A Gentile with a Jewish Heart
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We learn together like all the other opposites in the world: darkness vs light, physical vs spiritual, man vs woman, Jews vs Gentiles. When we learn the Divine love; relationship and its balance, that is when we see God and know His Truths.
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jewinme · 3 days ago
I believe life is about understanding ourself. Understanding ourself is understanding the duality that we are living in, but somehow remaining balanced within it. Standing our ground draws the entire world to ourself. Standing ground in love becomes magnetic as it draws its counterpart to it. It's pull is a universal law that we cannot deny. ✨️
When we are balanced, we can actually love the other because now we know how to. We must show compassion to those who do not know themselves. If we know love, we can understand where people are. Instead of being reactive in a negative way, we can identify with others. We shouldn't take negativity personally, which allows space for people to see themselves. We have been reacting to reactions, so we are just repeating toxic cycles and getting nowhere. If we are in love, we are neutral. We can have boundaries and stand strong in them. When we stand in love, we draw our love to us. We don't control anything because we trust in our love. Knowing love means that, in the end, all we will know is love...
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#messiah #soulmates
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jewinme · 3 days ago
We have to remember that we are not here to be in love with wisdom. This is where people are being duped. Humanity is split and we see the polarity so clearly these days. Why? It is because we are in the middle of two extremes. Love is found inbetween them. We are here to experience love. We create it. We are the lovers. So, whatever challenges you the most, you must learn to love it, and then that door to the all knowing will open up. That is how we do it. We are in love. See the compliment. Knowledge is good, but being in love is even better.
True love is real!
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Love is the central, transformative force in the human experience, but what is love? Isn't love what we all are trying to find here? Wisdom and knowledge alone are not enough to feeling fulfillment. Love transcends polarities and unites them as one. By loving what challenges us, we open ourselves to greater wisdom, depth, and connection with the whole. True love is what we all desire. Love is not about me. It is all about you. Without you, there is no me. Love is the powerful grounding force that knows it is united. Love is ONE. Love goes beyond our intellectual pursuits and connects us to the essence of our being.
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jewinme · 5 days ago
If we can see how we all are interconnected, we can have a better sense of self. This idea is a very empowering one as we understand that we can hold a lot more knowledge than we previously thought. Knowledge is here. We all hold it in our hands. A.I. has become a great tool, but we do not see that we are the creators of it. All the wisdom since the beginning of time is already here. We just need to understand how to access it.
We are here to understand a compliment. The compliment is through opposition. It is energy that is masculine and feminine or left and right brain. In Kabbalah it is called the Tree of Life and in Christianity the Christ. All of our religions speak of it. It is consciousness. It is openness. It is freedom. It is a door that opens in the self that understands it. It is the whole brain. It is the Adam. It is the beginning and the end. It is the revelation that all of humanity has been waiting for...
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jewinme · 5 days ago
For sure, the switch is why the world is in an uproar. What we are experiencing is challenging everything about the way we used to be. We have been confined to very left brain thinking that controlled the right. It suppressed the flow of creativity and expression. Now, we see, we all are expressing ourselves, but it is a wild mess. We have been cooped up for so long that we have exploided, and everyone is with their very own bullhorn yelling at everyone. We are angry about everything. We do not see our interconnectedness. Right brain seems abstract, an ideology that is challenging everything that we thought we knew. It is flow. It has no boundaries. It is free. It is feminine. It is the woman that we never really knew...
She was oppressed. ✨️
We see that, together, we all are one Adam. We are always speaking to each other. He is giving, and she is receiving. There really is no "other" because the man and the woman are one. ✨️
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jewinme · 6 days ago
We each experience the ONE. Being one is being in two places at the same time. We are here on earth, but we understand our place in heaven.
Those who are one are one with all of us who are one. So, there is the individual, and there is the collective. Throughout history, we have defined this place as the Promised Land. We all have experienced the exile from it because we have not known ourself.
When we know the difference between good and evil, we choose what is good. What is good is good for the self, so it is good for the whole.
Here on earth, we are defining the Promised Land.
An attack that says we are not a part of the promise is an attack on every single one of us. An attack that says the promise does not exist is also an attack on every single one of us. We all are a part of God's promise and it's story... May we understand that we are, so we will learn to support one another fairly and respectfully. 🙏
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#messiah #Israel
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jewinme · 7 days ago
The power of the word is profound. Spoken words can be transient, but when committed, they become lasting and tangible, also holding us accountable. Marriage is between opposites. It is a vow. It is a contract. Love becomes real when two become one as they become one another. There is only ONE. One is truth. One is the middle line in between the two. ✨️
"I DO"
The word serves as a bridge between thought and reality, transforming the abstract into a lasting entity. The word is time. The word is a record. The word is our history. Through the word, we transformed our thought into a permanent part of our identity, making the word meaningful and concrete. We experience the word. We bring the word to life. It’s through the word that our promise and truth is realized, shaping not just how others see us, but how we also see ourself. ✨️
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#messiah #WordOfGod
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jewinme · 8 days ago
The woman is in the man, and the man comes out of that woman. How do you see the woman if she's not the man?
The woman hides in the man.
She offends everyone.
"If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you."
I feel the hate. My love is hated. The hate is real. My stats are my wasted pearls, which are my proof of it. ✨️
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jewinme · 8 days ago
Who is right?
Sometimes the left is dominant and sometimes the right is. There is always a fight to overpower the other, but who is right? There are always two choices. We have two perspectives. We choose the best one. One is good and the other is bad. We learn from the bad one. That is how we evolve into better people. We see both, and then we become the judge. We have to decide. We have to make a choice based on examining the evidence of both sides. Our heart is the judge. ✨️
We are judge. We judge ourself. We are choice. ✨️
Ultimately, there is only love. In the end, all we know is that absolute, so we are tormented by our choices that went against it. ✨️
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#messiah #judge
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jewinme · 9 days ago
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We reflect the light that is on the inside to our outside. When we wake up from the dream that we are in, we are not in darkness anymore...
We are able to see ourself. ✨️
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jewinme · 9 days ago
The more heart that you are, the more of the mind you know. ✨️
Kindness and patience allow us to connect with others and see the world from different perspectives, which in turn helps us grow in knowledge and empathy. ✨️
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jewinme · 11 days ago
Humanity is energy that is masculine and feminine. It is outer and inner. We are a reflection of one another. We are a mirror image. We are created in the image of God, and so, to see ourself, we need an image.
We are creating from both. The masculine and the feminine are working in unison to create a child.
What we create outside is coming from what we create inside.
Both the inside and outside are working in harmony, and that created the balance we needed to become real.
We never saw ourself before. ✨️
In the end, there is one light that stands, who is inbetween the man and the woman, who is the child, the new Adam, who has no form, but is only light, who is our love, who is the knowing of ourselves, the completion of humanity in understanding all our good and bad. ✨️
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jewinme · 11 days ago
It isn't us verses them because we all contributed to the current reality that we are living in whether we were conscious of it or not. Now that we are becoming conscious, we can create the reality we all really want and stop contributing to the one reality that only suits them who take advantage of those still sleeping -- they don't want you to know so that you'll never wake up.
The fear tactic:
Fear keeps one paralyzed. ✨️
We all have a collective responsibility by educating and encouraging one another. The current reality we experience is shaped by all of us, whether we are fully aware of it or not. It's about recognizing our shared role in creating the world around us and the power we have when we become more conscious of it. The idea of waking up from the toxic cycle that keeps certain people at an advantage while others remain in the dark requires a call for collective awakening and action. By becoming more aware, we can all participate in creating a reality that benefits everyone, rather than only a select few. ✨️
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jewinme · 12 days ago
The place of balance is pure love because we love what is inside just as we do on the outside.✨️
It is the golden rule and what we all are here trying to achieve.
We are married. ✨️
Each part is in love with all its other parts the same. Each is a complement to the other and experiences each other the same. The wheel of time is constantly turning as each part is revealing another part of God to the other. We are helpers helping each other refine one another into a deeper, more intimate connection with God.
Our heart becomes one mind, the left and the right, who knows God as we experience Him with one another. What is on the outside is equal to what is on the inside — We have become ONE because we recognize the light who is being reflected to each other.
We recognize ourself. ✨️
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jewinme · 13 days ago
The work is done.
He is here.
He has always been here.
It is a new day.
Together, we are the Sabbath Day...
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jewinme · 13 days ago
We all are trying to understand one thing, but what is that one thing? Who is God? We all are trying to define God by defining ourselves. Who are we? We don't know God. Can anyone say they know God? So, we need to see our humanity in all our good and bad. We see ourself through history. We need to go back to where we began. We go back to our birth. We have parents. We have always been divided into two. We always perceive in two. This is good and that isn't. It all started with two people and then two groups and then smaller groups within those groups. We keep multiplying ourselves like being in stages of mitosis, but we all belong to the same one thing, which is who we are, which is being the image of God. ✨️
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jewinme · 14 days ago
I always hated when people watched me doing something. I actually have formed fear around it. Why am I so concerned about what people think? That is when I mess up what I am doing. It is because I was too worried about what others think. I allowed them to influence me negatively. I took their criticism personally. I didn't consider where it came from. Now, when I have a vision. I draw it, but I don't tell people what I am drawing. I just start drawing it, and I don't care what they think about it. I don't care about thier opinions on how they think my painting should look like. And then, when the painting is done, they look at it and marvel. They are in awe of how real it looks. ✨️
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#messiah #vision
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jewinme · 15 days ago
The journey to myself meant I had to understand who I am. It wasn't good enough that I recognized darkness. It wasn't good enough that I recognized pain. I had to understand where it was coming from. I had to heal it. That is why I had to go back to the beginning. When we know who we are, we set ourself free from what we are not. ✨️
The true journey begins when we dig deeper into the origins of our feelings.Why did we react? Why are we triggered? This is the work. By understanding the source, we can untangle ourselves from false beliefs and negative patterns. Returning to the beginning is a reflection on past experiences or earlier stages of life to understand how they have shaped who we are today. Only by embracing this deeper understanding of ourself can we break free from what no longer serves us, allowing us to move toward a more authentic and liberated self. ✨️
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