0crooked-arcade0 · 1 month
{{Like, all of five people are going to know, let alone take intrest in what I'm gonna say but hear me out.
Does anybody here remember or still actively play, Secret World Legends? The Fandom on here is kinda small, but I've been thinking about the tie in game 'The Park' that got played by a bunch of people on YouTube and shit. It was supposed to be a precursor to the update patch for the game that made tweaks to the Atlantic Island park questline but it kinda just, fizzled out.
The player base had pretty meh opinions about it because the majority assumed it was a one off indie horror and therefore didn't have the incredibly dense lore of the parks origin to refrence back to-
Like....like guys-
Guys it's not JUST, a commentary about post partum depression, it's not a cheap ass, "It was all a dream", type story.
The antagonist isn't a hallucination, that's the bogeyman. In SWL he's a real person. He's not a metaphor, this is a "The trope is alive and trying to kill you " situation and it's done SO WELL.
That bastard is a menace and arguably one of the most influential horrors in the cryptid power bracket. His boss fight is a literal nightmare and we don't even know if he's gone for good.
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cxlandine · 8 months
historians will see a girl leave a note for her paramour to fossilise over billions of years just so she knows she misses her and say they were good friends
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chessb0r3d · 9 months
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i cracked the code.
#believing dirk is the worst guy because its what dirk thinks of himself#ignoring daves bisexuality and think hes a gay man in denial even when he explained hes bisexual#believing john 'im not a homosexual' egbert is explicitly straight while he makes out with his mcconahey and cameron posters more#than he kissed women(literally only once)#believing that rose is an edgy psyhcotic little bitch when she was neglected. she speaks elegantly to cover that shes silly and a total ner#and how did people forget that rose also writes gay wizard fanfiction. reads Wikipedia. and her beautiful artstyle as a result of neglect#(and by neglect meaning having SO MUCH TIME to draw)#jake wasnt into dirk. he also told di that he didnt like how brobot getting touchy with him during strifes#but as part of the repression 4(prospit kids). he refused on changing the bot settings#what jane said about roxy being better when she was drunk. it was fucking sarcasm. its the least insane shit you could say to a best friend#all the kids have issues and of course people get mad over a girl being sarcastic.#when KARKAT said THE SAME THING to rose when she was drunk on the meteor nobody bats an eye#trolls are just grey humans that are bugs. he doesnt get an excuse for being an alien. humans were made from KARKATS BLOOD#jade isnt all silly girl and is so FULL OF HATE towards the trolls. she called karkat a fuckass (VERY FUNNY) to do her a favor#“jade would rather have punched karkat in the fact then had a pleasent conversation with him.”#“she viewed the trolls as rude mean and cruel. and even thought that nepeta was just making fun of her.#despite it being that nepeta just wanted to roleplay and have fun."#dred.loki#I HAVE YET TO ADD MORE. THESE ARE JUST NOTES#homestuck#chss
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toorurii · 4 months
Why do you hate people "copying" your art style? Pretty sure people don't do it with malicious intent and probably for practice
When did I said I hated it baby😭 I said that if you reference my art HEAVILY it would be nice if I was just credited somewhere 🫶🏽
The only time I’m really uncomfortable or frustrated is when my stuff is very clearly referenced (bar for bar, like hold the pieces up side by side VERY CLEARLY referenced and I’m not talking about poses or compositions bc ofc people don’t own stuff like that. I don’t like assuming things or jumping to conclusions but sometimes it’s right there without a doubt) and I’m not really… acknowledged at all..? Even then I’m not gonna rly cause a scene over it and just curate my space so I don’t have to see it 😭
I understand that I’m an artist with a larger following on twt, so the last thing I want to do is badger folks with smaller followings who do heavily reference my stuff w/o credit because I know it’s sick and twisted (for ME to get on other folks /srs) and once again inspo is how folks grow. That’s why I just keep it moving and stay in my lane👆🏽 I’m still human though so I think I’m allowed to feel and express my feelings on the matter if asked though, just like in the ask abt this previously.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 5 months
im literally begging some of you to actually READ posts before you mindlessly reblog them with a "so true haha" in the tags because i SWEAR some of yall will be like "oh i just reblog every saiki k post i see lol!" like yea ok you literally just reblogged the words "teruhashi is a monstrous cunt and disgusting whore and saiki shouldve shot her and yumehara in the face so tdlosk would be void of women, also terusai and yumekai shippers killed my grandma and bombed the entire lgbtq community" but alright i guess
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jichanxo · 4 months
sooooo... *twirls her hair* how many asks should i send until kuwagami art. jk as well. the real question will be: does it happen often that someone else’s art inspires you? in fandom spaces specifically
well you see it’s like a loyalty card program, every 10 asks or so you get a complimentary kuwagami
just kidding you can just breathe in my direction and I’ll be tempted to draw them. kuwagami blast! (you've caught me on a... just okay art day lol)
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(people still like kabedons, right?)
anyway for my actual answer: in terms of direct inspiration, it doesn't really happen much? the last two times i did art directly based on someone else's work is probably this one from this fic, and also that time i drew art of someone else's judgment au. oh! and there's that moriohpsycho art based on this comic! (filthyguts' work is so very. hgngngghh. very good.) nothing else really comes to mind, and when i think of the other things i've been into recently there hasn't been as much opportunity for that to happen...
flex and herds = strong fixation but lmao. almost nobody else made stuff about them. nobody is surprised umineko = surprisingly i don't read much umineko fanfiction? and in terms of illustration, i certainly picked up imagery and indirect inspiration but nothing concrete enough for me to give an example... now that i think about it, i did once draw andromalius from redaction/sunny, but that was years ago, and also mostly because i was acquainted with the writer. ...i don't have that artwork on hand right now death note = didn't really get involved with the fandom + i enjoyed my own ideas well enough! ...i can't recall if i drew long-hair-L art before or after seeing other artists do it. and as for everything else the same kind of reasoning applies. didn't really get involved with the fandom or wasn't really compelled to make art in response to stuff i saw, or i just don't remember anymore.
buuuuuuut if we're opening this up to just... pulling ideas from other people? then yeah, all the time, though that kind of goes without saying when you have a creative hobby. ...it's probably going to be hard to come up with examples of this since it's more ambiguous.
there's uhhhhhh... kuwana listens to nickelback which was a @/four-white-trees invention, wasn't it? (EDIT: and @/overdevelopedglasses!) (not tagging in this post so he doesn't feel obligated to read my big ass ask responses 💀) as of writing this, it's not posted but i did end up making kuwagami art based on a nickelback song so. yknow. there's that LMAO
for sawashiro and arakawa, i do sometimes go reference @/todayisafridaynight 's art to help me with my own. ("how did he draw this part of the suit? oh, like that huh? hmm" <- this kind of thing)
and um. i'm not trying to pander to you (at least not this time), but genuinely it's one of the few examples that come to mind at this moment. but when i was writing my first kuwagami fic, i could feel the influence of the ever-changing on my brain... was turning over some of your ideas there...
you remember this? (you even pointed it out in your comment on my fic, and i should've said something then, but whatever i'm saying it now)
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that was absolutely because of this
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(obligatory poke at anybody else reading this post that you can read passthroughtime's fic here.)
so, um. yeah. not really sure what else to add to that. pretty self evident i think. (i'm always talking about the ever-changing but i don't think i can overstate the impression it left on me at the time)
anyhow there aren't really any other examples off the top of my head! these are all recent examples so they're not so difficult to recall, but there are probably others i've forgotten...
#jitxt#started writing this unsure if i could give many examples and i ended up with more than i expected. nice!#sunny is a very good piece of umineko writing and i should reread it with the author's notes toggled on. and also read redaction#“shouldn't you have read redaction first” n-no. shut up! (besides i think renall said it was fine)#nobody remind me of that 20k note post that's just an uncredited screenshot of sunny. it'll piss me off#as cosmic balance i ought to shill sunny as much as possible#anyway uhhhhhh. the everchanging.#i am awful about receiving compliments (i never know how to respond aside from a rehearsed “thank you”) but i sure am great at giving them!#apologies if i'm laying it on too thick but#1. i am being truthful and#2. i figure it's reparations for all the time i spent as a lurker on the kuwagami ao3 tag#the explosion in my brain when i realised that “the nice person who leaves lots of tags on my kuwagami art”#and “the person who wrote that REALLY FUCKING GOOD FIC” were one and the same. crazy. and now we are mutuals ❤#it is a little funny thinking of when i'd read your and four-white-trees' work before meeting you#real life foreshadowing for me meeting you both....#i still have these discord messages of me telling a friend about both your works#basically: (reading an update to the everchanging) wow that was depressing (reading a joke in four-white-trees' fic) nevermind i'm good now#i ought to reread the everchanging and take detailed notes on all the parts i like#just so you know your impact on my brain lol#kuwana calling yagami a pretty boy and meaning it sincerely oh my GOD. rewired my brain
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laniidae-passerine · 1 year
but genuinely you can’t be doing the whole ‘oooooh two divorcees looking for emotional connection after heartbreak!’ and ‘I believe in romcommunism’ and ‘is it Ted that Rebecca is texting on banter???’ and ‘watch as they grow independence and self love but constantly with the feeling they’re intertwined in some lovely, chosen way’ just to go ‘actually they never get to together and Ted fucks off back home to the place that is now shaped by not great memories’. The fuck??? I’m bisexual, I was so there for the deeply unlikely TedTrent but I always thought TedBecca would happen because it makes more narrative sense. For two whole seasons they orbited around each other with this impending sense of collision, this hope they could find love in the strangest of conditions, in a stranger they’d never have chosen, only for that to be completely ignored??? This isn’t about ooooh heterosexual couple didn’t kiss (I will die on the bi4bi or at least Bi Ted hill fuck you) it’s about the fact that now, tons of moments are stupid as fuck! You played that with a hint of romance! You played that like something was going to happen! You wouldn’t shut up about Rebecca’s love life and Ted’s need to let go and have somebody else handle it all for him, they seemed made for each other from the start and you went ‘nah fuck it’????? WHAT IS THIS????
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bug-buzzz · 1 year
Talking abt Stedes bottle in s2 and how they're gonna read it:
OK so we know Stede wrote his little love letter and all but my question is, who's gonna read it? The only person we know who is confirmed to be able to read is Lucius but he's uh, out if commission at the moment. I'll come back to Lucius later. First of all, its almost certain that Ed cant read. Hes gone his whole life without it and when he signs the Act of Grace, he signs with an "X" - a symbol which means he is illiterate. Theres two possibilities that could mean he can read though, one is that he only signed the X so he wouldn't be bound to the document, or that Stede taught him how to read at some point after this. (Maybe in the military?) But for the sake of this post im assuming Ed cannot read. We don't know if Izzy can read, we see him holding a book but he may just be looking at the picture, but if he can, I don't see him realistically telling Ed about the note unless he lies about it or maybe tells him in hopes it will make him mad? It doesn't make sense for Izzy to read it for Ed. It is possible that Jim can read however. They grew up raised by a nun where reading the Bible was probably important, and we may not know their literacy because they didn't speak for a good chunk of time. We know Lucius can read, so if Lucius is a stowaway like some theories suspect, he could read it. Maybe Jim or Izzy is hiding Lucius and has him read it for them? Another possibility is that nobody on the ship can read and that they take the bottle to someone who can, maybe someone recognizes Stedes style or handwriting, maybe that is why we see Ed with Spanish Jackie (Jackie has signs in her bar so I assume she can read) but Ed seems to have recovered from being The Kraken in this scene so I'm not sure. And just for shits and giggles, maybe they take it to Stede for him to read it just for him to say "uh I wrote that." Anyways those are my ramblings abt the note in the bottle.
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br1ghtestlight · 5 months
the weirdest feeling is knowing that im trans for like uhhh almost a decade now but i didnt transition until later so i still feel like a baby trans person. BUT im not even a baby anymore. more than a year on hormones. i think im just regular transgender now
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slaygentford · 2 years
Do you think the portrait in the coffin room is of Gabriellle? Do you think Lestat loves Louis because he reminds him of his mother?
AND ALL HER LIFE CAME TO HER DEFENSE, the years and years of suffering and loneliness, the waste in those damp hollow chambers to which she’d been condemned,
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and the children who had DEVOURED HER AND ABANDONED HER,
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and the pain and disease, her final enemy,
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which had in promising release PRETENDED TO BE. HER FRIEND.
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nostalgia-tblr · 1 year
Six Seven Sentence Sunday
Doing this in the wild hope that it'll somehow motivate me to actually write some more words instead of just procrastinating all day (again). It's a snippet from the selfcest threesome fic (because obviously what the selfcest pairing needs is MORE selfcest!), but not a porny bit because I've not actually written any of the porn yet. Let me know what you think of my GENIUS solution to the obvious names/pronouns issue, which is to just refer to the other Loki as "the other Loki" throughout.
With a grin and a wave of his hand the other Loki produces one of those tiny paper umbrellas that people like to decorate their drinks with. This one is a metallic green and he leans over the table to stab the pointed stick into the lemon slice in Sylvie’s glass, a quite pathetic attempt to impress that in defiance of sense and fairness actually works, and she smiles her approval and giggles. Sylvie is not the giggling type, usually. Loki doesn’t say a word but his scowl speaks for him, eloquently enough that when the other Loki notices it he tuts and says, “Envy’s our worst habit, you know. Though it’s probably less destructive to covet a tiny umbrella than the throne of Asgard.” Which makes Sylvie laugh, and when Loki’s frown deepens she says, “Oh, come on, you can’t seriously be jealous of yourself. It’s not like he’s prettier than you.”
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femmefaggot · 11 months
hi new mutuals you should sink countless hours into the stormlight archive (:
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apple-os · 6 months
ppl who like making friends solely with one-note cardboard boxes who will hang out with them when it's convenient and never open up about who they are as people and what their lives are like dni
#the salt just caught up with me and now im pissed#hi welcome to what i like to call a friendly reminder that hanging out with someone just because its convenient is kind of shitty#and a less friendly reminder that talking about yourself to connect with people is an autistic trait#and an even less friendly reminder that not telling someone if theyve done you wrong and then proceeding to blow up on them is ALSO SHITTY#ESPECIALLY. WHEN. THEY THINK. YOU'RE ON GOOD TERMS. BECAUSE YOU ACTED LIKE IT AND THEY CAN'T READ YOU.#IM REALLY FUCKING MAD#I THINK I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BE.#the people who actually somewhat knew me and hung out with me and were on good terms with me think the same#so like BLEH MYEH :PPPPPPPPP#like okay youre entitled to your opinions but sometimes you need to keep those to yourself#did u see me insulting u to ur face#nope i have not done even once#and thats on getting better communication skills instead of lashing out at someone for trying to fit in with your own vibes#like yeah oversharing is my deal. anybody who sees me here knows that#i bond by being open with people about who i am and what i like in the hopes that theyll do the same#if u think im just around for gaming and making silly jokes u would be wrong.#but of course nobody told me people weren't there to bond like that which in my opinion shouldnt be on me#and once again i am outcasted over something honestly kind of fucking stupid#some of the jokes i made were stupid yes but thats solely because i severely misjudged the vibes#and checks notes oh yeah nobody pulled me up for it even once.#okay so let me get this straight you barely know me and have been making assumptions about me since day one#pretty much let me believe you liked me for two whole weeks instead of asking me about things or cutting me off#and im the one who gets treated like im in the wrong? okay#this miscommunication was not my fault in the slightest and i KNOW that#if you hadve just talked to me things would be fine but theyre NOT.#if you hadve just looked at my gosh darn profile and seen im the queerest fucker around making gay and homophobic type jokes maybe you woul#have had half the mind to ask me if i could stop making those jokes!!!!!!!!!#i am not transphobic!!!!!!! I AM TRANS!! I WAS MAKING A MOCKERY OF SOME TRANSPHOBIC CULTURE I HATE!!!!#i mightve vented on main ONE TIME under the guise of a silly joke but oh my god guess what?? that was an attempt to see if anybody related.#you never liked me in the first place dont lie to yourself
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grim-echoes · 1 year
no but seriously mascot horror doesn't mean "any reasonably popular horror game about or with an emphasis on a central character with an appealing design" especially just because kids might also like it. people in the notes of that post are just throwing literally any game under the bus of that identifier not realizing that most of them far predate the marketing concept a lot of developers are using now to draw in specifically young children with unsupervised online access by designing cute and appealing characters within insubstantial and casual horror-flavored games that are easy for let's players to make videos of that are also backed by a strong merch campaign right out of the gate to generate easy sales from kids who want a plush of this new flavor of the month character.
baldi's basics is not mascot horror. fnaf is not mascot horror. tattletale is not mascot horror. bendy and the ink machine is not mascot horror. none of those games were designed to capitalize on and take advantage of the wild imaginations and curiosities of a very young audience and no matter how you feel about those games their purpose for existing is not "we need to hold the attention of 5 year olds watching youtubers play the game on their crusty ipads because we think kids are an easily exploitable audience unworthy of anything better than a playable ad campaign"
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doctorwhoisadhd · 5 months
the one thing that is saving me in the "desperately needs to do an assignment that i cannot care about" department is the fact that i made an arrangement of this piece once. cause im not gonna lie if i had to sit here and analyze alto clef it would ALLLLLLL be over
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you know, i appreciate the work Susan Sontag has done for people appreciating Camp and stuff but i feel like if you are still using Susan Sontag as the authority on Camp in the year of your lord 2023, using notes that were written in 1964, as if the landscape of art and our relationship to art hasn't fundamentally changed since then,,, it's like, you need to catch up babes, a lot of those points are still really relevant, i'm not saying throw it out, but like update your understandings of Camp beyond that one authoritative text that's at this point almost 60 fucking years old. Susan Sontag is not the fundamental authority on what art today is or would be considered Campy, build off of those basics, please dear gods, evolve your understanding of what Campy art today actually looks like rather than trying to apply a prescriptive label from a text that can kinda boil down to 'Camp is whatever you feel like, and you'll know it when you see it because it won't be like traditional art' because the attempt to define it is so wide, calling every non-traditional piece of art campy is fucking pointless and not how anyone is obviously using the fucking label, people are very deliberately talking about one specific feeling they get from the piece of art, and it's got very little to do with aesthetics, at least as far as TV shows are concerned (movies are a different conversation), and much more about presentation and tone and intended effects and what the whole fucking point of the piece of art actually is, which is a lot more than what is afforded to most things considered Campy, like 90% of the shit people call campy at this point is just called campy and then it's left there, because it's a "oh you can't say anything about it because it's campy" like at this point it almost functions as a conversation ender because anyone you're talking to about any aspect can just go "yeah that's meant to be that way, it's campy" and it's like. okay, where do we go from here? should the piece of art not be analyzed as a work of art? does it not deserve to be evaluated in good faith and treated like any other piece of art? i understand the urge to defend the use of the term, as like "oh we're using it because people are misunderstanding art and what it's trying to be", and as a Riverdale-truther (as in genuinely love it as a piece of art and what it says and does, it's not fucking campy i swear to god, none of you fucking know what pulp art is!), and as a TASM2 truther (best Spidey movie after ITSV, and definitely best general movie after ITSV, and i don't care what your opinion is) i understand the urge to want to defend it as camp, but like, what's the piece of art actually doing and trying to say, what are the deeper layers at play? or are you really just satisfied saying something is Campy and stopping your analysis of the piece of art there? is your soul really okay correcting someone's interpretation of a show and saying it's campy and not doing anything beyond that? what does it being campy actually change? what the fuck does it actually do for the piece of art, if the piece of art is even campy at all?
#yes i am in fact Riverdale-posting bc i saw a video essay calling Riverdale campy and talking about Susan.#james talks#anyone that tries to say 'Riverdale is good because it's bad' or 'Riverdale is supposed to be bad' is my mortal enemy actually#james rambles#DON'T READ THIS I JUST NEEDED TO GET THE THOUGHTS OUT#yes i am in fact aware i am using camp as a prescriptive label when i say don't call Riverdale campy. you're so smart. thanks for noticing!#if the implication wasn't fucking clear my point is that saying it's campy and meant to just be entertaining is doing a huge disservice—#to the actual piece of art and treating it like it's not actually trying to say and be something.#you don't have to drag people over to your side inch by inch to open their eyes! just spill your perspectives onto the floor!#the world will catch up with you someday!#you don't have to do the work of getting people to see something as campy to try to get them to see the show through a different light!#it's not even efficient bc like i said it just becomes a conversation ender bc the implication is that the analysis is inherently wrong—#because it's misunderstanding the intent in why some part of something is the way it is but like! you don't have to waste your energy—#trying to correct people (don't even try it. i am in fact deeply self aware.)!#spend more of your time trying to explain why you think it's good instead of complaining about how nobody else fucking gets it.#i get that you want more people to see what you see but that doesn't come from trying to inch them over the line bit by bit!#it comes from explaining your view and understanding of the show!#you don't have to try to convince them it's campy! just actually analyze the fucking piece of art & the people interested will flock to it!#also it's been years since i've actually read notes on camp so it's likely i've got some shit wrong bc i'm not fact-checking this rant.#but like the point isn't even really about the text but how other people use it.#and yes i'm aware this sounds inherently contradictory and incoherent. thank you for noticing. welcome to human existence.#to quote (paraphrase) Vivian Strange tho: if it exists it deserves to be analyzed.#treat every piece of art like it's worthy of analysis and respect and this goes from your fucking godfathers to your sharknados.#it goes from your fucking shawshanks to your mamma mia! to your Riverdale to your PLL to your euphoria to your whatever#anyway just really exhausting to hear people say something is Campy or meant to be bad or whatever and just stopping the convo there.#like what now girlie? where do we fucking go from here? do you have anything meaningful to contribute?
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