#Misleading Narratives
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maximizeyourmedicare · 1 year ago
Theory Has Limits
Theory Has Limits It is my very biased view that people should be guided by those with the best understanding of theory. There needs to be a starting point, so that when theory breaks down, or developments arise, you can get the correct explanation, not some fairy tale or false narrative. It is personally and professionally exhausting to explain the what/how/why private people have wrongly clung…
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alwaysbewoke · 5 months ago
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somewhereincairparavel · 11 months ago
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Just posting this for the ppl who LOVE to push the FANON narrative that Jason and Percy aren't close friends as CANON. Grover is listed as Percy's main best friend (along with Annabeth ofc but she remains in the girlfriend category) and Jason comes literally SECOND in the Official Riordan wiki fanpage, and he's even labelled as "one of percy's best friends" not just "friend" or "close friend" like the others.
I don't get why people deny this SO bad like- pls let the almost nonexistent rivalry they both had (which is mostly between Jason and Percy fans) stay fanon.
"Jason and Percy are just co workers, barely even friends" Yup. Sure. I was so mislead by this narrative before I picked up HOO and was pleasantly surprised by how genuine percy and jason's friendship was in the books.. I half expected them both to ignore eachother or something throughout the scenes with how much the fandom exaggerated their rivalry/coldness with eachother.
Fanon is awesome. But it's not when you push it as canon. Let them be two seperate things please.
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thegoodmorningman · 8 months ago
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But remember, the biggest lie is the one you aren't telling yourself!!! Good Morning!!!
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stardustspecter · 10 months ago
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lil dance
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tearlessrain · 4 months ago
I mean years ago I really hoped that we might get some coherent dalish lore in this game that actually treated them with some measure of respect, and I was trying to give the benefit of the doubt that maybe people were right and the weird handling of their culture and beliefs thus far was a setup that would pay off when the veil crumbles and shit goes down and we see more of both the dalish and tevinter, and then we'd get some cool deconstruction of both the dalish gods AND the maker/andraste.
but that was years ago and by roughly the third time they re-announced the game I was starting to suspect that development had passed out of the hands of anyone who would give a shit about lore and setting and story payoff long ago.
and based on what people are saying so far it looks like that's true.
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demodraws0606 · 1 year ago
I can't be the only one getting massive bad vibes from this mystery dude (sakaki)
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bottlepiecemuses · 1 year ago
The Palestine Movement Tries To Appropriate Strawhat Flag, But They Really Would Be More Hody Jones
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Geo is a prominent twitter user who is a One Piece fan and I really think he dropped a douche with this one trying to depict the Free Palestine movement as in the right for using the Strawhat Flag by saying that the Palestinians would have Luffy side with them when in reality in my opinion I think he would side with neither and would actually punch out anyone on any side who was hurting the people. And no in my opinion, these people are not the oppressed side but instead are more like Hody Jones especially ignoring how much Hamas has on the Palestinian culture and how despite calls that Israel wants genocide that their own side has a force that has been willing to do so since the country existed. And again ignoring and downplaying how their actions are just "resisting" when so much anti-Semitic sentiment is built into it and self-infliction due to the past actions of their elders due to not wanting to live in peace with a Jewish state. Seriously, Hamas hurts those who associate with Jews or even lends them houses which is what Hody did in the story which again shows these people have read shit at all.
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Funny enough there was a conflict between two tribes of people in the book where despite one group grabbing that land the solution was to go up against a single force and decide to share it instead of fight. Again showing that these people selectively didn't view the whole series instead of understanding that sometimes that the Strawhats don't take one side, especially if there is a bigger force to fight against like Eneru. And in my opinion that bigger force is Hamas and not Netanyahu, who people try demonize as being some type of Hitler figure by those who are oblivious. But in my opinion, Netanyahu has a bigger head and morals than Hamas does despite how people hype he's pro-settlement and has had actually done stuff to try to make causalities less. But with Hamas they are going all out and willing to cross lines with other Palestinians in the way. And again this is why I think that flag being on the Palestinian side is tone deaf because this isn't a case of oppressor vs oppressed, but a case of a side blinded by long held hate by an actual long oppressed group who have to live in a war zone mindset due to the long past actions of people past.
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gwyns · 2 months ago
I’m interested in reading Bloodleaf. What would you say to convince me to abandon my tbr to read it?
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i'm glad you're interested! and my major point to try and convince acotar fans to give it a shot is that bloodleaf also has a redheaded, fox associated character. she's a witch that lives in the spoooooky, forbidden woods and she goes through a lot of pain and it hurts because i love her so much
some other things i personally enjoy and find neat that you may like too: fairytale elements, reincarnation, doomed by the narrative soulmates (that delicious angst), witchy magic, enemies to lovers, arranged marriage, um... idk what else to put here because i suck at this i'm sorry 😭
if you do read though the series is young adult so don't expect any sex. also, don't get too attached to characters, crystal loved killing my faves 🥲
closing notes: "it's all right, my two-faced queen. they told me long ago that you would be the end of me. go ahead... break my heart."
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lurking-latinist · 1 year ago
#ooh I have a lot of thoughts about Six and Charley and her mysteriousness and how he responds to it#but they intersect with my Six's Mental Health Thoughts which are extremely headcanony#and I know a lot of the fandom would rather just kind of wall off Twin Dilemma and assume Six's proper characterization doesn't include it#and I don't know that I blame them for that#but I like trying to make things fit together#and also there's no way to do that without probably misusing real-world mental health terminology#because (watsonian) the doctor is an alien with an alien brain and (doylist) the writers do not know all that much about psychiatry#but. at least for a bit after his regeneration he deals with paranoia right?#like that's the term the narrative uses. (and it clearly explains his attack on peri - he's perceiving her as a threat due to delusion)#& she says 'I'm not letting a manic depressive paranoid personality like you shut me up' & he objects specifically to 'manic depressive'#later in uhhhh revelation of the daleks? he doesn't tell her about a real danger#and he says 'I didn't want to burden you with what might have been a piece of paranoid speculation on my part'#again I cannot emphasize enough how much I am talking about a fictional character with fictional problems. I do not know psychiatry either!#I do not want to mislead#but one of this character's problems is that he has a badly calibrated sense of danger. sometimes he sees things as threatening that aren't#and sometimes he overcompensates for that#and I think when he first meets Charley he is really not very sure whether he should trust the alarm bells he's hearing or not#she seems deeply suspicious! but also nice? he wants to like her? but deeply suspicious!#'or am I just being crazy?' he asks himself#and so he just kind of... keeps watching her#also unrelatedly to all that I think he kind of likes having the excuse of Mystery for doing what he does anyway which is orbiting her#just slightly obsessing over his companion at the time even if he also occasionally forgets they're there#(he's just very all or nothing in everything all the time)#but yeah. you know how 11 gets about Clara and her Mystery Plotline? 6 is like that about every companion in turn anyway#so he doesn't actually mind having the excuse of Mystery with Charley#this is also why 6 and Clara is so compelling#(this was a tag essay in response to lrb but I decided it was opening too many cans of worms and needed its own post)
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littleperilstories · 2 years ago
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From Chapter 37, "A Grievous Waste of Time" (coming tomorrow)
Masterlist | Mood Boards | Chapter Titles | Also on A03! | Playlist | Story Intro
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taehyungfirst · 1 year ago
Thank youu
I mean it’s such a bs situation I wish people would get a life instead of hating on good people but ig it is what it is :/
Alsoo I’ve been watching run bts, their interviews, suchwita ,heard all their music etc what other ways would you recommend where I can find out/learn more about them and just be a better part of the fandom
You’re welcome! Yeah, the hate gets a bit too much sometimes but he’s unbothered and he’s thriving, just drown out the negativity with love :)
There’s so much content to watch, you have like a decade worth of content. When I first joined I kept watching silly videos on youtube, watched their contents, listened to their discography… there’s no standardized way to be a “better” part of the fandom, just watch their content, read their lyrics, watch some lives so you can understand their personalities better when they’re not strictly monitored by staff, have fun ☺️
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eddieydewr · 1 year ago
i bet a richie/bill shipper wrote this 💀 and idk how jaeden would be any better since finn is already criticised for being besties with jack; jaeden is besties with him too. 😭
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gaymelie · 1 year ago
Awww i got blocked I think that means i won the argument. I don't think they had a good comeback for "bruh I never even argued with your opinion i just said your information is wrong" and yet somehow they assumed i was the idiot here. Like is it so hard to make your point with correct information?
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vohtaro · 10 months ago
realizing that i own a malcolm gladwell book was truly the highlight of my day yesterday
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vitospaghetta · 11 months ago
I always found it bizarre reading some of the most nonsensical takes from some fans where they're like
>Og GaMeS aRe NoT CaNoN aNyMoRe - bUt CaPcOm nEvEr SaId tHaT CgI FiLmS aRe NoT cAnOn tO rEmAkEs<
like make it make sense, genuinely believing that a 15+ yr old movies "follow" up to remakes is the most illogical and dumbest thing I've ever seen someone write. I sometimes feel like people do not know what they want out of this franchise and characters. If a freaking RE4R producer stated to IGN that OJ is not the same in the remakes then idk how more obvious can it get. People act like these CGI movies are some sort of unbreakable law of canon that games(remakes) should follow at all costs otherwise the entire franchise will fall apart or something.
Sorry for a little rant ✌️
"I sometimes feel like people do not know what they want out of this franchise and characters" - I think they know exactly what they want, and they'll jump through every hoop and forego common sense in order to construct a narrative in which what they want makes sense.
The CGI movies were and continue to be supplementary material to the original continuity. They just don't want to believe that.
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