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thejewitches · 1 year ago
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No antisemitism, bigotry, or proselytization will be accepted. We will be watching closely & utilizing the delete and block buttons as needed.
Are you unclear on the history of Messianic Christianity? Here is a resource, unaffiliated with us in any way! We encourage you to read it.
We wrote this because we’ve been caught in the trap of messianic “resources” made to trick Jews.
This post was chosen by our Patrons, who support us in the work we do. Become a Patron now.
Like we say, context is key. Jews have been using fish as protective symbols for centuries…but that isn’t the same as the Jesus fish! Red flags come in varying shades. Always use context & look for more before making assumptions.
Remember: interfaith solidarity doesn’t include coercion, trickery, subterfuge, appropriation & lying.
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lambofthelost · 1 month ago
Thank you, Lord, for giving me:
Blankets, Pillows, A bed, Filtered water, Heat, Food, Eyes to see, ears to hear, The ability to speak to you, a roof and walls, the ability to rebuke darkness, thank you for your healing and all things that are good because all that is good is directly from you my Lord and I thank you and pray in the mighty name of JESUS that you continue to bless your children and prosper them as they go through challenges mentally, physically and socially, I rebuke all evil that wishes to obstruct the path you have designated for us in the mighty name of JESUS and I bind and chain any dark forces or spirits that represent illness, disease, mental illness, addiction, affliction, pain, suffering and sadness in the mighty name of JESUS. I pray and ask that you bless anyone who reads this, I ask that you bless this evening and the following days in the mighty name of our eternal king Yeshua HaMashiach amen and amen!
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colleybri · 6 months ago
Andor and Rogue One: Sacrificing love and sacrificing for love
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I often contemplate Luthen’s monologue from Andor episode 10: the full meanings and implications of what he has sacrificed. The clues to what his backstory might be and how his future might unfold. Perhaps the most intriguing item on his list of what he has given up is ‘love’. The difficulty of analysing this one is that the word has so many different meanings, and once again I’m rueful that in English we didn’t keep the Ancient Greek tradition of having different words for the many different types of love that we can experience. There are separate words for romantic/sexual love, the love between parents and children, between siblings and between good friends. There’s love in the sense of a strong liking (as in “I love chocolate”) and the love that develops over time in a relationship that needs a lot of work (as in an arranged marriage).
Luthen might mean one or all of these, but he might well also mean a very specific type of love: the one often called ‘universal and unconditional love’. The Greek word is Agape, (pronounced Ah-ga-pay). It’s the selfless love felt for humanity as a whole, and is that behind the willingness to do anything for someone without expecting something in return. It’s the biggest question Luthen will have to face. Is he ready and willing to die for the cause - and if so, will this kind of love be the motive? The problem is that in doing what he feels he needs to do for the greater good he thinks he is ‘damned’ as his actions are anything but loving, at least on the surface. He threatens babies, sacrifices innocents and plans to kill a man at his mother’s funeral. Perhaps he is a long way from ‘agape’.
Cassian is a little easier to track as we have at least the start and end of his story - Season 2 will fill in the remaining gap. The excellent Rogue One novelisation makes explicit that within the film Cassian has an epiphany and it’s made really clear in the extract below, which is from just after where he and the others volunteer to go with Jyn to Scarif (knowing full well the huge personal risk involved).
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The novel earlier emphasised the ‘need’ in Jyn’s eyes, which is ultimately linked to her love (denied at first) for her father and her faith in his message about the Death Star. Cassian couldn’t go ahead with killing Galen and it’s interesting that here he now shares that ‘need’ to act: ‘He tried to imagine executing another coldly elegant mission for Draven and finding nourishment in the stale, momentary thrills of danger and triumph… He couldn’t survive that way anymore. …Jyn was changing. And through her, he would do what was required of him. They all would”. Interesting choice of words: ‘Coldly’.. ‘stale’. This will be the Cassian of the end of Andor season 2… Needing to find his fire again. It’s no doubt why we will want to watch the film again immediately afterwards, as Diego Luna has been urging us to do. I think we’ll need the ‘redemption’ part of the story.
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With apologies to some of my Cassian x Jyn loving friends ;), this for me is the main canon ‘love story’ in Rogue One. Putting faith in Jyn’s own faith in her father’s message is for Cassian a kind of re-dedication to the cause - a renewal, perhaps, of something like the ‘vow’ that Luthen speaks of. But the motive this time seems to be something positive. In his monologue Cassian speaks of all the awful things he’s done on behalf of the Rebellion. Walking away now, as the Alliance wants to do, would be unthinkable. Making the ultimate sacrifice eventually becomes the only ‘choice’ left but I think it’s so important that Cassian makes it with a clear head and for the right reasons. It’s why I think that any heavy personal losses that Cassian might experience in S2 won’t come in the final arc, which takes place in the days just before the film - I don’t think Tony Gilroy would want us to think that Cassian is acting from any sense of ‘Oh well, my life is so shitty I might as well do this as I haven’t anything else to live for!’ That wouldn’t even be a sacrifice, which means giving up something you value. Instead, Gilroy explicitly says of Cassian that he is “someone who will consciously, open-heartedly sacrifice himself for the greater good”. In other words, he has a clear mind and is doing this for the ‘right’ reason. And the reason is love, I think - and in the ‘agape’ sense. In other words it’s not for love of Jyn or even love of himself (although I think he is genuinely and justly respectful and proud of himself when he dies) but for love of all those theoretical billions of strangers who might possibly be saved because of their sending the Death Star plans.
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Cassian, Jyn and the rest of the Rogue One team make the final sacrifice for love. Unconditional love of strangers. The most selfless act of all. It makes me cry every time I rewatch, but the beach scene is a perfect visual representation. Cassian and Jyn are united in a platonic hug, comforting and literally supporting each other. No doubt thinking about all the loves and losses they have experienced in their mirror-imaged traumatic lives, war-torn from such an early age. They don’t want to die but are accepting of their approaching doom and the knowledge that in doing this they have helped each other to rediscover purpose and hope. They have “tried” as Nemik would put it. And finally, being swallowed up in bright transcendental light - recalling the sunrise Luthen knew he’d ‘never see’. Imagery of death but also of hope for ���someone else’s future’, their sacrifice being the most selfless love of all.
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So you can absolutely see the ending of Rogue One and the ending of Cassian’s story as hopeful, transcendental and inspirational as in that sense he is indeed ‘messianic’ as Tony Gilroy has described him. Not because he is a religious chosen one or a mystical figure - he’s an ordinary average man, who started out as a ‘loser.. .a nobody…’ who has done something extraordinary, for love. It’s a fully secular spiritual journey but no less powerful for that. His bible, as it were, has been Nemik’s manifesto.
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As for Luthen himself… his fate is unclear. I’m not sure what might be coming for him, but I hope it does the character justice. Perhaps he will get some kind of glimpse of sunrise or perhaps his ending will - in contrast to Cassian’s - be in a totally sunless space.
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“Tell him he knows everything he needs to know and feels everything he needs to feel, and when the day comes and those two pull together he will be an unstoppable force for good.”
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Just wanted to give a heads-up or like. Ask for confirmation. Is the Israeli band Miqedem Messianic? It was in a playlist with other Jewish music and I love their rendition of the Psalms but I saw comments on YouTube and then Googled and it seems so. Extremely disappointed :/
Rating: Messianic
Miquedem, unfortunately we can confirm is Messianic; source here (though click at your own risk, as it does lead to a Messianic site)
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peacefuldwellings · 2 years ago
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925 Silver Jewish Mezuzah Yemen Ethnic Filigree Art Mezuzah, Made in Israel
Handcrafted in a small workshop in Israel, this elegant sterling silver mezuzah case is designed in old Jewish Yemeni filigree style*, adorned with intricate floral design and scrolled shapes.
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curiouscornfieldcryptid · 9 months ago
wholeheartedly adore watching the chosen and seeing yeshua and the apostles celebrate hanukkah. suddenly I feel so connected to my ancient siblings in Christ who actually knew Him in the flesh.
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claudiosuenaga · 3 months ago
No Cerne da Distopia 03: O Anticristo se aproxima | Com Sergio Beck e Claudio Suenaga | Studio17
Nesta terceira live da série "No Cerne da Distopia", Sérgio Beck e Cláudio Suenaga falam sobre a Chegada do Anticristo, a Marca da Besta 666 e a apocrifia do Livro do Apocalipse.
➡️ Canal STUDIO17: https://www.youtube.com/@STUDIO17TV./
➡️ Canal STUDIO17 Veritas: https://www.youtube.com/@Studio17veritas/videos
➡️ Torne-se o meu Patrono no Patreon e tenha acesso a matéria "A Chegada do Anticristo e a Grande Enganação": https://www.patreon.com/posts/90981382
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✅ “Illuminati: A Genealogia do Mal", agora disponível na Amazon: https://www.amazon.com.br/dp/B0DKTW32JW
✅ "Encuentros cercanos de todo tipo. El caso Villas Boas y otras abducciones íntimas", meu primeiro livro traduzido em espanhol, na Amazon: EUA: https://amzn.to/3Lh93LbEspanha: https://amzn.to/3LlMtBn Reino Unido: https://www.amazon.co.uk/-/es/Cl%C3%A1udio-Tsuyoshi-Suenaga/dp/B0BW344XF1/ Alemanha: https://www.amazon.de/-/es/Cl%C3%A1udio-Tsuyoshi-Suenaga/dp/B0BW344XF1 França: https://www.amazon.fr/-/es/Cl%C3%A1udio-Tsuyoshi-Suenaga/dp/B0BW344XF1/ Itália: https://www.amazon.it/-/es/Cl%C3%A1udio-Tsuyoshi-Suenaga/dp/B0BW344XF1/ Japão: https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/es/Cl%C3%A1udio-Tsuyoshi-Suenaga/dp/B0BW344XF1/
✅ "As Raízes Hebraicas da Terra do Sol Nascente: O Povo Japonês Seria uma das Dez Tribos Perdidas de Israel?"https://www.lojaenigmas.com.br/pre-venda-as-raizes-hebraicas-da-terra-do-sol-nascente-o-povo-japones-seria-uma-das-dez-tribos-perdidas-de-israel
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lechusza · 3 months ago
World music
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The record is worth the listen. Pe Echad 'One Voice' Messianic worship album released on major platforms despite adversity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBPl2214-jE #music #culture #peechad #messianicjew
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messianicmichpeacha · 4 months ago
Biblical not Traditional
We believe what The Holy Bible says NOT what traditional Christianity teaches (passed down from Catholicism):
I. That all in Christ are Israel.
II. That The Father God, The Son God, and Their Holy=Set Apart Spirit God are all different people and Gods “one” in Unity, NOT Number, that we now share in.
III. That these are The Creator Gods ruling over all other Gods they created (“Spirit” and “God” are interchangeable terms. “Devils” and “Demons” are the same kinds of beings only specifically referred to in this way to indicate they have turned against Their Creators. “Angels” just means “Messengers” and it is not a category of beings).
IV: That their name literally means “The Existing” (from Hebrew YHWH aka Jehovah) and that we are supposed to pronounce it and write it when appropriate (as it appears over 6,800 times).
A. We are a part of Israel:
Paul says in Romans 11 that those of not physically born of Jewish origin are grafted as a part of Israel through Christ with him as the root and us as the branches and he also tells us in that we are no longer strangers and foreigners but we are now people of ours Gods (The Father God, The Son God, and The Holy Spirit God).
Paul said this in Eph`siyim aka Ephesians 2:
“19So then you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens of The Set-Apart aka Holy Ones and members of The Household of our Gods, 20having been built upon The Foundation of The Emissaries aka Apostles and Prophets, Yeshua aka Jesus Messiah aka Christ Himself being chief corner-stone, 21in whom all the building, being joined together, grows into a Set-Apart aka Holy Dwelling Place in Yeshua aka Jesus, 22in whom you also are being built together into a Dwelling of our Gods in Their Set Apart Spirit.”
B. There are Many Gods:
The original Hebrew in The Teachings, Prophets, and Writings (incorrectly called “The Old Testament”) uses the word “Elohim”=“Gods” to describe “The Gods of Israel” not “Eloah”=“God” and Yeshua aka Jesus clearly supports the concept of multiple Gods and him being one of them by quoting Psalm 82 in John 10, “34Yeshua answered them, “Is it not written in your own Teachings, ‘I said, “You are Gods”’?35“If He called them Gods, to whom the word of God came – and it is impossible for the Scripture to be broken –36do you say of Him whom the Father set apart and sent into the world, ‘You are blaspheming,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’?”
C. The Gods of Israel are “One” in Unity, Not Number:
The “one” stated in Debarim aka Deuteronomy 6:4 that our Gods are “one” is explained by Yeshua aka Jesus in John 17 when he asks The Father that his disciples will be “one” with them as they are with each other”. This means The Father God, The Son God, and The Holy=Set Apart Spirit God are “one” in UNITY and NOW SO ARE WE WITH THEM through Christ and with The Set Apart Spirit living within us.
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themancorialist · 1 year ago
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Whitworth Street, Manchester.
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lambofthelost · 1 month ago
For whoever needs to read this today 🌸🕊️
Yesterday afternoon I was praying and I said to The Lord, "Sometimes I am too ashamed to ask for anything because I have always been so corrupt and undeserving." So this morning I woke up and opened my phone on this image (it meant so much to me I had to save it)
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Always keep a mental note of times the Father confirms things for you, because it can be comforting later when the deceiver tries to manipulate you into believing it wasn't real. Trust in Your Father's timing for He has no limitations and knows you better than you know you. ✨🧔‍♀️
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colleybri · 7 months ago
Just realised that after the retconning of Cassian’s age for the series he actually dies at age 33… The same traditional age as Jesus 😳
How Tony Gilroy views Cassian Andor….
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How Maarva Andor views Cassian Andor…
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thewayofyehoshua · 2 years ago
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Exo 20:8  "Remember the day, Shabbat, to set it apart for YHVH -God.  Exo 20:9  You have six days to labor and do all your work,  Exo 20:10  but the seventh day is a Shabbat for Adonai your YHVH-God. On it, you are not to do any kind of work—not you, your son or your daughter, not your male or female slave, not your livestock, and not the foreigner staying with you inside the gates to your property.  Exo 20:11  For in six days, Adonai made heaven and earth, the sea and everything in them; but on the seventh day he rested. This is why Adonai blessed the day, Shabbat, and separated it for himself. 
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peacefuldwellings · 1 year ago
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a-j134 · 7 months ago
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Te recomiendo un Canal para estudiar la Biblia
"Totalmente Gratis" sin costo alguno,se llama
El canal Youtube: "Shalom132".
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