#Medical management set
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shadikarimi12 · 29 days ago
تاثیر ست هدیه پزشکی بر رضایت مشتریان و کادر درمان
آشنایی با تاثیرگذاری ست هدیه پزشکی
هدیه دادن و یا هدیه گرفتن در هر سن و شغلی که باشیم، بسیار جذاب و خوشایند است و اغلب ما به دنبال مناسبتی هستیم تا به دیگران هدیه بدهیم. یکی از مناسبت ‌های مهم در کشور ما روز پزشک است که از جمله فرصت‌ های بسیار عالی و مناسب برای قدردانی از تلاش‌ های خالصانه کادر درمان و پزشکان عزیز به شمار می رود. هدیه ‌های مختلف و متنوعی برای ارائه بین افراد بزرگ و فداکار وجود دارد که متناسب با کار و فعالیت ‌های آنها است و می توان برای تشکر از زحمات آنها تهیه کرد. ست هدیه پزشکی یکی از این هدایای مناسب است که در این مطلب به کاربرد ست هدیه پزشکی خواهیم پرداخت.
معرفی ست هدیه پزشکی
برای اینکه بتوان هدیه مناسب برای ارائه به پزشک را تهیه کرد، باید سلیقه و نیازهای آنها را درک کرد؛ زیرا هدایایی که با دقت و توجه زیاد انتخاب می شوند، نشان می دهد که به چه میزان قدردان تلاش ‌های آنها بوده و برای پزشک محترم ارزش قائل هستید. این هدایا باید کاربردی، ماندگار و ارزشمند باشند تا در بلند مدت تاثیرات مثبتی بر مخاطب مورد نظر بگذارند.
هدایایی مثل ست هدیه پزشکی که دارای اقلام و آیتم‌ های متنوعی بوده و از جمله اقلام حرفه ای و کاربردی در پزشکی به شمار می رود که با ترکیب اقلام پزشکی و طراحی ‌های زیبا می توان لوگوی مورد نظر برندها را روی ابزارها حک کرد. حالا در ادامه می خواهیم در مورد مزایا و کاربرد ست هدیه پزشکی هم مطالبی را بیان کنیم. .
مزایای ست هدیه پزشکی
انواع متنوع از ست ‌های پزشکی و حرفه ای معمولا اقلامی دارند که در ��ندگی‌ های روزمره و مکان ‌های درمانی مفید و کاربردی هستند. با انتخاب درست و دقیق این اقلام و بسته ‌بندی کردن جذاب و شکیل آنها می توان میزان تاثیرگذاری این هدایا را چندین برابر کرد و با توجه به کاربرد ست هدیه پزشکی این هدایا دارای مزیت ‌هایی هم هستند که عبارت اند از:
آیتم ‌های پزشکی ضروری و کاربردی
معمولا در ست ‌های پزشکی لوازم و تجهیزات بهداشتی فردی و سلامتی وجود دارد که استفاده آنها برای کادر درمان و پزشکان و شاید مردم عادی هم لازم و ضروری باشد. مثل فشارسنج سخنگو، دستگاه بخور گرم و سرد، تب سنج دیجیتال و ...
امکان سفارش سازی و چاپ لوگو
مزایای استفاده از ست هدیه پزشکی این است که می توان روی اقلام موجود در این ست لوگو و برند را چاپ و در بسته‌ بندی ‌های شکیل آنها را ارائه کرد. با این مزیت موجب می شوید که برند با هر بار استفاده از این لوازم ماندگارتر و در ذهن مخاطبان حک شود.
بسته بندی ‌های مدیریتی و لوکس
بسته ‌بندی کردن این ست ‌های هدیه پزشکی به صورت کاملا لوکس و شکیل بوده و در جذابیت آنها موثر است. برای این کار می توانید از چاپخانه مجریان که دارای جعبه ‌ها و بسته ‌بندی ‌های لوکس و طراحی ‌های زیبا و حرفه‌ای است نیز کمک بگیرید و طبق سلیقه و حتی نیاز پزشکان آنها را شخصی سازی کنید. قیمت این ست ‌های هدیه پزشکی در چاپخانه مجریان بسیار مناسب است و طبق کاربرد ست هدیه پزشکی می توان اقلام موجود در آن را تغییر داد. علاوه بر این ست، ست هدیه دمنوش هم دارای بسته بندی های شیک می باشد و مانند ست مدیریتی پزشکی برای سلامتی مخاطبان مفید می باشد. اگر میخواهید با ویژگی های این ست آشنا شوید مقاله ی بهترین ست هدیه دمنوش دار را از دست ندهید.
کاربرد ست هدیه پزشکی
انواع مختلف از ست هدیه تبلیغاتی وجود دارد که آیتم ‌های مختلف و کاربردی و مفید را ارائه می دهند. یکی از این ست ‌ها، ست هدیه پزشکی است که بسیار با ارزش و کاربردی بوده و از جمله مناسب ‌ترین نوع هدایایی هستند که می توان به پزشکان و یا کادر درمان ارائه کرد. وجود اقلام مختلف در این ست ‌های پزشکی میزان قدردانی و اهمیت قائل شدن شما به مخاطب مورد نظر را نشان می دهد و کاربرد ست هدیه پزشکی بسیار متنوع و مفید است و می توان در ادامه به چند نمونه از آنها اشاره کرد:
استفاده در مسافرت ‌ها
استفاده در مکان ‌ها و محیط های درمانی
معرفی برند های مورد نظر
استفاده در معاینه ‌های خانگی
برای امداد و نجات و...
معرفی چند نمونه از ست هدیه پزشکی مجریان
هدایایی که برای سپاس و قدردانی از پزشکان انتخاب می شوند، بهتر است که کاربردی بوده و کمی خلاقانه باشد تا تاثیر آن چندین برابر شود. اگر این هدایا خلاقانه شخصی ‌سازی شوند، به طبع می توانند قلب پزشک مورد نظر را هم تسخیر کنند. چاپخانه مجریان با طراحی و امکان تهیه انواع ست هدیه پزشکی به صورت نوآورانه و شخصی‌ سازی شده شما را به مقصودتان خواهد رساند. با آشنایی با کاربرد ست هدیه پزشکی، متوجه خواهید شد که اقلامی را که در این ست قرار داده شده اند، بسیار مفید، تاثیرگذار و کاربردی هستند و چند نمونه از ست هدیه پزشکی نیز عبارت اند از:
1.ست مدیریتی پزشکی K4163
این ست هدیه زیبا شامل لوازم ضروری مانند دستگاه تست خون، تب سنج دیجیتالی و پالس اکستیمر LED هستند که برای کنترل وضعیت سلامت همه افراد لازم و ضروری است. ست معرفی شده دارای جعبه ‌های هارد باکس شیک هستند و می توان روی بسته بندی ابزار های پزشکی مانند این جعبه ‌ها لوگو و برند را چاپ کرد و حتی می توان روی تمامی اقلام موجود در این ست برند و لوگوی مورد نظر را حک کرد. این ست هدیه قابل شخصی سازی شدن است و تمامی هدایا در این چاپخانه دارای کیفیت بالا و امکانات ویژه هستند.
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2.ست مدیریتی پزشکی K4160
ست هدیه پزشکی دیگری که دارای لوازم کاربردی و ضروری برای تنظیم سلامت است، شامل اقلامی نظیر تب سنج دیجیتال زیر زبانی، پالس اکسیمتر دیجیتال، دستگاه تست قند خون است. این ست هم دارای جعبه‌ های شیکی بوده و می توان روی جعبه لوگو و برند مورد نظر را چاپ کرد و قابل شخصی سازی شدن نیز است. همچنین این ست هدیه ارزشمند برای مدیران و افرادی که به سلامت خود و اطرافیان اهمیت می دهند، مناسب است.
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3.ست مدیریتی پزشکی K4159
ست هدیه پزشکی دیگر در چاپخانه مجریان که دارای لوازم و تجهیزات سلامت است، شامل اقلامی مثل دستگاه تست خون، دستگاه فشارسنج خون، دستگاه تب سنج دیجیتال و پالس اکسیمتر دیجیتال بوده که جعبه ‌های هارد باکس لوکسی نیز دارد.
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از مزایای استفاده از ست هدیه پزشکی می توان به این مورد که روی جعبه و تمامی اقلام موجود برند و لوگوی مورد نظر را چاپ کرد و قابل شخصی سازی شدن نیز است و حتی می توان فلش مموری با حجم دلخواه را به این ست اضافه کرد، اشاره کرد. با آشنایی با کاربرد ست هدیه پزشکی و مزیت ‌های آن می توان از انواع مختلف ست هدیه پزشکی را برای پزشکان محترم انتخاب کرد.
کلام پایانی
یکی از انتخاب ‌های بسیار مناسب به عنوان هدیه روز پزشک انتخاب انواع مختلف ست هدیه پزشکی از چاپخانه مجریان است که اقلام و ابزارهای بسیار کاربردی و مفید برای پزشکان و حتی برای دیگر افراد را با قیمت مناسب ارائه می کند. می توان این ست را در مناسبت ‌های مختلف هم ارائه کرد و با توجه به کاربرد ست هدیه پزشکی، باید دانست که این هدایا تنها مناسب پزشکان نبوده و برای افرادی که به سلامت خود اهمیت می دهند هم ضروری است.
سوالات متداول
چطور برای پزشک هدیه منحصر به فرد تهیه کرد؟
می توان طبق سلیقه و شخصیتی که پزشک دارد هدایای ویژه و مرتبط با کار را انتخاب و هدایای شخصی سازی شده و تجربی می تواند بهترین انتخاب باشد.
آیا هدایای روز پزشک باید گران قیمت باشد؟
خیر _ این هدایا باید نشان دهنده احترام و میزان قدرشناسی شما نسبت به او باشد و حتی می توان هدایای ساده ولی شخصی سازی شده را که بسیار ارزشمند است را هم به پزشک ارائه کرد.
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tenderjock · 13 days ago
"They're giving them souls, Giles."
She's not sure how the Initiative has figured out how to do it, with military machines and experimental scientific equipment in place of a dusty Romani curse. She thinks they're not entirely sure how they've done it either, that it's a lot of trial and error - Dr. Walsh basically admitted to that, when she told Buffy about their vampiric "re-consciencing" program.
"Dr. Walsh says it only worked for vampires," Buffy tells her Watcher. "She says other demons, they got zilch. Just nothing happens at all."
He finishes polishing his glasses, turns them over and starts polishing them again. "That makes some amount of sense, I suppose," Giles says. "Most demons have souls or - something that functions closely enough as a soul as to be called one, anyway. Vampires are the only demonic entity that are known for lacking a soul - or rather, that their evil comes from their lack of a soul rather than simply innate bloodlust or longstanding cultural practices or something of the sort."
"Whatever." Buffy resumes her pacing. "I'm supposed to do this tour of the Initiative tonight, so maybe I'll learn more about their re-consciencing department. It's giving me the wiggins, Giles."
"I know."
In preparation for going into potential enemy territory, Buffy puts on her cutest, most favorite halter top that doesn't come untied even when she does cartwheels and back flips, and a pair of sensible square-heeled boots. She puts her hair in a pair of neat French braids. She stows away two stakes, a small knife, and a scarf that could double as a garrote or a sling. Finally, she laces a cord choker around her neck, with a big cross pendant hanging on her collarbone, and surveys herself in the mirror. As ready as she's gonna get.
Buffy had been kind of worried that she'd have to hint and lead towards the whole soul-giving deal, but Dr. Walsh is more than happy to show off the program. She's bragging about it as soon as they're in the facility, which is giving off major evil-mad-scientist vibes.
"It took several trial runs to get the process stable for successful result," Walsh is saying. Buffy peers around, marking the exits in her mind, trying not to notice the way she's being deliberately flanked by Riley and Graham. "And then, after we succeeded in stabilizing the procedure, we had two subjects terminate."
Buffy looks at her, blinking. "Terminate?" she asks.
"Killed themselves," Riley says. "The subject we're studying currently, we've had to restrain so it doesn't do the same."
"You have one vampire right now?" Buffy asks. She'd thought that this soul-giving process was, like, a larger scale than one vamp. She'd assumed they'd be shoving souls up in dozens of the undead, as distasteful as she finds the idea. "How many - uh - 'subjects' have you done this with?"
Dr. Walsh gestures the three of them over to a cordoned-off lab set up, where Buffy sees a bunch of stuff, clothing and boots and stuff, laid out. It gives her an uncomfortable feeling - like that vamp girl that killed freshmen and stole their shit. How is this any different?
There's a familiar coat, a big black leather coat. Buffy stares at it for a second. She misses the first part of what Dr. Walsh says.
"- successfully managed to keep it restrained. Hostile 17 has proven very useful to our studies since it was re-conscienced."
"Hostile 17?" Buffy says, mouth dry.
Walsh pushes aside the sliding screen to show the rest of the room. There, naked, gagged, and tied to the operating table, is Spike.
He looks like shit. He's thin and kind of gray, the way a lot of vampires get when they're underfed, and he's got about a quarter inch of mousey brown roots. There are red marks around his wrists and ankles where it looks like he's pulled at the restraints until he's broken the skin, and he's got fresh, clinical-looking bruises on his left forearm and the left side of his abdomen.
Spike's looking at her. He's looking directly at her, and his eyes are wide and wild and agonized.
Buffy breathes in slow. Then she looks at Dr. Walsh.
"Do you keep the re-consciencing machinery here?" she asks. She knows damn well they don't. "Or is that in a different room?"
Dr. Walsh smiles, pleased by Buffy's interest. "We'll show you. It's fascinating, how it all works. This process could really change how we fight demons."
"Yes," Buffy agrees. She fumbles with her purse as they're leaving, spills makeup and tampons across the floor. Riley bends down to help her pick her stuff up. "Shit! Oh, no, I got it."
Spike's watching her still. He looks less upset, now. There's a little wrinkle in his brow.
Dr. Walsh and Graham have gone ahead; Riley is waiting for Buffy, but he's waiting at the open door, turned half away from her, giving her space to organize her feminine products.
She glances up at Spike, meeting his gaze. Swallows. And murmurs, under her breath so Riley can't hear, "I'm gonna get you out of here. Okay? Hold on. I'm gonna get you out."
Riley's still not looking, so she creeps a bit closer. Spike's leaning against his restraints like he's trying to get closer to her.
Quickly, Buffy touches Spike's bare shoulder. He goes tense and still, and closes his eyes. He's freezing, like he hasn't eaten warm blood in days. She nods, mostly to herself.
Then Buffy turns and leaves, without looking back.
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mycological-mariner · 1 month ago
Cool so I get to start training in a forge and welding and steam engine maintenance and fitting on weekends
#it’s.#okay.#it’s still Setting In but. I personally wanna ask the guy why#like ‘hey you SAW my list of medical conditions right? you know about the heart disease and seizures and physical mobility issues RIGHT?#I mean hell yes. I can’t wait bc i can work up to working on ships. people who have historical engineering skills are needed Bad on ships#at least the ones I wanna sail (tall ships my beloveds)#but I do love trains too. a lot. I like knowing How Things Make Other Things Do The Thing. it pleases me#ships and sailing always my first love#but the choo choo…#I got the email today from the manager and I’m way the hell out of town atm BUT!!#hey if I can survive America heat I can survive a welding shop. I think. we’ll see how long I last#tbh I think they said yeah bc they’re so desperate for volunteers and people willing to learn on the job#(it’s basically an internship tbh. unpaid apprenticeship)#so he looked at my medical issues and went ‘well if you die or get maimed. well. we’ll see what happens. you have two hands so that’s good’#no but honestly I am very very VERY excited#it’ll only be one MAYBE two weekends each month and they do have rooms on site for staff and volunteers who travel#(I doubt I’ll need them I know a guy 20 minutes away from the place who’ll let me crash)#so it’s not strenuous or biting into my already busy week#(being on a committee is fun….. *sobs in someone forgot to take minutes at last meeting*#anyways#this story is still developing#FINGERS CROSSED everything goes smoothly#even if I just did a Saturday….#I can work on ships………..#I COULD POSSIBLY GAIN ENOUGH EXPERIENCE TO JUSTIFY VOLUNTEERING ON A SHIP#AAAAH#(I do love a forge though… I can’t WAIT to try blacksmithing… even as an assistant/trainee/‘adaptable helper’)#yes I’m absolutely using ‘adaptable helper’ in this instance because. lol.#OKAY BUT IM SO EXCITED AND SO NERVOUS I REALLY WANT THIS TO GO THROUGH#soon as im back in the country im gonna try and nail down some dates
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forcebookish · 8 months ago
had to stop taking the new adhd medication but the good news is i can drink coffee and iced tea again
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halogalopaghost · 1 year ago
Really extra tired of black and white thinking around COVID like can you guys activate your brain and understand that lockdown was NECESSARY to prevent massive economic and social breakdown that would have been induced by our entire population getting infected at once before we figured out how to treat it
Not to mention the whole "young people didn't need to worry about dying they shouldn't have been locked down what about their social lives!!11!!!"
Hi. Hello. I am a youth that was disabled by COVID how are you doing today. Oh, you're not disabled by COVID? Cool shut the fuck up forever.
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house-on-sand · 2 months ago
the actual thoughts and reasons i think jason todd is bipolar vs saying it's so for projection reasons
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klywrites · 10 days ago
I am feeling so overwhelmed right now wtf
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arionaleilani · 23 days ago
hello hey howdy hi. i'm sorting through my projects from the past few years and establishing where i'm at with them and what next steps for them are. i'm scheduling hours to write more consistently (creating "shifts" for me to clock in/out for, essentially) because i know how my brain works and i know approaching it as an actual job of sorts with stricter hours is what i need, at least right now, to kickstart my brain into being productive again. this will likely change once i'm back in the groove of things and finding balance again, but this is what my head needs for now, so it's what i'm gonna do.
once i've sorted through everything, reorganized it and have a game plan crafted, i will recreate my writeblr intro post and start making new wip posts for the projects that i decide to work on finishing first. so that'll be cool! i miss being more active in my writing and posting about it like i was in 2023. last year slowed me down and the start of 2025 has been kicking my ass, but hey, i turn 25 on the 15th and i've been saying i want to be published before i turn 26, so i'm gonna work on that and make some god damn progress on shit.
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sirmanmister · 2 years ago
MacCready being scared of needles because he’s a universal blood donor.
When he was a kid, everyone would turn to him to give blood transfusions whenever someone was hurt, but even though Lucy tried as hard as she could, she was still a child, and they were still living in a cave in the wasteland.
MacCready’s blood would end up on the floor, a new grave would be dug, and MacCready assumed he only felt so sick because he had lost another kid, but when Lucy had to give him stitches one day after being stupid, he found himself sweating, nauseous at the glint of thin silver anywhere near him, already steeling himself for another undue death that he and his blood should have been able to prevent.
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whotookmysenbon · 1 year ago
@selenophilephile So since you’re a medic nin, does that mean I can come to you for cough treatment whenever? Like, weekly? Semi daily? Daily? *Coughs*
I’m no specialist, Hayate. I’m a Field Medic. If it gets bad properly you need to go see a hospital doctor. But I can reduce the inflammation and soothe the irritation in your lungs when nothing else is helping before you go to the hospital, or on a particularly bad day in general. I can also clear airways in a pinch but that’s a T&I tactic after waterboarding someone and not the most pleasant.
Back to your question though: swing by my place and if I’m off duty or even during the day on my lunch break if you need it and I’ll do what I can.
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mechatyto · 2 years ago
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hobnob-moth · 2 years ago
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Bobo and I were talking about the relationships within Clot branches in my story and the Hark, a vagrant comic was brought up with the topic of Janus's branch orgies. I ended up making this afterward.
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jvzebel-x · 2 years ago
#im seeing a new psychiatrist next week.#&when i prep for specifically these types of appts its really important for me to like. sit. w myself. &bleed lmao.#metaphorically. of course. lmao.#but its a process thats important to me bc like. i dont. want to go into an appt like this unsure about my goals#&ESP unsure about what about me i. dont want. to give up. defective or not. something can only be a mistake if it isnt useful.#whether its a cause or effect or nature or nurture doesnt matter in the end. theory isnt relevant when talking about actual impact#except for comparison which is ultimately the goal w these periods: me now vs me post-intake lmao. what makes me. idk. me?#what cant i live without? what cant i live with? what am i willing to have diagnosed&dissected&medicated?#the new doc is bc this Bad mania stint has been. bad. lmao. &it isnt making it easy to see myself thru a lense#that isnt super fucked up&broken. idk if im thinking too highly of myself or being too self depricating.#idk if anything is worth keeping if the goal is supposed to be. settling? i dont think im made to settle lmao.#my physical health would probably be a lot easier to manage if i wasnt. oh. batshit insane. lmao. so i cant fault the hypothetical.#but also i dont think i was. made. to settle. lmao. the anxiety i get when my skin feels too tight is too big a part of me.#idk who i would be without the constant. hunger. lmao.#i feel absolutely everything in extremes. obsession is like. my default setting. its also what i operate best at.#both my fear&my hope is having that. disappear. having the intensity simmer down permanently.#i am. ravenous. lmao. i can never describe this constant. feeling. w/o referencing v specifically hunger. lmao.#i know it probably isn't like. healthy. lmao. but this feeling of. intensity. that makes up like the backbone of my whole personality.#when its gone i feel. nothing lmao.#maybe its bc ive overloaded myself so much that not feeling EVERYTHING feels like not feeling. anything. lmao.#maybe its bc i. dont want. to go back on lithium.#i dont like. who it makes me. or the fact that it comes out at times like these where its easier to knock me out than deal w me#so they inadvertantly make it impossible for me to do the evisceration i need to get myself back together. lmao.#also i just. dont like not feeling. lmao.#this glorification of coldness&apathy&individualism to the point of toxicity is so. boring. to me. lmao.#i dont want to not feel. i would rather feel everything than nothing. i would keep my obsessive personality&my obnoxious intensity#if it was a choice between that or floating in a constant state of half disassociation where it isnt even worth my time#to go out&find trouble&be my favourite type of selfdestructive. lmao.#im rambling&also being horrifically overdramatic lmao. if i survived one round of the stuff i can sure as fuck survive more.#... i just would prefer not to. lmao.
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cheeseanonioncrisps · 5 months ago
An adaptation of Sherlock Holmes set in a world in which the fictional character/literary juggernaut Sherlock Holmes, and all the subsequent adaptations thereof, still exist.
Sherlock Holmes (pronounced Holl-mess, as he is constantly reminding people) just had the misfortune of having parents who really liked the books, and his attitude towards his fictional counterpart is pretty much the same as that of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Sherlock runs a Youtube Theory channel called Mysteries Unwrapped with Sherlock Holmes. He has received no less than seven cease and desist letters from the Conan Doyle estate, all of which he has so faded managed to rebuff by pointing out that that's literally his name.
(No he won't change his name. He's Sherlock Holmes the real live human person. Let Sherlock Holmes the non existent fictional character change his name.)
John is Sherlock's flatmate. Sherlock almost refused to live with him once he realised that it would mean staying with a medical student named John, and only gave in once John pointed out that: a) he's a biomedical student, which is completely different from an md, and b) his surname isn't Watson.
It's now been three years, which is long enough for them to have developed a genuine friendship, and for John to have a) started working towards his PhD in biotechnology, and b) for him to start dating somebody with the surname Watson.
Sherlock can feel the narrative closing in.
His Youtube channel is meant to be focused on lost media, fan theories and stuff like that, but he keeps accidentally stumbling upon and then solving genuine crimes.
His brother Mycroft may or may not have chosen that name after he transitions specifically to annoy him.
He doesn't even live in London, but somehow the only flat they could afford was on a street named fucking Baker Street.
Sherlock Holmes and the Unescapable Power of the Narrative.
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communistkenobi · 4 months ago
A newborn baby girl will have to go through life with the wrong sex on her birth certificate after a registrar’s error, which her parents have been told they cannot change. Grace Bingham and her partner, Ewan Murray, were excited to register their first child at the Sutton-in-Ashfield Registration Office in Nottinghamshire last week. But, after nights of broken sleep, they failed to notice the registrar had written the wrong sex on the birth certificate until after it had been submitted. “We were horrified but assumed that, as we saw the mistake just a few seconds after it had happened, correcting it would be an easy matter,” said Murray. “But although the registrar apologised for her mistake – and the area manager also apologised – it turns out that birth certificates can’t be changed.”
this article is interesting because it demonstrates that cis people can very easily apply structural thinking to sex assignment - this couple immediately identifies that their daughter, having mistakenly been assigned male at birth by the registrar, will have administrative problems in employment, education, travel, and so on. they pretty adeptly identify the foundational role that sex assignment plays in the administrative and civil functions of a state, and how incorrect sex markers effectively produce a ‘rational’ reason for discrimination within these administrative and civil arenas:
The General Register Office (GRO), which is responsible for administering all civil registration in England and Wales, and the Home Office have both confirmed that Lilah’s birth certificate cannot be reissued, although an amendment can be made in the margin of the original document. But Bingham said this is not enough. “People reading a birth certificate might easily miss a tiny note in the margin – which means that Lilah could be regarded as male when she applies for school, her passport, for jobs – for everything that she needs a full birth certificate for.”
And given that this was published in The Guardian, this article makes zero mention as to why it’s impossible for this couple to receive an updated birth certificate with correct information (something the author notes was possible to do a year ago), but the reason is obviously transphobia. 
Now one might ask why there’s no exception for cis people whose birth certificates were recorded incorrectly at birth, but this reveals the instability of cissexualism. How would you determine who is a cis person with a mistaken birth certificate, versus a trans person who wants to change their mistaken sex assignment record? Sure, you could say well, this is an infant, of course she’s “really” “biologically” female (something the parents argue in the article as grounds for having their child’s birth certificate re-issued), but 1) that certainly can’t be argued for in all cases, 2) 'biological sex' is understood by medical doctors as alterable through hormones and surgery, which trans people are often required to undergo in order to change their records, and 3) binary sex assignment is already imprecise and discretionary, particularly if infants have sex characteristics that don’t conform to binary F/M assignment standards (which is part of how the category of intersex emerges, framing this failure to conform to state census categories as a biological defect - and in fact, many intersex people do not discover they are intersex until the onset of puberty or later, at which point they are even less in luck if they want to change their sex assignment - and if they don’t, if they are cis but have sex characteristics that do not conform to cis standards, they will be discriminated against anyway). 
Even setting aside the issue of transgender and intersex people for a moment, states fuck up all the time in administration! you've probably either experienced this directly or know someone who's had some kind of record fucked up by the government at some point in their life. If you get married they could fuck up changing your last name, fuck up your disability status, record your social insurance number wrong, print the wrong address on your driver’s license, fail to acknowledge you as a dependent when filing taxes, incorrectly mark you as having graduated when you’re still a student, fuck up your immigration paperwork, record your name wrong during immigration, etc etc into infinity, and this is not even getting into errors that occur when different levels of government pass information between one another. This level of administrative rigidity is purely to punish people who fail to perform cissexualism correctly, and in the case of this couple's child, the administrative error of the state is imputed to them as a personal failure that she and her parents will now have to deal with for the rest of their lives. 
I think the ultimate analysis is not that transphobia will become less precise and hit more "wrong" targets as it expands its reach, but that this is the exact same operational logic as all other liberal state measures - if you encounter a systemic issue, it’s your fault for not avoiding it, fuck you, go away. You’re poor because you’re lazy, you’re unhoused because you’re lazy, you’re disabled because you’re lazy, and your daughter is now administratively transsexual because you’re lazy. In this case, we don’t even need to assume the intentions of the state - they outright say it:
The family complained to the GRO but was told the mistake was their responsibility and could not be fully rectified. “The duty to ensure that information recorded in any particular entry is true is the responsibility of the person providing the information and not of the registrar general or the registrar recording the birth,” the GRO said.
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polterghest · 4 days ago
watched a playthrough of mouthwashing last night and i'm still thinking about it today
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