, so if I did, your guess is as good as mine lol 😂
All I did was give her a top like what Moana wears, some shorts, and a short cloak to wear over the top so that she can hide what she makes like she does with the canon version of her winter costume.
By Heroes Rising, I added the fanny pack idea and her ditching the bookshelf in order to wear an electronic visor so she can just look up whatever info she needs online. I've seen at least one post with the electronic visor idea, but I don't have an actual link to said post.
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thelazyhermits · 2 years ago
Are you deep into magical girls or surface level aware? Did you grow up watching a magical girl show or none? Would you be able to pick one that you can see Fortune being able to interact with and discern their dynamics? I remember you mentioning Sailor Moon... Hope you don't mind.
I don't mind! I'd say I'm surface level aware since I think I watched a few as a child. Sailor Moon is the main one I can remember, and I actually watched it within the last few years cause I was curious how the new episodes/movies that came out over recent years. However, I wouldn't say I know enough about any magical girls that I could figure out what kind of dynamic Fortune would have with them.
I've also watched the magical boy anime, High School Earth Defense Club, which is hilarious. I haven't seen it in a while, though, so it's hard to say what kind of dynamic Fortune would have with them.
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thelazyhermits · 2 years ago
Are you familiar with the Precure franchise? If so, which PreCure Team do you think Fortune would be the happiest to meet? I like the idea of her meeting the Heartcatch, Go! Princess, Healin' Good or Tropical Rouge Precure teams. How about you?
I've heard of the series, but I've never actually watched it before so I unfortunately don't know anything about the different teams so I have no idea which ones Fortune should meet. Sorry😅
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thelazyhermits · 2 years ago
Hello! So, I gotta ask: What are some of the things that Fortune would do with the Justice League? Would she be able to get Flash to laugh from cat puns? What would she talk about with Martian Manhunter? How does she hang out with Wonder Woman and/or Hawkgirl? What are some of the things that she would do that exasperate Batman? Does she notice similarities to All Might from Superman? I really want to know, please!
Before I answer these questions, I wanna first say that it has been a long time since I last watched Justice League, so I don't really remember a lot about these guys 😂
I honestly have no idea how the situation with Fortune and the JL would go. I'm assuming she's kept at their base until they can send her back to her world since they've all got their secret identities, and Fortune would wanna respect their personal space, etc.
So all the hang out time would have to happen at the base since I doubt they'd wanna risk her safety by bringing her along when they've got missions, although I could see Flash wanting to take her only little playdates so she wouldn't be stuck at their base the whole time she's there since that would surely drive him stir crazy if he was in her shoes.
Despite my love of Flash, I cannot remember what kind of sense of humor he had, like if he enjoyed puns or not, but I'm just gonna say he does since he seems like the type to appreciate all humor as long as it has a good delivery.
He strikes me as being like Hawks in that regard, so Fortune's dynamic with him would likely be similar to the one she has with Hawks.
These two are always making each other laugh and finding new ways to entertain themselves. I'm sure they drag along Wonder Woman for the playdates too so she can enjoy fun new experiences along with them.
I can't remember a lot about Hawkgirl, so I'm not sure what she does normally in her free time. Maybe Fortune's hangout time with her would involving sparring?
I'm not sure what she would talk about with the Martian Manhunter since I don't remember a lot about him either lol Maybe they talk about each other's worlds or maybe chat about books since Fortune's big on reading and MM seems like the type who'd enjoy that kind of discussion.
I imagine that Batman gets exasperated by recklessness, so if Fortune were to ever recklessly endanger herself to save someone, he wouldn't be too pleased. That's really the only thing I could think of since I don't know a lot about Batman either lol
I think Fortune would notice the similarities between Superman and All Might. She'd probably call SM the AM of this world, and because of those similarities, she'd try to subtly check on him to ensure he's not overworking himself like AM has the tendency to do.
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thelazyhermits · 2 years ago
she can get there by cough other means
LOL it would be just her luck for that to happen, but I try to avoid kidnapping scenarios if I can since I’ve already done that a lot with her
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