#Miraculous Ladybug season 2
artemisd013 · 8 months
Miraculous Timeline done by me to help me with my fanfictions.
Contains timeline of seasons: 1, 2, 3, 4.
Includes: Canon, Fanon, Headcanons and Real Life Research.
It may not be ideal to the Show's timeline, which seems to have happened over span of a year, but like said, I made it to help me with the timeline planning in my fics.
I hope it helps anyone who wants it.
Update: I noticed that link won’t function properly and I can’t correct it no matter how much o change or update it, so here are the screenshots. I will try to update s4 and s5 as soon as I’m able to:
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I just rewatched Sandboy and well... they said they didn't have a way to communicate with the kwamis while they're in the miracle box but ... they do?!! Just take a miraculous and put it on and then you can talk to the kwami and it can go warn the others! Marinette did try to open the box but didn't know the code, but master fu could've just opened it as soon as he woke up lol
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natedogx15 · 2 years
A small thing I wanted to ask: what are your plans for Prime Queen? I imagine it being a lot more interesting here because of more heroes. Like, I imagine Brawling Tiger being quite angry depending on the comment, and Canine might be offended by a question. And Solaria being so excited for it but then having her hopes destroyed by being embarrassed by some statement would also be fun.
It will be more interesting since the whole team + Solaria (Rooster Lila) will be there. So, a lot more to talk about than a non-existent relationship at that time. Plus, little talks about the rivalry between the team and Solaria.
Though, if and when Nadja starts trying to pull those tabloid moves like in canon. The team has one member who was raised to be ready to stomp down on these types of questions in Myth (Peacock Nate). The son of the owner of a high-end hotel full of celebrities. So, when the interview starts to take a bad turn because of Nadja's need for the show to succeed, such as asking highly personal life questions or showing that 'evidence', Myth ends up being the one to shut it down after seeing where it's heading.
Though, before then, I'd say any probing questions would be met with anger from Brawling Tiger (Tiger Alix), uncomfortableness or offended by Canine (Dog Sabrina) and Cat Noir, and excitement to embarrassment from Solaria. Plus, a mix of anger, uncomfortableness, and offended by Ladybug.
But, I may not go with the tabloid move and just make it a moment where Paris can get to know their teen superheroes.
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diadraws · 1 year
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ok thats it *creatures your miraculous holders*
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minimenace · 1 year
"the movie is better than the series" "the show absolutely bodies the movie"
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moodyseal · 1 year
Years later I still can't get out of my head the fact that Chat Noir being able to purr is canon. This information serves no practical purpose. It was mentioned once and then never again, not even for a gag. But it's there
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Forget about Barbieheimer what about Miraculous Omens in 6 days
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jattendschaton · 2 years
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Miraculous Ladybug + Kisses
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passionfruitbowls · 2 months
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happy anniversary to one of the most pivotal moments in ml history
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geekgirles · 11 months
Okay. So first we got this:
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And now we've got this?????
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Man, somebody at Spindle Horse must really like Miraculous Ladybug...
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sabertoothwalrus · 1 year
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chocostrwberry · 4 months
im curious of what gabriel/hawkmoth would look like in this au, but with your art style, im sure that it would look gorgeous!!! i love your art!! (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
TY!! I try my hardest!! 🥹🩷🙏🫶
I don’t have a final design for Hawkmoth yet, only concepts!!
Gabriel is the character you never see the face of, and has more of a monochrome palette with a hint of purple, but overall he looks very designer-ish!
I decided to make Gabriel faceless because I think it would really show Adrien’s disconnected relationship with his father!
Adrien sees Gabriel as an authority figure that has complete control over his life but no presence in it. It also leaves room for the nature of Gabriel’s intentions towards Adrien for interpretation!!
Does he talk to Adrien with an irritated face, or concerned but too ill-informed to do anything about it? When Adrien was talking about school to him, did he look surprised or bored?? We’ll never know!!
And when do we see the big bad villain who has made everyone in the show’s life miserable? When we finally see the face behind the conflict?
When he’s begging Gimmi to give him his wife back.
It would so cool for it to be the first time we see Gabriel’s face is when he’s vulnerable, desperate, and exhausted. It would humanize him, but raise the question; was everything he did for the love of his family, or the actions of a man driven to insanity by grief?
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arlakos · 3 months
The High Road: A counterpoint to one of the most commonly used Salt Takes for Adrien.
This isn't really a salt fic idea, but since we are on the topic of salt on this blog, I'd like to take a moment to talk about a scene that has largely been used out of contex ever since Chameleon came out, and that is the infamous high road scene that has since been used to death for every Adrien salt story
For those who are unaware of this scene (or perhaps are unfamiliar with the canon version), in the episode Chameleon of Sesason 3, Marinette is about to go expose a plot hole in one of Lila's many fabrications, only for Adrien to stop her by stating that it won't change Lila for the better (Full Transcript Below). Keep this transcript in mind because I'll be referencing it a lot.
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Now, this scene doesn't seem like something to be mad over, but the the whole episode of Chameleon has twisted a lot of people's perceptions of certain characters for the worse. This particular scene just happens to be one that changed people's pereceptions of Adrien.
However, I think its actually somewhat unjustified. I feel that in many ways, Chameleon as a whole has been misrepresented for what changes it has actually brought into the show, and I feel that it's easy to take a lot of moments in the episode out of context, especially when emotions come into play. The episode transcript actually happened to be leaked before it was supposed to be relased, so a lot of people already made up their minds about what this episode was about before it was released. It's easy to hate on this episode when you're friends in discord have watched it before you and have started to shout buzzwords such as "The class betrayed Marinette!" or "Adrien is a monster!", etc etc. I would know, since that was how I found out about the episode in the first place, and watching it for the first time didn't change my initial perceptions.
Today, I would like to take a moment to take the infamous high road scene and talk about what it meant for the salty portion of the fandom, before taking a metaphoically sledgehammer and slamming some misconceptions about Adrien from the perspective of salty people. Sure, they're other scenes that could be looked at, but since every salt fic tends to reuse this plot point, I feel it deserves its own deconstruction.
1. The High-Road scene is proof that Adrien is an asshole!
Now this statement is a bit of a buzzword since the actual reasons for people disliking this scene can vary, but to be fair, the reaction to this scene is also more nuanced as well.
In truth, a lot of people already had issues with Adrien/Chat Noir as a whole (for reasons that I won't elaborate here since it would be worth its own post), but this scene seemed to open the floodgates with hatred for our secondary protagonist out of his percieved inaction, since many people now had dislike for Adrien, while those who hated him prior were more than happy to provide fuel for the fire. After the episode was released, these ideas began to merge together, resulting in this belief that Adrien has always been an asshole, and that the Chameleon scene was simply the final straw, and that if the show was written by a good writer (read: anyone who hated the episode), Marinette would actually ditch his ass!
Now, its debatable on whether Adrien had writing issues prior to this point, but I feel that using this scene to justify hatred for him is outright slander for several reasons:
First of all, Adrien never suggested for Marinette to take the high road if we are being logistical about it. He only complimented her on that regard, telling her she did a good job for "taking the high road", and that was after he sat next to her to show he was by her side.
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His actual message to Marinette was that it wasn't worth it to try expose Lila at that moment (and to be fair, it wouldn't have worked, more on that later though) because all it would do is make her double down on her behavior. Plus, trying to expose her in front of everyone would just hurt Lila more than help everyone else, which is, if anything, not untrue.
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Overall, the advice Adrien gave to Marinette was not meant out of a desire to hurt anyone (least of all Marinette), but was out of a genuine desire to help resolve a situation and prevent Marinette from doing something that would not have helped the situation. Even if he does have other character flaws, this situation was by no means a reason to villainize him for it.
2. Adrien prefers Lila over Marinette, thats why he told the latter to take the high road!
Again, another idea that is found in fanfics, but is ultimately untrue in canon.
While Adrien doesn't believe Lila at all from the beginning of the episode, he isn't exactly just letting Lila's actions slide either; his stance comes from that of believing that Lila being decietful will do nothing to actually help her make friends. However, rather than confronting her angrily like Marinette does, Adrien instead tries to be friendly with her and try offer Lila some advice to try and change, albiet to no avail.
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Now, some people might argue that Lila doesn't deserve kindness considering her threat to Marinette just moments ago, but it should be also stated that Adrien knows NOTHING about this: as far as he's aware, Lila is a transfer student looking to make friends, but has a wrong way of doing so (so in a way, she's not unlike him, from his POV at least), so he's just trying to help her, rather than attempt to force her out in the open.
(Quick tibit though, if Adrien knew what Lila did to Marinette, he would probably be more inclined to help her and protect his friends, given that he was willing to 'sacrifice' himself to get Marinette un-expelled in the Ladybug episode)
By the end of the episode Adrien is obviously dissapointed in Lila continuing to act the way that she is, but ultimately refuses to sink to Lila's level in order to teach her a lesson. As childish as it is (and it should be considering Adrien is a TEEN) Adrien believes that Lila's deceptions will ultimately come back to bite her (Adrien even tells her this himself, see below.), but trying to expose her in front of everyone else will do more harm to Lila than it will help others, hence his methods of speaking to her privately about it.
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3. Adrien's reasoning is horrible and stupid! He deserves to pay for it!
This reasoning is the one I find the most dissapointing, partly because it inspired The Karma of Lies story (Written by CartoonAddict564), and also because while Adrien's reasoning can come off as naive, it is by no means stupid, nor should he have to suffer for having a different viewpoint for Marinette. But to understand, you need to think of Adrien in terms of his character.
Adrien is not just a celebrity, but also a child with a very controlling father, who pretty much controls and manages his day to day life with the help of his secretary. As a result of his popularity, Adrien has to be very careful with what he says or does, not only because it would reflect poorly onto his father's company, but it would also force his father to step in. As the Collector has shown, Adrien being able to even LEAVE the home is something that could easily be revoked at any time, and being Cat Noir has only loosened the bars on his cell, not remove them completely. Adrien has very little to gain by confronting Lila, but everything to lose, which is in direct contrast to Marinette having everything to lose by letting Lila walk by.
So in the face of all that, plus the situation he is in now, why would he not act passive and provide advice to try mitigate conflict rather than escalate it?
Now whether or not that should be seen as selfish is debatable, it's ultimately not out of character for Adrien to try and provide more passive options to deal with Lila rather than go for the most violent option. You could even argue that Adrien's actions are also out kindness to Marinette, since (in his eyes at least) it could get her in trouble with her own parents if they try and confront Lila violently.
At worst, Adrien's passiveness is a result of his controlled upbringing. At best? He was just trying to help without causing conflict.
4. Adrien shouldn't have stopped Marinette from confronting Lila!
.... im sorry to say this, but yes he absolutely should have.
Marinette was about to confront Lila over which ear her supposed tinnitus was in. Aside from the fact trying to expose her on this alone would not have worked, this would have just resulted in Marinette becoming more estranged from her classmates in this situation. If Marinette should have confronted Lila about her lying, this was DEFINTELY NOT the way to do it.
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This isn't to say that Marinette could not have confronted Lila, but this moment simply was not it. There were better alternatives to Marinette that she could employ in the future had she thought of doing so (such as coming to Alya as Ladybug and revealing that her frienship with Lila is a lie), or carrying a voice recorder to record any threats made by Lila.
As uncathartic as the situation was, from a writing standpoint Adrien's inteference ultimately helped Marinette keep her friendships in the long run, while avoiding making a fool of herself with a battle she simply could not win.
5. It's Adrien's fault that Marinette didn't go after Lila! Marinette would have been better if she brushed him off!
This sounds crazy, but this is a genuine point that people seem to mention when it comes to their reasons for writing salt fics. Even if Adrien's attempts to dissaude Marinette were out of concern rather than malice, people still condemn Adrien for pushing Marinette off that path of going after Lila. In their eyes, Marinette didn't get her immediate revenge for what Lila did, and Lila herself was allowed to continue manipulating the class. All of this becomes Adrien's fault by virtue of being the one to deny this from happening, denying the fans their catharsis.
However, the question I ask it that for all the blame they give to Adrien in this situation ... how come nobody blames Marinette at all for the same thing?
See, despite people argue that Adrien manipulated Marinette into not going after Lila, Marinette isn't necassarily gullible or stupid. If Marinette really thought that Lila was a threat worth going after, she could and would have easily found a way to take Lila down and get her removed, with or without Adrien's support (given she made a similar plan in season 5 for when Gabriel tried to get the Kwamis to lead him to Marinette). She wouldn't even need a miraculous to do so given she can make plans without transforming, and most of Lila's lies aren't particularly smart, they just can't be immediately discredited without proof.
And it can't even be argued that Adrien took advantage of Marinette's love for him (whether intentionally or not). Marinette has shown that even though she does value her friends, she doesn't need to rely on the validation of others to do whatever she feels is right (given that she argued against Alya and others in Risk when it came to their belief that Adrien was fine, even though she was partly amped by an akuma at the time). And if Marinette did think that Adrien was wrong, she probably wouldn't have continued to crush on him anymore.
Also its kind of lowkey sexist? Like, Marinette can probably make her own decisions, she doesn't need someone to dictate her own actions given she's the leader of a superhero team?
Ultimately, Marinette made the choice not to go after Lila. Perhaps she thought that Lila wasn't worth it. Maybe she thought that taking down Lila wasn't worth the time and stress. Maybe she ended up agreeing with Adrien and thought that Lila would expose herself sooner rather than later with her own deceptions. Either way, Marinette can make her own decisions, and she ultimately thought that going after Lila was not a good idea, for whatever reason.
Now, some people might be upset about this idea that Marinette is to blame, but people can't just play the blame game and expect their target to lose. It would honestly be preferrable to say that both Adrien and Marinette made a decision that (for better or worse) thought was good at the time and that neither should be judged for it, but the fandom doesn't seem to care for that because that means their salt fics would be invalid.
Thus, since people want to blame Adrien for apparently "manipulating" Marinette, Marinette should get equal blame for allowing herself to be manipulated by Adrien. Sucks to hear it, but since nobody calls out Marinette on her shit, I might as well be the first. Sorry if it triggers you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
So ... what does this all mean?
It means that my boy Adrien is innocent.
He meant no harm by suggesting that Marinette not go after Lila, nor did he do it because he took Lila's side over Marinette's. At best, he was unaware of how evil Lila was and thought she was misunderstood, and at worse he defaulted to using the same ideas that he uses to protect what limited freedoms he had, and offered it to Marinette as geunine advice. Marinette isn't a pushover either, meaning that not only did she also think what Adrien said was a good idea, but the fandom is inadvertently being sexist by implying she can't be independent and can't make her own decisions, given that she's shown her own independence multiple times. At best, both characters made a dumb decision that they thought was good, but neither can be soley responsible.
Ultimately, Chameleon was an episode that gave Adrien (and whoever else was targeted) a bad rep due to the kneejerk reaction everyone had to the episode due to Lila's lies, myself included. In truth, nothing of what happened in the episode had any actual long term effects, since Marinette still kept her friends and Lila didn't end up playing any major role for nearly 2 seasons, at least until season 5 finally got rid of 'Lila' and set up 'Cerise' to be the new Butterfly villain.
It took me a long while to put this belief into words, and it may be 2 seasons too late, but at least I can upload it now knowing that this truth could possible be shared with the world. Maybe it will stop the excess of salt fics in the world, and allow for new salt free works to be made. Who knows?
Anyways, I hope you found this to be an interesting read as I had writing it!
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spittyfishy · 1 year
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Bunch of frames from a Chloé animation I just got finished!
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nixthelapin · 4 months
I don’t think enough people realize that Origins Pt. 1 & 2 happen on the same day
In French schools, they have a long lunch break, so lots of kids just go home for that time then come back. Seriously, they get like 90min- 2hours! (Which blows my mind as an American, who only got 30 minutes for my lunch break)
So when Adrien runs away again to school, the stuff that went on with the seats, the hurt from Kim taunting Ivan, Marinette’s insecurity about being picked as Ladybug, is still fresh! They didn’t even have the night to process it!
I just still see a lot of people who discuss origins talk about pt. 2 as “the next day,” when really it’s just the afternoon, so I thought I’d make a post finally lol
This has been a short PSA, thank you.
EDIT: ok, turns out I am a moron. I am being torn in the replies 😭 The amount of time for lunch in French schools is true, so I just took that info and went with it lol- I definitely should’ve just rewatched the episodes instead of being stupid, my bad y’all 😂
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used-tv · 2 years
I can kind of see where Adriens idea of being a warm and loving father and husband comes from
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