#Messiah Dictator Jesus
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artcallednaturalviews · 1 year ago
The P[+]int The Lord’s missed guided Waiting for a good fascist They said grab ur ar Make a point for Superiority In the kingdom on Earth Warriors called Human needs to belong to a group Make a point of ineffective Mental psychosis The P[+]int of reflection Paid for by too many folds Needing to belong In something The need for “them” to be told No need to think for self Ask ur ar leadership Messiah Dictator Jesus Said follow or else The Holy Point The sights of cross crossed crisp America Jesus was always a political supporter Just reread the golfer / good-er book Old but read mostly in New The sights of cross crossed crisp America Jesus was always a political supporter Just reread the golfer / good-er book Old but read mostly in New Messiah Dictator Jesus Said follow or else The Holy Point Said follow or else The Holy Point Go walk on hot coals God will be with you for whole 21 foot steps The path of 33 feet It should be easy as 1 2 3 be Apostle Walk away unscathed, Be Lie Ver Add videos to honorary thyselves On TikTok, carry your ar’s Express walk through UR P[+]int Messiah Dictator Jesus Said follow or else The Holy Point Add Your own foot prints Add Your own foot prints Add Your own foot prints Add Your own foot prints Ad your Ad your Ad your Next steps
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the-chosen-fanfiction · 1 month ago
Andrew | The Past To Rest | Romantic
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Dialogue prompt: “I just need one date. That’s it.” 
Uncertain whether you’d like to be with the brother of your former bully in spite of having feelings for him, you decide to give him one chance.
Requested by Livvy
Mary’s place isn’t large nor luxurious but you don’t mind it in the slightest. It is good enough to host four women although the furniture needs to be shoved around a bit, and soon enough, you’ve created a cosy little space for all of you. You have claimed a spot in the corner and have positioned a few cushions here and there, reluctantly giving two away to both Tamar and Ramah, making yourself a little cocoon of comfort, together with a few old blankets Mary had lying around to complete it. 
“You look very snug.” Tamar laughs lightly as she tosses you an apple. You catch it gracefully and sit up a bit. 
“I am. It’s been some time since we’ve slept with an actual roof over our heads and I intend to make the best of it.” 
“I second that,” Ramah adds, planting a hand on her hip as she looks around the place you’ve created for yourselves. “I really like this. Thank you for letting us stay here, Mary.” 
The woman in question smiles softly and shrugs. “Oh, it’s nothing, really. It’s too big for one person, anyways.” 
“Nonsense, Mary. Stop being so humble. You could have charged us rent for this,” you jest, causing her to laugh. 
“Oh, shush.” 
You smile and take a large bite of the apple, sighing as you sink away into your pillows. “You never know what you have until you lose it. For example, a good bed. Or at least one that stands above the ground.” 
Ramah hums as she looks at you, taking a sip of her drink. “Had you told me a year ago I’d sleep under the stars more often than not, I’d have considered you mad.” 
“Me, too,” you must admit, “I only realised the kind of luxury I lived in until it was taken from me. Not only do I consider it unnecessary now, but I also feel more grateful for the few things I do have.” 
You ponder back on your old life for a moment whilst you enjoy the fresh fruit. Before you decided to follow Jesus you had lived with your parents, not yet being betrothed. Alphaeus and Elisheva hadn’t found you an eligible bachelor yet whom they deemed fit for marriage to their only daughter. Ever since they disowned Matthew, they had become extra protective over you, and in turn, extremely picky when it came to choosing a potential suitor for you. 
Before you could be married off however, you decided to follow the Messiah. Although hesitant about the ordeal at first, your parents supported you eventually, noticing how much fulfilment it gave you. They had yet to become believers themselves, but perhaps you could pay them a visit now that you were around Capernaum again in order to try and convince them.
You joined the group before Matthew did, and one individual in particular saw an issue with that. Your former bully, Simon the son of Jonah, found that the sins of your brother clung to you as well, as if it had been your choice that he took up the job of publicanus. 
However, reason seems to have never truly developed in Simon even after puberty, making it so that he often makes snide comments in this day and age, long after your brother has decided to follow the Messiah as well. 
A shame, for you have caught feelings for Simon’s younger brother. What one feels cannot be dictated, so you have been trying to push away your secret pining for a long time. After all, the last thing you want is for Simon to become your brother-in-law. Besides, if Andrew liked you in that same way, he would have stood up for you by now. Needless to say, you don’t want these feelings for him.
Tossing the core of the eaten apple into the bin, you sigh and wrap a blanket around you tightly. 
“(Y/n),” Tamar guffaws, “It’s sweltering hot in here, you don’t need—” 
“—I’m very comfortable. That’s all what matters.” 
You laugh, Tamar rolling her eyes playfully at your antics. Mary notices an absentminded smile on Ramah’s face, a small smile tugging at the lips of the woman from Tel Dor, her fingers fiddling with the bright red of her veil.
“What’s on your mind…?” Mary asks in a sing-song voice, causing both you and Tamar to pipe up with great interest. “Or should I say, whom?” 
Ramah can’t help her face from beaming at the mention of Thomas, making you click your tongue in adoration. “Look at that blush!” you quip, “Ramah is in loo-oove!” 
“Oh, come on, don’t be so loud about it!” 
“Ramah and Thomas... Getting together, getting married, having babies…” you drawl, grinning as you tease your friend. “O-o-oooh!” 
Ramah snorts a laugh and tosses the cushion you had handed her earlier back into your arms, making you grin. “Thank you very much,” you hug it closer to your chest, “Now… Are things finally happening or what?” 
Mary rests her chin on her hand and smiles at Ramah whilst Tamar wiggles her eyebrows, causing you to snicker. Ramah bites her lips and leaves you in the dark for just a few more moments. 
“As soon as he sees an opportunity, Thomas is going to ask Jesus if he can go to Tel Dor to ask my father for my hand in marriage…” 
You squeal in unison with Tamar, whilst Mary beams from ear to ear. “Oh, wow! And when is that?” 
“Soon, I hope. We truly hope that he will agree, but I know that it is going to be tough. My father is not yet a believer, as you all know.” 
You hum in acknowledgement, knowing the painful feeling of non-believing parents and wanting to gain their support.
“How about you, (Y/n)?” Ramah suddenly redirects the attention, and you give her a questioning look.
“Do you have your eye on someone?” 
Your eyes widen and you frown, looking at your lap. “Me? Uh… No, no, I don’t have time for things like that.” You shrug and plaster a fake smile over your lips to hide your sudden flustered state. “I’m not into anyone, and I don’t think I will be looking for anyone soon, either.” 
Tamar snorts a laugh as the women fall silent for a moment, staring at you in disbelief. “Do you expect us to believe you?” 
Your heart hammers inside your chest as you grow uncomfortable. “Huh? What do you mean?” 
Mary smirks. “Please, (Y/n). You aren’t exactly subtle whenever we bring up Andrew.” The colour drains from your face at the mention of his name and you nearly choke on your own saliva. 
“That’s— Utter nonsense!” 
“You’re proving her point, girl,” Tamar teases, grinning as she leans closer to you, “Don’t think we can’t see the way your entire body language changes whenever he’s the topic of conversation, or whenever he is standing close to you.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you mutter, but your sudden fiddling with the cushion in your lap betrays you. “Besides, it wouldn’t work anyways!” 
Ramah smiles softly. “Why not? From what I’ve gathered, Andrew thinks you are very sweet, too.” 
Your eyes shoot up to meet hers and you gulp. “What? Really? I— I mean, whatever? Why would I care?” Mary and Tamar give each other a knowing smirk. 
“Come on, admit it. We know you like him and we know he likes you back. Tamar heard him speak to Philip about it the other day.” Mary muses.
You give the woman from Ethiopia a look, and she nods eagerly to confirm it. “Yes, it’s true. He asked Philip for advice on how to approach you, wondering what would be a gentlemanly way to go about it.” 
You snort a laugh and roll your eyes. “Sure, he’s asking Philip. You expect me to buy that? Come on, he’s got a brother who is married. If Andrew were to ask for any advice of such nature, he’d ask Simon. Not an unmarried man. Psh.” 
Picking at a loose thread on the cushion, you try to ignore their scrutiny. Ramah takes a sip from her cup before giving you a thoughtful look. “Perhaps he’s afraid of what Simon might think of his crush on you. I know that you have a… Rather sensitive past. Simon used to bully you, no?”
“Yes!” you immediately exclaim, “and he still makes mean comments about Matthew’s past! And it is the exact reason why I can’t like Andrew in the way I do, because it would be too complicated!” 
“Complicated?” Mary quizzes, “With Jesus, things are a whole lot less complicated. I mean, look at where He found me in life, and look at where He brought me.” 
“Of course, but that is between you and Jesus,” you say with a sigh, “Not between you and… Another ‘regular’ person, for lack of better term.” You let out a frustrated huff. “Not between you and your literal bully.”
“Brother of your former bully.” Ramah corrects you.
As you run a hand down your face, Tamar scoots a little closer to you, putting a hand on your arm. You look up from your comfortable position in your blankets and pillows, which have started to become more of a hiding spot than anything. 
“What happened in the past should not determine the present or the future.” 
“Tell that to Simon,” you bitterly respond, “It is not as if he likes me now, or Matthew.” 
“It goes both ways.” Tamar then adds, “You have to let go of the past, too.” 
You swallow hard. “I already have let go of the past—” you mutter, “Really! I just— I can’t do it to Matthew to walk up to him and say something along the lines of ’oh by the way, I am going to marry the brother of our bully, have a nice day!’” You throw your hands up in frustration. The pillow that had been in your lap rolls onto the ground, but you don’t chase it.
Mary sighs and picks it up, putting it behind her. “Listen, (Y/n). You would find it unfair of them to judge you by your past, no?” 
You grit your teeth. “Simon teased us before Matthew took on the position. Besides, it is not my responsibility what my family chooses to do. Simon should finally learn that.” 
“So you would cheat yourself out of a potentially very fulfilling relationship because of that?” 
“I—” You open your mouth to speak, but words die on your tongue. You let out a noise of frustration.
“(Y/n),” Ramah muses, “All of us have learnt so much during our time with Jesus. One of the main lessons was to not judge others by who they were, but instead focus on who they are today, transformed and renewed by the Messiah. Redeemed. You wouldn’t judge Mary by her past, would you?”
“I… No.” 
“So why hold it against them? Andrew is as responsible for Simon’s choices, as you are for Matthew’s.”
Unable to find a good counter-argument, you sigh, thinking for a long moment under three watchful gazes. With a sound of defeat, you swallow hard. 
“Fine,” you say, “I will give him a chance. I just need one date. That’s it. One for Andrew to prove himself to me.” 
Ramah puts her hand on your shoulder and smiles down at you. “Be fair about it, (Y/n). Be kind on him, for I am sure it has gone through his mind as well. Knowing Andrew, I think he is very regretful about the past and most likely would apologise if you gave him a chance to.” 
You look up at your friends, letting the tension from your shoulders fade. You know deep down that they are right, and that it would be unfair of you to remain bitter about what once was. 
“But to come back to what you said,” Mary muses, smiling softly, “I think that one date is all that it requires for him to finally allow him to win you over once and for all.”
With a growing blush, you laugh and hide your face in your hands. “Quit teasing me about it! The more you do it, the higher the chance that I will chicken out!” 
“We will make sure that you won’t!” Tamar counters, pointing a finger at you, “And if you do, we will personally drag you to Andrew so that you can finally confess to him!” 
Tamar is unable to dodge the cushion launched at her face.
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randomthefox · 3 months ago
Seems like a good time to remind people of my own disclaimer: I do not have a problem with Ian Flynn the flesh and blood human being who walks and talks and eats and shits. I can pretty confidently say I would never get along with him, we wouldn't be friends, but I have nothing against him as a person. He's just some nobody douchebag who is Wrong about Sonic. There's countless people like that on the internet and I don't have a problem with any of them besides thinking they're idiots.
The problem I have is with Ian Flynn THE ICON. Ian Flynn Our Lord And Savior, the effigy that has been constructed by the fanbase of Sonic Haters that mindlessly worship at his feet and parade around his status as superior and treat him as an authority that must be submitted to. The kind of people who refer to him as "Mister the great Ian Flynn." The kind of people unironically say that anybody criticizing him is treating him like "Jesus Christ on the cross." The IDEA of Ian Flynn that has been constructed in the minds of a dangerous gang of utterly psychotic parasocial cultists who have nothing but venomous contempt in their hearts for the Sonic franchise and everyone who likes it, who have propped Ian Flynn up as a Messiah figure that they can weaponize against anyone and everyone who they take umbrage with.
Ian Flynn the human being is just collateral damage. I feel no emotion towards him whatsoever. It is the FANS of Ian Flynn who are my enemy. It is the FANS of Ian Flynn who are evil. It is the FANS of Ian Flynn who must suffer, as they have made others suffer. I am iconoclastic against Ian Flynn to prove that a god can bleed and that nothing he ever says should ever be taken as an authoritative source of insight on the Sonic franchise, to combat the cult of personality that surrounds him which uses his statements to try and dictate public perception of the franchise continuity.
The fact that Sonic fanwikis use Ian Flynn's statements on social media and his podcast as a direct source for canonical facts about the VIDEO GAMES which he had NOTHING TO DO WITH are the reason that his words are deserving of scrutiny. Let alone the kind of people who shout "UMM ACTUALLY IAN FLYNN SAID THIS" to try and shut down discussion about the franchise on Twitter. Not anything he has done or said in and of himself. It is the FANS of Ian Flynn who are the problem. The Ian Flynn FANATICS. And nobody else.
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hieromonkcharbel · 2 years ago
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A large crowd of people wondered where Jesus had gone. When they heard He had crossed the Sea of Galilee, they clambered into boats and a makeshift armada sailed across the lake, desperate to find Him. It is not, however, because they believed he was the long-awaited Messiah, the Son of God, and the Savior of the world. No. It was because they were hungry. When the crowd finally found Jesus, He said to them, “You are looking for me not because you saw signs, but because you ate the loaves and were filled.”
The day before, Jesus had performed the awesome miracle of feeding 5,000 people with just five loaves and two fish described in today’s gospel. He did this miracle to demonstrate His divine power and to announce that the Kingdom of God was at hand. But the main message the crowd learned from this miracle was, “Wow, this man has free food! Let’s follow him!”
When thinking about this I remembered a story I once heard about Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin:
Stalin called for a live chicken and proceeded to use it to make an unforgettable point before some of his henchmen. Forcefully clutching the chicken in one hand, with the other he began to systematically pluck out its feathers. As the chicken struggled in vain to escape, he continued with the painful denuding until the bird was completely stripped. “Now you watch,” Stalin said as he placed the chicken on the floor and walked away with some bread crumbs in his hand. Incredibly, the fear-crazed chicken hobbled toward him and clung to the legs of his trousers. Stalin threw a handful of grain to the bird, and it began to follow him around the room. He turned to his dumbfounded colleagues and said quietly, “This is the way to rule the people. Did you see how that chicken followed me for food, even though I had caused it such torture? People are like that chicken. If you inflict inordinate pain on them they will follow you for food the rest of their lives.”
Now, don’t get me wrong. Food is very important. Human beings cannot survive very long without food. That’s obvious and it was partly Jesus’ understanding of this need that led him to perform the miracle. But is it possible our desire not just for food, but for any other things that we believe we need to sustain ourselves, can cause us to act like the crowd that chased after Jesus? Or sometimes even like Stalin’s chicken?
Where do we place our faith? Do we enslave ourselves to the things of the world for a moment of security or fullness? Are we easily corrupted by disordered desires? Are there times when we are willing to throw away our freedom and self respect to satisfy our needs?
Jesus did not come as a Master or King to rule and would not allow himself to be seen as such. He did not come to fill bellies but to free hearts and minds. In fact, he made himself the slave and servant of all. He took the burden of the world upon himself. He made himself our very food and drink to nourish us to everlasting life: that we may never hunger and thirst again. He became the servant that we might be raised up to become sons and daughters of God.
If we search our hearts and examine our lives, we may realize that this is not what we in fact seek: that as much as we boast of and prize our freedom in this country, perhaps we are least free of all people – enslaved in the shackles of our own desires and weighed down by our poverty of spirit.
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What missionary work is
Learning about other cultures and religions and interacting with them in a way that is both biblically honest and compassionate (i.e. Positive Deconstruction)
Humanitarian effort. I'll die on this hill: the gospel (the good declaration of the reign of Messiah Jesus as King ) is not being preached where there is no outreach. No outreach = No preaching. preach the gospel and heal the sick go hand and hand in the bible
Fighting against Babylon. Nonviolently. But still fighting. We may be pacifist (if you want to use that word) be we definitely are not passive. People didn't get martyred for saying "be kind to each other". They were martyred because "Jesus is King" is a threat if the one who hears it is a dictator.
What missionary work isn't
"From the West to the East"
The eradication of culture
White washing
White anything. Not saying that white people can't evangelize or anything. I am saying white people in Europe and America need to hear the gospel aknew. European Protestantism is a memory; American Protestantism is a mess. (Sorry I'm not Catholic so i can't voice anything about those) Europe and America needs to be preached to by those from Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and South America.
Only humanitarian effort. Outreach does come with preaching. The gospel is preached in both action and word, not one or the other.
Expansion. Ew. No. Stop allying yourself with Babylon; you're a citizen of heaven man.
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katie-the-bug · 8 months ago
My thoughts on Soul Harvest, Part 1
Like night follows day, a bunch of long posts follow me finishing another Left Behind book. You know the drill.
Our Cast:
The Tribulation Force: Rayford Steele, evangelist and pilot of the Antichrist; Amanda Steele, Rayford's wife; Buck Williams, reporter and man of occasional action; Chloe Williams, Rayford's daughter and Buck's wife; Bruce Barnes, posthumous pastor; Tsion Ben-Judah, ex-rabbi, prolific blogger, and Bruce's exact replacement; Mac McCullum, Rayford's copilot; Ken Ritz, Buck's pilot buddy. (Were either of the authors pilots at any point? I feel like there's a lot of pilots here.)
The Antichrist (and friend): Nicolae Carpathia, Antichrist and dictator of the Global Community; Leon Fortunato, assistant to the Antichrist.
The book opens immediately after the global earthquake called the "Wrath of the Lamb," and for once, we are actually shown the consequences of one of the series' many cataclysms. Previously we'd only heard about crime waves and disease and famine, but here we actually see people impaled by debris and crushed by rocks.
Both Amanda and Chloe are missing in the aftermath of the earthquake, and Rayford and Buck start on wild goose chases trying to find them that will take the entire book. Spending a whole book looking for someone is okay if the book is of a reasonable size, but after 400 pages it's just silly.
"I've never seen anything make a full moon look like it's turned to blood." It's called lunar eclipse, Mac.
In Chapter 3, Nicolae learns that Leon has died in the earthquake and is disturbed by this to the point of going pale. Almost immediately he sets out into the ruins and comes back a while later having raised Leon from the dead. I can think of no reason for this sequence of events other than that Nicolae actually likes Leon, and I will be accepting no criticism on this conclusion.
We start to get hints, based on things Mac has heard Nicolae saying, that Amanda may be a traitor to the Tribulation Force. This would be an interesting plotline to explore if Amanda were available to be interrogated and investigated, but with her missing the plot thread just kinda floats in the air.
Rayford wonders, while learning of Nicolae's plan to rebuild the world, "How was it this man was prepared for every eventuality?" Rayford himself knows everything that's going to happen in the next five years because of his studies of Revelation, but somehow he doesn't consider that Nicolae could be reading the same books.
"Rayford prayed desperately....that God would use him in the death of Nicolae Carpathia." Finally, Rayford wants something. Until now it feels like he's just been along for the immensely destructive ride, but now he wants to do something about it.
In Chapter 4, Tsion says "The greatest source of Jews is Israel," as though Jews are a resource. And I mean, as far as this series is concerned, Jewish people are just a means to an end - once they're all in Israel (where the authors think they belong) and 144,000 of them convert to Christianity, the end of the world can get underway, at which point it doesn't matter what happens to them.
In Chapter 5, Nicolae spends a few pages musing, based on his resurrecting Leon, that he might be the Jewish Messiah. You'd think a man as educated as Nicolae would know that a) raising the dead is not one of the requirements to be the Messiah and b) Jewish ancestry via King David and King Solomon, which he very much lacks, is.
The above point also implies that, if Nicolae really thinks he could be the Messiah, then he doesn't know he's the Antichrist, which is a tremendously funny prospect.
In Chapter 6, Rayford recaps his faith life yet again, and we hear a line from his late Raptured wife Irene: "Wouldn't it be great to not die but to meet Jesus in the air?" Here we go again with the idea that people who were Raptured aren't dead. My dudes, they have ceased to exist corporeally. If that's not dead I don't know what is.
Seeing the mass destruction caused by the earthquake, we get this about Rayford: "He still found it hard to accept that this was part of God's ultimate plan. Did this many people have to suffer to make some eternal point? He took comfort in that this was not God's desired result." If the death of approximately one quarter of the Earth's population was not God's desired result, why did he take actions that he knew would cause it? Something's not adding up in the authors' theology.
It's said that the cataclysms are a way for God to get people's attention. If the God of Left Behind were omniscient, or even possessed of humanlike intelligence, he would know that there are many, many non-lethal ways for an omnipotent being to get people's attention. Once again, the idea that God doesn't want anybody dead makes no sense - he's either stupid or malicious, and I don't think the authors meant for God to be stupid.
For the past few books we have heard much about the shelter Bruce built under his church that would hide the Tribulation Force from persecution. It was destroyed in the earthquake, but it turns out that a church member who was killed in the earthquake built an exact replica under his own home, which the main characters have now commandeered. Convenient, convenient.
A new incidental character is called "Sunny Kuntz." I have questions.
Periodically the characters discuss Nicolae's new plan for communication infrastructure: Cellular-Solar, or Cell-Sol for short. Cell-Sol. Sell-soul. Geddit?
In Chapter 9 we get even more hints that Amanda is a traitor, this time from Bruce's own journal. The ambiguity will carry into the next book, and without Amanda in the story this just feels like a cheap way to add tension without anything of consequence happening in the story.
Mac converts to Christianity, and Rayford needs a sign he's genuine. Almost immediately, all True Christians get the "seal of God" on their foreheads, visible only to other believers, and while I'm aware that this is a Christian book and there will be God answering prayers, that won't stop me from complaining about the convenience of it all.
In Chapter 10, we find Ken in the hospital, having been bonked on the head by his own plane during the quake. He says of his injuries, "No brain damage, they tell me, so I still got no excuse for bein' crazy." Ken is my favorite character, in case it wasn't clear.
Buck and Ken's mission to fly to the hospital Chloe was taken to is made more urgent by a Global Community plot to take Chloe hostage in exchange for Tsion (a fugitive) or Hattie (who keeps embarrassing Nicolae). I can't help but feel that Chloe, the only major female character, has become a MacGuffin here.
As of Chapter 12, Tsion and his religious blog posts have taken over the role previously played by Bruce and his sermons - which is to say, announcing coming events chapters or even books before they happen.
In Chapters 12 and 13, the mission to get Chloe out of the hospital is a fiasco, made more complicated by the fact that Chloe is delirious and, it turns out, two months pregnant. Buck and Ken disguise themselves as doctors, but Chloe can't help refer to Ken as "Dr. Airplane." He takes it in stride, bluffing his way past GC troops and making snarky remarks the whole way, and when Buck mockingly refers to him as "Joe Thespian," he replies "That's Dr. Airplane to you." I adore this man.
I know I'll have to split this post in two because there's something so monumentally stupid in the second half of the book that I will have a full-blown rant, so I think I'll end this half right here. See ya soon.
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 2 years ago
At Barrytown all members must continually strive to lose their identity and become one with Moon’s will (1976)
As a former victim of the Unification Church I believe wholeheartedly that Moon’s various organizations are exploiting and deceiving young people who sincerely desire to work for the betterment of mankind. Although Moon’s organizations claim to believe in democracy, freedom, and Christianity (this is what attracted me to the Unification Church) they in fact have nothing but contempt for these beliefs. They only use this as a cover and a way to get converts. Their ultimate goal is to make Moon an absolute dictator of the United States.
Believing the sincerity of Unification members when they talked about promoting a more peaceful and loving world, I was persuaded to join CARP, which is the Unification Church’s organization at colleges. New members are given only a superficial exposure to the organization’s beliefs. At the beginning, they are led to believe that it is a legitimate Christian organization. It seems to be fun and games and smiling faces. It is only later, after members have given up everything they own, that they become informed of Moon’s plans for a new order.
Not until I was sent to their training center at Barrytown in New York did I realise how evil and utterly insane the organization is. At Barrytown everyone was coerced to share with the other members all thoughts and concerns; there is absolutely no privacy. Members who showed even the slightest doubt about what was going on were harassed and derided by the other members until they learned to at least hide their feelings. If their skepticism continued members were told to fast from one to three days to receive the “truth”. Managing to suppress your doubts and rational way of thought was called “having victory”. This is just one example of the double-thought used by the organization. Also we were forced to attend lectures constantly, sometimes hearing the same thing over and over again. Since I and many others were hundreds of miles away from home and had no money, we were virtually prisoners.
In the lectures we were told that Jesus had failed his mission, that Moon was the messiah, that destruction here on earth and eternal damnation awaited those who refused to totally support Moon, and many other outrageous, heretical things. Mr. Mazumbar, one of the lecturers, told the 21 day seminar that all members must continually strive to lose their identity and become one with Moon’s will. Members were supposed to surrender completely.
Fund-raising was routine for members. Unless specifically asked we were told to avoid telling people that we were with Moon’s Unification Church. It was alright to deceive people as long as it would help Moon. For example, my group of about eight people was told by the group leader, Jim Garland, to tell people that the money was to be used to help young people with serious drug problems. Though the Unification Church takes in millions of dollars to my knowledge not one drug center has been built by them. Apparently most of the money goes into Moon’s pockets since he is a multimillionaire. However, since most of the kids who fund-raise are being coerced and lied to, they sincerely believe that the money is being used for a good purpose.
After a month of Barrytown’s insanity, I was able to escape on my own. It was entirely my decision. After I became aware of the evil nature of Moon’s organization I could not morally stay. I believe, though, that many of the young people who go to these seminars at Barrytown and other places are put under such heavy coercion and mind manipulation that they are unable to leave on their own free will. Most truly desire to help bring about a better world and they love this country, but their admirable ideals are being exploited by Moon and his henchmen for their own personal gain. It lis the selfish leaders of the organization that are to blame, not the exploited young people, who have good intentions. These young people are being deceived, cheated, and victimized by Moon.
This is only a brief account of my experiences with the Unification Church. My advice to anyone considering joining the organization would be to turn and run away as fast as their feet could carry them.
Sincerely yours,
Larry M.
The Moons’ God is not the God of Judeo-Christianity
The Moon church is unequivocally not Christian
Sun Myung Moon’s theology used to control members
Sun Myung Moon: The Emperor of the Universe, transcript and links 1. “Rev Sun Myung Moon: Emperor of the Universe” documentary
.   A BBC / A&E Network co-production, 2000 2. World Domination – Sun Myung Moon died before he could take over a single country.
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giftofshewbread · 2 years ago
Messiah 2030, Prophetic Messianic Time Line, A MUST SEE !
An INCREDIBLE Set of Time Lines of Jesus Returning in 2030.
Yes, I think that is the case they are making. My 2 cents is that, the first seal is the antichrist. We see that is broken with us in Heaven (after Rev 4) and we also know that he can’t come into his place as world dictator until after the rapture because the Holy Spirit who is in us is restraining that. We Also know that tribulation starts at the signing of the treaty between him and Israel. So the first seal has to be broken after the rapture (which is the start of judgement) but before tribulation starts. I obviously do not know if this is the case or not but I do think the rapture could be over this feast of trumpets and then the first seal is broken and tribulation starting in 2024. Not setting a date or claiming some divine knowledge, I just think there is a high probability of that.
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steveezekiel · 1 day ago
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14 FOR SIN SHALL NOT HAVE DOMINION OVER YOU, for you are not under law but under grace."
Romans 6:12–14 (NKJV)
• Ability to say no to Sin, live above Sin, is found in Christ Jesus.
- No one can fulfil the law. Thus, by observing the old testament law, you cannot be made perfect. Perfection or justification comes through faith in Christ Jesus (Galatians 2:16).
- Law was given that we, humans, might know our state; that we are sinners (Romans 3:20; 7:7).
- God's intention is, If Man knows his state or condition, and knows he cannot help himself or deliver himself from the power of Sin; that he needed a help in order to be delivered from the power of Sin:
READ: Romans 7:15-24.
• In this state, Man or human could know and realize that he or she needs help; a Saviour or a Deliverer: "WHO WILL DELIVER ME FROM THIS BODY OF DEATH?" (Romans 7:24 NKJV).
Romans 8:23,24 (NKJV)
READ: Romans 8:20-23
- The law was given to prepare our hearts for the need of a Saviour:
- Now that the Messiah has come, there is no any need for the law again; because the law is faulty and cannot make us right with God (Hebrews 8:7). Justification does not come through the law, It comes through faith in Christ Jesus (Romans 3:24-26).
- Thus:
• For this reason, walk in the Spirit, and you will not fulfil the lusts of the flesh (Galatians 5:16-18). You live above Sin by walking in the spirit.
- You walk in the spirit when you allowed the Holy Spirit Who is residing in your recreated human spirit to lead and direct every affair of your life.
- A believer who walks in the spirit is the one who has subdued or mortified the flesh and the mind and walks by the dictates of the Holy Spirit on the inside of him or her.
- Such a believer is not being controlled by the flesh but the Holy Spirit through his or her human spirit, thus, Sin has no dominion over him or her (Romans 6:14).
• Concept of Man or humans, that is, a general idea or understanding of mankind. Or A general makeup or form of the humans.
- Human being is a spirit, has a soul, and lives in a body: "NOW may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; AND MAY YOUR WHOLE SPIRIT, SOUL, AND BODY BE PRESERVED BLAMELESS AT THE COMING OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST" (1 Thessalonians 5:23 NKJV).
- A complete human is of spirit, soul, and body. Through your spirit, you relate with God (John 4:23,24); and through your soul, also known as the mind, you relate with intellectual world; while through your body, you relate with the physical world, what could be seen around you.
- So when someone is born-again, It is the spirit of the person that was reborn or regenerated (John 3:3,5). When the person by faith acknowledged Christ Jesus as his or her Lord and Saviour (Romans 10:9,10); the Holy Spirit comes to reside on the inside of him or her.
- The person's soul and the body are not reborn at the time, they still remain the same. Thus, It would take the cooperation of the newly reborn believer with the Holy Spirit through the Word of God to transform his or her mind, and sacrifice or mortify his or her body or the flesh (Romans 12:1,2; Colossians 3:5; James 1:21).
- If the mind of a believer is renewed and cooperated or agreed with the human spirit, the flesh would easily be subdued. It is then you would be able to allow your mind to receive whatever is being passed across to you as a message by the Holy Spirit through your spirit—inward Man.
- If what is said here took place in a believer's life, such would be having a good communion or fellowship with God and live above Sin.
• You will not fail in Jesus' name.
- Whatever is contrary to your health is rebuked and rooted out completely in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
- The hold is totally broken and never to rise or be formed again in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
• Take notice of this:
IF you are yet to take the step of salvation, that is, yet to be born-again, do it now, tomorrow might be too late (2 Corinthians 6:1,2; Hebrews 3:7,8,15).
a. Acknowledge that you are a sinner and confess your Sins (1 John 1:9); And ask Jesus Christ to come into your life (Revelation 3:20).
b. Confess that you believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord, and that you confess it with your mouth, Thus, you accept Him As your Lord and Saviour (Romans 10:9,10).
c. As you took the steps A and B your name is written in the Book of Life (Philippians 4:3; Revelation 3:8).
- If you took the steps As highlighted above, congratulations, It means you are saved—born-again. Join a Word based church in your area and Town or city, and be part of whatever they are doing there. Peace!
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cmcsmen · 1 month ago
February 2, 2025
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
Topic: Prayer and Contemplation in the Lives of Catholic Men
Gospel - Luke 2:22-32
When the days were completed for their purification
according to the law of Moses,
Mary and Joseph took Jesus up to Jerusalem
to present him to the Lord,
just as it is written in the law of the Lord,
Every male that opens the womb shall be consecrated to the Lord,
and to offer the sacrifice of
a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons,
in accordance with the dictate in the law of the Lord.
Now there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon.
This man was righteous and devout,
awaiting the consolation of Israel,
and the Holy Spirit was upon him.
It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit
that he should not see death
before he had seen the Christ of the Lord.
He came in the Spirit into the temple;
and when the parents brought in the child Jesus
to perform the custom of the law in regard to him,
he took him into his arms and blessed God, saying:
“Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace,
according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation,
which you prepared in the sight of all the peoples:
a light for revelation to the Gentiles,
and glory for your people Israel.”
Today's Gospel reading from Luke 2:22-32 presents a rich tapestry of characters and events, each offering valuable lessons and themes for deeper reflection.
The Importance of Prayer and Contemplation: In this passage, Simeon and Anna's deep devotion to prayer and contemplation allow them to recognize Jesus as the Messiah. Their lives are marked by a deep sense of faith and trust in God. This highlights the importance of prayer and contemplation in a person's life, as it allows them to deepen their relationship with God and become more open to the Spirit.
When it comes to the role of Catholic men, this passage emphasizes the importance of devotion, prayer, and contemplation in their lives. By following the example of Simeon and Anna, Catholic men can cultivate a deeper relationship with God and become more open to the Spirit. This, in turn, can help them to live a life of faith, hope, and love.
Problem and Solution - In today’s fast-paced world, many men find themselves overwhelmed with responsibilities, often neglecting their spiritual lives. However, Luke 2:22-40 reminds us of the critical role that prayer and contemplation play in deepening our relationship with God. This isn’t just idle time; it’s a meaningful investment in our spiritual well-being. By prioritizing prayer and making personal sacrifices, Catholic men can become more attuned to the presence of God in their lives. This practice opens their hearts to the Holy Spirit, allowing them to navigate life's challenges with greater clarity and purpose. Embracing this discipline can transform not only their spiritual journey but also their everyday experiences, leading to a more fulfilling and connected life.
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dfroza · 2 months ago
A link to my personal reading of the Scriptures
for the 16th of january 2025 with a paired chapter from each Testament (the First & the New Covenant) of the Bible
[The Book of Acts, Chapter 27 • The Book of 2nd Kings, Chapter 7]
along with Today’s reading from the ancient books of Proverbs and Psalms with Proverbs 16 and Psalm 16 coinciding with the day of the month and year (with the consummate book of 150 Psalms in its 1st revolution this year), accompanied by Psalm 27 for the 27th day of Astronomical Winter
A post by John Parsons:
The Breath of Hope...
When Moses proclaimed the good news of God’s forthcoming redemption for Israel, the Torah states that the people could not listen because they were “short of breath” (Exod. 6:9). Interestingly, this phrase (i.e., mi’kotzer ru’ach: מִקּצֶר רוּחַ) can also mean “lacking in spirit,” as if in a paralyzed state of hopelessness. But how did the people become so downhearted? Had they forgotten the promise given to Abraham (Gen. 15:12-14)? Had they disregarded Joseph’s final words (see Gen. 50:24-25)?
According to some of the sages, part of the reason for their “shortness of breath” (besides the cruel bondage and hard labor imposed on them) was that the Israelites miscalculated the duration of their 400 year exile, and therefore they began to lose hope. When members of the tribe of Ephraim tried to escape from Egypt some 30 years before the time of the redemption, they were all killed by the Philistines, and many of the Israelites began to believe that they would remain as perpetual slaves (Shemot Rabbah, 20:11). They became “short of breath” and could no longer receive the message of the Holy Spirit...
Indeed, life in this evil world can be suffocating at times. And though we may not be under the oppression of a cruel Pharaoh, we are affected by the "princes of this age" who spurn the message of the Messiah's redemption and love, and we are still subjected to bondage imposed by taskmasters who defy the LORD and who seek to enslave us by means of lies, propaganda, and threats of violence... The devil is still at work in the hearts and minds of many of his "little Pharaohs" that govern the world system... The Scriptures make it clear that we are engaged in genuine spiritual warfare: "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places" (Eph. 6:12).
It is evident that one of the central purposes of God's redemption is to bestow freedom and dignity upon his people. As the story of Pharaoh reveals, God does not take kindly to oppressors, dictators, and other megalomaniacal world leaders who deny the truth and who therefore seek to enslave (or kill) human beings created in His image and likeness. Just as God judged Egypt for its oppression and violence, so He will one day break the "rulers of this world" with a rod of iron and dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel (Psalm 2:9-10).
To help us “catch our breath” during this time of waiting, it is important to remember that the LORD redeems us so that we may become His children and therefore be clothed with everlasting dignity... Our redemption makes us heirs of the Kingdom of God and citizens of heaven. We must never regard ourselves as slaves - not to the State, not to the bankers, not to fear, and not to religion (Gal. 5:1). God gave up His Son for us so that we could be made free to live with honor as his dearly loved children.... All the threats of the world system - economic, political, religious, social, etc. - are ultimately made empty and vain by the glorious redemption promised to us in Yeshua our Savior.
The Scriptures declare that "we are saved by hope" (ελπιδι εσωθημεν), that is, we are saved through an earnest expectation of good to come on account of the promises of the LORD God of Israel. Amen. The LORD is called "The God of Hope" (אֱלהֵי הַתִּקְוָה), indicating that He is its Author and its End (Rom. 15:13). God both gives birth to our hope (tikvah) and is the satisfaction of our heart's deepest longings. For those with God-given hope, "gam zu l'tovah" – all things work together for good (Rom. 8:28). In light of God’s promises, hope is the one "work" that we are called to vigorously perform: "What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?" Yeshua answered, "This is the work of God, that you trust (i.e. hope) in the one whom He sent" (John 6:28-29).
Don’t let the world system destroy or impugn your hope, chaverim... If the devil can’t seduce you with illusory hope or counterfeit joy, he will attempt to oppress you with fear and doubt. Fight the good fight of faith and refuse to succumb to despair. Run the race before you with endurance (Heb. 12:1). Look up, for the time of your deliverance draws near... God redeems us for the sake of His love and honor... It is the “breath of God” that gives us life and courage to face this dark and perverse world (John 20:22). May you be filled with the hope and strength that comes from the Holy Spirit. Amen.
[ Hebrew for Christians ]
Psalm 25:1-2a reading:
Hebrew page:
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1.15.25 • Facebook
from Israel365
Today’s message (Days of Praise) from the Institute for Creation Research
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lordprophet · 4 months ago
Go Away Demagogue-Rabble Rouser
Demagogue-Rabble Rouser
Go Away Mischief-Maker Demagogue-Rabble Rouser:
Unite and fight the demagoguers. Don’t let them divide and conquer. Don’t let them sow strife and rancor. They are rift and phobia mongers. They are questors without honor, loyal to only themselves and power.
Copyright C/O alias CyberTiger (CyberToothedTiger) on Tribel and Substack
(The aforementioned is in regard to dishonest, mendacious, demagogic doofus Donald Trump and character-flipped J.D. Vance and their insurrectionist, anti-US Constitution, anti-democracy, neo-Confederacy, neo-Nazi, heretical-oxymoronic-Christian-nationalism MAGA-mob cult.
A demagogue is a person, or plural of such, who uses inflammatory language and actions to socially demonize, and stoke fear, phobia, hysteria and animosity toward and against, different or outsider others as well as to scapegoat another or others -- in effect, undertaking or campaigning to poison minds collectively against them and socially and politically enemyize, disfavor and marginalize them -- so as thereby to exercise and gain or secure mass, or populist, chauvinist influence and power. Ultimately, power is control, which when possessed by a demagogue is disposed to become abused and unaccountable control.
Click on the following hyperlink to read a relevant but short news article applicable to the above-given definition and description, https://www.newser.com/story/358263/report-trump-called-slain-us-soldier-a-f-ing-mexican.html?utm_source=referral&utm_medium=uol&utm_campaign=rss_top . This article also reveals that when Donald Trump was US president he once remarked to his chief of staff retired US general John Kelly that he needed [Nazi] generals like [Nazi Der Fuhrer] Hitler had [in WWII]. The Bill of Rights Constitutional United States of America needs the kinds of generals, including such as of recently retired, former US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley of our time, and armed forces that the USA and then US President Franklin D. Roosevelt had against and who and which thoroughly defeated Nazi-nation state dictator Adolph Hitler's generals and military, which a US President Kamala Harris (unlike a subversive and traitorous, NAZI-sympathizer Donald Trump) would opt for and have for the USA.
Christianity was an almost entirely pacifist, altruist-love practicing and proselytizing branch (the New Testament) of Judaism founded by Jesus the Messiah and based on his teachings, way of life and the dictums of his afterlife appearances to particularly his apostles Peter and John, of altruistic love, caring mutuality and fellowship among all peoples, all tongues and nations (even in apostle John’s bleak chapter Revelations of the New Testament, Jesus admonishes that those whose names will be written into the book of life (to have heavenly eternal life) will be based on their good deeds). Initially, it was, after the death of Jesus by crucifixion, the Apostolic Universal (Catholic) Church, until it later became the adopted [institutional] religion of the Roman Empire under Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, after which time it became the Roman Catholic Church. Protestant and Eastern Orthodox Christianity branched from Roman Catholicism -- Eastern Orthodox Christianity, including Greek, Coptic, Russian, etc., branched from it long before Protestantism. At root and fundamentally, true Christianity has nothing to do with racial, ethnic or other demographic identity and supremacy nor with provincialism or nationalism of any kind, which are all antithetical to true Christianity. Christianity originated in the Middle East and first spread to Asia Minor, Ionia and Greece, West Asia, Egypt and Ethiopia, not necessarily strictly in that order.
Islam became the predominate religion of these geographies, except for Greece and Ethiopia, as a result of the Arab military conquest of them, and other geographies, following the death of the de-facto first caliph of Islam and Islamic Arabia the Prophet Muhammad, 571 to 632 CE, the founder of Islam and a military conqueror and unifier of Arabia in the decade-plus following the death of his wealthy-merchant, well-educated and highly religious first wife Kadijah bint Khuwaylid, 554 to 619 CE, 17 years older than him and his employer, of a wealthy and powerful merchant Arabian nuclear family and extended family. The Prophet Muhammad left behind himself in life upon his death, as its until then leader, one of the most well equipped, trained, battle-seasoned and powerful of armies in the world. Arabia itself was a province of the western division of the Roman Empire before the fall of the hegemony of the once-mighty western division of the Roman Empire, and its armed forces were well trained and armed by the Roman military long before the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. Furthermore, its armed forces were considered formidable by their Roman political-military overlords. But after the fall of rulership jurisdiction of the said Roman Empire, there was infighting within and among the armed forces and warlords of Arabia, until the growing and growingly successful armed forces of the Prophet Muhammad eventually conquered and unified them all under his command and authority, with the political and probable financial help of the family clan of his deceased first wife into which she was born.)
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rafealsamuel · 5 months ago
Knowing Father is the Key to either Scarcity or Abundance
Be a giver, show love, compassion or generosity and those with the wisdom of the fallen world will assume you are weak, gullible and prey to be taken advantage of. They will disrespect you, abuse you, and try to steal every good thing you have.
They don't know the GOODNESS of God -- His generosity and Lavish Grace. They have minds CONSUMED UTTERLY with calculating how to survive, to get the upper hand / leverage / unfair advantage. They are not receiving from a GOOD FATHER that is larger than the crisis in their lives. They are on their OWN - alone in a dangerous world of fellow predators and fierce schemers. So they HAVE to scramble all the time to maneuver and compete against you.
You are too busy LOVING them, praying FOR them, and blessing them to let their schemes and control games dictate your life. They are consumed and dominated with trying to be safe/secure in a fearful and dangerous world.
They live inside a tiny cage of merely 2 conditions: either manipulate or be manipulated — either dominate or be dominated. Even when they think they are "winning", they are utterly impoverished of heart, meager of joy, and slaves to their own envy and fears. They live needlessly in a barren inner world, without Biblical faith, where love is scarce.
You, on the other hand are Walking in the Spirit of God. (Galatians 5:16-18) You are abiding in the Vine Life of Jesus Messiah, (John 15:26-27) in whom you can do all things. You are not competing. You are ENJOYING FELLOWSHIP (the goal of your faith). You have a Good Father they they don't know. Father wants to invite them into His arms of Grace, but only some are willing to receive true life, true love, and true blessing.
Father is glorious and has a forever Family and a forever Kingdom to BESTOW upon those who trust in His goodness and in the Son He sent to be the full payment for the sins of the world. God invites us into intimacy fellowship with Himself. This is a rich reality that has already overcome.
THANK YOU FATHER, for your love, your grace. Your salvation has a NAME - Jesus of Nazareth - in whom your Fullness was PLEASED to dwell. We worship YOU and we are so grateful for the protection, provision that we need daily. You ARE drawing us to Yourself. Your bosom. We RECEIVE your heart. We RECEIVE your life. We RECEIVE Your Son. We RECEIVE your Holy Spirit. We hand you all our MESS, and transform us into your MESSAGE to this world.
Father, often times it SEEMS hard to find your protection and provision. You seem distant. The predators seem more real. Correct, we pray, our perspective. Give us Your eyes, ears and heart! Increase our faith. Remove the enemy's blocks and attempts to hijack the blessings from You to us. Fill our cups to overflowing, not just with You in Spirit at Your Side on Your Throne in heaven, but also down here in this life. Make us Your witnesses, martyrs, ambassadors. Let us REFLECT YOUR FAITHFULNESS back to you, Your Covenant Love, as we are more and more like You, from the inside out.
In YOU, we go from life to more life, from glory to greater glory.
1 John 4:13 "By this we know that we abide in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit."
1 John 5:4 "For everyone born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith".
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thejesusmaninred · 5 months ago
"The Ode." From Mark 10: 40-45.
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Jesus reaffirms the Kingdom of Heaven is like the Boy Scouts, it is a members only club meant for those who have self-prepared. There is no magic to be had, all of the work to attain to the Messiah is self-directed. There are guides and guidelines but Jesus even says in a prior frame, the realization of the Self is the result of an individuistic effort. He says it must be done, but how, He said is up to us.
Integral to the Realization of the Self is a culture that does not suppress it or attempt to unduly influence it. The presence of the fukchucks who like to yell and scream about babies, abortions and Palestine all the time are an example of components of a a society that suppresses the instinct to go in search of the Self. So laws that forbid discrimination are critical in the full extension of the capabilities of a society to reach person and understake a thorough search for God.
We appear to resent members of our communities and governments that want to exercise their legal authority over the general welfare. If Jesus was attempting anything it was to get people to riot against Rome inside as much as out was because it was not meeting the standards for public health established by the Torah. We know there was disease and filth everywhere Jesus went, a sign of the deep corruption of the Roman state. We could criticize the Romans because that was disgusting and negligent of them but it was also criminal even by ancient standards and Jesus wanted the population of the empire to stand up for itself and put those responsible under arrest.
His first step was to discuss with people whether or not they deserved to live in a lawful state. The Disciples are indignant. They want God to more for them. Jesus's reputation as the Messiah took a dive when He told them they had to do more on their own. In order to understand what kinds of efforts Jesus wanted them to start with at this point in their evolution, we must understand the outrage of His followers.
Indignation is the expectation the roots, branches, blooms, and fruits of others belong to us. It is a sense of entitelment. No one on this earth is entitled to anything that secular law and the Self grant us:
Jesus said to them, “You will drink the cup I drink and be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with, 40 but to sit at my right or left is not for me to grant. These places belong to those for whom they have been prepared.”
41 When the ten heard about this, they became indignant with James and John. 
42 Jesus called them together and said, “You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. 
43 Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 44 and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. 45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
To rid oneself of righteous indignation, this expecation that society is going to march to your drum and not its own one must leave Egypt. The inner voice that shouts and agitates is not the one that is correct. The one that explains the causes of one's own happiness is the correct one. One must a slave to all the causes of happiness and these alone. Many involve submission to the whims of a lawfully free society.
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 40. They needed...to drink. The Number is 12068, ‎‎אלסח, elsach, "the sum of everything."
How do we know when we are prepared to enter the Kingdom of Heaven? When we are able to convey ourselves through life with ease, with very few precautions. We know something is deeply wrong at the current time because all at once it seems mankind stopped pretending it was benevolent. The Republicans, Mormons, Russians, Chinese, Houthis, Iranians and dictators in many parts of Africa and South America decided to coordinate an attack on the civilized world. The response of the righteous to it has been mediocre. So everyone feels ill at ease, completely unprepared for the world to come.
Jesus said no to this. We must be in a state of hot readiness for the Tikkun Olam Ha Ba "to repair the broken world" and we are not.
I have been pressing on the US Gov in particular to clean its filthy act up because in my wild imaginings I thought its laws had close resonance with the Script. It has been like herding a bunch of stoned cats.
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There is no loyalty to the Scripture in the USA. We do not believe in the Great Hillel or Zabal. My theory was one could get the behavior of persons and nations to change if one was armed with the Script. We have a dire need as a human race, especially now to believe the Words of this Gospel can be authenticated. I confess I do not know that will happen. Except Jesus said we must do it, so we must try.
We will have nothing if we cannot succeed. Everything our faith is based on, as Jesus said is contained in the Great Hillel and along with it every law and lifestyle on this planet. If we fail in it we fail in the rest and for there is plenty of proof.
v. 41: When the ten heard about this, they became indignant with James and John. The Number is 5164, הא‎וד‎‎, "the Ode."
This translates to "human history is a tragic epic poem, an ode to a goat."
"The noun ωδη (ode), meaning song or chant, or rather a long and informative or explanatory song: an ode. In the classics, odes could be sad dirges or joyful songs of lengthy praise. Rather strikingly, our word "tragedy" combines our noun ωδη (ode) with τραγος (tragos), goat, making a tragedy an "ode to goat" (and see our article on the noun τραγος, tragos, for a quick look at why an ode-to-goat equals a tragedy)."
We engage in lengthy and elaborate praises of God and earn nothing of it return from Him. For this we must obey the Great Hillel.
v. 42: Jesus called them together. Salvation calls men to do things that are necessary like a disease cries out for a cure. We know we are off target for our personal and collective goals. The sages of the past who have already lived our lives left us with some advice for times like these. The Number is 10175, יאזה‎‎, yaza, "What is forthcoming."
Do you dipshitz really plan to give birth to babies and then teach them to act like this?
v. 43-45: This is the famous section that led everyone to believe Jesus came to take one for the team. Obscene and quite silly. What what happens: The Number is 15862, י״החוב, "the debt."
We covered this. The debt we owe God is "the sweeping up of the debris in order to provide a more advantageous way of life for others. We owe Him and others proper behavior."
I do not think it is proper to watch the Russians pelt Ukraine with bombs and machine gun fire just becuase they act kind of scary about it. We have an acute understanding and all the money and talent we need to relieve povery and repatriate the homeless and comfort the dislocated. We are not prepared to address these situations but we could certainly do it. So the poem the angels are writing about a bunch of stupid goats is going to continue.
The power of the Incarnation of the Holy Ghost called Jesus Christ is that it does not discount the presence of billions of good people who are dying to be happy if only they knew how. They are waiting for the chance. One the bombs stop falling and the Mormons, who are few, and their scheme to rule the world with shame and fear is foiled, it is they who must inherit the earth.
As a result of this knowledge I have concluded the Gospel of Mark was written as a Seventh Portion. The Torah has Five Books, the Book of Joshua is called the Extra Portion or the Sixth, and this is the final volume in the annals of the Jewish people which explains how to attain to the Promised Land through the exploration of the meaning of Shabbat, the sum of everything good about God and man alike.
We will continue to delve into how this thinking can be of value to mankind in the following frames.
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jewinme · 6 months ago
We all are in different places in our learning journey. We want to understand what is right. What is right is right for us all. We are an image to each other. But at the same time, we are trying to understand ourselves. So what is your right might not be my right. Therefore, be the best that you can be knowing that you are also sensitive to the other who is a part of yourself. If your actions are not hurting anyone else, then do what is right. You can only be who you are. Don't let the other dictate to you who you are except to have them help you see who you really are. ✨️
Be true to yourself. Be who you are. God made us all unique and special as is, so stop trying to be who your image thinks you should be. Be you and love who you are. If your image doesn't like it, that is their problem, not yours.
Worshiping an image has no depth. An image only sees what is on the outside. Its love is not true. This love is only superficial. Eventually, it dies.
I love the analogy of the two houses. I know what is inside mine, but now, I get to see inside yours. Inbetween us is heavens door...
Deuteronomy 6:4-9
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See my website for more encouragement. Be inspired and connect to your deeper soul's purpose. Follow my blog if you want to understand more... 👇👇👇
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ramrodd · 6 months ago
Euangelion is the pivitol motif in Christian literature. Pilate's euangelion to Tiberius is cited by Tertullian in Book V, Apology, from his archelogy in the Latin archives as it pertained to all things Jesus. Pilate was constrained by duty to report the events surrounding the execution of a kami kazi Messiah that was exactly who He represented Himself to be, as determined by Theopilus as reliable data in Hebrews. Hebrews is the bureouctatic mind of a republcan equistrian distilled from all the intelligence reported from eyewitness testimony working for the 10th Legion as spies.
One thing we learn from Tertullian regarding Pilate's euangelion to Tiberius is that the Roman soldiers dubbed the Jesus Followers “Christians” after Jesus took command of John the Baptist political organization and constiutency, which is where both the Gospel of Mark and Gospel of John begin: when Jesus pops up above the Roman military horizon,
At the command level of both the 10th Legion and Pilate's Headquarters in Caesarea, the Romnas had a pretty good handle on the political movement John the Baptist created with his project at the Jordan River during the coming and the going of Jewish pilgrims to the Fesitvals. 4 times a year, there was a Super Bowl event in Jerusalame and Be there or Be Square. Levi. Passover was the social event of the year and the mystery of Elijah at the Seder was at least as potent to Hebrew children as Santa Claus has become almost universally, celebrated, like Mardi Gras.
So, we know that from Pilate's first euangelion, What I didn't know before I stumbled across two historic facts that explain the instant antipathy to all things Christian Tiberius tries to suppress with warnings of sanctions against Christian persecution by the la dolce vita society of Rome.. The first fact is that Jesus's ministry straddles the execution of Sejanus in 31 CE, if you accept the astronomy that dictates that Jesus was crucified in 33 CE. The only 1st Century annacedent to Greenwish Mean Time is the Roman Standard Time of the 8 Day week when the Gospel of Mark begins. This is an Egyptian legacy: the strategic numerology of the Egyptian priests and intellectuals is base 8 numberology, given the base 60 numerology embedded in Euclid, I don't know how the 7 Kings kept time, but Egypt did all its scientific inquiry with 8 base numeriology, which is why they couldn't interpret Pharoah's dream and Joseph could because he was using the base 9 numerology of western civilization, which enables the Aristotelian metaphysics necessary to pun man on the moon.
So, anyway, Pilate's euangelion to Tiberius convey the tidings of Joy of the Talking Cross, which represents a covenant between the Jewish god and the stoic commuinty of the Italian Regiment of the Praetorian Guard and Roman Republic that represented the State side of the division of Church and State and the stoic Equity of Manlian Discipline. The centurion in Mark 15:39 knew what it meant for a Father to sacrifice his Son to make a point and set a standard. The nature of Honor is established by the Equity of the Father. This is the connection between Romans 13:1 – 7 and Hebrews 13:17. That's the authority of the centurion in Matthw 8:9. The centurion was justified by faith in Matthew 8:10 and the spiritual emelment of Jesus was able to track through the mythos to the centurion's servant and to lay hands on him with the Spirit of God. This is where Jesus got the idea for the Talking Ctoss.
And that's what you are missing with the critical historic method of deconstruction when it's intent is to prevent harmonization, Pilate's euanglion is to Tiberius was the harmonization of Mark 15:1 – 16:8 with the Gospel of Peter, In the Gospel of Peter, the Roman soldiers set 7 seals on the stone they rolled up to secure the body in a sealed tomb. Those 7 seals are reprised in Revelation. It's how Kabalah works.
Anyway, Pilate's euangelion is the first written record of Resurrection, but it is not the euangelion of Mark 1:1, which is the post Acts 10 euangelion and includes Peter's confession in Acts 10 :34 – 43. This confession becomes the outline of the narrative arc of the Gospel of Mark as composed by Cornelius, the centurion in Acts 10. Cornelius has the same military role as Tim Walz as Command Sergeant Major, Army of the United States. Cornelius, as a proxy for the centurion archetype, is where Clausewitz appears in history. Clausewitz is the method of Pauline Theology appled to warfare as an instrument of State and subordinate to We, the People, the Philospher King of the democratic socialism of the Honey Bee swarm. We, the People, are Athens and the fedearl government is Sparta as the administrative state.
All of that is available with critidal literary analysis of Hegel and dialectic synthesis,
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