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Nehemiah 2:5
When things happen to shake our foundations, they may sometimes need to be rebuilt from scratch or fixed to strengthen and stop further cracks. We all went through COVID and were all affected in diverse ways. People lost businesses, homes, families, lives, marriages, and more. Maybe you fall into one or more of those categories, or maybe not from COVID but from other storms of life. Whatever it was, it may warrant you to want to rise and rebuild.
Even when you try to rebuild, there will be those who oppose you for whatever reason, as we see Sanballat and Tobiah do to Nehemiah in Nehemiah 2:19-20. Natural disasters are not new; time and time again, life and society have collapsed around us from hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, famine, COVID, and even now wars and political unrest everywhere.
Every physical structure is subject to the elements and destruction because they are made with physical and natural materials. But spiritual structures stand the test of time as they are built on the solid foundation, which is Christ, because external things cannot be used to build eternal walls.
In secular society, external resources and physical materials are used to rebuild these walls, but in the spiritual, eternal resources are used for building. The circumstances of life can be our building tools and equipment or our barricade. They say when life gives you lemons, make lemonade or let the lemons go rotten. The storms of life are our lemons: what will you make of them?
You can choose to rebuild the walls destroyed by circumstances. For some, it would be a step on the ladder of success; for others, it was an opportunity to branch out. Some took a leap due to the necessity to create something from scratch or upgrade what they already had. Or you can choose to remain within the ruined walls—those who allowed circumstances to keep them from progressing, too afraid to venture out, take risks, or try something new.
The visions and dreams of the Lord are powered by internal strength, wisdom, and resources according to Micah 7:11. We see from Nehemiah's story and journey that the Lord will orchestrate things to work according to His will. God is the master chess player—the extraordinary strategist. When He works, every puzzle piece will fit in at His time, not yours, but He will need you to still do your part.
Has the Lord told you to rebuild? What are you rebuilding? Whatever it is, you must follow the instructions as seen in 1 Kings 6:11-12. God’s kingdom has principles and equations for all things just as in the secular world. Proverbs 24:3 says, "By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established." Vision/dream + courage + wisdom = achievement.
So, the day of your rebuilding has come!
Accordingly, spread your arms and wings to rebuild. Let go of the fear and distractions.
Who are you building on according to 1 Corinthians 3:11? “For no one can lay any foundation other than what has been laid down. Whatever we are building must be on the right foundation, Jesus Christ; this is the only foundation that can sustain your wall. We should not compromise on the foundation, otherwise, we will end up with a bad superstructure.
We cannot build alone; we need each other to build, not just anybody but according to Amos 3:3, we need those who agree with our visions, dreams, and outlook.
Be sure to build with wise people as stated in Proverbs 9:1: “Wisdom has built her house; she has carved its seven columns.” You don't want to build with people who are clueless about the weight of your vision, who will try to pull you down or worse, stop you from building.
Be sure to build with faithful people as stated in Proverbs 28:20: “A faithful person will have many blessings, but one in a hurry to get rich will not go unpunished.” Even if something happens to draw you away from building, the faithful around you will make sure that you remain on track.
Be sure to build with people who have what you need. This is not to manipulate people; you can't do that with spiritual things, but people who have or can procure what you need as 2 Samuel 5:11 says: “King Hiram of Tyre sent envoys to David; he also sent cedar logs, carpenters, and stonemasons, and they built a palace for David.” God has every supply for your need prepared and waiting, especially the assistance of those with the resources you need to rebuild the walls.
Be sure to build with encouraging people as stated in 1 Thessalonians 5:11: “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing.” Anything worth doing is difficult, so we need people with this consideration to comfort and edify us in all trials and difficulties that will arise from rebuilding.
PRAYER: Father! thank you for the privilege to rebuild the walls of life, ministry and home. Grant me the resources, needed to accomplish your divine agenda and rebuild in Jesus’ name, amen.
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Daniel 7:9-10
The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom is the highest court of appeal in almost all cases in England and is also the highest court of appeal for devolution matters (the transfer of power or responsibility from a central government to a local government).
The court of heaven is as real, even more real than any physical court, and highest in power, even over supreme courts of this world. The judicial system of God surpasses every other. It stands to reason that if God is the righteous and faithful judge, then there must be a court He presides over.
The Bible has a lot to say about justice, emphasizing its importance and God's commitment to it:
Isaiah 1:17: "Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow."
Amos 5:24: "But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!"
Proverbs 21:15: "When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers."
Moreover, Satan, the accuser in Revelation 12:10, Job 1:6, and Zechariah 3:1, seeks to uphold his influence among men by bringing false charges and allegations against believers, with the view of weakening our influence and laying to our charge the violations of the law of God that we are guilty of, and demanding our punishment. The only judicial system that can handle this, seeing as it's a spiritual case, is the court of heaven where he can state his accusing hearing. Bear in mind that all spiritual battles must be fought with spiritual weapons and resources as stated in Ephesians 6:12. We cannot defend ourselves against these accusations of the enemy in mortal, or natural court.
Since every case requires a defendant, Christ became our advocate (1 John 2:1) and mediator (1 Timothy 2:5) who defends the brethren from the soul, destiny, and life-threatening destructive accusation of the enemy.
God, the righteous judge, is always seated on the bench (His Throne), to judge faithfully, but always in favor of His children.
When the enemy brings a case with legal implications against us, the Lord wants us to still be confident in our advocate and come with our strong reasons, as seen in Isaiah 43:26, for a plea of not guilty. For God has spoken concerning this by declaring that our sentence is never based on our sin (Psalm 103:10).
The court is in session, the Ancient of Days, the righteous judge and faithful God is on the bench. Your case file is on the bench but guess what! There is no need for a jury of your peers or witnesses in this courtroom. What and who you get to hear your case and decide on the sentence are the heavenly host and the elders on the grandstand who are forever rooting for you—victory all the way! (Hebrews 12:1).
No court in the world will judge a case without adequate investigations and evidence. God also expects judicial etiquette (Deuteronomy 19:18), without which there can never be a righteous judgment.
Although we live in a world with a legal system full of holes and dishonest rulings, there are still some who will take an honest stand to defend the defenceless. But God, the righteous judge presiding over the court of heaven, never picks one side over another. He treats and handles all cases as individual and unique and will never decide your fate based on man’s witness or evidence but by the Blood of the Lamb that always speaks on your behalf (Hebrews 12:24).
No matter what accusation the enemy lays against you, be sure of victory (Romans 8:33). God, your vindicator, is always near to contend with whoever and whatever contends with you. Do due diligence and appeal to the court of heaven (Isaiah 50:8). Invoke your right to higher power and not of man or peers.
PRAYER: Lord God, righteous judge and advocate, defend and deliver me from the accusations of the enemy, even as you nullify the sentence of the enemy over my life in Jesus’ name, amen.
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Psalm 62:1-2,5
There are all kinds of games. Those we play on our own, with another, or with more than two people. Some games require more intensity and waiting than others, but regardless of the principles of these games, we don’t just fold (especially when there’s a reward at the end). We wait our turn, play as needed, and hope to win. There are games we like playing and those we don’t bother with, and there are those we choose to play and like playing. There’s one game in life that everyone will play in whether they like it or want it—that’s the “waiting game.”
Have you ever played in one?
Perhaps you are right now, playing in one.
No one particularly looks forward to playing the waiting game. It’s hard, stressful, frustrating, and long. That’s why it’s called the waiting game.
Unlike other games, the waiting game is not necessarily fun to play, but we certainly must play it. Only by the power of the word of God and the strength of His spirit, according to Isaiah 40:31, can we look forward to His help in waiting, according to Micah 7:7, which says, “As for me, I look to the Lord for his help; I wait for God to save me; he will hear me.” We can look forward to waiting on the Lord because there’s reward and blessing at the end of the waiting.
They say you cannot rush greatness! So true. There are many things in life that we must wait for, even when we want them desperately.
And so, we must wait, as verse two says, on the Lord in silence. God alone. God is the only reliable hope. We aren’t waiting for an opponent pondering their next move but on the God who not only knows what He’s doing but when to do it perfectly.
“And now, Lord, what do I wait for and expect?” declares Psalm 39:7.
We may know what we’re waiting for and expecting, but is it in line with the plans of God for you? And are you certain that your waiting game will yield dividends?
God’s promises are timeless and classic. Playing the waiting game God’s way is profitable all around, and Psalm 25:3 says, those who wait for God will not be ashamed.
The waiting game must be played in God’s way and never our way, and neither is it a game of passivity. Waiting idly until something happens.
The implication of Romans 8:12 is that waiting is inevitable! We will all play the waiting game, no matter how we feel about it. Verse four says, “our souls wait in silence.” Sure, there’ll be sounds around us, but in certain situations, we must be silent within to help us hear without.
The silence of the soul also helps us hear the voice of the Lord clearly.
The waiting game has no time limits; it can be long or short. There are times when we must wait out the enemy, the elements, the people around us, and even ourselves. Psalm 25:5 says our souls can wait on God all day long. Waiting to know where to go, what to say, who to trust, and how to proceed. Just as we’ll do when waiting our turn to cast the dice at a game.
The waiting game creates an opportunity for us to trust God. David played his waiting games very well. He knew from experience what it meant to wait for the Lord. He had been anointed king at age sixteen but didn’t become king until he was thirty. During the interim, he was chased through the wilderness by jealous King Saul. David had to wait on God for the fulfillment of his promise to reign. Later, after becoming king, he was chased by his rebellious son, Absalom.
The waiting game is not easy, but God is worth waiting for.
So, play whatever waiting game you’re in by the wisdom and strength of God.
PRAYER: Lord, give me the strategy to play my waiting game wisely without fainting or falling in Jesus’ name, amen.
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Ecclesiastes 1:9-11
There is nothing new under the sun!
All the activity of a man during his lifetime gets lost in the grander scheme of things and will soon be forgotten according to vs 11.
Even the devil has no new party tricks just recycled old tricks.
Solomon wasn’t just expressing gloom here; he wants us to learn from his writings where possible, what he learned late in his life.
If we wait for something new to excite and fill our lives, it will be a futile wait.
Life is more boring than any modern man would ever care to admit. Everything in nature has its revolutions: summer and winter, heat and cold, rain and drought, seedtime and harvest, with the entire system of corruption and generation alternately succeeding each other. Whatever has been shall again be, as stated in verse nine.
“That’s new!” is a phrase we hear often. But what is new? It’s new because you either haven’t seen it or heard of it before, so it’s just new to you, says verse ten. The phrase “under the sun” is used twenty-nine times in Ecclesiastes and nowhere else in Scripture. Everything we see, hear, and do today has evolved from another generation—the difference may just be in the degree of intensity.
In Ecclesiastes 12:13–14, Solomon writes this in the end: “Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all humanity. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.”
The reason some things are thought to be new is that man has found ways to perfect old things, repackage them, and market them properly and successfully as new. Has anything ever changed in life? Has communication changed, or just the methods and speed? Illness, or just the diagnostics and treatment? Does deception change, or just the form? Have the social financial systems ever changed? Relationships, politics, sin? None of these things will ever change; they only get recycled, renamed, upgraded, and enhanced. There’s nothing new there!
We face situations we’d like to think are unique to us individually, so we can have the privilege to say to people that they don’t understand what we’re going through, hoping it will make us look unique and feel more special. But not according to Matthew 5:45 and Ecclesiastes 9:11. Circumstances and challenges are universal to everyone; they shouldn’t make us special because there’s nothing new there.
The love of God is the only thing that is constant in life; it never dies, according to Isaiah 40:8. While 1 Corinthians 13:13 declares that “There are three things that remain—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.” These cannot be manipulated, repackaged, upgraded, or renewed. They are based on God, and God alone. Everything else is subject to change but not new.
There is nothing new there! Nothing natural or physically new under the sun! Everything is the same generation after generation; they are only different in expression and intensity. But there is a God who rules over the sun! He makes life here tolerable and existence possible through Jesus Christ. If you are seeking a new thing, it’s not under the sun. Man is vain and continuously changing whilst labouring with anxiety, but only in God will you find meaning, peace, assurance, and adventure.
Fear God and keep his commandments, says Ecclesiastes 12:13, because He has the last word! There is nothing new there but in God.
PRAYER: Lord and Master of the Universe, thank you for being in control of all things that no man can do whatever you haven’t done. By your grace, all things remain the same. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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Luke 2:8-20
Unassuming and unseen witnesses are those people who witness a situation when no one else regards them as a witness, either because they don’t have the “look,” they don’t have the “intelligence,” or they are not “influential.” God can use anyone and anything as a witness to His power, majesty, and glory, as we see time and time again throughout the scriptures, like the case of the donkey and Balaam in Numbers 22. The Bible encourages us to be humble and gentle in our witness.
Unassuming, unseen witness! Nobody thinks twice about what they look like, what they hear, see, and witness because they are largely overlooked. We often don’t think twice about the people around us, watching our every move and listening to our conversation. We may only think of them when something we did or said with no recognizable person present gets out, and then we begin to wonder who let the cat out.
“The inn” was full because of the census, but it was still a very public place with lots of foot and animal traffic. God does not do anything without a reason. He is a very intentional and purposeful Sovereign, and every little detail is an important jigsaw piece that eventually fits the whole to reveal the divine tapestry of every event. Why wasn’t the Savior born at home, in a hospital (if there was one), or especially in the palace (for royals)?
From the beginning of time, the Lord has allowed and, in some cases, created the opportunity for a witness, an unseen and unassuming one, to be present in His plan. He made that a law in Deuteronomy 17:6, stating that no sentence should be passed without the established witness of two or three people. The Lord even went further to establish the rule of a witness by offering the “trinity” as witnesses in 1 John 5:7: “So there are three witnesses in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are One.”
Not many people believe that God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are silent witnesses to everything and so imply that nobody else is. Every living thing is a witness to God’s creation, majesty, and occurrences. Every living thing sees, hears, and knows some things as the Lord permits. The way news and events are moved in the human kingdom is the same way it happens in the plant and animal kingdom, for they too must hear and know what the Lord needs. As stated in Revelation 5:13: "Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying: 'To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honour and glory and power, for ever and ever!'" After all, plants and animals are called to praise and worship the Lord.
The heralding of the birth of Jesus was not only to the shepherds that night but also to their flocks. When the angels appeared as a cloud, a bright light, or a burning fire, the animals saw them too. They heard what the shepherds heard, saw what they saw, and received the news of the just-delivered baby Jesus—the much-expected and promised Savior and Messiah.
It’s reasonable to infer then, that the flocks here, the sheep, did exactly as the disciples of Jesus did in Acts 4:20: “But we [ourselves] cannot help telling what we have seen and heard,” to inform other animals of the just-announced event. And while these animals heard the news of Jesus’ birth from the angels, there were probably other animals in that pen or stable who witnessed the actual event of the birth of Jesus.
Unassuming, unseen witness! Remember, even the walls have ears. Everyone must always be careful of their surroundings, especially believers, as Christ says to lead by example in John 13:15: “For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done for you.”
PRAYER: Father, may I always exhibit and express Your light and love so that anyone witnessing my life will be attracted to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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