#Medicine in Europe
mokshconsultant · 9 months
MBBS in Slovakia for Indian Students
Slovakia holds a favorable position as one of the prominent MBBS abroad destinations in Europe. Being a member of the EU, Slovakia boasts a robust education infrastructure that attracts international students, particularly those pursuing MBBS in Slovakia.
On the whole, Slovakia has experienced significant economic growth in recent decades and has achieved notable milestones in the realm of education. The country stands as a repository of cultural richness.
The well-organized education system adhered to by all EU member nations is also present in Slovakia. The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) allows Slovakian students the flexibility to undertake a portion of their academic pursuits in a different country.
Upon completing your MBBS studies in Slovakia, you have the option to return to India or settle in any EU member nation to commence your practice.
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ryuki-draws · 2 months
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Cursed son from my sketchbook
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justacynicalromantic · 3 months
📌"This is not just a war crime. This is beyond the bounds of humanity", - the director of "Okhmatdyt" Volodymyr Zhovnir spoke at the UN Security Council
📌 "At the time of the attack, more than 600 patients and almost as many employees were in the hospital. Three complex operations were being performed. The children were on drips, on dialysis, in intensive care. What happened put their lives at risk."
📌"The Russian missile hit the intensive care and chronic intoxication department. Part of the building was completely destroyed. The ceilings collapsed. We heard people screaming, asking for help."
📌 "Patients will not receive proper care. Our specialized services with high-quality equipment will not be available in the near future. We will have serious long-term implications for the medical field in terms of treating children."
📌 "This is not just a war crime. It is beyond humanity. Our doctors tried to save the children's lives until the last moment under the attacks and after everything was destroyed, not even heeding the sirens."
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troythecatfish · 6 months
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autumnmobile12 · 1 year
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Imagine Alucard sitting down with Trevor and Sypha and going over the standard medical practices of the medieval period and explaining which ones are actually helpful and which ones are complete bullshit.
Sypha:  Live worms tied around the neck for a sore throat?
Alucard:  No.
Trevor:  Diagnosis from urine?
Alucard:  Yes and no.  A urine sample will reveal certain illnesses given proper testing.  Otherwise, the color of urine is really only good for determining whether or not you’re drinking enough water.
Sypha:  Maggots.
Alucard:  Maggots will actually eat away rotting, infected flesh, but if we observe actual sanitation practices, we won’t get to that point.  Plus, sterile amputation procedures.
Trevor:  What actually causes plague?  Bad air, divine punishment, planetary misalignment?
Alucard:  None of the above.  It’s caused by bacteria.  I’ll explain later.
Sypha:  ...medicine administered via a clyster?
Alucard:  Oh, for the love of...
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useless-catalanfacts · 6 months
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This is the Concòrdies, Europe's second oldest pharmacopoeia and the first of its kind. It was printed in 1511 in Barcelona, Catalonia. The first European pharmacopoeia was printed in Florence (modern-day Italy) in 1498 after a larger amount in Islamic countries, but both have some important differences.
A pharmacopoeia is a book that contains the recipes for making medicines, to be used as a reference guide by the apothecaries who made the remedies. The apothecaries were the chemists who made the drugs, specialists in medicinal herbs, minerals, animal products and food.
On August 29th 1510, the king Ferdinand of Catalonia-Aragon gave Barcelona's Apothecaries Association the royal privilege of standardizing the recipes used for making drugs. Before this, doctors diagnosed their patients and told them what drugs to buy, but each apothecary made it in their way, which could have different amounts of each ingredient or different preparations. This could lead to results that weren't as good as expected.
You might have noticed that the book is titled "Concordie apothecarioru[m] Barchin[one] i[n] medicinis co[m]positis liber feliciter incipit" (more or less "Agreement of Barcelona's apothecaries on the compound medicines" in Latin), often shortened to "les Concòrdies" ("the Agreements" in Catalan). It's an "agreement" because the apothecaries came together to write the most effective recipes, which they then presented to the Barcelona Medicine Doctors' Association. Then, the doctors could object or not, and from the agreement between both experts resulted this book.
This is the first pharmacopoeia that was made by the apothecaries' idea, not following orders of a government, and the first pharmacopoeia written for and by the apothecaries (the book written in Florence was made by doctors to tell apothecaries what they wanted them to make). Thanks to their apothecaries' work, Barcelona's inhabitants were the first people in the Iberian peninsula to access homologated medicine. Soon, this book's rules were expanded to all of Catalonia.
The only remaining original copy from the 1511 edition is kept in the Museum of Catalan Pharmacology which belongs to the University of Barcelona. The whole book has been digitalized and is completely uploaded online: here's the link.
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ley-med · 3 months
I might not be physically strong and have wacky joints, but I am stubborn and I also have the self preservation skills of a particularly stupid donkey, and that's how I ended up cutting the knee length grass in my garden with this thing (and with the sheer power of determination)
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It cuts in an approximate range of 15 cm, and it took me a bit more than an hour to go over the garden, and now i can't use my hand because my fingers refuse to bend without hurting like hell, but the grass is cut.
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zaiinab · 1 year
the fact that he knows everyone screams ‘ride it’ is insane to me
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unhonestlymirror · 11 months
When you feel like your body and mind are falling apart, and you can't sleep well, there is one technique. Of course, it doesn't suit everyone, but anyone can adapt it to themselves. I call this Eastern European meditation:
You wake up, and you have a very caloric, warm breakfast, which makes you feel GOOD. NOT JUST COFFEE AND CROISSANT. THIS IS A TORTURE FOR YOUR BODY. Then the cycle begins:
1 hour of walking around outside. Hug the trees. If you live in a desert or Antarctica - just find any alive immovable object and hug it. Trees are alive creatures who can hear, listen and sense the touches. They are just very slow in their response. They don't feel loved enough.
Then 1 hour of singing. No matter where, just singing. Better in the academic way, so that you feel the nice vibration in your head. The main point is to sing so that your throat doesn't feel like dying. You must feel good.
1 hour of walking around
1 hour of swimming pool. Active swimming in a sportive swimming pool is the best but if you can't swim - just surround yourself with water. The change in temperature is also nice but only if you can afford it.
Repeat the cycle
Have a nice warm lunch.
Walk around with a camera and imagine yourself being a total foreigner. Or a journalist. What would you find interesting? Make photos.
Repeat the singing-hugging-swimming cycle.
Have a nice dinner.
Before going to sleep, have a nice shower and change the sheets. Make sure you have a good ventilation.
IMPORTANT!!! NO GADGETS!!! NO SMARTPHONES, TV, NEWS, UPSETTING NEWS, TWITTER, TUMBLR, ETC!!! You must not have any access to the worldwide community.
Two days of such meditation, and your mind, body, and soul are restored. No matter if you have exams or interview the next day - if you feel bad and anxious, you're not gonna succeed. Remove all the anxious stuff. Don't trigger yourself. If your brain feels tired - no reading, no matter how good the book is. Try to avoid Spotify too.
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Bon Jovi - Bad Medicine
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wikipediapictures · 1 year
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Emergency medical services in France
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mokshconsultant · 9 months
Pursue MBBS in Germany for Indian Students.
The idea of studying MBBS in Germany is gaining popularity among Indian students, although the actual number of students who successfully undertake this path remains relatively low. The allure of studying MBBS in Germany lies in the perception of it being cost-free; however, in reality, it is not entirely free. The study of MBBS in Germany necessitates a high proficiency in the German language for academic purposes and patient interaction.
German medical education caters to international students through a diverse range of programs. Examples of this diversity include free MBBS study options in Germany and medical schools offering programs in English. Germany boasts a substantial list of medical colleges, with several universities providing postgraduate medical education in addition to MBBS. While the concept of free MBBS education in India remains a myth, the reality of cost-free medical education in Germany has been experienced.
Medical studies in Germany are renowned for their practical, high-quality, and uniquely designed curriculum. Both medical colleges and schools in Germany for international students enjoy a stellar reputation globally, making Germany an excellent choice for Indian students pursuing MBBS in Europe. The dream of attaining free medical education in Germany at prestigious medical universities is now within reach for aspiring students.
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Animals self-medicate with plants − behavior people have observed and emulated for millennia
When a wild orangutan in Sumatra recently suffered a facial wound, apparently after fighting with another male, he did something that caught the attention of the scientists observing him. The animal chewed the leaves of a liana vine – a plant not normally eaten by apes. Over several days, the orangutan carefully applied the juice to its wound, then covered it with a paste of chewed-up liana. The…
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moonshynecybin · 8 months
Happy birthday!! Hope you had a great day :)
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thanks here’s a pic of my dog and his beloved possum toy. marc is also here.
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slicksquid · 1 year
I hate being on twitter for competitive splatoon because this shitass social media keeps showing me the most braindead takes such as “public health measures during the Black Death were better than the Covid-19 pandemic”
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daz4i · 1 year
me trying to figure out the geographical implications of this fictional universe on the story
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